conference training presentation


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Post on 07-May-2015



Health & Medicine

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Training presentation for a company who has employed the parallel import strategy of importing their cosmetivs. Since they do not have the resources of the local agents, I have been commissioned to accummulate all information pertaining to their stocked products and supply a fully comprehensive training presentation.


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of the Skin

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The Epidermis The epidermis, the top most layer of skin, is only 0.1 to 1.5 millimetres thick. It is made up of five layers: the basal cell layer, the squamous cell layer, the stratum granulosum, the stratum lucidum, and the stra­tum corneum. Working together, these layers continually rebuild the surface of the skin from within, maintaining the skin‘s strength and helping thwart wear and tear.The process begins in the basal cell layer, the innermost layer of the epidermis. This layer houses small round cells called basal cells. These cells constantly divide, with the new cells constantly pushing older ones on a migration toward the surface of the skin. The basal cell layer is also called the stratum germinativum because it is con­stantly producing, or germinating, new cells.The basal cell layer also contains melanocytes, specialized cells that produce a pigment called melanin. Melanin protects the skin against sun damage, and its rate of production determines skin color—the more melanin produced in the skin, the darker the skin appears. Exposure to the sun causes the melanocytes to increase melanin production in an effort to shield the skin from damaging ultraviolet rays; the resulting effect is a suntan. Freckles, birthmarks, and age spots are also caused by patches of melanin within the skin.Above the basal cell layer is the squamous cell layer, also called the stratum spinosum or ―spiny layer‖ because the cells are held to­gether with spiny projections. Here lie the basal cells that have been pushed upward; these maturing cells are now called squamous cells, or keratinocytes. They have begun to produce keratin, a tough, pro­tective protein that makes up a large part of the structure of the skin, hair, and nails. (Horses‘ hooves, fish scales, and animal horns are also made of keratin.)The squamous cell layer is the thickest layer of the epidermis. This is the layer of the skin that helps to move certain substances in and out of the body; it‘s also where blisters form when the skin is chafed. The squamous cell layer also contains cells called Langerhans cells, If the skin becomes damaged, these cells latch onto invading antigens, substances that are foreign to the body, and alert the im­mune system to their presence.The keratinocytes from the squamous layer are then pushed upthrough two thin epidermal layers called the stratum granulosum and the stratum lucidum. As the cells migrate, they enlarge, flatten, and bond together, then eventually become dehydrated and die. The process fuses the cells into layers of tough. durable material, which continue to rise toward the skin‘s surface.As the layers near the surface, they become part of the stratum corneum, the outermost, visible layer of the epidermis. The stratum corneum (or ―horny layer,‖ because its cells are toughened like an ani­mal‘s horn) is made up of 10 to 30 thin layers of these dead cells. Ex­ternal pressure or friction can cause thickened areas in the stratum corneum known as corns or calluses.As the outermost cells give way to wear and tear, they are re­placed from within by new layers of strong, long-wearing cells. In the average adult, it takes nearly a month for the stratum corneum to be completely replaced. The replacement process generally slows with age, though in some people it becomes abnormally accelerated, causing a flaky, scaly skin condition known as psoriasis.

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The Dermis The dermis, which lies (just beneath the epidermis, is I .5 to 4 millimetres thick-the thickest of the three layers of the skin. It‘s also home to most of the skin‘s structures, including sweat and oil glands (which secrete substances through openings in the skin called pores, or comedos), hair follicles, nerve endings, and blood and lymph ves­sels. But the main components of the dermis are collagen and elastin.

Collagen is a tough, insoluble protein found throughout the body in the connective tissues that hold muscles and organs in place. In the skin, collagen supports the epidermis, lending it its durability. Elastin, a similar protein, keeps the skin flexible. This is the substance that allows the skin to spring back into place when stretched: the scientific reason a funny face won‘t stay that way, no matter what your mother told you. The properties of collagen and elastin fade with age, giving rise to wrinkles and sagging skin.

In addition to collagen and elastin, you‘ll find water in the der­mis. In fact, much of the body‘s water supply is stored there. When the amount of stored water is increased—for example, when you‘re re­taining water—the skin becomes tight and stretched as it expands to accommodate the surplus. The dermis also contains scavenger cells from the immune system. In the event that a foreign organism makes it past the epidermis, these cells will engulf and destroy it.

Several structures can be found in the dermis. Sweat glands, numbering about 3 million in the average person, are the most numer­ous and are classified according to two types: the apocrine glands and the eccrine glands.

Apocrine glands are specialized sweat glands that can be found only in the armpits and pubic region. In animals, it is the apocrine glands that secrete the scents used to attract a mate; however, no one is sure of their function in humans. What we do know is that these glands secrete a milky sweat that encourages the growth of bacteria responsible for body odor. These glands are activated at puberty when stimulated by hormones.

The eccrine glands are the true sweat glands. Found over the entire body, these glands regulate body temperature by bringing water via the pores to the surface of the skin, where it evaporates and releases heat. These glands respond to heat, exercise, and fever, and some eccrine glands, such as those on the palms, respond to emo­tional stress, as well. It‘s these glands that give you clammy hands when you‘re nervous.

Unlike apocrine glands, eccrine glands function from child­hood, though they do increase their activity at puberty. Though these glands can produce up to two litres of sweat an hour when they‘re working at their full potential, they‘re not usually to blame for body odour. These glands secrete mostly water, which doesn‘t encourage the growth of odour-producing bacteria.


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The Dermis (…continued)

The dermis is also home to the sebaceous, or oil, glands, which are attached to hair follicles, cylindrical structures that house the roots of the hair. Sebaceous glands can be found everywhere on the body except for the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. Usually called into action by hormones during puberty, these glands secrete oil that helps keep the skin smooth and supple. The oil also helps keep skin waterproof and protects against an overgrowth of bacteria and fungi on the skin. At times, these glands overproduce and cause acne, a condition in which pores become clogged and inflamed.

Nerve endings can also be found in the dermis. Of course, these

structures are responsible for the sense of touch, relaying information to the brain for interpretation. They also signal temperature to the brain and, if necessary, trigger shivering, an involuntary contraction and relaxation of muscles. This muscle activity generates body heat.

Finally, blood and lymph vessels are found in the dermis. The blood vessels bring nutrients and oxygen to the skin and remove cell waste and cell products. The blood vessels also carry the vitamin D produced in the skin back to the rest of the body. Enlarged vessels that can be seen through the skin are known as spider veins or vari­cose veins. Broken blood vessels appear as bruises.

The lymph vessels bathe the tissues of the skin with lymph, a milky substance that contains infection-fighting immune system cells. The cells work to destroy any infection or invading organisms as the lymph gradually circulates back through the body‘s tissues to the lymph nodes.

The Hypodermis The subcutaneous tissue (hypodermis) is the deepest layer of the skin. It is missing on parts of the body where the skin is especially thin-the eyelids, nipples, genitals, and shins. Subcutaneous tissue acts both as an insu­lator, conserving body heat, and as a shock absorber, protecting in­ternal organs from injury. It also stores fat as an energy reserve in the event extra calories are needed to power the body. The blood vessels, nerves, lymph vessels, and hair follicles also cross through this layer.

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Common Skin

Problems Areas

Subaceous Gland:

Blocked Gland






Excessive oil secretion

Hair Follicle:

Ingrown hairs

Deep-seated Inflammation

Septic pores

Sebum-related blockages

Sweat Gland:

Blocked Gland




Capillaries & Veins:

Surface veins

Broken capillaries

Skin Surface:


Dry skin

Flaky skin

Oily skin


Age spots

Dull skin

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• Description of Acne• Acne is the scientific term for what we normally call pimples, blackheads,

whiteheads or nodules that form on the face, chest, upper back or shoulders.

• Acne sufferers experience persistent, recurring reddish blemishes on the face, chest, shoulders, neck, upper back or buttocks.

• When these blemishes are spots that have a dark, open centre, they are called blackheads.

• Whiteheads are spots that bulge under the skin and have no opening.

• Pimples, on the other hand, are whiteheads that rupture.

• The boil-like lumps are called nodules.

• Despite the common myth, poor hygiene or poor diet does not cause Acne.

• It is believed to be the result of an overproduction of sebum, a waxy substance that lubricates the skin.

• The sebum may plug a hair follicle, bacteria grows inside the blocked follicle resulting in an inflammation.

• This can result in a pimple, or in rare cases, a boil or a cyst.

• Acne is an outbreak of many pimples, blackheads, etc.

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Dry Skin

• Causes of Dry Skin• As we grow older, our skin changes.

• It begins to lose its capacity to retain moisture.

• This loss of moisture retention capacity is intensified by climatic conditions -sun, wind, and low humidity.

• As a consequence, our skin becomes drier, more wrinkled, and spots and growths may appear.

• Aside from being somewhat unsightly, dry skin can be itchy and, if the skin becomes extremely dry, can become painful.

• Remedies for Dry Skin• The remedy is to treat the skin with substances that enhance its moisture-

retention capabilities.

• In early adulthood, our skin cells begin to become more porous and less elastic.

• When a moisturizer is applied, it hydrates the cells, but the cells quickly lose the moisture. If substances that work synergistically together to restore the skin cells' elasticity are applied to the skin, then as the healing progresses, the cells continue to admit moisture as before, but after the healing are better able to keep it from escaping.

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• Causes of Eczema• The condition known as eczema usually occurs in persons with a family

history of allergies.

• When people with eczema are exposed to a trigger factor, inflammation-producing cells travel to the skin and release chemicals that make the skin dry and flaky and may cause itching and redness.

• Common trigger factors are allergens, environment changes, infections, and psychological stress.

• Eczema Treatment• Since eczema dries out the skin, the most direct way to treat eczema is to

help the skin regain its moisture retention capacity.

• Just moisturizing your skin isn't enough.

• When a moisturizer is applied, it hydrates the cells, but the cells quickly lose the moisture.

• If substances that work synergistically together to restore the skin cells' elasticity are applied to the skin, then as the healing progresses, the cells continue to admit moisture as before, but after the healing are better able to keep it from escaping.

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Skin Inflammations

• Dealing with Skin Inflammations

• Skin Inflammations are often due to cuts or scrapes that have

become infected.

• Although inflammations often heal by themselves, in order to

eliminate the irritation as quickly as possible and to avoid unsightly

effects, it's a good idea to treat the inflammation.

• Treatment for Skin Inflammations

• The best treatment for inflammations is to fight the infection while at

the same time healing the damage that has already been done to

the skin.

• There are products that contain highly effective healing agents that

can both fight infections and restore the skin that has been cut or

otherwise damaged to a healthy state.

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Itchy Skin

• Causes of Itchy Skin• The primary cause of itchy skin is a lack of moisture in the our skin cells.

• As skin cells lose their moisture, the cells contract and causing the itchy sensation.

• If the skin becomes very dry, the itchy parts may actually become painful.

• Remedies for Itchy Skin• The remedy is to treat the skin with substances that enhance its moisture-

retention capabilities.

• In early adulthood, our skin cells begin to become more porous and less elastic.

• When a moisturizer is applied, it hydrates the cells, but the cells quickly lose the moisture.

• If substances that work synergistically together to restore the skin cells' elasticity are applied to the skin, then as the healing progresses, the cells continue to admit moisture as before, but after the healing are better able to keep it from escaping.

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• Causes of Psoriasis

• The condition known as psoriasis typically arises after the skin has been cut, scratched, or severely sunburned.

• The skin becomes inflamed, producing red, thickened areas with silvery scales, most often on the scalp, elbows, knees, or lower back.

• Because of the inflammation, the skin sheds rapidly - every three to four days.

• Psoriasis Treatment - cure psoriasis the natural way

• Since Psoriasis is most likely to strike people whose skin cells have lost their capacity to retain adequate moisture, the most direct way to treat psoriasis is to help the skin regain its moisture retention capacity.

• Just moisturizing your skin isn't enough. When a moisturizer is applied, it hydrates the cells, but the cells quickly lose the moisture.

• If substances that work synergistically together to restore the skin cells' elasticity are applied to the skin, then as the healing progresses, the cells continue to admit moisture as before, but after the healing are better able to keep it from escaping.

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Skin Rashes

• Causes of Skin Rashes

• Bacteria, viruses and fungi are common causes of skin rashes.

• Skin rashes can also be caused by insect bites, plants like poison ivy, certain foods, abrasion, heat or sun exposure, chemical pollutants, medications, cosmetics, or an overly dry environment.

• Skin Rash Treatment

• Since skin rashes dry out the skin, the most direct way to treat a skin rash is to help the skin regain its moisture retention capacity.

• Just moisturizing your skin isn't enough.

• When a moisturizer is applied, it hydrates the cells, but the cells quickly lose the moisture.

• If substances that work synergistically together to restore the skin cells' elasticity are applied to the skin, then as the healing progresses, the cells continue to admit moisture as before, but after the healing are better able to keep it from escaping.

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Stretch Marks

• Preventing Stretch Marks

• It's easier to prevent stretch marks than to get rid of them. By using shea butter to make the skin on your stomach and breasts highly elastic before your skin begins to stretch, it is possible to avoid stretch marks altogether.

• Getting Rid of Stretch Marks

• To get rid of stretch marks, you need to enhance your skin's elasticity and provide it with a restorative to repair damage already done. Stretch marks appear when your skin is stretched beyond its capacity. As your pregnancy progresses, the skin on your stomach and breasts is stretched. If the stretching happens rapidly and your skin isn't sufficiently elastic, purplish-red lines - stretch marks - will appear.

• At this point, you need to do two things:

– Prevent the stretch marks from growing by making the skin around the stretch marks more elastic,

– Make the stretch marks fade and soften by restoring the damaged cells to a healthy state.

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Sunburn• Sunburn

• It's easy to get sunburned!

• And anyone who has been sunburned can tell you how painful it is.

• Sunburn results when the amount of exposure to the sun or other ultraviolet (UV) light source (tanning beds, for example) exceeds the ability of the body's protective pigment, melanin, to protect the skin.

• The long-term consequences of repeated overexposure to the sun are significant.

• Once blistering occurs, sunburn actually doubles the likelihood of developing skin cancer.

• In addition, chronic sun exposure causes premature wrinkling and aging of the skin. Age spots (lentigo) are also a result of sun exposure.

• Treatment for Sunburn

• There are many products on the market that would adequately address the moisture loss and pain aspects associated with sunburn, but there are no products that treat the irreversible (and sometimes fatal) after-effects

• Prevention is better than cure.

• Rather recommend a reputable, branded product with a relevant SPF factor, which is correct for the customer‘s skin type.

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• Causes of Wrinkles

• As we grow older, our skin changes. It begins to lose its capacity to retain

moisture. As a consequence, our skin becomes drier; wrinkles and

sometimes spots and growths appear. For beautiful younger-looking skin,

the most important thing to do is keep your skin moist.

• Reducing Wrinkles

• There are no proven ―age reversal‘ products.

• There are many products on the market that specifically treat and target

problem areas associated with the ageing process.

• For example, loose skin, wrinkles, creases, lines, etc

• We start ageing at 30.

• We stop regenerating new cells at 50, at a pace required to maintain the

skin‘s ability to retain elasticity.

• The best advice (and huge opportunity) is to encourage young ladies (post

pubescent), that moisturising is an integral investment.

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Dry Chapped Lips• Causes of Dry Chapped Lips

• Chapped lips are, of course, the result of our lips being too dry. Everyone experiences dry chapped lips at one time or another, but some of us have a severe and chronic problem. The explanation for severe and chronic dry lips is that our skin has lost its moisture retention capacity. As a consequence, our lips become easily chapped. The chapping further reduces the moisture retention capacity and this vicious circle results in the problem becoming chronic and increasingly severe.

• Treatment for Severe, Chronic, Dry Chapped Lips

• The remedy is to treat the lips with a substance that enhances their moisture-retention capabilities. In early adulthood, all of our skin cells - including those in our lips - begin to become more porous and less elastic. Our lips become dry and chapped with increasing frequency. If a substance that both moisturizes the skin and restores the skin cells' elasticity is applied to the lips, then not only are the cells hydrated, but they gradually regain their elasticity so that they are better able to keep moisture from escaping.

• (Note that when a petroleum-based lip balm is applied to the lips, it hydrates the cells, but the cells quickly lose the moisture unless the petroleum-based lip balm is frequently re-applied. Petroleum-based lip balm doesn't do anything at all to improve the lips ability to retain moisture, and since petroleum jelly keeps the skin from breathing, Petroleum-based lip balm can -if used frequently - actually turn the annoyance of occasional dry chapped lips into a chronic and severe problem.)

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Perioral Dermatitis

• Causes of Perioral Dermatitis

• The exact cause of the condition known as perioral dermatitis is not known, but it mostly affects women between the ages of 20 and 50.

• In addition to redness, there are usually small red bumps and mild peeling. Sometimes there is mild itching and/or burning.

• The areas most affected are within the borders of the lines from the nose to the sides of the lips, and the chin. Occasionally, the areas around the nose, eyes, and cheeks can be affected.

• Perioral Dermatitis Treatment

• Since perioral dermatitis makes the skin very dry, any treatment of perioral dermatitis needs to help the skin regain its moisture retention capacity.

• Just moisturizing your skin isn't enough.

• When a moisturizer is applied, it hydrates the cells, but the cells quickly lose the moisture.

• If substances that work synergistically together to restore the skin cells' elasticity are applied to the skin, then as the healing progresses, the cells continue to admit moisture as before, but after the healing are better able to keep it from escaping.

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Razor Bumps

• Causes of Razor Bumps• Razor bumps occur when hair curls back into the skin and causes

inflammation. This condition is referred to as razor bumps because it most commonly occurs as a result of shaving.

• Hair that has just been shaved is short and hence rigid; it also has a sharp tip.

• Thus it can curl around and force its way back into your skin.

• Razor Bumps Treatment• There are wonderful agents on the market for treating hair, so that its

moisture retention capacity is enhanced.

• Hair treated with these active ingredients becomes softer and more pliable and consequently even curly hair is much less likely to force its way back into the skin.

• Products specifically created for ingrown hair and inflammation, not only contains a high moisturizing fraction, but also contains an extraordinarily high healing fraction and so treats the inflammations that the in-grown hair causes

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Chapped Hands

• Causes of Chapped Hands• Chapped hands are, of course, the result of your skin being too dry.

• Some people are more prone to dry hands than others, but almost everyone experiences chapped hands at some point in their lives.

• The root of the chapped hands problem is that your skin does not have adequate moisture retention capacity.

• As a consequence, your hands become rough and chapped.

• The chapping further reduces the moisture retention capacity and this vicious circle results in the problem persisting.

• Chapped Hand Care• The remedy is to treat the skin with substances that enhance its moisture-

retention capabilities.

• In early adulthood, our skin cells begin to become more porous and less elastic. When a moisturizer is applied, it hydrates the cells, but the cells quickly lose the moisture.

• If substances that work synergistically together to restore the skin cells' elasticity are applied to the skin, then as the healing progresses, the cells continue to admit moisture as before, but after the healing are better able to keep it from escaping.

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Hand Dermatitis

• Causes of Hand dermatitis• Hand dermatitis (also known as hand eczema) can result from several

different causes, including constitutional factors, contact with irritants and allergy.

• Some people are more prone to hand dermatitis than others.

• They often have a personal or family history of atopic dermatitis, asthma or hay fever.

• Some have psoriasis, a common skin complaint best known for causing red scaly patches on elbows, knees and scalp.

• Hand dermatitis Treatment• Since hand dermatitis dries out the skin, the most direct way to treat it is to

help the skin regain its moisture retention capacity.

• Just moisturizing your skin isn't enough.

• When a moisturizer is applied, it hydrates the cells, but the cells quickly lose the moisture. If substances that work synergistically together to restore the skin cells' elasticity are applied to the skin, then as the healing progresses, the cells continue to admit moisture as before, but after the healing are better able to keep it from escaping.

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Split or Torn Cuticles

• Causes of Split or Torn Cuticles• The purpose of cuticles is to form a barrier at your nail line to keep

infections out. When your hands become dry, your cuticles are often the first indicator. Because cuticles need to be elastic in order to form a tight seal with your nails, as soon as they become dry, they become hard and soon after that the cuticles begin to split or tear. The root of the split or torn cuticles problem is that your skin does not have adequate moisture retention capacity.

• Caring for Split or Torn Cuticles• The remedy is to treat the skin with substances that enhance its moisture-

retention capabilities. Using a simple moisturizer has some beneficial effect, but not enough. When a moisturizer is applied, it hydrates the cells, but the cells quickly lose the moisture. If substances that work synergistically together to restore the cuticles cells' elasticity are applied to the hands, then as the healing progresses, the cells continue to admit moisture as before, but after the healing are better able to keep it from escaping. Thus the cells regain their elasticity and the cuticles no longer split or tear.

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BUT…Above all, please bear the following in mind:

You are neither a trained physician nor a qualified

dermatologist. Please do not make assumptions for, or

promises, to customers if you have no idea what the problem

is (especially if the condition looks serious).

This could lead to serious allegations and customers may go

as far as hold the brand liable.

Leave malpractice to the guys who earn the big bucks…

After all… you refund your mistakes…

They bury theirs!

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Here's how to keep eight common phobias from

holding you back

Don't let it stifle your

sales potential

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Fear is one of the most powerful human emotions.

Its grip is strong and persuasive.

To be a successful sales pro, learn to identify and tame your fears, instead of

letting your fears control you.

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Assume you're not in a place where your customers will threaten you or your loved ones with bodily harm.

Rather, your fears are probably over what will happen if you engage a new client, propose a high-cost solution,

and have to respond to their objections. The best way to combat these fears is to talk to yourself, either out loud

or silently, and re-program your thinking.

Before making a sale, the first person you've got to sell is yourself. Convince yourself that your offering has

value, that you have the right to call on quality prospective customers, and that these same customers

would be well-advised to speak with you because of how much benefit your offering could provide their operation.

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1. Fear of meeting a new customer. "I'm already

not working with Customer A. If I engage them,

I'm really only risking a 'yes.'" Seen in this

light, you really aren't risking anything, so start

selling them today.

2. Fear that a high-level customer won't respond to

you. Remember, no matter how high up the

chain you're engaging, the customer is

human, too. She puts her pants on one leg at a

time, just like you.

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3. Fear that customers are too busy to talk to you. Tell

yourself that most people work at least eight hours a

day and are responsible for finding ways to increase

revenues or decrease expenses or liability. Therefore,

they're paid to speak to people like you who can

help them achieve these goals.

4. Fear that a customer will be unkind to you.

Experienced salespeople know that the more

influential the person, the nicer they are in general.

They‟ve been there…

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5. Fear that a customer might ask a question to which you don't know the answer. First, learn everything possible about your offering and your customer's situation to diminish the likelihood of this and to build your confidence. Then, if a customer stumps you, say, "You know, I have read X number of books and Y magazines and spoken to Z experts on these topics, but I'm not completely sure about your question. I want to be sure you get the best answer for your situation. May I get back to you?"

We are supplying you with customer cards, index tabs and Perspex boxes.

Please use these to capture all required information.

The cards also indicate a follow-up date, so that you can contact the customer, as a proactive initiative.

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Customer Index CardsThis is the most important information. The

customer should be filed alphabetically, either by first or last name (whichever you are most

comfortable with). This is the first point of departure on building a ‘first name’ relationship!

Your primary objective is to ‘up-sell’ the customer to a brand that is ‘premium’, but to date has been unattainable. This information

could also give you insight as to the customer's budgetary position

Preferred Cosmetic Brand. The product they currently use (and will in the immediate future), may not be what they

aspire to use... Find out!

Not every customer is a Dis-

Chem Club member. We

need this information

(updated), in order to continue

to grow the database (&


One of the most cost-effective

ways to communicate

promotions, is via sms & e-mail.

Always see if you can get their

mobile number and e-mail


Keep your date of purchase up to date. This will allow you the opportunity to analyse

‘buying patterns’ and practice ‘predictive purchasing’ forecasts.

VERY IMPORTANT. In order for you to assist your customer, know what they have tried, used and repurchased (or not) –

make notes on the reverse of the card if necessary, regarding reasons, etc.

VERY IMPORTANT! Many reasons, a) makes

the customer feel important (you care), makes you look better (competence) & NB! NB! NB!... Generates

sales and builds relationships!

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6. Fear of losing your composure during an important

sale. I once heard a speaking coach comfort

wannabe speakers with the line "The good news is

it's physically impossible to pass out, throw up, and

cry all at the same time." This applies to salespeople

too. Be prepared to meet your customers so you can

be mentally present when you're in front of your

customer. Then you can deal with any challenges or

surprises if they happen.

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7. Fear that something embarrassing will happen

during a sale. If this really does happen, laugh.

My parents used to tell me, "When things go

wrong, you can laugh or cry. Why not laugh?"

You may have to force your laughter to get

started because it's so awful or embarrassing,

but laughter eases almost any situation.

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8. Fear that if you lose a major sale or client, your

business or career will collapse. Throughout my

years in sales, I have lost several big clients and

deals. Recalling the losses, and subsequent

wins, strengthens me. I remind myself that the

worst has happened before and I'm still standing

- in fact, I'm thriving. If the worst happens again,

I know I can survive it again - and emerge even

stronger than I was before.

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Fear can be like a grizzly bear that roars so loudly

you cover your eyes and ears - and thereby miss

prime selling opportunities.

Don't let it happen!

Remember that your customers have fears, too.

It‘s your job to make them feel at ease!

In the meantime, happy selling!

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―Learn, Teach, Sell‖

Yourself to More Sales!

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―Learn, Teach, Sell‖

Every sale you make needs to include the ―Learn, Teach, Sell‖ concept.

Today‘s customer has many options available to them.

Rarely are we in a position to sell to a customer something that is so unique and compelling that

they have no other choice but to buy from us.

To help create a competitive edge in the marketplace, we must find ways to distinguish

our selling process from our rival‘s.

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―Learn, Teach, Sell‖

One of the most effective ways to do this is to use each contact to “learn” something about the

customer and to “teach” them something about the business.

When we take the time to both ―learn‖ from and ―teach‖ the customer something, then we have

earned the right to “sell” them.

This is a consultative selling approach.

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―Learn, Teach, Sell‖

―Learning‖ something about the customer is absolutely essential if we are going to be in a

position to help identify their true needs.

Therefore, the questions you ask must allow you to gain information that can be used either in the current sale or at a later time with the customer. An example might be finding out from a customer

(subtly) what their financial limits are.

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―Learn, Teach, Sell‖

―Teaching‖ is the way we can help the customer become more qualified in their position and, in

turn, make better decisions.

Teaching them something should not be centred on the products or services we offer, but on the

industry and business practices.

The key is to provide them with practical information.

By doing so, you will demonstrate that you are interested in helping them be more successful,

rather than just selling them something.

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―Learn, Teach, Sell‖

“Selling” is the final step.

Naturally, we want to sell our products at every


However, reality reminds us that many times there

are objections and other issues that must be

overcome before the customer will buy from us.

Still, it is essential for us to do on every sale,

whether it is simply selling our integrity, our

listening skills, or our personal style.

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―Learn, Teach, Sell‖

In the end, we have been successful if we have

earned the right, privilege, honour, and respect

to serve the customer again.

This is best achieved when we‘ve taken the time to

learn from them and teach them information of


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Your Recipe For Creating PMCE'sPMCE - Positive Memorable Customer ExperienceIngredients• 1 Heaping Cup of smiles

• 1 Pleasant Greeting

• 2 Generous Tablespoons of "How may I help you."

• 3 Cups of Prepared Questions

• 2 Firmly Packed Cups of Listening

• 1 Large Package of Warm Empathy

• 1/2 Dozen Options

• 1 Pleasant Closing

Method• Set aside 2 tablespoons of smiles for garnishing.

• Take the remaining cup of smiles and blend them with your pleasant greeting.

• Next, gently pour in the "How may I help you's."

• Then, fold in your prepared questions along with the listening.

• Delicately combine the warm empathy along with the 1/2 dozen options.

• Mix well.

• Top off with a pleasant closing and evenly sprinkle remaining smiles.

Serving Suggestion

• Serve to your customers and repeat.

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Why is etiquette and image so

important in today's business world?

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Why is etiquette and image so important in

today's business world?

• Image is more prevalent today then it ever was because we have all become image analyst!

• Whether we like it or not, we judge people on our first impression and they judge us.

• It is often done unconsciously; a favourable impression can be created by what we wear and how we act.

• Perhaps a missed handshake will cause you to feel uncomfortable for the rest of a meeting and your counterpart might feel you are not as confident as they expected you to be.

• It is important to get to the business at hand and not worry about details such as being dressed appropriately or knowing when to start talking business during a luncheon or dinner.

• Our manners and dress speak volumes about us.

• After intensive research of customers across the country, it is ascertained that everyone agreed on one thing: people who dress better and have poise project credibility, people believe them more and yes, they attract clients!

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What are the biggest errors business people

make when it comes to etiquette and image?

• The biggest error is to think that image and etiquette are not important skills in business and believe that having a degree will suffice to get them moving up the ladder.

• Image is not how we see ourselves but how others perceive us.

• What is your image?

• Whether you like it or not, we all have one, whether it is a good one or a bad one.

• A few common errors in:

• Dress & Decorum for women: Wearing sandals with a suit.

• Dress & Decorum for men: Wearing a button-down collar shirt with a suit.

• Etiquette: Not knowing what to do when you forget a name.

• International Business Etiquette: To disregard the importance of building a relationship before doing business as is required and expected in several countries.Executive Dining Etiquette: Eating your neighbour‘s bread and drinking your neighbour‘s wine.

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How has the globalization of business affected the

importance of business etiquette and image?

• Advanced technology is shrinking our world.

• It is now easier for business people to meet and conduct business local & global.

• It has become easier for us to develop „international standards‟, based on global exposure through inclusion in the „Global Village‟.

• More contacts are made and this increases our chances of making cultural faux-pas.

• When cultures collide, opportunities for deals to fail are quite common.

• We are like fish out of water when we cross to another culture.

• We have different values, different customs, and sometimes bridging the cultural gap is very difficult.

• Attention to details such as how we act and present ourselves become more important since often times the language differs and visuals are used more than ever to decode messages.

• We owe to each other to be respectful of our human cultures, and no one could argue that paying attention to the way we interact through our manners and dress can only help to enhance our relationships.

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What are some examples of cross-cultural

differences that can affect business relationships?

• We might share some values but prioritise them differently.

• For example, some cultures may not appreciate humour at the beginning of a meeting while we feel it helps ―brake the ice‖.

• Specific cultures will insist on developing a closer and more familiar relationship before signing a contract while we just want to get to the business at hand and deal with the issues, come to an understanding and sign the deal.

• Some societies practice promotion based on someone‘s performance while others will promote based on seniority.

• When a contract is signed, the deal is made and is not subject to changes. Your counterpart from a different culture may feel differently, as time evolves, it may seem natural for them to ―adapt‖ the contract to reflect a more recent situation.

• Question: Is business etiquette and image as important for men as for women in business?

• Answer: Equally as important, there is no gender in business!

• Question: Business people seem to be spending less time in face-to-facemeetings and more time using the phone and email. Does this trend make etiquette and image more or less important?

• Answer: Telephone etiquette is a big part of business etiquette and companies are starting to ask candidates, “how phonogenic are you?”

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How can you tell whether you need to improve

your manners or image?

• Observe those around your work environment, your level of confidence working a room, introducing yourself and others, making small talk, dressing for different occasions. Do you feel something is not working, not sure if it is the hair or makeup or clothes?

• Do you notice you can never find what you are looking for, it does not seem to exist and when you finally find it, it does not look the way you thought it would?

• You have tried several different styles of clothing, hairstyle and yet, nothing seem to bring out your best assets?

• How comfortable are you taking clients out to lunch or dinner? Do you always know what fork to use and which glass is yours?

• You might feel your skills in manners and dress are quite adequate but there is nothing like getting confirmation that what you do is right and we can always pick up a few tips to help us outclass the competition.

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How can you tell whether you need to improve

your manners or image?

• Observe those around your work environment, your level of confidence working a room, introducing yourself and others, making small talk, dressing for different occasions. Do you feel something is not working, not sure if it is the hair or makeup or clothes?

• Do you notice you can never find what you are looking for, it does not seem to exist and when you finally find it, it does not look the way you thought it would?

• You have tried several different styles of clothing, hairstyle and yet, nothing seem to bring out your best assets?

• How comfortable are you taking clients out to lunch or dinner? Do you always know what fork to use and which glass is yours?

• You might feel your skills in manners and dress are quite adequate but there is nothing like getting confirmation that what you do is right and we can always pick up a few tips to help us outclass the competition.

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Did You Know…?

• Did you know that a person‘s body language including tone of voice, communicates about 80% of the intended message.

• Only 10% comes directly from the verbal communication.

• The better you understand the signals you send via your body language or those of a business partner or potential customer, the better you will be at negotiating and getting what you want.

• Did you know that your outward appearance is observed and judged by approximately 25 - 35 people each day (depending on your environment, it could be between 150 – 250)?

• People who are well-dressed and well-groomed earn more; are promoted faster and are perceived as more competent than those who are not.

• By learning what constitutes an effective business wardrobe, you will gain a poised and polished image, without sacrificing your individuality.

• It has thus been ascertained that image and impression is important, perhaps not from your personal view point, but to those around you.

• Create an aura of success... dress the part, walk the walk and talk the talk

• Remember, you are a walking, talking advertisement for your brand... How do you want your customers to perceive your brand (through you)?

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Solutions• Create a strong visual presence.

• Wear colours that will ensure you look your best for business and pleasure.

• With a colour analysis, you could discover "your season" as well as the best wardrobe and makeup colours to enhance your natural colouring.

• All women look and feel better with a little colour to enhance their skin tone, eyes and hair.

• Accentuate your figure assets (IOW, experiment with what works for you).

• Style is a personal thing – everyone has it!

• Learn the most effective styles and tailoring for you - from dresses, jackets and pants to necklines and sleeves - plus the most appropriate fabrics and accessories.

• Analyse your face shape, hair and eyewear styles - all with the intent of helping you to establish your very own look and style, one that is compatible with your profession and lifestyle.

• Ask ‘real‘ friends and family for their advice and opinions on your look, colour and complimentary ensembles... YES... Men too!

• Don‘t feel threatened or view their opinion as criticism... especially if you‘ve asked for their opinion... look at it as an opportunity to grow into yourself.

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Clarins, a French family-run business, began international activity in the early

70‗s when the first contracts with exclusive distributing agents were signed. The first subsidiaries were

organized in the 80‗s starting with the USA in 1981. Today, the Clarins Group

is made up of 19 subsidiaries across 150 countries with more than 5367


Clarins and the world of perfume:

The lucrative partnership between Clarins and the talented fashion

designer Thierry Mugler, and more recently Parfums Azzaro has led to several "fragrant" success stories. Discover Clarins and the world of

perfume: one name yet three brands that share the same passion,

the same philosophy and the same vocation, enhancing women‗s

beauty and well-being.

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Originally reserved for use in Clarins Instituts de Beauté, women have been able to use these exceptional products since 1966. Formulated to maintain a radiant-looking complexion, rebalance the skin but also to firm, tone and promote a more beautiful-looking silhouette, Clarins Face & Body Oils are still bestsellers today.


In 1985, Clarins succeeded in combining the highest performing ingredients, whether water or oil soluble, into one product. Regularly updated and reformulated based on the latest research discoveries, Double Serum now contains 38 powerful, age-fighting ingredients.


The feel-good fragrance…, based on the principles of Aroma-Phyto Beauty Care, Clarins created the first body fragrance that combined the fragrant and treatment benefits of plant extracts to firm and tone the skin while delicately fragrancing.


Clarins perfected an ingredient-delivery system called the Multi-Lamellins system capable of delivering ingredients depending on the skin's needs. As a part of Multi-Active Day Cream's formula, they help the skin better resist daytime aggressions.

Clarins Fact File

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Clarins was the first laboratory to incorporate an anti-pollution complex into a day cream. Today, all of Clarins daytime treatments benefit from this protection to help combat the ageing effects of pollution which has become the second major factor in skin ageing following sun exposure.


For the first time in cosmetology, Clarins developed a combination of plant extracts to protect Langerhans cells from UV rays. This was called "Safeguarded Beauty". This vegetal complex was later enriched with other plant extracts to ensure Multi-Cellular Protection.


Clarins used the influence light has on plant extracts to develop the revitalizing benefits of this day cream rich in vitamin precursors.

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Body Lift focused its action on fat cell receptors and was the first body product to benefit from the latest scientific discoveries in terms of cellular communication. Shortly afterward, Body Lift 2000 was formulated based on two Nobel Prize winning research topics to activate the "G" protein using Chinese Root extract.


In 1998, Clarins developed the first slimming concept for the face, combining an exceptional product with a very innovative application method called the "Manual Auto-Lifting Method". They work together to help firm, refine and promote a younger-looking appearance.


In 1999, Clarins used sunflower auxins for the first time. These auxins demonstrated exceptional skin-firming benefits to maintain skin tone and maintain a youthful.

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Created in 2000, the Multi-Matte Skin Care collection contains the Chronomattm System, exclusive to Clarins, which makes it possible to achieve a custom matte appearance for oily or combination skin as well as skin which has a tendency to shine.


Inspired by the discovery of a second lipid-elimination process and formulated with powerful plant extracts, Body Lift Contour Control represents a true revolution in body contouring treatments.


Because men‘s skin has very specific needs, Clarins designed the ClarinsMen range. The key ingredient in this product line is an innovative energizing complex which combines Bison Grass, Chinese Galanga and Purslane. A major scientific advance… just for men‘s skin.

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To compensate for the slowing down of skin functions linked to hormonal changes, Clarins Laboratories have selected two plant extracts: Pueraria Lobata, the « forever young » plant and Pelvetia. These two extracts, one from the land and one from the sea, contain isoflavones which are scientifically recognized for their capacity to boost cell metabolism slowed down due to ageing. In this way, they stimulate all skin functions and reactivate the synthesis of collagen which gives skin its density and smooth, plump appearance.


The first express application skin care which satisfies the dual need of the body‘s skin, hidden by clothes most of the year, for moisture and light. Lumiline, Clarins exclusive complex, combines extracts of Hazelnut and Bamboo to compensate for the consequences of the lack of natural light, an essential factor in skin quality and its optimal hydration.


To combat stubborn cellulite, a woman‘s number one enemy, Total Body Lift not only reduces the volume of existing fat cells but also limits the formation of new ones. This is possible thanks to the intelligent relay action of two innovative plant extracts: Baccharis and Hortonia from Ceylon.

Clarins Fact File

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Cleansing Milk with Alpine Herbs• Dry/Normal Skin

• 200ml

• cleansing treatment that gently "wakes up" skin radiance. Formulated with very pure vegetal extracts, this milky cleansing lotion enhances a clear complexion while moisturizing and neutralizing the drying effects of hard water.

• Beauty Benefits: Cleanses and gently lifts make-up and impurities. - Improves skin‗s suppleness and elasticity. - Enhances a clear, pure complexion. - Moisturizes and neutralizes the drying effects of hard water.

• Ingredients: Hydrophilic oils (cleanse) and Vitamins A and E. Alpine Herbs (softens), Arnica (Regenerates), Balm Mint (Calms), Gentian (Tones), Juniper (Anti-bacterial), Linseed, Marshmallow Method of Use :Use every day, morning and evening, to thoroughly cleanse the face and neck.

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Cleansing Milk with Gentian• Combination/Oily Skin

• 200ml

• A cleansing treatment that gently "wakes up" skin radiance. Formulated with pure vegetal extracts, this milky lotion purifies skin, eliminating excess oils and maintaning moisture level..

• Beauty Benefits :- Cleanses thoroughly; lifts make-up, surface impurities and excess oil. - Improve skin‗s suppleness. - Neutralizes the drying effects of hard water. - Promotes a radiant, fresh, clear complexion.

• Ingredients :- Hydrophilic oils (cleanse) and Vitamins A & E.- Gentian (Tones), Guava, Hawthorn, Orris (Softens) Method of Use :Use daily, morning and evening. Massage over face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Rinse or tissue off. Follow with Clarins Toning Lotion.

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Gentle Foaming Cleanser• All Skins

• 125ml

• Formulated with key natural ingredients, this soft, light foaming cleanser is as gentle as a milk and more effective than a soap. Make-up impurities are swept away leaving skin‗s natural pH and moisture content perfectly balanced.

• Beauty Benefits :- Thoroughly removes excess oil secretions, surface impurities and make-up. - Cleanses and purifies, respects skin‗s natural balance. - Refines surface skin texture and tightens pores. - Softens and neutralizes the drying effects of hard water. - Leaves skin fresh, soft and radiant. - Ideal for all members of the family.

• Ingredients: Water softening agents, Hazelnut, Jojoba (Anti-free radical), Shea (Nourishes), Soapwort Method of Use: Use morning or evening according to skin type. Normal skin: Use 3-4 times weekly, alternate with Clarins Cleansing Milks. Combination / Oily Skin: Use daily. Lightly lather small amount in damp hands. Apply over damp face and neck in light motions. Follow with the prescribed Clarins Toning Lotion.

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Gentle Foaming Cleanser• Dry/Sensitive Skin

• 200ml

• For an ultra-fresh, "soap-and-water" clean.The rich, lightweight lather of Gentle Foaming Cleanser offers all the benefits of cleansing with water; without the inconveniences.

• Beauty Benefits :- Thoroughly removes excess oil secretions, surface impurities and make-up. - Cleanses and purifies, respects skin‗s natural balance. - Refine surface skin texture and tightens pores. - Softens and neutralizes the drying effects of hard water. - Leaves skin perfectly cleansed and complexion clear and luminous.

• Ingredients: Water softening agents, Shea (Nourishes), Yucca Shidigera Method of Use :Use every day, morning or evening, or 1-2 times a week alternating with Clarins Cleansing Milks.

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Toning Lotion (Alcohol-free)• Dry/Normal Skin

• 200ml

• Gently completes the cleansing process.Alcohol-free plant based lotion to refresh dry or normal skin and gently complete the perfect cleansing program.

• Beauty Benefits :- Gently removes any traces of Cleansing Milk. - Tones skin and clarifies complexion. - Promotes soft, comfortable, radiant skin. - Moisturizes and softens. - Facilitates smooth make-up application and enhances long-lasting wear. - Enhances the action of products applied afterwards.

• Ingredients : - Alpine Herbs (softens), Vitamins A, B, E -improve skin‗s overall qualities, Chamomile, Linden Method of Use :- Use every day, morning and evening. Apply with a cotton pad and follow with a Clarins Cleansing Milk.

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Toning Lotion (Alcohol-free)• Combination/Oily Skin

• 200ml

• Gently completes the cleansing process.Alcohol-free plant based lotion to refresh combination or oily skin and gently complete the perfect cleansing program.

• Beauty Benefits: Gently removes any traces of Cleansing Milk. - Tones skin and clarifies complexion. - Promotes soft, comfortable, radiant skin. - Moisturizes and softens. - Facilitates smooth make-up application and enhances long-lasting wear. - Enhances the action of products applied afterwards.

• Ingredients: Aloe (Alleviates), Guava, Hawthorn, Orris (Softens), Witch hazel (Anti-free radical, Astringent, Protects) Method of Use :- Use every day, morning and evening. Apply with a cotton pad and follow with a Clarins Cleansing Milk.

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Extra Comfort Cleansing

Cream• Dry/Sensitized Skin

• 200ml

• with plant extracts.Very gentle cleansing cream with a rich, creamy texture specially recommended for dry or sensitized skin. Beauty Benefits :- Lifts make-up and impurities gently and effectively. - Soothes and leaves skin soft and supple. - Leaves dry skin or rough skin soft to the touch with a silky-smooth appearance. Ingredients : - Vitamins A and E: help prevent the appearance of aging.

• Jojoba (Anti-free radical), Shea (Nourishes), Soapwort

• Method of Use :Use daily, morning and evening to thoroughly remove surface impurities.

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Extra Comfort Toning Lotion• Dry/Sensitized Skin

• 200ml

• Alcohol-free, with plant extracts.Designed for very dry skin in need of comfort. This extra-mild lotion is the ideal complement to Extra-Comfort Cleansing Cream.

• Beauty Benefits: Gently lifts remaining traces of Extra-Comfort Cleansing Cream. - Tones and brightens the complexion. - Moisturizes, refreshes and soothes skin. - Leaves dry or rough skin soft, smooth and radiant. - Enhances lasting wear of make-up.

• Ingredients: Aloe (Alleviates), Linden, Linseed, Sweet Almond (Nourishes)

• Method of Use:Apply daily, morning and evening, after Extra-Comfort Cleansing Cream.

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One-Step Facial Cleanser• Dry/Sensitized Skin

• 200ml

• Cleanses and tones in one easy step.Cleansing is the first step to beautiful, radiant skin. This easy-to-use cleanser lifts surface impurities and tones skin to enhance natural radiance. It is the first cleansing product to neutralize environmental aggressions. Perfectly respects skin‘s pH.

• Beauty Benefits : Gently cleanses and lifts make-up and surface impurities. - Thoroughly neutralizes skin and eliminates pollution particles. - Refreshes, tones and restores skin‘s hydrolipidic film. - Leaves skin purified, luminous, firm and revitalized.

• Ingredients: Moringa (Detoxifies,Purifies), Orange Method of Use: Use every day, morning and evening to thoroughly cleanse and tone face and neck. Shake well before each use.

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One-Step Gentle Exfoliating

Cleanser with Orange Extract• All Skins

• 125ml

• The ―4 in 1‖ cleanser for fresh, clear, radiant-looking skin

• Created for active women, the first water-rinsable make-up remover that cleanses, gently exfoliates, detoxifies and tones in one single step. Better than clean skin, new skin. Beauty Benefits :- Perfectly eliminates impurities and removes all kinds of make-up, including waterproof or non-transfer formulas- Sweeps away dead skin cells and purifies the skin- Neutralizes the effects of pollution- Tones and brightens the complexionIngredients : Gentle soap-free cleansing agent, Silicamicrobeads to unclog pores, Cellulose microbeads to refine skin texture, Moringa seed extracts : purify, detoxify, Orange extract : refreshes, tones, revives, Moringa (Detoxifies,Purifies), Orange, Shea(Nourishes) Method of Use: Place a small amount of product onto finger tips. Lather on to damp skin and cleanse using gentle circular movements. Avoid eye contour area. Rinse thoroughly.

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Gentle Exfoliating Refiner for Face• All Skins

• 50ml

• Promotes smooth, firm complexion.A rich cream texture with ultra-gentle, exfoliating microspheres to refine the surface skin.

• Beauty Benefits:- Eliminates dead skin cells and enhances cellular renewal. - Maintains and helps prolong a youthful appearance. - Enhances radiance and firmness of the skin.

• Ingredients:- Exfoliating and refining microspheres. Butcher‗s Broom extract (tones, decongests, softens), Butcher broom (Stimulates), Mimosa Tenuiflora (Repairs)

• Method of Use:Use once or twice a week on thoroughly cleansed skin.

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Gentle Facial Peeling• Sensitive Skin

• 40ml

• For a soft, radiant more youthful-looking complexion.Gentle, absorbent cream exfoliator based on natural clay. Particularly recommended for sensitive skin.

• Beauty Benefits:- Absorbs and lifts surface impurities, renews skin‗s surface. Maintains and protects a youthful appearance. - With regular use, Gentle Facial Peeling allows skin to "breathe" better and enhances the action and benefits of treatments applied afterward.

• Ingredients: Natural clay (gentle exfoliating, (absorbing action). Coltsfoot, Elder tree, Great Burdock, Mallow, Marshmallow

• Method of Use: Use once or twice a week on thoroughly cleansed skin.

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Face Treatment Oil

“Blue Orchid”• Dehydrated Skin

• 50ml

• Helps prevent night-time moisture loss.

• Face treatment oil with 100% pure natural plant extracts.

• Use at night as the perfect complement to Aromatic Plant Day Cream to revitalize dehydrated skin and promote a youthful, radiant complexion on waking.

• Beauty Benefits :- Revitalizes, tones, moisturizes and nourishes. - Helps prevent moisture loss. - Leaves skin soft and supple. - Minimizes signs of aging.

• Ingredients :- Hazelnut, Orchid, Patchouli

• Method of Use: Apply in the evening to complement Aromatic Plant Day Cream.

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Face Treatment Oil “Lotus”• Combination/Oily Skin

• 50ml

• Helps rebalance skin prone to oiliness during the night.Face treatment oil with 100% pure natural plant extracts. Use at night as the perfect complement to Aromatic Plant Day Cream to help rebalance combination skin prone to oiliness. Promotes a youthful, radiant complexion.

• Beauty Benefits:- Helps normalize sebaceous secretions. - Helps "tighten" the pores. - Helps prevent moisture loss. - Nourishes and leaves skin supple and soft.

• Ingredients: Chamomile, Geranium, Hazelnut, Lotus, Rosemary (Alleviates, De-stresses) Method of Use:- Apply in the evening to complement Aromatic Plant Day Cream.

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Face Treatment Oil “Satal”• Dry Skin

• 50ml

• Enhances radiance while leaving skin smooth and satin soft. Face treatment oil with 100% pure natural plant extracts. Use at night as the perfect complement to Aromatic Plant Day Cream on dry or high coloured skin. Promotes a youthful radiant complexion in the morning.

• Beauty Benefits:- Helps reduce appearance of slight reddening. - Nourishes skin, helps prevent moisture loss. - Leaves skin supple and satin-soft.

• Ingredients: Cardamom, Hazelnut, Lavender, Parsley, Sandalwood

• Method of Use:Apply in the evening to complement Aromatic Plant Day Cream

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Gentle Eye Make-up

Remover Lotion• Sensitive Eyes or Contact Lenses

• 125ml

• For light, everyday eye make-up.

• This refreshing floral-based lotion soothes and softens.

• Gentle Eye Make-up Remover was formulated to be as gentle as eye drops. Suitable for those with sensitive eyes or contact lenses.

• Beauty Benefits :- Thoroughly eliminates eye make-up. - Revitalizes and refreshes. - Helps prevent moisture-loss. - Strengthens eyelashes.

• Ingredients :- Soya protein: strengthens lashes.- Cornflower (Alleviates, Astringent)

• Method of Use :- Use everyday to remove eye make-up.

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Eye Contour Gel• Sensitive Eyes or Contact Lenses

• 20ml

• A daily treatment to minimize puffiness and dark circles.An ultra-lightweight, non-oily gel that is fragrance-free can be used at any time of the day. The treatment can be used over make-up to maintain youthful-looking eye expressions. Product is suitable for those with sensitive eyes or contact lens wearers.

• Beauty Benefits :- Reduces puffiness, minimizes dark circles. - Moisturizes and tones the eyelids. - Soothes and refreshes. - Facilitates smooth make-up application.

• Ingredients :- Serrated Palmetto extract: decongests.- Apricot, Butcher broom (Stimulates), Dog Rose

• Method of Use :- Use at any time during the day.

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Eye Contour Balm• All Skins (also available for Dry Skin)

• 20ml

• Maintain youthful eye expressions, longer.This lightweight, easily absorbed lotion is the perfect daily treatment to help minimize the appearance of fine lines and crow‗s feet. A "spéciale" version is also available for dry skin or those who live in cold climates.

• Beauty Benefits:- Helps minimize the appearance of fine lines and crow‗s feet. - Softens and moisturizes. - Leaves skin fresh and matte, facilitates make-up application. - Suitable for sensitive eyes and/or contact lens wearers.

• Ingredients: - Light correcting pigments (optically diminish fine lines and wrinkles), Natural skin-softening complex, Shea (Nourishes)

• Method of Use: Apply morning or evening.

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Instant Eye Makeup Remover

• Sensitive Eyes or Contact Lenses

• 20ml

• For heavy or waterproof eye make-up.

• This extremely gentle, double formulated eye make-up remover is suitable for those with sensitive eyes or contact lens wearers to help preserve youthful eye contours.

• Beauty Benefits :- Lifts away all eye make-up, including heavy or waterproof formulas. - Moisturizes, soothes and softens eyelids. - Helps preserve fragile lashes. - Does not sting, respects the pH balance of tears.

• Ingredients :- Ultra-fine natural oils: soften.- Cornflower (Alleviates,Astringent) Method of Use :Shake well before each use.

• Dampen cotton pad with Instant Eye Make-up Remover and gently sweep across eye contours.

• Be gentle as the eye area is delicate.

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Hydra-Care Tinted Moisturizer

• All Skins

• 50ml – Blonde, Dore or Camel Shades

• Sheer colour for a luminous complexion.For those who want a day cream that will enhance their complexion while revitalizing skin‗s beauty. Revitalizing Tinited Moisturizer is the perfect alliance of treatment and colour.

• Beauty Benefits :- Moisturizes skin and enhances the complexion with transparent colour. - Helps minimize wrinkles and minor imperfections. - Promotes radiant skin and a natural complexion that is long-lasting. - Helps nourish and soften skin almost instantly.

• Ingredients: Lipophilic, cell extracts of marine origin revitalizes, restores, and protects against damaging free radicals. - Hydrophilic, cell extracts of vegetal origin hydrates, repairs skin's beauty and promotes firmness. - Clarins Anti-Pollution Complex safeguards skin against damaging UV rays and pollution. Echinacea (Stimulates), Liquorice (Softens), Sea Fennel

• Method of Use: Apply in the morning on thoroughly cleansed face and neck.

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Moisture Replenishing Lip Balm

• All Skins

• 15ml

• Lips are fragile and can become dehydrated and uncomfortable. Concentrated specific key ingredients to repair, soothe and protect lips. They immediately regain their supple aspect and a feeling of comfort.

• Beauty Benefits: Intense lip-repairing action restores the quality of the lips' epidermis. Moisturizes, nourishes and protects against climatic aggressions. Preserves lips' youthful aspect, makes them smoother, more supple.

• Ingredients: Shea Butter: ensures immediate, continuous comfort. Anti-free radical action. Wild Mango extract and Vitamin A: reinforces the repairing action, enhances cellular renewal, nourishes and moisturizes. Rice and vegetal perhydrosqualene from olive: anti-dehydrating, soothing and softening. Vitamin E: protects against free radicals to maintain lips' youthful qualities. Shea (Nourishes)

• Method of Use: Moisture Replenishing Lip Balm can be used morning and/or evening or throughout the day when lips start feeling uncomfortable. The slanted tip tube and its creamy texture make application fast and easy.

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Hydration-Plus Moisture Lotion SPF15

• All Skins

• 50ml

• Ideal protection plus hydration.The ideal moisturizer, essential for daytime protection to promote radiance, day-long comfort and hydration. Clarins most advanced treatment to combat damaging environmental aggressions. Ideal for all skin types.

• Beauty Benefits :- Offers maximum moisture care for all skin types. - Promotes an immediate sensation of well-being and exceptional skin comfort. - Protects against environmental aggressions. - Protects skin from excess light exposure. - Protects against damaging UVA/UVB rays.

• Ingredients: Clarins Anti-Pollution Complex: safeguards skin‗s beauty against damaging free radicals. Vitamin Complex: boosts skin‗s radiance. Honey extract: moisturizes, hydrates. Linden, orange blossom: soothes, relaxes. Ash. Ginseng. Horse Chestnut tree.

• Method of Use :Apply every morning on a thoroughly cleansed face and neck.

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Moisture Quenching Hydra-Care Lotion• All Skins

• 50ml

• This non-oily, fluid lotion continuously controls skin‘s moisture level regardless of climatic conditions.

• Beauty Benefits: Hydration, comfort, vitality. Immediately replenishes skin‘s ideal moisture level. Smoothes fine lines due to dehydration. Helps skin maintain its natural level of hydration. Provides pollution protection. Ensures a superb complexion by facilitating smooth, even make-up application.

• Ingredients: Himanthalia Elongata extract: enhances skin‘s natural moisture balance. - Pinus Lambertiana: helps the skin maintain a constant level of hydration. - Lapacho: minimizes moisture loss. - Vitamin E: preserves skin‘s healthy qualities. - Clarins Anti-Pollution Complex: preserves skin from the harmful effects of the environment.- Cactus, Durvillea Antartica, Ginseng, Himanthalia elongata, Horse Chestnut tree, Lapacho, Linden, Pinus lambertiana, Sweet White Lupine (Balances, Moisturises, Regenerates)

• Method of Use: Apply morning or evening to thoroughly cleansed face and neck.

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Thirst Quenching Hydra-Care Serum• Extremely Dehydrated Skin

• 30ml

• Beauty Benefits:

• Hydration, comfort, vitality. Intensely restores moisture by diffusing its marine and plant-based ingredients. Restructures skin‗s "anti-thirst" shield and enhances its hydro-lipidic balance. Ensures suppleness, softness and comfort. Radiance and beauty. Smoothes lines caused by dryness. Restores a fresh looking appearance.

• Ingredients:

Lima bean extract: protects cellular proteins that make it possible for the skin to retain the amount of water necessary for a beautiful appearance. Extract of Himanthalia Elongata: promotes adequate balance of moisture within the skin. Extract of Pinus Lambertiana: helps the skin maintain a constant level of hydration. Extract of Lapacho: helps limit moisture loss. Cactus. Durvillea Antartica. Himanthalia elongata. Lapacho. Pinus lambertiana. Sweet White Lupine (Balances, Moisturises, Regenerates)

• Method of Use: Morning or evening, all year long or as a time-specific treatment (fatigue, end of winter, etc.). Shake well before use. Apply using light, sweeping movements to all parts of the face. Follow with a moisturizer in the Hydra-Balance range or your regular Clarins

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Thirst Quenching Hydra-Care Mask• Normal/Dry Skin

• 50ml

• Ideal hydration to quench skin‟s thirst.Thoroughly rehydrates skin in just a few minutes. Smoothes fine lines caused by dehydration. Relieves uncomfortable feeling of dry, tight skin. Promotes a more even skin tone and enhances a long–lasting, radiant appearance.

• Beauty Benefits :Rich, non-drying, creamy mask helps replenish skin‘s optimum level. In just 5-10 minutes, skin appears satin-soft, more luminous and healthy looking.

• Ingredients :- Himanthalia Elongata extract: enhances skin‘s natural moisture balance within the corneas layer. - Pinus Lambertiana and Cactus extract: help the skin maintain a constant level of hydration. - Sweet White Lupine and Lapacho: minimize moisture loss.- Cactus, Durvillea Antartica - Himanthalia elongata, Lapacho, Pinus lambertiana - Sweet White Lupine (Balances, Moisturises, Regenerates)

• Method of Use: Apply a fine layer and leave on 5-10 minutes. Remove excess with Toning Lotion or gently blend into skin to promote total absorption.

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Purifying Cleansing Gel• Oily Skin

• 125ml

• Cleansing for Oily Skin. Specifically formulated for oily skin, this foaming cleanser thoroughly cleanses and rinses easily with water.

• Beauty Benefits: Gently cleanses, removing make-up and surface impurities. Leaves skin clean and healthy-looking. Helps regulate surface oils and balances the hydrolipidic film. Tightens pores and refines skin‗s texture for a clearer, more radiant complexion. Neutralizes the drying effects of hard water.

• Ingredient : Yucca schidigera extract: a natural cleansing base. Sebopur Complex: purifies, balances, regulates, astringent. Green algae extract: anti-dehydrating. Water softening agents.Wintergreen (Stimulates) Witch hazel (Anti-free radical,Astringent,Protects) Yucca Shidigera

• Method of Use: Use in the morning or evening: work up a lather with a small amount of product and spread over damp skin. Rinse with cool water in the morning and warm water in the evening. Follow with Purifying Toning Lotion.

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Hydra-Matte Day Lotion• Oily/Shiny Skin

• 50ml

• For a clearer, matte appearance.The perfect moisturiser for combination or shiny skin, promotes a matte appearance and optimal comfort.

• Beauty Benefits :- Helps minimise skin "shine", especially around the T-zone.- Provides day-long moisture.- Helps regulate surface oils and balance the hydrolipidic film.- Tightens pores, refines skin's texture.- Helps maintain a matte complexion for long-lasting make-up.

• Ingredients : - Chronomat System (Balances, regulates, purifies).- Sebopur Complex (Balances, regulates, purifies).- Larrea Divaricata extract (Astringent).- Orris Root extract (Moisturises and softens).- Clarins "Anti-Pollution" Complex.

• Method of Use :- Apply every morning to a thoroughly cleansed face and neck.

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Multi-Active Day Cream• All Skins

• 50ml

• A time-released daily moisturizer that fights the first signs of aging.

• A potent combination of protective botanicals helps avoid the appearance of first lines while insuring perfectly hydrated comfortable skin.

• Beauty Benefits: Protects against all visible daytime ageing factors. Promotes hydration and prolonged radiance. Regulates variations of moisture to give well-being and comfort to the skin. Ensures immediate and lasting comfort. Helps make-up last longer.

• Ingredients: Sugar Cane: regulates moisture variations to provide day long comfort. Eleurthero Ginseng (Anti-fatigue). Hops (Stimulates). Horse Chestnut tree. Linden. Mourera fluviatilis (Stimulates). Olive Tree. Pinus lambertiana. Safflower. Shea (Nourishes). Sweet Almond (Nourishes)

• Method of Use: In the morning, apply to freshly cleansed and toned face and neck.

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Multi-Active Day Cream Dry Skin• Dehydrated Skin

• 50ml

• A time-released daily moisturizer that fights the first signs of aging.Beauty Benefits :- Protects against all visible daytime ageing factors. - Promotes hydration and prolonged radiance. - Regulates variations of moisture to give well-being and comfort to the skin.- Ensures immediate and lasting comfort.- Helps make-up last longer.

• Ingredients: Sugar Cane: regulates moisture variations to provide day long comfort. Eleurthero Ginseng (Anti-fatigue). Hops (Stimulates). Horse. Chestnut tree. Mourera fluviatilis (Stimulates). Olive Tree. Pinus lambertiana. Safflower. Shea (Nourishes). Sweet Almond (Nourishes)

• Method of Use: In the morning, apply to freshly cleansed and toned face and neck.

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Multi-Active Night Cream• All Skins

• 50ml

• A refreshed, radiant-looking complexion upon waking, even when the nights are too short !

• For smooth, beautiful-looking skin, women who lead a busy life need more than just a good night‘s sleep. During the night, your skin recuperates the energy used throughout the day and prepares for a new one.

• Beauty Benefits:

• - Promotes extremely soft skin

• - Smoothes skin promoting more relaxed features

• - Boosts skin‘s radiance, enhances younger-looking skin

• - Discover smoother, firmer skin upon waking

• Ingredients: Clintonia borealis, Four o'clock (Anti-free radical), Mandarin, Mourera fluviatilis (Stimulates), Oak

• Method of Use: Apply to thoroughly cleansed skin (face and neck) just before going to bed.

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Multi-Active Night Fluide• All Skins

• 50ml

• A refreshed, radiant-looking complexion upon waking, even when the nights are too short !

• For smooth, beautiful-looking skin, women who lead a busy life need more than just a good night‘s sleep. During the night, your skin recuperates the energy used throughout the day and prepares for a new one.

• Beauty Benefits:

• - Promotes extremely soft skin

• - Smoothes skin promoting more relaxed features

• - Boosts skin‘s radiance, enhances younger-looking skin

• - Discover smoother, firmer skin upon waking

• Ingredients: Clintonia borealis, Four o'clock (Anti-free radical), Mandarin, Mourera fluviatilis (Stimulates), Oak

• Method of Use: Apply to thoroughly cleansed skin (face and neck) just before going to bed.

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Extra-Firming Day Cream• All Skins (also available for Dry Skin)

• 50ml

• Anti-wrinkle care for demanding skin.The first light-activated anti-wrinkle treatment that promotes youthful appearance of skin. Recommended for women over the age of 40. Available for all skin types and very dry skin.

• Beauty Benefits: Gently firms and promotes visibly younger-looking skin. Helps minimize fine lines and wrinkles. Enhances natural optimal hydration. Promotes soft, supple, satin-smooth skin. Facilitates smooth make-up application for long-lasting, radiant make-up. Helps protect against pollution.

• Ingredients: Vitamin precursor extracted from hops and sage: maximum hydration and moisturizes. Vitacreatine: vegetal complex promotes skin suppleness. Polyporous officinal: improves skin elasticity. Clarins Anti-Pollution Complex: helps protect against damaging effects of UV rays and pollution.Agaric (Firms). Durvillea Antartica. Ginseng. Hazelnut. Hops (Stimulates). Horse Chestnut tree. Sesame

• Method of Use :Use every morning on thoroughly cleansed face and neck.

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Extra-Firming Night Cream• All Skins and Very Dry Skin

• 50ml

• Complete night time treatment for demanding, mature skin. Highly effective natural ingredients ensure a complete night time treatment for dry, devitalized skin after the age of 40.

• The rich, comfortable texture helps your skin recover more quickly during the night. Available for all skin types and very dry skin.

• Beauty Benefits :- Upon application, gently erases signs of fatigue and soothes skin. - Firms and refreshes facial features. - Erases fine lines and helps minimize wrinkles. - On waking, the face looks visibly more youthful.

• Ingredients: Vegetal and algae extracts: helps strengthen, nourish, moisturize and soften the complexion. Noctoferrine®: safeguards against nocturnal free radicals. Phyto-aromatherapeutic properties of cedarwood and ylang-ylang: calm and relax. Shea (Nourishes), Sunflower

• Method of Use :Apply every evening to thoroughly cleansed skin.

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Extra-Firming Day Lotion SPF15• Mature Skin

• 20ml

• Instant Lift, for Puffiness and Dark Circles The essential beauty step for youthful, luminous eyes from the age of 40. Illuminates the eyes, reduces under eye puffiness and dark circles and preserves the radiance and firmness of the eye contour.

• Beauty Benefits : Instant « lifting » action: reduces fine lines and dark circles. Combats puffiness and dark circles: diminishes the bluish colour of dark circles, combats puffy eyelids. Immuno-protective and regenerating action: optimizes epidermal renewal. Anti-pollution action: preserves the youthfulness of the fragile eye contour area.

• Ingredients: Soft-focus pigments: illuminate the eyes. Hibiscus: gently firms the skin surface. Agrimony: stimulates blood and lymphatic microcirculation. Caffeine: activates lymphatic drainage, filters tissues. Brown Algae, Silicon: encourage collagen synthesis, restore the structure of the dermis. Stimulen®2 (a combination of Brown Algae and a tetrapeptide). Clarins Anti-Pollution Complex (White Tea, Succory Dock-Cress, Glycofilm). Agrimony. Camellia. Hibiscus

• Method of Use: Apply in the morning to the eye contour, before make-up, using light pressing motions. Can also be applied in the evening, before going out.

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Extra-Firming Neck Cream• Mature/All Skin

• 50ml

• Smoothes and firms to help erase signs of aging.This fine-textured cream is the most effective intensive anti-wrinkle, firming cream to help promote firmness, resilient, soft and enhance the youthful appearance of skin under the neck.

• Beauty Benefits :- Smoothes and softens skin from first applications. - Helps minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. - Firms and tones slackened skin. - Surface skin on neck becomes more resistant to external aggressions. - Deeply moisturizes. - Refines skin texture and reduces signs of aging.

• Ingredients: Ginseng, Mallow, Olive Tree, Walnut

• Method of Use :Apply daily, morning or evening, to a thoroughly cleansed skin.

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Age-Control Extra-Firming Serum• Mature Skin

• 2 x 15ml

• Dual phase concentrated serum that helps restore skin‘s youthful beauty. Formulated with 42 natural ingredients to boost skin‘s radiance and vitality while enhancing a firmer more toned appearance.

• Beauty Benefits:– Diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles – Promotes skin‘s firmness, tone and suppleness – Helps promote radiance and youthful freshness while diminishing signs of stress and fatigue

• Ingredients: Aloe (Alleviates), Apple pip (Stimulates), Apricot, Avocado (Moisturises,Softens), Black cumin (Stimulates), Christophine, Clintonia borealis, Coconut (Stimulates), Coduim tomentosum (Anti-dehydrating), Dog Rose, Durvillea Antartica, Echinacea (Stimulates), Hazelnut, Himanthalia elongata, Kiwi fruit, Kukui nut, Lady‗s Thistle, Macadamia, Palm, Pequi (Stimulates), Rice, Sequoia, Sesame, Shea (Nourishes), St John‗s Wort (Moisturises), Walnut

• Method of Use: Apply morning and/or evening as a periodic intensive treatment or as a daily skin care supplement all year round.

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Extra-Firming Day Lotion SPF15• Mature Skin

• 50ml

• High performance age control moisture care for the needs of mature skin.High performance age control moisture care to address the needs of demanding skin. Formulated with an exclusive light-activated complex to promote optimum levels of vitamin D needed for a radiant, more youthful complexion. Ideal for all skin types.

• Beauty Benefits: Rehydrates and revitalizes youthful beauty. "Lifts" and firms skin‘s appearance for a more toned texture. Helps minimize visible lines and wrinkles. Facilitates make-up application with a soft matte finish. Safeguards skin‘s beauty, protects with UV filters.

• Ingredients: Agaric: astringent, tones, firms. Durvillea Antartica: firms, moisturizes, anti-free radical. Hops: astringent, purifies, stimulates, tones. Shea. Walnut. Sage. Thyme. Vitacreatine. Polyporous officinal. Clarins Anti-Pollution Complex. Agaric. Chondrus crispus. Durvillea Antartica. Ginseng. Hazelnut. Hops (Stimulates). Horse Chestnut tree. Horsetail (Stimulates). Sesame

• Method of Use: Use every morning on thoroughly cleansed face and neck.

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Advanced Extra-Firming Eye Contour Cream• Sensitive Eyes/Contact Lenses

• 20ml

• A brighter outlook for more youthful eyes.This rich, lightweight, comfortable cream is easily absorbed and suitable for those with sensitive eyes or contact lens wearers.

• Beauty Benefits :- Smoothes and evens the eye contour area and promotes comfort and suppleness. - Helps diminish visible fine lines, wrinkles and crow‗s feet. - Firms and tones skin. - Softens, nourishes and deeply moisturizes. - Helps prevent signs of fatigue.

• Ingredients :- Vitamin C: tones. - Noctoferrine®: helps diminish the formation of damaging free radicals. - Protein complex based on wheat: smoothes, firms, revitalizes. Vitamin E: anti-oxidant. Butcher broom (Stimulates)

• Method of Use :Apply preferably in the evening.

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Beauty Flash Balm• All Skins

• 50ml

• The secret of instant radiance.Beauty Flash Balm is ideal for a quick "pick-me-up" before an evening out or whenever you want to erase signs of fatigue. Ideal for all skin types any time of day.

• Beauty Benefits :- Promotes immediate and long-lasting radiance. - Firms and helps minimize fine lines and wrinkles: skin becomes smooth and soft. - Strengthens and refines the contours of the face: skin regains firmness and suppleness. - Make-up looks exceptionally radiant.

• Ingredients : - Algae extracts: promote pick-me-up benefits.- Coduim tomentosum (Anti-dehydrating) - Olive Tree - Rice - Witch hazel (Anti-free radical, Astringent, Protects)

• Method of Use :As a regular or pick-me-up beauty treatment.

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Super Restorative Day Cream • All/Mature/Hormonally-challenged Skin

• 50ml

• Replenishes, Lifts, Illuminates

• Replenishing action of a powerful plant extract with the physical action of Micro-Pearls.

• Dehydrated vegetal Micro-Pearls settle into fine lines and act like tiny sponges, increasing in size as they absorb water, to smooth skin.

• Beauty Benefits: Wrinkles are ―filled up‖ and skin appears smoother in just a few hours. Skin is replenished thanks to Pueraria Lobata, a plant with an amazing ability to restore vitality which contains isoflavones (its botanical name literally means ―youth-keeping‖). Skin is rapidly more comfortable, velvety-soft and resistant.

• Ingredients : Acacia Micro-Pearls which gently ―fill‖ wrinkles. Isoflavones of Pueraria Lobata. Extracts of Pequi pulp and Shea. Selenium from Tomato. extracts of Buddleia, Thyme and Wild Teasel. Black cumin. Butterfly bush. Ginseng. Horse Chestnut tree. Kaki. Kudzu. Linden. Parsley. Pequi. Shea. Thyme. Tomato

• Method of Use: Apply every morning to the face and neck. The fine, non-oily texture is rapidly absorbed. If skin is particularly lacking in vitality, apply Super Restorative Serum beforehand.

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Super Restorative Serum• All/Mature/Hormonally-challenged Skin

• 30ml

• It meets the specific needs of skin that has been affected by hormonal changes linked to age. You'll notice visibly smoother skin, more youthful-looking features and better defined contours just after a few days‘ use.

• Beauty Benefits: The skin is thoroughly replenished thanks to two unique plant extracts which contain isoflavones (Pueraria Lobata and Pelvetia). They work hand in hand so that your skin regains a smooth appearance. Fine lines appear less noticeable. Gently « lifted » features. Khaki Calyx extract provides long-lasting action to help maintain healthy collagen fibers. Features appear firmer, better defined. A renewed complexion. The skin‘s draining process is enhanced to reveal a brighter, more radiant-looking appearance.

• Ingredient : Pueraria Lobata, Pelvetia Selenium. Khaki Calyx extract helps maintain the quality of collagen fibers. Black cumin (Stimulates). Butterfly bush (Anti-free radical,Repairs). Kaki. Kudzu. Parsley. Pelvetia. Rosemary. Thyme. Tomato. Wild Teasel

• Method of Use: Apply Super Restorative Serum morning and/or evening to clean, dry skin before applying your regular daytime or night-time moisturizer.

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Super Restorative Total Eye Concentrate• All/Mature/Hormonally-challenged Skin

• 15ml

• Beauty Benefits: Immediate « lift » effect for enhanced eye beauty: the unique skin-firming texture is enriched with optically-correcting pigments to help wake up eyes‘ appearance. Replenishes: the skin appears smoother, feels firmer, more supple and better toned. Lines and wrinkles are less apparent. Filters: a specific draining action helps reduce puffiness and dark circles. Protects: the skin is better hydrated for ultimate comfort and protected against free radicals.

• Ingredients: Correcting pigments: optically reduce signs of fatigue. Dermaxyl®: an innovative complex that helps enhance the skin‘s repair process. Pueraria Lobata extract is rich in isoflavones and helps stimulate the skin‘s functions. Caffeine, Parsley. Shea Butter. Vitamin E: protects against free radicals. Ginseng. Horse Chestnut tree. Kaki. Kudzu. Linden. Parsley. Shea

• Method of Use: Apply morning and/or evening. Gently pat around the eye contour and eyelids and then smooth between the eyebrows and out towards the temples. Dermatologist and ophthalmologist tested. Suitable for contact lens wearers.

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"Anti-Eau" Body Treatment Oil• All/Active Skin

• 100ml

• Intensive care to relieve "heavy" feeling legs.Made from 100 % natural plant extracts and aromatic essential oils, "Anti-Eau" Oil is effective in helping reduce the appearance of "sponginess" and promoting more refined, lighter-feeling legs.

• Beauty Benefits :- Firms tissues and helps avoid a "spongy" appearance. - Stimulates and accelerates cellular exchanges, relieves "heavy" feeling legs. - Tones and leaves skin satin-soft.

• Ingredients : Essential oils (filtering and draining action). Hazelnut oil (moisturizes and nourishes). Bitter orange. Broom (Stimulates,Tones). Geranium. Hazelnut. Lemon

• Method of Use: Use preferably in the evening for reinforced results: lying down helps facilitate the body‗s natural circulation process.

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Moisture-Rich Body Lotion• All Skins

• 200ml

• Quenches the thirst of dry skin.This rich, easily absorbed body lotion soothes, softens and immediately moisturizes dry, rough skin.

• Beauty Benefits :- Moisturizes and soothes, promotes soft, comfortable skin. - Smoothes and evens out skin texture. - Promotes a firmer, more youthful skin tone. - Helps restore skin‗s protective hydrolipidic film.

• Ingredients: Keratolin and Abyssian Pea extract (smoothes). Bitter orange. Kukui nut. Oat. Pea. Peach. Shea (Nourishes)

• Method of Use: Use morning or evening after bath or shower.

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Age-Control hand Lotion SPF15• Mature Skin

• 75ml

• For soft, youthful looking hands.Ideal for daytime protection in various weather conditions. The essential hand treatment to help ensure that your hands maintain their youthful beauty.

• Beauty Benefits :- Minimizes existing age spots and helps prevent the appearance of new spots. - Helps protect against drying effects of external factors (cold, harsh water, etc.) - Moisturizes, softens and smoothes skin. - Strengthens nails.

• Ingredients: Clarins specific lightening complex: mulberry, saxifrage, and French grape, Scutellaria. UVA/UVB filters (SPF 15): help prevent pigmentation marks caused by the sun. Vegetal based glycerine: moisturizes. Myrrh extracts to strengthen nails. Grape. Mulberry. Myrrh. Saxifraga. Scutellaria

• Method of Use :Use in the morning, evening, or at any time of the day, particularly in sunny climates.

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Hand & Nail Treatment Cream

• All Skins

• 100ml

• For soft, supple, perfectly smooth hands.The indispensable hand and nail treatment cream formulated to preserve the smooth, supple appearance of hands.

• Beauty Benefits :- Protects hands against chapping and irritation, promotes a more even appearance. - Moisturizes and promotes smooth, supple hands. - Strengthens nails. - Minimizes existing age spots and helps prevent the appearance of new spots.

• Method of Use :- Use in the morning, evening, or at any time of the day, as often as required.

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Relax Bath & Shower Concentrate• All Skins

• 200ml

• The perfect partner to your body contouring program. As part of Clarins Aroma-Phyto Beauty Care. Plant extracts help prepare skin for further contouring treatments and optimize their action.

• Beauty Benefits: Invigorates the mind and body through its aromatic benefits. Creates a rich yet lightweight foam which gently cleanses skin. Helps reduce appearance of "spongy" skin. Neutralizes the drying effects of hard water.

• Ingredients: Basil. Bitter orange. Chamomile. Geranium. Hawthorn. Hops (Stimulates). Horse Chestnut tree. Linden. Mint. St John‗s Wort (Moisturises). Thyme (Stimulates)

• Method of Use: Use in bath or shower, preferably in the evening or after exercise. Pour 3-4 capfuls of concentrate into the bath and run water (temperature should not exceed 37°C/98.6°F). Apply the foam all over the body before getting into the bath. In the shower, apply the product with a damp sponge.

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Eau Dynamisante• All Skins

• 100ml

• Great fragrance. Great feeling. Eau Dynamisante is truly unique - it is the very first body fragrance with skin care benefits. It reunites the fragrant and treatment actions of plant extracts to hydrate, soften and "energize" the entire body. For him, for her, in any season all year round, Eau Dynamisante is an irresistible wave of freshness and vitality.

• Beauty Benefits: Delicately fragrances and promotes a wonderful feeling of freshness, vitality and well-being. Firms, tones and revitalizes surface skin. Moisturizes and softens.

• Ingredients: Aloe (Alleviates). Caraway. Eleurthero. Ginseng (Anti-fatigue). Ginseng. Harpagophytum (Alleviates, Regenerates). Horsetail (Stimulates). Zinzimber (Stimulates)

• Method of Use: Apply all over the body in the morning, after exercise or at any time of the day. The invigorating fragrance revives and refreshes. The non-photosensitizing formula means it can be worn safely in the sun.

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Sun Wrinkle Control Cream

Very High Protection SPF30• Sensitive/Burn-prone Skin

• 75ml

• Beauty Benefits: A melanin precursor ensures a quicker tan with less sun. A brighter, longer-lasting tan on skin enhanced by the best moisturising and softening ingredients. The skin‘s future beauty and health are preserved by reinforced Clarins Multi-Cellular Protection Complex.

• Ingredients: Phyto Sunactyl, a totally innovative complex: combining plants with amazing resistance to sun-related stress; it is a remarkable biological protector. Baobab extract. Anthyllis, soothing, desensitising action, increases sun tolerance of reactive skin. Ayapana. Big Black root (Stimulates). Olive Tree. Pea. Silver Birch. Vanilla

• Method of Use: For a radiant, even tan, use an exfoliating product a few days before the first exposure (Gentle Facial Peeling or Gentle Exfoliating Refiner). Repeat applications frequently. Avoid exposure during periods of maximum sun intensity.

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Sun Wrinkle Control Eye Contour

Care Very High Protection SPF30• Very Sensitive skin

• 20g

• The first serious sun protector developed especially for around the eyes. It has an ultra-light, super-smooth, non-oily texture that simply glides over the skin and sits perfectly under make-up. It delivers Clarins innovative deep-down multi-cellular protection. It contains only the very latest and most sophisticated 100% Mineral Filters so it‘s invisible on the skin, the protection is even and unbroken and it‘s suitable for those with sensitive skin and eyes.

• Beauty Benefits: Light non-oily texture. 100% Mineral Filterns. Suitable for sensitive skin. SPF30. Invisible UVB, UVA and Infra Red protection

• Ingredients: Olive. Pea

• Method of Use: For a more even, radiant-looking natural tan, exfoliate a few days before sun exposure. Reapply your protective tanning treatment often. To prolong your tan and enhance skin's overall qualities, apply an After Sun treatment.

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Sun Care Spray

High Protection SPF15• Normal/Oily Skin

• 150ml

• Specially formulated for oily skin. Non-oily and ultra-light in texture, especially recommended for combination or oily skin types. Easy to apply spray formula, a preferred favorite of men.

• Beauty Benefits: Faster tanning with a precursor of melanin. A more radiant, longer-lasting tan and more beautiful skin. Clarins Multi-Cellular Protection safeguards skin‘s beauty. Lightweight, easy-to-apply, delicately fragranced.

• Ingredients: Sunburn protection: UVB-UVA heat-resistant filters. Multi-Cellular Protection: Sunactyl (Clarins exclusive complex based on natural ingredients). Ayapana Shea (Nourishes). Silver Birch. Vanilla.

• Method of Use: For a more even, radiant-looking natural tan, use Exfoliating Body Scrub before sun exposure. Reapply your protective tanning treatment often. To prolong your tan and enhance skin‗s overall qualities, apply an After Sun treatment.

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Active Face Wash• All Skins

• 125ml

• A foaming face wash with a refreshing gel texture which washes away dirt, pollution and excess oil without drying skin. For all skin types.

• Why: A foaming face wash with a refreshing gel texture which washes away dirt, pollution and excess oil without drying skin. For all skin types.

• When: In the morning, before shaving. In the evening, to remove impurities.Ingredients: Bison Grass (energy-boosting). Purslane (soothing). Chinese Ginger (calming properties). Shea (Nourishes). Wintergreen (Stimulates)

• How: On a daily basis, morning and evening, before shaving. Splash face with warm water, squeeze a small amount into the palm of one hand, lather between the two and massage over damp skin. Rinse well.

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Smooth Shave• All Skins

• 150ml

• A rich, creamy, foaming gel which lifts and softens facial hair, helps the razor to glide smoothly and protects against skin irritation and razor burn.

• Why: Ensures a close shave for all skin types, even the most sensitive.

• When: Bison Grass (energy-boosting). Purslane (soothing). Chinese Ginger (calming properties). Aloe (Alleviates)

• How: Work into a lather between the palms of both hands with warm water and massage over the areas to be shaved. After shaving rinse well. Follow with Moisture Gel or Moisture Balm.

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Smooth Shave• All Skins

• 150ml

• A rich, creamy, foaming gel which lifts and softens facial hair, helps the razor to glide smoothly and protects against skin irritation and razor burn.

• Why: Ensures a close shave for all skin types, even the most sensitive.

• When: Bison Grass (energy-boosting). Purslane (soothing). Chinese Ginger (calming properties). Aloe (Alleviates)

• How: Work into a lather between the palms of both hands with warm water and massage over the areas to be shaved. After shaving rinse well. Follow with Moisture Gel or Moisture Balm.

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Moisture Gel• All Skins

• 50ml

• It also softens stubble, slows re-growth and tightens pores.

• Why: A refreshing, ultra-light moisturising and protective cream-gel which energises, softens, firms and restores suppleness to the skin.

• When: Smooth over a dry face and neck each morning after shaving. May be used at night as well.

• Ingredients: Bison Grass (energy-boosting)Purslane (soothing)Chinese Ginger (calming properties)- Horse Chestnut tree - Olive - Papaya - Sunflower

• How: Gently massage onto clean, dry face and neck.

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Moisture Balm• All Skins

• 50ml

• It also softens stubble, slows re-growth and tightens pores.

• Why: A light, moisturising and protective balm which energises, softens, firms and restores suppleness to the skin.

• When: Smooth over a dry face and neck each morning after shaving. May be used at night as well.

• Ingredients: Bison Grass (energy-boosting)Purslane (soothing)Chinese Ginger (calming properties)- Ginseng - Horse Chestnut tree - Olive - Papaya - Sunflower

• How: Gently massage onto clean, dry face and neck.

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Total Shampoo• All Hair & Skins

• 200ml

• A 2-in-1 wash for hair and body which cleans and tones the body as well as cleans, strengthens and conditions the hair. For all skin and hair types.

• Why: Syndet, a soap-free dermatological washing agent, cleans. Pro-Vitamin B5 tones skin and strengthens and conditions hair. A patented complex of Bison Grass, Chinese Ginger and Purslane plant extracts energise, soothe and purify the skin.

• When: Lather up over hair and body. Rinse well. Can be used every day.

• Ingredients: Bison Grass (energy-boosting)Purslane (soothing)Chinese Ginger (calming properties)

• How: Apply a generous amount onto damp hair and skin. Lather and rinse with cool water.

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Antiperspirant Deo Roll-On• All Skins

• 50ml

• A Roll-On with a big point of difference! Uniquely, we‘ve approached the problem of perspiration from a skin treatment perspective and it‘s because this product respects the physiology and sensitive nature of the underarm area that it acts as a highly efficient antiperspirant deodorant.

• Why: An alcohol-free, long-lasting deodorant and anti-perspirant which is packed with plant extracts and has a dry, smooth, gliding texture. For all skin types.

• Ingredients: Bison Grass (energy-boosting)Purslane (soothing)Chinese Ginger (calming properties)

• When: Apply to clean, dry skin. Replace cap firmly after use.

• How: Apply every day after showering. This alcohol-free antiperspirant is suitable for sensitive skin.

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Undereye Serum• All Skins

• 20ml

• A refreshing, oil-free serum which reduces puffiness, under eye shadows and fine lines.

• Why: Hazelnut extract detoxifies to reduce puffiness and dark circles. Sunflower firms and tones. Mourera Fluviatilis plant extract restores moisture. A patented complex of Bison Grass, Chinese Ginger and Purslane plant extracts energise, soothe and purify the skin.

• When: Lightly tap a pea-size amount of product around the eyes, working from the inner to the outer corners.

• Ingredients: Bison Grass (energy-boosting)Purslane (soothing)Chinese Ginger (calming properties)- Hazelnut - Sunflower

• How: Apply to clean, dry skin each morning and again at night if needed.

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Shave Ease• All Skins

• 30ml

• A shaving oil, rich in skin-conditioning plant extracts, which softens stubble, forms a protective barrier against razor burn, helps the razor to glide smoothly and soothes and comforts skin.

• Why: Ensures a quick, close shave for all skin types, especially dry and sensitive skins.

• When: Tip just a small amount into the palm of one hand, warm between both palms and smooth over the areas to be shaved.

• Ingredients: Bison Grass (energy-boosting)Purslane (soothing)Chinese Ginger (calming properties)- Chamomile - Olive - Rosemary (Alleviates, De-stresses)

• How: Only a small amount of product is necessary.

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Launched in 1968 by Estée Lauder Company, Inc., Clinique

is a dermatologist-created cosmetic line that features a

variety of skin care and make-up products, each allergy-tested and fragrance free. Sleek and

minimalist packaging helps distinguish the brand, which is

available in more than 130 countries worldwide. Based on a

three-step daily regimen, Clinique products emphasize

cleansing, exfoliating and moisturising. The purpose is

clear: to provide a thorough skin care treatment, not merely a

cosmetic solution. Each product is designed to treat a specific

skin type (dry, combination dry, combination oily and oily), and provide daily replenishment.

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• Facial Soap • Step 1 of Clinique's 3-Step Skin Care


• Leaves skin feeling fresh, clean,

comfortable--never taut or dry

• Extra Mild is for very dry, delicate skin.

• Mild is for dry or average skin

• Oily Skin Formula is for oilier skin

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• Liquid Facial Soap

• All the benefits of Clinique‘s famous

dermatologist-developed facial soap in

a new liquid formula.

• Cleanses without stripping protective


• Preps skin for the exfoliating action of

Clarifying Lotion.

• Convenient pump dispenses just the

right amount.

• Size: 200ml

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• Clarifying Lotion • Exfoliation is the engine of skin


• Why Clinique's dermatologist-developed Clarifying Lotion is the difference-maker

• It releases dulling surface flakes to reveal clearer, smoother skin-perfectly prepped for moisture. Optimizes cell turnover skin's natural radiance

• A gentle "tingle" tells you it's working

• Custom-fit to skin type in Mild, Very Dry to Dry, Dry Combination, Combination Oily and Oily Skin formulas

• Size: 400ml

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• Mild Clarifying Lotion

• The difference-maker.

• Extra-gentle exfoliating lotion developed by Clinique‘s dermatologists enables even the driest, most delicate skins to reap the advantages of twice a day exfoliation.

• De-flakes skin‘s surface to smooth, reveal clearer skin.

• Follow with Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion.

• Size: 200ml

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• Dramatically Different

Moisturizing Lotion• The moisture ―drink‖ developed by

Clinique‘s dermatologists to maintain

optimal moisture balance

• For very dry skins, or skins dry in the

cheeks, comfortable to oily in the T-zone

• Softens, smoothes, improves

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• Dramatically Different

Moisturizing Lotion with Pump

• The moisture ―drink‖ developed by

Clinique‘s dermatologists to maintain

optimal moisture balance for very dry skins,

or skins dry in the cheeks, comfortable to

oily in the T-zone.

• Softens, smoothes, improves.

• Size: 125ml

• *Please note: pump will not fit on cap-top


2006 Glammy Winner as

voted by readers of Glamour Magazine

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• Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel with Pump (Oil-free)

• The oil-free moisture ―drink‖ developed by Clinique‘s dermatologists to maintain optimal moisture balance for skins comfortable in the cheeks but oily in the T-zone or oily all over.

• Apply twice a day to face and throat all over, or where needed. For best results use after Facial Soap and Clarifying Lotion.Oil-free formula softens, smoothes, improves.

• Size: 125ml

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• Dramatically Different

Moisturizing Gel in Tube

• Skin's finest moisture "drink" in a

refreshing gel.

• Packaged in a tube, making it perfect

for travel.

• Apply twice a day to face and throat all

over, or where needed.

• For best results use after Facial Soap

and Clarifying Lotion.

• Size: 50ml

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• Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion in Tube

• The moisture ―drink‖ developed by Clinique‘s dermatologists to maintain optimal moisture balance

• For very dry skins, or skins dry in the cheeks, comfortable to oily in the T-zone.

• Softens, smoothes, improves.

• Size: 50ml

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• 7 Day Scrub Cream Rinse-Off

Formula• Nudges away roughness, flakiness to refine skin.

Helps lessen the appearance of fine lines.

• Clears the way for moisture. Suitable for all skin


• On a makeup-free face, massage with finger-tips for

10-15 seconds.

• Avoid immediate eye area.

• Can be used on lips.

• Rinse or tissue off with warm water and gently pat

skin dry.

• Follow with 3-Step Skin Care System.

• Important: Do not use on active breakout.

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• Superdefense Triple Action

Moisturizer SPF 25 -

Normal to Oily SkinPatent-pending* moisturizer bridges

the evolution gap between your skin‘s

natural defences' and the demands of

today‘s environment

• Enriched with a complex of

ingredients proven to help skin defend


• Helps neutralize the negative effects

of UVA/UVB rays. Makes SPF alone

seem almost primitive

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• All about eyes

• Start your morning off right with your All

About Eyes.

• This will moisturize and soften the

appearance of fine lines around eye

area, as well as minimize dark circles

and shadows and reduce puffiness.

• TO USE: apply sparingly to eye area,

using a gentle, patting motion.

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• Advanced Stop Signs

Eye SPF 15• Moisturizing formula actively helps

prevent photo aging of eye-area


• Incorporates encapsulated

sunscreens to shut out aging UVA

and burning UVB rays.

• Helps reverse the look of fine

lines, discolorations. Instantly


• Patent pending.*

• TO USE: apply to entire eye area

using a gentle, patting motion.

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• Turnaround Concentrate Visible Skin Renewer

• Skin Type - I, II, III, IVA high-performance cocktail of exfoliants prompts a renewal process that is multilevel, time-released.

• Speeds fresh, vibrant cells to the surface. Continually unveils brighter, more radiant skin.

• Leaves skin with a velvety feel, perfected look.

• How to Use:

• Apply twice daily, following your 3 Step Skincare System.

• Avoid eye area.

• For optimal results use with Turnaround 15-Minute Facial once a week.

• Size: 30ml

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• Total Turnaround Visible Skin Renewer

• Skin Type - I, II

• Concern - Uneven / Dull skin

• Benefits - Exfoliation

• This next generation skin improver instantly reveals newer, brighter, livelier skin.

• Then keeps skin at its best: softer, smoother, more even-toned, visibly less lined.

• Apply once a day after 3-Step Skin Care, avoiding eye area.

• Follow with supplemental moisturizer if needed.

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• Total Turnaround Visible Skin

Renewer • Skin Type - I, II, III, IV

Size: 50ml

• Unveils skin's optimal radiance: brighter,

even-toned, luminous. Achieved through an

unprecedented multi-level skin renewal


• An advanced cocktail of exfoliants continually

speeds fresh, vibrant cells to the surface.

• Skin immediately looks perfected, feels


• Over time, the appearance of fine lines and

discolorations are reduced.

• Oil-free.

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• All About Lips• Delivers both immediate and long-

term results to minimize evidence of

fine lines, wrinkles and sun damage,

giving the lip area a smoother, firmer

look and feel.

• Apply after last treatment product

prior to makeup application.

• Apply small dab to skin around lips

as well as on lips.

• Allow product to absorb thoroughly

reapplying lip colour.

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• City Block Sheer Oil-Free Daily Face Protector SPF 15

• Invisible protection for all skin tones and types from everyday encounters with the sun's UVA (aging) and UVB (burning) rays.

• Comfortable, ultra-sheer formula uses physical sunscreens, so even sensitive skins can wear it daily.

• Helps makeup wear longer.

• Use daily. Apply to clean skin after using the 3-Step Skin Care System.

• Using fingertips, apply to cheeks, forehead, nose and chin.

• Blend.

• Apply after all treatment products and before makeup.

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• Super City Block Oil-Free Daily Face Protector SPF 25

• High level, daily sun protection for all skins, even the most sensitive.

• Extremely lightweight formula offers SPF 25 protection from sun's UVA/UVB rays.

• Anti-oxidants protect against environmental irritants.

• Invisible under makeup or alone.

• Apply to clean skin after using 3-Step Skin Care System.

• Using fingertips, apply to cheeks, forehead, nose, and chin.

• Blend.

• Apply after all treatment products and before makeup.

• Must be removed with an appropriate makeup solvent.

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• Clinique Antiperspirant Deodorant Roll-on

• All skin types

• Gives all day protection.

• Apply to clean dry skin.

• How to use:

• Apply to underarms daily and after showering; allow to dry before dressing.

• Infused with the subtle signature Aromatics scent

• Size: 75ml

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• Clinique Aromatics Elixir Spray

• Aromatics… Goes far beyond the role of perfume.

• Its ingredients include rose, jasmine, Ylang-Ylang and vetiver.

• Size: 45ml

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• Aromatics Elixir Antiperspirant Deodorant Roll-on

• All skin types

• Gives all day protection.

• Apply to clean dry skin.

• How to use:

• Apply to underarms daily and after showering; allow to dry before dressing.

• Infused with the subtle signature Aromatics scent

• Size: 75ml

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• Clinique Happy Heart Perfume Spray

• Clinique Happy Heart.

• A wealth of flowers.

• A hint of warmth.

• A deepening of emotions.

• With a heart of water hyacinth, brightened with Mandarin and blond woods.

• Wear it and have a happy heart

• Sizes: 50 & 100ml

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• Clinique Happy• A chic, modern, multi-layered

floral with sparkling, lingering fragrance of Ruby Red Grapefruit, Boysenberry Bush Flower and Hawaiian Wedding Flower.

• Sizes: 50 & 100ml

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• Clinique Happy To Be• Dewy, shimmering, spontaneous.

• A different kind of floral.

• Notes of watery citrus, crisp pear, elements of hibiscus and syringa flower.

• Whimsy comfort.

• Liking who you are, where you are…happy to be.

• Sizes: 100ml

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• Clinique Happy for Men• First there was Clinique Happy.

• A hint of citrus, a wealth of flowers. A mix of emotions.

• Now, introducing Clinique Happy for Men.

• Cool.

• Crisp.

• A hint of citrus.

• Wear it and be happy.

• Sizes: 100ml

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Armand Petitjean, a student of the great Francois Coty, launched Lancôme in

1935. His historical achievements included Nutrix cream (1936) with a

formula unchanged to this day, and the Océane product line (1955) its formula contains very pure seawater enriched

with algae and oligo-elements. The products are sold worldwide, but are

personified by the "techniciennes", or women who graduate from the

Lancôme school and travel the world to carry Lancôme‘s message all over the

world.His passion for fragrances inspired

Armand Petitjean to take a spectacular step: in 1935, he launched Lancôme

with five great fragrances. Audacious? Yes, but Armand Petitjean was a

product of the school of François Coty, the "father of 20th century luxury


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Tropiques", "Tendres Nuits", "Kypre", and "Bocages", rare perfumes which would be followed by so many others, among them the prestigious "Magie" of the nineteen-fifties. Nearly all the bottles were created by the great artist Georges Delhomme.We start with cleansing, move to toning, moisturizing. All the things we need to put in our personal skin care program. But Lancôme does not suggest a haphazard approach, but a well-founded PERSONAL beauty program, which will diagnose your specific needs. The science of the Lancôme skin treatment is the foundation of change, from better to best.Lancôme‘s famous faces have included Marie Gillain, Elizabeth Jagger, Mathieu Kassovitz, Cristiana Reali, Inès Sastre, and Uma Thurman.

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Revolution at 50.

Lancôme invents the anti-age system of

the 21st century to deeply reconstruct

the skin

Improved Anti-Ageing results:


The skin's elasticity is improved.

The skin is firmer and more plumped up.

Wrinkles seem to disappear.


The skin is nourished deep down. It is suppler and feels more


RADIANCE: The skin looks radiant and revitalised.

For optimum daily protection, ABSOLUE PREMIUM ßx Cream & Fluid

feature high-performance SPF 15.

The essential skincare complement: a comforting formula that provides a sensation

of well-being for a pampering moment that allows the skin to renew its strength and

face the day with serenity.

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ABSOLUE NUIT PREMIUM βx Introduction(continued...)

A Major Discovery: the Extra-Cellular Matrix:

This fundamental structure of all skin layers provides

nutrition, moisturisation, tone, firmness, and density

to the skin. The breakdown of the matrix at age

50 leads to finer, drier skin that is dull and less elastic.

ABSOLUE Anti-Age System


The most complete and powerful molecule to date, to

biologically imitate the skin matrix and repair it

within every skin layer (epidermis, dermal-epidermal junction,


New Reconstructive ßio-Network

Wild yam, soy and brown algae + barley* intensely nourish the

skin all day long and reactivate its vital functions.

* Protects and limits the breakdown of collagen

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Advanced Night Recovery Cream

• Size: 50ml Jar

• USE: Apply every evening to perfectly clean


1. Smooth the product onto entire face

(forehead, cheeks, chin), from the centre of the

face outwards.

2. Finish on the T-zone and neck.

3. With fingers folded under the chin, proceed

with deep circular movements with your

phalanges, from the centre outwards (then

repeat this step from the nose towards the ears,

from the eyes towards the temples and from the

middle of the forehead towards the temples).

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Replenishing Fluid SPF 15• Size: 75ml Bottle

• For all women who prefer a fresh and voluptuous fluid texture that is as delightful as it is effective. USE: Apply every morning and evening to perfectly clean skin.1. Smooth the product onto entire face (forehead, cheeks, chin), from the centre of the face outwards.

• 2. Finish on the T-zone and neck.3. With fingers folded under the chin, proceed with deep circular movements with your phalanges, from the centre outwards (then repeat this step from the nose towards the ears, from the eyes towards the temples and from the middle of the forehead towards the temples).

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Replenishing Eye Cream• Size: 15ml Jar

• Mature skin

• An ultra-targeted skincare product with a fresh texture, specially formulated to remain gentle on the fragile and sensitive eye area. The eye area looks immediately smoother and more radiant.

• In one month, wrinkles seem to fade away.

• The eye area looks denser, more radiant and visibly younger.

• USE: Daily, morning and/or evening, around the eye area.

• 1. Use a quantity of product equivalent to a small pearl (for both eyes).

• 2. Apply in light strokes over the lower and upper eyelids as well as to the outer corners of the eye area (the ""crow's feet"").

• 3. To complete your application, gently tap with the fingertips all around the eye contour.

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Replenishing Cream

• Size: 50ml Jar

• USE: Apply every morning and evening to

perfectly clean skin.

1. Smooth the product onto entire face

(forehead, cheeks, chin), from the centre

of the face outwards.

• 2. Finish on the T-zone and neck.

3. With fingers folded under the chin,

proceed with deep circular movements

with your phalanges, from the centre

outwards (then repeat this step from the

nose towards the ears, from the eyes

towards the temples and from the middle

of the forehead towards the temples).

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ABSOLUE SÔLEIL Absolute Replenishing

Sun Protection Face Cream SPF 50• Size: 50ml Tube

• Mature skin in the sunUnder the sun, the Absolute Skincare Protection against ageing and brown spots.Derived from Lancôme anti-ageing expertise, which benefits from ABSOLUE face care technology, ABSOLUE SÔLEIL protects the skin not only from UV rays, but also from dryness, ageing and dark spots. It's an optimum skincare guarantee!This face cream offers new sensorial well-being, a voluptuous texture and unprecedented luxury. It is truly dedicated to the pleasure of mature skin in the sun. The result: an even, radiant, golden tan that looks absolutely sublime.

• Women surveyed noticed the following effects*:- Combats dryness: 98%, More radiant tan: 93%, Firmer skin: 90%, Anti-dark spot protection: 78%* Self-evaluation test carried out by 122 women for one week.

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ABSOLUE SÔLEIL Absolute Replenishing Sun Protection Face Cream SPF 50 (continued...)

• Reconstructive Bio-Network Technology:- Protection from dark spots: the best of Lancôme UV filtration (Mexoryl SX, XL and complementary mineral filters) combined with Biodéfensine, a patented active ingredient that reinforces the skin's natural defence system.- Anti-ageing care: Against dryness, wrinkles caused by the sun and skin sagging: the best of AbsolueT technology with a trio of powerful anti-ageing active ingredients:1- Anti-dryness: Wild Yam2- Anti-wrinkle: Lychee Extract3- Anti-sagging: Brown AlgaeThe skin is ideally protected and remains firm, supple and elastic. Your tan develops in safety.Texture: A fine, fresh, comfortable and voluptuous cream texture that glides over the skin to envelop it in a silky veil. A subtle mood-lifting fragrance containing essential oils that reveal themselves delicately under the sun.

• USE: Apply generously to entire face. Reapply often, especially in the case of long exposure or after swimming.

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ABSOLUE PREMIUM ßx POWER OF 3• The essential skincare complement: a formula that

provides a sensation of well-being (Day-Night-Eyes)

• Life begins at 50. Now your skin can look and feel younger with Lancôme's new anti age sensation.

• To understand the ageing process, Lancôme scientists have studied the effect of the weakening of the skin's matrix, hormonal changes and sun damage on the appearance of the skin.

• As a result our laboratories have created a marvel: ABSOLUE PREMIUM BX. It has been designed to fight the tiresome signs of ageing - a lack of firmness and elasticity, dryness, duller skin with more pronounced wrinkles.

• The essential skincare complement: a comforting formula that provides a sensation of well-being for a pampering moment that allows the skin to renew its strength and face the day with serenity.

• -Day Cream : 50 ml Night Cream : 50 ml -Eye Cream : 15 ml

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AQUA FUSION Introduction • Drop by drop, my skin: infused with

moisture, glowing with health.Your skin is intensely hydrated and radiates with a healthy glow.

• TECHNOLOGYWhat if the best moisturiser were the water inside your cells?The skin experts of the Lancôme Laboratories have decoded the composition of the water in the skin's cells and transformed it into Aquacellular™. This water, which contains 16 essential elements is at the heart of the AQUA FUSION formula and continuously infuses your to replenish it and help it regain its ideal moisture level.

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AQUA FUSION Introduction (continued...)

• Immediate absorption: this water so closely resembles that of the epidermis that it naturally fuses with your skin. It is perfectly absorbed down to the last drop. No more "extra layer" sensation on the skin's surface.

• Intense hydration: rich in powerful moisturisers, calcium, manganese and zinc, it replenishes the skin with its own physiological water. The skin's natural hydration mechanisms are reactivated, leaving the skin intensely hydrated and supple.

• Lasting comfort: bio-spheres diffuse Aquacellular? continuously for 24-hour hydration. The skin barrier is reinforced. Comfortable and soft, your skin no longer feels tight.

• Dermatologically tested formula. Non-oily. Non-comedogenic.

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AQUA FUSION Continuously Infusing

Moisture Fluid• Normal to combination skin

• Size: 50ml Bottle

• This translucent blue fluid immediately melts into your skin, infusing it with moisture in a burst of freshness. Perfectly absorbed, it continuously saturates your skin from within and durably restores its ideal moisture level.

• SENSORIALITYDiscover the fresh, delicate fragrance of this fluid. Its light, translucent texture transforms into a water that melts into your skin.

• USE: 1. Apply your moisturizer with light strokes, working from the centre of the face outwards and from forehead to chin, then finish on the T-zone.2. To complete your application, gently tap the fingertips all over the face, working from the forehead to the chin.

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AQUA FUSION Continuously Infusing

Moisture Cream• Dry skin

Size: 50ml Jar

• This silky cream immediately melts into your skin, drenching it with moisture in a burst of freshness. Perfectly absorbed, it continuously saturates your skin from within and durably restores its ideal moisture level.

• SENSORIALITYDiscover the fresh, delicate fragrance of this dry skin cream. Its silky, enveloping texture is enriched with Palm Oil and Shea butter for reinforced nourishing action.

• USE: 1. Apply your moisturizer with light strokes, working from the centre of the face outwards and from forehead to chin, then finish on the T-zone.2. To complete your application, gently tap the fingertips all over the face, working from the forehead to the chin.

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AQUA FUSION SPF 15 Continuously

Infusing Moisture Cream-Gel SPF• All skin types

Size: 50ml Jar

• This silky light cream immediately melts into your skin, infusing it with moisture in a burst of freshness. Perfectly absorbed, it continuously saturates your skin from within and lastingly restores its ideal moisture level. Its SPF 15 protection protects your skin from sun damages all day long.

• Sun protection: the SPF 15 prevents your skin from sun damages all day long. SENSORIALITY Discover the fresh, delicate fragrance of this cream. Its light texture offers a sensation of freshness.

• USE: 1. Apply your moisturizer with light strokes, working from the centre of the face outwards and from forehead to chin, then finish on the T-zone.2. To complete your application, gently tap the fingertips all over the face, working from the forehead to the chin.

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• An intensive complete daily moisturiser!This rich and immediately comforting moisturiserprovides a real, visible improvement to the quality of the skin. It reinforces the skin's natural defenses and protects the skin from harsh environmental conditions. A targeted, overactive skincare product for skin that glows with vitality and health - and looks more beautiful than ever!

1 - Moisturises for 24 hoursBIENFAIT MULTI-VITAL contains Hydrocharge™, a powerful natural skin moisturising complex for 24-hour hydration. . Immediate hydration: a hydrating polymer absorbs and traps water on the skin surface.- Lasting hydration: uric acid regulates the skin's self-hydration mechanisms.- Reinforces the skin's barrier function: Horse Chestnut extract stimulates the synthesis of epidermal lipids.

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2 - ReinforcesThe Lancôme Research and Innovation Laboratories have developed the VitaNutri8™ System, an amazing balanced cocktail composed of:- 3 vitamins: Cg, E and B5, with anti-free radical and soothing properties. - 3 minerals: Zinc, Copper and Magnesium, to stimulate the skin's self-defence functions.- 2 essential fatty acids: Omega 3 and Omega 6, to restore the skin's suppleness and comfort. Filled with micro-nutrients and vitamins, the skin looks radiant and healthy. It glows with new vitality!

3 - ProtectsBIENFAIT MULTI-VITAL combats the three major causes of oxidative stress and premature ageing by offering the epidermis triple protection: - Anti-UVA and UVBwith photostable protection proven to last for 8 hours. - Anti-pollution, with Moringa Oleifera Extract, which limits the adhesion of polluting particles on the skin. - Anti-free radical, with Vectorised Pure Vitamin E.BIENFAIT MULTI-VITAL acts effectively against harsh environmental conditions to preserve the skin's youthfulness and beauty every day.

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Potency Moisturiser with Micro-

Nutrients VitaNutri 8™ - SPF15 • All skin type

• Size: 50ml Jar

Your daily dose of micro-nutrients and

vitamins for hydrated, protected, healthy fit


• USE: 1. Apply your moisturizer with light

strokes, working from the centre of the face

outwards and from forehead to chin, then

finish on the T-zone.

2. To complete your application, gently tap

the fingertips all over the face, working from

the forehead to the chin.

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Potency Moisturising Fluid with Micro-

Nutrients VitaNutri 8™ - SPF30

• All skin types

Size: 50ml Bottle

Your daily dose of micro-nutrients and vitamins

for hydrated, protected, healthy fit skin.

• USE: 1. Apply your moisturizer with light

strokes, working from the centre of the face

outwards and from forehead to chin, then finish

on the T-zone.

2. To complete your application, gently tap the

fingertips all over the face, working from the

forehead to the chin.

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Deodorant Spray• All skin types

Size: 125ml AerosolThis aerosol deodorant is practical and easy to use. Its dry spray formula allows for precise application and leaves a delightful sensation of freshness for gentle, yet instant, effective, deodorant protection that truly lasts.

• This alcohol-free formula is fast, gentle and effective...perfect for use on sensitive or depilated skin. This practical, roll-on deodorant contains Aluminium Salt for antiperspirant action, plus the exclusive Déo-Relais™ System for long-lasting, anti-bacterial protection.

• USE: Spray BOCAGE Deodorant Stick daily, for an exceptional sensation of protection and well-being.

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Deodorant Roll-on• All skin types

Size: 40ml Roll-on

• This handy, alcohol-free roll-on applies just the right amount of product for maximum comfort. Leaves a delightful sensation of freshness for instant, effective, deodorant protection that truly lasts.

• This alcohol-free formula is fast, gentle and effective...perfect for use on sensitive or depilated skin. This practical, roll-on deodorant contains Aluminium Salt for antiperspirant action, plus the exclusive Déo-Relais™ System for long-lasting, anti-bacterial protection.

• USE: Apply BOCAGE Deodorant Roll-on daily, for an exceptional sensation of protection and well-being.

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Deodorant Cream• All skin types

Size: 50ml TubeThis gentle, rich cream formula is smooth, light and oil-free to leave your skin feeling soft and supple while imparting a delightful sensation of freshness for instant, effective, deodorant protection that lasts all day.

• This alcohol-free formula is fast, gentle and effective...perfect for use on sensitive or depilated skin. This practical, roll-on deodorant contains Aluminium Salt for antiperspirant action, plus the exclusive Déo-Relais™ System for long-lasting, anti-bacterial protection.

• USE: Apply BOCAGE Deodorant Cream daily, for an exceptional sensation of protection and well-being.

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CARESSE MAINS Moisturizing &

Repairing Hand Cream Silk Glove


• All skin types

Size: 100ml Tube

• Treat your hands to the softness of silk


The unprecedented combination of

exceptional hydration with an irresistible

velvety smooth feel and effective

protection. An intense sensation of comfort

from the very first applications. Your hands

are re-moisturized, perfectly soft and silky-


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CARESSE MAINS Moisturizing & Repairing

Hand Cream Silk Glove Effect (Continued...)

• Nutrition and hydratation:Nourishing Complex, composed of mineral oils, Shea butter, glycerol, Soya oil and Allantoin, renowned for its healing and soothing action, provides skin with intense hydration to protect and nourish it. Ceramids, in the shape of nano-capsules, play a vital part in maintaining the integrity of the natural skin barrier function and limit dehydration.

• Fortifying action: Pro-Vitamin B5 helps protect and strengthen nails.

• Protection: Vitamin E known for its anti-free radical action - a key role in preventing skin ageing. Extreme softness: Thanks to the Soft-Skintechnology, Caresse Mains' silky-soft texture gives hands an exceptional powdery feel.

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GOMMAGE CARESSE Exfoliating Body

Gel Silk-Soft Effect• All skin types

Size: 200ml TubeWrapped in softness.This luxurious, exfoliating gel contains different sizes of special scrubbing beads to gently eliminate dry, flaky skin and to even-out skin tone and texture. Its plant-oil complex ensures that skin is perfectly hydrated. Irresistibly radiant and velvety soft, your skin will be enticing to caress!

• Exfoliating micro-beads: This fresh gel contains hundreds of micro-beads whose purpose is to provide two-phased exfoliation thanks to two different sizes of particle. The largest sweep away devitalised cells in order to regenerate and purify the skin. The smaller beads come into action to ensure an immaculate finish: ultra-precise, amazingly gentle smoothing and unifying of the skin's texture.

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GOMMAGE CARESSE Exfoliating Body Gel Silk-Soft Effect (Continued...)

• Anti-dryness action: To check dehydration, CARESSE scrub contains active moisturising agents. Glycerin leads the way combined with a complex of Plant-based essential oils (Passiflora, Apricot kernel, Corn) selected for their fatty acid content, a source of suppleness for the skin. Together they strengthen the skin's barrier and help skin to retain water.Pleasure of the senses: This delicious scrub is all about pleasure and nothing but: a soft and fresh gel texture, mouth-watering apricot colour and of course the fragrance. A floral-fruity scent which harmoniously blends the bitter-sweet tones of raspberry with the vivacity of violet leaves. All on a delicious base of juicy sweet pear pulp.

• USE: Under the shower, apply all over the body with circular strokes that follow the blood circulation. Rinse thoroughly. Use once or twice a week instead of your usual shower gel.

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EFFACIL Cleansing Lotion for the Eyes• Cool, Non-oily Lotion

• All skin typesSize: 125ml BottleFor all non-waterproof makeup.Suitable even for sensitive eyes and for contact lens wearers.An extremely gentle, water-fresh liquid formula designed to remove all non-waterproof eye makeup. Contains softening agents and Rose extract to leaves eyes feeling soft and refreshed, with no oily residue. EFFACIL's softening ingredients and Rose extract remove makeup from your eyelashes and eyelids effectively.

• Ophthalmologist-tested for safety.

• USE: Apply EFFACIL to a cotton pad and rest on your closed eye for 5 seconds. Gently sweep down to remove eye makeup.

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EXFOLIANCE CLARTÉ Fresh Exfoliating Clarifying

Gel Combination to Normal Skins• Size: 100ml Tube

• Brighten up lacklustre skin with this refreshing gel formula for normal and combination skin. Formulated with white wax micro-beads, ultra-fine exfoliating grains and a cocktail of Pineapple and Papaya extracts to gently slough off dull skin layers and remove impurities. Leaves the skin clean, smooth and toned for a simply radiant complexion.

• White wax micro-beads contain Salicylic Acid and are associated with Polyethylene grains to create a gently, yet effective mechanical exfoliating action that is perfectly adapted to normal and combination skin. This action is reinforced by an enzymatic cocktail Pineapple and Papaya to help exfoliate the skin, while preserving its youthful radiance:

• USE: Daily, morning, and evening.1. Moisten your face with water.2. Apply the cleanser all over your moistened face in light strokes working from the centre of the face outwards, being sure to avoid the eye area.3. Use small circular movements all over the face to cleanse, paying particular attention to the T-zone.4. Rinse with water.

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FLASH BRONZER Self-Tanning Dry Body Oil

Even Glow and Silky-Soft Skin

• All skin typeSize: 200ml SprayA bi-phase dry oil with a dual self-tanning and skin-silkener performance. A sensual gesture for a satiny golden tan in a flash. For the 1st time, a self-tanner with a dry oil texture.

• Self-tanner with a dry oil texture: self-tanning active (DHA) in an oil texture. Active hydrating agents (Glycerol, Honey of acacia) for a skin hydrated in-depth and continuously (12h). Active self-tanning agents (DHA) for natural-looking tanned effect. Active smoothing agents (AHA, Peach extract) for a smoother and softer skin. Pure Vitamin E for a superb and preserved skin.

• USE: Shake well before use to mix the two phases. Wash hands thoroughly after use. For optimal results, exfoliate before use. Does not contain sun filters.

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Skin Cleansing Milk• Dry skin

Sizes: 200 & 400ml BottlesThis creamy cleanser is rich in emollients to gently and effectively melt away makeup and impurities. Infused with nourishing milk-proteins, moisturizers and softeners, this instantly-comforting formula leaves skin feeling clean, silky-soft and soothed.

• The incredibly mild, instantly comforting GALATÉE CONFORT is a mainstay of the Lancôme cleansing range, with proven effectiveness to remove even the most stubborn makeup.Perfectly adapted to meet the needs of dry skin, this gentle cleanser contains Honey, plus extracts of Almond, Cereals and Yeast to leave skin feeling silky-soft. Nourishing Milk Proteins, combined with moisturisers and softening agents, help leave skin hydrated, supple, and smooth.

• USE: Daily, morning, and evening.

• 1. Apply your makeup remover in light strokes working from the centre of the face outwards (forehead, cheeks, chin), then finish on the T-zone and under the chin.2. Remove any residue with a tissue.3. To complete your makeup removal, the use of toner is indispensable.

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Advanced Natural Active Ingredients

• To enhance its cleansing and clarifying action, the Lancôme Laboratories have formulated GEL CLARTÉ with highly effective, natural active ingredients to help exfoliate the skin, while preserving its youthful radiance:

• Papaya, known for its hydrating properties, helps to moisturize and soften the skin, while

• Pineapple, know for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties, helps to calm and soothe.

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TONIQUE DOUCEUR Hydrating Lotion with Gentle Plant Extracts. Alcohol-Free

• Normal to dry skinSize: 200ml Bottle

• This alcohol-free lotion enriched with soothing plant extracts is the perfect finishing touch to makeup removal for dehydrated skin. It gently tones and refines the skin, removing any remaining impurities, without depleting its natural oils. Leaves skin feeling clean, soft and refreshed and ready for your daily treatments.

• Whether you prefer to use a water-activated cleanser or a tissue-off cleanser to remove your makeup, TONIQUE DOUCEUR is the perfect finishing touch.

• This alcohol-free, freshener gently tones and refines to brighten the complexion, while leaving it perfectly clean, soft, and supple.

• USE: Morning and/or evening, as part of your daily skincare routine. Apply with a cotton round after cleansing your skin with your favourite Lancôme cleanser to help remove any remaining makeup or impurities and to leave skin feeling soft, fresh and supple.

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TONIQUE CLARTÉFresh Clarifying and Revitalizing Lotion

• Normal to combination skin

• Sizes: 200 & 400ml Bottles

• Contains fruit acids to help improve skin texture and clarity, as well as natural botanical extracts to leave it feeling soft, refreshed and perfectly clarified.

• The ideal partner for cleansers, it acts as a brilliant "complexion reviver" in the morning and adds the finishing touch to cleansing in the evening.

• To enhance its toning and clarifying action, we have formulated TONIQUE CLARTÉ with highly effective, natural active ingredients to help exfoliate the skin, while preserving its youthful radiance: Papaya, known for its hydrating properties, helps to moisturize and soften the skin, while Pineapple, know for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties, helps to calm and soothe.

• USE: TONIQUE CLARTÉ morning and/or evening, as part of your daily skincare routine.

• Apply liberally to two cotton rounds, then, with one in each hand, pat the surface of the skin to help it absorb the product and leave it feeling refreshed, soft and supple.

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TONIQUE CONFORTRehydrating Skincare Lotion

• Dry skin

• Sizes: 200 & 400ml Bottles

• A genuine skincare lotion, this silky-soft moisturizing formula is especially adapted to the needs of dry skin.

• It gently tones and immediately rehydrates the skin while eliminating any impurities, leaving skin perfectly clean, soft and comforted.

• Helps to eliminate traces of makeup and impurities, while imparting amazing softness.

• Its complex - a combination of Honey and Yeast extracts - is a real treat for the skin.

• Its emulsified texture leaves the skin feeling incredibly soft and soothed.

• USE: Morning and/or evening, as part of your daily skincare routine.

• Apply with a cotton round after cleansing your skin with your favourite Lancôme cleanser to help remove any remaining makeup or impurities and to leave skin feeling soft, fresh and supple.

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GALATÉIS CLARTÉ Gentle Clarifying &

Cleansing Fluid Face and Eyes• Normal to combination skin

Sizes: 200 & 400ml Bottles

• A water-light lotion for fast, thorough cleansing that removes even the most stubborn makeup. Foundation, blush, mascara and lipstick all dissolve and disappear on contact! Leaves skin feeling clean and fresh, soft and supple. It's extremely gentle formula can even be used to remove eye makeup.

• This quick and easy cleanser is formulated to be gentle, yet effective, to safely wipe away makeup, pollution, and stress in a single step.

• USE: Daily, morning, and evening.

1. Apply your makeup remover in light strokes working from the centre of the face outwards (forehead, cheeks, chin), then finish on the T-zone and under the chin.2. Remove any residue with a tissue.3. To complete your makeup removal, the use of toner is indispensable.

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GEL CLARTÉ Foaming Cleansing Gel

Fresh Complexion• Normal to combination skin

Size: 125ml Tube

• This water-activated foaming gel cleanser is a source of daily pleasure for your skin. Its fresh formula gently cleanses away makeup and impurities to clarify the complexion, leaving your skin soft, radiant, and healthy-looking.

• This clarifying gel cleanser water-activates into a refreshing foam to gently cleanse, revitalize and clarify the complexion.

• USE: Daily, morning, and evening.1. Moisten your face with water.2. Apply the cleanser all over your moistened face in light strokes working from the centre of the face outwards, being sure to avoid the eye area.3. Use small circular movements all over the face to cleanse, paying particular attention to the T-zone.4. Rinse with water.

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FibrelastineT, a unique patented complex of hydrolysed soy dipeptides and hyaluronic acid, reactivates elastin synthesis and accelerates the production speed of collagen fibres to reweave the skin tissue and combat the natural breakdown of fibres.

• Brightens dull complexionsThanks to the SkinFibreT technology: the texture contains textile fibres to fill out wrinkles and thus even out the skin relief and complexion in an instant.

• D-ContraxolT an exclusive complex with a dermo-relaxing action, preserves the youthfulness of the skin.Wrinkles seem repaired from within and visibly reduced. The skin looks denser, plumper and more even and radiant.

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Anti-Wrinkle Cream

• All skin types

• Size: 50ml JarThis effective cream for all women 35 and older repairs wrinkles, brightens dull complexions and stimulates the plumpness and strength of the skin to prevent the appearance of new wrinkles. After one hour, wrinkles and fine lines are visibly smoothed out and the skin is more radiant. After one month, wrinkles are visibly reduced and the skin looks plumper.

• USE: Daily, morning, and/or evening, on a perfectly cleansed skin.1. Dab a small quantity of product onto your fingertips, then apply to the face with light strokes starting at the forehead and working from the centre outwards, then moving to the middle of the face, working from the nose outwards across the cheeks to the ears, and then to the area around the lips.2. Emphasize the "dermo-relaxing" effect with a relaxation technique: apply pressure above and below the start of the eyebrow while exhaling, then follow with a smoothing stroke across the eyebrows, pressing quite firmly as you do so..

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Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream

• All skin typesSize: 15ml JarThis eye contour cream repairs wrinkles, brightens dull complexions, and stimulates the plumpness and strength of the skin to prevent the appearance of new wrinkles. Immediately, the wrinkles and fine lines around the eye are smoothed out and the skin looks more radiant. After one month, wrinkles are visibly reduced, the skin looks plumper and your eyes sparkle with new youthfulness. Exceptional results*: Puffiness is reduced: 88%, Dark circles are lighter: 77%, The skin is brighter: 88%, * Clinical tests carried out on 50 women

• USE: Daily, morning, and/or evening, around the eye area.1. Use a quantity of product equivalent to a small pearl (for both eyes).2. Apply in light strokes over the lower and upper eyelids as well as to the outer corners of the eye area (the "crow's feet").3. To complete your application, gently tap with the fingertips all around the eye contour.

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HYDRA ZEN INTRODUCTION• A new experience: fully hydrated, comforted skin.

• Releases stress and profoundly soothes the skin: This exclusive formula contains Acticalm2? and Biolactone to help your skin confront the tensions of the day ahead. The skin regains its balance; signs of tiredness are eased away.

• Intensely and lastingly moisturises the skin: A complex of Glycerol and Essential Fatty Acids work throughout the night to help re-establish the skin's moisture balance. You wake up to comfortable, soft and supple skin, as fresh as the morning dew.

• Boosts the skin's natural defences:Vectorised Tri-Ceramides reinforce the skin's natural defenses to help to make it more resistant to the aggressions of the following day.

• Active protection of the skin: Its anti-pollution agent, extract of Moringa Oleifera, protects the skin against the damaging effects of pollution and other environmental aggressors.

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HYDRA ZEN NUIT Skin De-stressing

Recharging Night Moisturiser Smooth

Cream• Suitable for all skin types, even sensitive skin

• Size: 50ml Pot

• Because night-time is the right time to take advantage of the skin's natural regeneration process, Lancôme created HYDRA ZEN NUIT.

• All night long, it soothes away daily stress and fatigue to help recharge the skin's natural defenses. You'll wake up to rejuvenated skin that looks fresh and feels soft and smooth.

• USE: Daily, morning and/or evening, on a perfectly cleansed skin.1. Apply your product with light strokes, working from the centre of the face outwards and from forehead to chin, then finish on the T-zone.2. To complete your application, gently tap the fingertips all over the face, working from the forehead to the chin.

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HYDRA ZEN Advanced De-stressing

Moisturising Cream

• Normal to dry skin

• Size: 30ml Pot

• Say goodbye to fatigue, stress and pollution. Lancôme Research creates the next generation HYDRA ZEN. Its doubly soothing and intensely hydrating formula instantly leaves your skin ultra-comfortable and keeps it that way all day long. Its aroma therapeutic fragrance relaxes you.

• Actively hydrated and protected, your skin is calm, soft, and smooth.

• USE: Daily, morning and/or evening, on a perfectly cleansed skin.1. Apply your product with light strokes, working from the centre of the face outwards and from forehead to chin, and then finish on the T-zone.2. To complete your application, gently tap the fingertips all over the face, working from the forehead to the chin.

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HYDRA ZEN Advanced De-stressing

Moisturising Cream• Dry to very dry skin

• Size: 50ml Pot

• Forget your exhaustion, stress and pollution. Lancôme Research creates new generation HYDRA ZEN with an exclusive dermo-calming complex.

• This treatment procures an immediate soothing effect for the skin and an optimal hydratation all day long.The light and enrobing texture is a unique sensorial experience.

• USE: Daily, morning and/or evening, on a perfectly cleansed skin.1. Apply your product with light strokes, working from the centre of the face outwards and from forehead to chin, then finish on the T-zone.2. To complete your application, gently tap the fingertips all over the face, working from the forehead to the chin.

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HYDRA ZEN Advanced Skin De-stressing

Moisturising Lotion• Normal to combination skin

• Size: 50ml FlaconSay goodbye to fatigue, stress, and pollution.

• Lancôme Research creates the next generation HYDRA ZEN. It‘s doubly soothing and intensely hydrating formula instantly leaves your skin ultra-comfortable and keeps it that way all day long. Its aroma therapeutic fragrance relaxes you.

• Actively hydrated and protected, your skin is calm, soft, and smooth.

• USE: Daily, morning and/or evening, on a perfectly cleansed skin.1. Apply the product with light strokes, working from the centre of the face outwards and from forehead to chin, and then finish on the T-zone.2. To complete the application, gently tap the fingertips all over the face, working from the forehead to the chin.

• *Also available for Normal Skin-type

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IMPACTIVE INTRODUCTION• Introducing IMPACTIVE, a major breakthrough in cosmetics

and technology created by Lancôme laboratories. Protected by 8 patents, this treatment is the perfect combination of all of our technological expertise and multi-sensorial know-how.

• To meet the increasingly demanding needs of today‘s women, Lancôme laboratories have created IMPACTIVE –the silk-creating, hydrating, stimulating triple performance treatment with immediate visible results and effective, tangible action for results that last and last.

• Soft Skin™ technology is an exclusive combination of a new polymer and spherical powders. This technology enhances instantly for skin that feels incredibly smooth and a gorgeous, radiant, even complexion.

• A powerful combination of active ingredients for daily comfort and 24-hour hydration. The Hydra-Repair complex - association of extracts of white lupin & vegetable oils - reinforces the cutaneous barrier to limit its water loss. The glycerol plays the role of water sensor.

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• The exclusive combination of Lycopene & Biodefensine™targets different skin mechanisms to ensure its proper functioning and maintain the essential qualities of skin in tip-top condition.

• Lycopene is a natural fruit extract very well known in medical circles. L‘Oreal Research Unit has recently discovered the benefits of Lycopene for human skin. Lancôme Laboratories selected Lycopene for its ability to stimulate skin cell dynamics and therefore, strengthen the epidermis. Pure Lycopene has been incorporated into Nanocapsules™ so that it can be easily assimilated by the skin.

• Biodefensine™ is a L‘Oreal biotechnology active ingredient that protects the Langerhans cells and therefore, strengthens the skin's natural defence resources.

• IMPACTIVE is beauty made simple! Apply daily for skin that‘s instantly velvety-smooth, deeply moisturised and soft and supple. IMPACTIVE offers great protection from the effects of time to preserve the future beauty of your skin.

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IMPACTIVE Skin Cream• Normal to Dry Skin

• Size: 50ml Jar

• The Impactive cream is a brilliant instant silk-creating moisturiser for the skin. On application the Impactive cream immediately gives a more radiant and toned look, leaving your skin silky smooth and visibly rebalanced and healthy.

• USE: Apply in the morning and/or at night after cleansing.Spread product using short, light strokes from middle of face outwards. Pat face lightly with fingertips, from forehead down to chin.

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PLATINEUM HYDROXY(a)-CALCIUM™Re-demystifying and Strengthening Face Cream

Mature Skin Types

• Size: 50ml Jar

• Revolutionary Calcium Complex.

• Re-densifies and Strengthens Mature Skin.

• The Discovery: Lack of Calcium can age skin, giving it a thin, paper-like appearance.

• The Innovation: Hydroxy(a)-Calcium™ - molecules are released at a continuous, controlled rate to visibly restore strength and density to skin.

• The Results: 90% see radiant, luminous skin, 73% feel skin is strengthened.*

• SPF 15 Sunscreen

*Percentage of women who noted facial improvement during a 4-week consumer test

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PERFORMANCE FLUIDE• Normal to Combination Skin

• Size: 50ml Bottle

• Helps recharge & even out skin tone.

• Promotes moist & satiny-soft complexion.

• Leaves skin completely clear & soft.

• USE: Apply in the morning and/or at night after cleansing.Spread product using short, light strokes from middle of face outwards. Pat face lightly with fingertips, from forehead down to chin.

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CLARIFYING CLEANSER• Normal to combination skin

• Size: 200ml Bottle

• This light-as-air foam activates with water to create a truly luxurious cleanser.

• Its fresh formula gently cleanses away makeup and impurities to clarify the complexion, leaving your skin soft, radiant and healthy-looking.

• This clarifying mouse cleanser water-activates into a rich foam to gently cleanse, revitalize and clarify the complexion.

• USE: Daily, morning and evening.1. Moisten your face with water.2. Apply the cleanser all over your moistened face in light strokes working from the centre of the face outwards, being sure to avoid the eye area.3. Use small circular movements all over the face to cleanse, paying particular attention to the T-zone.4. Rinse with water.

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• Dry skin

• Size: 125ml Tube

• The dream cleanser for delicate skins leaves skin feeling clean, soft and supple.

• Cleansing foam gently eases away makeup and impurities.

• 100% alcohol-free

• Almond Extract to soften the skin and a complex of Honey and Yeast Extract to help comfort and soothe away dryness.

• Your skin revels in newfound softness and suppleness, while your senses get a lift from its deliciously fresh, fruity-floral fragrance.

• USE: Daily, morning and evening.1. Moisten your face with water. 2. Apply the cleanser all over your moistened face in light strokes working from the centre of the face outwards, being sure to avoid the eye area. 3. Use small circular movements all over the face to cleanse, paying particular attention to the T-zone. 4. Rinse with water.

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REPAIRING TREATMENT• Dry to very dry skin

• Size: 125ml Tube

• This rich cream nourishes the skin and relieves any feeling of discomfort or tightness.

• Ideal for sensitive, irritated skin i.e. sunburn, chapped or flaking skin, windburn or razor burn.

• NUTRIX nourishes the epidermis with its protective oils and protects it by forming a lipidic film with its restorative lipids.

• USE: Daily, morning and/or evening, on a perfectly cleansed skin.1. Apply your product with light strokes, working from the centre of the face outwards and from forehead to chin, then finish on the T-zone.2. To complete your application, gently tap the fingertips all over the face, working from the forehead to the chin.

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REPAIRING TREATMENT• Dry to very dry skin

• Size: 125ml Tube

• This rich cream nourishes the skin and relieves any feeling of discomfort or tightness.

• Ideal for sensitive, irritated skin i.e. sunburn, chapped or flaking skin, windburn or razor burn.

• NUTRIX nourishes the epidermis with its protective oils and protects it by forming a lipidic film with its restorative lipids.

• USE: Daily, morning and/or evening, on a perfectly cleansed skin.1. Apply your product with light strokes, working from the centre of the face outwards and from forehead to chin, then finish on the T-zone.2. To complete your application, gently tap the fingertips all over the face, working from the forehead to the chin.

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EFFECT• Suitable for contact lens wearers

• Size: 30ml Bottle

• 5 seconds for a smoothing and a re-textured skin.

• A real "effective result concentrate" for ultra-rapid and instantly visible action on the skin texture combating the 1st signs of ageing.

• Its formula combines an astringent complex with a double concentration of smoothing agent* to improve the quality of the skin on application and protect its youthfulness day after day, for re-textured, transformed skin in a flash.

* Compared with Primordiale Optimum day cream


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• Transforms the skin in a flash:

- Instantly refines the skin's texture, reduces wrinkles and

reveals an even and radiant complexion thanks to the

association of a new astringent agent Meadowsweet and

a double concentration of smoothing agent.

- "Smart serum" that acts on the two levels of the skin

thanks to the Duplex Vector? (Stimaggrine + green sea-

plant): on the surface to smooth, in-depth to plump up.

• Maintains the skin's youthfulness:

Counteracts the harmful effects of the environment on the

skin's youthfulness with the Thermo-ControlT System

combined with vectorised pure Vitamin E and a thermo-

adaptive polymer.

• USE: Apply PRIMORDIALE OPTIMUM FLASH either alone or under PRIMORDIALE OPTIMUM CREAM or FLUID, all over the face to reduce imperfections instantly, in 5 seconds.

* Compared with Primordiale Optimum day cream

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FLASH MASQUEFirst signs of Ageing Instant Effect Cloth Tissue-Mask

• Size: 8 Masks x 6.6ml

• A formula prepared especially for the eye contour,

fragrance-free and suitable for all skins, even sensitive.

• Fight the first signs of ageing in a flash & combat fine- lines,

puffiness & dark circles.

• A tissue mask impregnated cloth based on natural plant

fibres which adheres perfectly to the full eye contour area to

allow the quick and optimal diffusion of active ingredients

with an "ice-cube" effect.

• Wrinkles and fine lines in the corners of the eyes are

smoothed. Puffiness is reduced and dark circles visibly


• The expression looks relaxed: younger, fresher and more



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FLASH MASQUE (continued…)

• Corrects the first signs of ageing in 5 minutes with a

formula containing a double concentration of

moisturising and decongesting agents*:

- Smoothes fine lines thanks to the Duplex SystemT

(Stimaggrine + micro-algae),

- Firms the skin with an anti-elastase agent,

- Hydrates and softens thanks to BioSugarT, pro-

vitamin B5, glycerine and sodium hyaluronate,

- Decongests and drains to reduce puffiness and

dark circles thanks to Ruscus extract and Caffeine.

• Actively protects the youthfulness of the eyes: The

Vitamin E NanocapsulesT are a powerful ingredient

that counteracts the effect of free radicals,

responsible for premature ageing.

* Compared to Primordiale Optimum Yeux cream.


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• Infinitely easy and relaxing: "flash-effect siesta",

directions for use :

• Use whenever tiredness gets a hold or before going out, for a

flash effect. Or else as a one-month "cure" treatment, twice a

week to effectively combat the first signs of age.

• Apply to perfectly cleansed eyes. Be careful to make sure that

the mask adheres to the whole eye contour area.

• Close your eyes, relax and breathe deeply. Make the most of this

little break of solace.

• While the mask is left to lie (5 minutes), delicately tap the area

with your fingers to stimulate the diffusion of active ingredients

and the skin's micro-circulation.

• Remove the mask and help to absorb surplus product by

smoothing movements from the inside of the eye to the outside.


OPTIMUM YEUX for "optimal" effectiveness.

Tested under dermatological and ophthalmologic supervision

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Visibly Smoothing Eye Treatment First Signs of Ageing

• Suitable for contact lens wearers

• Size: 15ml Jar

• In 5 days, I say no to the first signs of ageing.

Yes to a luminous skin in just 5 seconds.

• This ultra-smooth cream-gel is especially formulated to the

needs of the delicate eye area to help reduce puffiness,

brighten dark circles and diminish fine lines.

• From the first application, the eye contour is more radiant.

In the first days, the skin is smoother, more even textured.

• Day after day, the first signs of ageing are visibly reduced.

• Immediate action: Its light-reflecting agent visibly softens

small imperfections.

• Its extremely gentle rejuvenating and smoothing complex

combines Honey and Exfoline™ to reveal the radiance of

the skin.


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• Fights the causes of ageing:

UV rays, via the free radicals that they generate,

are the primary cause of ageing and the

appearance of wrinkles.

• It is therefore essential to fight against them

effectively to preserve the youthfulness of your complexion.

• Mexoryl SX®, a high tolerance filter, blocks the most harmful UVA rays.

• Nanocapsules™ transport pure Vitamin E to the skin's cells. A precious active

ingredient and a formidable protector, it combats the formation of free radicals.

• Extract of Helianthe neutralizes these same free radicals.

• USE: Daily, morning and/or evening, around the eye area.

1. Use a quantity of product equivalent to a small pearl (for both eyes).

2. Apply in light strokes over the lower and upper eyelids as well as to the

outer corners of the eye area (the "crow's feet").

3. To complete your application, gently tap with the fingertips all around the

eye contour.

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PRIMORDIALE OPTIMUM NUITFirst Signs of Ageing Visibly Regenerating Night Treatment

• All skin types

• Size: 30ml Jar

• In 5 days, I say no to the first signs of ageing.

• Yes to a luminous skin in just 5 seconds.

• This luxurious moisturising cream imparts a delightful

sensation of well-being as it melts deliciously into your

skin, releasing a calming fragrance to help you to relax,

while preparing your skin for sleep.

• Upon awakening, your skin looks refreshed, more clear

and smooth. Night after night, the first signs of

ageing are visibly reduced.

• Focus on the night: The skin is constantly rebuilding

itself, but 3 times more so during the night than during the

day, with the maximum activity between 1 o'clock and 3

o'clock in the morning.


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• It is therefore essential to give your skin all the

elements that it requires during this time:

Vectorised Vitamin A is transported to the

heart of the cells where it is continuously released.

• Essential for the regeneration of the skin, it is combined with an

Extract of Sunflower seed to perfectly preserve the tone of the skin.

• Extract of Wheat germ protects and aids the elimination of cell

toxins that have accumulated during the day.

• Its very gentle Exfoliating Complex, made of Honey and Beech Bud

Extract, helps release excess dead cells from the skin's surface.

• USE: Evening on a perfectly cleansed skin, avoiding the eye area.

1. Apply your product with light strokes, working from the centre of

the face outwards and from forehead to chin, then finish on the T-

zone, under the chin and along the throat.

2. Complete your application with a rapid and firm vertical

"massage," working from one side of the forehead to the other, then

from the middle of the face outwards to the edge of the cheeks.

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Visibly Plumping Effect Smoothing Lip Treatment

• All Skin Types

• Size: 15ml Pump Bottle

• From the first application you will feel the difference :

your lips are well moisturized and comfortable, visibly

"plumped" and smoothed.

• The balm texture is soft and silky for a totally

exceptional beauty treatment.

• Lastingly treated, nourished and supple, your lips

regain their fullness and fine lines are visibly


• Immediate action: Enriched with Gatuline, to exfoliate

dead skin cells and leave your lips looking smooth

and uniform.


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• Flexium™, a unique association of waxes, highly nutritive oils

and gentle powders, creates a fine, supple and ultra-

comfortable mesh on the surface of your lips for a "visible

plumping effect" that restores their fullness. It also facilitates

the application of lipstick and prevents feathering.

• Fights the causes of ageing:

• Mexoryl SX™, a high-tolerance filter, blocks the most harmful

UVA rays, which, due to the free radicals that they generate,

are the primary cause of ageing and the appearance of


• Nanocapsule™ technology delivers Pure Vitamin E to the

skin's cells. A precious active ingredient and a formidable

protector, it combats the formation of free radicals.

• USE: Apply this fragrance-free balm to the lips and the

surrounding area as often as you like. Helps

lipstick go on easily, prevents feathering.

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First Signs of Ageing Visibly Smoothing Cream

Moisturiser Thermo-Control™ - SPF 15

• Normal to Dry Skin

• Size: 50ml Jar

• In 5 seconds, your skin is soft and radiant.

• In 5 days, the first signs of ageing are visibly diminished.

• Day after day, the youthfulness of your skin is actively

protected against UV rays, free radicals and variations in


• Your skin looks and feels rejuvenated. 98% proven efficacy.

• This extremely moisturizing and comfortable cream is the

OPTIMUM treatment against the first signs of ageing for

normal to dry skin.

• Immediate effect in 5 seconds: The Skinfibre& #153 texture

immediately plumps up skin contours while Beech Tree Bud

Extract and Glycerol smooth fine dehydration lines.


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• Correction of the 1st signs of ageing in 5 days:

The Duplex Vecteur? contains 2 niosomes of

plant extract, Stimaggrine and an Extract of

Green Seaweed, for targeted action. It works at two levels of the skin:

On the surface, to re-texturize, and deeper down to plump up the skin.

• Active youth protection: The Thermo-Control? system combines

three key elements. The Thermo-Adaptative formula minimizes the

effects of temperature on the skin. Vectorised Pure Vitamin E blocks

the free radicals. An SPF15 protects the skin against UVA and UVB


• USE: Daily, morning and/or evening on a perfectly cleansed skin,

avoiding the eye area.

1. Apply your product with light strokes, working from the

centre of the face outwards and from forehead to chin,

then finish on the T-zone, under the chin and along the throat.

2. Complete your application with a rapid and firm vertical

"massage," working from one side of the forehead to the other, then

from the middle of the face outwards to the edge of the cheeks.

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PURE FOCUS INTRODUCTIONThe metamorphosis of oily skin... pure,

matt, light, even very close up.

• Oily skin

• The Dermo-Guide System? uses Micro-captors to penetrate to the deepest level of the pores to absorb sebum at its source and lastingly treat its harmful effects on the skin.

• Its complex of purifying active ingredients inhibits sebum production and the build-up of bacteria on the surface of the skin, to help it look matt and fresh for hours.

• Oil-Free.

• Non-comedogenic.

• Dermatologist-tested.

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PURE FOCUSDeep Purifying Cleansing Gel

• Oily skinSize: 100ml Bottle

• This rich foaming gel cleanses, removes make up and eliminates impurities, leaving skin perfectly clean and fresh.

• Residue-removing micro-beads provide deep cleansing, while respecting the skin's equilibrium. Impeccably clear and fresh, your skin looks healthy, lastingly matt and uniform, even close up.

• USE: Daily, morning and evening.1. Moisten your face with water.2. Apply the cleanser all over your moistened face in light strokes working from the centre of the face outwards, being sure to avoid the eye area.3. Use small circular movements all over the face to cleanse, paying particular attention to the T-zone.4. Rinse with water.

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PURE FOCUSMatifying Purifying Lotion

• Tightens Pores

• Oily skin

• Size: 200ml Bottle

• This bi-phase toner (water and powder) is the perfect finishing touch to makeup removal. It tones and purifies your skin, removing any traces of makeup and leaving pores perfectly clean.

• It matifies by absorbing excess sebum to eliminate shine.

• Your skin is clean, fresh and matt ready for its daily skincare treatment.

• USE: Apply morning and/or evening with cotton wool on the centre of the face moving outwards after.

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PURE FOCUS EXFOLIANCEDeep Cleansing Foaming Facial Scrub

• Oily Skin

• Size: 100ml Tube

• This transparent foaming gel contains buffing micro-beads to gently exfoliate the skin, eliminating the impurities and the excess sebum that dull the complexion and cause imperfections.

• Its fresh, floral scent is derived from aromatic top notes to invoke a sense of purity; heart notes of Mimosa and Rose are warm and relaxing.

• USE: Daily, morning and evening.1. Moisten your face with water.2. Apply the cleanser all over your moistened face in light strokes working from the centre of the face outwards, being sure to avoid the eye area.3. Use small circular movements all over the face to cleanse, paying particular attention to the T-zone.4. Rinse with water.

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PURE FOCUSMoisturising Lotion

• Perfect Long-Lasting Shine Control

• Oily skin

• Size: 50ml Pump Bottle

• Ideal moisturizing and perfect shine control thanks to this fresh, non-greasy, water-light fluid that absorbs immediately into the skin for a soft, powder fresh finish.

• A pure caress for oily skin, leaving it perfectly hydrated all day long by targeting only those areas where hydration is needed.

• Leaves skin feeling fresh and matt all day long.

• USE: Daily, morning and/or evening, on a perfectly cleansed skin.1. Apply your product with light strokes, working from the centre of the face outwards and from forehead to chin, then finish on the T-zone.2. To complete your application, gently tap the fingertips all over the face, working from the forehead to the chin.

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PURE EMPREINTEPurifying Mineral Mask with White Clay

• Normal to combination skin

• Size: 100ml Tube

• This incredibly soft-textured mask absorbs impurities and excess sebum to deep clean the skin and tighten its pores.

• Leaves your complexion looking fresh, matt and refined.

• White Clay (Kaolin) is a highly-absorbent, mineral-rich powder.

• As it dries on the skin surface, it absorbs excess sebum and impurities, which wash as was as the mask is rinsed off.

• USE: Apply a thin layer on the face, starting from the T-Zone (forehead, nose, chin) and working outwards.

• Be careful to avoid the eye area. Allow to dry for five minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.

• Can be used once or twice a week according to your skin's needs.

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INTRODUCTION• 25 000 micro-liftings

• My face lifted, redefined

• - Over 25 000 micro-liftings act to lift the skin surface: Its patented technology combines Silica micro-particles with proteins to form a tightening micro-network with a "made-to-measure" lifting effect, perfectly adapted to each woman.

• -Tighter skin and smoothed wrinkles on the surface: Duo 3D vectors with plant extracts restore the structure of the dermis by stimulating the synthesis of collagen (firmness, elasticity) and glycosaminoglycans (density) to plump up the skin's support mattress, firm the skin and reduce wrinkles.

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• Lifting - Firming - Anti-Wrinkle

• All skin types

• Size: 15ml Jar

• The action of 25 000 micro-liftings is completed by a draining effect. Puffiness and dark circles are reduced. Lines around the eyes are smoothed away and eyelids filtered. Your eyes sparkle with visible youthfulness!

• - Puffiness and dark circles reduced thanks to the draining properties of the formula.

• USE: Daily, morning and/or evening, on a perfectly cleansed skin. 1. Prepare your skin by pinching it with your the fingertips, starting from the chin and working upwards, fanning out along the sides of the nose, then again upwards towards the cheeks and then towards the temples. 2. Use the same pinching technique along the throat, starting at the centre, then working outwards and back. 3. Apply your product with light strokes, working from the centre of the face outwards and from forehead to chin, and then finish on the T-zone and neck.

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FLASH LIFTINGInstant Effect Serum

• Lifting - Contour - Ultra-Firming

• All skin types

• Size: 50ml Pump Bottle

• Ultra-concentrated and enriched with an extra-firming polymer, its fresh texture reinforces the instant lifting effect.

• Its effectiveness is amazing: your facial contours look redefined and seem to regain their natural curves in an instant.

• A flash effect guaranteed!

• A face that seems re-sculpted from within: Duo 3D vectors with Rice Bi- and Tri-peptides preserve the curves of the face while maintaining the integral structure of subcutaneous tissues.

• Malt extract reinforces the structure of the dermal-epidermal junction, which plays a major role in supporting the skin.


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FLASH LIFTING (continued…)

Instant Effect Serum

• USE:

• Daily, morning and/or evening, on a perfectly cleansed skin.

• 1. Dab a small quantity of product onto your fingertips, then apply to the face with light strokes starting at the forehead and working from the centre outwards, then moving to the middle of the face, working from the nose outwards across the cheeks to the ears, and then to the area around the lips.

• 2. Emphasize the "dermo-relaxing" effect with a relaxation technique: apply pressure above and below the start of the eyebrow while exhaling, then follow with a smoothing stroke across the eyebrows, pressing quite firmly as you do so.

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RE-DEFINING TREATMENT Lifting - Firming - Anti-wrinkle

• All skin types

• Size: 50ml Jar

• In 4 weeks, the skin looks lifted, firmer and tighter. Your face regains its lovely curves and looks lastingly younger.

• A face that seems re-sculpted from within: Duo 3D vectors with Rice Bi- and Tri-peptides preserve the curves of the face while maintaining the integral structure of subcutaneous tissues. Malt extract reinforces the structure of the dermal-epidermal junction, which plays a major role in supporting the skin.

• USE: Daily, morning and/or evening, on a perfectly cleansed skin. 1. Apply to the face with light strokes starting at the forehead and working from the centre outwards, then moving to the middle of the face, working from the nose outwards across the cheeks to the ears, and then to the area around the lips. 2. Emphasize the "dermo-relaxing" effect with a relaxation technique: apply pressure above and below the start of the eyebrow while exhaling, then follow with a smoothing stroke across the eyebrows, pressing quite firmly as you do so

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RÉNERGIE SERUM LIFT YEUXLifting and Firming Eye Serum

• All skin types

• Size: 15ml Flacon

• Infused with the exclusive Dermo-cohesion™ complex which strengthens the skin's support network situated beneath the dermo-epidermal junction.

• By improving the quality of the skin's anchorage fibres, this complex helps to restore firmness and resilience to the skin around the eye area.

• A visible draining effect: A concentrate of active lipid draining agents that help put and end to tired-looking eyes. Combined with purifying and refining ingredients, this concentrate helps to decongest and drain the eye area of the fatty deposits that weigh down the eyelids and cause puffiness and bags.

• USE: Daily, morning and/or evening, around the eye area.

• 1. Use a quantity of product equivalent to a small pearl (for both eyes).

• 2. Apply in light strokes over the lower and upper eyelids as well as to the outer corners of the eye area (the "crow's feet").

• 3. To complete your application, gently tap with the fingertips all around the eye contour.

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RÉNERGIE NUITRecharging Night Treatment

Regenerating - Firming - Anti-Wrinkle

• All skin type

• Size: 50ml Jar

• It replenishes skin cells with the energy they need to repair and restructure themselves during the night. In the morning, your skin looks smoother and rested.

• Night after night, your facial features seem less lined, wrinkles and fine lines are reduced and your skin is firm.

• ANTI-WRINKLE AND FIRMNESS: RN Stimuline™ is a combination of unique active ingredients that promotes the production of ATP (Adenosine Tri Phosphate), the cells' energy source. This optimises cellular renewal to energise and regenerate your cells during the night.

• COMPLETE ACTION: A gentle exfoliant eliminates excess cells and evens out the complexion. This savvy cocktail is combined with Vitamin E, renowned for its anti-free radical and antioxidant properties, and hydrating active ingredients for optimum comfort.


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RÉNERGIE NUIT(continued…)

Recharging Night Treatment

Regenerating - Firming - Anti-Wrinkle

• USE: Daily, morning and/or evening, on a perfectly cleansed skin.

• 1. Prepare your skin by pinching it with your the fingertips, starting from the chin and working upwards, fanning out along the sides of the nose, then again upwards towards the cheeks and then towards the temples.

• 2. Use the same pinching technique along the throat, starting at the centre, then working outwards and back.

• 3. Apply your product with light strokes, working from the centre of the face outwards and from forehead to chin, then finish on the T-zone and neck.

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RÉNERGIE YEUXAnti-Wrinkle and Firming Eye Cream

• All skin types

• Size: 15ml Jar

• This ultra-silky, penetrating cream, specifically formulated for use around the delicate eye area, helps to strengthen the epidermis and makes it denser to correct the visible signs of ageing: bags, loss of firmness and wrinkles, leaving eyes looking younger.

• Thanks to its formula, rich in active ingredients and soothing Shea Butter, it works to strengthen the living fibres of the epidermal cells.

• Anti-Wrinkle Action: strengthens and fortifies the skin cells to reduce wrinkles and smooth fine lines. In addition, its luxuriously comforting formula absorbs quickly, leaving skin soft and supple.

• Firming Action: Rich in energising ingredients, especially developed to help fight sagging eyelids and bags by firming the epidermis.

• USE: Daily, morning and/or evening, around the eye area.1. Use a quantity of product equivalent to a small pearl (for both eyes).2. Apply in light strokes over the lower and upper eyelids as well as to the outer corners of the eye area (the "crow's feet").3. To complete your application, gently tap with the fingertips all around the eye contour.

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RÉNERGIE CRÈMEAnti-Wrinkle and Firming Treatment

Silky Cream for the Face and Neck

• All skin types with deep-set wrinkles and loss of firmness.

• Size: 50ml Jar

• Dual-performance anti-wrinkle and firming treatment. Its unique formula fortifies skin from within, leaving it more plump and firm, while dramatically decreasing the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

• Double Performance Anti-Wrinkle and Firming Action The Energising Complex contains a protein-based restructuring active ingredient (Corn Extract) which acts within the epidermis on intracellular fibres (Actin, Keratin, Tubulin) to help strengthen them, thus fostering better cellular cohesion and better tissue density to act against wrinkles and firm the skin.

• USE: Daily, morning and/or evening, on a perfectly cleansed skin.

• 1. Prepare your skin by pinching it with your the fingertips, starting from the chin and working upwards, fanning out along the sides of the nose, then again upwards towards the cheeks and then towards the temples.

• 2. Use the same pinching technique along the throat, starting at the centre, then working outwards and back.

• 3. Apply your product with light strokes, working from the centre of the face outwards and from forehead to chin, then finish on the T-zone and neck.

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SLIM SUCCESS BANDESAnti-Cellulite wraps

• An anti-cellulite dream: "cellular liposuction"?

• Size: Pack of 8 Wraps

• Stubborn localised cellulite

• The Lancôme Laboratories, strongly inspired by liposuction, have "dreamt up" cosmetic liposuction and created 2 complementary products, the serum and the strips, for increased efficiency. Thanks to the anti-cellulite strips, cellulite is reduced on the thighs, streamlined and firmed.

• Results equal to the task:

> From the very 1st week, effective results on the appearance of cellulite are observed by 71% of women*

- Smoothes the skin 98% - Reduces orange peel 91% - Firms the thighs 84% - Tones the buttocks 80%

- Firms the stomach 71%* Test carried out on 120 women aged between 25 and 45 over 7 days of self-


> After 28 days, centimetric losses of -1.9 cm on average were clinically measured on the thighs

** Clinical tests on 55 women over 28 days - remanence at 2 weeks

> Stability of the results two weeks after stopping the treatment.


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• SLIM SUCCESS: The 1st slimming product inspired by surgical liposuction.

• Attacks cellulite right at the heart of the cells:

• The LipolyzerT (caffeine, caffeine derivative, rutin and wild yam diogenin), proven to be more effective than pure caffeine, enables real "cellular liposuction" by:

• - breaking down fat within the cells

• - promoting their removal via the evacuation channels located on the membrane of fat cells.

• In 1 week, orange peel skin is reduced and the body is firmed.

• In 1 month, measurements are considerably reduced.


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• Stabilises the results over time:

• The LipolyzerT blocks the entrance of glucose (anti-sugar barrier) into fat cells and limits the storage of fat (anti-fat barrier).

• 2 weeks after stopping the treatment, the results (slimming + anti-cellulite) are stabilised.

• Drains and firms with a horse chestnut and caffeine patch:

• - Soy + silicon intense drainage: collagen synthesis

• - Strips: intensification of the action

• Texture: Impregnated strips

• As a complement to the serum on problem areas.

• As an intensive treatment twice a week for 2 weeks. Leave on for 15-20 min.

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Intense protection, frosty freshness.

This summer, my tan looks chillingly good.

• The best of protection: It contains the Balanced Sun ProtectorT: a complete ultra-wide and ultra-effective anti-UVA and UVB filtering system comprised of five complementary filters, including Mexoryl ® SX and XL. The best for your skin: It preserves your skin's youthfulness by fighting against free radicals: Vectorised pure Vitamine E is transported right next to the targeted cells, where it is continuously released.

• Vitamin Cg reinforces its anti-wrinkle action. Pro-vitamin B5 helps maintain the quality of the epidermis.

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• SÔLEIL ICY TUBESUltra-Cooling Sun Protection Gel for Face

and Body - SPF 15

• Sensitive skin

• Size: 150ml Tube

• For the first time, Lancôme laboratories have developed high-protection gels specially designed to be refrigerated.

• They are stored in the fridge and can be subjected to changes in temperature.

• These ultra-cooling products melt onto the skin to give you the best protection and skincare in an intense shiver.

• The best of hydration for long-lasting action guaranteed (12 hours).

• USE: Apply generously to the body before sun-exposure. Reapply frequently, especially during prolonged sun-exposure and/or after swimming.

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SÔLEIL ICY TUBESSun Lip Gloss Ultra-Shiny SPF 15

Lip protection

• Size: 15ml Tube

• The first protective ultra-shiny gloss (SPF 15) for an irresistible glamorous effect.

• A surprising sensation of freshness and a delicious mango flavour for intense pleasure, perfectly protected and ultra-glossy lips. deliciously irresistible!

• The best of protection: It contains Mexoryl® XL for complete, wide and effective anti-UVA and UVB protection.

• The best for your skin: It preserves your skin's youthfulness by fighting against free radicals: Vectorised pure Vitamine E is transported right next to the targeted cells, where it is continuously released.

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SÔLEILSoft-Touch Moisturising Sun Lotion - SPF 6

• Normal skin

• Size: 150ml Tube

• Under the shade of Lancôme, high reliability protection and velvet touch.

• This moisturizing formula glides on like a second skin, helping to preserve the skin's youth while promoting a gradual, even and long-lasting tan, thanks to its efficient, ultra-reliable broad-spectrum filtering complex.

• Ultimate moisturizing with the combination of Glycerol and a White Flower Honey Extract for a guaranteed long-lasting effect (12 hours).

• Ultimate pleasure with the Lancôme exclusive Sun Soft Skin? technology to leave the skin velvety-soft, without feeling sticky or greasy.

• The formula is both water- and salt-resistant for truly innovative sun care.

• USE: Apply generously to the body before sun-exposure.

• Reapply frequently, especially during prolonged sun-exposure and/or after swimming.

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SÔLEIL ULTRA INTRODUCTIONUltra-protection from the sun that's

ultra-light on the skin.

• This high-protection sunscreen is formulated to care for and comfort sun-sensitive skin.

• The silky-smooth, oil-free texture penetrates quickly with no white streaks or oily residue to shield your skin from the damaging effects of the sun. Its water-resistant formula, free of colourings and preservatives, is especially suited for children.

• Mexoryl® XL and SX, two revolutionary, broad-spectrum sunscreens, filter harmful UVA and UVB rays for ultra- effective protection that's perfectly photostable, gentle and oil-free.

• The exclusive Sun Calm™ complex with rose extract, minimises risk of redness, tightness and irritation.

• Pure Vitamin E and Vitamin C help fight the ageing affects of the sun.

• The light, non-greasy formula is enriched with moisturisers to hydrate the skin and prevent dryness.

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SÔLEIL ULTRAHigh Protection Face

Cream-Gel SPF 30

• Very sensitive skin

• Size: 50ml Tube

• USE: Apply generously to the

face before sun-exposure.

Reapply frequently, especially

during prolonged sun-exposure

and/or after swimming.

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SÔLEIL ULTRAVery High Protection

Face Cream SPF 50+

• Size: 50ml Tube

• Very sensitive skin

• USE: Apply generously to the

face before sun-exposure.

Reapply frequently, especially

during prolonged sun-exposure

and/or after swimming.

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MASCARA• A triumph in volume-technology. AMPLICILS masters

volume in its three dimensions, for an outstandingly full-bodied, intense make-up result. To achieve this effect, Lancôme Research has replaced traditional body-enhancing gums with natural conditioning waxes combined with a plasticizing agent.

• Beeswax adds softness and helps separate lashes.

• Jojoba and Rice waxes help to thicken lashes to the max.

• These waxes, combined with the plasticizing agent, to allow for an optimised and controlled load technology that coats lashes in a perfectly natural and homogeneous way, without clumping.

• Thickening and separation technology The thickening action of Carnauba and Candellila waxes is combined with a film-forming polymer to coat the lashes with a tensing film that dries quickly, fixing the lashes in their curled position while providing perfect separation.

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MASCARA (Continued...)

• The exclusive Tri-panoramic Brush, specifically designed for use with the AMPLICILS formula, deposits the product evenly on the lashes for truly optimised volume.

• In addition, the panoramic orientation of its bristles around the brush axis ensures that each sweep through the lashes thickens, curls and separates, amplifying lashes from root to tip with no clumping.

• USE: 1. Apply a coat of mascara to your lashes, working from the base towards the tips. Use a zigzag motion for maximum thickness and separation and work from the inner corner of the eye towards the outside.2. Apply on your lower lashes using the same zigzag movements, again working from the inner corner of the eye outwards.

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AMPLICILS Full Dimension

Volume Mascara• Suitable even for sensitive eyes

• Size: 6.5 ml

• Amplifies.

• Curls.

• Separates.

• Glamorous lashes that speak volume.

• Evenly coats and builds each lash from root to tip for maximum volume.

• Lashes are thicker, curled and separated, yet remain supple for a glamorous result that lasts and lasts.

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Full Dimension Volume Mascara• Suitable even for sensitive eyes

• Size: 6ml

• Lash-glamour that never lets you down.

• Amplifies, curls and separates lashes in just one stroke. It's ultimate volume that resists everything, including rain, tears and sports...

• Live, laugh, be active, your eyes keep their intense look, for absolute glamour.

• The soft 100% Amplifix™ film resists all. Its exclusive Tri-Panoramic™ brush combines a triple technology designed especially to complement the volumising formula for outstanding results.

• Thickened from roots to tip, lashes are amplified, lengthened, and curled.

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DÉFINICILS High Definition Mascara• Suitable even for sensitive eyes

• Size: 6.5 ml

• Define your look, naturally!

• This best-selling mascara shapes and defines to create long, beautiful lashes.

• The patented brush coats each lash evenly from base to tip for perfect separation with no clumping.

• Ophthalmologist-tested.

• Fragrance-Free. Suitable for contact lens-wearers.

• The exclusive formula contains bio-selective polymers (1.1%) that cling to the damaged rim of each lash scale, thus adhering to the lash via a system of electric attraction.

• Its brush is made of Rilsan bristles designed to release the mascara gradually upon application, thereby depositing the same amount of product onto each lash for a uniform result.

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FLEXTENCILS Full Extension &

Curving Mascara• Suitable even for sensitive eyes

• Size: 6.5 ml

• Staggering lengths.

• Stunning curves.

• Take your lashes to glamorous lengths and curves!

• The exclusive PowerSHAPE™ Ultra-Curling formula and patented brush work together to give lashes up to 30% more visible length and an eye-opening 30º curve for a sophisticated look that lasts all day.

• A unique technology to reinvent your eyes.

• PowerShape™: An ultra-curving and firming film made of plant wax, Olive oil and a synthetic film-forming polymer easily coats, curves and smoothes your lashes for unique, long-hold make-up.

• Exclusive Styling brush: The exclusive notched brush with inversed bristles allows for even mascara application on the first stroke and over the entire lash for perfect finish and separation.

• With each application, lashes are longer and more curved for sophisticated, ultra-glamorous results.

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HYPNÔSE Custom-Wear Volume Mascara• Suitable even for sensitive eyes

• Size: 6.5 ml

• I turn up my lash volume 6x. I turn on my power to hypnotise!Control the volume of your lashes for a truly hypnotic effect! With each stroke, the PowerFULLT brush intensifies your look for lashes that are up to six times thicker and perfectly separated.

• Easy to apply, the supple formula goes on smoothly, with lots of play time and no clumping. It's made to measure volume for a bewitching look that's simply irresistible!

• Hypnotic volume with no clumping: HYPNÔSE contains SoftSculptT, a new system of soft, emollient waxes that are combined with the PC/PA polymer system to produce up to six times the lash volume without clumping.

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HYPNÔSE Custom-Wear Volume

Mascara (Continued...)

• Endless playtime: The supple texture of this exclusive formula turns into an ultra-light fluid with endless playtime, enabling you to build your lashes, over and over, without smearing, smudging or clumping.

• Lasting suppleness: Silicone, glycerin & Vitamin B5 keep lashes soft and supple all day long.

• Unique Power FullT Brush: With its 1,000 sensor bristles, the Power FullT Brush delivers made-to-measure lash volume that you control.

• With each sweep, it glides through your lashes for perfect separation, while evenly applying the mascara from base to tip.

• Each application has the power to intensify lash volume, up to 6 times, for the most hypnotic lashes imaginable!

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L'EXTRÊME Lengthening Mascara

Instant Lash Extension• Suitable even for sensitive eyes

• Size: 6.5 ml

• Instant Lash Extension!

• I extend my lashes up to 60%.

• Much more than just lengthening by way of an optical illusion, the mascara L'Extrême gives lashes visible lengthening.

• Absolute, ultimate, maximum and extreme lengthening! Like real lashes at the tips of lashes, lengthen up to 60%!

• Visibly longer lashes: the exclusive FiberStretchT Complex, a combination of supple synthetic silk fibers plus a patented adhesive polymer, enrobes each lash from root to tip creating immediate visible length : up to 60% !

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L'EXTRÊME Lengthening Mascara

Instant Lash Extension (Continued...)

• The patented, Hi-Contact brush catches every lash at the root for optimal lengthening and perfect separation.

• Multi-benefits: the long-wearing formula stays in place all-day as softening agents, supple waxes & patented Céramides® protect lashes. The sensual fluid texture glides on easily with ample "play time" for perfect application.

• Sophisticated results: from the first application, lashes are instantly lengthened to the extreme!

• Ophthalmologist-Tested

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Miracle and Miracle Intense

Eau de Parfum SprayMiracle Sizes: 30, 50 and 100ml Spray

Miracle Intense Size: 30ml

You make it happen.

Le parfum d‟un nouveau jour

Un coffret pastel, poudré, nacré et

luxueux ! Offrez le sweet love pour la

Saint Valentin...

The perfume of a new day,

a box of pastels,

powdered glass dust,

gives lustre and luxury!

Offering the sweet love

of the Saint of Valentine …

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Miracle Forever Eau de Parfum SpraySizes: 30, 50 & 75ml Spray

Capture an everlasting moment

An elegant, modern fragrance based on a sweet

Floriental harmony of star anise, blackcurrant bud

absolute and Almond flower nectar. Notes that brin

out all the elegance and sophistication of the

woman who wears it.

Head note: STAR ANISE



USE: To be in top form and look your best during the day

or before an evening out, enjoy an energising shower with

cool water and the Miracle Forever bath and shower gel.

Your skin regains its vitality and luminosity.

Then, before applying your fragrance, apply the Miracle

Forever perfumed body lotion to moisturise your skin

and stay wonderfully perfumed all day long.

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Miracle So Magic! Eau de Parfum SprayA new MiracleSizes: 30, 50 & 100ml SprayEmbrace a rosy outlook with an enchanting fragrance for a woman who gets a thrill out of life. She is filled with happiness, gifted forsharing it and artful in making it last. A delicious, pink, sparkling fresh floral. More than a fragrance, MIRACLE SO MAGIC! is a true bubble of optimism.

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Miracle So Magic! Eau de Parfum Spray (Continued…)

A scent of celebration floats through the air! A sparkling fresh floral: A true olfactory miracle based on the encounter of two flowers, Rose Eglantine and Narcissus, the beauty and the rebel.The first is sweet, delicate and sensitive, the flower of flowers. The second is wild, unexpected,seductive and enchanting. Two versions of femininity that create a vibrant accord shining withfreshness and intensity. An unexpected partner: Clover leaf with its crisp, Irresistible green tones. a veritable harbinger of good luck! USE: Spray about 20 cm from your skin, focusing on the warm areas of your body: inside of wrists, under earlobes,behind the knees, to magnify your wake!

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Trésor Eau de ToiletteSizes: 30, 50 & 100ml SprayThe lighter side of love.This radiant new fragrance flaunts a delectable, fruit-based freshness. Both audacious and surprising, it irresistibly evokes the image of a smile and the idea of romanticism itself.Its inverted pyramid shaped bottle reflects the light like a precious gemstone. Transparent and beautiful, it shines with the colour of pink champagne. Extremely fruity, extremely fresh, TRÉSOR Eau de Toilette opens with notes of Apricot Rosemixed with the sparkling softness of Blackcurrant buds. Its core notes bloom with the scent of voluptuous Lilac and Magnolia petals. Its pure base of Sandalwood is rounded out by creamy notes of Vanilla. USE: Spray about 20 cm from your skin, focusing on the warm areas of your body: inside of wrists, under earlobes, behind the knees, for a subtly scented trail!

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Trésor Eau de ParfumSizes: 30, 50 & 100ml SprayLove is a treasure.The Eau de Parfum unveils the floral,

fruity, powdery and amber notes of TRÉSOR. Its bottle, with its luxurious design, nestles in the hand, like a precious treasure. Its luminous fragrance gives a refined and radiant aura to the woman who wears it.

A fragrance of emotion is in the air... TRÉSOR.

TRÉSOR opens with a flurry of Rose petals and Apricot blossom, illuminated by a halo of the pure, white notes of Peach Tree Flowers. Lilly of the Valley, Vanilla, Heliotrope and Iris follow, casting their seductive spell.

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Trésor Eau de ParfumFresh floral notes, luscious fruits and

a exquisite powdery accord, TRÉSOR is all this and more: Its secret lies in the perfection of its first accord: a Rose with a heart of Amber, where the top and middle notes mingle endlessly with one another.

Base notes of Sandalwood and Musk guard this treasure, lingering on skin to leave a refined trail of fragrance that is discrete, yet unforgettable.

USE: Spray about 20 cm from your skin, focusing on the warm areas of your body: inside of wrists, under earlobes, behind the knees, to magnify your wake !

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Attraction Eau de ParfumSizes: 30, 50 & 100ml Spray

The captivating fragrance.

The attraction of two beings irresistibly drawn to one another. A dazzling, unexpected encounter: Iris and Patchouli. Flower and woodmingle and meld together in a superb woody-floral fragrancethat shimmers with light. A union of two spheres, one of glass and the other of gold. The bottle and stopper entice one another and radiate with light...

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Attraction Eau de ParfumThe scent of a flower, an almost-human

Iris, with diaphanous petals so sheer that you can see its delicate veins.A dazzling encounter, surprising and new: Patchouli and Iris.Flower and wood seek each other, find one another and meld together.Sensuality and femininity of the flower. Strength and character of the noble wood. The light springs from the green Syringa entwined with Neroli, Jasmine, Gardenia and Ylang-Ylang.

USE: Spray about 20 cm from your skin, focusing on the warm areas of your body: inside of wrists, under earlobes, behind the knees, to magnify your wake!

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Hypnôse Eau de ParfumSizes: 30, 50 & 75ml Spray

The new female perfume. The perfume of the enchantress; the woman who can use her charm to fascinate the man that she adores.

A fragrance with the woody Eastern note which is poised and acts as a sensual mask with an enchanted wake: flowers of Passion associated with Vanilla and a hint of Vetiver.

A luxurious bottle whose curves and facets dance in the light, a representation of the female form and modern interpretation of the Magic perfume bottle, created by Lancôme in 1950.

A sunny, woody Eastern perfume:

Flowers of Passion: a powerful and recognizable floral-fruity note.

Vanilla: at the core of the perfume, creating a rich and enveloping Eastern effect.

Vetiver: the base note – closely intimate.

USE: Spray about 20 cm from your skin, focusing on the warm areas of your body: inside of wrists, under earlobes, behind the knees, to magnify your wake!

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Hypnôse PerfumeSize: 15ml Perfume Extract

The fragrance of enchantment in a more intense formula. A fragrance with a woody oriental harmony that embraces the skin to become a sensual potion with an enchanting fragrant trail: Passionflower blended with Vanilla, over a woody base of Vetiver. A luxurious bottle with curves and facets that dance in the light, like an object of desire.

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Hypnôse PerfumeHypnôse intensifies its bewitching

power and draws from its heart an extract of seduction. Warmed by the sun, the exotic passionflower swaps its innocent parure, tinged with green and fruity notes, for a luminous veil releasing all the floral sensuality of its heart.The absolute vanilla reveals all the depth of its magnetism. Its scent, deeper and more generous, envelops the extract with a carnal and spellbinding warmth provoking a bewitching giddiness.Vetiver plays on its wild beauty and on its temperament of fire. Full of contradictions, its charms creates a powerful vibration making the extract whirl at the rhythm of a sensuous dance.

USE: Dab lightly on the warm

areas of your body.

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Hypnôse Eau de Toilette

Sizes: 30 & 50ml Spray

Discover the Eau de ToiletteHypnôse Eau de Toilette shows off a vibrant and luminous magnetism. It‘s a new love story between fragrant notes and convictions.

In perfect harmony with the skin, the Eau de Toilette reveals radiant sensuality and enchanting vanilla accents. It is smooth and light - but totally addictive.

Hypnôse Eau de Toilette was formulated around the olfactory identity of the Eau de Parfum: passionflower, vanilla and vetiver. It enhances the bouquet of white flowers for a distinctive signature.

The combination of jasmine sambac with lovely natural Tiaré flower creates a sensual and enchanting vibration. It lights up the heart of the composition and wraps the vanilla and vetiver in sensuality that is almost carnal.

USE: Spray about 20 cm from your skin, focusing on the warm areas of your body: inside of wrists, under earlobes, behind the knees, to magnify your wake!

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Established in 1946 as a family-run concern, Estée Lauder has

grown to become one of the world's leading manufacturers and marketers of prestige skin

care, cosmetics, fragrances and toiletries. Although the company floated on the New York Stock Exchange in September 1995, the Lauder family remains very much in the driving seat. Estée Lauder is the name behind a number of skin care brands besides the signature Estée Lauder line itself. Products

marketed under the Estee Lauder banner are said to be

technologically advanced and innovative with a reputation for excellence and superior quality. The line includes prestige skin care, makeup and fragrances.

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Perfectly Clean

Fresh balancing lotionSize: 200ml Bottle

Skin Perfectly Clean

A soothing new sensation for normal/combination skin.

This revitalizing toning lotion conditions and rebalances skin, leaving it feeling

fresh, smooth.

Primes skin to achieve maximum results from the skincare that follows.

Perfectly Clean formulas provide the perfect balance for your skin, with light hydrators and a conditioning

botanical blend.

Use: By gently managing oily zones while soothing dry areas, they leave

skin feeling renewed, comfortable, healthy...Perfectly Clean.

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Perfectly Clean Light Lotion Cleanser

Normal/combination skinSize: 200ml Pump Bottle

Silky lotion smoothes on for gentle, balanced cleansing. Lifts away impurities to leave skin soft,

clean, comfortable.

Milky, non-foaming lotion is refreshingly light. Rinse or tissue off.

Perfectly Clean formulas provide the perfect balance for your skin, with light hydrators and a

conditioning botanical blend.

By gently managing oily zones while soothing dry areas, they leave skin feeling renewed, comfortable, healthy...Perfectly Clean.

CONDITIONING EXTRACTS:White Water Lily, Senega, Barberry

Use: By gently managing oily zones while soothing dry areas, they leave skin feeling renewed,

comfortable, healthy...Perfectly Clean.

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Perfectly Clean –For Normal/Combo Skin

Splash Away Foaming CleanserSize: 125ml Tube

A soothing new sensation for normal/combination skin.

Deliciously refreshing foam gently yet thoroughly cleans and rebalances skin.

Splashes away with no soapy film, no trace of impurities.

Perfectly Clean formulas provide the perfect balance for your skin, with light hydrators and a conditioning

botanical blend.

By gently managing oily zones while soothing dry areas, they leave skin feeling renewed, comfortable,

healthy...Perfectly Clean.

CONDITIONING EXTRACTS:White Water Lily, Senega, Barberry

USE: Lather up a small amount with wet hands. Massage all over face with circular movements. Rinse with warm

water.Use twice a day, AM and PM. Follow with Perfectly

Clean Fresh Balancing Lotion, then your anti-aging/repair formula and moisturizer as desired.

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Moisturizing Oil-Control LotionSize: 200ml Bottle

A fresh new sensation for oily skin.

This refreshing, mattifying toning lotion instantly refines and purifies as it eliminates shine.

Controls oil for hours with oil-absorbing powders.Primes skin to achieve maximum results from

the skincare that follows.

The Sparkling Clean collection was created specifically for oily skin, with a combination of

oil-controlling ingredients plus a purifying botanical blend, anti-irritants and hydrators.

Skin feels "squeaky clean" but isn't stripped of vital moisture.

PURIFYING EXTRACTS:Lemongrass, Cucumber, Lotus Flower

USE: After cleansing, sweep on with a cotton pad.Use twice a day, AM and PM. Follow with your

anti-aging/repair formula and moisturizer as desired.

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Oil-free Foaming Gel CleanserSize: 200ml Pump Bottle

A fresh new sensation for oily skin.

Natural mud cleanser bursts into a deep-cleansing, purifying lather.

Helps keep pores clear--skin can't help but feel healthy, smooth, invigorated.

The Sparkling Clean collection was created specifically for oily skin, with a combination of oil-

controlling ingredients plus a purifying botanical blend, anti-irritants and hydrators. Skin feels

"squeaky clean" but isn't stripped of vital moisture.

PURIFYING EXTRACTS:Lemongrass, Cucumber, Lotus Flower

USE: Lather up a small amount with wet hands. Massage all over face with circular movements.

Rinse with warm water.Use twice a day, AM and PM. Follow with Sparkling

Clean Mattifying Oil-Control Lotion, then your anti-aging/repair formula and moisturizer as desired.

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SPARKLING CLEAN For Oily Skin Oil-free Foaming Gel Cleanser

Size: 200ml Pump Bottle

A fresh new sensation for oily skin.

Crystal-clear, citrusy gel surges into an exhilarating lather that controls oil without stripping.

Leaves skin refreshed, clarified, completely clean.The Sparkling Clean collection was created

specifically for oily skin, with a combination of oil-controlling ingredients plus a purifying botanical

blend, anti-irritants and hydrators.

Skin feels "squeaky clean" but isn't

stripped of vital moisture.

PURIFYING EXTRACTS: Lemongrass, Cucumber, Lotus Flower

USE: Lather up a small amount with wet hands. Massage all over face with circular movements.

Rinse with warm water.Use twice a day, AM and PM. Follow with

Sparkling Clean Mattifying Oil-Control Lotion, then your anti-aging/repair formula and

moisturizer as desired.

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Soft Clean For Dry Skin

Skin Hydrating LotionSize: 200ml Bottle

A pampering new sensation for dry skin.This gentle, soothing toning lotion cushions your skin,

leaving it feeling soft, supple, luxuriously hydrated.Primes skin to achieve maximum results from the

skincare that follows.The Soft Clean collection provides gentle yet effective

cleansing for dry skin.

These innovative formulas help preserve skin's moisture barrier, as they add hydration and conditioners.

A soothing botanical blend calms and softens. Dry skin has never felt so comfortable after cleansing.

SOOTHING EXTRACTS: Passion Flower, EdelweissUSE: After cleansing, sweep on with a cotton pad.

Use twice a day, AM and PM. Follow with your anti-

aging/repair formula and moisturizer as desired.

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Soft Clean For Dry Skin

Tender Rich Foaming CleanserSize: 125ml Tube

A pampering new sensation for dry skin.Luxurious creme foams into a moisture-rich lather to gently clean, calm and soften skin.

Envelops you with a sense of total satisfaction.The Soft Clean collection provides gentle yet

effective cleansing for dry skin. These innovative formulas help preserve skin's moisture barrier,

as they add hydration and conditioners.

A soothing botanical blend calms and softens. Dry skin has never felt so comfortable after

cleansing.SOOTHING EXTRACTS: Passion Flower,

EdelweissUSE: Lather up a small amount with wet hands. Massage all over face with circular movements.

Rinse with warm water.Use twice a day, AM and PM. Follow with Soft

Clean Silky Hydrating Lotion, then your anti-aging/repair formula and moisturizer as desired.

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Soft Clean For Dry Skin

Tender Crème CleanseSize: 125ml Tube

A pampering new sensation for dry skin.

Rich soufflé cushions skin as it gently cleanses. Creamy and ultra soothing, it leaves skin feeling

soft and supple, never dry or tight. Tissue off.The Soft Clean collection provides gentle yet

effective cleansing for dry skin. These innovative formulas help preserve skin's moisture barrier, as

they add hydration and conditioners. A soothing botanical blend calms and softens. Dry skin has

never felt so comfortable after cleansing.SOOTHING EXTRACTS: Passion Flower,

EdelweissUSE : Gently massage onto dry

skin with circular movements. Tissue off.Use twice a day, AM and PM. Follow with Soft

Clean Silky Hydrating Lotion,

then your anti-aging/repair

formula and moisturizer

as desired

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Soft Clean For Dry Skin

Tender Crème CleanserSize: 250ml Tub

This luscious, skin-softening cleanser is

as gentle as the mildest cream, yet effective enough to dissolve every

trace of makeup and dirt in seconds.Deep cleansing action works without

drying or stripping even the most delicate skin.

Ultra-light, fluffy formula leaves no oily residue.

Skin feels super clean, soft and smooth, never tight or dry.

USE: Massage on and let makeup dissolve. Tissue off.

Use twice a day, AM and PM. Follow with your anti-aging/repair formula

and moisturizer as desired.

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Soft Clean For Dry Skin

Take It Away Makeup Remover Towelettes

Size: 45 Towelette Pack

Fast, effective and incredibly convenient.

Portable, pre-moistened towelettes quickly remove

makeup and freshen skin without water.

Advanced cleansing emulsion hydrates, softens skin.

Ophthalmologist-tested.WHEN DAY IS DONE

Do your skin a favour: never go to bed with makeup on. Clean

skin is healthy skin.USE: Sweep over entire face.

Firmly reseal package.

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Gentle Eye Makeup Remover

Size: 100ml Bottle

lightweight formula works quickly and gently to

thoroughly remove powder eye shadow and other eye

makeup.Sweeps away without

leaving any oily residue--so you can reapply eye makeup

immediately after use.Oil-free formula won't damage delicate skin.

Perfect for all skin types.Suitable for contact lens



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Take It Away

Total Makeup RemoverSize: 200ml Pump Bottle

you need to quickly and gently dissolve every trace of face, lip

and eye makeup - even long-wear or waterproof formulas.

Unique water-based crème-gel refreshes you with a crisp herbal

citrus scent.Rinses away easily and leaves

skin feeling soft and smooth with no greasy after feel or oily

residue.Suitable for contact lens

wearers. Ophthalmologist-tested.

WHEN DAY IS DONEDo your skin a favour: never go

to bed with makeup on. Clean skin is healthy skin.

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Future Perfect Anti-Wrinkle

Radiance Eye CrèmeSize: 50ml Jar

Imagine a future with fewer lines around your eyes.

This silky eye crème reduces the look of eye lines and wrinkles—fast.

Significantly smoothes the look of your eye area with all the groundbreaking,

targeted Cell Vector technology of Future Perfect face crèmes.

Sooth it on and instantly brighten the look of dark circles. Keep your skin

perfectly hydrated.You'll see a younger, more revitalized

look return.USE: Apply AM and PM after cleansing.

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Advanced Night Repair Eye Recovery Complex

Size: 15ml Jar

All the proven repair and protection of original Advanced Night Repair, now for the fragile

eye area.Exclusive repair technologies successfully

treat the appearance of lines, dryness, puffiness and dark circles.

All night, all day it helps repair the appearance of past damage, while

dramatically protecting skin from the aging effects of the give your

eyes a younger-looking future.Leaves skin with a wonderful, silky feeling.

Even helps eye makeup glide on.Dermatologist-, Ophthalmologist-tested.

USE: Dip the ball of the specially-designed applicator into the jar and apply 3 tiny dots

around each eye. Blend gently with ring finger. Apply AM and PM after cleansing.

Rinse applicator after each use.

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Resilience Lift Extreme Eye CrèmeSize: 15ml Jar

More lift. More radiance. More moisture. Now the skin around your eyes can

have it all.This highly effective formula with our

exclusive ExtremeLift³ Complex empowers your skin to look more lifted and more contoured—faster than ever.

Brings extra lifting and energized hydration to the delicate eye area—often

the first to show visible signs of aging.With aluminising optics and more, it

gives eyes a visibly more lifted, younger, brighter look.

The rich blend of long-lasting moisturizers with super-energized

nutrients relieves uncomfortably dry skin and creates a fresh, rejuvenated glow

instantly.USE: Apply AM and PM after cleansing.

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Idealist Refinishing Eye SerumSize: 15ml Jar

Your ideal eyes. Unlined. Smoothed. Revitalized.Now treat the delicate eye area to the genius

of Idealist. This breakthrough eye care formula gently refinishes the skin around your

eyes. A clinical test showed skin feels up to 60% softer with just one application.

Glide it on and fine lines and crepiness are smoothed—instantly.

The look of future lines is discouraged.Dryness disappears.

A brighter, fresher look is revealed.And makeup stays in place beautifully.

96% of women felt skin was soft and smooth.

Non-acnegenic. Dermatologist- and ophthalmologist-tested. Suitable for

contact lens wearers.USE: Pat on gently around

eye area and on eye lids.

Apply AM and PM after cleansing.

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Hydra Complete Multi-Level Moisture Eye Gel Crème

Size: 15ml Jar

The feeling of endless hydration.You've experienced it with Hydra Complete

Moisturizers—now give the delicate skin around your eyes the same satisfaction.

Includes the proven combination of mineral-rich bio-water and our exclusive Hydra-

Insulation™ technology.

Plus an extra measure of our exclusive Biosine to help this vulnerable area maintain a

strong moisture barrier.Soothing and delightfully refreshing, this

unique gel crème instantly hydrates away fine, dry lines.

Over time, an innovative blend of Hypnea Algae Extracts helps reduce puffiness.

In seconds, the eye area looks younger, more rested and completely revitalized.Dermatologist-, Ophthalmologist-tested.USE: Apply AM and PM after cleansing

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Re-Nutriv Eye CrèmeSize: 15ml Jar

A uniquely luxurious eye crème.Virtually lifts eye area, giving it a younger,

brighter appearance.Special moisture magnets instantly attract and

bind moisture--comforting, refreshing and plumping your skin.

Reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles around the eyes.

Minimizes the look of dark circles and helps inhibit their reappearance.

Extra-gentle, delicately emollient formula includes a rare anti-irritant to de-emphasize

puffiness.USE: Apply gently around entire eye area with

your ring finger. Don't rub, just pat. Use AM and PM after cleansing.

Follow with Intensive Lifting Crème.

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Re-Nutriv Revitalizing Comfort Eye Crème

Size: 15ml Jar

Revel in the rich comfort.

Restore the fresh radiance of youth.Experience the remarkable pampering and anti-

aging benefits of Revitalizing Comfort Crème -around the delicate eye area.

Includes a super-conditioning blend of emollients.

Plus powerful age-resisting extracts--including Reishi Mushroom and Chinese Wolfberry—to help boost

skin's natural collagen production.Extraordinary anti-aging and revitalizing

benefits, plus advanced optics to instantly brighten eye area.

Exquisite pampering and gentle cushioning.Exceptional moisture and deep conditioning.

This is how your skin defines luxury.USE : Apply AM and PM after cleansing and after applying your Re-Nutriv serum as desired. Follow

with Re-Nutriv Revitalizing Comfort Crème.For best results, use Revitalizing Comfort Eye

Crème as part of your complete Re-Nutriv regimen.

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Eyezone Repair GelSize: 15ml Bottle

Never before have you seen a formula like this: opalescent strands suspended in a cool, clear gel combine to penetrate and

deliver continuing benefits.Special ingredients help reduce

puffiness.Provides vital nourishing supplement so

skin feels moist, soft and smooth.Continued regular use helps restore and

maintain skin's appearance.Within weeks, skin damaged by age and sun exposure will begin to look smoother

and less lined.Fragrance-free. Dermatologist-,

Ophthalmologist tested.USE: Apply gently around entire eye

area with your ring finger. Don't rub, just pat.

Use AM and PM, after your anti-aging/repair formula as desired, and

before your moisturizer.

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Body performance Slim ShapeSize: 150ml Pump Bottle

Get the smooth curves you deserve.FluidMotion™ technology, helps diminish the look of cellulite.

1. Minimizes the visible effects of "trapped" fluid.Water can become "trapped" within the skin, which can lead to a

swollen appearance. This highly effective formula, with FluidMotion™ technology, helps skin optimize its natural flow of fluids for a sleeker,

more contoured look.2. Reduces the look of cellulite.

Powerful ingredients--including an herbal extract from India, caffeine-rich Brazilian Guarana Seeds and Chinese Black Tea--this powerful serum works with skin's natural enzymes to help reduce the look of

dimpled skin.This amazing serum helps skin push the look of cellulite away...and help keep it away. Formulated with a Conjugated Linoleic Acid, St.

Paulswort Extract and a powerful Bio-Peptide, it not only reduces the look of cellulite--with continued use, it helps dimpled skin look

smoother and firmer. Now you can boost skin's natural abilities.

Within hours of application, skin is invigorated with our exclusive thermogenic complex. It encourages skin's natural peak performance

as it works with a natural skin enzyme for a slimmer, more sculpted-looking surface. With continued use, it reinforces skin's natural

support to help keep the look of cellulite from resurfacing.

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Toning Bust SerumSize: 15ml Spray Bottle

Slip into this silky gel-serum and dramatically improve the look of the skin on your bust with our exclusive "virtual bra"

technology.Skin Feels Instantly Tightened And Toned

Toning Bust Serum is formulated with a unique nylon fibre matrix and a special polymer that contracts, providing an

immediate firming sensation as it tones and tightens skin.Strengthen Natural Support Fibres On Skin's Surface

Over time; Toning Bust Serum improves skin's elasticity for a more lifted look. Highly advanced ingredients, including

Siegesbeckia extract, plus a new Vitamin C derivative, Argireline® and Boswellia combine to help maintain skn's

elasticity for added strength.A Younger, Sexier Look

Innovative light reflecting optics visibly smooth and enhance décolletage. Toning Bust Serum smoothes skin's surface to help prevent the appearance of crepiness in the décolletage area. Skin looks firmer, tighter and feels more

resilient.USE: Smooth over skin using a gentle circular motion,

starting below breast and moving upward to the décolletage.

Please note: Do not use when breast feeding.

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Firming Body CrèmeSize: 150ml Jar

Go beyond hydration to counteract the visible signs of aging.

This ultra luxurious firming body crème works within the skin and on the skin's surface to counteract lack

of resilience and tone due to loss of collagen.SMOOTHS SKIN'S SURFACE

Day after day, potent ingredients such as Brazilian Coffee Seed Extract and Brazilian Muru-Muru Butter

improve skin's texture by rebuilding its moisture barrier. Powerful moisture magnets relieve dry skin

to keep it hydrated and comfortable.IMPROVES ELASTICITY AND TONE

A skin-fortifying Bio-Peptide helps boost natural collagen production, reinforcing skin's supportive

network for a firmer look. The visible results: body's contours appear sleeker, firmer. Skin feels

incredibly silky, looks smoother and younger.THE PROOF: Consumer testing shows:

98%* of women said their skin felt moisturized and hydrated. 88%* of women said their skin felt firmed

and toned after application.

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Smoothing Feat Size: 100ml Tube

Treat your hard-working hands and feet to this intensely hydrating

crème.Rich in concentrated emollients,

paraffin and a special moisture retainer, it pampers even the driest

skin into kid-glove softness.Like a "paraffin dip" spa treatment,

it eases away dryness and discomfort.

USE: Massage on clean feet and hands anytime for instant soothing

and softening.

Use at bedtime for intensive overnight care.

Use daily for maximum softness.

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Self Tan Body SmootherSize: 100ml Tube

The perfect prep for a sunless tan, this refreshing crème exfoliates and refines

skin, leaving it ultra-smooth.Dual-action formula includes gentle

scrubbing beads plus an effective natural exfoliator to ease away rough,

dull surfaces.Smooth Move

Smooth skin makes for a more even and longer-lasting tan. By sloughing off dry, dead cells, you help ensure

even, streakless application and the best colour development.

USE: In shower or bath, squeeze into hands or apply to clean, wet skin with

sponge or washcloth. Massage into skin with a circular motion,

then rinse thoroughly.Use 1-3 times a week, especially on elbows,

knees and heels.

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Advanced Night Repair SerumSize: 15ml Bottle with Dropper

For every woman. Every night.Based on solid, scientific findings and 24 years of proven

success, this is the one formula your skin shouldn't live without.Helps visibly repair the appearance of past damage and protect

your skin's future.Heightens your skin's natural repair response - critical for its

well-being. Soothes daily irritation and builds a rich reserve of anti-oxidants and lipids to help replenish skin's natural

protectors.Protects the future by neutralizing up to 90% of environmentally generated free radicals before they can cause your skin to look

prematurely aged. Because it is this environmental damage - not time - that can cause 80% of the visible signs of aging.

Delivers high levels of long-proven hyaluronic acid - nature's "moisture magnet." Locks in moisture to create the ideal

environment for healthy skin.Think of it as your "insurance" for younger, healthier-looking

skin, today and tomorrow.Dermatologist-, Ophthalmologist-tested.

USE: Every night, apply several drops all over face and throat after cleansing. Smooth gently into skin. Follow with your


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Advanced Night Repair ConcentrateSize: 15ml Bottle with Dropper

Advanced Night Repair Concentrate works to visibly free your skin from the accumulation of excessive damage.

It helps dramatically and intensively boost your skin's natural ability to repair the visible effects of this

accumulation, helping to "clean the slate" of past damage. Now your skin can focus all of its energies on repairing the visible effects of the assaults and stresses it faces every day. On rebuilding and renewing its appearance

every night.5 times the concentration of the patented* recovery

complex found in the Advanced Night Repair serum you use every night.

Use it for 21 consecutive nights and your skin will emerge as if you've been on an extended vacation - more rested, even-toned, supple, smooth and noticeably more healthy

looking.You can also use it after sudden skin traumas such as

when skin is uncomfortably dehydrated, after excessive sun exposure, or pre- and post- microdermabrasion and

chemical peels. Consider tonight the beginning of a beautiful new life for your skin.

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Advanced Night Repair Eye Recovery Complex

Size: 15ml Jar

All the proven repair and protection of original Advanced Night Repair, now for the fragile eye

area.Exclusive repair technologies successfully treat the

appearance of lines, dryness, puffiness and dark circles.

All night, all day it helps repair the appearance of past damage, while dramatically protecting skin

from the aging effects of the give your eyes a younger-looking future.

Leaves skin with a wonderful, silky feeling. Even helps eye makeup glide on.

Dermatologist-, Ophthalmologist-tested.USE: Dip the ball of the specially-designed applicator into the jar and apply 3 tiny dots

around each eye. Blend gently with ring finger. Apply AM and PM after cleansing.

Rinse applicator after each use.

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Perfectionist Peel 2 StepSize: 100ml Bottle & 30 Pads

Peel away the years and reveal refined, radiant skin.

With just one treatment, this intensive, 2-step thermal facial peel delivers the instant skin-rejuvenating benefits of a professional 30%

Glycolic Acid peel. No appointments. No recovery time required.

Skin looks luminous, less lined, smooth and remarkably ageless.

Step 1: Instantly removes dead surface cells to smooth rough, dry patches while helping skin

continuously renew itself.

Over time, fine lines are softened

and the look of age spots fades. (100ml tube)Step 2: Soothes and refreshes skin while restoring

its optimal pH balance. Skin radiates with a healthier, more vibrant look.

Feels baby soft and smooth. (30 pads)

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Perfectionist Peel 2 StepSize: 100ml Bottle & 30 Pads

Fill in and smooth out deep expression lines -instantly.

New visible line-relaxing technology and line-levelling optics target and reduce the appearance

of serious expression lines.Immediately, you'll see significant improvement:

- 54% reduction in the look of crow's feet- 40% reduction in the look of brow lines

Over time, our exclusive BioSync Activating™ Complex and Poly-Collagen Peptides help skin

amplify its natural collagen production.In just 4 weeks, wrinkles appear pushed up from

within for a smoother, more lineless look.Count on the power of Perfectionist to bring you

visible results right away. Without toxins or injections. Without affecting your natural facial


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Perfectionist Power Correcting PatchIn just 20 minutes, see something you thought could

never happen.The years around your eyes seem to disappear.

Without a single doctor's visit. Without a single injection.

Estée Lauder Research brings you a highly targeted approach to dramatically reduce the look of eye

lines and wrinkles and give the eye area an incredibly smoother, years-younger look.

Powered by a gentle micro-current of energy, these patches continuously release a combination of

proven ingredients, including a powerful Bio-Peptide directly to the eye area to boost skin's natural

collagen production.WORKS ON DEMAND

See a dramatic reduction in the look of prominent eye lines and wrinkles right away. In a clinical test,

over 88% of panellists‘ showed an immediate reduction in the look of lines and wrinkles.

Effects are lasting, with most users still experiencing the look of wrinkle reduction from a single use after

24 hours.This on-demand success makes Perfectionist Power

Correcting Patch a must-have when you've got that important meeting, a wedding or any special

occasion when you want—need—instant results

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Perfectionist [CP+]Size: 30ml Spray Bottle

Now, triumph over wrinkles without toxins, lasers or injections. Estée Lauder Research boldly advances the

fight against wrinkles and age spots with this comprehensive treatment.

Formulated with our exclusive Poly-Collagen Peptides and BioSync Activating™ Complex, this anti-aging

phenomenon helps lift away the look of deep wrinkles faster than ever before.

DAY 1: Instantly, the length, depth and number of lines and wrinkles look reduced up to 36%. Skin is

brighter, fresher and retextured.WEEK 1: Deeper wrinkles look levelled. Natural

collagen production is amplified. Age spots appear to fade away.

MONTH 1: See a significant reduction in the look of lines and wrinkles. Skin's clarity is improved,

and skin tone looks more even.Dermatologist and ophthalmologist-tested.

USE: Every morning, apply on clean face and throat before your moisturizer - paying particular

attention to your deepest wrinkles.

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Perfectionist [CP+]Size: 30g Stick

Now get all of the powerful anti-wrinkle action of the Perfectionist BioSync Complex™ in a revolutionary, concentrated treatment that

visually improves the lip area in a way that no lip injection can.INSTANTLY

The results of a clinical test prove you'll see up to a 50% reduction in the look of deep, vertical lines.

WITHIN 1 WEEK AND BEYONDIn as fast as 1 week, the fine lip lines around your mouth look

remarkably reduced as our exclusive BioSync Complex™ quickly strengthens skin's suspension and amplifies natural collagen

levels. By Month 1 and beyond, deep vertical lip lines look lifted away, helping redefine the contours around your lips so they

appear fuller, softer, more sensual.HOW TO USE PERFECTIONIST FOR LIP LINES

Twist top end of pen clockwise to release the Concentrate into the applicator. Apply AM and PM around - not on - lips.

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IdealistSize: 50ml Bottle

Idealist reveals your ideal skin. Unbelievably soft and smooth to the touch. Incredibly

clear and even-toned.With Idealist, silky-smooth skin is just the

beginning. Exclusive non-acid formula takes care of all skin's little problems—

pores, flakiness, redness, fine lines.Continuously speeds skin's own shedding

cycle so lazy, dulling cells don't clutter skin's surface. Instantly creates an overall

even tone.Idealist has won numerous national and

international awards, and continues to be a favorite of beauty editors and women

around the globe.Dermatologist-, Ophthalmologist-tested.

USE: Every morning, apply on clean face and throat before your moisturizer.

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Idealist Refinishing Eye Serum

Size: 30ml Bottle

Your ideal eyes.Unlined. Smoothed. Revitalized.

Now treat the delicate eye area to the genius of Idealist. This breakthrough eye care formula

gently refinishes the skin around your eyes. A clinical test showed skin feels up to 60% softer

with just one application.Glide it on and fine lines and crepiness are

smoothed - instantly.The look of future lines is discouraged.

Dryness disappears.A brighter, fresher look is revealed.

And makeup stays in place beautifully.96% of women felt skin was soft and smooth.

Non-acnegenic. Dermatologist- and ophthalmologist-tested. Suitable for contact lens

wearers.USE: Pat on gently around eye area and on eye

lids. Apply AM and PM after cleansing.

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Idealist Micro-DSize: 30ml Bottle

Your gentle, at-home alternative to micro-dermabrasion.Delivers dramatic skin resurfacing benefits with our exclusive TripleSphere Refinishing System™, plus deep, thermal action that warms skin to help open,

purify and minimize pores.With just one application of Idealist Micro-D, the

radiant skin you want is revealed. Feel it: smooth and polished. See it: clearer,

less visibly lined and virtually poreless.Your ideal skin. No appointment necessary.

Dermatologist-tested.USE: Cleanse skin. Apply a thin layer to damp face.

Massage on with a gentle touch using circular motions. Avoid prolonged massaging in any one area.

Rinse thoroughly.

Use 1 to 2 times a week or as needed. Follow with Idealist Skin Refinisher.

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Diminish Anti-Wrinkle Retinol TreatmentSize: 30ml Bottle

Delivers all the visible anti-aging benefits of Retinol, the purest form of Vitamin A, in an ultra effective, ultra gentle

formula.Retinol is renowned for helping correct the look of deep lines and dark spots. Soon, laugh lines, crow's feet and

lines around the mouth all seem less obvious.In time, wrinkles and deep expression lines will be less

apparent. Age spots will seem less noticeable. Your skin will look radiant.

Also includes other powerful vitamins, anti-oxidants and anti-irritants.

Dermatologist-, Ophthalmologist-tested.USE: Apply sparingly after cleansing and after applying

Advanced Night Repair, if desired. Smooth on with fingertips paying particular attention to wrinkles, crow's

feet, expression lines, and discoloured spots. Use nightly, PM only. Follow with your moisturizer as desired.

Keep away from eyes and eyelids.When using Diminish at night, always use an SPF 15 sunscreen during the day (it may be included in your

moisturizer or foundation).

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Fruition ExtraSize: 15ml Bottle

This exclusive complex of multi-hydroxy acids retextures skin to dramatically improve

smoothness, clarity and radiance--in just one day.

Extra-gentle, buffered formula works only in skin's top layers. Visibly reduces dullness,

uneven texture and minor discolorations.Works precisely where and when needed. On

dry skin, whisks away flakes. On oily skin, reduces surface oil by up to 45%.

Dermatologist-, Ophthalmologist-tested.USE: Apply on face and throat after cleansing,

AM and PM. Avoid eye area. Follow with Advanced Night Repair and your moisturizer as

desired.Estée Lauder recommends the use of a sunscreen as part of your daily skincare

program. We strongly discourage combining a hydroxy acid formula such as Fruition Extra with

a Retinol formula such as Diminish.

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Resilience Lift Extreme MaskSize: 75ml Tube

The extra lifting and energized hydration mid-life skin craves—in an

intensive mask treatment.Revitalizes skin's appearance with

advanced lifting and firming technology.

Powered by our ExtremeLift³ Complex, it creates a flexible, 3-D

matrix that helps firm up, brighten up the look of tired, slackened skin.

Plumps skin with vital moisture so it looks like it's in its prime: more lifted and radiant, healthy and refreshed.USE: Apply generously over clean

face and throat.

Wait 10-15 minutes until colour slightly intensifies, then tissue off or rinse off.

Use twice a week, or as needed.

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Idealist Micro-D Deep Thermal RefinisherSize: 75ml Tube

Your gentle, at-home alternative to micro-dermabrasion.

Delivers dramatic skin resurfacing benefits with our exclusive TripleSphere Refinishing

System™, plus deep, thermal action that warms skin to help open, purify and

minimize pores.With just one application of Idealist Micro-D,

the radiant skin you want is revealed.

Feel it: smooth and polished.

See it: clearer, less visibly lined and virtually poreless.

Your ideal skin. No appointment necessary.Dermatologist-tested.

USE: Cleanse skin. Apply a thin layer to damp face. Massage on with a gentle touch

using circular motions. Avoid prolonged massaging in any one area. Rinse

thoroughly. Use 1 to 2 times a week or as needed. Follow with Idealist Skin Refinisher.

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Clear Difference Deep Pore Purifying Facial

Size: 75ml Tube

This delightfully refreshing, deep cleaning mask reveals a new clarity that's

shine-free, radiant.Purifying natural clay is gentle on skin, tough on blocked pores - works deeply

to draw out impurities and eliminate blackheads and blemishes.

Oil-controlling formula includes our exclusive Absorbex™ Complex.

USE: Apply after cleansing, avoiding eye area.

Let dry for 5-10 minutes, then remove with warm water and


Use once or twice a week.

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So Polished Exfoliating ScrubSize: 100ml Tube

Uncovers your skin's inner glow.This dual-action exfoliator polishes skin

with both a smoothing marine extract and natural volcanic ash.

Eases away dulling flakes, excess oil and impurities to expose a new radiance.

Protects your natural moisture barrier and prepares skin to get the most out of your

moisturizer.Surrounds you with the soothing scent of a

tropical breeze, with Hawaiian Pineapple, Coconut and Jasmine.

Leaves skin feeling smooth, luminous, exhilarated.

USE: After cleansing, gently massage onto wet skin. Keep entirely clear of eye area.

Rinse off with water.Use once a week, or more often if your

skin tends to be oily.

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Hydra Complete Multi-level Moisture Gel Crème

For Normal/Combo Skin

Size: 75ml Jar

Completely satisfy your skin with the feeling of endless hydration.

Mineral-rich bio-water instantly quenches skin's deepest thirst, and helps skin

adapt to the daily stresses of internal and external dehydration.

Exclusive Hydra-Insulation™ helps control the way skin attracts, holds onto

and rebalances the water it needs to stay soft, smooth and absolutely revitalized

24/7.Lightweight gel crème glides over skin

with a refreshing sensation.Dermatologist-, Ophthalmologist-tested.USE: Apply AM and PM after cleansing,

and after applying your Repair Serum.

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Hydra Complete Multi-Level Moisture Gel Crème

For Dry Skin

Size: 75ml Jar

Completely satisfy your skin with the feeling of endless hydration.

Mineral-rich bio-water instantly quenches skin's deepest thirst, and helps skin adapt

to the daily stresses of internal and external dehydration.

Exclusive Hydra-Insulation™ helps control the way skin attracts, holds onto and

rebalances the water it needs to stay soft, smooth and absolutely revitalized 24/7.

Luscious, emollient crème. Dermatologist-, Ophthalmologist-tested.

USE: Apply AM and PM after cleansing, and after applying your Repair Serum.

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Hydra Complete Multi-Level Moisture Lotion

For Normal/Combo Skin

For Dry Skin Size: 75ml Spray Bottle

Completely satisfy your skin with the feeling of endless hydration.

Mineral-rich bio-water instantly quenches skin's deepest thirst, and helps skin adapt

to the daily stresses of internal and external dehydration.

Exclusive Hydra-Insulation™ helps control the way skin attracts, holds onto and

rebalances the water it needs to stay soft, smooth and absolutely revitalized 24/7.

Refreshing, light-feeling lotion. Dermatologist-, Ophthalmologist-tested.USE: Apply AM and PM after cleansing,

and after applying your Repair Serum.

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Daywear Plus Multi-Protection Anti-Oxidant Lotion

For Normal/Combo Skin

Size: 75ml Bottle

More than moisture. More than protection.DayWear Plus actively shields skin from

the multiple assaults of the environment to help prevent lines before they appear - so

your skin looks younger longer.The secret?

- An active response anti-oxidant system with a powerful blend of ingredients.

- A skin-friendly UVA/UVB screen you can wear AM and PM.

- Oil-free hydrators that keep skin feeling cool, soothed, healthy - and even help

control oil.Refreshing, ultra light lotion with SPF 30. Dermatologist-, Ophthalmologist-tested.USE: Apply AM and PM after cleansing,

and after applying your Repair Serum.

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Daywear Plus Multi-Protection Lotion

For Oily Skin

Size: 75ml Bottle

More than moisture. More than protection.DayWear Plus actively shields skin from

the multiple assaults of the environment to help prevent lines before they appear—so

your skin looks younger longer.The secret?

- An active response anti-oxidant system with a powerful blend of new and natural

ingredients.- A skin-friendly UVA/UVB screen you can

wear AM and PM.- Oil-free hydrators that keep skin feeling

cool, soothed, healthy—and even help control oil.

Refreshing, ultra light lotion. Dermatologist-, Ophthalmologist-tested.USE: Apply AM and PM after cleansing,

and after applying your Repair Serum.

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DayWear Plus Multi-Protection Anti-Oxidant Moisturiser Sheer Tint

Release FormulaFor All Skin Types

Size: 75ml Bottle

You have to see it to believe it.As you smooth on this light lotion, it

transforms before your eyes into a sheer tint that evens and illuminates every skin tone.

Gives skin a fresh new glow.But it's more than just a fun, fabulous tint.

This DayWear Plus formula actively shields skin from the multiple assaults of the

environment to help prevent lines before they appear—so your skin looks younger longer. The secret? An active response anti-oxidant

system, plus a gentle SPF 15 and intense hydrators.

Dermatologist-, Ophthalmologist-tested.USE: Apply to face in the morning after

cleansing, and after applying your Repair Serum. Goes on untinted, then the tint

appears as you blend it in.

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DayWear Plus Multi-Protection Anti-Oxidant Crème SPF15

For Normal/Combo Skin

Size: 75ml Jar

More than moisture. More than protection.DayWear Plus actively shields skin from the multiple assaults of the environment to help

prevent lines before they appear—so your skin looks younger longer.

The secret?- An active response anti-oxidant system with

a powerful blend of new and natural ingredients.

- A skin-friendly UVA/UVB screen you can wear AM and PM.

- An advanced dual moisture system to keep skin feeling moist and healthy.

Lightweight, oil-free crème. Dermatologist-, Ophthalmologist-tested.

USE: Apply AM and PM after cleansing, and after applying your Repair Serum.

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DayWear Plus Multi-Protection Anti-Oxidant Crème SPF15

For Dry Skin

Size: 75ml Jar

More than moisture. More than protection.DayWear Plus actively shields skin from the multiple assaults of the environment to help

prevent lines before they appear—so your skin looks younger longer.

The secret?- An active response anti-oxidant system with

a powerful blend of new and natural ingredients.

- A skin-friendly UVA/UVB screen you can wear AM and PM.

- An advanced dual moisture system to keep skin feeling moist and healthy.

Rich, emollient crème. Dermatologist-, Ophthalmologist-tested.

USE: Apply AM and PM after cleansing, and after applying your Repair Serum.

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Clear Difference Advanced Oil-Control Hydrator

For Oily Skin

Size: 75ml Spray Bottle

Keep your skin perfectly hydrated inside, perfectly matte outside.

The core of the Clear Difference collection, this lightweight lotion instantly banishes shine thanks to the gentle action of the

Absorbex™ Complex, microscopic oil sponges, and advanced mattifying powders.

Discourages future blemishes before they can form and soothes redness away. Pure hydration helps skin feel healthy, soft and

moisturized.Leaves skin looking clear, refreshed,

naturally matte.USE: Apply to face AM and PM after

cleansing and after applying your anti-aging/repair formula as desired.

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Future Perfect Anti-Wrinkle Radiance Crème SPF15

For Dry or Normal/Combo Skin Types

Sizes: 50 & 75ml Jars

Imagine a future with fewer lines.This extraordinary moisturizer effectively reduces

the look of lines and wrinkles as it restores radiance.

With stunning accuracy and speed, you'll see results 3X faster thanks to groundbreaking,

targeted Cell Vector technology. These power packs, bursting with proven, high-potency

ingredients, help re-ignite skin's natural age-fighting ability.

The look of lines and wrinkles is significantly reduced. Radiance returns. Skin remains

perfectly hydrated thanks to rich emollients and more.

The past forgiven. The present improved. The future perfect.

USE: Apply AM and PM after cleansing, and after applying your Repair Serum.

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Future Perfect Anti-Wrinkle Radiance Lotion

For Normal/Combo Skin

Sizes: 75ml Spray Bottles

Imagine a future with fewer lines.This extraordinary moisturizer effectively reduces

the look of lines and wrinkles as it restores radiance.

With stunning accuracy and speed, you'll see results 3X faster thanks to groundbreaking,

targeted Cell Vector technology. These power packs, bursting with proven, high-potency

ingredients, help re-ignite skin's natural age-fighting ability.

The look of lines and wrinkles is significantly reduced. Radiance returns. Skin remains

perfectly hydrated thanks to rich emollients and more.

The past forgiven. The present improved. The future perfect.

USE: Apply AM and PM after cleansing, and after applying your Repair Serum.

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Resilience Lift Extreme Ultra Firming Crème SPF15

For Dry Skin

Sizes: 50, 75 & 150ml Jars

See more lift.Feel firmer.

92% of women do.This highly effective formula with our

exclusive ExtremeLift³ Complex empowers your skin to look more lifted and more

contoured—faster than ever.The rich blend of long-lasting moisturizers

with super-energized nutrients relieves uncomfortably dry skin and creates a fresh, rejuvenated glow instantly. A gentle SPF 15

sunscreen provides effective broad-spectrum protection.

More lift. More radiance. More moisture. Now your skin can have it all.

USE: Apply AM after cleansing, and after applying your Repair Serum.

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Resilience Lift Extreme Ultra Firming Crème SPF15

For Dry Skin

Sizes: 50, 75 & 150ml Jars

See more lift.Feel firmer.

92% of women do.This highly effective formula with our

exclusive ExtremeLift³ Complex empowers your skin to look more lifted and more

contoured—faster than ever.The rich blend of long-lasting moisturizers

with super-energized nutrients relieves uncomfortably dry skin and creates a fresh, rejuvenated glow instantly. A gentle SPF 15

sunscreen provides effective broad-spectrum protection.

More lift. More radiance. More moisture. Now your skin can have it all.

USE: Apply AM after cleansing, and after applying your Repair Serum.

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Resilience Lift Extreme Overnight Ultra Firming Crème

For All Skintypes

Size: 75ml Jars

See more lift.Feel firmer.

92% of women do.*This highly effective formula with our exclusive

ExtremeLift³ Complex empowers your skin to look more lifted and more contoured—faster than ever.

Overnight Crème brings amplified benefits while you sleep. Wake up to skin that looks younger,

refreshed and radiant.Exclusive night-time lifting and firming technology helps boost skin's natural collagen production by

taking advantage of skin's own restorative rhythms.A super-intensive moisture complex counteracts

overnight dehydration—a problem that's especially serious for mid-life skin.

More lift. More radiance. More moisture. Now your skin can have it all—overnight.

USE: Apply PM after cleansing, and after applying your Repair Serum.

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Resilience Lift Extreme Ultra Firming Lotion

For Normal/Combo Skin

Size: 75ml Spray Bottle

See more lift. Feel firmer. 92% of women do.This highly effective formula with our exclusive

ExtremeLift³ Complex empowers your skin to look more lifted and more contoured—faster than ever.

The rich blend of long-lasting moisturizers with super-energized nutrients relieves uncomfortably

dry skin and creates a fresh, rejuvenated glow instantly. A gentle SPF 15 sunscreen provides

effective broad-spectrum protection.More lift. More radiance. More moisture. Now your

skin can have it all.USE: Apply AM after cleansing, and after applying

your Repair Serum.

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Skin Perfecting Crème

For Normal/Combo Skin

or Dry Skin Types

Size: 75ml Jar

A lightweight crème that nourishes skin

as it helps maintain optimum

moisture levels.

Hydrates as it helps to soften and

smooth skin so tiny lines seem to


USE: Apply to face AM and PM

after cleansing and after applying

your anti-aging/repair formula as


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Estoderme Emulsion

Size 118ml Bottle

This very rich lotion goes on

smoothly to intensively lubricate

and moisturize skin.

Skin feels pampered, saturated

with emollience.

Scented with a timeless


USE: Apply to face AM and PM

after cleansing and after

applying your anti-aging/repair

formula as desired.

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Swiss Performing ExtractFor Dry Skin or Normal/Combo

Skin Types

Size: 100ml Bottle

Helps promote skin's elasticity and tone.

Helps skin maintain its optimum moisture balance.

Includes natural Swiss herbal extracts plus soluble protein.

USE: Apply to face AM and PM after cleansing and after

applying your anti-aging/repair formula as desired.

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Re-Nutriv Intensive Lifting CrèmeSize: 50ml Tub

The daily lift.This extraordinary crème gives you a years-younger look as it dramatically

reduces the look of fine lines and wrinkles. Skin looks smoother, firmer,

virtually lifted.Precious ingredients give rare results:

intensive recovery, intensive lifting, intensive hydration, intensive smoothing.

Instantly refreshes skin. Sustains hydration over time with special moisture

magnets.A unique restorative enzyme - vital to skin's restorative ability - helps boost

recovery from past environmental damage.

USE: Apply to face after cleansing and after

applying Intensive Lifting Serum.Use twice a day, AM and PM.

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Re-Nutriv Ultimate Lifting CrèmeSize: 50 & 250ml Tubs

Endow your skin with amazing powers.This ultimate "youth-keeping" crème

empowers skin to fight visible aging. From the very moment you start using it, you'll see

results:- immediate lift and hydration.

- immediate radiance, from fine-milled South Sea Pearls.

- immediately, a younger, smoother look, thanks to next-generation optical effects.

And the benefits build over time, as Re-Nutriv Ultimate Lifting Creme brings you measurable

long-term effects. With continued use, your skin will look lifted, restored, perfected.

It's elegantExtravagant.Exceptional.

USE: Apply to face AM and PM after cleansing and after applying Intensive Lifting


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From science: calcium-optimizing technology - an unparalleled source of strength for your skin.

Powered by Padina--a unique sea plant that actually grows its own protective, calcified shell--and other sea-sourced ingredients, the Re-Creation formulas help

the calcium in your skin perform its natural age-fighting tasks with optimum results.

From nature: micronized minerals, the longevity factor for more youthful-looking skin.

Culled from the remote islands of Okinawa, a micronized concentrate of over 74 vital trace minerals such as magnesium, zinc and selenium enriches the Re-

Creation formulas. Research has been done to link this fabled mixture of minerals to the longevity of the inhabitants whose average life expectancy is

measured in centuries instead of decades. This remarkable wealth of minerals is also critical to younger-looking skin.

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Re-Nutriv Revitalizing Comfort CrèmeSize: 50ml Tub

Extraordinary anti-aging and revitalizing benefits.Exquisite pampering and gentle cushioning.

Exceptional moisture and deep conditioning. Supremely comforting as it melts into skin.

Stunningly effective as it delivers remarkable anti-aging benefits through innovative

technology, inspired by ancient wisdom.

Instantly see a younger, revitalized look as rich emollients lock in moisture to plump away fine, dry lines.

Ensure a less-lined future as powerful age-resisting extracts -including rare Reishi Mushroom and Chinese Wolfberry -

boost natural collagen levels.Revel in the deep comfort. Restore the fresh radiance of

youth with Re-Nutriv Revitalizing Comfort Crème...

your skin's definition of luxury.Non-acnegenic.

Ophthalmologist- and dermatologist-tested.USE: Apply AM and PM after cleansing.

For best results, use Revitalizing Comfort Crème

as part of your complete Re-Nutriv regimen.

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Re-Nutriv Ultimate Lifting Makeup SPF15

Size: 50 ml Tub

FAST FACTS- Medium, adjustable coverage

- Radiant finish- Luxurious, whipped gel crème intensively

smooths and hydrates to give skin an immediate boost and a rich, radiant look.Helps visibly firm skin and minimizes the

appearance of lines and wrinkles.Exceptionally emollient to soothe and

replenish even very dry skin.The luxe package includes a golden "caviar

spoon" to treasure every precious drop.Non-acnegenic. Dermatologist-tested.

Finding the right foundationYou know you've found the perfect

foundation when you can't see it or even feel it on your skin. But how do you find this

just-so formula? Consider your skin type, desired coverage and finish.

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Re-Nutriv Ultimate Crème Lifting Makeup SPF15

Size: 50 ml Tub FAST FACTS- Medium coverage

- Lifted, radiant finish- SPF 15 protection

The ultimate firming makeup.Extravagant. Exceptional. Exquisite.

Re-Nutriv luxuryEstée Lauder combines leading-edge skincare

technology with proven makeup expertise to create an incredibly luxurious makeup that leaves

skin looking absolutely flawless.Precious ingredients and exceptional formulas

endow your skin with amazing powers. You'll see skin that's absolutely exquisite...smooth and

radiant.Exceptionally emollient, this whipped crème

formula instantly boosts moisture levels so skin appears dramatically smoother and more radiant. And, after eight weeks, it visibly tones skin to add

apparant lift and spring--and reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

This colour-true, long-wearing formula includes a golden "caviar spoon" and luxe sponge applicator.

Non-acnegenic. Dermatologist-tested.

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Re-Nutriv Luxury Custom Concealer

Our ultimate custom concealer, with a creamy, luxurious formula that blends beautifully, covers completely.

Custom coverageEach duo includes two shades for custom camouflaging and

concealing:- Use the lighter shade to camouflage under-eye circles.

- Use the deeper shade to conceal imperfections, blemishes and lines.

- Blend both together for perfectly customized colour.Professional brush ensures precise application.

Experience the elegance of the Re-Nutriv Luxury Makeup Collection. Extravagant. Exceptional. Exquisite.

Estée Lauder combines leading-edge skincare technology with proven makeup expertise to create an incredibly luxurious

makeup that leaves skin looking absolutely flawless.Fragrance free. Dermatologist- and Ophthalmologist-tested.

Concealer secrets revealedYour perfect concealer shade matches your foundation or is one

shade lighter.For best results, apply concealer after applying your foundation.

When applying concealer, don't overlook the inside corner of the eye, next to the nose, to brighten and "perk up" your look.

Conversely, avoid applying near the outer corner of the eye or you may accentuate the look of fine lines there.

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Re-Nutriv Luxury Powder Points

- Medium, natural coverage- Smooth, radiant finish

Silky smooth, incredibly luxurious.As it softly sweeps over skin, you'll see

and feel the difference immediately.Applies evenly, blends flawlessly for a

seamless finish.Minimizes imperfections so skin looks

radiant and less lined for hours.Special skin-conditioning complex

immediately softens the look of lines and wrinkles.

Non-drying formula helps skin hold on to more moisture.

Includes a luxurious puff.


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Re-Nutriv Revitalizing Comfort Eye Crème

Size: 15ml Tub

Revel in the rich comfort. Restore the fresh radiance of youth.

Experience the remarkable pampering and anti-aging benefits of Revitalizing Comfort Crème -

around the delicate eye area.Includes a super-conditioning blend of emollients.

Plus powerful age-resisting extracts--including Reishi Mushroom and Chinese Wolfberry—to help

boost skin's natural collagen production.Extraordinary anti-aging and revitalizing

benefits, plus advanced optics to instantly brighten eye area.

Exquisite pampering and gentle cushioning.Exceptional moisture and deep conditioning.

This is how your skin defines luxury.USE: Apply AM and PM after cleansing and after applying your Re-Nutriv serum as desired. Follow

with Re-Nutriv Revitalizing Comfort Crème.For best results, use Revitalizing Comfort Eye

Crème as part of your complete Re-Nutriv regimen.

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Re-Nutriv Ultimate Lifting Eye Crème

Size: 15ml Tub

The most extravagant eye care you've ever experienced.

All the breathtaking benefits of the Ultimate Lifting Technology, plus extraordinary new

technologies developed to address the specific needs of the vulnerable eye area:

- immediate brightening to instantly and significantly reduce the appearance of dark

circles.- immediate soothing of puffiness with rare

Eyebright Flower Extract.- immediate lift and hydration to smooth out

the look of crepiness.Over time, the benefits continue to build,

strengthening and evening the look of the delicate skin around your eyes.

USE: After cleansing, pat on and smooth gently around eyes. Use twice a day, AM and

PM. Follow with Re-Nutriv Ultimate Lifting Crème.

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Re-Nutriv Ultimate Lifting Eye Serum

Size: 15ml Bottle

Our ultimate repair formula helps you enjoy "virtual immunity" from the visible signs of

aging: you'll see a noticeably more lifted look, a brilliant clarity and a newly refined

smoothness.This extraordinary Serum is formulated with rare, precious ingredients and the

latest science, like groundbreaking OGG1 enzyme technology that helps skin reduce the look of critical past UVA damage. And

it indulges your every sense with the legendary luxury you expect from Re-

Nutriv.Use it faithfully for skin that looks firmer,

more lifted, more defined. You'll simply be astonished.

USE: Smooth on clean face and throat AM and PM. Avoid eye area. Follow with

Re-Nutriv Ultimate Lifting Crème.

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Re-Nutriv Intensive Lifting Series Size: 30ml – 14 Vials

Special treatment for skin in crisis.

The Intensive Lifting Series is a potent 14-day recharging treatment for skin that has been exposed to too much sun, stress or air travel.

Delivers an instant surge of vitality and helps restore skin to peak performance. Helps de-sensitize and tranquilize skin as it helps to lift away the look of fine

lines and wrinkles.The series includes 14 vials of concentrated luxury,

each with two precious applications.Treat your skin to this intensively comforting, renewing lift today.

USE: Use one vial each day for 14 days. Each vial contains two full applications, one for AM, one for PM. Dispense 5-6 pumps and smooth lotion on clean face

and throat.

If desired, follow with Re-Nutriv Intensive Lifting Crème.

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Re-Nutriv Intensive Lifting Crème For Face And

DécolletageSize: 50ml Tub

This luxurious, ultra emollient crème smoothes away roughness and crepiness to leave skin looking

younger and feeling firmer, toned-up.

Developed especially for skin on the neck and décolletage, this

wonderfully pampering formula effectively reduces the appearance

of dark spots and discolorations.A rare treat for this vulnerable,

exposed area.USE: Massage gently into throat and

décolletage area, AM and PM.

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Re-Nutriv Intensive Lifting Mask

Size: 50ml Tub

The ultimate hydrating mask.Special moisture magnets instantly

attract and bind moisture so skin looks lifted and less lined.

This rich, luxurious formula rebalances lipid production and

helps replenish the natural moisture barrier, so skin is better

protected against outside irritations.

Other incredible skin-pampering ingredients like Wheat Germ Oil,

Barley Extract and Vitamin E help skin feel smooth, soothed,

wonderfully refreshed.USE: Smooth on face and throat

after cleansing, avoiding eye area. After ten minutes, tissue off gently.

Use once or twice weekly, or whenever skin needs an extra lift.

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Re-Nutriv Intensive Lifting Eye CrèmeSize: 30ml Tub

A uniquely luxurious eye crème.Virtually lifts eye area, giving it a

younger, brighter appearance.Special moisture magnets instantly

attract and bind moisture--comforting, refreshing and

plumping your skin.Reduces the appearance of lines

and wrinkles around the eyes.Minimizes the look of dark circles

and helps inhibit their reappearance.

Extra-gentle, delicately emollient formula includes a rare anti-irritant

to de-emphasize puffiness.USE: Apply gently around entire

eye area with your ring finger. Don't rub, just pat. Use AM and PM

after cleansing. Follow with Intensive Lifting Crème.

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Re-Nutriv Intensive

Lifting SerumSize: 30ml Spray Bottle

Our ultimate anti-aging/repair formula.The moment you smooth on the rare liquid-

crystal serum, a pleasant lifting sensation tells you it's working. Providing incredible

anti-aging and lifting benefits:- Eases lines, tightens and tones with anti-

aging proteins.- Rebuilds your skin so it looks young again.

- Skin texture becomes more even, feels silky-young.

- Visibly reduces the look of dark spots with powerful natural ingredients.

- Reduces blotchiness with Japanese Green Tea and more.

- Delivers continuous protection with time-released anti-oxidants.

USE: Smooth onto face AM and PM after cleansing.

Follow with Intensive Lifting Crème.

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Re-Nutriv Intensive Protective BaseSize: 50ml Tube

Now experience breakthrough protection technology combined with renowned

luxury in the very first SPF formula worthy of the name Re-Nutriv.

Unique lightweight base floats on and absorbs quickly, leaving a veil of

protection as powerful as it is invisible. Advanced SPF 30 screens out UVA and

UVB rays to dramatically reduce the aging effects of everyday exposure.

Ultra pure, super-potent Vitamin C helps boost natural collagen production for an added lift over time, while special optic

effects instantly create a luminous, even-toned look.

Leaves skin silky smooth, significantly enhancing makeup application and wear.

USE: Apply as last step of AM skincare on top of your Re-Nutriv moisturizer.

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Re-Nutriv Intensive Hydrating Crème Cleanser

Size: 125ml Tube

The ultimate cleanser.A rich, luxurious feeling crème that cushions and conditions skin while

gently and effectively sweeping away impurities.

Three key emollients help restore skin's moisture barrier, helping skin

retain natural lipids and ensuring skin's comfort from the very first step

of your skincare routine.Soap- and alcohol-free.

This is the pampering cleanser your skin has been looking for.

USE: Massage gently over face and throat, AM and PM.

Rinse or tissue off.

Follow with Intensive Lifting Serum and Intensive Lifting Crème, as desired.

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Re-Nutriv Intensive Hydrating Crème Cleanser

Sizes: 50 & 500ml Tubs

An extra measure of rich, gentle care? Is your skin especially dry or delicate?

Then discover Re-Nutriv, the science of gentle, effective skincare. Deeply luxurious, unquestionably effective, everything Re-Nutriv pampers skin.

Experience the nurturing.

And the difference.Lightweight Re-Nutriv Creme has

everything dry skin wants in a moisturizing creme--only lighter.

Softens and smooths surface skin under makeup or on its own. Helps

reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles.

USE: Smooth over face AM and PM after cleansing and after applying your

anti-aging/repair formula as desired.

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Re-Nutriv Intensive Hand Crème SPF15

Size: 100ml Tube

The ultimate anti-aging hand crème.This incredibly rich, intensely

hydrating crème provides remarkable repair benefits while protecting your

skin's future with broad-spectrum UV protection.

A blend of rare ingredients helps lift away the appearance of dark spots.

A special complex visibly lifts, tightens and tones skin.

Crepiness and uneven texture are significantly reduced.

Use it regularly for smoother, firmer, younger looking hands.

USE: Smooth on whenever hands feel dry or uncomfortable. The SPF 15

protection is a must for outdoor activities.

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Re-Nutriv Re-Nutriv Hydrating CrèmeSizes: 50 & 500ml Tubs

Does your skin need special handling? An extra measure of rich, gentle care? Is

your skin especially dry or delicate?Then discover Re-Nutriv, the science

of gentle, effective skincare. Deeply luxurious, unquestionably effective, everything Re-Nutriv pampers skin.

Experience the nurturing. And the difference.

Re-Nutriv Creme, the richest of the Re-Nutriv moisturizers, is wonderfully

emollient. Provides intensive moisture care. It's a superb overnight crème -

wake up to skin that feels remarkably softer, smoother, more supple.

USE: Smooth over face AM and PM after cleansing and after applying your

anti-aging/repair formula as desired.

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Clear Difference Ultimatte Blotting

SheetsSize: 50 sheets

Oil-control to goSuper convenient sheets

absorb oil, won't affect makeup.

Yet unlike drying powdery papers, powder-free

UltiMatte Blotting Sheets leave hydration where it should be - in your skin.USE: Simply blot T-zone and other oil-prone areas

as needed.

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Spotlight Skin Tone PerfectorWe call it visual skincare. You'll call it

amazing.Size: 50ml Tube

This silky, sheer lotion gives skin a healthy-looking, even-toned glow you

can see as soon as you put it on.Improves every skin it touches –

wear alone or under makeup for an amazing new radiance and skin that

looks even, flawless.Over time, a blend of protective anti-

oxidants (including Vitamins C, E and natural botanicals) fights off free radicals to help fade the look of

discolorations and prevent new ones.Non-acnegenic.

Dermatologist-, Ophthalmologist-tested.USE: Apply over your moisturizer.

Follow with makeup, if desired.

For optimal long-term skin-evening results, use twice a day, AM and PM.

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ABOUT VÉRITÉ FOR SENSITIVE SKINThese very gentle formulas were created for

truly sensitive skin. They leave out the irritants -

including emulsifiers, alcohol and scents - but

retain advanced skincare benefits.

Vérité Intensely Moisturizing Crème

Size: 50ml Jar

Extra help for sensitive skin that tends to be dry.

This intensely moisturizing crème revives skin's

smoothness and suppleness by helping rebuild

the skin's defence barrier.

Special anti-irritants help reduce redness

common to sensitive skin.

Leaves skin feeling silky, cushioned.

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Vérité Calming FluidSize: 50ml Pump Bottle

This remarkable restorative fluid--the

core of the Vérité system--helps

sensitive skin feel totally at peace.

Exclusive TriLipid Complex restores

missing lipids, repairing the moisture

barrier. Anti-oxidants and more help

protect skin from environmental

damage and visible signs of

premature aging.

Improves skin's elasticity and

firmness and helps repair the look of

fine lines and wrinkles.

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Vérité Light Lotion

CleanserSize: 200ml Pump Bottle

This deliciously light, milky

formula comfortably and

thoroughly cleans skin. Ultra

gentle as it sweeps away

makeup and impurities.

It actively maintains skin's

perfect moisture balance.

Won't strip away vital lipids,

dry skin, or cause irritation.

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Vérité Special

EyeCareSize: 15ml Tube

This ultra-gentle gel-crème

formula instantly comforts

and hydrates the sensitive

skin around your eyes.

Includes anti-aging

ingredients that visibly

reduce lines and wrinkles

now and in the future.

Puffiness and dark circles

look less obvious.

Contains soothing Oat

Extract, Green Tea and

Marine Extracts.

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Sun Performance Sun Care Multi-Protection Sun Towelettes For

Body SPF15Size: 10 pack

Towelettes make it easy. Estée Lauder makes it exceptional. With a simple sweep, these soft

towelettes evenly apply water-resistant, broad-spectrum, SPF 15 protection. Oil-free.

The advanced blend of sunscreens and more helps prevent the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

Exclusive A.S.P. technology (Anti-Spot Protection) -only from Estée Lauder - helps ensure a more even,

radiant tan.It has never been easier to help protect against

visible signs of aging in the future while you bask in a beautiful tan today.

USE: Apply evenly before sun exposure, using 1-2 towelettes for full body application.

Reapply frequently, and after swimming, exercising or towelling off.

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Sun Performance Sun Care Multi-Protection Sun Lotion

For Face SPF30Size: 50ml Tube

It's the next generation in sun care. Our revolutionary Anti-Spot Protection helps

prevent sun spots and patchiness to create a tan that looks more even, more

radiant than ever before.Ultra luxe, water-resistant formulas glide on to help prevent visible signs of aging

with a broad-spectrum sun defence system in your choice of SPF levels.

Also helps protect with advanced anti-oxidants and rich moisturizers specially

formulated for delicate facial skin.

Your senses will delight in the silky, fast-absorbing texture and the breezy,

effervescent fragrance.USE: Apply liberally before sun

exposure. Reapply frequently, and after swimming, exercising or towelling off.

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Sun Performance Sun Care Multi-Protection Sun Lotion

For Body SPF30Size: 200ml Tube

It's the next generation in sun care. Our revolutionary Anti-Spot Protection helps

prevent sun spots and patchiness to create a tan that looks more even, more

radiant than ever before.Ultra luxe, water-resistant formulas glide on to help prevent visible signs of aging

with a broad-spectrum sun defence system in your choice of SPF levels.

Also helps protect with advanced anti-oxidants and refreshing moisturizers.

Your senses will delight in the silky, fast-absorbing texture and the breezy,

effervescent fragrance.USE: Apply liberally before sun

exposure. Reapply frequently, and after swimming, exercising or towelling off.

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Sun Performance Sun Care Multi-Protection Sun Spray

SPF15Size: 125ml Spray Bottle

It's the next generation in sun care. Our revolutionary Anti-Spot Protection helps

prevent sun spots and patchiness to create a tan that looks more even, more

radiant than ever before.Oil-free spray is lightweight, refreshing

and delightfully easy to apply. Water resistant formula helps prevent visible signs of aging with a broad-spectrum sun defense system in your choice of

SPF levels. Also helps protect with advanced anti-oxidants and refreshing

moisturizers. Your senses will delight in the silky, fast-absorbing texture and the

breezy, effervescent fragrance.USE: Apply liberally before sun

exposure. Reapply frequently, and after swimming, exercising or towelling off.

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Sun Performance After Sun Rehydrator For Body

Size: 150ml Tube

Instant refreshment for sun-parched skin.

This light yet intensive moisturizer with natural Aloe Vera cools and

soothes skin on contact. Replenishes vital moisture to skin

that feels dehydrated after sun exposure.

Significantly reduces peeling and actually helps prolong the life of

your tan.Absorbs instantly, with no sticky

after-feel. Leaves skin feeling refreshed and comfortable, and

looking radiantly silky.USE: Smooth over body after sun exposure, or whenever skin feels

dry or tight.

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Sun Performance Self Tan

Go Bronze Plus For BodySize: 150ml Tube

Colour Plus: See a gorgeous glow right away, then the most natural-looking colour possible thanks to our exclusive

TrueTan™ Complex. Radiant "tan" starts to appear in less than an hour.

Skincare Plus: Feel the advanced skincare benefits, including balanced moisture and powerful anti-oxidant protection.

Fragrance Plus: Enjoy a new, improved, long-lasting scent while you "tan."

Think it's too good to be true? Try it once and become a believer.

USE: 1. First, exfoliate. Smooth skin helps the colour develop more evenly and last longer. For body, try Body Smoother

Exfoliating Crème.2. Apply Go Bronze Plus evenly, concentrating on one area at

a time. Go lightly on areas where colour can develop darker, such as elbows, knees and ankles. Avoid eye area.

3. Blend thoroughly using small circular motions. Take your time so you don't miss any spots.

4. Immediately wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Allow body formulas to dry completely before dressing.

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Sun Performance Self Tan

Go Bronze Plus For FaceSize: 50ml Tube

Now get an instant bronze tint plus the very latest sunless technology -specially formulated for facial skin.

Colour Plus: See a gorgeous glow right away, then the most natural-looking colour possible thanks to our exclusive

TrueTan™ Complex. Radiant "tan" starts to appear in less than an hour.

Skincare Plus: Feel the advanced skincare benefits, including balanced moisture and powerful anti-oxidant protection.

Fragrance Plus: Enjoy a new, improved, long-lasting scent while you "tan."

USE: 1. First, exfoliate. Smooth skin helps the colour develop more evenly and last longer.

2. Apply Go Bronze Plus evenly, concentrating on one area at a time. Go lightly on areas where colour can develop darker,

such as upper lip and hairline. Avoid eye area.3. Blend thoroughly using small circular motions. Take your

time so you don't miss any spots. Areas that often need special attention include under your chin and around your

hairline.4. Immediately wash your hands thoroughly with soap and

water. Allow body formulas to dry completely before dressing.

Also available with SPF 15.

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Sun Performance Self Tan

Go Tan Sunless TowelettesSize: 10 Towelettes - 125g

Incredibly easy, incredibly even.Estée Lauder revolutionizes sunless tanning with an

exciting, ultra convenient innovation. These no-mess, no-stress towelettes apply just the right

amount of self-tanner, then blend perfectly for an incredible "tan" every time: streak-free, golden,

radiantly natural-looking.Great for first-timers, travellers or anyone who

wants quick-and-easy colour. Your gorgeous new "tan" starts to appear in less than an hour.USE: 1. First, exfoliate. Smooth skin helps the

colour develop more evenly and last longer. For body, try Body Smoother Exfoliating Crème.

2. Sweep towelette over legs, arms, body, even tan lines, unfolding as you go. Go lightly on areas

where colour can develop darker, such as knees, ankles and elbows.

3. Immediately wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

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Sun Performance Self Tan Go Tan Sunless Towelettes For Face And Décolletage

Size: 10 towelettes - 70g

Incredibly easy, incredibly even.Estée Lauder revolutionizes sunless tanning with an ultra

convenient innovation. These no mess, no-stress towelettes apply just the right amount of self-tanner, then

blend perfectly for an incredible "tan" every time: streak-free, golden, radiantly natural-looking.

Great for first-timers, travellers or anyone who wants quick-and-easy colour. Your gorgeous new "tan" starts to appear

in less than an hour.Face and Décolletage formula is lightly hydrating, with

Vitamin E to soothe and protect.USE: 1. First, exfoliate. Smooth skin helps the colour

develop more evenly and last longer.2. Gently sweep towelette over face. Unfold as you go, blending onto neck and décolletage. Don't get it in your eyes, and go lightly on areas where color can develop

darker, such as your upper lip and hairline.3. Immediately wash your hands thoroughly with soap and


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Sun Performance Self Tan Sunless Super Tan For Face Medium and Dark

Size: 50ml Tube

Lightweight formula glides on quickly, evenly, streak-free. Dries in 15 minutes.

You'll see a change in your skin tone in about an hour, and your new "tan" will continue to develop over the next few

hours.Colour fades gradually, subtly, more like a natural tan.

Delivers long-term hydration and helps protect skin from environmental irritation with anti-oxidant Vitamins C and E.

USE: 1. First, exfoliate. Smooth skin helps the colour develop more evenly and last longer.

2. Apply your self-tanner evenly, concentrating on one area at a time. Go lightly on areas where colour can develop

darker: elbows, knees and ankles. Avoid eye area.3. Blend thoroughly using small circular motions. Take your

time so you don't miss any spots. Areas that often need special attention include under your chin and around your

hairline.4. Immediately wash your hands thoroughly with soap and

water. Allow body formulas to dry completely before dressing.

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Sun Performance Self Tan Sunless Super Tan For Body

Medium and Dark

Size: 150ml Tube

Lightweight formula glides on quickly, evenly, streak-free. Dries in 15 minutes.

You'll see a change in your skin tone in about an hour, and your new "tan" will continue to develop over the next few

hours.Colour fades gradually, subtly, more like a natural tan.

You're always in control: re-apply daily to build a deeper tan. To maintain, re-apply every three days or so.

USE: 1. First, exfoliate. Smooth skin helps the colour develop more evenly and last longer.

For body, try Body Smoother Exfoliating Crème.2. Apply your self-tanner evenly, concentrating on one area at

a time. Go lightly on areas where colour can develop darker: elbows, knees and ankles. Avoid eye area.

3. Blend thoroughly using small circular motions. Take your time so you don't miss any spots. Areas that often need

special attention include under your chin and around your hairline.

4. Immediately wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Allow body formulas to dry completely before dressing..

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Sun Performance Self Tan Quick Dry Sunless Super Spray SPF15

Medium and Dark

Size: 125ml Tube

Your new "tan" starts to appear in less than an hour. Alcohol-free, oil-free formula leaves skin feeling moist and silky,

while a broad-spectrum SPF 15 sunscreen helps protect against the sun's damaging rays when you apply it.

Colour fades gradually, subtly, like a natural tan. Re-apply daily to build a deeper tan.

To maintain your colour: re-apply every three days or so.Use: 1. First, exfoliate. Smooth skin helps the colour

develop more evenly and last longer. For body, try Body Smoother Exfoliating Crème.

2. Apply your self-tanner evenly, concentrating on one area at a time. Go lightly on areas where colour can develop

darker: elbows, knees and ankles. Avoid eye area.3. Blend thoroughly using small circular motions. Take your

time so you don't miss any spots. Areas that often need special attention include under your chin and around your

hairline.4. Immediately wash your hands thoroughly

with soap and water. Allow body formulas to dry completely before dressing.

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Sun Performance Self Tan Body Smoother Exfoliating Crème

Size: 150ml Tube

The perfect prep for a sunless tan, this refreshing crème exfoliates and refines

skin, leaving it ultra-smooth.Dual-action formula includes gentle

scrubbing beads plus an effective natural exfoliator to ease away

rough, dull surfaces.Smooth skin makes for a more even and

longer-lasting tan. By sloughing off dry, dead cells, you help ensure even,

streakless application and the best colour development.

USE: In shower or bath, squeeze into hands or apply to clean, wet skin with

sponge or washcloth. Massage into skin with a circular motion,

then rinse thoroughly.Use 1-3 times a week, especially on

elbows, knees and heels.

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Pure White LinenEau de Parfum Spray

Sizes: 50 & 100ml Spray bottles

A modern classic to live in all year long.With the crispness of clean sheets on

a summer day, and the coolness of white flowers and fresh greenery. Bulgarian Rose, Violet and Orris blossoms lend a kind of natural

elegance that transcends the seasons.

Fragrance Type: Floral/FreshTop Notes: Bulgarian Rose, Jasmine,

MuguetMiddle Notes: Violet, Orris

Base Notes: Vetiver, Moss.

125g Powder Puff, 200ml Body Wash,

200ml Body Crème & 200ml Body Lotion

also available.

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CinnabarEau de Parfum Spray

Sizes: 50 & 100ml Spray bottles

Mysterious. Exotic. Endlessly appealing.Introduced in 1978, Cinnabar marked the

beginning of a worldwide wave of exotic Oriental fragrances. Jasmine, orange flower and clove blend intriguingly into an intense,

sensual experience. From the ancient Far Eastern symbol gracing the bottle to the

mysteriously exotic scent inside, Cinnabar is spicy, warm...endlessly appealing.

Fragrance Type: Oriental/SpicyTop Notes: Jasmine, Orange Flower,

TangerineMiddle Notes: Clove, Muguet, Lily

Base Notes: Olibanum, Sandalwood, Patchouli

125g Powder Puff, 200ml Body Wash,

200ml Body Crème & 200ml Body Lotion also available.

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KnowingEau de Parfum Spray

Sizes: 50 & 100ml Spray bottles

A sophisticated, distinctive scent.Introduced in 1988, Knowing is a deep, woody

fragrance with a European sensibility. Heady and exciting, it has great style without even

trying.The elegant bottle, which looks sculpted from a solid crystal, is an excellent example of how an

Estée Lauder fragrance pleases your every sense, and brings the luxurious distinction of

Knowing into the palm of your hand.Fragrance Type: Woody/Floral

Top Notes: Rose, Tuberose, Mimosa, PlumMiddle Notes: Jasmine, Patchouli, Orange

FlowerBase Notes: Oakmoss, Vetiver, Sandalwood,


125g Powder Puff, 200ml Body Wash,

200ml Body Crème & 200ml Body Lotion also available.

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Pure White LinenEau de Parfum Spray

Sizes: 50,

The fragrance to live in all year long.Fragrance Type: Fruity Floral

Top Notes: Succulent Grapefruit and Italian Mandarin blend with Iced Rose Tea for pure

luminosity. Luscious Raspberry, Pear and green Granny Smith Apple provide a natural lively

fruitiness. Dewy Greens, blooming Lilies and White Freesia portray an aura of delicate wild flowers. Soft

spicy accents of White Ginger and Cardamom accentuate the crispness.

Middle Notes: The signature core of whimsical Red Tulips is surrounded by a velvety array of Rose

Absolute, Wild Honeysuckle, Gardenia Petals and a touch of Tuberose. Luxurious Jasmine, Soft Iris and

Osmanthus add sophistication to the floral heart.Dry Down: White Cedarwood and Patchouli give a

seductive warmth to the background. White Heliotropine envelops the woods with smooth

sensuality and femininity.

200ml Body Wash & 200ml Body Lotion also available.

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IntuitionEau de Parfum Spray

Sizes: 50 & 100ml Spray Bottles

The essence of a woman.A luminous, sensuous fragrance,

Intuition reflects the guiding inner voice that is inherent to every woman. The amber drop captured

in the bottle represents the precious heart of the, golden Amber. From a sparkling

beginning, Intuition unfolds on your skin with warmth, femininity and sensuality.

Let it awaken your senses.Fragrance Type: Luminous Oriental

Top Notes: Mandarin, Bergamot, Grapefruit, Fresh Green Garden

Middle Notes: Gardenia Petal, Freesia, Chinese Rhododendron

Base Note: Amber

200ml Body Crème & 200ml Body Lotion also available.

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Beautiful The fragrance of a thousand flowers.

Sizes: 15, 30 & 75ml Spray Bottles

• Romantic, tender, memorable. Like a thousand flowers in a single bouquet.

• With a woody warmth and a touch of citrus.

• Ever romantic, Beautiful is represented by a bride to symbolize the place it holds in

the hearts of women everywhere.

• It is a tender bouquet of violets and lilies, roses and lilacs, marigold and orange


• Blended with expertise and creativity, the fragrance is warmed with a rich, woody

base and brightened with a touch of citrus.

• Fragrance Type: Floral

• Top Notes: Rose, Mandarin, Lily, Tuberose, Marigold

• Middle Notes: Orange Flower, Muguet, Jasmine, Ylang-Ylang

• Base Notes: Sandalwood, Vetiver

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Beautiful Precious DropsSize: 30ml Elixir Bottle

Introducing a new way to be touched by Beautiful...silky elixir for the

senses.Now the fragrance of a thousand

flowers is more luxurious than ever. Smooth Precious Drops over neck, décolletage and pulse points

to leave skin wonderfully scented with Beautiful, the fragrance of a

thousand flowers.Ever romantic, Beautiful is a

tender bouquet of violets and lilies, roses and lilacs, marigold and

orange blossoms. Blended with expertise and creativity, the

fragrance is warmed with a rich, woody base and brightened with a

touch of citrus.

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Beautiful Perfumed Body LotionBeautiful is the fragrance of a thousand


• Size: 250ml Pump Bottle

• Ever romantic, Beautiful is a tender

bouquet of violets and lilies, roses and

lilacs, marigold and orange blossoms.

• Blended with expertise and creativity, the

fragrance is warmed with a rich, woody

base and brightened with a touch of citrus.

• Beautiful Perfumed Body Lotion is a

luxurious, yet lightweight lotion that

absorbs instantly, leaves skin feeling

moisturized, smooth, silky...and

surrounded with the fragrance of a

thousand flowers

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Beautiful Perfumed

Body Crème

• Sizes: 200ml Jar

• 15ml Tube

• Beautiful Perfumed Body

Crème is a luxuriously

moisturizing crème that

glides on, absorbs instantly.

• Leaves skin feeling smooth,

silky and richly scented.

• The subtly sculpted jar

lends an air of luxury.

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Beautiful Bath and

Shower Gelée• Size: 200ml Tube

• Beautiful Bath and Shower

Gelée is a pearly pink gel that

surrounds you with this

romantic fragrance as it gently

cleanses skin.

• In the shower, massage onto

skin and rinse off.

• For a luxurious Beautiful

bubble bath, pour under

running water.

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Beautiful Perfumed

Body Powder• Sizes: 100g Tub

• 85g Shaker

• Beautiful Perfumed Body

Powder is light and silky,

with just a hint of sparkle.

• Leaves your skin smooth,

comfortable and richly


• The luxe-feeling powder

box includes a soft,

pampering puff.

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Beautiful Sheer

Eau de Parfum Spray• Sizes: 30 & 75ml Spray Bottles

• A sheer blush of flowers.

• Beautiful Sheer is lighthearted, radiant, romantic.

• Deliciously blending bright floral notes and a

sheer woody accord, this inspired scent feels

light, airy and modern.

• Key Fragrance Notes:

• Michelia Fogii--a petaly floral note, full of


• Nashi Pear--wet and sensuous, to thrill the


• Linden Blossom, Mimosa Flower, Ginger Lily-

-radiant, rich, iridescent

• Padouk Wood, Boxwood--a sheer, woody

blend that lends delicate balance

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Beautiful Sheer

Fragrant Body Lotion• Size: 200ml Bottle

• The Fragrant Body Lotion is

a luxurious, yet lightweight

lotion that absorbs instantly,

leaves skin feeling

moisturized, smooth,

silky...and airily scented with

Beautiful Sheer.

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Estée Lauder pleasures

Eau de Parfum SpraySizes: 15, 30 & 75ml Spray Bottles

The delightful new spirit in fragrance.

Fresh as flowers after the rain, Estée Lauder

pleasures perfectly captures the modern taste

for light, transparent fragrances.

It is a delightful sheer floral created from lilies and

peonies, jasmine and Karo-Karounde

blossoms, all tingling with the rare essence of

exotic Baie Rose.

It reflects a modern woman's desire to experience

life's little pleasures every day.

Fragrance Type: Sheer Floral

Top Notes: White Lily, Violet Leaves

Middle Notes: Black Lilac, White Peony, Karo-

Karounde, Baie Rose

Base Notes: Sandalwood, Patchouli

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Estée Lauder pleasuresFragrance Silk

• Sizes: 40ml Jar

• Fragrance Silk is a wonderful

way to get in touch with the

shimmering translucency of

Estée Lauder pleasures.

• Smooth this precious, silky

fragrance over your pulse

points or wherever your senses

lead you.

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Estée Lauder pleasuresBody Lotion

• Sizes: 250ml Pump Bottle

• The Body Lotion is a

luxurious, yet lightweight lotion

that absorbs instantly, leaves

skin feeling moisturized,

smooth, silky...and

surrounded with the delightful

new spirit in fragrance.

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Estée Lauder pleasuresBody Crème

• Sizes: 150ml Tube

• The Body Crème is a

luxuriously moisturizing crème

that glides on, absorbs

instantly. Leaves skin feeling

smooth, silky and richly


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Estée Lauder

pleasuresBody Powder

• Sizes: 100ml Tub

• The Body Powder is light and

silky, with just a hint of sparkle.

• Leaves your skin smooth,

comfortable and richly scented.

• The luxe-feeling powder box

includes a soft, pampering puff.

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Estée Lauder


Bath and Shower Gel

Sizes: 150ml Tube

• Crystal-clear Bath and Shower

Gel surrounds you with this

delightful new spirit in fragrance

as it gently cleanses skin.

• In the shower, massage onto

skin and rinse off.

• For a luxurious bubble bath,

pour under running water.

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Estée Lauder pleasures exoticEau de Parfum Spray

Sizes: 50 & 100ml Spray Bottles

The luscious new feeling in fragrance.

Fragrance Type: Tropical Floral

Top Notes: Sparkling, Sunny, Juicy

A tropical infusion of Mango Passion Fruit Cocktail, dewy Green

Leaves, juicy Pink Grapefruit, Orange and Lemongrass creates a

sparkling, sun-drenched sensation.

Middle Notes: Luscious, Dewy, Vibrant Island Bamboo Flowers,

Hibiscus Flower and Orangeblossom add a playful burst of color

and blend with watery Lychee and tangy Cassis for lush vibrancy.

Bougainvillea Vine is woven throughout with dewy and leafy

floralcy, while tender Peony, Green Leaves, Rose Petals and the

rare spice, Baie Rose, add signature clarity and freshness.

Dry Down: Sexy, Serene, Soft A sheer, enveloping breeze of

Indian Sandalwood combines with sun-kissed Amber and soft

Violet Woods for a smooth, sensual finish with a warming glow.

150ml Body Lotion & 150ml Bath & Shower Gel also available.

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Estée Lauder pleasures intense Eau de Parfum Spray

Sizes: 50 & 100ml Spray Bottles

The surprising new spirit in fragrance...velvety,


New flowers. New pleasures. Estée Lauder

pleasures intense is a deeper, richer sister to

classic pleasures. Retaining the radiant clarity of the

original, this exciting scent is a wonderfully feminine

celebration of nature, with a sensual, seductive side.

Embrace the velvety, voluptuous bouquet.

Fragrance Type: Lush Floral

Top Notes: Luminous Green Lily, Le Charme Peony

Middle Notes: Velvety Moroccan Rose, silky Pink

Tiger Lily, Jasmine

Base Notes: Maple Wood and Benzoin crystals with

a spicy touch of Vanilla.

150ml Body Lotion also available.

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Beyond Paradise

Eau de Parfum SpraySizes: 15, 30 & 75ml Spray Bottles

The new fantasy in fragrance.

It's an intoxication of the senses...rare, radiant,


Estée Lauder Beyond Paradise transports you

to a perfect world of optimism and wonder.

Unfolds on your skin with a fascinating blend of

tropical wetness, zesty freshness and bursting


Fragrance Type: Prismatic Floral

Top Notes: Eden's Mist, Blue Hyacinth,

Orange Flower Templar, Jabuticaba Fruit

Middle Notes: Laelia Orchid, Crepe Jasmin,

Mahonia Japonica, Pink Honeysuckle

Base Notes: Natal Plum Blossoms, Ambrette

Seed, Zebrano Wood, Golden Melaleuca Bark

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Beyond Paradise

Luminous Body Powder• Size: 70g Bottle

• The Luminous Body Powder

is light and silky, with just a hint

of radiance.

• Leaves your skin smooth,

comfortable and richly scented

with this fantasy fragrance.

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Beyond Paradise

Luminous Body Crème• Size: 200ml Tub

• The Luminous Body Crème

is a luxuriously moisturizing

crème that glides on, absorbs


• Leaves skin shimmering with

subtle highlights...feeling

smooth, silky and richly


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Estée Lauder Beyond Paradise Blue Size: 50ml Spray Bottle

Effervescent and cool, Estée Lauder Beyond Paradise Blue

is an exhilarating new experience. With a sparkling citrus

accord, a floating floral bouquet.

And at its heart, a rare night-blooming flower...

drifting into a sensual dry-down that hints of

sun-kissed skin and soft ocean breezes.

Let it take you far away, to another side of paradise.

A world unlike any other.

The world of Beyond Paradise Blue.

• Fragrance Type: Shimmering Floral

• Top Notes: Grapefruit, Tangerine, Bergamot, Eden‘s Mist

Water Flowers, Drenched Jabuticaba

• Middle Notes: Belle de Nuit Flower, Jasmine, Orange

Flower Templar, Frangipani Flower

• Base Notes: Vanilla Sands, Vanilla Absolute, Melaleuca

Bark, Sandalwood, Sun-Kissed Skin

(with Cananga Flower, Neroli and Lavender)

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Estée Lauder Beyond Paradise Men Cologne Spray

• Sizes: 50 & 100ml Spray Bottles

The new experience in fragrance.

It's an adventure of the senses...exhilarating, sexy, alive.

Lauder Beyond Paradise Men redefines mystery,

adventure and sensuality. Intoxicatingly masculine, its

exotic notes reflect light, energy and movement. The

unexpected bottle evokes a fantasy horizon--dare to go

beyond it and experience paradise.

• Fragrance Type: Prismatic Wood

• Top Notes: Fresh and tangy, with Eden's Mist,

Jabuticaba Fruit and Eden Buchu

• Middle Notes: Cool, invigorating, energetic with

Mediterranean Accord, a blend of Lavender

Absolute, Provence Sage, Tarragon and Thyme

• Base Notes: Unfolds a masculine sensuality with

Golden Melaleuca Bark, Eden Vetiver, Beach Wood,

Oak Moss and Patchouli )

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Estée Lauder for Men Cologne Spray

• Sizes: 100ml Spray Bottle

Elegant, sophisticated, exhilarating.

First introduced in 1985, this clean, very

masculine scent transcends time and place. The

fragrance is bursting with the freshness and

clarity of crisp citrus and brisk herbs. Floral

accents and a rich woody complex lend depth

and warmth, while oakmoss, amber and musk

surround you with a confident, masculine


Fragrance Type: Herbaceous/Woody

Top Notes: Lemon, Mandarin, Crisp Green

Accents, Herbs, Spices

Middle Notes: Patchouli, Sandalwood, Subtle

Floral Accents

Base Notes: Oakmoss, Amber, Musk

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Lauder Intuition for Men Cologne Spray

• Sizes: 50 & 100ml Spray Bottles

The nature of man.

This magnetic fragrance has a dynamic,

masculine clarity blended with a modern sense

of nature. It's ltra sensual--clear, woodsy, more

vibrant than a traditional cologne.

Warm, natural and sexy.

Fragrance Type: Solar Oriental

Top Notes: Bright and vibrant, with Sage

Absolute, crisp Cucumber, Nutmeg and


Middle Notes: Woodsy warmth with Patchouli

and natural Cedarwood

Base Notes: Reveals the rich sensuality of


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Lauder Intuition for Men After Shave Balm

• Sizes: 100ml Bottle

• The After Shave Balm is a

lightly fragranced lotion that

soothes and calms your face

after shaving.

• With specially comforting

ingredients that help reduce

redness and irritation.

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Lauder pleasures for Men Cologne Spray

• Sizes: 50 & 100ml Spray Bottles

Capture the moment.

Feel the energy. Welcome the warmth, the absolute

ease. This fresh, woodsy, refreshingly masculine scent

blends citrus and herbs with rich spices and rare

woods. All clarified with a unique Sky Air Accord.

The result? A clean, crisp fragrance that perfectly

captures the best times in life.

Fragrance Type: Woody/Fresh

Top Notes: Citrus Effervescence, Nectarine, Sky Air


Middle Notes: Pimento, Coriander Seed, Red Ginger

Base Notes: Sandalwood, Iridescent Ebony, Deep

Forest Moss.

100ml After Shave and 100ml After

Shave Balm also available.