· web viewyeah. during that time, because i was in the middle of my...

Dave: Hey, everybody. Welcome to FunnelHacker Radio. I'm your host, Dave Woodward. Today you guys are in for such a treat. I'm super, super excited today because today you get to see behind the scenes of how Russell actually gets everything done that he gets done. You have the opportunity of meeting Mr. Steve Larsen. Steve, welcome, bud. Steve: Hey, how's it going, man? Good to be here. Dave: So happy to have you on, so excited. It's been fun for me. Just a little background here before I dive in. Lot of you guys don't know Steve and that's why I wanted you guys to meet him. This is the guy who actually is creating and doing all of Russell's funnels on the backend. Literally, his desk is right next to Russell's, so when Russell needs something, boom, right there. He gets it all done for him. I'm really excited. It's been fun for me just getting to know Steve, moving up here to Boise now myself. Steve's been with us now for ... How long's it been? Steve: It's only been 4 months, actually, but it's been flying. Dave: That's awesome. I'm going to let you tell your story in just a minute. I just wanted to, again, thank Steve for taking the time to be here. Also, he's been a great example for my son, Chandler. Chandler just got off from a 2-year mission for our church and was here in the office with me. He's going to be doing something. In fact, my son's actually the 1 who does all my transcriptions, all the show notes, and all that kind of stuff. Chandler's the one, as you guys are listening to this, he's the man who actually puts this all together. It was fun for me to have him get to know you. He's like, "Man, Steve's really cool. If I could work like Steve does and have that kind of content." It was really cool just because, again, you've got a 20-year old young man who's trying to figure out what he's going to do next. He's looking at someone like yourself and Russell. It was just a real honor to me to have him meet you. Thanks, Steve. Steve: Absolutely. He's the man. I was sad, actually, that he went to college. I was like, "Yeah, maybe you should just

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Page 1:  · Web viewYeah. During that time, because I was in the middle of my marketing focus and school, 1 of the local Paul Mitchells, like the hair company, came

Dave: Hey, everybody. Welcome to FunnelHacker Radio. I'm your host, Dave Woodward. Today you guys are in for such a treat. I'm super, super excited today because today you get to see behind the scenes of how Russell actually gets everything done that he gets done. You have the opportunity of meeting Mr. Steve Larsen. Steve, welcome, bud.

Steve: Hey, how's it going, man? Good to be here.

Dave: So happy to have you on, so excited. It's been fun for me. Just a little background here before I dive in. Lot of you guys don't know Steve and that's why I wanted you guys to meet him. This is the guy who actually is creating and doing all of Russell's funnels on the backend. Literally, his desk is right next to Russell's, so when Russell needs something, boom, right there. He gets it all done for him. I'm really excited. It's been fun for me just getting to know Steve, moving up here to Boise now myself. Steve's been with us now for ... How long's it been?

Steve: It's only been 4 months, actually, but it's been flying.

Dave: That's awesome. I'm going to let you tell your story in just a minute. I just wanted to, again, thank Steve for taking the time to be here. Also, he's been a great example for my son, Chandler. Chandler just got off from a 2-year mission for our church and was here in the office with me. He's going to be doing something. In fact, my son's actually the 1 who does all my transcriptions, all the show notes, and all that kind of stuff. Chandler's the one, as you guys are listening to this, he's the man who actually puts this all together. It was fun for me to have him get to know you. He's like, "Man, Steve's really cool. If I could work like Steve does and have that kind of content." It was really cool just because, again, you've got a 20-year old young man who's trying to figure out what he's going to do next. He's looking at someone like yourself and Russell. It was just a real honor to me to have him meet you. Thanks, Steve.

Steve: Absolutely. He's the man. I was sad, actually, that he went to college. I was like, "Yeah, maybe you should just defer that track and stay here, man."

Dave: Don't tell him that. He'll probably be right back here. I think he'd prefer to be here than where he's at.

Steve: Right. Yeah.

Dave: (2:04) All right. With all that said, let's jump right in. Tell us a little bit about you as far as how did you get involved with the ClickFunnels. I know your story, but no one else does. Why don't you tell them how it happened?

Steve: Sure. Sure. Man, I don't even know where to start. It's just been a big one thing after another. I've always believed that you just go, go, go and then as soon as you don't know what to do, then you start reading. Then you go to YouTube. Then you learn stuff. For a long time, I kept reading all the stuff and it's too much info and you don't end up making any decisions and you just read the next book. Everyone out there just take what I'm about to say with a grain of salt, but don't read too much. You can read

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too much. The moment I stopped, though, that's when good things started happening.

I actually got my start in door-to-door sales. I was a door-to-door sales guy. Growing up, my dad was a huge tech guy. He's an executive at IBM. We built networks inside our house. It was totally nerdy. 0's and 1's flying all over the place. It was a lot of fun, though, to realize, "Whoa. I really like this stuff. Dad's actually cool. Weird." Anyway, I got to door-to-door sales. I was good at it. I'd go, obviously, house-to-house, knock on the door. I remember 1 day, there's a lot of rejection that happened. I was looking around and I was thinking, "How else could I do this?" Then they teach you, "Don't question the system. Stick the script. You're obviously not doing it correct. Pound the pavement."

We were driving out 1 day and I was looking at all these billboards. I was like, "Man, people call those billboards asking for information and buying." It's like, "I wake up every morning trying to take people's money who was not planning on giving it to me. How can I switch that?" I started putting all these ads up online. Just free Craigslist, KSL, different places like that. My phone started blowing up and I started getting all these phone sales and my boss was like, "What the heck are you doing? How's that happening?" I was like, "Truthfully, I have no idea." I wasn't do it legally, so this government was calling me saying, "You can't claim what you are. It was like I don't know what I started, but it was kind of crazy.

(4:28) The summer ended and I went into next semester of college and I was like, "Man, I've got to figure out more what was going on there. How did I do that? That was cool." I started building eBooks and I was so excited. It was the first time I ever made an eBook. That was WordPress days. That was pre-ClickFunnels days. I spent 2 whole days trying to get WordPress to act like a squeeze page because I'm not a coder or programmer. That always shocks people. I went and I created this eBook and put it out and no one came. I was like, "I have a Facebook page. Don't worry. People are going to come." No one came and no one came. I think I got 5 likes from people who were just feeling bad for me on the page. Anyway, it was funny.

That's how it started. One day I just stumbled into Russell Brunson because I literally was Googling how the heck do you send traffic to places? I can't get traffic anywhere. I ran across Russell's DotComSecrets X course.

Dave: That was the old days. Old school.

Steve: I was way back. Yep. That's how it began.

Dave: I can tell you the part that was funnest for me was when my son was sitting here in my office and he came in and said, "You know, action is really fun. I'm sitting in my classes and I'm funnel hacking and I'm making more money than my professors are." All of a sudden my son Chandler's going, "Well, wait a second. I haven't even started school and I can make more money than my professors." Tell me, how did you go from obviously door-to-door sales to starting funnel hacking. What people really want to know is how in the world did you get the job where you're sitting right behind Russell

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doing everything that he asks you to do?

Steve: (6:10) You know, I do want to address that also because support is getting calls asking how to get my job. It's happened 5 times since I've been here. We're just going to clear the waters, everybody, all right, that I'm not a washout. Anyway, no, so I got into my internet marketing class in college. I have a marketing degree. I got to this class, man, and it was so boring because they were teaching, the stuff was 10 years old, like when the internet came out publicly.

Dave: AOL days.

Steve: Yeah. "Who can tell me what a keyword is?" I was like, "Oh my gosh. I can't handle this. This is so bad." I had started learning what affiliate marketing is and I didn't know that I was drawing funnels at the time. Because this was right on the time I found Russell, but hadn't really gone through his course yet. I drew out this funnel. First, I want them to go to a squeeze page. I'll get their email, then I'll take and lower. I found this ClickBank product. I found out how to send traffic crazy cheap.

I went to the teacher and I said, "Hey, look. No offense, but I would rather put shards of glass in my eyeball. This is awful. I do not want to be here. This is so bad." I said, "I'm going to do this instead. I don't want to come back to class the rest of the semester." He said yes and I was blown away.

Dave: Wow.

Steve: My buddy and I, the rest of the semester, it was right at the beginning, we never went back to that class. For 3 hours a day, we held our own class just trying to make money online. The first morning we woke up and we had broken even on our ad costs.

Dave: Oh, that's sweet.

Steve: I was blown away.

Dave: That's sweet.

Steve: I was blown away that it worked, but I didn't know that that was such a big deal, either. I was like, "Ah, we didn't make any money. Dang it." We just dropped and walked away. I was like, "No, we shouldn't have."

Dave: (8:01) For everybody listening, understand a break-even is a home run. The holy grail.

Steve: Yeah. During that time, because I was in the middle of my marketing focus and school, 1 of the local Paul Mitchells, like the hair company, came to the professors there and was like, "Hey, we need help with some stuff. Could you help us out?" They're like, "We've got these 2 kids that are doing crazy stuff. We don't even really know what it is. Why don't you go talk with them." We ended up working with 8 Paul Mitchells in California and 2 of them in Idaho, driving all their traffic.

Page 4:  · Web viewYeah. During that time, because I was in the middle of my marketing focus and school, 1 of the local Paul Mitchells, like the hair company, came

They came to us and they're like, "We've got a celebrity who's going to get on TV in 36 hours. Can you build them a website?" We're like - this is pre-ClickFunnels - "A website in 36 hours? Do you guys know what you're asking?" We stayed up, bloodshot eyes, bleeding from the eyeballs, and we got this thing done and 1 of the rising people was able to go mention the site. That's when I realized, "It's not just about traffic. It's about conversions," and I really started diving into Russell's stuff and then building funnels from there.

Dave: Very cool. How is it working for Russell?

Steve: It's amazing. The challenge is understanding exactly ... Because he's brilliant, brilliant. The challenge is understanding what he's envisioning. The first month was really, really ... I guess I didn't tell you how I got here, but the first month was really hard for me because I was trying to understand where his head and everything. I was like, "Okay. Going back to that course. What did he say there? Okay, that's what he's talking about. Oh, I completely built the wrong funnel." I'd build stuff out and he would just destroy 90% of it and be like, "Go back and do this." That's the challenge, but that's why I love it, though, because he's amazing.

Dave: Awesome. Let's diverge here and let's go back and digress to how did you get here.

Steve: Sure, sure. Left my mother's womb. I knew that I needed to go to his event. I knew I needed to go. I couldn't explain it, but I had to go through his FunnelHacker Live event. The first event that he had for Funnel Hacking Live, my wife was due with our second child 3 weeks around that time.

Dave: (10:24) This is our Vegas event, 2015.

Steve: Yeah, she was devastated when I said I wanted to go to it. I was like, "I didn't think about that. Selfish of me, so sorry about that." I didn't go. The whole time, I was building funnels for other people. I was doing what he said. I was helping these other companies in Florida make another $60,000 from another email thing here and this guy over here. I was helping other people doing what he's staying, just working for free. I was like, "Okay, I'm going to go try and be a marketing guy from some other company when I graduate." I was in college still.

Anyway, I got to seeing Russell's email come up about the event, the next 1 coming up. I was like, "Oh, I've got to go to that." I hadn't charged anybody money yet, though, so I didn't have any money. I was like, "How do I get to this event?" I found a guy and I said, "I want to go to that event. I'm going to build you a funnel and you're going to pay for me to go to his event. You're going to buy my plane ticket and 2 nights in that hotel. I'll figure out how to live while I'm there. That sounds good, right?" He's like, "All right." I built this funnel and he put it out and he bought the plane ticket. That's literally how I got there.

I rode a bike around the town there. I didn't have a place to sleep the last night. I

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stayed up the whole night the last night in the hotel where we did that FunnelHacker Live event. I was just hustling. I just knew I needed to get there. I got to that event and it was just life-changing. I walked up to the registration table and Mark Bangerter-

Dave: Oh yeah.

Steve: Yeah, 2 rooms over right now. I walk up and he's like, "What's your name?" I'm like, "Steve Larsen." He goes, "Are you that kid that's pulling off all that Star Wars ninja crap on our software that no one else does?" I was like, "Maybe." I'm not going to say yes to that. He's like, "With that water company?" I was like, "Yeah, that's me." He's like, "Man. Hey, get this guy a job application." I was like, "Oh, I'm graduating next Friday. I'm going somewhere else. I'm going somewhere else, but yeah, sure. Send it on over." Throughout the rest of the event, I got 3 more offers, 3 more people asked for me to come apply to work here. By the end of the event, I was like, "Well, shoot, maybe I should just do it."

Dave: (12:42) That's awesome.

Steve: Stayed up the whole night and filled it out. 2 days later, I drove 5 hours in the middle of finals, my last semester of college. Did the interview and on the way back they called and said, "Hey, do you want the job? You'll sit next to Russell and help him build everything." I lost my voice on the way because I was screaming my face off. Everybody I knew who ever knew me, I was just like, "Do you know this guy? Oh my gosh!" Literally the day before graduation, I switched all the plans and we just drove the other way. Instead of Florida, we went to Idaho.

Dave: That's awesome.

Steve: That's how it happened.

Dave: Congrats again. We're super excited to have you here. I think 1 of the many things people really want to know is all this cool Star Wars ninja stuff you were just referring to and all these fun things that you're learning, for a person who is listening to this, obviously there's a couple things I want to point out. First of all is 1 of the things I love about Steve is there's never an obstacle that's too big. There's never a hurdle he can't overcome. You guys have to approach your life the same way. You've got be so focused and so determined that no matter what it is, it can't be the price, it can't be anything at all like that. It's just an excuse. Where there's a strong enough will, you will always find a way. I think that's 1 of the things I loved about hearing your story, getting to know you, and spending time with you is no matter what it is, you'll find a way. I think it's 1 of the things that's made you so successful is that focused determination.

I think as people are listening to this, I hope you guys all understand, I don't care how many times you've failed, I don't care how many times you've hit walls and everything else and didn't work your way, it doesn't matter. You just pick it up and you keep going and pull on your big-girl panties, your big-boy panties, and just start working

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and make it happen. Because that's how life really works. You've been a huge, huge testimonial for that. I Love working with people who are A-players like yourself. It's just been a ton of fun.

With that said, dive right in. Tell people what are some of the things they need to know about building funnels. What's working for you? You are state-of-the-art, know what's going on right now. What are some of the things they need to know, that they should be implementing in their funnels and their strategies?

Steve: (14:49) You need to stop getting lost in details. A lot of times people want to plan stuff and have it 100% all laid out, the whole thing before you build it.

Dave: That doesn't happen here, by-the-way.

Steve: Never. It never happens. I have a stack, a huge list. I've got yellow legal pad. Half of it's full of funnels that we're building right now. They're almost never done. Anyway, I don't know how else to say it. You can't get hung up in so many details as you move along. It's more about, "Oh, there's a peak and a mountain over there. What's the first obvious step? Walk towards it." Just start going. "I'm sure there's a restaurant along the way. I'll find food." It's not that you don't care, you just know that you're going to figure it out as you go along. You've got to be humble. If you start thinking, "Oh, I know how to do it. I can figure this all out on my own," then you'll get hit by a semi on the way.

Dave: With that said, 1 of the things again we kind of live by here at ClickFunnels and that is the whole approach as far as ready, fire, aim. It's basically tattooed on all of our foreheads. It's how part of it's done. Again, Steve, you've done an awesome job of doing just that because 1 of the things that's really hard when you're working with a guy of Russell's intellect and his passion for things is you want to be able to get things completed. You want it to look right when we're done. You have to understand, that's not typically how anyone who is super successful ever does anything. Whether it's Microsoft, whether it's Apple, you launch. You get it out there. Let people talk about it. Find out what's what. Test, test, test. Again, ready, fire, aim.

(16:24) Then the other thing I want to make mention of that's really cool. We did a survey, all of the ClickFunnels users. You had the opportunity of going through and seeing, "Okay, out of all this data, this is what I've gathered and this is what matters most." It's been interesting. I heard it on Russell's podcast the other day. We were talking about it in the office just literally yesterday and that was the link thing. I want you to talk about why that is and do you want to refer to it as the link below the button?

Steve: Oh, you're talking about the "Text Below" button?

Dave: Yep.

Steve: Yeah, yeah. We've been doing a lot of cool stuff. John actually found that one. We're

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all searching for this nuggets. None of us 100% know what's going on, so we'll say, "Whoa, did you see this? We can do that and that." Skype it to everybody. We'll all talk, "Cool, let's go do it." It's actually when I was building the funnel for FunnelHacker TV, the second episode.

Dave: Oh, the survival one.

Steve: Yeah, the survival-.

Dave: Christian

Steve: Yeah, yeah. I was head-butting my head on the wall. I was just smacking the wall with my head because I was working with ClickBank and trying to get ClickFunnels to integrate with ClickBank. I'd never done that before. Russell's like, "All right. Be back by 5:00. Hopefully it's all done." I was like, "Whoa. Okay. Well, I'm on it. Let's do it." We found out the only reason I did that is actually because they made me. They said every single button, you have to have it also in text below. What's funny is, I was like, "Okay, John, let's put some stuff on it. Let's put Hotjar on there so we can track with heatmaps where people are going on the page." He came back and he's like, "Dude, people are clicking that thing like crazy. Way more than the button." We started switching everything over to those links and it's working.

Dave: (18:11) That's awesome. I guess the reference point there is Great software. Does heatmap tracking. If you're not using it on your sites, again, it allows you to basically visualize where everyone's mouse is moving and clicking on your site. It's your eyes. It's behind-the-scene, red-eye contact as far as what's happening. Very cool. Very cool.

Steve: Yeah. Absolutely.

Dave: Tell us, what other types of cool things, what other tips and tricks can you tell us about funnel hacking or what you've done and you're experience that you're using?

Steve: Sure, sure. I love funnel hacking. Dude, that is my favorite thing ever. I got in trouble when I was in college. I only graduated 4 months ago and when I say that, it's not like it's a long time ago, just so everybody knows. That was just a bit ago. That was just around the corner. I remember I think our first kid was born. I have 2 kids and I'm married. My wife, she wanted to go on a date, which is great and awesome, but I can tell she's getting frustrated with the fact that I kept talking about funnel hacking. I was like, "It makes so much sense. You don't have to go be creative first. Go funnel hack somebody. Figure out the path they've already paved. Go do what they've done and then you can go be creative." I'm like, "This is amazing."

I remember on the date she wanted to watch a movie sitting in our apartment there or whatever and just hang out. I secretly pulled my laptop up. She obviously saw it. I don't know why I was trying to hide it. I pull it up on the side and I pixel-for-pixel cloned GetResponse's homepage while we were doing that and just to practice. I just

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had the software. I was like, at the end of the whole thing, I turned to her and I was like, "Oh, check it out. Look what I did." She's like, "Oh, yeah. Movie?" It's like, "This is amazing. I'm not a coder or programmer."

(20:04) My first semester in college, I was a CIT major. The thing I didn't like is I had to sit in front of a computer all day and just code, hard code. I hated it. It was awful. My dad's like, "How's it going," because that's what he does. I'm like, "This is the worst thing in my life. I don't ever want to do this again." ClickFunnels is nice because it takes away all the tech stuff to allow the entrepreneur to actually focus on marketing and selling and making a better product.

When I realized that, when I saw it, I grabbed my buddy and I said, "Look. ClickFunnels is a 2-week free trial. We're going to build a whole business and get customers in those first 2 weeks so we can pay for it." That's what we did. We built a company called I stayed up for 2 straight weeks in a row. I had kids at home crying. I was like, "Babe, I'll be home in 2 weeks, okay?"

I hid on campus. There was these box seats up by the stadium. I'm a bit of a rebellious spirit, all right? The back doors were always locked, but the windows they always had open, so I'd watch for the security guys to walk around, and I would jump the wall and hide inside the box seats and just stay there the whole night because the building closed and funnel hack and listen to Russell's stuff. We built out this whole business in 2 weeks doing that and got customers on stuff and ClickFunnels started getting paid for it. I was like, "This is amazing. What can we go do next?" It's more of that mentality, I feel like if people lack, they want to take forever to do stuff. I don't mean that in a bad way or whatever.

Dave: I do. I think it's something you have to understand is just get it done. Speed is critical to your success. You have to just go out and do it.

Steve: Just go do it. Design is not what sells stuff. You don't need to worry about it being pretty. You don't need to worry about all these things being in place and stuff like that. That does help conversions, it does, but ultimately you need a headline and a buy button. That's really it. You can just launch and launch and launch and launch. The speed is what really matters in this business.

Dave: (22:08) Fantastic. With that said, I want to jump into 1 of the launches we had just recently that you're now running. Before I do that, real quick thing here is for those of you guys who just heard what Steve has said, I want to make sure you guys understand 1 of the best ways to learn ClickFunnels is literally to go and funnel hack. Instead of doing it for your own product, do like Steve just did where you literally go and copy word-for-word, pixel-for-pixel, to see if you can create the same image that exists on another site. I don't care. Pick any site. You'll develop the fastest tech skills in ClickFunnels doing that than anything else and then you'll feel confident to be able to go out and actually apply yourself to your own products. Take a day. Make it happen. Awesome, awesome tip.

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Steve: That I sort of tell everyone to do. Anyway, people keep reaching out and asking this, so I'm glad we're talking about it. I just want to put a little nugget in. 7 people in the last 2 days have asked me this question. The question is, "Okay, how do we get started in ClickFunnels?" It's like go find a business that you're interested in, number 1, like an industry. Find whoever's crushing it in there and then don't model, copy. Straight-up copy all of it. Don't go sell it. Don't be unethical or anything like that. Just for your own education, copy it, but make the funnel work. Put the email sequences in. All the automation, all of the payment processes, as if you're going to launch it. I have an MLN funnel in the marketplace that's selling like hotcakes that I was not planning on selling it. It's because of that process that I went through.

I funnel hacked a guy. That one I made sure I wasn't copying him or anything, but I was modeling him. I recreated his course. Put it all together and when the time came that I could go actually start asking people for money, I could point back and say, "Look at all the things I did." People want money way too fast with it. Just go start making stuff.

Dave: That's awesome. We've talked about working for free for the longest time. I actually had this conversation with my son today.

Steve: Oh cool.

Dave: (24:08) It was actually fun having that conversation, but with this I want to jump right into 1 of the main projects that Steven's in charge of right now, Steve runs everything behind Funnel U, so Funnel University. Again, to get to it go to You'll be able to get right into it. I want to talk about all that you're doing behind the scenes here because Funnel U is probably 1 of the best ways of being able to truly funnel hack something. Give a little commercial for Funnel U, since you get paid on it, and then the other thing is talk about what it is you're doing behind Funnel U and how it's all working.

Steve: Sounds good. Funnel U is great. That's actually the project I came I on. My first week was Funnel U. That's when I met you. That was a good week. I came home that week and I was like, "Holy crap." I told my wife, "Babe, this is nuts. It's more than I thought it would be and I can't handle it. It's amazing. My brain's going to explode. It's so cool."

Funnel U, the reason it was made was it's like think of all the products Russell's made in the past that have to do with short-cutting learning and just crushing it right into 1 product. It's easily the best offer, I feel like, that he's ever made. Because inside of it, he's got the Black Card in there. It's loaded with tons of home-study courses. By-the-way, a little trick, everybody. Watch everything in Chrome or in QuickTime 7 at 2x speed. It gets so much stuff done. I've been doing that for years. Podcasts. Everything from Russell. When I saw him at the event, his voice sounded weird to me because I had listened to him in 2x speed so long.

Dave: 2x speed for Russell is like 10x speed for normal people.

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Steve: Yes. It's just hauling. No, Funnel U, though, it's a membership site and what we do, boom, right there. We found out it's got 3 funnels that have made 98% of all the money for him.

Dave: Crazy. Crazy stats.

Steve: (26:06) Yeah, absolutely incredible. You get that book for free. You pay the shipping. You get the Black Card. You also get the issues. Monthly there's a newsletter.

Dave: That's what I want you to talk about because that's the cool thing behind our stuff that you're doing. First of all, if you don't have this, you have to go get it. For those of you guys who are listening, you can't see what we're talking about, this here is the funnel stacking, the 3 core funnels. I've done a podcast on each 1 of these separately. Again, Tripwire, the webinar funnel, and the high-ticket sales funnel. Funnel University, we created that book basically by going and taking a look at all the funnels over the last 200,000 funnels that have been created, broken down. As Steven said, 98% of them are all focused on those 3 funnels. The great part that Steve's doing right now is each month ... is it each month, right?

Steve: Each month. Yeah.

Dave: Okay. Each month, basically Russell goes through and he funnel hacks 2 separate funnels and then Steve has the opportunity of actually creating those funnels into a share funnel that you get to use. I'm all excited about Funnel U. It's 1 of our favorite products. The fact that you're involved with it is even 10 times better. I don't mean to still your thunder.

Steve: Go for it.

Dave: Tell people about what it is for them.

Steve: Yeah, yeah. Let me see. 1 second. Let me grab something.

Dave: While he's grabbing something right now, I want to make sure you guys understand.

Steve: Sorry about that.

Dave: You get issues basically each month where you'll have something in the mail. In addition to that, you get all the archive issues as well, where 2 funnels get funnel hacked. All the psychology, all the strategy, all that kind of stuff is talked about and then Steve goes behind and actually creates that share funnel link for you.

Steve: Yeah. This is what I grabbed. We'll go through and Russel and I ... It's going to block all the light here.

Dave: That's all right.

Page 11:  · Web viewYeah. During that time, because I was in the middle of my marketing focus and school, 1 of the local Paul Mitchells, like the hair company, came

Steve: We go through and we say, "Okay, what are the major issues we're seeing with people as a community right now?" If you want to know right now how to help your business, Funnel U is the best thing you can do to get in. We'll go, "Hey, looks like people are really struggling with their local businesses." People who have local business, they don't understand that you can have it online besides offline, right? Or vice versa. It's like people are not doing anything offline. We found doing surveys, most people who make the most money with ClickFunnels or in this business in general are online and offline at the same time.

(28:20) Our goal is to take away the curtain, to expose the man, show the man behind the curtain. What we'll do is we'll go through and we'll model out and funnel hack. They don't always look this good, by-the-way.

Dave: For those of you guys who are listening, not watching, what Steve has there is a board basically 2'x3'. It's products, the University of Guns. He went through and funnel hacked that entire funnel and then broke it down step-by-step as far as what's working, what's not working. Keep talking.

Steve: Yeah, absolutely. What we'll do is Russell will get a camera or even just an iPhone sometimes, and just say, "All right, let's walk through the secrets that looks like each of these steps has in this funnel." We'll start with the sales page and we'll move through and say, "All right. Hey, man, that's fantastic. That's a good idea. We didn't know that we should do that kind of thing when we're building a product in this type of industry. We should make sure we include that." Then we'll go down the next step and do that for the whole funnel. Go, "Wow, look at this crazy little trick. This guy's probably an extra 20% a month on that thing. That's amazing." We'll go through and watch for your industry and how else you can apply these cool ideas. It'll immediately just bump your business.

You already know enough to make a lot of money. I was just telling something that yesterday. You already have the knowledge, but it's organizing. Funnel U's cool because we take a funnel, we'll break it down. I'll go build it and then members get to go just download the funnel. They can take it immediately. It's amazing. It's a crazy deal. Crazy. People charge $5,000/$10,000 for that.

Dave: Very cool.

Steve: Yeah.

Dave: Well, Steve, tell me. The craziest thing about what you've got going right now is it's not just all the stuff you're doing for Russell. You've got some things on the side as well. I think it's important that people understand as crazy and busy as your life is working with Russell, side-by-side with him, building out most of his funnels and things, what else do you got going on the side?

Steve: (30:16) It's funny. Yeah. I always have stuff on the side. I think we always do. I've got

Page 12:  · Web viewYeah. During that time, because I was in the middle of my marketing focus and school, 1 of the local Paul Mitchells, like the hair company, came

that ADD brain, I think, also. I realize about a year ago when I was in college, I started getting a lot of people coming to me. I have a Periscope channel. I have 600 followers on there. I would get on and just start teaching. Or I'd say, "Tell me your URL and we're going to go through and live I'm going to critique it for you and show you what you need to fix."

All those recordings I ended up putting on YouTube. I steadily get people who ask me questions because of those videos. I realized, I should just make a place where people then do that and ask questions. I made something called I don't always have time to build them, but I know a lot of builders and I know a lot of people that need the funnels. I was like, "Might as well broker some of these deals and at least just tell people about each other." I made and then the questions continued.

I was like, "How else can I answer questions where it kind of stays as a bank?" Then I made, which is my own podcast. Anyway, it's just all those tons of little pieces and funnels. I already act normally like I'm on caffeine, but this is like that on a lot of it all the time. It's a lot of fun.

What I do, though, is I go and I give a lot of funnels that I build for people for free as well. You can go get free funnels in there that have worked in specific industries. It's not like Funnel U, because we'll go dissect a whole industry. What I decided is there are very specific funnels. You can go to Free Funnels Section on and then just download that funnel right into your account. It's pretty awesome.

(32:10) I really enjoy it, obviously. I love it. My wife was pretty worried about me for a long time because I'd stay up until 3:00 and then get up at 7:00 everyday and just study and just study and practice and build, and build, and build. She's like, "Are you okay? We've got all these people asking about you." I'm like, "Why?" I was absolutely clueless until I realized that's not a normal behavior. If you want any other questions or have anything like that, is the best way to go check out what I'm doing on the side. It's secondary to what I'm doing for Russell because it's just awesome.

Dave: Anything else you want to share or tell people about?

Steve: I've often noticed I'm kind of a fast-paced energy kind of guy, but people spend a lot of time in their business books. They're like, "Find out your why. Find out your why." That's true, but sometimes you can just do stuff because it excites you. You know? Stop dissecting everything. Don't worry so much about the details. Just move. You'll figure it out as you go.

Dave: It's amazing. Action takes place. It cover a lot of mistakes.

Steve: Yeah.

Page 13:  · Web viewYeah. During that time, because I was in the middle of my marketing focus and school, 1 of the local Paul Mitchells, like the hair company, came

Dave: Again, go out. Take massive action. Make things happen.

Steve: Absolutely.

Dave: Again, if people want to get ahold of you, what's the best way of reaching out to you?

Steve: Honestly, probably through That's the best place.

Dave: Cool. All right. Steve, thank you so much. You're awesome. I love your energy. I love having you in the office. I guess I'm the last one into the office, I should say, as far as recently moving here. It's been a ton of fun and exciting for me to spend time with you.

I think one of the things I hope people understand about the whole idea as far as funnel hacking and things, and what Steve's really done a great job with explaining, is you just have to go out and play with it. Make it happen. Copy it until you get good at it, then tweak it and change it and make it yours. Obviously you can't go out and copy someone's and claim that as your own. That's from way back in elementary school and everything else. You just can't do that kind of stuff. The idea behind it is to make sure that you're taking those things that you've learned, apply it to what you're doing, and then go out and absolutely crush it like Steve's done. Steve, a massive thank you for everything.

Steve: Yeah. Can I just toss 1 more thing in there on that?

Dave: Of course.

Steve: (34:21) Real quick, there's a teacher that I had. Most people will sometimes bag on public education when it comes to especially this industry, right? I had a guy, though, who really taught me something cool and I want to encourage everyone to go do this. We sat down and he said, "Okay, this whole semester you have no other classes except this 1. You're going to build a business from scratch. You're going to get it going." He said, "We're going to start with some brainstorming stuff and I'm just going to leave. You guys organize yourselves."

What he would have us do is he'd have us sit down and he would lay out toys, like kid toys, LEGOs, Play-Doh. Random stuff. He's like, "The only rule is that you have to literally play with the toy the entire semester." We'd be like, "What the heck is this? It's so weird. We're business students, man. We're not doing any kind of weird," anyway. I won't finish that sentence. That was his rule.

As we started brainstorming, you had to be playing with something. You had to be enjoying whatever you were doing at some degree. Whenever someone would put someone else down, he had a spray bottle full of water and he would yell, "Bad kitty," and he'd spray you with water. Totally unorthodox, but I learned a lot from him. The whole point of what he was trying to teach us and what he said later is that playful people are more creative people. They are just naturally more creative.

Page 14:  · Web viewYeah. During that time, because I was in the middle of my marketing focus and school, 1 of the local Paul Mitchells, like the hair company, came

I see a lot of people who they get really, really serious all the time. Like, "Oh, Russell's got that Two Comma Club." Things like that. "I'm going to do it." It's true, but remember that you're not going to be creative if you're not playful. You've got to get out of this scaled, I mentality of, "I'm an adult, so therefore I must act a certain way. I'm an adult." No, no, no. It doesn't work like that. There's a good quote I just read, actually. It said, "The creative adult is the child that survived."

Dave: (36:27) Oh cool.

Steve: Oh, that's tasty right there.

Dave: Love that. That's a great thing to end on: "The creative adult is the child that survived."

Steve: Absolutely.

Dave: Awesome.

Steve: I just want to put that in. Just don't worry so much.

Dave: Fantastic. Steve, thank you so much again. Guys, go to and you'll be able to get a copy of the 3 core funnels, the Black Card, all the other fun stuff. Again, Steve, awesome. I love having you on the team. Thank you for your time today. It's been a massive honor and I appreciate your time.

Steve: The pleasure's mine. Thanks, man.

Dave: Talk to you soon, buddy.

Steve: All right. Bye-bye.