collaborative consumption: is this the future of retail?

Collaborative consumption: Is this the future of retail? @ewyleung, Gaifong App Asian Consortium Sept 27, 2015

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Collaborative consumption: Is this the future of retail?

@ewyleung, Gaifong AppAsian ConsortiumSept 27, 2015

Fast forward to 2020, what do you see?

Driverless Cars

Delivery Drones


Coal-fired Power Plants

Solar panels on every roof?

More likely!!!

I also see this:

Online libraries of everything, accessible at your fingertips

Alex McKayʼs Story from 2050:

From the book The World We Made, J. Porritt

“By the ear ly 2020s . . . persona l ownersh ip became much less impor tan t , wh i le ren t ing , shar ing , swapp ing and bar te r ing became the

new norm. . . I t was re fe r red to as ' co l labora t i ve consumpt ion ' back then . ”

From the consumer perspect ive

H i , th is i s Bob



Before:10 people each own $100 worth of goods

After:10 people each consume

$1,000 worth of goods

H i , th is i s Bob

$1,000,000 worth of goods

. . . and i t ’s real ly scalable

in 200m radius a lone:

Weʼre accelerating the future.

Starting here in Hong Kong

A D ig i t a l L i b r a r y o f Goods

MAR 19, 2015

NOV 21, 2014

•2,000 + i t ems

•5,000 + commun i t y member s

•Grow ing 50% m/m

•Home & D IY•Outdoo r s & Le i su r e•C lo th ing and A c ce s so r i e s•Baby/Ch i l d r en A c ce s so r i e s•Mus i c s c o r e s and i n s t r umen t s

How to get from 2015 to 2020?

Hurdle #1


since 1899...

Hurdle #2

Ownership and responsibility misaligned

LETʼS TALK!Transaction costs need to asymptote to zero

Hurdle #3



Photo Credits: Potaihse CC 2.0 Mercedes-Benz, Shutterstock, Mario Goebbels CC 2.0, Minoru Karamatsu CC 2.0NeighborGoods, Lee See-Ming CC 2.0, Hernán Piñera CC 2.0, The Guardian Apr 2015, Nana B. Agyei, CC 2.0