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    (disambiguati??????????????????? ????????????? ????????????, conhecido tambm comoGeorge Ostrogorsky; 19 de janeiro de 1902 24 de outubro de 1976 (74 anos)) foium historiador iugoslavo nascido na Rssia e um bizantinista que amealhou uma reputaao mundial por seus estudos bizantinos.

    Biografia[editar | editar cdigo-fonte]

    Ostrogorsky nasceu em Sao Petersburgo, na Rssia, e era filho de um diretor de escola secundria e de uma escritora de temas pedaggicos.

    Ele completou sua educaao secundria em um ginsio clssico de sua cidade natal e, assm, aprendeu o grego muito cedo. Ele comeou seus estudos universitrios em Heidelberg, na Repblica de Weimar (Alemanha) em 1921, dedicando-se inicialmente a filosofia, economia e sociologia, embora ele tambm se interessasse por arqueologia clssica. Entre seus professores estavam Karl Jaspers, Heinrich Rickert, Alfred Weber eLudwig Curtius. Seu interesse em histria, especialmente a bizantina, foi despertado por um jovem docente chamado Percy Ernst Schramm. Deoius de estudar diversosaspectos da bizantinologia em Paris entre 1924 e 1925, Ostrogorsky recebeu seu doutorado da Universidade de Heidelberg (1925) com uma dissertaao na qual ele combinava seus interesses em economia e histria bizantina. Em seguida, ele lecionou como privatdozent em Breslau a partir de 1928 e se mudou para Belgrado em 1938. Ali, lecionou na Faculdade de Filosofia da Universidade de Belgrado, onde ele erao professor catedrtico de bizantinologia.

    Ostrogorsky fez do Reino da Iugoslvia sua residencia e ensinou em Belgrado por quarenta anos, at se retirar em 1973, quando passou a cadeira de bizantinologia para Boidar Ferjani. Ele foi nomeado membro correspondente da Academia de Ciencias e Artes da Srvia em 1946 e regular dois anos depois. Um instituto de bizantinologiafoi criado na academia em 1948 tendo ele como direto, um posto que ele manteve at morrer. Ostrogorsky foi ainda o editor-chefe da publicaao principal do instituo,o Zbornik Radova Vizantolokog Instituta, at o seu 16o volume, publicado em 1975.

    Sua obra mais importante o padrao "Histria do Estado Bizantino" (em alemao: Geschichte des byzantinischen Staates), que teve tres edioes em alemao (1940, 1952, 1963), 2 em ingles (1957, 1968) e foi traduzida para mais de dez lnguas.

    O professor Ostrogorsky morreu em Belgrado em 1976.

    Ligaoes externas[editar | editar cdigo-fonte]dfg45?????????[???. ???. ???]

    ????? ????????????? ????????? 19 ????? 1902 ???? ? ?????-?????????? ? ?????? ???????? ???????? ? ???????????? ????? ?????????? ??????? ??????????????. ???????????????????? ???????? ????????, ? ??????? ????? ?????? ????????????? ????. ?????1919 ???? ? ???????? ???????? ?? ?????????. ? 1921 ???? ???????? ???????? ? ???????????????? ????????????, ?????????, ?? ?????? ?????????, ????????? ????????,?????????? ? ???????? ??????????; ?????? ??????, ???????, ? ????? ???????, ??????? ???????? ? ???????? ??????. ??? ??????? ?????????? ?????????? ????? ??????[de] ??????????? ???????? ????????. ? 1924 ???? ??????? ?? ??????, ?? ???????? ?????????? ???????????? ??????? ?? ???????? ????? ???? ? ????????, ???????????? ???

    ?????? ? ???????? ???? ? ??????? ??????????? ? ??????? ?????. ? 1925 ???? ? ???????????? ??? ???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? ???? ???????? ??????? ??????? ? ????????????? ??????? ? X ????????[2]. ????????? ???????? ????????????, ???????? ??????????? ??????????, ? 1928 ???? ? ?????? ??????-??????? ????? ?????? ? ??????????????? ? ????????????? ????????????. ? 1931 ???? ??? ????? ??? ???????? ?????? ?????????????? ????????? ????? ?. ?. ????????? ? ?????[3].

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    Strnka byla naposledy editovna 14. 3. 2014 v 15:05.Text je dostupn pod licenc Creative Commons Uvete autora Zachovejte licenci 3.0 Unorted, ppadn za dalch podmnek. Podrobnosti naleznete na strnce Podmnky uit.Ochrana osobnch dajO WikipediiVylouen odpovdnostiVvojiMobiln verzeWikimedia FoundationPowered by MediaWiki

    dg 54Weblinks[Bearbeiten]Literatur von und ber Georg Ostrogorsky im Katalog der Deutschen NationalbibliothekVerffentlichungen von und ber Georg Ostrogorsky im Opac der Regesta ImperiiEintrag in der Groen Sowjetischen Enzyklopdie

    Normdaten (Person): GND: 122112881 | LCCN: n98006538 | VIAF: 61550369 | Wikipedia-Personensuche

    Kategorien: JugoslaweByzantinist

    Hochschullehrer (Belgrad)Mitglied der Serbischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und KnsteMitglied der sterreichischen Akademie der WissenschaftenMitglied der Akademie von Athensdf 4?. ???? ?? ????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???????? ??????? ???? ?????????? ???? ??? ????????? ??? ?????????? ?? 1921. ?? ??? ??? ???????????? ??? ????????, ???? ???? ??? ?????????? ??? ?????????? ??? ???? ????????? ???????????? ???? ??? 10? ?????.?????? ?? ???????? ??? ??????????? ??? ????????? ?? ??????? ????? ??? ???? 1928 ? 933. ??? ?? 1933 ?????? ?? ? ???????? ????????? ??? ????? ??? ?????????? ?????????? ???????????? ??? ???????????. ???? ?? 1940, ????????? ?? ?????????? ??? ?? ???? ???, ??? "??????? ??? ?????????? ???????". ?? 1948, ?????? ?? ????????? ??? ???????????????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ???????? ????????. ????????? ???? ??? 200 ??? ?? ??????? ????????? ??????????????. ??? ??? ???????? ??? ??????? ??? ?????? ??

    ?????? ??? ???????????dgf e45je Ostrogorski i srpska bizantologija, Ruska emigracija u srpskoj kulturiXX veka I, Beograd 1994, 147-153.

    - Ostrogorski Georgije, Opa enciklopedija Jugoslovenskog Leksikografskog zavoda, 6(Nih-Ras), JLZ, Zagreb 1980, 237.

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    Kategorije: Ruski historiariSrbijanski historiarilanovi SANU


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    Ova stranica je posljednji put izmijenjena 20:07, 9 novembar 2014Tekst je dostupan pod Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike licencom; mogu seprimijeniti i dodatni uslovi. Za vie detalja pogledajte Uslove koritenja.Politika privatnostiO WikipedijiOdricanje odgovornostiRazvojni programeriMobilni prikaz

    dg 45ije Ostrogorski u jugoslovenskoj istoriografiji, ZRVI 18, Beograd 1978, 278-281.

    Boidar Ferjani, Akademik Georgije Ostrogorski u svetskoj bizantologiji, ZRVI 18, Beograd 1978, 269-274.

    Boidar Ferjani, Bizantija iz Beograda (Deset godina od smrti Georgija Ostrogorskog1902-1976), NIN, Beograd 2.11. 1986, 40-41.

    Boidar Ferjani, Georgije Ostrogorski (1902-1976), Glas SANU 372, Odeljenje istorijskih nauka 8, Beograd 1993, 57-95.

    Boidar Ferjani, Ostrogorski Georgije, Enciklopedija srpske istoriografije (PriredilSima irkovi i Rade Mihalji), Knowledge, Beograd 1997, 548-550.

    Bogo Grafenauer, Georgije Ostrogorski (Petrograd 19.1. 1902-Beograd 24.10. 1976), Arheoloki vestnik 29, Ljubljana 1978., 722-725.

    Hunger H., Georg Ostrogorsky, sterreische Akad. d. Wiss., Almanach fr das Jahr 1977, 127sdf 345 4

    Alma materUniversiteit van Heidelberg

    Ander akademiese adviseur(s)Karl JaspersHeinrich RickertAlfred WeberLudwig CurtiusPercy Ernst Schramm

    Georg Ostrogorsky (Russies: ??????? ????????????? ???????????? / Georgi Alexandrowitsj Ostrogorski; * 19 Januarie 1902 in Sint Petersburg; 24 Oktober 1976 in Belgrado) was 'n Joego-Slawiese bisantinis van Russiese afkoms wat veral in die ekonomiese geskiedenis van die Bisantynse Ryk belang gestel het.

    Lewe[wysig | wysig bron]

    Gedurende die Russiese Oktoberrewolusie het Ostrogorsky se gesin na Finland gemigreer. Hy het in Frankryk en Duitsland gestudeer, aan die Universiteit van Heidel

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    berg gepromoveer en Duitse burgerskap verwerf. Vanaf 1928 was hy as dosent aan die Universiteit van Breslau werksaam, maar is in 1933 ontslaan. Hy het hom in Praag gevestig en is as leier van die Seminarium Kondakovianum aangestel wat na Belgrado verskuif is.

    Ostrogorsky het vervolgens die leerstoel in bisantinistiek aan die Universiteitvan Belgrado oorgeneem en in 1948 die Instituut vir Bisantinistiek van die Serwiese Akademie van Wetenskappe en Kunste gestig. Ostrogorsky het as voorsitter vandi instituut gefungeer wat naas Parys, Mnchen en Dumbarton Oaks as een van die leidende navorsingsinstellings van sy soort beskou word. Sy hoofwerk oor die "Geskiedenis van die Bisantynse staat" is in 'n groot verskeidenheid tale vertaal enis oor 'n lang tydperk as een van die standaardwerke geag. Intussen is dit egterin baie opsigte verouderd. Ostrogorsky, wat as een van die beduidendste bisantiniste beskou word, is in 1966 met die lidmaatskap in die Pour le Mrite-orde vir Wetenskappe en Kunste vereer. Hy was daarnaas korresponderende lid van die Akademie van Wetenskappe te Athene en die Oostenrykse Akademie van Wetenskappe in Wene.

    Belangrike werke[wysig | wysig bron]Die lndliche Steuergemeinde des Byzantinischen Reiches im X. Jahrhundert, in: Vierteljahrsschrift fr Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 19 (1927) (herdruk in 1969)[dissertasie]Studien zur Geschichte des byzantinischen Bilderstreites. Breslau 1929 (herdrukin 1964) [habilitasie]

    Geschichte des byzantinischen Staates. Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft XII.1.2, C. H. Beck, Mnchen 1940, 3de uitgawe 1963, ISBN 3-406-01414-3. - Spesiale uitgawe sonder akademiese bylaes Byzantinische Geschichte 324 bis 1453, C. H. Beck,Mnchen 1965 en herdrukte uitgawes, ISBN 3-406-39759-X.

    Literatuur[wysig | wysig bron]dg 45N: (EN) n98006538 ISNI: (EN) 0000 0001 0906 9213 GND: (DE) 122112881 BNF: (FR) cb11918254g (data)

    biografie Portale BiografieBisanzio Portale Bisanzio

    Medioevo Portale Medioevostoria Portale Storia

    Categorie: Storici russiStorici jugoslaviNati nel 1902Morti nel 1976

    Nati il 19 gennaioMorti il 24 ottobreNati a San PietroburgoMorti a BelgradoBizantinistiMedievisti russiMedievisti jugoslaviMembri dell'Accademia di AteneMembri dell'Accademia Austriaca delle Scienze| [altre]

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    Live Unlimited sfd34 ????????, ?????? ? ?????????? ? ???????? ?? ???????? ??? ????? ??????????????? ?????? ? ???????? ?? ??????????????. ??????????? ?????? ????? ?? ??????? ??????, ??????? ?????????????? ??????????? ?? ???????? ? ??????????? ????????. ? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?? ????????? ? ??????? ?????????? ????????? ?? ????????? ???????? ?????? ?????????, ? ????? ???????? ???? ? ???? ?????? ?????? ? ??? ??????????.

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    ???????? ???-????? ? ???-???????? ????? ? ??????? ?? ????????????? ??????? (Geschichte des byzantinischen Staates), ????, ??????? ?? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ???? 1940 ?. ? ?????????? ??? ????? (1952) ? ????? (1963) ???????. ???? 1965 ?. ????????? ? ????????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????? (??? ?????? ??????), ????? ??? ??

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    ??????? ??????????. ??????? ? ????????? ?? ????????? (1956, 1957, 1968, 1969), ??????? (1956, 1977, 1996), ??????? (1959, 1969, 1985), ????????? (1961), ??????(1967, 2008), ?????????? (1968, 1993), ?????? (1981), ????????? (1996), ????????(2001), ????????? (2002) ? ????? (2011).

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    ??????? ???????[??????????? | ??????????? ?? ????]??????? ???????????. ??????? ?? ????????????? ???????. ?????: ????????, 1996, 736 ?. (ISBN 978-954-8079-92-5) ((de)) Geschichte des byzantinischen Staates. Mnchen: Beck, 1940. (Byzantinisches Handbuch im Rahmen des Handbuchs der Altertumswissenschaft, XII. Abt., 1/2).

    ((sr)) ???????: ?????? ???????? ?????????? ? ???????? ? ? ??????????????? ???????. ???????: ????????, 1951. (??????? ?????? ??????????????? ?????????; 1).((fr)) Quelques problemes dhistoire de la paysannerie byzantine. Bruxelles: Ed. de lInstitut de Philologie et dHistoire Orientales et Slaves, 1956. 80 p. (Corpus Bruxellense historiae Byzantinae, Subsidia; 2).((sr)) ?????? ?????? ????? ???????? ?????. ???????, 1965. (??????? ?????? ??????????????? ?????????; 9).((sr)) ??????? ????. ??. I: ? ???????????? ??????????. ??. II: ???????? ? ??????? ? ???????????? ???????. ??. III: ?? ??????????? ????????, ?????????????? ? ??????????????. ??. IV: ????????? ? ???????. ??. V: ? ?????????? ? ?????????? ???????????. ??. VI: ???????? ?????????. ???????: ????????, 19691970.

    ((de)) Zur byzantinischen Geschichte: Ausgewhlte kleine Schriften. Darmstadt, 1973.((de)) Byzanz und die Welt der Slawen: Beitrge zur Geschichte der byzantinischslawischen Beziehungen. Darmstadt, 1974.

    ?????????? ?? ????[??????????? | ??????????? ?? ????]?. ?????????, ???????? ??????????? (1902-1976). ?: ???? ???? 372, ??????? ??????????? ?????, ??. 8, ??????? 1993, 5795.?. ?????, ???????? ??????????? ? ?????? ?????????????. ?: ????? ?????????? ? ??????? ??????? XX ????, I, ??????? 1994, 147153.?. ?????, ??? ?????? ??????? ? ???????? ?? ?????????????. ?: ??????? ?? ?? ?????????? ? ?????, 56 (2008), 177187.?. ??????????, ???????? ???????????. ?: ???? ??? ??????-?????? ????, ??????? 1994,

    179188.????????? ??????, ????????? ??????? ???????????? ??????? ? ?????? ?. ?. ?????????????// ???????????? ?????????, 39 (1978) 76-85

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    WorldCat VIAF: 61550369

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    1 Pilot Danny Cannon Bruno Heller 22 de septiembre de 201413 8.2114

    El novato detective James Gordon y su pareja, el ms experimentado Harvey Bullockdeben resolver el asesinato de Thomas y Martha Wayne, quienes fueron asaltados yasesinados en un callejn en presencia de su hijo, Bruce. En el proceso de investigacin, Gordon y Bullock visitan a Fish Mooney, una mafiosa al servicio del capode la mafia de Gotham, Carmine Falcone. Llegan as a encontrar un sospechoso, Mario Pepper, quien es asesinado por Bullock en defensa propia. Sin embargo, Gordon

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    pronto descubre que Pepper fue falsamente incriminado, y comprende los niveles de corrupcin de la ciudad. Tras ser salvado de los matones de Mooney por intermediacin de Falcone, Gordon es obligado a asesinar al ladero de Mooney, Oswald Cobblepot, quien la haba traicionado. Luego de amenazarlo, Gordon finge su asesinato. Mstarde visita a Bruce en su mansin, mientras es observado por Selina Kyle, quientambin fue testigo del asesinato de los Wayne.

    2 Selina Kyle15 Danny Cannon Bruno Heller 29 de septiembre de 201413 7.4516

    Gordon y Bullock investigan una red de trfico de ninos luego de que un grupo de adolescentes sin hogar fuera secuestrado por una pareja. Los detectives encuentran a los ninos, pero la pareja, que trabajan para un delincuente internacional llamado "The Dollmaker", logra escapar. El alcalde de Gotham, en una conferencia de prensa, anuncia su plan para llevar a los ninos, entre los que se encuentra Selina Kyle, a hogares adoptivos y reformatorios juveniles. Los secuaces de Dollmaker logran secuestrar uno de los autobuses, para ser finalmente aprehendidos porGordon y Bullock. Selina negocia no ser enviada a Servicios Juveniles con Gordon, al confesar que tiene informacin importante sobre el asesinato de los Wayne. Mientras, Osward Cobblepot se refugia en un trailer en las afueras de Gotham.

    3 The Balloonman17 Dermott Downs John Stephens 6 de octubre de 201413 6.3618

    Mientras Gordon investiga la muerte de los Wayne junto a Selina Kyle, un hombreconocido como The Balloonman asesina a un hombre corrupto atandolo a un globo me

    teorologico, Osward Cobblepot vuelve a Gotham , The Ballonman asesina a Cranstony un cura, ambos por crmenes y corrupcion, Cobblepot le hace una visita inesperada a Gordon

    4 Arkham19 TJ Scott Ken Woodruff 13 de octubre de 201413 6.3920fsdf 34"Cat" Kyle, una adolescente hurfana muy impredecible, que se gana la vidacomo ladrona callejera.2Nicholas D'Agosto como Harvey Dent, el "bien parecido" joven asistente del Fiscal de Distrito.Carol Kane como Gertrud Kapelput, la sobre protectora madre de Oswald Cobblepot.Morena Baccarin como la Dra. Leslie Thompkins, mdica practicante dentro de ArkhamAsylum, amiga de la familia Wayne.

    Recurrentes[editar]Zabryna Guevara como Sarah Essen, jefe del detective Gordon en el Departamento de Polica de Gotham City, que equilibra los dos mundos de la polica y la poltica conuna habilidad maquiavlica tanto corporativa como policiaca.Victoria Cartagena como Renee Montoya, detective de la Unidad de Crmenes mayoresde la polica de Gotham.11Andrew Stewart-Jones como Crispus Allen, detective de la Unidad de Crmenes mayores de la polica de Gotham.11

    Villanos recurrentes[editar]Richard Kind como Aubrey James, alcalde de Gotham, aliado de Carmine Falcone.Cory Michael Smith como Edward Nygma, un cientfico forense de la polica de Gotham.12

    Drew Powell como Butch Gilzean, mano derecha de Fish Mooney.David Zayas como Salvatore Maroni, jefe de la mafia y empresariodg451.2 Recurrentes 1.2.1 Villanos recurrentes

    2 Episodios3 Desarrollo4 Promocin y estreno5 Referencias

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    6 Enlaces externos


    Gotham sigue el ascenso de James Gordon a travs de una ciudad peligrosamente corrupta balancendose al borde del mal. Creciendo en los suburbios que rodean Gotham,Gordon idealiz la ciudad como una glamorosa y emocionante metrpolis donde su difunto padre sirvi como un exitoso fiscal del distrito. Ahora, con dos semanas en sunuevo trabajo como detective y dedicado a su amada novia, Barbara Kean, est viviendo su sueno, incluso esperando restaurar la ciudad a la versin pura que recuerda de cuando era nino.

    Gordon llega al Departamento de Polica de Gotham, liderado por la capitana de Polica, Sarah Essen. Valiente, honesto y listo para probarse a s mismo, el recin nombrado detective se asocia con Harvey Bullock, un renombrado miembro de la fuerza policiaca de la ciudad, mientras se hacen cargo del caso de ms alto nivel en la historia de Gotham: el asesinato de los millonarios locales Thomas y Martha Wayne.En la escena del crimen, Gordon conoce al nico superviviente: el hijo de 12 anosde los Wayne, Bruce; hacia el que el joven detective siente una inexplicable afinidad. Movido por la profunda prdida del chico, Gordon promete atrapar al asesino. En el camino se enfrentar a las imposiciones de la jefa mafiosa Fish Mooney, yvarios de los personajes que se convertirn en algunos de los villanos ms renombrados y duraderos de la ficcin, incluyendo a una adolescente Selina Kyle y Oswald C

    obblepot.A lo largo de la historia, Gordon forma una extrana amistad con el joven heredero de la fortuna Wayne, que est siendo criado por su imperturbable mayordomo Alfred. Es una amistad que durar toda su vida, jugando un papel crucial en ayudar al muchacho a convertirsedfg45March 6, 2015). "Chris Chalk Cast As Lucius Fox On 'Gotham'". March 9, 2015.38.Jump up ^ Mitovich, Matt Webb (May 29, 2015). "Gotham Season 2: Chris Chalk Upped to Series Regular, as Lucius Fox". TVLine. PMC. Retrieved May 29, 2015.39.^ Jump up to: a b Nellie Andreeva (June 24, 2015). "GothamCasts James Frain AsRegular, Will Play New Villain & TigressBrother". Penske Media Corporation. Retrieved July 23, 2015.

    40.Jump up ^ Ausiello, Michael (July 21, 2015). "Michael Chiklis Cops Big GothamRole, Joins Season 2 as Series Regular". TVLine. PMC. Retrieved July 22, 2015.41.Jump up ^ Nellie Andreeva. "GothamPromotes Drew Powell To Regular In Season 2". up ^ Bibel, Sara (June 8, 2015). "Live+7 Ratings: Complete 2014-15 Season 'The Big Bang Theory' Leads Adults 18-49 Ratings Increase; 'The Messengers' Earns Biggest Percentage Increase, 'The Blacklist' Tops Viewership Gains". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved June 15, 2015.43.Jump up ^ "FALL PREMIERE DATES FOR THE 2015-2016 SEASON". Fox. June 24, 2015.Retrieved June 27, 2015.44.Jump up ^ O'Connell, Michael (September 24, 2013). "Batman Prequel Series Coming to Fox". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved January 16, 2014.45.Jump up ^ Kondolojy, Amanda (May 5, 2014). "'Gotham' Gets Series Order at FOX

    ; Updated With Trailer (Video)". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved May 5, 2014.46.Jump up ^ Rose, Lacey (May 12, 2014). "TV Upfronts: Fox's Kevin Reilly on 'Idol' Changes, 'Gotham' Hype and a 'Tough' Season". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved May 13, 2014.47.Jump up ^ Fowler, Matt (May 13, 2014). "How Many Episodes Will Gotham Season1 Have?". IGN. Retrieved May 13, 2014.48.Jump up ^ Ross, Robyn (October 13, 2014). "Fox Orders Full Season of Gotham".TV Guide. Retrieved October 14, 2014.49.Jump up ^ Mitovich, Matt (January 13, 2014). "Holy Gotham! Fox's James GordonSeries Will Include Bruce Wayne, Penguin, Riddler, Others". TV Line. Retrieved

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    January 16, 2014.50.Jump up ^ Cornet, Roth (January 13, 2014). "FOX's Gotham Is a Batman Origin Story and Will Have a Christopher Nolan-Esque Tone". IGN. Retrieved January 16, 2014.51.Jump up ^ Harman, Harry (January 15, 2014). "Donal Logue Denies Involvement in Fox's Batman TV Series Gotham". Movie Web. Retrieved January 16, 2014.52.^ Jump up to: a b Littleton, Cynthia (February 12, 2014). "Donal Logue JoinsFox's Batman Prequel 'Gotham'". Variety. Retrieved February 12, 2014.53.Jump up ^ Andreeva, Nellie (February 8, 2014). "Ben McKenzie To Star As Detective James Gordon In Fox's Batman Series 'Gotham'". Deadline. Retrieved February8, 2014.54.Jump up ^ Maglio, Tony (March 4, 2014). "'Gotham' Finds Its Bruce Wayne in 'Touch' Star David Mazouz". The Wrap. Retrieved March 4, 2014.55.Jump up ^ Siegel, Lucas (April 26, 2014). "C2E2 2014: DC Comics Batman Panel-Eternal News, Joker's Return Teased". Newsarama. Retrieved April 26, 2014.56.Jump up ^ "Timeline Photos Camren Bicondova". Facebook.57.Jump up ^ Campbell, Evan (July 2, 2014). "Veteran Comic Book Movie Composer Graeme Revell to Score Gotham". IGN. Retrieved July 2, 2014.58.Jump up ^ Knox, David (May 26, 2014). "Seven secures Battle Creek, from VinceGilligan". TV Tonight. Retrieved May 26, 2014.59.Jump up ^ "CTV Fall 2014 Premiere Dates". Bell Media. July 31, 2014. Retrieved November 24, 2014.60.Jump up ^ "Gotham". TVNZ Ondemand. Retrieved September 30, 2014.61.Jump up ^ "Gotham is coming to Channel 5". Channel 5. August 6, 2014. Retriev

    ed August 15, 2014.62.Jump up ^ "Preview: Gotham begins on RT2 tonight". Raidi Teilifs ireann. January26, 2015. Retrieved January 26, 2015.63.Jump up ^ Beedle, Tim (June 30, 2014). "Breaking News: Gotham, The Flash, Constantine and Arrow Will Share the Stage at Comic-Con". DC Comics. Retrieved July1, 2014.64.Jump up ^ Wallenstein, Andrew (September 2, 2014). "Netflix Lands Fox's 'Gotham' After First Season Worldwide". Variety. Retrieved September 8, 2014.65.Jump up ^ Jamie Lovett. "Gotham: The Complete First Season Blu-Ray And DVD Release Dates Announced". up ^ Kenneally, Tim. "25 New Fall Shows Viewers Are Most Excited About Will Surprise You (Exclusive)". The Wrap. Retrieved October 7, 2014.67.Jump up ^ Knox, David (October 13, 2014). "Sunday 12 October 2014". TV Tonigh

    t. Retrieved February 20, 2015.68.Jump up ^ Knox, David (October 20, 2014). "Timeshifted: Sunday 12 October 2014". TV Tonight. Retrieved February 20, 2015.69.Jump up ^ "Top 30 Programs (September 22-28, 2014)" (PDF). Numeris. October 7, 2014. Retrieved February 20, 2015.70.Jump up ^ "Monthly Top 10". BARB. Retrieved February 20, 2015.71.Jump up ^ Regan (September 29, 2014). "TV Ratings: 28 September 2014". Throng. Retrieved February 20, 2015.72.Jump up ^ Regan (October 6, 2014). "Time Shifted TV Ratings: 28 September 2014". Throng. Retrieved February 20, 2015.73.^ Jump up to: a b Kondolojy, Amanda (September 23, 2014). "Monday Final Ratings: 'Forever', 'Dancing With the Stars' & 'The Big Bang Theory' Adjusted Up; 'Scorpion' & 'America's Next Top Model' Adjusted Down". TV by the Numbers. Retrieve

    d September 23, 2014.74.Jump up ^ Kondolojy, Amanda (October 12, 2014). "'Gotham' Has Biggest Adults18-49 Ratings Increase; 'Gotham' & 'Red Band Society' Top Percentage Gains & 'How To Get Away With Murder' Tops Viewer Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week EndingSeptember 28". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved October 12, 2014.75.^ Jump up to: a b Bibel, Sara (September 30, 2014). "Monday Final Ratings: 'The Big Bang Theory', 'The Voice' & 'Scorpion' Adjusted Up; 'Dancing With the Stars' & 'Castle' Adjusted Down". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved September 30, 2014.76.Jump up ^ Kondolojy, Amanda (October 20, 2014). "'How to Get Away With Murder' Has Biggest Adults 18-49 Ratings Increase; 'Parenthood' Tops Percentage Gains

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    & 'The Blacklist' Tops Viewer Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week Ending October 5". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved October 20, 2014.77.^ Jump up to: a b Bibel, Sara (October 16, 2014). "Revised Monday, October 6Final Ratings: 'The Big Bang Theory', 'The Voice', 'Scorpion', 'NCIS: Los Angeles' Adjusted Up; 'Dancing With The Stars' & 'Castle' Adjusted Down". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved October 17, 2014.78.Jump up ^ Bibel, Sara (October 27, 2014). "'How to Get Away With Murder' & 'Modern Family' Have Biggest Adults 18-49 Ratings Increase; 'Red Band Society' Tops Percentage Gains & 'The Blacklist' Tops Viewer Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week Ending October 12". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved October 27, 2014.79.^ Jump up to: a b Bibel, Sara (October 14, 2014). "Monday Final Ratings: 'TheVoice' & 'Dancing With the Stars' Adjusted Up; 'The Big Bang Theory' & 'Castle'Adjusted Down". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved October 14, 2014.80.Jump up ^ Bibel, Sara (November 3, 2014). "'How to Get Away With Murder' & 'The Big Bang Theory' Have Biggest Adults 18-49 Ratings Increase; 'New Girl' TopsPercentage Gains & 'The Blacklist' Tops Viewer Gains in Live +7 Ratings for WeekEnding October 19". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved November 3, 2014.81.^ Jump up to: a b Kondolojy, Amanda (October 21, 2014). "Monday Final Ratings: 'The Big Bang Theory', 'The Voice' & 'Gotham' Adjusted Up; 'Jane the Virgin','The Originals', 'The Millers' & 'Castle' Adjusted Down". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved October 21, 2014.82.Jump up ^ Kondolojy, Amanda (November 10, 2014). "'The Big Bang Theory' Has Biggest Adults 18-49 Ratings Increase; 'America's Next Top Model' Tops PercentageGains & 'The Blacklist' Tops Viewer Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week 5 Ending

    October 26". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved November 10, 2014.83.^ Jump up to: a b Bibel, Sara (October 28, 2014). "Monday Final Ratings: 'TheVoice' & 'Scorpion' Adjusted Up; 'Dancing With the Stars', 'Castle', 'The Millers' & 'The Blacklist' Adjusted Down". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved October 28, 2014.84.Jump up ^ Kondolojy, Amanda (November 17, 2014). "'Modern Family' Has BiggestAdults 18-49 Ratings Increase; 'Elementary', 'Parnethood' & 'The Originals' TopPercentage Gains & 'The Blacklist' Leads Viewer Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week 6 Ending November 2". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved November 17, 2014.85.^ Jump up to: a b Kondolojy, Amanda (November 4, 2014). "Monday Final Ratings: 'The Voice' Adjusted Up; 'Jane the Virgin', 'Dancing With the Stars', 'The Originals', 'Countdown to the CMAs' Adjusted Down". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved November 4, 2014.

    86.Jump up ^ Kondolojy, Amanda (November 24, 2014). "'The Big Bang Theory' Has Biggest Adults 18-49 Ratings Increase; 'The Originals' Tops Percentage Gains & 'The Blacklist' Leads Viewer Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week 7 Ending November 9". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved November 24, 2014.87.^ Jump up to: a b Bibel, Sara (November 11, 2014). "Monday Final Ratings: 'Dancing With The Stars' & 'Castle' Adjusted Down". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved November 11, 2014.88.Jump up ^ Kondolojy, Amanda (December 2, 2014). "'The Big Bang Theory' Has Biggest Adults 18-49 Ratings Increase; 'The Vampire Diaries' Tops Percentage Gains& 'The Blacklist' Leads Viewer Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week 8 Ending November 16". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved December 2, 2014.89.^ Jump up to: a b Kondolojy, Amanda (November 18, 2014). "Monday Final Ratings: 'The Voice' & 'Sleepy Hollow' Adjusted Up; 'Dancing With the Stars' & 'Castle

    ' Adjusted Down". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved November 18, 2014.90.Jump up ^ Kondolojy, Amanda (December 8, 2014). "'Modern Family' Has BiggestAdults 18-49 Ratings Increase; 'Reign' Tops Percentage Gains & 'The Big Bang Theory' Leads Viewer Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week 8 Ending November 16". TV bythe Numbers. Retrieved December 9, 2014.91.^ Jump up to: a b Bibel, Sara (November 25, 2014). "Monday Final Ratings: 'Dancing With The Stars' Adjusted Up; 'The Voice', 'Castle', '2 Broke Girls', 'Scorpion' & 'State of Affairs' Adjusted Down". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved November25, 2014.92.Jump up ^ Kondolojy, Amanda (December 15, 2014). "[Updated] 'Criminal Minds'

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    Has Biggest Adults 18-49 Ratings Increase; 'Grimm', 'Elementary' & 'Revenge' TopPercentage Gains & 'NCIS' Leads Viewer Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week 10 Ending November 30". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved December 15, 2014.93.^ Jump up to: a b Bibel, Sara (January 8, 2015). "Monday Final Ratings: 'NCIS: Los Angeles' Adjusted Up; 'The Celebrity Apprentice' Adjusted Down". TV by theNumbers. Retrieved January 8, 2015.94.Jump up ^ Bibel, Sara (January 25, 2015). "'The Big Bang Theory' & 'Modern Family' Have Biggest Adults 18-49 Increase, 'Revenge' Tops Percentage Gains & 'TheBig Bang Theory' Grows Most in Viewership in Live +7 Ratings for Week 15 EndingJanuary 4". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved January 25, 2015.95.^ Jump up to: a b Bibel, Sara (January 21, 2015). "Monday Final Ratings: 'Scorpion', 'Castle' & 'The Celebrity Apprentice' Adjusted Up". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved January 21, 2015.96.Jump up ^ Kondolojy, Amanda (February 9, 2015). "'Empire' Notches Biggest Adults 18-49 Increase, 'Revenge' Leads Percentage Gainers & 'Elementary' Tops Viewership Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week 18 Ending January 25". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved February 9, 2015.97.^ Jump up to: a b Kondolojy, Amanda (January 27, 2015). "Monday Final Ratings: 'The Bachelor' and 'Sleepy Hollow' Adjusted Up; No Adjustment for 'Jane the Virgin'". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved January 27, 2015.98.Jump up ^ Bibel, Sara (February 17, 2015). "'The Big Bang Theory' Notches Biggest Adults 18-49 & Viewership Increase, 'Hart ofyuduituj 5


    2014 Critics' Choice Television Award Most Exciting New Series Gotham Won [124]2015 American Society of Cinematographers Episode of a Regular Series Christopher Norr"Spirit of the Goat" Nominated [125][126]Television Movie, Miniseries or Pilot David Stockton"Pilot" NominatedArt Directors Guild One-hour period or fantasy single-camera television series Doug Kraner

    "Pilot," "Selina Kyle," "Arkham" Nominated [127][128]Gracie Awards Outstanding Drama Gotham Won [129]Motion Picture Sound Editors TV Short Form Music Score Ashley Revell"Lovecraft" Nominated [130][131]NAACP Image Award Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Jada PinkettSmith Nominated [132]People's Choice Awards Favorite New TV Drama Gotham Nominated [133][134]Favorite Actor In A New TV Series Benjamin McKenzie NominatedFavorite Actress In A New TV Series Jada Pinkett Smith NominatedSaturn Award Best Superhero Adaptation Television Series Gotham Nominated [135]Best Performance by a Younger Actor in a Television Series Camren Bicondova NominatedCreative Arts Emmy Award Outstanding Production Design For A Narrative Contempor

    ary Or Fantasy Program (One Hour Or More) Doug Kraner"Pilot" Pending [136]Outstanding Costumes For A Contemporary Series, Limited Series or Movie Lisa Padovani"Under the Knife" PendingOutstanding Sound Editing For A Series George Haddad"All Happy Families Are Alike" PendingOutstanding Special Visual Effects In A Supporting Role Joseph Bell"Lovecraft" Pending

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    1.Jump up ^ "Cast & Details". Retrieved October 9, 2014.dag 45es Are Alike" May 4, 2015 1.7/6[115] 4.93[115] 1.1 2.64 2.8 7.57[116]

    Critical response[edit]

    Season 1[edit]

    Gotham received generally positive reviews from critics. Review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes gives the first season of the show a rating of 90%, based on 86 reviews, with an average rating of 7.3/10. The site's consensus states, "High production values, a talented cast, and an appealingly stylized approach to the Batmanmythos help Gotham overcome its occasionally familiar themes."[117] Metacritic gives the show a score of 71 out of 100, based on 34 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews".[118]fdfh 45, market research firm Survata polled more than 1,400 viewers to determine that Gotham was the major TV premiere, out of 24, that viewers were most interested to watch that year.[66]

    Ratings[edit]jkol9Based on

    Characters publishedby DC Comics

    Developed byBruno Heller


    Ben McKenzieDonal LogueDavid MazouzZabryna GuevaraSean Pertwee

    Robin Lord TaylorErin RichardsCamren BicondovaCory Michael SmithJada Pinkett SmithVictoria CartagenaAndrew Stewart-JonesJohn DomanMorena BaccarinNicholas D'AgostoChris ChalkJames FrainJessica Lucas

    Michael Chiklis


    Graeme RevellDavid E. Russo

    Country of origin

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    United States

    Original language(s)English

    No. of seasons1

    No. of episodes22 (list of episodes)


    Executive producer(s)

    Danny CannonBruno HellerJohn StephensBen Edlund

    Producer(s)Scott White


    Daniel GabbeDavid EkstromMark C. Baldwin

    Location(s)Manhattan, New York


    David StocktonThomas YatskoChris Norr

    Running time4449 minutes

    Production company(s)

    DC EntertainmentPrimrose Hill ProductionsWarner Bros. Television

    DistributorWarner Bros. Television Distribution


    Original channelFox

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    Picture format16:9 HDTV

    Original releaseSeptember 22, 2014 present

    External links

    Official website

    Gotham is an American crime-drama television series developed by Bruno Heller, based on characters appearing in and published by DC Comics in their Batman franchise, primarily those of James Gordon and Bruce Wayne. The series stars Ben McKenzie as the young Gordon, while Heller executive produces along with Danny Cannon, who also directed the pilot. As originally conceived, the series would have served as a straightforward story of Gordon's early days on the Gotham City police force. The idea evolved not only to include the Wayne character, but also to tell the origin stories of several Batman villains including Penguin,[3] Riddler,[3] Catwoman, Joker,[3] Poison Ivy,[4] Scarecrow,[5] Hugo Strange,[6] Two-Face,[6] and Mr. Freeze.[7]

    The first season order originally consisted of 16 episodes, but was later extended to 22. Gotham premiered on Fox on September 22, 2014, and the first season co

    ncluded on May 4, 2015.On January 17, 2015, the series was renewed for a second season,[8] which is scheduled to premiere on September 21, 2015.[9]

    Contents [hide]1 Premise2 Cast and characters3 Episodes4 Production 4.1 Development

    sfa 34n // Recueils de la Socit Jean Bodin 4 (1949) 35-50.???????? ?????????? ? ?????????? ??????? II // ???? ?????? ????????? ????? 193 (1949) 15-29.????????: ?????? ???????? ???????? ? ????????? // ??????? ??????????? ????????????????????? ? ???????? 1 (1949) 45-62.??????????????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ? ???? ?????????? ?????? // ????????? ??????? 1 (1949) 24-29.Urum-Despotes: Die Anfnge der Despoteswrde in Byzanz // Byzantinische Zeitschrift44 (1951) 448460.La Pronoia: Contribution a ltude de la fodalit a Byzance et chez les Slaves du Sud / Byzantion 22 (1952 [1953]) 437517.???????? ???? ?????? ? ????????? // ??????? ?????? ?????????????asdf w546

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    ? 1933 ?. ????? ??????? ? ?????? ????????-??????????? ??? ???????? ???????? ???????? ? ????? ? ????????? ?? ??????????? ???????????? ????????????, ??? ? 1933 ?.??? ????????, ? ? ?????? 1941 ?. ?? 1973 ?. ??? ??????? ????????? ?????????? ???????????? ??????? ?? ????????? ??????? ???????????? ??????????, ??? ????????????? ????????????? ???????? ? ?????????? ???????? ????????????.

    ? ????? 1946 ?. ?????? ??????-??????????????? ???????? ???????? ???? ? ????????,? ????? 2 ???? ???? ?? ?????????????? ??????. 26 ????? 1948 ?. ?? ?????????? ?.??? ??????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????? ?? (???????????? ????????).?? ????? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ??????????, ? ? 1951 ?. ??????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????? ?????? ????????? (??????? ?????? ????????????? ?????????). ????????????????? ? ??????-????????????????? ???????????? ?. ????????? ????????? ? ????? ??????? ???????? ???????????????? XX ?. ? ??????? 1973 ?. ????? ?? ??????, ????????? ?????????? ?????????. ???? ????? ??????? ? ??????????????? ??????? ?? ????????? ????? ???? ?????.

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    ??????? ?????? ?. ????? ??????? ????????????? ???????????, ???????? ??????? ?? ???????? ????? ? 1940 ?. ? ?????????????? ?? ?????? (1952) ? ??????? (1963) ???????

    ? ????????. ? 1965 ?. ????????? ??????????? ??????? ??? ??????? ??????? (??? ???????? ????????), ??????????? ????????? ??????????? (????????? 2006). ?????, ?????????? ????? ?? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ?? ???????????? ???????, ???? ?????????? ?? ?????????? (1956, 1957, 1968, 1969), ??????????? (1956, 1977, 1996), ???????? (1959, 1969, 1985), ?????????? (1961), ???????? (1967, 2008), ??????????? (1968, 1993), ???????? (1981), ?????????? (1998), ?????????? (2001), ?????????? (2002) ? ??????? (2011) ?????.

    ??????[??????? | ??????? ????-?????]

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