by vicente ferrer in 1996 for the express purpose of raising · fundacion vicente ferrer (fvf) in...


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The funding for Kanekal hospital is sourced throughFundacion Vicente Ferrer (FVF) in Spain. FVF was establishedby Vicente Ferrer in 1996 for the express purpose of raising

awareness and funding for WDT's program. FVF celebrated its20th Anniversary 2 years ago. The Fundacion raises funds

through individuals, public institutions and projects. It holdsfund raising and awareness building events in Spain.

Good health facilities and quality health care are badly needed inremote rural areas. RDT's referral hospital of Bathalapalli is helpingKanekal hospital to give better service to people by sending on 1stThursday of every month a General Surgeon to conduct mainsurgeries. Bathalapalli hospital is also giving the services ofGynecologists to Kanekal hospital. One Gynecologist from Bathalapalliworks at Kanekal for the first 15 days of a month and anotherGynecologist from Bathalapalli works for the next 15 days of themonth. Thus Gynecologists' services are always available at Kanekal forsafe pregnancies, safe institutional deliveries and good post-natal care.Kanekal hospital also has reputation for good diabetic treatment. Theyalso have extensive collaboration with the government in the areas ofTuberculosis and counseling and testing programs of HIV/AIDS.Kanekal hospital is located in a place which is surrounded by interiorremote villages bordering Karnataka. The villages of Karnataka are alsoremote and backward. Thus it is a unique hospital providing qualityhealth care at affordable costs to the most needy areas on both sidesof the state border.





VISIONA Caring, just and

equitable society.

MISSIONEmpowering Rural

Communities in India andsupporting them in their

struggle to eradicate poverty,suffering and injustice.


Women Development Trustcaters mostly to the healthcare of mostly low incomegroups with special emphasison children, women, personswith disabilities and personswith HIV/AIDS. Besides medicaltreatment of patients, WDTalso focuses on healtheducation on how to preventdiseases and on nutrition. Theimportance of family supportto the sick, especially thosewith HIV/AIDS is stressed tothe persons who accompanypatients to WDT hospital.



Concernfor others

Pursuit ofexcellence

Reaching as manypoor as possible



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70% of the population lives in India's ruralareas but more than 70% of quality medicalfacilities and professionals are in the cities.

Over 40years, WDThas tried tobuild up and improve itsmedical services in the ruralareas.People in villages live on their daily wagesand if they have to leave the village andtravel when they are sick, they will lose

many days wage. Therefore, efficient goodquality health and medical services for ruralpeople is absolutely essential.For the last 14 years, WDT has built up arural based general hospital at Kanekal. Ithas 4 departments.

MedicineObstetrics & GynaecologyPaediatricsDental

Ophthalmology(An ophthalmologist from

Ananthapuram conducts cataract surgeriesevery 1st & 3rd Saturday.)

The hospital also has essentialsupporting departments such as Radiology,Laboratory & Physiotherapy.


Kanekal hospital takes pride in its diabetesprogram as it provides very efficient

treatment of diabetic patients and has ahigh number of diabetic patients visiting the

hospital. There is extensive collaboration with the

government in the areas of tuberculosis andcounselling and testing programs of


BreastFeeding Day was

celebrated on 4thAugust, 2017 with a rally

by the hospital staff along with the students andstaff of APSW Residential School and SriVidyanikethan School at Kanekal Cross, withslogans on the importance of mother's milk. About800 people participated in it. Messages were givento break common myths among parents about babymilk. People understood very well the importanceof breast milk.

Children's Day was celebrated on 14thNovember, 2017 by the paediatric section of thehospital. All the child inpatients & outpatients aswell as parents celebrated the day with decoratedballoons. A cake was cut and shared along with

some snacks among all thechildren and their parents. The

importance of child nutrition,vaccination and health care were explained

to the people.

HIV /AIDS Day was celebrated on 1stDecember, 2017. All hospital staff, patients andgeneral public attended. The importance of ART,nutrition for patients, family care, medicines,pregnancies & deliveries of HIV positive mothersand income generation activities for infected andaffected families were explained.

Mrs. Anne Ferrer, our Executive Directorgraced the occasion of our Hospital Annual Day on27th December, 2017. Apart from the hospital staff,the field staff and invitees from other RDT hospitalsalso shared our joy. Anne Ferrer narrated thejourney of RDT hospitals and asked the staff to beever more dedicated. The Hospital Directorexplained the efforts and outcomes of the hospitalduring the year.


There are totally 90 beds in thehospital.

There were 1,14,240 visits to theoutpatient department.

There were 7931 admissions to theinpatient department.

There were 26,892 visits to thepaediatric OP.

629 babies were admitted to NICU(Neo natal Intensive Care Unit).

There were 909 institutionaldeliveries.

There were 16,194 visits to dentalOP and 5199 dental surgeries.


The Story ofChikkannaiah

"I thought that a rural hospital like WDThospital at Kanekal will not giveadequate treatment to the

complicating side-effects of my diabetes. But Isoon realised that Kanekal hospital has not onlytreated me with compassion but they had perfectunderstanding of my medical problems andtreated them efficiently", says K. Chikkannaiah.He is 65 years old and from Adiganipalli village inRDT's Kanekal area. He came to Kanekal WDThospital with breathlessness and continuouscough. Blood investigations, ECG and X-ray weredone to him. Although Chikkannaiah did notreveal, the doctors diagnosed him to be havingdiabetes, chronic Kidney disease and pneumonia.He was immediately admitted. However, heexpressed his desire to go to Anantapur. Thehospital respected his opinion and discharged him.But soon dissatisfied with the treatment in thecity, he came back to Kanekal WDT hospital. Thenhe was treated with compassion and all theappropriate medication for all his complications.He remained in the hospital for a week and wasdischarged after his condition became normal.Since then, his faith in Kanekal hospital increased.He now comes to the hospital for regular followup.


10 ANNUAL REPORT 2017-18

11 ANNUAL REPORT 2017-18