ass l3 cshr

Please note that each Project consists of different practicals and that you have to do each practical to compile the Project. If you do a little bit every week, you will be able to finish each project in time. For each Practical, you will be marked and then your Project will be marked as a whole. There is a list of tasks that you should complete in order to finish your project. Mark your work accordingly (Practicals, chapters, tests etc). Everything in Italics is for your information only, do not copy it. Do not copy the text out of the textbook. Read the information and put it in your own words. Always do extra research as you will be marked on it. At the end of your practical or project, write the source down – website address or book name and page. Project One: SAA: You are the Manager. You need to train your Training Consultant at SAA in order to train new staff members. Compile a document where your Training Consultant can look up what to do and how to deal with the new staff members. Topic 1: Human relations requirements according to the various Acts What you will be rated on: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding about new staff in the workplace Practical 1: 1. Explain the importance of familiarising new staff with the workplace 2. Explain the importance of checking that new staff understand their responsibilities 3. Explain the difference between introducing new staff to the workplace and inducting new staff

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Page 1: Ass L3 Cshr

Please note that each Project consists of different practicals and that you have to do each practical to compile the Project. If you do a little bit every week, you will be able to finish each project in time. For each Practical, you will be marked and then your Project will be marked as a whole. There is a list of tasks that you should complete in order to finish your project. Mark your work accordingly (Practicals, chapters, tests etc). Everything in Italics is for your information only, do not copy it. Do not copy the text out of the textbook. Read the information and put it in your own words. Always do extra research as you will be marked on it. At the end of your practical or project, write the source down – website address or book name and page.

Project One: SAA:You are the Manager. You need to train your Training Consultant at SAA in order to train new staff members. Compile a document where your Training Consultant can look up what to do and how to deal with the new staff members.

Topic 1: Human relations requirements according to the various Acts

What you will be rated on: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding about new staff in the workplace Practical 1:

1. Explain the importance of familiarising new staff with the workplace 2. Explain the importance of checking that new staff understand their responsibilities 3. Explain the difference between introducing new staff to the workplace and inducting new

staff 4. Explain how new staff should be welcomed and familiarised with the site facilities and

introduced to fellow workers

What you will be rated on: Demonstrate the ability to make decisions about lending support to new staff members Practical 2:

1. Explain basic work routines and organisational procedures in a specific area of work including but not limited to basic work routines, location of facilities, responsibilities and work procedures

2. Explain why new staff must be encouraged to ask questions and seek clarification where necessary

3. Describe how new staff can be assisted in the initial performance of allocated duties and activities

What you will be rated on: Demonstrate the ability to recognize shortcomings in the induction procedure or system and to suggest ways to remedy these Practical 3:

1. Identify ways to improve the existing induction programme

Topic 3: The impact of cultural knowledge on client care

What you will be rated on: Explain the importance of communication

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Practical 4: 1. Describe various gestures and forms of non-verbal communication. 2. Explain the role of eye contact in communication

What you will be rated on: Describe steps to prevent or resolve misunderstandings between visitors and staff Practical 5:

1. Explain the importance of verbal and non verbal communication when dealing with tourists

2. Describe the role and functions of colleagues, supervisors and managers 3. Explain the importance of client satisfaction 4. Identify the communication lines within an organisation 5. Describe the role of good communication to prevent misunderstandings 6. Identify the procedure to follow when a misunderstanding between a client and a staff

member occurs

What you will be rated on: Interact with tourists using appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication at all times Practical 6:

1. Identify non-verbal communication including but not restricted to eye contact, gestures and body language, to interact with clients in answering certain questions

2. Identify key words in other languages of frequent visiting tourists that would help to interact with them.

Topic 3: The impact of cultural knowledge on client care

What you will be rated on: Anticipate and deal with clients’ needs within the context of their cultures Practical 7:

1. List possible needs of clients in the context of various cultures 2. Explain how these identified needs could be dealt with.

What you will be rated on: Make suggestions to assist colleagues to deal with cultural differences Practical 8:

1. Identify ways to eliminate conflict that occur because of these cultural differences

DUE: 19 March 2010.

Project Two: BUSINESS PLAN:You started your own business: Travel Agency. You just opened your doors. You want to make sure that everything runs smoothly. You know that you have to take care of yourself, your staff and your clients. Compile a document where you write down all the things you should pay attention to on a regular basis.

Topic 1: Human relations requirements according to the various Acts

What you will be rated on: Reflect on personal time in order to plan a balanced life style

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Practical 9: 1. Analyse own activities over a period of time to determine own use of time 2. Determine whether the time spent on the activities is justified in terms of quantity and

quality 3. Identify the most productive time of the day in terms of own lifestyle patterns and habits 4. Identify own stress levels for a specified period

What you will be rated on: Research aspects of a balanced lifestyle and their relationship to productivity Practical 10:

1. Explain the concept of a balanced lifestyle with examples 2. Explain the concept of productivity with examples 3. Evaluate the balance of work and personal commitments in own life 4. Describe the impact that these have on each other and on productivity 5. Identify support structures in own life 6. Explain how each serves as a resource

What you will be rated on: Investigate tools and techniques to manage time Practical 11:

1. Identify tools that can be used to manage time 2. State when it is appropriate to use each 3. List possible contingency plans for 3 different tools 4. Compare these tools and identify the respective advantages and disadvantages of using

them 5. Explain goal setting as a time management technique 6. Describe how achievement of goals can be measured in the short, medium and long term 7. Explain the importance of time management in terms of the integration of tasks, booking,

self time, prioritising tasks and meeting deadlines 8. Identify techniques for dealing with interruptions and unscheduled tasks in order to set

boundaries 9. Identify goals that can be set for the short, medium and long term to achieve a balanced


What you will be rated on: Apply knowledge of time management to enhance own productivity and lifestyle Practical 12:

1. Develop an action plan with measurable outputs to meet specific deadlines 2. Identify networks and support structures that can help to achieve personal goals for work

and personal life 3. Explain the importance of the regular review of goals and action plans with examples

Topic 3: The impact of cultural knowledge on client care

What you will be rated on: Make suggestions to assist colleagues to deal with cultural differences Practical 13:

1. Identify ways to eliminate conflict that occur because of these cultural differences

What you will be rated on: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding about the importance of service excellence Practical 14:

2. Explain the concept of the client as a source of revenue for the business, and therefore the source of salaries.

3. Explain the impact on the organisation and oneself of losing regular client business 4. Describe possible ways that clients could react to poor service

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5. Describe methods to satisfy irate clients and deal correctly with client complaints 6. Identify information that may not be given to the client 7. Explain the reasons for confidentiality 8. Explain why complaints and client feedback is good for the organisation 9. Explain why it is important to anticipate client needs 10. Describe how a client must be greeted in a polite and friendly manner that is suited to the

company policies

DUE: 16 April 2010.

Project Three: EVENTS:You are the events manager at an events company called DO IT productions. You are in charge of safety and security. It is your job to make sure that violent situations are kept under control and that everybody is safe. The person that you replaced did not do a good job at all. Now your manager wants a report from you to see whether you know what you are doing. Compile this report for him. Research previous safety breaches at events and propose solutions. At the end of your report, give your research in the form of the book name and page number or the website address.

Topic 2: Health and safety procedures to ensure a safe and secure environment

What you will be rated on: Describe national/provincial and company procedures to maintain a secure working environment Practical 15:

1. Describe possible violent situations including but not excluding bomb threats, hijacking, armed robbery, riots, strike, mass action

2. Identify different areas in a working environment including but not restricted to client areas, staff areas and storage areas.

3. Identify suspicious items

What you will be rated on: Explain how to maintain a high level of security for staff and clients Practical 16:

1. Identify measures that can be taken to ensure a high level of security 2. Explain the consequences of having no preventative measures in place

What you will be rated on: Describe security procedures to avoid and or deal with violent situations Practical 17

1. Describe the appropriate security measures that must be taken in various violent situations

2. Explain the procedures that must be followed when taking these security measures.

What you will be rated on:: Explain the importance of securing unauthorised areas from client access Practical 18:

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1. Explain the importance of securing unauthorised areas from client access

What you will be rated on: Given a violent situation, identify the perpetrators Practical 19:

1. Identify the perpetrators in various violent situations 2. Describe the correct procedures of reporting these perpetrators 3. Explain the appropriate conduct when encountering perpetrators

What you will be rated on: Following the correct procedures for reporting suspicious items Practical 20:

1. Describe the correct procedures for reporting suspicious items

What you will be rated on: Demarcate client and staff areas separately and secure against unauthorised access Practical 21:

1. Identify areas that must be demarcated 2. Describe measures that can be taken to secure these areas against unauthorised

access, including but not restricted to client areas and staff areas

What you will be rated on: Secure storage areas against unauthorised access and give reasons for this Practical 22:

1. Explain the importance for securing storage areas against unauthorised access 2. Identify appropriate ways of securing different storage areas including against

unauthorised access

DUE: 20 August 2010.