bible museum juan viñas april 24th

Reading and Learn is fun: Book Fair at Cecilio Lindo Morales School The stories, the characters, and fantasy accompany us when we are children and what better opportunity to celebrate the creativity that is in the wonderful world of books as it is with a book fair. The school Cecilio Lindo Morales, from Juan Viñas region was the host for the activity in which were invited many editorials. Bible Society of Costa Rica was commissioned to support the activity by presenting the Bible Museum to the children of this school. The teenagers from open classroom "Hernan Vargas", a High School located in Juan Viñas also attended the activity.

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Bible Museum


Reading and Learn is fun: Book Fair at Cecilio Lindo Morales School

The stories, the characters, and fantasy accompany us when we are children and what better opportunity to celebrate the creativity that is in the wonderful world of books as it is with a book fair.The school Cecilio Lindo Morales, from Juan Vias region was the host for the activity in which were invited many editorials.Bible Society of Costa Rica was commissioned to support the activity by presenting the Bible Museum to the children of this school. The teenagers from open classroom "Hernan Vargas", a High School located in Juan Vias also attended the activity.The kids sat down in reading position, paying attention to how the Bible translations are made, the importance of reading it and curiosities of this book. They showed surprised when they realized about this different book.One of the little girl from fifth grade said: It is so nice that there is also space for the Bible in the Book Fair, so people can be moved to God, this I have never seen it before, its amazing. The most little ones saids: How beautiful, WOOWWW Look this Bibles, so many and different.The children and teenagers happily received booklets about values and posters all base on the Bible. In this Book Fair the reading was encouraged by "Story-tellers", as Ana Coralia, who gave a message to the little ones and made them feel how special they are for their parents and promote to love one another Gods says"The Bible remains and Bible Society of Costa Rica believes that the contact that these kids had with the Bible changed their vision about the life and that the Bible is not just another book, but they have seen that this wonderful book really changes peoples lives when they come close to this master piece which is Gods living Word and thats why it has endured forever and ever.

Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.Psalms 119:105