building ethics into artificial intelligence · articial general intelligence (agi)[goertzel and...

INDEX. 2015. Clio. History ad History teaching, 41. ISSN: 1139-6237 1 2015. CLIO. History and History teaching, 41 (ISSN 1139-6237; Resúmenes / Abstracts (versión imprimible) Monográfico: “Enseñanza de la historia y formación de identidades colectivas". Coors. monográfico: Sebastián Molina Puche (Universidad de Murcia)José María Cuenca López (Universidad de Huelva) Patrimonio, entorno y procesos de identificación en la educación primaria. HERITAGE, ENVIRONMENT AND IDENTIFICATION PROCESSES IN PRIMARY EDUCATION Andrés Domínguez Almansa y Ramón López Facal. Resumen: Este artículo analiza el desarrollo de procesos de identificación social por parte de alumnado de primaria, y cómo este desarrollo tiene lugar recoge resultados de una investigación realizada en aulas de primaria por maestros en formación durante su estancia en prácticas. En la primera parte se discuten las ideas de identidad colectiva y políticas de la identidad, se aborda un recorrido por la escuela como contexto en el que se configura la identidad nacional, con un papel preponderante de la asignatura de historia. En la segunda parte y en contraposición a este predominio de la formación de identidades nacionales, combinado en la actualidad con una identificación con la Unión Europea, en la segunda parte se propone la apertura de procesos de identificación social que tomen como referentes con la educación patrimonial y la historia. Palabras clave: educación patrimonial, identidad, políticas de la identidad, procesos de identificación, historia, educación primaria. Abstract: This paper analyses the development of processes of social identification by primary school students, and how this development occurs taking as starting point an alternative knowledge about their environment, which causes the modification of their initial perception of particular elements that they come to appropriate as a part of their heritage. The first section discusses the notions of collective identity and identity policies, and it examines the school as a context for the configuration of national identity, with a relevant role for the subject matter of history. In opposition to this predominance of the formation of national identities, currently combined with identification with the European Union, in the second section we propose the development of processes of social identification that would use as references heritage education and history.

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Page 1: Building Ethics into Artificial Intelligence · articial general intelligence (AGI)[Goertzel and Pennachin, 2007] research aiming to develop AI with capabilities match-ing and eventually

Building Ethics into Artificial Intelligence

Han Yu1,2,3, Zhiqi Shen1,2,3, Chunyan Miao1,2,3, Cyril Leung2,3,4, Victor R. Lesser5 and Qiang Yang6

1 School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore2 LILY Research Centre, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

3 Alibaba-NTU Singapore Joint Research Institute, Singapore4 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Canada

5 School of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA6 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology{han.yu, zqshen, ascymiao}, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

AbstractAs artificial intelligence (AI) systems become in-creasingly ubiquitous, the topic of AI governancefor ethical decision-making by AI has capturedpublic imagination. Within the AI research com-munity, this topic remains less familiar to many re-searchers. In this paper, we complement existingsurveys, which largely focused on the psychologi-cal, social and legal discussions of the topic, withan analysis of recent advances in technical solution-s for AI governance. By reviewing publications inleading AI conferences including AAAI, AAMAS,ECAI and IJCAI, we propose a taxonomy whichdivides the field into four areas: 1) exploring ethi-cal dilemmas; 2) individual ethical decision frame-works; 3) collective ethical decision frameworks;and 4) ethics in human-AI interactions. We high-light the intuitions and key techniques used in eachapproach, and discuss promising future research di-rections towards successful integration of ethicalAI systems into human societies.

1 IntroductionAs artificial intelligence (AI) technologies enter many ar-eas of our daily life [Cai et al., 2014; Shi et al., 2016;Pan et al., 2017; Zheng et al., 2018], the problem of ethi-cal decision-making, which has long been a grand challengefor AI [Wallach and Allen, 2008], has caught public atten-tion. A major source of public anxiety about AI, which tendsto be overreactions [Bryson and Kime, 2011], is related toartificial general intelligence (AGI) [Goertzel and Pennachin,2007] research aiming to develop AI with capabilities match-ing and eventually exceeding those of humans. A self-awareAGI [Dehaene et al., 2017] with superhuman capabilities isperceived by many as a source of existential risk to human-s. Although we are still decades away from AGI, existingautonomous systems (such as autonomous vehicles) alreadywarrant the AI research community to take a serious look intoincorporating ethical considerations into such systems.

According to [Cointe et al., 2016], ethics is a normativepractical philosophical discipline of how one should act to-wards others. It encompasses three dimensions:

1. Consequentialist ethics: an agent is ethical if and only ifit weighs the consequences of each choice and choosesthe option which has the most moral outcomes. It is al-so known as utilitarian ethics as the resulting decisionsoften aim to produce the best aggregate consequences.

2. Deontological ethics: an agent is ethical if and only ifit respects obligations, duties and rights related to givensituations. Agents with deontological ethics (also knownas duty ethics or obligation ethics) act in accordance toestablished social norms.

3. Virtue ethics: an agent is ethical if and only if it actsand thinks according to some moral values (e.g. bravery,justice, etc.). Agents with virtue ethics should exhibit aninner drive to be perceived favourably by others.

Ethical dilemmas refer to situations in which any availablechoice leads to infringing some accepted ethical principle andyet a decision has to be made [Kirkpatrick, 2015].

The AI research community realizes that machine ethic-s is a determining factor to the extent autonomous systemsare permitted to interact with humans. Therefore, researchworks focusing on technical approaches for enabling thesesystems to respect the rights of humans and only perfor-m actions that follow acceptable ethical principles have e-merged. Nevertheless, this topic remains unfamiliar to manyAI practitioners and is in need of an in-depth review. How-ever, existing survey papers on the topic of AI governancemostly focused on the psychological, social and legal aspect-s of the challenges [Arkin, 2016; Etzioni and Etzioni, 2017;Pavaloiu and Kose, 2017]. They do not shed light on tech-nical solutions to implement ethics in AI systems. The mostrecent survey on technical approaches for ethical AI decision-making was conducted in 2006 [Mclaren, 2006] and only cov-ered single agent decision-making approaches.

In this paper, we survey recent advances in techniques forincorporating ethics into AI to bridge this gap. We focus onrecent advances published in leading AI research conferences

Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18)


Page 2: Building Ethics into Artificial Intelligence · articial general intelligence (AGI)[Goertzel and Pennachin, 2007] research aiming to develop AI with capabilities match-ing and eventually

Exploring Ethical Individual Ethical Collective Ethical Ethics in Human-AIDilemmas Decision Frameworks Decision Frameworks Interactions

[Anderson and Anderson, 2014] [Dehghani et al., 2008] [Singh, 2014; 2015] [Battaglino and Damiano, 2015][Bonnefon et al., 2016] [Blass and Forbus, 2015] [Pagallo, 2016] [Stock et al., 2016]

[Sharif et al., 2017] [van Riemsdijk et al., 2015] [Greene et al., 2016] [Luckin, 2017][Cointe et al., 2016] [Noothigattu et al., 2018] [Yu et al., 2017b]

[Conitzer et al., 2017][Berreby et al., 2017][Loreggia et al., 2018]

[Wu and Lin, 2018]

Table 1: A taxonomy of AI governance techniques.

including AAAI, AAMAS, ECAI and IJCAI, as well as ar-ticles from well-known journals. We propose a taxonomywhich divides the field into four areas (Table 1):

1. Exploring Ethical Dilemmas: technical systems en-abling the AI research community to understand humanpreferences on various ethical dilemmas;

2. Individual Ethical Decision Frameworks: generaliz-able decision-making mechanisms enabling individualagents to judge the ethics of its own actions and the ac-tions of other agents under given contexts;

3. Collective Ethical Decision Frameworks: generalizabledecision-making mechanisms enabling multiple agentsto reach a collective decision that is ethical; and

4. Ethics in Human-AI Interactions: frameworks that in-corporate ethical considerations into agents which aredesigned to influence human behaviours.

Promising future research directions which may enable ethi-cal AI systems to be successfully integrated into human soci-eties are discussed at the end.

2 Exploring Ethical DilemmasIn order to build AI systems that behave ethically, the firststep is to explore the ethical dilemmas in the target applica-tion scenarios. Recently, software tools based on expert re-view and crowdsourcing have emerged to serve this purpose.

In [Anderson and Anderson, 2014], the authors proposedthe GenEth ethical dilemma analyzer. They realized thatethical issues related to intelligent systems are likely to ex-ceed the grasp of the original system designers, and designedGenEth to include ethicists into the discussion process in or-der to codify ethical principles in given application domain-s. The authors proposed a set of representation schemas forframing the discussions on AI ethics. It includes:

1. Features: denoting the presence or absence of factors(e.g., harm, benefit) with integer values;

2. Duties: denoting the responsibility of an agent to mini-mize/maximize a given feature;

3. Actions: denoting whether an action satisfies or violatescertain duties as an integer tuple;

4. Cases: used to compare pairs of actions on their collec-tive ethical impact; and

5. Principles: denoting the ethical preference among dif-ferent actions as a tuple of integer tuples.

GenEth provides a graphical user interface for discussing eth-ical dilemmas in a given scenario, and applies inductive logicprogramming to infer principles of ethical actions.

Whereas GenEth can be regarded as an ethical dilemmaexploration tool based on expert review, the Moral Machineproject ( from MassachusettsInstitute of Technology (MIT) leverages the wisdom of thecrowd to find resolutions for ethical dilemmas. The MoralMachine project focuses on studying the perception of au-tonomous vehicles (AVs) which are controlled by AI and hasthe potential to harm pedestrians and/or passengers if theymalfunction. When a human driver who has used due cautionencounters an accident, the instinct for self-preservation cou-pled with limited time for decision-making makes it hard toblame him/her for hurting others on ethical grounds. How-ever, when the role of driving is delegated to an AI system,ethics becomes an unavoidable focal point of AV research s-ince designers have the time to program logics for makingdecisions under various accident scenarios.

The Moral Machine project allows participants to judgevarious ethical dilemmas facing AVs which have malfunc-tioned, and select which outcomes they prefer. Then, thedecisions are analyzed according to different considerationsincluding: 1) saving more lives, 2) protecting passengers, 3)upholding the law, 4) avoiding intervention, 5) gender prefer-ence, 6) species preference, 7) age preference, and 8) socialvalue preference. The project also provides a user interfacefor participants to design their own ethical dilemmas to elicitopinions from others.

Based on feedbacks from 3 million participants, the MoralMachine project found that people generally prefer the AV tomake sacrifices if more lives can be saved. If an AV can savemore pedestrian lives by killing its passenger, more peopleprefer others’ AVs to have this feature rather than their ownAVs [Bonnefon et al., 2016; Sharif et al., 2017]. Nevethe-less, self-reported preferences often do not align well withactual behaviours [Zell and Krizan, 2014]. Thus, how muchthe findings reflect actual choices is still an open question.There are also suggestions from others that under such ethicaldilemmas, decisions should be made in a random fashion (i.e.let fate decide) possibly based on considerations in [Broome,1984], while there are also calls for AVs to be segregated fromhuman traffic [Bonnefon et al., 2016]. Such diverse opinionsunderscore the challenge of automated decision-making un-der ethical dilemmas.

Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18)


Page 3: Building Ethics into Artificial Intelligence · articial general intelligence (AGI)[Goertzel and Pennachin, 2007] research aiming to develop AI with capabilities match-ing and eventually

3 Individual Ethical Decision Frameworks

When it comes to ethical decision-making in AI systems, theAI research community largely agrees that generalized frame-works are preferred over ad-hoc rules. Flexible incorporationof norms into AI to enable ethical user and prevent unethicaluse is useful since ethical bounds can be contextual and dif-ficult to define as design time. Nevertheless, if updates areprovided by people, some review mechanisms should be putin place to prevent abuse [van Riemsdijk et al., 2015].

In [Dehghani et al., 2008], the authors observed that moraldecision-making by humans not only involves utilitarian con-siderations, but also moral rules. These rules are acquiredfrom past example cases and are often culturally sensitive.Such rules often involve protected values (a.k.a. sacred val-ues), which morally forbids the commitment of certain ac-tions regardless of consequences (e.g., the act of attemptingto murder is morally unacceptable regardless the outcome).The authors proposed MoralDM which enables an agent toresolve ethical dilemmas by leveraging on two mechanism-s: 1) first-principles reasoning, which makes decisions basedon well-established ethical rules (e.g., protected values); and2) analogical reasoning, which compares a given scenario topast resolved similar cases to aid decision-making. As thenumber of resolved cases increases, the exhaustive compar-ison approach by MoralDM is expected to become compu-tationally intractable. Thus, in [Blass and Forbus, 2015],MoralDM is extended with structure mapping which trims thesearch space by computing the correspondences, candidateinferences and similarity scores between cases to improve theefficiency of analogical generalization.

A framework that enables agents to make judgements onthe ethics of its own and other agents’ actions was proposedin [Cointe et al., 2016]. It contains representations of ethic-s based on theories of good and theories of right, and ethi-cal judgement processes based on awareness and evaluation.The proposed agent ethical judgement process is based on theBelief-Desire-Intention (BDI) agent mental model [Rao andGeorgeff, 1995]. To judge the ethics of an agent’s own action-s, the awareness process generates the beliefs that describethe current situation facing the agent and the goals of the a-gent. Based on the beliefs and goals, the evaluation processgenerates the set of possible actions and desirable actions.The goodness process then computes the set of ethical actionsbased on the agent’s beliefs, desires, actions, and moral valuerules. Finally, the rightness process evaluates whether or notexecuting a possible action is right under the current situationand selects an action which satisfies the rightfulness require-ment. When making ethical judgements on other agents, thisprocess is further adapted to the conditions of: 1) blind ethi-cal judgement (the given agent’s state and knowledge are un-known); 2) partially informed ethical judgement (with someinformation about a given agent’s state and knowledge); and3) fully informed ethical judgement (with complete informa-tion about a given agent’s state and knowledge). Neverthe-less, the current framework has no quantitative measure ofhow far a behaviour is from rightfulness or goodness.

In [Conitzer et al., 2017], the authors proposed two pos-sible ways towards developing a general ethical decision-

making framework for AI based on game theory and machinelearning, respectively. For the game theory based framework,the authors suggest the extensive form (a generalization ofgame trees) as a foundation scheme to represent dilemmas.As the current extensive form does not account for protectedvalues in which an action can be treated as unethical regard-less of its consequence, the authors proposed to extend the ex-tensive form representation with passive actions for agents toselect in order to be ethical. For machine learning based ethi-cal decision-making, the key approach is to classify whether agiven action under a given scenario is morally right or wrong.In order to achieve this goal, well-labeled training data, possi-bly from human judgements, should be acquired. The MoralMachine project mentioned in the previous section could bea possible source of such data, although we may have totake into account potential inconsistencies as a result of cul-tural backgrounds and other factors before using such datafor training. The main challenge in machine learning basedmoral decision-making is to design a generalizable represen-tation of ethical dilemmas. Existing approaches which iden-tify nuanced features based on insights into particular appli-cation scenarios may not be enough for this purpose. The au-thors suggest leveraging psychological frameworks of moralfoundation (e.g., harm/care, fairness/reciprocity, loyalty, au-thority and purity) [Clifford et al., 2015] as bases for devel-oping a generalizable representation of ethical dilemmas formachine learning-based approaches. Game theory and ma-chine learning can be combined into one framework in whichgame theoretic analysis of ethics is used as a feature to trainmachine learning approaches, while machine learning helpsgame theory identify ethical aspects which are overlooked.

Ethics requirements are often exogenous to AI agents.Thus, there needs to be some ways to reconcile ethics require-ments with the agents’ endogenous subjective preferences inorder to make ethically aligned decisions. In [Loreggia etal., 2018], the authors proposed an approach to leverage theCP-net formalism to represent the exogenous ethics priori-ties and endogenous subjective preferences. The authors fur-ther established a notion of distance between CP-nets so asto enable AI agents to make decisions using their subjec-tive preferences if they are close enough to the ethical princi-ples. This approach helps AI agents balance between fulfill-ing their preferences and following ethical requirements.

So far, the decision-making frameworks with ethical andmoral considerations reviewed put the burden of codifyingethics on AI system developers. The information on what ismorally right or wrong has to be incorporated into the AI en-gine during the development phase. In [Berreby et al., 2017],the authors proposed a high level action language for design-ing ethical agents in an attempt to shift the burden of moralreasoning to the autonomous agents. The framework collect-s action, event and situation information to enable an agentto simulate the outcome of various courses of actions. Theevent traces are then passed to the causal engine to producecausal traces. The ethical specifications and priority of ethi-cal considerations under a given situation are used to computethe goodness assessment on the consequences. These outputsare then combined with deontological specifications (duties,obligations, rights) to produce a final rightfulness assessment.

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The framework is implemented with answer set programming[Lifschitz, 2008]. It has been shown to be able to generaterules to enable agents to decide and explain their actions, andreason about other agents’ actions on ethical grounds.

Reinforcement learning (RL) [Sutton and Barto, 1998] isone of the commonly used decision-making mechanisms inAI. In [Wu and Lin, 2018], the authors investigated how toenable RL to take ethics into account. Leveraging on thewell-established technique of reward shaping in RL which in-corporates prior knowledge into the reward function to speedup the learning process, the authors proposed the ethics shap-ing approach to incorporate ethical values into RL. By as-suming that the majority of observed human behaviours areethical, the proposed approach learns ethical shaping policiesfrom available human behaviour data in given application do-mains. The ethics shaping function rewards positive ethicaldecisions, punishes negative ethical decisions, and remainsneutral when ethical considerations are not involved. Similarin spirit to [Berreby et al., 2017], by separating ethics shapingfrom the RL reward function design, the proposed approachaims to shift the burden of codifying ethics away from RLdesigners so that they do not need to be well-versed in ethicaldecision-making in order to develop ethical RL systems.

4 Collective Ethical Decision FrameworksBy enabling individual agents to behave ethically and judgethe ethics of other agents’ actions, is it enough to create asociety of well coordinated and collaborative agents actingwith human wellbeing as their primary concern? In [Pagallo,2016], the author believes that this is not enough. The authoradvocates the need of primary rules governing social normsand allowing the creation, modification and suppression ofthe primary rules with secondary rules as situations evolve. Inthis section, we focus on decision-making frameworks whichhelp a collective of autonomous entities (including agents andhumans) to select ethical actions together.

In [Singh, 2014; 2015], the author proposed a frameworkthat uses social norms to govern autonomous entities’ (e.g.,AI agents’ or human beings’) behaviours. Such an approachis inherently distributed rather than relying on a central au-thority. Individuals maintain their autonomy through exe-cuting their own decision policies, but are subjected to so-cial norms defined by the collective through roles (which re-quire qualifications from individuals, grant them privileges,and impose penalties if they misbehave). Social norms aredefined through a template containing codified commitment,authorization, prohibition, sanction and power. The individ-uals then form a network of trust based on reputation mod-elling techniques [Yu et al., 2010; 2013] to achieve collectiveself-governance through dynamic interactions.

In [Greene et al., 2016], the authors envisioned a possibleway forward to enable human-agent collectives [Jennings etal., 2014] to make ethical collective decisions. By imbuingindividual agents with ethical decision-making mechanisms(such as those mentioned in the previous section), a popu-lation of agents can take on different roles when evaluatingchoices of action with moral considerations in a given sce-nario. For instance, some agents may evaluate deontological

ethics. Others may evaluate consequentialist ethics and virtueethics. Based on a set of initial ethics rules, more complexrules can be acquired gradually through learning. Their eval-uations, manifested in the form of preferences and limited byfeasibility constraints, can be aggregated to reach a collectivedecision on the choices of actions by leveraging advances inthe preference aggregation and multi-agent voting literature.

Nevertheless, the authors of [Greene et al., 2016] also high-lighted the need for new forms of preference representation incollective ethical decision-making. When dealing with ethi-cal decision-making, the potential candidate actions to choosefrom can vastly outnumber the number of agents involvedwhich is very different from multi-agent voting scenarios.Moreover, the candidate actions may not be independent fromeach other, some of them may share certain features whichdescribe their ethical dilemma situations. Preference infor-mation by agents on actions may be missing or imprecisewhich introduces uncertainty into the decision-making pro-cess. These challenges need to be resolved towards collectiveethical decision-making with AI.

Following up on this vision, [Noothigattu et al., 2018] pro-posed a voting-based system for autonomous entities to makecollective ethical decisions. The proposed approach lever-ages data collected from the Moral Machine project. Self-reported preference over different outcomes under diverseethical dilemmas are used to learn models of preference forthe human voters over different alternative outcomes. Theseindividual models are then summarized to form a model thatapproximates the collective preference of all voters. Theauthors introduced the concept of swap-dominance1 whenranking alternatives to form a model of ethical preferences.When new decisions need to be made, the summarized mod-el is used to compute a collective decision that results in thebest possible outcome (i.e. satisfying consequentialist ethic-s). This is made efficient with the swap-dominance property.

5 Ethics in Human-AI InteractionsIn AI applications which attempt to influence people’s be-haviours, the principles established by the Belmont Report[Bel, 1978] for behavioural sciences have been suggestedto be a starting point for ensuring ethics [Luckin, 2017;Yu et al., 2017b]. The principles include three key require-ments: 1) people’s personal autonomy should not be vio-lated (they should be able to maintain their free will wheninteracting with the technology); 2) benefits brought aboutby the technology should outweigh risks; and 3) the benefitsand risks should be distributed fairly among the users (peo-ple should not be discriminated based on their personal back-grounds such as race, gender and religion). The challengeof measuring benefits and risks remains open for applicationdesigners albeit the IEEE Ethically Aligned Design guide-lines can be a useful starting point [IEEE, 2018]. Human cen-tric values have been incorporated into the objective functions

1Assuming everything else is fixed, an outcome a swap-dominates another outcome b if every ranking which ranks a higherthan b has a weight which is equal to or larger than rankings thatrank b higher than a.

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Page 5: Building Ethics into Artificial Intelligence · articial general intelligence (AGI)[Goertzel and Pennachin, 2007] research aiming to develop AI with capabilities match-ing and eventually

of recent AI-powered algorithmic crowdsourcing approaches[Yu et al., 2016; 2017a; 2017c].

One of the application areas in which AI attempts to influ-ence people’s behaviours is persuasion agents [Kang et al.,2015; Rosenfeld and Kraus, 2016]. In [Stock et al., 2016],the authors conducted a large-scale study to investigate hu-man perceptions on the ethics of persuasion by an AI agent.The ethical dilemma used is the trolley scenario which in-volves making a participant actively cause harm to an inno-cent bystander by pushing him on to the train track in or-der to save the lives of five people. It is a consequentialistethical outcome which requires the decision-maker to violatea sacred value (i.e. one shall not kill). The authors testedthree persuasive strategies: 1) appealing to the participantsemotionally; 2) presenting the participants with utilitarian ar-guments; and 3) lying. The three strategies are delivered tosome participants by a person playing the role of an authority(the station master of the train station) and by a persuasionagent. The results suggested that participants hold a strongpreconceived negative attitude towards the persuasion agent,and argumentation-based and lying-based persuasion strate-gies work better than emotional persuasion strategies. Thefindings did not show significant variation across genders orcultures. The study suggests that the adoption of persuasionstrategies should take into account differences in individualpersonality, ethical attitude and expertise in the given domain.

Although emotional appeals may not be an effective per-suasive strategy under ethical dilemmas, ethically appropri-ate emotional responses from agents can enhance human-AIinteraction. In [Battaglino and Damiano, 2015], an approachbased on the Coping Theory [Marsella and Gratch, 2003] toallow agents to deal with strong negative emotions by chang-ing the appraisal of the given situation was proposed. Theagent assesses the ethical effects of its own actions and otheragents’ actions. If its own action violates a given moral value,the shame emotion is triggered which serves to lower the pri-ority of continuing with the given action. If another agent’saction violates a given moral value, the reproach emotion istriggered in the observing agent which serves to increase so-cial distance with the given agent (e.g., by reducing trust [Liuet al., 2013]). The ethical decision-making process is similarto existing individual ethical decision frameworks. The trig-gering of emotions serves as an implicit reward for the agentand facilitates communications with humans in the loop.

6 Discussions and Future ResearchBased on recent advances in AI governance techniques, it ap-pears that most work focused on developing generalizable in-dividual ethical decision frameworks combining rule-basedand example-based approaches to resolving ethical dilemmas.In order to learn appropriate rules from examples of ethicaldecision-making by humans, more work on collecting dataabout various ethical dilemmas from people with differentcultural backgrounds is required. Works on collective eth-ical decision-making based on multi-agent voting have alsoappeared, but much work is still needed to design mecha-nisms to represent ethical preferences by agents. How AI canact ethically when making recommendations to humans and

express their ethical judgements affectively are the curren-t foci of ethical human-AI interaction research. In addition,AI engineers need to engage more with the ethics and deci-sion making communities. These people want to help and theAI research community be reaching out to them to leveragetheir expertise in the pursuit of ethical AI technologies. Sincesuch AI technologies as autonomous vehicles, autonomousweapons, and cryptocurrencies are becoming a reality and af-fecting societies, a global and unified AI regulatory frame-work needs to be established as soon as possible to addressthe ethical issues by drawing on interdisciplinary expertise[Erdelyi and Goldsmith, 2018].

In order for ethics to be built into AI, [Burton et al., 2017;Goldsmith and Burton, 2017] advocate that ethics should bepart of the AI curricula. This is based on the observationthat consequentialist ethics (or ethics based on the utilitar-ian analysis of possible outcomes) is most closely relatedto the decision-theoretic frame of mind familiar to today’sAI researchers. Deontological ethics (or rule-based ethic-s) and virtue ethics are less familiar among AI researchers.Understanding deontological ethics can help AI researchersdetermine which rules are more fundamental and, therefore,should take priority in an ethical decision framework. Under-standing virtue ethics, which concerns questions on whomone wishes to become, can help AI researchers frame ethicaldiscussions in the context of changing social conditions (pos-sibly brought on by AI technologies) and guide the incorpo-ration of ethics into AI which shape the paths of learning.Learning materials on these different dimensions of ethicscould help AI researchers understand more clearly the topicof ethical decision-making and steer the field of AI towardsmore emphasis on ethical interactions with humans.

From this survey, we envision several possible future re-search directions which can impact this field going for-ward. Firstly, the current mechanism of crowdsourcing self-reported preference on ethical dilemmas, such as the MoralMachine project, has its limitations. Self-reported prefer-ences have been shown to deviate from actual choice be-haviours. Researchers from multiple disciplines need to con-duct social-systems analysis [Crawford and Calo, 2016] of AIin order to understand the impact of AI under different social,cultural and political settings. There may be opportunitiesfor transfer learning [Pan and Yang, 2010] to be applied inthis case to model different ethics due to diversities in cultureand other aspects. The insights from such studies can com-plement crowdsourced human preference data when buildingcomputational models of human ethics. In addition, they mayalso help AI researchers establish coherent utility functionsfrom apparently inconsistent human ethical judgements.

Secondly, with AI becoming increasingly ubiquitous in ourdaily life, we may need to consider revising our current socialcontracts. Research in this area will help us establish regula-tions about who is responsible when things go wrong with re-gard to AI, and how to monitor and enforce these regulations.This research direction is inherently dynamic and interdisci-plinary in nature as it must be updated with changing cultural,social, legal, philosophical and technological realities.

Thirdly, another important research area for ethicaldecision-making by AI is to enable AI to explain its decisions

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under the framework of human ethics. The challenge here isthat as deployed AI programs learn to update the decision-making logic, the AI designers may not be able to antic-ipate all outcomes at design time and may not understandthe decisions made by the AI entities later [Li et al., 2015;Venema, 2018]. Argumentation-based explainable AI [Fanand Toni, 2015; Langley et al., 2017] can be a good startingpoint for this purpose as it is well suited to the consequen-tialist ethics which is a commonly adopted approach for im-plementing AI ethics. Nevertheless, depending on how theexplanations are used, researchers need to strike a balance onthe level of details to be included. Full transparency may betoo overwhelming if the objective is to persuade a user to fol-low a time-critical recommendation, but can be useful as amechanism to trace the AI decision process afterwards. Onthe other hand, not enough transparency may hamper users’trust in the AI. AI researchers can borrow ideas from the fieldof mass communication to design proper trade-offs.

Lastly, incorporating ethics into AI systems will influencehuman-AI interaction dynamics. By knowing that AI deci-sions follow ethical principles, some people may adapt theirbehaviours in order to take advantage of this and render theAI systems unable to achieve their design objectives. For ex-ample, an ethical autonomous gun system (if there can besuch a thing) could be disabled by a child (who is general-ly regarded as a non-combatant and in need of protection)with a spray paint (which is generally not considered a lethalweapon) painting over the sensor system of the gun. In thiscase, Adversarial Game Theory [Vorobeychik et al., 2012]may need to be incorporated into future AI ethical decisionframeworks in order to enable AI to preserve the original de-sign objectives in the presence of strategic human behaviours.

AcknowledgementsThis research is supported by the National Research Foundation,Singapore under its IDM Futures Funding Initiative; the SingaporeMinistry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 1 (Grant No.:2017-T1-001-270); the Singapore Ministry of Health under its Na-tional Innovation Challenge on Active and Confident Ageing (NICProject No. MOH/NIC/COG04/2017); Nanyang Technological Uni-versity, Nanyang Assistant Professorship (NAP); and the NTU-PKUJoint Research Institute, a collaboration between Nanyang Techno-logical University and Peking University that is sponsored by a do-nation from the Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation.

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Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18)