co-design report presentation

Report Title An exploration into the strategies used to facilitate Co-Design in public services.

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An exercise where we had to present our essay and findings to the group.


Page 1: Co-Design Report Presentation

Report Title An exploration into the strategies used to facilitate Co-Design in public services.

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Aims > Define what Co-Design is and isn’t.> State where it is currently being implemented.> Acknowledge other participatory terms.> Explore the role of the designer and their services to the public. > Investigate the strategies used to communicate and engage the target audiences.

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Co-Design > Understanding the target uudience> Becoming a mini expert about the clients discipline.> Involving all participants at the relevant point in the design process. > Research methods are used to discover and understand all of the above.

Considering the viewpoints of all participants in the design process.

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Key Findings > Designed Materials

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“I think, from these activities, always involve members of the target audience. The different methods that I use are always with the target audience because I feel like they are more important then the client; because when the answer to the problem satisfies the client but it doesn’t actually do it for the people who are at stake then it hasn’t really worked even if the clients happy.” - Transcript from an interview with Joanna Choukeir.

Uscreates - Interview

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Prompts Prompts that emerged after the interview with Joanna. > How do you communicate your research to a client?> Designed materials for audience.> Motivation for participants to be involved.> Designed space and environment.> Evaluating a project.> Shift in thinking, ego of the designer.> Limitations of the method.

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Role of the Designer Key skills: Strategic Design Thinking, Engagement Design, Facilitation, Coaching, Connecting, Research and applying Positive Psychology interventions. - Thinkpublic Cassie Robinson.

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Report Structure Intro- Stating the aims of the report- Defining what Co-Design is and isn’t- Definging other participatory terms

Identify- Identify that Co-Design is currently being used within Public Service Design.

Explore the case studiesThink Public The Social Lab UscreatesPrinciple RebootForsterNHHTSorrell FoundationSideKick StudiosIDEOBlue RubiconCommon GroundTimeOut Trashed

Answer Research Q’s about the above case studiest

Summary:- Limitations of method- Future- Where is Co-Design best implemented

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Next Steps > Write the Intro and test my structure for the case studies sections.> Look at and analyze the visual language used by case studies.> Start gathering images to illustrate the points or create my own. > Shadow an event or casestudy.

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Report Design Thoughts > Snapshots > Simple > Cards splitting the report into sections > Overview of process

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