beyond the horizon june 2012 - · the horizon... ld....

the Horizon... the bulletin of Fusion’s work in the two-thirds world In this issue: Oliver Twist, Farmer’s Co-op, Street Lights, Miss Tournament, Boreholes, Mango Tree... Opening night at the Euro 2012 World Cup – exciting developments in The Ukraine and Poland Gathering the troops from the four corners of the world for the Annual British Pilgrimage. Get reacquainted with our Fusion teams in the ‘two thirds world’. Beyond

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the Horizon...the bulletin of Fusion’s work in the two-thirds world

In this issue: Oliver Twist, Farmer’s Co-op, Street Lights, Miss Tournament, Boreholes, Mango Tree...Opening night at the Euro 2012 World Cup – exciting developments in The Ukraine and PolandGathering the troops from the four corners of the world for the Annual British Pilgrimage. Get reacquainted with our Fusion teams in the ‘two thirds world’.


Welcome to this latest issue of Beyond the Horizon! After a long break BTH is back with news from more than eleven Fusion

Centres across the world. The editorial team has spent time chatting with some of our centre leaders and hope you enjoy this glimpse

into their lives and work. In our next issue we will be featuring a selection of these centres, giving you the chance to meet more of the

team and get a closer look at their work. We will also have news on the Annual British Pilgrimage and how our international pilgrims

found the experience. We hope you enjoy this chance to catch up. [email protected]

Editorial teamClaire Bankole

Jeannette Wilkinson Anika Parker


Biz Adams


Oliver Twist Transforms Lives and Brings Hope to a Nation



Country Fact File Albania is situated in Eastern Europe to the west of Italy and to the North of Greece. It has a coastline on the Adriatic Sea.

Population 2.8 million (2011 census)Capital city Tirana

Weather-wise, the recommended time to visit is between June and September.

Erion is married to Melody and they have a son, Samuel, together they lead the work of Fusion in Albania. They have a dedicated core team who were all originally from Korce, some are now in other cities running Fusion’s work there whilst studying. Some of the fruit of the last 6 years of work is a volunteer team of about 100 young people many of whom have found their place in the local church through their connection with the team. We managed to catch Erion for a few minutes.

What’s your favourite beverage? I love Coffee and everyone knows it!

What’s happening in Fusion Albania currently?The team, based mainly in Korce, do a lot of regular youth work, lots of which happens over coffee! The Albanian team is known for their annual musicals. These are major productions and are put together by the team working with young people from local high schools. This year they are performing Oliver Twist in five major cities including the capital Tirana. It’s the first time for the cities of Elbasan and Librazhd to host the company. As well as all that, the team run regular youth Day Trips and festivals. In fact every summer is Festival Season for the team.

This summer they have 25 festivals lined up as well as a training course for local volunteer groups wanting to understand how to run effective community festivals as part of an on going process of community building. In the midst of that they are excited to be sending

a team to the Annual British Pilgrimage in July/August, and others are looking forward to take part in the UK Foundations course and internship in October. It’s the first year in a quite a few, that the team haven’t run their own Foundations course, they usually have more than 80 young volunteers participating!

Erion, what keeps you motivated and inspired?When I see the changes in the young people, in their lives, it just empowers me! This time with the Oliver Twist play, we have got new kids involved and just the level of their involvement and their excitement, even though it’s a harder group to work with; going on the journey from where they were just a couple of months ago to where they are now has been amazing!

Erion, Melody & Samuel


Oliver Twist Transforms Lives and Brings Hope to a Nation


A Small Group of Friends Bring Life in a Time of Turmoil.

GreeceCountry Fact File Greece is located in south-eastern Europe, it lies at the meeting point of three con-tinents – Europe, Asia and Africa and has coastal lines washed by three different seas.

Population 11 millionCapital City Athens

There’s never a dull moment with the team of Fusion Greece! Here are a few highlights from our conversation with Philemon and Babis.

Whilst traditional Greek coffee is acknowledged as being part of Greek culture, it is not an everyday drink for Philemon and Babis. Babis prefers orange juice. Philemon prefers hot chocolate to coffee - except on special occasions.

B: “It’s not so much a question of what are we doing, but what are we not doing, we are not doing farming yet, but more on that later!!”

The team have a core team of 15 people; they are working with more than 30 others. There are many small groups such as the philanthropy group and two young mum’s groups. There are also the small groups of expression like the radio group and the video-making group.

Ph: “Whenever a young person comes in, we find something creative for them to do. We are open all day long, anyone can come in anytime.

“We are trying to establish some structures and developing our casework model for reaching young people.” The team currently have 10 young people on their case-work program and are looking at expanding that further. “We also have a street stall and we are looking at how we can produce and sell clothes as a way to meet local needs and generate income.

“We want to develop good ways through prayer and research, ways that will bring jobs and allow us to grow in an organic way. We are really trying to take the best practice from each Fusion centre around the world.” The guys have been in recent talks with a local farm owner and are exploring if it might be part of their future.”

As they look forward... B: “We want to be growing the group, increasing opportunities, getting more people to join the team, setting up work-based

systems, dealing with unemployment. We also want to be talking to businesses. We are conscious that we need to develop ourselves in many aspects.. We are looking for stuff that makes us challenge ourselves too.”

Ph: “We are trying to make the best of the situation with the Greek debt crisis. Given the state of the financial crisis, it’s really nice to see it when something like Babis’ store comes about. We really want that to become sustainable!”

Things are not easy in Greece, we asked them what keeps them motivated:

B: “When I did the Foundations course, I had questions about the direction of my life. Now it’s like I know where God wants me right now!”

Ph: “We see what God has put in our hands and start from there. It’s like when we started making the video clips and that led to more things. We now have an online group of 200+ and most have a will to do something positive in their area. People want to work with us!”

The team staging a flash-mob in response to the debt crisis: “Some people are so rich, all they have is money”

The European Cup

the Church tells a different story in Poland and The Ukraine

The Ukraine

Sergey Moskovka heads up an organization called, “More Than the Cup”. He had a dream of circling the capital city of Kiev with Festivals, but didn’t really know much about how to run them! A short while later, in November 2011, he met Marty Woods at an International Sports Conference in Orlando and as they talked, Sergey said, “You are the answer to my prayers! Could you come and help us?”

A few training and networking visits later, the first community festivals were run in the Ukraine by local churches in April 2012. A significant feature of our approach in the Ukraine is that we have quickly equipped local people to train others in running community festivals as part of a long term strategy of mission. All the training manuals, DVDs and other products have already been translated in to Russian and will be published by the time you are reading this article.

The local Christians are seeing all this as great preparation for the opportunities presented by the Winter Olympics in 2014 and then the World Cup in 2018 both being held in Russia. They will be running 15 Festivals on the opening night of the Euro Cup in June and then Sergey says “We are bringing 12 people over [to the UK] for the Annual British Pilgrimage, looking to develop and train them to return home. We even have plans to run 3 nights of festivals amongst the Russian community in London over the Olympics.”


Over the last 18 months, a Fusion team has been emerging in Poland as local Christians explore how to make the most of the Euro Cup. Fusion ran a Foundations course last September in Legnica and have held festivals in Lodz, Legnica, and Warsaw. The local Churches in Warsaw couldn’t believe the impact of their 3 day Community Festival as a result of which they had 60 young people signed up for Kid’s Games and saw a number come to faith! A Baptist Pastor who saw the day put on a Festival himself and had 5 new people come the following Sunday to his Church.

The Fusion work in the city of Legnica is being headed-up by Reini and Estera Stadlbauer who have both taken part in Foundations in the UK and been on the training team in Poland. Thanks to Estera’s hard work the course manual has been translated into Polish. They are excited to see the work grow in their city over this year as they plan regular festivals and other programs that enable the church and community to engage together.

Andrew and Agatha are another couple who are co-ordinating festivals in Lodz this year. They have a team of energetic young people and are excited to see what emerges; inspired by the Albanian team.

The Euro Cup takes place every 4 years just prior to the Olympics. For the first time it is to be hosted in Eastern Europe in the Ukraine and in Poland. The theme in both countries for the Cup is “Making History Together” the Churches are increasingly seeing this as a time for them to connect with their communities. Marty Woods, our European coordinator has made a number of visits to envision and train the local people to run “Open Crowd” festivals.

Life’s been busy for the Fusion team in Kingston Jamaica. Dave and Liz Campbell who head up the team there are in the middle of a house move and a two month sabbatical, whilst supporting the team from a slight distance. We managed to have a virtual chat with them each by email in between kids school, renovations, house moving, hosting international guests and much more. Here’s what we discovered:

David’s favourite drinks are Peppermint Tea, Guinness Beer or a Mango Smoothie! Liz goes for freshly squeezed orange juice, Ratcut Blue Mountain coffee or a cup of Tea in her Grandmothers living Room! But what really keeps them going and inspired when

things are tough is seeing the ‘stone that the builder refused’ (West Kingston) being used as a corner stone in God’s building. And God, sometimes all we have is God, Jesus and the grace that holds us together.

The Children’s and Family Work team are busy with two kids clubs, Family Day Trips and a parents support group for the parents of one of the kids clubs. The youth work team have their work cut out with Youth Day Trips, schools work which includes teaching Phys Ed and yardflex (a chilled out bible study and discussion group). The team are in the midst of a weekly foundations course and have recently had some community festivals in the area.

Here is something that the guys have produced as a resource for groups across the world wanting to bring hope to children in their community;

it comes out of their journey developing Kids Clubs in various communities in Kingston.

The next few months are looking pretty full too! Both Dave and Liz are planning to do some work producing various books and resources. Robert Dixon, who the Campbells have mentored as Centre Leader, is heading to Canada for Heroes training (the youth programme they use for yardflex), and Michael and Sangita will also be in Canada for a month to assist with community festivals over the summer. The team will also be developing various new programs where young people can have a sense of belonging whilst learning Kingdom Values and making a difference in their community. Dance, Drama, Basketball clubs and a Homework Centre are all to begin in September.


The Mango Tree goes global.

Country Fact File Jamaica is an island nation situated in the Caribbean Sea. The indigenous Arawak population named it Xaymaca, which means “Land of Wood and Water”, or the “Land of Springs”

Population 2.8 millionCapital city Kingston

Weather-wise, the recommended time to visit is any time other than October!

Team Leaders David and Liz



A small team of young people dig in to a community ravaged by drugs and poverty.


th A


Derrick Trout has been part of the journey in South Africa since 2009 and now coordinates the work there. There is a core team based in Athlone, Western Cape. Patrick, Sandile and Sipho all come from the province of Kwazulu Natal, where they joined the Fusion team in 2009, have been in Athlone now for over a year. Recently Essie joined them full time. We were able to catch Derrick just after a prayer breakfast one Saturday recently and we got him to share a bit of what’s been happening.

The team hold a prayer breakfast once a month. It’s a great opportunity for networking with others who are working with the community for instance a rehabilitation group was represented there this morning and also a street-workers group that works to offer counselling and practical help to street sex-workers in the area which often means working late at night or in the early hours of the morning. With Michael there this morning, we also shared Fusion’s story. It’s a great thing to be part of!!

What are you guys working on these days? “We are currently doing a lot of work in Kewtown where I grew up.” Although life was complex back then we had a greater sense of community cohesion. “We are trying to bring that back. Currently there is high unemployment,high rates of drug use and child abuse. Since last year, we have been working with a group called “New Dawn” who basically offer a feeding scheme. We run a series of after school clubs for different age groups between 3 and 16. We also run youth day trips for the older ones and for the students at the two High Schools where we are working.” So what’s coming up for you over the next 6-12 months? Apart from the ongoing youth and kids work, the next big thing is a Foundations course coming up on the 24th of June for one week. After that the team are hoping to take part in the Annual British Pilgrimage. The team is in the process of relocating both accommodation and the actual Fusion Centre, so when they

return from the Pilgrimage they are excited to set to work in their new home.

What inspires you to keep going? “I have 8 brothers and sisters. We didn’t have much, we all lived in a 2 bed-roomed house. My mother cared for me and introduced me to Christianity. I know that God has had me on a journey, and he “found” me. I am so grateful for this. I feel I have a unique family that supports me. At the moment, although I am officially unemployed in terms of income, I have lots of love and joy. I have learned to be appreciative of what I have, and I have found that what you have you can use!

(Oh yes and as far as beverages go, Derrick loves his coffee!)

Country Fact File South Africa is a multi-ethnic country with diverse cultures there are11 officially recog-nised languages, 2 of which are European in origin.

Population 51 million.Capital city Pretoria

Weather-wise, the recommended time to visit is October to April

Derrick and the team


Sport for Hope in a conflict zone.


aThe team in Ghana is led by Francis Tsimese, based in Yendi at the Fusion Community Centre there. Timothy Butias is leading the work in the far north in a community called Bauku. We spent a few moments catching up with Francis recently.

There is a small, dedicated team based at the Fusion Community Centre in Yendi. Between them they run Sport for Hope – a daily program with about 60 kids, who come and play football, volleyball, and watch movies at the centre. In another three communities around Yendi the team also run kids clubs. The community centre also supplies fresh drinking water to the surrounding communities and there is a community radio station up and running but awaiting the necessary go ahead from the national government.

What are you and the team looking forward to over this year?The team are working in a conflict zone, it is a reality of everyday life particularly in recent months, they never know when something is going to happen, and often plans have to be modified or events cancelled at the last minute. That said, they are planning to run a volleyball tournament for Primary and Junior High school kids in September or October – not unlike the one that Nentawe and the team run in Nassarawa. It will be a chance to bring people together and promote peace. It will be a weeklong tournament with other cultural activities, all promoting peace. Francis is in the process of putting a proposal together for other organisations to get involved and to hopefully get some sponsoring for t-shirts and sports equipment.

Francis, what keeps you motivated and inspired?“I have a God that fights for me and loves me every day! And also the kids have touched my life. I love it when I see their happy faces, full of joy. You look at their faces and think ‘wow, this is amazing’.”

And finally, what is your favourite refreshment or beverage? “Black tea, most others drink it with milk, we are more British about our tea here!”

Country Fact File Ghana is situated in West Africa. It is bordered by the Ivory Coast to the west, Burkina Faso to the north, Togo to the east, and has a coastline onto the gulf of Guinea to the south.

Population 24 millionCapital city Accra

Weather-wise, the recommended time to visit is November to April

Team Leader Francis



Dave and Jo Ireson, Fusion staff who helped start the work in Nigeria, after a couple of years in Australia were preparing to return this year to assist in the next phase of development of the work there. Due to unrest and violence in many parts of Nigeria they are currently unable to do so. Meanwhile the team have been working and accomplishing remarkable things. Nentawe Gomiyar shares a bit of what’s happening at the moment in Nassarawa Kaduna.

But first on a personal note: “My favourite beverage is Mountain Dew, which is lemon drink and it is my favorite simply because of the TV ads which depicts the people who drink Mountain Dew do extra ordinary things. I just like the amazing and creative ads and the slogan - ‘Do the dew!’ which I identify strongly with!!”

Currently the team are busy with three major projects, despite recent political violence hampering many of their plans. The 23rd of May is Children’s Day in Nigeria and the team will be running community festivals to mark the occasion as part of their long term work in the neighbourhood. Fusion manages the Community Innovative Social Actions project which brings various stake holders together from the local community and addresses local needs and issues. One of the significant things that has been started is the Miss Tournament

borehole project. The title of Miss Tournament is connected with the annual School Football Tournament that the team runs and has emerged as quite a high profile position! The project has the aim of improving local water supply and sanitation conditions by placing a borehole in the community; this has been done with government engagement.

Looking further ahead into the year The Primary School Football Tournament 2012 will happen in October or November. This is a major event involving thousands of kids in the community and attracting a lot of media. The team from Ghana usually make the road trip across to join in and lend a hand, which is always a huge blessing. The guys will also be organising a Community Musical Concert which, if past events are to go by, will be another huge event for the community.

So Nentawe, what keeps you motivated and inspired?“I am motivated by the needs that surround the community where we work and the young people willing to take part in seeing their community changed. I am inspired daily by the positive spirit in the children of Nassarawa who see lots of possibilities despite the harsh and challenging realities. In my walk with God he has been extremely merciful to me and with that I am most grateful and encouraged.”

Country Fact File Nigeria is made up of 36 states, is located in West Africa and shares land borders with Benin, Chad, Niger and Cameroon and has a coastline on the Gulf of Benin.

Population 170 millionCapital city Abuja

Weather-wise, the recommended time to visit is December to February


Miss Tournament brings clean water to Nassarawa in violent times.

Nentawe Gomiya

We managed to coordinate electricity supplies and internet connections so we could chat with Koko Lamkang. Koko heads up the work in Delhi, but there are teams across India and in other parts of the Sub Continent.

On the subject of coffee: “I am taking the boys out for coffee later. Normally in the afternoon I don’t get time for coffee!!” the team are usually working. “Normally in the mornings we have tea and a time of prayer,.. that’s a good way to start the day!”

What is the team currently busy with these days? Apart from running regular Kids Clubs, Day trips, community meals and Snyder Bible studies, the team in Delhi also run a hostel for college students. The team provide all meals for those staying at the hostel as well as mentoring and support, and social activities. This

year many of the students are from the South East of the country and a long way from home. Many have a history of drug abuse and come from families where finances are a struggle. They have recently had a well fitted on the premises, which now means have ready access to drinking water!

There are four Fusion staff in Delhi and many volunteers who connect in with the team each week. There is also a team in Hyderabad and South India, we look forward to introducing these guys to you in future issues of Beyond the Horizon.

Looking ahead into the rest of the year, it’s business as usual as the team continue the journey of mentoring the students at the hostel towards maturity and independence. They are exploring training options for team and volunteers that will take them on beyond Fusion’s Foundations course. An on going challenge is sustaining the team financially and materially when many carry responsibility for supporting family members. Networking and partnership building with other Christian groups and churches, helping others understand the work and ethos of Fusion India is high on the agenda.

What keeps you motivated, Koko? “Stories like this: Last year, one of our students became very lonely, was going to quit his studies and go home. We invited him to come on a day trip during which he made a lot of good friends and had a great time. Later he told me that he had realized “that life is not just about eating, drinking and sleeping, but there’s more to life,.. So I decided to stay back and finish my studies and also after my graduation, I would like to go on to study the bible!” Sometimes it can be hard,.. but a story like that is really inspiring and it helps me to keep doing what I’m doing! It’s easy to say that I love God, but when challenges and difficult times come, it helps to know our service to God is bearing fruit! Some of the boys have got the highest scores in their class in their exams this year which has been a great joy for us!

Country Fact File India is the second-most populous country in the world. Indian subcontinent also includes Sri Lanka and the Maldives

Population 1,198 millionCapital city New Delhi

Weather-wise, the recommended time to visit India is either in March or October to November


Hostel brings hope to the familyless.

Koko Lamkang

We met with Daniel Tri Handarka, and he shared with us what’s happening at the moment in Indonesia.

First, the all important ‘must know’ information: What is your favourite beverage? “Hot chocolate or Milo or possibly black tea– but definitely with sugar, it’s never sweet enough! We don’t get to meet each day as a team because we are spread out across Indonesia. But the Yogyokarta team meet together every few weeks.”

Last year Fusion Indonesia hosted an international Pilgrimage in connection with the anniversary

of the Bali bombings. A number of areas of work were established or strengthened as a result of the Pilgrimage.

The team is teaching English and Vocational Skills at a high school in Yogyokarta particularly working with the year 12 students, modelling Christian values that will serve them into their future. Daniels explains “we want them to know that they are worthy and loved, it doesn’t matter what is ahead, you are supported for who you are!”. Also in Yogyakarta where youth unemployment is a big problem, they are developing a small enterprise with a group of 60 young adults from the local community.

There are teams in Bali and Sumba where Kids Clubs are a major part of the work. The Sumba team led by Step and Franki, have been contracted by the government to do Kids Club training in Java; these guys also manage a Collective Farming project that involves 11 local farmers who share resources such as a tractor. The national office and a Fusion guest house is based in Bali where Esther leads the team, the local work includes Kids Clubs in a mainly Hindu community and daytrips with a local High School.

What’s coming up for the team in the near future? “We are in the process of looking to start 2 new centres, one on an island near Singapore and the other in Sumatra. We are also excited for the Mission experience we are hosting for a team of Tasmanian High School students.”

So, Daniel tell us what keeps you motivated and inspired? “God! And people. Working with and for others give me a real sense of joy and peace. Even when we face tough decisions or difficulties, we come together to talk and pray and the Spirit helps us find a solution, together – these times bring us closer together, and it brings me closer to God and I learn to trust him more. We are a family, we can just be ourselves, be honest with each other even though we are professional.”

Country Fact File Made up of over 17,000 islands in 33 provinces, Indonesia lies in South East Asia and Oceania and includes well known destinations such as Jakarta, Bali and Sumba.

Population 237 millionCapital Jakarta

Weather-wise, the recommended time to visit is June to September


Legacy of a Pilgrimage



Scores of young adults and the young at heart from across the UK, Europe and the world, will convene this summer for a Pilgrimage of Hope that could see their lives and the streets of the UK transformed.

For our teams across the globe this is a priceless opportunity for training, mentoring, mutual learning and fellowship as we gather together in mission. We would love two or three from each country team to join us for this incredible moment, so we are looking for sponsors who would like to make that possible.

Pilgrims will be learning from the lives of Shaftsbury, Wilberforce, Wesley and others who changed the course of history as they stood up for justice, mercy and compassion. After three days of training in community transformation,

they will get to work in teams of 10, alongside local Christians running community events in their neighbourhoods – one step in a long term strategy of mission and service. Through celebrating the London games, teams working with local churches will help their communities experience a taste of God’s kingdom – the way life was meant to be.

Then after eight days of mission, pilgrims will re-convene for a life defining journey to Iona and Lindisfarne and from there, retrace the steps of some of the heroes of our faith whilst sharing and learning together with fellow pilgrims from diverse backgrounds and nations what it means to live a life sold out for Christ, bringing his life and love to our streets and neighbourhoods today.

Annual British Pilgrimage of HopeExplore the past, engage the present, dream the future.

22nd July – 9th Aug 2012

Its here again!A chance to take part in three weeks of Training, Mission and Pilgrimage that could help transform the UK and prepare us for our future!

You too can become part of the story :Let us support them so that we may become partners with them in the truth. 3John8

You can support the work of any of the teams featured in BTH in one of five main ways :

1.Praying : Yes I would like to receive prayer updates.

I am particularly interested in the work in ________________

2.Volunteering:Yes I would like to find out more about volunteering with the team in ________________________

3.Offering your expertise: Yes, I have experience and expertise in ________________________ and would like to discuss ways in which I can make these available in the

work of Fusion across the globe.

4.Giving financesThe work of Fusion International continues with both the work and the workers dependent upon gifts and donations from people like yourself!

You can go directly to or give through a Stewardship account to Fusion Youth and Community; in either case you can specify which Fusion Centre you would like to support. You can also give via the national office in Australia, details below. Otherwise indicate your

interest below and we will contact you. [ ] I would like to support the work of Fusion in _______________

[ ] I would like to help sponsor someone to get to the Annual British Pilgrimage this year.[ ] Please find enclosed a one-off gift of £

[ ] I would like to arrange a regular gift of £ ( ) monthly ( ) quarterly

( ) other (specify): [ ] I’d like to talk with someone about financially supporting one of the Fusion Staff Members

Name: Phone: email:

5.Giving materials.We are always glad to receive good quality, nearly new office equipment, computers, youth work and festival equipment and even clothes and

household goods can be a real answer to prayer for some of our guys. Yes I would like to discuss with someone about making the following items available

for the work of Fusion in ____________.


Contact us:Please send this page to:

Fusion UK, St Mary’s Centre, Station Rd, Haddenham, HP17 8AJ.Or email us on [email protected]

Or call us on +44(0)1844 299 329


Fusion Australia, Gordon Street, Poatina 7302

Or Email us on : [email protected] call us on +61(0)3 6397 8280