ar marketing conference: jeff coghlan - gamify or gimmick excl video


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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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Jeff from Matmi shares projects where AR solutions have gamification is at the heart of them including United Airlines, West Somerset Railway and Alton Towers.


  • 1. AR! Gamify or Gimmick!

2. Magic Across Media 3. Matmi are a multi-award winning digital studio with an international reputation In the ever evolving world of digital - brands, advertising agencies, PR agencies, publishers and broadcasters who work with Matmi achieve astonishing results 4. Technology should be fun! ! Our award winning animations, games, apps, social campaigns and digital designs have been engaged with over 1/4 billion users across the globe 5. We work with the worlds biggest agencies and brands 6. Advergames, viral marketing, branded entertainment and digital engagement.... History 7. Over a million plays per month from 70+ countries worldwide ! Average dwell time of 4.37 minutes ! Over 7.2 million plays (and listens!) ! 350,000 click thrus Subsequent analysis by Parlophone showed a direct correlation between penetration rates for the game per head of population, with the chart position of the single and album in that country. ! 8. Name: Mission: Green Santa digital campaign Client: Chief Productions / ITV Platform: PC PaperVision ! Description: 3D website to support ITV Christmas series. Interactive site including video clips, pledges, UGC e-card, games, activities and virtual shop. Results: 1.1m visits, 10m page views, 250,000 pledges within 2 weeks from launch. 9. Name: Vimto website and digital campaign Client: Nichols plc Platform: PC Flash ! Description: Flash developed website involving a range of game mechanics to reward exploration with free gifts and downloads. Resulted in the best year on year results for Vimto in 101 years. ! ! 10. Convergence of technology Content now belongs to the consumer and should be accessible on multiple devices.! Now we have to r e a c h a u d i e n c e where ever they maybe... 11. Gamication! 12. What is gamication?! ! Broadly speaking, gamication aims to integrate game mechanics to a website, online content, loyalty cards or other promotional campaigns. In other words, applying the techniques learnt in the games industry to a typically non-gaming environment.! ! Personally, prefer using the term Game Dynamics 13. Engage with your target audience! Build brand awareness & positioning ! Stimulate interaction & community! Encourage action(sales)! Build brand loyalty ! Change behaviours! Innovate! Why use gamication for your brand? 14. Why use gamication for your brand? 15. Lets get Phygital 16. Augmented Reality One small step for AR! 17. Augmented Reality Novelty or necessity?! 18. Augmented Reality Game example 19. Functional AR 20. Gimmick? 21. A phygital rollercoaster! 22. Discovery and adding levels of engagement in the Physical world 23. What's next? 24. We've won many awards for brands and agencies 25. @matmi 26. 1/4 billion people across the globe have engaged with our work Successful banner adverts get a 0.1 % click thru... ...whilst our digital products often get between 10%-26% click thru 27. Cutting edge R&D and internal training techniques ensure our work is of consistently high quality, and puts our work light years ahead 28. ! Matmi can increase your service offering and prots, whilst reducing overheads and total spend. ! Agency budgets don't allow for R&D. ! Our research team can be yours as part of our offering ! !