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  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model





    In order to explain the

    project management

    framework at PKA Ltd, weshall take a construction

    project which was

    supervised by PKA Ltd for

    the !" !roup#

    xxxProject Management

  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model


    Table of Contents



    Project Management.3

    Knowledge Areas and Processes..8

    Initiation Process.........11

    Planning Process..17

    !ecuting Process3"

    Monitoring and #ontrolling....3$





  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model



    +,e -rimary -ur-ose o& t,is document is to descrie t,e &ramewor/ t,at is used y t,e PKA 0td

    in initiating -lanning controlling and e!ecuting and closing construction -rojects. +,is

    document descries t,e met,odology and re&erences ot,er documents tem-lates and outlines

    t,at are used in su--ort o& t,e met,odology.

    y de&ining t,e met,odology t,is document is intended to -roide a common -oint o& re&erence

    &or tal/ing and writing aout t,e -ractice o& -roject management &or construction -rojects wit,in

    t,e PKA 0td. +,is common asis is intended to increase t,e awareness and -ro&essionalism o&

    t,ose c,arged wit, t,e res-onsiilities de&ined in t,e met,odology. +,e roles o& t,e !ecutie

    #ommittee S-onsor Project Manager Sta/e,olders +ec,nical and usiness 0eads and ot,erteam memers are considered #ritical Success 4actors 5#S46. A common understanding o& t,e

    reuirements and t,e rationale e,ind t,ose reuirements are /ey &actors &or im-roing -roject



    '# rou- is a com-any engaged in im-orts and e!-orts and is ased in Port 0ouis. (ue to t,e

    usiness w,ic, is &louris,ing t,ey ,ae diersi&ied and &ind t,at t,e o&&ice in Port 0ouis cannot

    cater &or t,e increasing needs o& t,e com-any. As a result t,ey ,ae ,ired PKA to &ind a -lace in

    ene since ene is t,e -lace to e as a cyer9:u and construct t,eir ,eaduarters t,ere.

    +o e ale to -er&orm our wor/ correctly and minimi;e &ailures in t,is -roject we ,ae used t,e

    -roject management &ramewor/ and all t,e -rocesses w,ic, we always a--ly to -rojects t,us

    ma/ing sure o& a ery ,ig, success rate and ensuring t,e acce-tance o& all t,e sta/e,olders

    inoled in t,e -roject.



    Project Management

    Project management is -roaly t,e most im-ortant /ey to success w,en ,andling

    deelo-ing any ty-e o& idea or conce-t. Adeuate -lanning at all stages o& t,e -roject


  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model




    -articularly at t,e eginning will ,el- in setting t,e strong ase on w,ic, t,e w,ole conce-t can

    e uild. +o &ail to -lan is to -lan to &ail< In order to -lan it is critical to estalis, at an early

    stage t,e -recise ojecties o& t,e -roject.

    +,e /ey &actors to e ta/en into account in -lanning any -roject are t,e ojecties=sco-e o&t,e -roject resources and time. All t,ree are lin/ed as s,own in t,e &ollowing diagram and i& one

    o& t,e -arameters is altered t,en eit,er or ot, o& t,e ot,er two will ,ae to c,ange e.g. i& t,e

    sco-e o& t,e -roject is increased t,en more time and=or resources will e needed.

    +,e * -rocesses wit, t,eir res-ectie ojecties are>

    Initiation Process

    +,e main aim o& t,is ste- is to gat,er t,e ideas and identi&y t,e intentions o& a grou- o&

    -eo-le w,o see t,e need &or a -roject and -roide t,em wit, a &ormal -lanned resourced

    and &unded -roject. +,e &irst stage concerns identi&ying a need and deelo-ing an idea around

    it. +,e ene&its o& suc, a -roject are identi&ied along wit, costs. entually t,ese are assessed

    against t,e &it wit, t,e oerall strategy o& t,e sta/e,older.

    Checklist of factors to consider in step:

    ? @,at is t,e idea w,ic, is to e deelo-ed? Is a general descri-tion o& t,e oerall -roject aailale

    ? :as t,e need een researc,ed and justi&ied

    ? Is t,e -roject consistent wit, t,e com-anyBs strategy


  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model


    ? :ae t,ere een t,in/ing on -arts t,at will not e coered y t,e -roject and w,ic, will

    e ,andled y anot,er -arty? :ae t,ird9-arties w,ic, will in&luence t,e -roject een well identi&ied

    ? :as t,e cost ene&it to t,e com-any een identi&ied ta/ing into account long9term

    recurrent costs e.g. sta&&ing as well as s,orter9term ca-ital costs e.g. accommodationeui-ment

    ? @,at is t,e im-act o& t,e inestment on t,e com-anyBs udget &or coming years

    ? :ae t,ere een a -ro-er S@C+ analysis done wit, regard to t,e -roject


    ? Are t,ere t,e reuired structure 5in&rastructural and ,uman resources6 aailale to man

    t,e -roject and -roceed to &urt,er leels

    ? Is t,ere a -lanned margin o& action=leeway already -lanned &or t,e -roject


    ? @,at re-orting criteria will e reuired to ,el- t,e decision9ma/ing ody o& t,e com-anyto ta/e decision

    At t,is stage a Concept Brief will e -re-ared w,ic, will e sumitted to t,e client &or

    assessment and con&irmation t,at t,e idea ,as een well understood and t,e major areas t,at will

    in&luence t,e -roject deelo-ment and a&&luence it ,ae een ta/en into consideration e&ore

    moing to t,e ne!t leel. It will de&ine t,e o-tions t,at may e ta/en to -roceed &orward and

    allow a decision to e ta/en at t,is stage.

    Planning Process


    Executing process


    Controlling process


    Closing process


  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model



    1. Project Integration Management

    2. !!!


    3. Project Scope Management!!!

    $. Project Time Management

    *. !!!

    D. Project Cost Management


    7. Project uality Management

    8. !!!

    E. Project !uman "esources Management

    1". !!!

    11. Project Communication Management

    12. !!!

    13. Project "isk Management

    1$. !!!

    1*. Project Procurement Management

    1D. !!!

    +,e &igure on t,e ne!t -age s,ows t,e di&&erent /nowledge areas>


  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model



  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model


    4or t,e -ur-ose o& t,is assignment we s,all consider t,e nine main /nowledge areas and not

    really t,e 1"t,one w,ic, is Project Sta/e,olders Management. +,ese -rocesses and -roject areas

    are lin/ed as s,own in t,e tale elow.

    #no$ledge %reas and Processes

    Project Integration Management


    Project Scope Management



  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model


    Project Time Management


    Project Cost Management


    Project Quality Management


    Project Human Resource Management


    Project Communication Management


    Project Risk Management


    Project Procurement Management


    @e s,all now see eac, -rocess and ,ow t,e /nowledge areas are lin/ed to t,ese -rocesses ut

    also t,e documents t,at are -roduced.

    Initiation Process


    +o etter understand t,e initiation -rocess and ,ow it wor/s we s,all ma/e use o& a &lowc,art

    w,ic, s,ows t,e di&&erent ste-s inoled in t,e -rocess



  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model




    can e


    Summary of the responsibilities for the initiating stage


    &ame Position Internal'




    Contact Information



    FP o&


    Internal Project






    Internal Project


    %on %yan Senior:% sta&&


    Internal 0ed t,eP,ase I


  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model


    Planning Process


  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model


    P(%&&I&) *(+,C!%"T -./

    The Executing Process

    Monitoring and Controlling

    Monitoring and controlling Process


    Project closure is t,e &inal stage. It inoles releasing t,e delierales to t,e customer as -er t,e

    customer reuirements ending all contracts wit, t,e su--liers ,and oer t,e documentation to

    t,e usiness release all t,e resources inoled in t,e -rocess and communicate t,e closure to all

    t,e sta/e,olders inoled.

    +,e &lowc,art inoled in t,e -rocess is as &ollows

    "oles and "esponsibilities



    Project Management Manual 52"136 Project Management Module D lecture notes distriuted at

    C-en Hniersity o& Mauritius in anuary 2"1$.

    Project Management uideline 52""D6 9 I+%M uideline #PM 11"9"1


  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model


    Project Management Institute. A ui!e to t"e Project Management Bo!y of #no$le!ge

    %PMB' ui!e( ) 3rd dition. 2"13

    Project Management Process uidelines 4lowc,art 9 Firginia +ec,. Aailale &rom


    Project Management Met,odology

    APP'(I) A 9 Project Initiation 0ocument

  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model



    Project +itle>

    Initiating Aut,or>


    "e1ision !istory

    (ate Fersion (escri-tion #,anged y

    1. Introduction

    ie some in&ormation on t,e Institution and t,e conte!t o&=ac/ground to t,e Project.

    :ow ig is it going to e and w,at areas will it coer

    @,at a--roac, will e ta/en

    2. Project Cjecties

    23. )oals and +bjecti1es

    An e!-lanation o& conte!t o& goals and ojecties including some detail on ,ow t,ey were

    arried at and w,o was inoled 5can a--end any detailed in&ormation i& reuired6. Cjecties

    gie detailed su--ort to t,e oals. An e!am-le is s,own>

    oals Cjecties

    T"e system $ill impro*e

    jo+ satisfaction le*els

    $it"in t"e Institution

    It $ill +e a tool to "elp staff !o t"e jo+ t"ey are pai! for, not an

    a!!e! source of frustration

    It $ill ease t"e a!ministrati*e +ur!en +y allo$ing users to $ork

    efficiently an! effecti*ely t"us freeing time for t"ose acti*ities

    $"ic" a!! greater *alue

    Staff $ill "a*e rea!ily accessi+le t"e !ay-to-!ay information


  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model


    t"ey nee! to !o t"eir jo+

    It $ill pro*i!e greater transparency for !ecision makers at all


    232 Critical Success *actors

    :ow will you judge w,et,er t,e ojecties o& t,e -roject ,ae een met +ry to t,in/ o&

    measurale im-roements associated wit, eac, o& t,e ojecties. en an a--arently ague goal

    suc, as Jim-roe jo satis&actionB can ,ae tangile and measurale ojecties i& you are

    su&&iciently s-eci&ic aout t,em. I& you are not s-eci&ic aout ojecties you may &ind it ,ard to

    assess t,e alue o& t,e -roject.

    3. Sco-e

    43. +rganisational Scope

    Sets out ,ow t,e organisation is going to a--roac, t,e -roject including details o& any intention

    to secure t,e serices o& a su--lier=-artner.

    road e!-lanation o& ,ow t,e -roject will incor-orate reuirements o& t,e arious sta/e,olders

    wit,in t,e organisation. Also any aailale details on to w,at e!tent i& any t,e organisation

    may e reuired to gie access to e!ternal -arties.

    432 (ogical Scope

    ies a ,ig, leel oeriew w,en -urc,asing a system o& t,e areas or -rocesses coered y t,e

    -roject as well as any inter&acing and in&rastructure details w,en -urc,asing a system it can e

    use&ul to &inalise t,is as -art o& your Initation to +ender. An e!am-le would e /ey Student

    Administration -rocesses wit,in a -roject sco-e as detailed elow>

    Student Administration

    Programme an! Mo!ule Catalogue

    Quality Proce!ures an! C"ecks


    Applications an! A!missions

    Clearing Houses

    nrolment Stu!ent 0 Community Information


    Assessment an! 1aminations

    Progression an! A$ar!s


    2ea*ers an! Alumni



  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model


    Reporting to 1ternal Bo!ies

    Management Information Pro!uction

    434 Temporal Scope'Phasing

    +,is s,ould gie an oeriew o& t,e time constraints and milestones including start and enddates w,ere t,ese are /nown. It will e ,el-&ul to rea/ t,e -roject down into -,ases and

    identi&y w,at is in sco-e &or eac, -,ase 5een i& you canBt yet set timescales &or all -,ases6. Lou

    may need to t,in/ aout>


    Soft$are Applications







    P,ase> P"ase Title





    435 "elated Projects

    0ist any related -rojects 5i& any6 wit, details o& e!-ected com-letion dates and any -otential &or

    oerla- o& reuirements &or su--ort resource as t,is could ,ae J/noc/9onB e&&ects re

    timescales etc. Also &lag any ot,er -otential im-acts and identi&y w,ere -ossile any

    reuirement &or out-ut &rom t,e ot,er -rojects.

    Projects !-ected #om-letion

    4orkflo$ Mapping5 a team is mapping t"e current processes relating to

    stu!ent a!ministration. T"ere is a potential conflict $it" t"e system

    April 6789


  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model


    selection project as some mem+ers of t"e $orkflo$ team $ill +e re/uire! to

    contri+ute t"eir process kno$le!ge to t"e system selection project.

    436 +ut of Scope

    I& any -otentially related areas ,ae een de&ined as out o& sco-e it is wort, ma/ing t,is e!-licit

    e.g. you are im-lementing a system to underta/e course timetaling ut not e!am timetaling or

    you are im-lementing a -ersonnel system t,at does not include -ayroll.

    $. %is/s #onstraints and Assum-tions

    53. "isk Management %pproach

    A descri-tion o& t,e a--roac, you are ta/ing can e included ,ere including res-onsiilities &or

    recording ris/s and im-lementing a--ro-riate ris/ management strategies as well as

    communicating suc, in&ormation to t,e Project Steering oard. A fuller consi!eration of Risk

    Management is gi*en in t"e Risk Management info#it.

    532 "isks

    In terms o& recording identi&ied ris/s actions to e ta/en and early warning signs we recommend

    t,at you use t,e IS# in&o'et %is/ Assessment tem-late. +,is is ecause you will need to

    reiew and u-date t,e ris/ management document t,roug,out t,e course o& t,e -roject. Lou may,oweer wis, to summarise t,e main ris/s ,ere or -aste in details &rom t,e ris/ tem-late to gie

    an oeriew o& t,e ris/s -erceied at t,e start o& t,e -roject.

    534 Constraints

    +,is section summarises any constraints t,at a&&ect t,e sco-e o& your -roject or ,ow you carry

    out t,e -roject e.g. -roject sta&& are only aailale during t,e summer acation new system must

    inter&ace wit, anot,er system reuirements o& e!ternal odies a&&ect t,e e!tent to w,ic, you can

    alter a -rocess etc.

    535 %ssumptions

    +,is is a list o& assum-tions on w,ic, t,e initial -roject &ramewor/ and -lan are ased. +,e IS#

    in&o'et Project Management in&oKit discusses t,e sort o& assum-tions t,at can cause issues i&

    not clari&ied initially. !am-les may relate to many areas including> -roision o& in&rastructure

    I+ su--ort resource aailaility communication training sta&& deelo-ment wor/ing


  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model


    arrangements 5and &le!iility6 and user e!-ertise. +a/e -articular care in de&ining w,at is

    e!-ected o& -eo-le outside t,e -roject team.

    Project Assum-tion

    *. Project Crganisation

    63. Project Structure

    It may e ,el-&ul to s,ow t,e -roject structure as a diagram an e!am-le is gien elow>

    632 "oles 7 "esponsibilities

    (irect resource reuirements &or t,e -roject s,ould e detailed ,ere. +,is s,ould indicate t,e

    numers and ty-es o& sta&& and t,eir estimated commitment to t,e -roject. @e recommend using

    t,e IS# in&o'et %oles and %es-onsiilities tem-late to record t,e detail o& roles and


  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model


    res-onsiilities as t,is may need regular u-dating during t,e course o& t,e -roject. A summary o&

    t,at document could e -asted in or a--ended to t,is Project Initiation (ocument.

    Project %ole 'umer o&


    (ays -er


    +otal (ays &or t,e


    D. Project #ontrol

    :ow will t,e -roject e monitored and controlled on a day9to9day asis :ow will it e

    ealuated @,at met,ods will e used to &acilitate e&&ectie team wor/ing

    83. Issue Control

    +,is section s,ould de&ine ,ow t,e -roject team is going to deal wit, issues. Project issues must

    e identi&ied -rioritised and dealt wit, swi&tly to ensure t,at de-endent actiities are not

    a&&ected. An issues log is an ideal way o& /ee-ing a record o& issues as t,ey arise and also

    recording ,ow t,ey are resoled. +,e IS# in&o'et Project Management in&oKit -roides a

    tem-late Project #ontrols (ataase 5add url6 t,at contains an issue log.

    832 Change Control

    +,e c,ange control section documents w,at ,a--ens w,en someone -ro-oses a modi&ication tot,e -lanned out-ut o& t,e -roject. ac, #,ange %euest s,ould e documented 5including

    initiator reasons and a descri-tion o& t,e c,ange reuired6 and ealuated in terms o& its im-act.

    +,e a--ro-riate actions reuired to resole t,e reuested c,ange can t,en e determined. #,ange

    %euests can t,en e dealt wit, y t,e Project Steering oard or ot,er agreed -erson=grou-

    su--orting t,e -roject. +,e IS# in&o'et Project Management in&oKit -roides a tem-late

    #,ange %euest &orm and tem-late control log.

    834 uality %ssurance

    @,at uality Assurance measures are -lanned @,o will ealuate uality and w,en @ill an

    e!ternal assessor e a--ointed :ow will delierales e tested and &ormally signed o&& Is

    t,ere an agreed Hser Acce-tance +esting mec,anism

    835 *inancial Control

    Cutline res-onsiilities &or t,e control o& e!-enditure and udgets. Lou may wis, to attac, t,e

    -roject udget as an a--endi! to t,is document ut you will need to consider t,e con&identiality

    o& suc, in&ormation es-ecially w,ere you are wor/ing wit, t,ird -arties.


  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model


    836 Information Management

    :ow is releant -roject in&ormation to e ,eld +,ere are issues ,ere regarding uality and

    aailaility o& in&ormation it may e use&ul to -ut in -lace a central re-ository or -roject lirary

    o& releant in&ormation and initiate a culture o& s,aring in&ormation t,roug,out t,e -roject. +,e

    im-ortance o& in&ormation management s,ould not e underestimated it can e a critical

    contriutory &actor to success&ul ac,ieement o& -roject goals.

    7. %e-orting

    93. "eporting $ithin the Project Team

    +,is section s,ould de&ine ,ow and w,en t,e -roject team memers re-ort -rogress.

    932 Management "eporting

    +,is section s,ould de&ine ,ow and w,en t,e Project Manager re-orts to t,e S-onsor and=or

    Steering oard.

    8. Sta/e,olders

    3. Identification and %nalysis

    It is use&ul at t,is stage not only to identi&y your /ey sta/e,olders ut to underta/e some analysis

    o& w,at t,eir -erce-tions o& your -roject are li/ely to e. +,is will ,el- to s,ow t,at you are

    aware o& t,eir iews and will ,el- you &ocus communications. @e recommend t,at you use t,e

    IS# in&o'et Sta/e,older Analysis tem-late &or t,is -ur-ose as t,e document may need regular

    u-dating. Lou may wis, to summarise t,e /ey sta/e,olders ,ere or a--end your analysis.

    32 Communication

    A--ro-riate t$o-$aycommunication wit, sta/e,olders is crucial to t,e success o& t,e -roject.

    +,is matri! gies e!am-les o& ,ow you may start to t,in/ aout t,e interested -arties and t,e

    suggested communication c,annels to e used &or eac, grou-.

    Sta/e,olders !-ected


    4reuency Media




    Status reporting

    Issues reporting

    In line $it" Project


    :epen!ent on timing

    an! priority

    enerally, formal reports to +e

    follo$e! up +y face-to-face

    contact $"ere appropriate


  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model


    Project Team :ocumentation an!


    Project kno$le!ge

    Internal communications

    In line $it" plan

    A! "oc as necessary

    Central repository, manage! +y

    project a!ministration

    roup e-mail

    Team meetings

    Sta/e,olders !-ected


    4reuency Media

    A!min 3ser



    Informal communication

    of progress

    :iscussion of issues

    Respon! to issues raise!

    In line $it" plan

    A! "oc on !eman!

    roup e-mail, from project


    ;ormal reports plus informalcommunication $it" Project


    E. Planning

    ;3. %pproach

    +,is section s,ould outline your a--roac, to -roject -lanning. IS# in&o'et adocates t,e

    JSliding Planning @indowB a--roac, as descried in t,e Project Management in&oKit.

    ;32 Milestone Plan

    APP'(I) Project Charter

    %ppendix %3 Project Performance Plan


  • 7/21/2019 Assignment Template Model


    %ppendix 7> Plan