welcome local business owner. topics covered today why do you need to market your business online?...

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Welcome Local Business Owner

Topics Covered Today

• Why do you need to market your business online?

• Old way vs. New way of marketing • 7 Secrets of being found online• Do I need an outside consultant to be found


Why Do You Need To Market Your Business Online?

• There are over two billion people online

• 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine – even when shopping locally

• The majority of web traffic is driven by the ‘Big Three’ search engines-Google, Bing and Yahoo

What Used To Affect Page 1 Ranking

• Keyword stuffed content• Keyword domain names• Backlinks – prevented

average local businessfrom doing their own marketing

New Way• Good content that relates to the search term• Predominance• Social media activity• Video marketing• Reviews• Mobile

7 Secrets Of Being Found Online

# 1 - It All Starts with Keywords

• Knowing your target keywords is your first step

• Choose your battles• Don’t spread yourself too thin

Google Keyword Planner

# 2 - Content is King

• Search engines “feed” on content

• Train Google to keep crawling and indexing your site

• “Naturally” include your keywords in your content

#3 - Have an Active Social Media Presence

• Social is becoming more important to search engines

• Add sharing buttons to your website to promote sharing!

• It’s all about engagement

#4 - Get Links from Other High Value RELEVANT sites

• A link is like a vote for your site• Some votes matter more than

others• New Trend – Negative SEO –

purposely adding poor backlinks to your site

# 5 - Video

• Google LOVES video!• Roll the camera regularly!• Use your keywords in the video

and the video title

#6 - Leverage Channels

• Examples include: - YouTube - Google+ - Craig’s List - Pinterest• Get your content on them• They will rank!

# 7 - Optimize for Local• Include local keywords

throughout content and site• Add your local address to your

site• Add your local phone number• Get listed in all local directories• Create local videos• Get links from local

organizations and businesses (hint – your local chamber)

Online Marketing: It’s Worth It!• The ROI of Online Marketing is

well documented• A highly ranked website works

24/7, when your sales team is asleep

• A well-ranked website is a very sellable asset

Does Online Marketing Require an Outside Service?

• Some aspects of online marketing still require specialists– Text Messaging Campaigns

• Everything else you can do yourself– Let an employee do it for you– Hire an intern– Use a son or daughter in high school or college

Many People Have Asked Us How Can We Do This Ourselves

What Is MBACCBusinessTraining.com?A Unique Membership Site

• Easy-to-follow video training – Coffee-break-sized videos– Step-by-step downloadable instructions – A place to ask your questions – and get answers

• Easy-to-follow “Blueprints”– Search (SEO)– WordPress– Social Media– Mobile Marketing

• A place to find resources – Affordable outsourcing options– Helpful tools

What We Provide• Keep the website current– Regularly adding new videos– Schedule webinars with experts in their field to

present to members• A place to ask your questions• Monthly Q & A sessions for members

Your Investment


$297 Lifetime Access

30 Day Money Back GuaranteeNo Long Term Commitment

Investment by Company – not by employee


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