clait.jls credit .for · . my...

' t ' ' ' ' . , ' {) l ' . ' " " , I i " ' '' . '' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' '' 0 1 ' 0 1 " ' ' ' ik ., ' ' ' Clait.JlS Credit .for · . my Tank H British Captarn Says Great War Weilpon Was Invented by Him In 1914. GOT FROM mCHENER ' . Credlt for Invention Hat Claimed In Many Qunrte..., Notably by Win· 1ton Chun:hiii-Queatlon In ParllamenL London.-ono of tho rroll.v new ti'«!Pillli:J tho liJto wnr developed tl'tllJ tho tnnlt, <m.'lllt tOl' thlo lbven· , tlon bllll been f.t\lrood ln mney qnar·,r tor '\VJilllton Oburc.blU, now c:olonftll wbo ml.o cold to hnve It to Mr. oQ 3d'ilu!it1 G. ltllG. · • • France. Go aown, hove n look nl It lllld tell roo What you tWnk about lt." Ooptnln lllld Colonel FlU:· scrold lnept!(ted tho Cllr tor about 0\·o end tbcn returned. "Well 1" Kltchener nDlted. "It'o no tor your purpoae," Cap- tnln Bentley c:Ud. "You cllD't toho It o!l o I'Cl:ld,'• ''Eltllctly," 11:1ld Lord KltcbCD<'r. "M.y om (Jllllllon. cnn roo de- alan me cmo ot the rtcht tTPC? lt'o Ul'ltellL I.illt: Jne bovo It tomorrow." Ctll)tnln Dc.?tloy, It mll:tht bo mt"D· Uoll'O(\ 'm\8 otlo or tho ot mo- tor lie bnd driven automo ln mwtco. ond llnd c!t>Yoted conaldcrnblo Ul:Qo to U•o oucmp' to dovelop o( 11\tltor vcblde!l ault· nblo to llJid \'Ji'g'ln n•untey. llc went homo to work (lUI lbo or rho catcrplllnr ttuctor no It woulcl bt• ap- plied 10 on Dnnl)llejl <'!lr• On tbo ovClllag of OctoiiEr Cnp. tntn lk!ntll!)' wcmt ·o Lard Kltdlenua bollllO In Carlton onr<Ul1111. At tin.> vnd ,, I' . . . ''' t ,, ' l J ' • ' . ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' Now tho Momtns eomb forth tJJlb II elalm tor Lord Wtcllcnor nnd a Ctlptalo Dcnlley, under tJbo::o Joint oaOilJ)Ice11, tbo ncmn, the nm tntJh tJnn The con- trvvcmy lull! como ro llaht QliOliJ throuab lbo lnnblUty of Coptotn &nt· loy to obtnlq from tbo umlro a.t7nrd commlltc9 ot tbe wnr omco any n'\Tord or romiJfnc:lUoo Cor bla '\TOt'lr. AMERICAS ARE JOINED BY RADIO Tbo real ctoey of tlle of lbC! tnnlt. ncrordlna to the :Morning Poat. Ia tbl11: On October 19, 1014, Cnptnln Joy hnd retoml!a to EDalond from obrond to ol1er hlm!U!If to't cerv· lm The nat dey be rttdved a tele- phone cnll from Colonel Fltzccruld. mtlltnJ7 I:Cffetnry to Lard Kltehencr, dlrccttna biJD to report at tbe war of· fife In WbftebnlL When ht>J .arrived tbero be m111 tnlten to Lord Kllchcnor, under wbom ho hnd In Scmtll Alrlen QDIJ to -whom be gona 1ri'en known. ReaJ Otnry o1 Ttlnk. Kltchener, the Atory nmu, blm a11 : ' .DoWillltnlm, In the qtmdrnngle, thl!re'u nn armored ror Wool\?lcb brul mode for me. It'll the remtlt of rho united bmlnD of the o.rmy and llJlvY We want It for' thiD Which tbeYVU to : Proud Jap Battlenhip, : : Facing Scrnp Pile, Sinks : ... . ; = Japon.-The old' tl:Jttle- : : ship Sutto, fotmerl,v tM Pob!e- : f an_ Wp!$ Tczo'll f : C!lnk llf tho to Port At- : , thor narbt-:t C'll illll -<tJtlrrdlft cf' 11 : lh!l RtruO:>iltJ!:WiltG war lli.l(JM. : ' :tUld w'hleb rnrzed. rellttetJ t : cmll llamc4. liaa rnet c : end. Sbo wnG ller nrmo· 1 ment rvm\ttC4 . to : ; 1:J('l'OpiJ1na wben e!lo GUddenJy : tl.!ifcd fitld 16 'tfCEti t'ilter. : .L .. 0 ... " Five Stations to Bridge 2,000 M!le3 Between Continents. Two Ola CcmpDnlco' Ptaca Ordoro for Equipment Planned to Form NOVI Air Linea of Ccmmunleatlon In Centr.ll America. - NetT thl' Amertl'ru! by fivo broodcourtnu radio atntlonn. o ol wblcb will be eroctoo Ill tht> Cntroo Stnll>JJ and lbn-e Ill Ceutrnl Am<'rlca. each wttll o rndltl!l of 2.000 mUt'll, In tng contcmploted by two blg trefltern companlcg, the Unltoo Fruit romp;lDJ nnd the Troplcol Rndlo com· Ol'd('J'II tor the lltaUollll bn..-e been plAted, t::l)'ll an tumounC'Imlent from lbo Rndlo OorvoruUcro of Amer· len. The termiDnlo Ill the Onltcd Slntl'll of tho propo::l!d s;yctem wiD ba at No"" Orlrono, lA. tJbero the EJre:calt 11tnt1on of tho TropSenJ llndlo Tcle!P'llph com. pnny I!J to ba cnlaro:OO. and .(lt Mloml. Uln.. a nm;o C10Ucn tJIU ba @Do lltnlctcd by lha campany, Tba t.hree lltl:ltloruJ ln tba cootbem vart of the croup wm bo lcirotoo at lllo cornera Gf n trfntJgle enbrucing Bon- dtmlll, Nlt'!lrngm and nt tha copltnl of Hondurtll1. Tbe.;e lltntl«r...!J will eonnGCt <:ttth tha ctntlml of tbQ Untted Fruit ccmp::ul.i" at Almfrnntl\ Pnnnma. OommoolcntiDD between tba:e five ctntfona ood llhiJ,Ho-cOOro rommnnlen- Uona wftb them will up ootlrcly new routl!3 IJf tnterccurci' betwat!:l thc.- Amerlcail. ODO Of l7h1cb WltJ the opSilntt ..11 tl rudlo rrotn ColombJa, &outb ond thu United The nrm 1!1Ylbmced by UIC five ' tJOllJI t'O'I't'ru 1'.4.000 mllt'll. wltb n Dt't t;"ork nt 11malle7 otolloiUI jolnlna tho !lve lpDln offif'1111 at lbt' lnrjlPr SXIPJI. In tbe C'Uw of thA atn tlon, tbe> 4c:>llroll:' rnllln nDII lltool alrd"m to build lb.. •In lion mw;t be ITOO!IJIOrtOO 0\'1.'1' QD liD-milo mountain 11'!111. 'l"hlo Gllltloo a-111 1w Nmvletro by 1. 1022. 11 lA p!annGtl. ------ BURIAL RITUAL BY WIRELESS Ohlp Captain Didn't H11vo Pr11yar Oook, Go Ho Sondo Out Coli for Holp. - UVI!rJIOOI.-Tbem ltnn> t..wl1 m:my otoriE'.ll of tbP lllf!lll!ll' Wll'll to whlrb Wln!le1m communlcoUon hnn l>et'tl put on tho blab but lbe eunnrd liner carmnnln brongbt In o net!' on<' on 1102' nrrlvtll bert> trom Nt>W Ynr!t. Whllil ofl ·tb" Irt11h ro:urt tbe lltmr'11 opwatcr plc:kl'd tl!J a tne={lc tbat tbe rlttlnl for bu¢11 at ceo be cent Ill tun. 'l'be atrunge feQUI'lJt mmt> tram the Canolllrul sovcmmmt er Co.n::ldlon Trooper, wbwe coptaln tmmd ha h:l(l no IJf'IITer book \"''beo I'Olltronted wttb the of bury· Jug one of the Qrem('ll nl tten. Tim CnrmllDio uupplled bill Pieka Three'IOII Applea. locL--'l'broo lnrue OJiflleG pldt«l rocet1tl7 by lohD &nz trnm trl!"'& In bill orcllnrd near Pilot Kn(lb. TJ;e,. lall;l'eat meamzrnd t5 LiJchGJJ ln Citcutn{e!'t';l('U Md Wl!fgbe<J n ponntl. 'E:be .i:al!On4 menaurcd 14 ana rrelgbed 14 ounl.'etl, Qnd tile thftd Wl!fgb!ld li'J OUD<"elJ lllid tne:lllt1relf i3 Th!l nppleg werll- Pfcl:ed n month lxltore they wonltl hnva riJ}tned. 0 •' ., . '. . ' . ,, ' . \ ' ' . ' ' . ' ' ' ' I ' -' 1 .\ ' ,, ,' •' ·:. ,• I •' ... ·'·"' ' "' '. . ' ' ' ... .. jHI '•' \r ' 1 f .Y, ', y ' . THE PAST WEEK a RECOBO OP IMPORTANT iWllNTO . . ' FOR BUSY PJPpt.e. " -.. .._. _______ ...... ___ ·-o < ' '', ' ' ' l " ' I , ' .. r- 1 ' I ' ,., , 'd l' ' ' - ' .,., I ' ' ' Southwest News ' From Ali'Over o. ' New Mexico 4ndArizona ., ' ' ' . ' ' . lATEST· MARKET' UOTAIIONS. h --.::...-.Fumt•ll.e.l) tl7 , " ' U. S. BUREAU OF'IIAIUTS' Wa1bington. J). o. Qnl-. Clotslng lp CIUc;Q.!rO clUb ltNot• No. 0 red \VIDtcr wheat. fl.U:. o. ll herd \vlntor wheat. 11.08: No. i mN corp, 6Gol No. a :rol!qw c:orc, ••a: o. ll wblto oata. 801). .IWOI'tllrO ta.rm prlco: No. 3 mixed corn 111 cenU.\. Iowa about 53c. Cloalna tuturo prtee•: Chlco.lfo Occombor wllell.t. $1.00'11: c;:hl· Deee111bor corn. D(l'l1e: l'Jianc;Q.poll.4o nccembcr 81.04liot IC!InDaa CitY' De«bmbar wheal. WlonlpOif Dl;• ca>m "' w beet. 97l!.o. Dalr7 l'rcdue1 .. Dutter merltct firm. ll'llnrv (loo\lll- htiVo been acarcc and tbo chortono ba. hbold up price<>. Cloalnll' prlcca. OU ceor. utter: Now York 4llc. Cblellse Phllo.dalpbla 4llc, ltootqo U Mtc:. Cbcooo firm. Tradlnlt tNriT Q<Jtlve. Cbooao prlccc> on WIDcoDJ>la. primary mculteto: Twlna dc.lcle.. .rourus Amor1<:4n IS I "a, aqunro prtato %1llc. ' ll'rulta oad ve.otalblh. Prlcca Now Jeroo;v &><>t4toe'!o lfl&f!la. . liDo to Ill In city marltatD. Olio to L o. b. ohlpplnll pointe. .Mo.lno cnbblonL bulk atucJt, Now York, aGo to Ooo; firm at DLI<t to GOo t. o. b &olscd Oreon Mountolna rtrm In Do.atoo 11.10. Nurthorn round \Yblloa, U.Jtl to ll.llOo mid· Woctorn mo.rhota. Ol to OUO t. o. IJ. Wla<:oncln pointe. ldobo ruma.,· 60o t. 0. b. ldoho lo'nll<>. l:::llOlCirll )'OIIO\Y ll'IObo. onlon.ct, U.ID to ULI por IOO.pouncl Cll(llt. 'mlddlo waatorn. U.GO to llp:an)DJI vnloncloa, II to U por erato. AJ)pJ"" atron1.1. Now ltork woallbv• and oUlor rod ond !"'ilow vorlolleo, II· to el.llll par b4rrol Ill lcadlna: dty Cl.M'- Ilolo. Mid· Wcotcm Joaotb4no ant2- wcalth11-. U lo U hiiJb point C!blo:ASQ. a•cmnpyiVOilla Jonathana, u.oo to .. Ia J>bJiadClltblo.. "'No.v York domoaUo c;ab- baao, IJ to UG per ton bulk 111 loa4· 1oa 1:11&.1' 9111. Wloel)ncln dorocaUc '<'hkaan. uo to uo tlt. Lonta. No't"l Y orll clbortA buo!lol b<:u>ltota. up IOo to DGo In lcadln&r CIUitorn cltl- at 08.1l0 to U. .,.co.lwr In tho Ulddlo-' Wool 11t OJ.r.o to U. ULG.h albortaa •• 81.tG to $ll.D6 In c:llloa of tho Ccnt,..L. \\'col. biUikoto. ate<>d7 nt DG<l eo Uo. LJye IICqck oaCI lllcrota. Oaptotnb•r :o <!hlt"!l4o prlc:ea 010; ut c:olaa. 07.76 to va... C.Dd aao4 beet GlCara f1.6G to 010.4G,:: butcbor cDwo anl1 boltor"' 8t to ID.60· otoorq. to 14-Jll; llahC and medium walabt vcnl «>IYOII. til to flll.16, tnt lomita. to Ut.OO. toed· I niT lambQ, 611 tc 8U, U lo au. ro.1 owoa. aa vn to 11.10. Tbo trond ur cll•t11rn fO'Ilb prtco• l>'tlll upwnrd. Prlcl:ll &roll<i m"ato Doof, 117 to OU, vco.L UO to U:O; lomb Ut to ono mutton. ttG to U 1; llrtbl porb lolna. abv to UO; hoGV7 fuiDDo GJ6 t<> &13. (loltoD. Opct cottnn prtc;u dcclla•d 47 r>elatA No"' Yorll tktobor tutu,., cuntr11cta do· clll'l"d tO Dt>lnta. !Jpet ce>Uoc oloGd ot :o Gllo poor pOund. Now Yorlt Oclobor futuro dnaod Dl 0\.0Jc. II OJ. t.larltot ll!lroiJ atvody In l'"..<>al but firm at Wutom morltoto. Jlt>t'aiJ'b not larqn but dornAnd alan limited. (•ountl'7 lolldlnao roportvd ll4bt. Quolt!d: No. 1 llmolhJ, No"' Yurb ID1, l'hlladDIPhlo. Uo l>ltl<luurah \10 ClnclllnDU Dtf. l•hJcAIIO ll!D. tlt. .<mla U AIJOtnPbhJ UI.CO. No. I altnlta IUIII#Oll (.'lty · tl O.llO UompbiA U4. GL l..outo OU No. I pnlrla. UaniiA• l"llY Ill Dll Ot l..oul• II'...,_ Uurlu•l nnn but hurlo" Df'Gil•nod o nd of Urnltrd •alum"' t•ottonoc:;9d meol II \CJ U biJlbar. otb•r fllt<4la undtan.acd to GO.. blabor J•rn<lu<'llon moot f«>do mcdof'llta.. tn""'a.a.Sna o11 ltn.•c;r.ed tncaL Quote>d C"hiC<lll"· apr1na bran D21.lGl!l mlddllnao DDJ U. Llnacc:a tr."DI Nov York OU f6 "'Inter bruo, Rl t..nulo uo: :a ront <'ntton .. uO<J moat. u .. ml>hlo Ull f"'nclnnnu 1134.40. Ululon. <"bi<Af!O UO !II t " ' ' . " ., . ' '' ' . II• ' ' t ' ' ' ' l . ' ' ' ... • ' ! ' ,, ! ' ' ' ifi! •. ' ' "': ;;. I' ' . ' l ' ' ' I :4. ' ' ,, ' " 0 . ' 1 ! \ ' .. ' ' ' ' i ; ' i, I I ' '' ' !'I l ' ' I l ' ' l ' ! ' ' ' ' l 1 ... . ' , av ! ' . ' . \ '. 0 ' ' . ' \.

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Page 1: Clait.JlS Credit .for · . my · mw;t be ITOO!IJIOrtOO 0\'1.'1' QD liD-milo mountain 11'!111. 'l"hlo Gllltloo


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Clait.JlS Credit .for · . my Tank

• H

British Captarn Says Great War Weilpon Was Invented by

Him In 1914.


' . Credlt for Invention Hat Be~n Claimed

In Many Qunrte..., Notably by Win· 1ton Chun:hiii-Queatlon In


London.-ono of tho ~w rroll.v new ti'«!Pillli:J t~1Ueb tho liJto wnr developed tl'tllJ tho tnnlt, <m.'lllt tOl' thlo lbven·

, tlon bllll been f.t\lrood ln mney qnar·,r tor '\VJilllton Oburc.blU, now c:olonftll ~~mtllr7. wbo ml.o cold to hnve ~o~mlttol,t It to Mr. ~ollb oQ 3d'ilu!it1 G. ltllG. · • •

France. Go aown, hove n look nl It lllld tell roo What you tWnk about lt."

Ooptnln ~ntley lllld Colonel FlU:· scrold lnept!(ted tho Cllr tor about 0\·o mlnutc:,~ end tbcn returned.

"Well 1" Kltchener nDlted. "It'o no ~OQIJ tor your purpoae," Cap­

tnln Bentley c:Ud. "You cllD't toho It o!l o I'Cl:ld,'•

''Eltllctly," 11:1ld Lord KltcbCD<'r. "M.y om (Jllllllon. ;~em. cnn roo de­alan me cmo ot the rtcht tTPC? lt'o Ul'ltellL I.illt: Jne bovo It tomorrow."

Ctll)tnln Dc.?tloy, It mll:tht bo mt"D· Uoll'O(\ 'm\8 otlo or tho ploo~s ot mo­tor trd~,rt. lie bnd driven automo biiC~:J ln ~~nndf mwtco. ond llnd c!t>Yoted conaldcrnblo Ul:Qo to U•o oucmp' to dovelop tyt~~ o( 11\tltor vcblde!l ault· nblo to 1'011~ llJid \'Ji'g'ln n•untey. llc went homo to work (lUI lbo ld~ or rho catcrplllnr ttuctor no It woulcl bt• ap­plied 10 on Dnnl)llejl <'!lr•

On tbo ovClllag of OctoiiEr ~ Cnp. tntn lk!ntll!)' wcmt ·o Lard Kltdlenua bollllO In Carlton onr<Ul1111. At tin.> vnd

,, I'

• ~ . . .

''' '•1~""' ·~/'•' t ,, ' • l J ' •


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Now tho Momtns Po~ ~ eomb forth tJJlb II elalm tor Lord Wtcllcnor nnd a Ctlptalo Dcnlley, under tJbo::o Joint oaOilJ)Ice11, tbo llO~::liiCI' ncmn, the nm tntJh tJnn produ~ The con­trvvcmy lull! como ro llaht QliOliJ throuab lbo lnnblUty of Coptotn &nt· loy to obtnlq from tbo umlro a.t7nrd commlltc9 ot tbe wnr omco any n'\Tord or romiJfnc:lUoo Cor bla '\TOt'lr.


Tbo real ctoey of tlle aooeo~o of lbC! tnnlt. ncrordlna to the :Morning Poat. Ia tbl11:

On October 19, 1014, Cnptnln ~mit· Joy hnd ~Wit retoml!a to EDalond from obrond to ol1er hlm!U!If to't m:~r cerv· lm The nat dey be rttdved a tele­phone cnll from Colonel Fltzccruld. mtlltnJ7 I:Cffetnry to Lard Kltehencr, dlrccttna biJD to report at tbe war of· fife In WbftebnlL When ht>J .arrived tbero be m111 tnlten to Lord Kllchcnor, under wbom ho hnd ~rved In Scmtll Alrlen QDIJ to -whom be gona 1ri'en known.

ReaJ Otnry o1 Ttlnk. Kltchener, the Atory nmu, ~ted

blm a11 rouom:~ : ' .DoWillltnlm, In the qtmdrnngle,

thl!re'u nn armored ror Wool\?lcb brul mode for me. It'll the remtlt of rho united bmlnD of the o.rmy and llJlvY ~ We want It for' thiD ~ £1~Una Which tbeYVU b~ to

~·---·---······--·,·-·-·;t : Proud Jap Battlenhip, : : Facing Scrnp Pile, Sinks : ~ ... . ;

= ~are. Japon.-The old' tl:Jttle- : : ship Sutto, fotmerl,v tM Pob!e- : f an_ Wp!$ ~~rnl Tczo'll fk~, f : C!lnk llf tho ~tnmee to Port At- : , thor narbt-:t C'll illll -<tJtlrrdlft cf' 11 : lh!l RtruO:>iltJ!:WiltG war lli.l(JM. : ' :tUld w'hleb .Tt~p:m rnrzed. rellttetJ t : cmll llamc4. liaa rnet c Ei~~ : ~ end. Sbo wnG hnvtn~: ller nrmo· 1 ~ ment rvm\ttC4 . ' to : ; 1:J('l'OpiJ1na wben e!lo GUddenJy • : tl.!ifcd fitld ~ 16 'tfCEti t'ilter. : .L ~ .. 0 ~ ~-···~.,,.~.,~,, ... ~,.,~.


Five Stations to Bridge 2,000 M!le3 Between Continents.

Two Ola CcmpDnlco' Ptaca Ordoro for Equipment Planned to Form NOVI

Air Linea of Ccmmunleatlon In Centr.ll America.

-NetT York.-Lialdn~: thl' Amertl'ru! by

fivo broodcourtnu radio atntlonn. 1~ o ol wblcb will be eroctoo Ill tht> Cntroo Stnll>JJ and lbn-e Ill Ceutrnl Am<'rlca. each wttll o rndltl!l of 2.000 mUt'll, In b•~ tng contcmploted by two blg trefltern companlcg, the Unltoo Fruit romp;lDJ nnd the Troplcol Rndlo Tel~>arnph com· p:~ny. Ol'd('J'II tor the lltaUollll bn..-e been plAted, t::l)'ll an tumounC'Imlent from lbo Rndlo OorvoruUcro of Amer· len.

The termiDnlo Ill the Onltcd Slntl'll of tho propo::l!d s;yctem wiD ba at No"" Orlrono, lA. tJbero the EJre:calt 11tnt1on of tho TropSenJ llndlo Tcle!P'llph com. pnny I!J to ba cnlaro:OO. and .(lt Mloml. Uln.. ~here a nm;o C10Ucn tJIU ba @Do

lltnlctcd by lha campany, Tba t.hree lltl:ltloruJ ln tba cootbem

vart of the croup wm bo lcirotoo at lllo cornera Gf n trfntJgle enbrucing Bon­dtmlll, Nlt'!lrngm and nt ~~ant~ tha copltnl of Hondurtll1. Tbe.;e lltntl«r...!J will eonnGCt <:ttth tha ctntlml of tbQ Untted Fruit ccmp::ul.i" at Almfrnntl\ Pnnnma.

OommoolcntiDD between tba:e five ctntfona ood llhiJ,Ho-cOOro rommnnlen­Uona wftb them will ~ up ootlrcly new routl!3 IJf tnterccurci' betwat!:l thc.­Amerlcail. ODO Of l7h1cb WltJ ~ the opSilntt ..11 tl 2,000.~nlle rudlo rrotn ColombJa, &outb Am~en. ond thu United Stat~

The nrm 1!1Ylbmced by UIC five n~·

~----------------------' tJOllJI t'O'I't'ru 1'.4.000 C~Qunro mllt'll. wltb n Dt't t;"ork nt 11malle7 otolloiUI jolnlna tho !lve lpDln offif'1111 at lbt' lnrjlPr SXIPJI.

In tbe C'Uw of thA Teaul'l~mlpo atn tlon, tbe> 4c:>llroll:' rnllln npp:~rnlcn nDII he~V3' lltool alrd"m to build lb .. •In lion mw;t be ITOO!IJIOrtOO 0\'1.'1' QD liD-milo mountain 11'!111. 'l"hlo Gllltloo a-111 1w Nmvletro by .so,.M~l>t?r 1. 1022. 11 lA p!annGtl.


• Ohlp Captain Didn't H11vo Pr11yar Oook, Go Ho Sondo Out

Coli for Holp. -UVI!rJIOOI.-Tbem ltnn> t..wl1 m:my

otoriE'.ll of tbP lllf!lll!ll' Wll'll to whlrb Wln!le1m communlcoUon hnn l>et'tl put on tho blab croJ~, but lbe eunnrd liner carmnnln brongbt In o net!' on<' on 1102' nrrlvtll bert> trom Nt>W Ynr!t.

Whllil ofl ·tb" Irt11h ro:urt tbe lltmr'11 opwatcr plc:kl'd tl!J a tne={lc llllltln~ tbat tbe rlttlnl for bu¢11 at ceo be cent Ill tun. 'l'be atrunge feQUI'lJt mmt> tram the Canolllrul sovcmmmt st~m­er Co.n::ldlon Trooper, wbwe coptaln tmmd ha h:l(l no IJf'IITer book \"''beo I'Olltronted wttb the u~lt.Y of bury· Jug one of the Qrem('ll nl tten. Tim CnrmllDio uupplled bill n~.

Pieka Three'IOII Applea. ~Hall. locL--'l'broo lnrue OJiflleG

~c:e pldt«l rocet1tl7 by lohD &nz trnm trl!"'& In bill orcllnrd near Pilot Kn(lb. TJ;e,. lall;l'eat meamzrnd t5 LiJchGJJ ln Citcutn{e!'t';l('U Md Wl!fgbe<J n ponntl. 'E:be .i:al!On4 menaurcd 14 tnch~ ana rrelgbed 14 ounl.'etl, Qnd tile thftd Wl!fgb!ld li'J OUD<"elJ lllid tne:lllt1relf i3 1nffi'~ Th!l nppleg werll­Pfcl:ed n month lxltore they wonltl hnva riJ}tned.



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Southwest News '

• From Ali'Over o. '

New Mexico 4ndArizona



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--.::...-.Fumt•ll.e.l) tl7 , " '

U. S. BUREAU OF'IIAIUTS' Wa1bington. J). o.

Qnl-. Clotslng price~ lp CIUc;Q.!rO clUb ~·

ltNot• No. 0 red \VIDtcr wheat. fl.U:. o. ll herd \vlntor wheat. 11.08: No. i

mN l.~<cd corp, 6Gol No. a :rol!qw c:orc, ••a: o. ll wblto oata. 801). .IWOI'tllrO ta.rm

prlco: No. 3 mixed corn 111 cenU.\. Iowa about 53c. Cloalna tuturo prtee•: Chlco.lfo Occombor wllell.t. $1.00'11: c;:hl· ~ Deee111bor corn. D(l'l1e: l'Jianc;Q.poll.4o nccembcr 1vh~t, 81.04liot IC!InDaa CitY' De«bmbar wheal. 11.00~; WlonlpOif Dl;• ca>m "' w beet. 97l!.o. ~

Dalr7 l'rcdue1 .. Dutter merltct firm. ll'llnrv (loo\lll­

htiVo been acarcc and tbo chortono ba. hbold up price<>. Cloalnll' prlcca. OU ceor. utter: Now York 4llc. Cblellse 3D~o.

Phllo.dalpbla 4llc, ltootqo U Mtc:. Cbcooo mt~rketa firm. Tradlnlt tNriT

Q<Jtlve. Cbooao prlccc> on WIDcoDJ>la. primary mculteto: Twlna ~0\!.c. dc.lcle..

li~O\~o. .rourus Amor1<:4n IS l~h.looehorc. I "a, aqunro prtato %1llc.

' ll'rulta oad ve.otalblh. Prlcca Now Jeroo;v &><>t4toe'!o lfl&f!la. .

liDo to Ill In city marltatD. Olio to !~Oa­L o. b. ohlpplnll pointe. .Mo.lno cnbblonL bulk atucJt, Now York, aGo to Ooo; firm at DLI<t to GOo t. o. b &olscd Oreon Mountolna rtrm In Do.atoo e~t 11.10. Nurthorn round \Yblloa, U.Jtl to ll.llOo mid· Woctorn mo.rhota. Ol to OUO t. o. IJ. Wla<:oncln pointe. ldobo ruma.,· 60o t. 0. b. ldoho lo'nll<>. l:::llOlCirll )'OIIO\Y ll'IObo. onlon.ct, U.ID to ULI por IOO.pouncl Cll(llt. 'mlddlo waatorn. U.GO to fl.~ llp:an)DJI vnloncloa, II to U por erato. AJ)pJ"" atron1.1. Now ltork woallbv• and oUlor rod ond !"'ilow vorlolleo, II· to el.llll par b4rrol Ill lcadlna: dty Cl.M'-Ilolo. Mid· Wcotcm Joaotb4no ant2-wcalth11-. U lo U hiiJb point C!blo:ASQ. a•cmnpyiVOilla Jonathana, u.oo to .. Ia J>bJiadClltblo.. "'No.v York domoaUo c;ab­baao, IJ to UG per ton bulk 111 loa4· 1oa 1:11&.1' 9111. Wloel)ncln dorocaUc ~~ '<'hkaan. uo to uo tlt. Lonta. No't"l Y orll clbortA p~hoa. buo!lol b<:u>ltota. up IOo to DGo In lcadln&r CIUitorn cltl­at 08.1l0 to U. .,.co.lwr In tho Ulddlo-' Wool 11t OJ.r.o to U. ULG.h albortaa •• 81.tG to $ll.D6 In c:llloa of tho Ccnt,..L. \\'col. ~lchluun ~rrnpca, tour.q~ biUikoto. ate<>d7 nt DG<l eo Uo. •

LJye IICqck oaCI lllcrota. Oaptotnb•r :o <!hlt"!l4o prlc:ea Uo~

to~ 010; bull:~ ut c:olaa. 07.76 to ·~· va... C.Dd aao4 beet GlCara f1.6G to 010.4G,:: butcbor cDwo anl1 boltor"' 8t to ID.60· fc~dor otoorq. Oti.G~ to 14-Jll; llahC and medium walabt vcnl «>IYOII. til to flll.16, tnt lomita. llli.~O to Ut.OO. toed· I niT lambQ, 611 tc 8U, ycarll~a. U lo au. ro.1 owoa. aa vn to 11.10.

Tbo trond ur cll•t11rn "'llol~<mlo fO'Ilb m~t prtco• l>'tlll upwnrd. Prlcl:ll &roll<i ~rrn(!o m"ato Doof, 117 to OU, vco.L UO to U:O; lomb Ut to ono mutton. ttG to U 1; llrtbl porb lolna. abv to UO; hoGV7 fuiDDo GJ6 t<> &13.

(loltoD. Opct cottnn prtc;u dcclla•d 47 r>elatA

No"' Yorll tktobor tutu,., cuntr11cta do· clll'l"d tO Dt>lnta. !Jpet ce>Uoc oloGd ot :o Gllo poor pOund. Now Yorlt Oclobor futuro ~onln><ll<l dnaod Dl 0\.0Jc.

II OJ. t.larltot ll!lroiJ atvody In l'"..<>al but

firm at Wutom morltoto. Jlt>t'aiJ'b not larqn but dornAnd alan limited. (•ountl'7 lolldlnao roportvd ll4bt. Quolt!d: No. 1 llmolhJ, No"' Yurb ID1, l'hlladDIPhlo. Uo l>ltl<luurah \10 ClnclllnDU Dtf. l•hJcAIIO ll!D. tlt. .<mla U ~. AIJOtnPbhJ UI.CO. No. I altnlta IUIII#Oll (.'lty · tl O.llO UompbiA U4. GL l..outo OU No. I pnlrla. UaniiA• l"llY Ill Dll Ot l..oul• at~ao

II'...,_ Uurlu•l nnn but hurlo" Df'Gil•nod

o nd of Urnltrd •alum"' t•ottonoc:;9d meol II \CJ U biJlbar. otb•r fllt<4la undtan.acd to GO.. blabor J•rn<lu<'llon moot f«>do mcdof'llta.. tn""'a.a.Sna o11 ltn.•c;r.ed tncaL Quote>d C"hiC<lll"· apr1na bran D21.lGl!l mlddllnao DDJ U. Llnacc:a tr."DI Nov York OU f6 "'Inter bruo, Rl t..nulo uo: :a ~r ront <'ntton .. uO<J moat. u .. ml>hlo Ull f"'nclnnnu 1134.40. Ululon. <"bi<Af!O UO !II



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EXPERT MECHlNIC. '~.·· ' ' .

--At Reasonable Priies··- . " "' ,,

~~ra,: '6~~·· and' 'oe~u~-. F.ord • .· P.

ACcbnso\'tes. · 'AulJlorizaJ .Ia'otd I ' •& :a . :A}Zellts .. • • ·'. -.• ,r .

·sgnvul~'t!AR AVAIL&BLE Acetylene WeldlnnEr·ll\ s;ectnllty- •"'·, · . '

Witt Sears • · •

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Sold by Loading Doaloro . \. - -

W lnter Garments Dyed No\v

Much Cheaper

The ModeJ Cleaner& and Dyers I J I

. t ,., •• utt•tltul IU&,UUtL-. tiJto••~rt'"•' cUJtJ

lllf · •f Ut•tiiUU "lntJfJ fur 11l•hrd n ltJU.tUI 4 u .. f "•ldt , .•• U:IIJ r&rltJ nbowc.

- . Co.oneac Mako Lhange •n Ca.l>mol.

l't·btha.: t, rtHIU ,J.,.ttl~rt••tt Ill If•~· • ulJ Ult·l •\ l11• II IJ,n I' hN~II UOde•r I uiJ•hh•l

1et·•-la l.t 1lu· I t•kllllo.l """·rnuwnt rur _.,,,,, 11111•· "''"' ••flfluiHa• t•fl nlltl ur•• L•• Jtt•\t•tl for hUH' .tl! \lllt~•rfunl flpuflll;.,; 110

t lu· ... ~,, tJuUh • '1 Rflllj.t ht•hH•t•n flu

uwtf••••u uruJ ,,,utlu•rr, rt•pultlk" Hun

"J "" I 111 ~ttwn .. ·•l" 'I iru \\ ··n l.l••n U"

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lalt•r ,,f ltullct ur il·t l'unluU ti•'\I'MI

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~;,6 ~~,h!JJ~ 1 .,,•o• aruJ r· •. ,.,,.O llrnw"r l'ulu

c: ::=.:o. = '-Do,.wor Convonuono lor tho Romain

dar of 1022

K•·t•l to t ul•·• .. •l•· l"ul•ll• lla•ultll "Utlrt•J• 110tl 1'1.' ••· 1,111• I ••hh·r••tlf't'

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tiP till• 1\unrdl "'"'' e nt•lr .. r ( ....

)1.-,fhul ~Utftll\ (Ill ouOjUIHIIull "tth ,.,,.,,, f.,r llutn~•f"'''"' l•,.•f•llul), 'd l'HU• lonlt•l ~

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a ·UII,.r. nhl<h '""~ lht>tn und llu•tr c-nutlf' t•:tla to '"" Nll>fll' fll'Tlt<')'Anl ----- ·-

C tl Wllllomo to Oueeood • dmlrol Otrna.

\\ aubtnUitlll. - rtC~r Adlulrnl t' 6. \\'llllaii!D \\Ill lx> llnrulld l>nlddt'lll oC u,. atnnl \7ar rull<'ll(l at 1\owpnrl, n. I. In O\lt'rtmtl lh•ar Admlrul Wllllntll

' tl. ll\11111, ttllt"'l [It' ff'tl tllll C ){'t. 11\, .. t-t'-fflllf) tknh;r IUlllUUOt'W ht;7~. 111.':11' .AdiJllmt WUII®I>I ta lli'QollL lg b~.;~ll .,, tl1r u·nr [lltl~ lll'CIItlO Ol 1\(1\"tll O'p­••rn.IOill. und I'"'' 1nulll)' h•• \l'n" ~ll'<• tldtllltul, ttA':tlltllt~tl to th<' l'ulil'lr fllll•l.

'FN:mce ancl -nnotond Agrco on Rep. nrallono.

fh•n.,~IL ·~IU. ll<! .lollYt>llttl, fl'(IIT>Ilt>lll• • ln11 t'l':th..e, b;.A 6ut,,,.,._llld Ill 1'1!.1:'tlncll··•l In&~ lif'ollnt"t' unll U~:11 Url.t11ln otl t)ll(llllloq al l't1lll1taUnut1 fhrouu(l ll'IA ,.,.,..,!utlnU, ~ (.:;ll.t-d '" lh\l cllll:l'i'llt..'l~ ht••nt ·~mtmtmc-. ctenllll!l,1\1.'1Jh tM111 nlltl tnt('f,_tltJil'll tlt>llt:J ln l!Jc•IY Jattun to ill~l'liiiiiiH:Ot.· U. ,\, 1. ••t. th•' llrlth•h c~llllntl'o "UJI -tllo .._, llo'f4.'1•1 1)111 l't•tbtuttun, u1t~r .J.nrd hol!t>rt ('A't•!f \\ltllllt'flW f1h1 ctttua. JJ;l! trlu lftl. \Tull In tm111tlllfb nr> .-;nrd \\"1fli ~ Ut' Jou\"t."Wl. • ·

..Joptli'l'Ot:a WJt~ll ro ij!}ncun~lit All,c~!~lri¢. ~I) l•'f'il!ld~"""•\ rtJ'lU\l!lt "ll\t

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-----' ; Woteh Cutlcur.a Improve Your tlktn. · on rlolna and muttna ~:MU1 c:near

l)lCI tooo qJth Cutlrnm Olnt&Jl'nt. I Wnall n£1 Olntmont In Qyo mlnalt!ll • ~lth Ctlt!l'Ul'n ll11:1p ant1 bat \TOter. It

111 n-tsnllorCol \Thnt Cntlcurc will do ror poor rompll•:rlnrm, clontlrufi'. ltt>lllnll on<l rl'd rnuah 11nnd11.-AdvortllWtllGnl -------' WbNo htrnhl"llll lll'lll dull In a llttlo lttwn II lq RIOII lo I"'AAf'll• o ''hllltOrlrol tdarltaP ...

--··--~ -----

Rodocorato v.rfth Uttlo troub!e. l esa expense and greata­satisfactfon. There Is one best way todoit.


II tallt,r t•ndrllll{l Q>blt•·, Ia <Jillellf7

liN'IJ:II't>r1 and ''" uooa tor tl•fl runall IJ..~Je la opplo b r o o d pod dina. Cut p l e " " 11 ot br~ad Into trro­!ncb ~unrea or l;llllllll'r. 11 p r l' o d \'l'flh bUllt'f

11111 Into o bolttna dial. \11th o ~;ener.

oUJI t'!JllfUI or I bini f clfl'OO applE! ll'trnl't• encd and flo • nn•d. Doko unltl U!t bpplg In <Inn•• M<'ITC! llot \Tltb IIUiitll

and t'J't>nm. Oolmon Croquatttlll-b.lli: c ruptnJ

or c-nmll'tl Ro 1 "'"" nottb llii equal qun1l• Ut)' ot ('ttld TllnAiwd votcto. ntnd whb bll:lt~ f>l:ll or Q \'t?r)' thh:k t'f'Cla%1\ 11.1Ul'C\ "hop.• Into Ct«jnettea. dip .ID t'TQIDbll nnd I'!Zu nnG fey ID o "'&Nl b:lJ1. l:ct In dCPJ• for

Codnch :ana Macarol'll.-,'i'nke Q::l!!

cupful l'Ol'b o( COO!:~ ID.'l!MfUl!ll attd naked cvort<'d rod!lab, l'tlt mto a btlt• tcred bntrtng dlall. ~tlnkto ~Uh tl::~lt. peppa nnd cru~ha t'mmba ~n bUtll'mt 8prlnl:JQ With qmt~ «11~~ nnd ndtl tmrncrct tnll!r t3 calct~ B~tb tmUl bro~?n lo o llot ovC!ll.


•· r:4r.AW.iJY Joll4!. . ' ll1rtl, lCnlclie.I'-Do )'OU [Oj!f{

worll? • • • Wenry Willie--No, mum: l'nll meth·

od to to listen In tor lt. '

A Ro~l •.. Etllel-"So Jaclt dOoon't approve ~t

tbo modem dllllces ?'' (llaru-"li().

u y()uug man tvlth old llfewtl"

.. .

·some More- Truths. I

• . .

WOULD yau use a steam shovel to move a pebble? Oartalnly not. Implementa (U'e built aooording ty th~ work they have. to do. ·· · .

• Would you use a _grown-up's. remedy for your b®y's Uln? Certainly not.

Remedies are· prepared a.c()Ording to the work TB &Y have to do. t- • ' •

All tbJa is preliminary to reminding you that Fletcher's Oastoria was Brfl'ight out, found Emd is prepared solely as a. remedy for Jnfunta and Ohildren. An~ let tlds be a ~ Substitut~s,.. Counterfeits and the J'tmt-aa-good stuff that may ba all' .right for you In all your strength, but dangerous for the Uttlo babe.

,, All ·tho mother-love tbat Ues within your heart orles out t.o you: Be tr~fe t.o Baby. · And betng true to Baby you will keep In the hvuse ·remedies spe~y "ared for babies as you would a. baby's food, hairbrush, toothbnmh or .spcmge,

•• •

l'nct Ccrtl:ifW~ ~

Children Cry ·For

Are You Prepared? A clDeWJ' m.thohon$ad~lfme wcnid be agct>dld~a. t:et you

can't dot4: to Jreep * d~ In the fan:ilty to keep baey wen Cit pre­ventsretnw. But you trul do abnost th!t 11ame tbtng. by havh!g n: ~a a botUe ot i1etcl!.~'l ~ t>etanse it !!IlL won16lfn1 wnooy fer ~. eo!!?, feve:fsbnl'cs, fretfulness JUte! all tlJ.o other db­crdeia that U$1Jlt from mmmon &Urntnts tbat babfes hive.

~!!r's Castcrla u ptdettly Slfc to t!So. It fs 4 harmleu­tUtu~far, P~got!t, Drops and &othfng Symps. ~llilren r:ry fer l'lotther~s ~ and mothcra reoomt!lllnd u beea . they b&ye fonntl it a ·tomfmt to chUdren and a mother's tmed.

If you lov& yor:r ll!by. yan know bow sweet ft f9 tn be llllo to help baby ~hen trouble comes. YQtl carmot always can nptJn a da&tot. Bot doetm ~ nothing bot go~ to say p1 li'i~er'$ ~, tJe. cause thoyknow tbdfltean only do goo!1- thtlt ft can't do 'ahy 1uttm­an!l t4oy WCtl!Wl't 1rao.t;vou ttl tiro 1or baby a remedy tbat yot1 wotl!d tao for yourstlf. - · •mtWSI:DtJUHlEA~Tl!i~KL£T1tfATitlUQUNDtvnlYCOTTI.£0fi\.Em!E!'SCASTC1!A


• . Eeam iha Signature of

~"~c."u~n~~~h~~~b~:~:n~~~ ~· ~~~~_.~ .. ~~~------·~,~ .. ~--·L•---.. ·--·-.·-·~·~·-.. ·~,t~···--~'~ .. ~--~ .. -, .• ,.~~.~ ... ~,~~-~~--~---~----~~~~ :~::J ~~~~aa:~~ lff·•·c.~antli&.Niw Clfor Toq ft OJ-Swi.~ftrs :n:~~~u~~ ~~uy. Ocrvo I pUTJIAM FAJ).I.JSSDYES-drn or t:Jntsu

Pea tl)d w~rnm ltlat-Taw G;tll:lt ot ~ CWk~ tlt:l!

to~~ta brvktl:l ltlfO-



• mtb ~~h ~lilt; .. fl'!f .... ___ f·:)_ES-_-- __ · .. ·p-~J _- _ ,. _ R---halt an hwt. Sd#o wilt) ltls¥'• . . . _

Clit- IC!ttueo n to t~ ·~ _ Fl•h~nelt o~o llMktiiQ ct

tn cold wqtCl'. to to~r, ,maf(cr 11 ImlU tift)

. ' .~ .... "'' \ ,. ;t;;tt·;J 1't"'it!=t1t+ tS £r h

Jilt trp ~ lll' - .· 6 • •• I'·

~~~Ui""!"'W ; -f§ . !!httt' ~op)IO;ta · · .i.>11\l'-"oT¢i{:~~ bAtt \tli enu ttmt" . .

' • 0


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