covid 19 - country situation · updated 29.04.20 . 2 the european conservatives and reformists...

1 COVID-19 PANDEMIC Action taken at local and regional level by ECR members and their expectations of the EU UPDATED 29.04.20

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Action taken

at local and regional level by ECR members and

their expectations of the EU

UPDATED 29.04.20

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The European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) Group at the

European Committee of the Regions remains committed to the fight

against the global COVID-19 pandemic. Across Europe, our local

and regional politicians are working around the clock creating and

implementing policies so that the safety of local communities is

secured. Their objective is to emerge from this crisis more secure and

more resilient and to begin the process of economic recovery as soon

as possible.

Below you will find a list of regions where our ECR members are

operating, examples of their actions and their expectations of the

EU. We hope that this handbook will help local and regional

politicians to learn from one other and influence the EU institutions

so that more robust help is provided. If you would like to receive any

additional information about the actions of our members, please

contact the ECR Group Secretariat at [email protected].

Grey Highlight: Denotes policy changes regarding Covid-19

since April 1st, including changes taken toward re-opening

the economy of the region/locality in question.


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The Czech Republic

The Czech Republic has adopted strict measures to prevent the virus from spreading, many of

which at national level. Local and regional authorities have not only implemented national

measures but have helped citizens, in particular the elderly and the most vulnerable, to endure

the situation. Travelling to and from the most affected countries is not permitted, and older

people need to be separated from the younger population, therefore shops are open for seniors

from 10 a.m. to 12 midday. Citizens are required to stay at home except for necessary or

urgent trips. In the Czech Republic, the regional and municipal level continues to provide

citizens with the essential services they need during this pandemic. Measures taken by local

and regional authorities include limiting public transport lines and requiring social

distancing when using them, and closing schools, museums, sportsgrounds, etc.

In the city of Hradec Králové, where Oldřich Vlasák of the ECR serves as a counselor,

seniors and students are being provided with free masks sewn by local employees.

Furthermore, people can receive up-to-date information by calling toll-free numbers.

Companies providing public services, such as water supply and sewage have also adopted strict

measures to prevent the spreading of the virus. One such example are local and regional water

supply firms represented by The Water Supply and Sewerage Association of the Czech

Republic (SOVAK ČR) where Oldřich Vlasák serves as Director and Member of the

executive board in addition to his responsibilities in Hradec Králové and the ECR at the

CoR. SOVAK ČR members are committed to providing clean and safe drinking water through

this public health crisis, their employees work in smaller teams, wear protective equipment,

and contact with customers is limited to the necessary minimum. Distant customer care is

provided, and payments can only be made electronically. The objective is the seamless

continuation of providing of public services while protecting their employees and customers.

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Furthermore, at the end of April, deepened measures to support local businesses were taken in

Hradec Králové. Among these include waiving public space usage fees for businesses for the

whole of 2020, 10 million CZK to support local businesses and the suspension of rent for

tenants who were forced to temporarily shut down their business. The city government also

created a financial reserve totaling 150 million CZK to be of further assistance through this


The city of Kladno, where Dan Jiránek of the ECR serves

as mayor, offers enhanced support for elderly people. This

enhanced help organises bulk purchases of groceries, hygiene

goods and medicines for older citizens, and delivers them via

the "Senior TAXI" service. Older people are also being

offered help with walking their dogs, and crisis help over the

phone is available for people living alone. Public bikes are

available to reduce the burden on public transport

and local authorities ensure their regular disinfection.

The Recovery

After meeting on April 23rd, the central government of the Czech Republic released a

schedule detailing the gradual re-opening of the country and the beginning of the economic

recovery process. Beginning on April 24th, a maximum of ten people are allowed to

congregate in public places, this includes sports associations, public parks and the outdoor

parks. Churches, for the purposes of weddings, funerals and masses can allow up to 15 people

to attend. Other establishments like zoos, gyms and libraries will also slowly open during this

time to limited capacities.

On May 11th, all major shopping centres will re-open which meet hygienic conditions.

Furthermore, open air museums and open-air restaurants will also be allowed to accept small

groups of people. Individual tutoring of pupils will also be allowed to resume.

On May 25th restaurants, pubs, and hotels will be allowed to reopen, although the number of

people they will be allowed to admit is subject to change. Moreover, schools will be allowed

to accept smaller groups of pupils. Larger events such as tourist events and larger weddings

will slowly become permitted by May 25th although they will still be subject to hygienic

Mayor Dan Jiránek

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standards and this re-opening plan remains subject to change. Our members are of course acting

in cooperation with the central government and are eager to allow their citizens to return to

normal life, albeit incrementally.

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In Denmark, the ECR Group at the CoR is represented by two members: Erik Høgh-Sørensen

and Per Nørhave. Mr Nørhave serves as Deputy Mayor of Ringsted, a municipality 60 km

from Copenhagen. Mr Høgh-Sørensen works as a regional councillor for the North Denmark


Denmark, having a strong unitary system, has seen more action taken at national level.

Nevertheless, regions have taken initiatives to brace themselves for the impact COVID-19

would eventually have. Before the first case was confirmed in Denmark, local hospitals in

Aalborg, Aarhus, Odense and other cities began clearing space and making preparations for a

large number of cases. Municipal authorities have cooperated with health-care professionals in

creating "drive-through" tests in various parts of the country. This model mirrors that

implemented by South Korea, where tests are administered in the patient's car and where the

risk of contagion is drastically reduced.

In Ringsted, the municipal government has transformed a home for the disabled into a

temporary care facility for those who have been discharged from hospital care, following a

recovery from covid-19. People who are elderly or otherwise disabled may need special care

even after a successful recovery. Furthermore, although a person may have recovered from

covid-19 they may still carry a risk of further infection, so it is critical that such a facility exists.

Although Ringsted has not yet had a case of coronavirus, this preparation is valuable as it helps

to ensure hospitals are not overburdened and citizen’s needs are met, in the event of a large

number of infections.

When scaled to population numbers, Denmark has among the highest number of cases per

capita. This has of course led to comparatively more drastic travel restrictions and border

controls on the part of the national government. However, it is still up to the regions to

encourage social distancing and take localised measures to mitigate the spread of the pandemic.

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The Recovery

While Denmark moved quickly to contain the covid-19 outbreak, the country has begun

recovery process faster than compared to other countries. On April 14th, schools reopened for

children younger than eleven years of age. On April 20th, tattoo parlours, hairdressers and other

businesses were given the green light to reopen.

While Denmark moved quickly in shutting the border in March and limiting gatherings to ten

people or less, there was never a stay at home order and many stores remained open during the

crisis. Although Denmark moved very quickly, its measures were not as extreme as some other

countries. It seems this strategy has paid off, as hospitalizations have plummeted and re-

opening has already commenced. The handling of the crisis has been met by high general

approval by the Danish people.

However, in an Op-ed, Erik Høgh-Sørensen has called on the Danish government to hold

China accountable for its role in the covid-19 and warned Denmark not to give this

authoritarian regime a pass on its culpability in the pandemic.

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Mr Ilpo Heltimoinen serves on the city board of Lappeenranta, in addition to working as

treasurer and Bureau member at the ECR Group at the European Committee of the Regions.

Lappeenranta is a medium-sized municipality in the region of South Karelia. The city of

Lappeenranta lies about 30 km from the Russian border in the south-eastern part of Finland.

While South Karelia is a more geographically isolated region compared to other EU regions,

local authorities still emphasise the need to take serious action to mitigate the spread of


In the city of Lappeenranta, all sports and public events have been cancelled, as

have all large-scale cultural and musical events. The local university has switched to online

distance learning and most schools are closed, although some early childcare facilities remain

open for the time being. Private institutions and religious organisations have been encouraged

to temporarily close. The region took initial steps to ensure the safety of its citizens before these

measures were complemented by national legislation, and a state of emergency was issued on

16 March. On April 6th, the city of Lappeenranta also announced a series of city-funded grants

which include grants for rent reduction and rent exemption. These grants are applicable to

businesses with less than 10 employees and will help keep small-family run businesses afloat.

The region of South Karelia is also taking matters into its own hands. The state union is

allocating 230,000 euros of the province’s voluntary development grant to municipal

businesses, education enterprises and local associations. Finland has a relatively low number

of cases compared to the rest of Europe; these measures will hopefully keep it that way.

Moreover, our member Mr Heltimoinen has created a Facebook group named "corona

neighbour help", which has rapidly gathered hundreds of followers. Through the group, people

seeking help (especially the elderly) can be matched with those who offer help - with shopping,

for example.

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The Recovery

The Finnish central government recently released a “hybrid strategy” to re-open the country

and begin the long road to return to normalcy. While Finland did take a similarly swift approach

to the crisis as Denmark did, it has been more reserved in its reopening process.

Unlike Denmark and Norway which have already reopened schools, the Finnish government

has said it plans to reopen schools and public libraries on May 13th. Other businesses such as

restaurants will be allowed to re-open at the end of May. Gatherings of more than 500 people

are prohibited until the end of July.

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Raymund Kovács is a member of the local assembly, in Budapest (district 16). Mr. Kovács

has also recently joined the ECR at the Committee of the Regions. As of April 27th, there have

been 280 deaths in Hungary from covid-19 and almost 2,600 confirmed infections. Already in

early March, the central government moved quickly to contain the spread of covid-19,

cancelling a parade to commemorate the Hungarian revolution on March 15th, disinfecting

public transit in Budapest at a much higher frequency, and stocking hospitals with increased

supplies, including sanitary equipment and beds. Facemasks, social distancing, and curfews

were enforced throughout the country, and Budapest especially. Hungary later closed its border

to non-citizens and made the wearing of face-masks compulsory on public transit.

Despite a relatively low number of cases, Prime Minister Orbán has called for more ventilators

and hospital beds to be made available as of April 10th. Prime Minister Orbán, in an interview

believed that the peak number of cases was still to come and could occur as late as May 3rd, as

such, the exit strategy remains in the early phases.

The Recovery

While the lockdown in Hungary has been extended indefinitely, with no exit date yet

announced, financial relief measures for businesses have already been put into place. These

measures include, tax reductions, capping of interest rates and suspension of loan

payments throughout the country.

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In May it is likely Hungary may well follow suite and relieve some social distancing restrictions

as is the precedent throughout most EU countries, its leaders are monitoring the situation

closely and will move forward according to the needs of their constituents.

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Italy has been the hardest hit Member State as regards the COVID-19 outbreak, recording the

highest number of deaths, both in total and when scaled to population. Thus, the national

government has shut-down all non-essential businesses and gatherings. However, this is not

the whole story, as the virus entered the country slowly at first and was initially confined to

certain regions.

The virus grew initially primarily in the northern regions and these remain the epicentre of

the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe. Our

members continue to work tirelessly to try

to bring about an end to this plague. In

Veneto, our members Luca Zaia

(President of the Veneto region) and

Roberto Ciambetti (President of the

Veneto Regional Council) are

instrumental in adding regional policies to

national legislation. For instance, Veneto

has begun its own regional production of masks and has commenced a mass-testing project

to ideally test everyone in public for COVID-19. In fact, the Veneto region has organised the

largest number of tests proportionate to the population in Italy.

President of the Veneto region, Luca Zaia

Our Italian members from Veneto expect the following action from the EU:

1. Investing decisively in medical help to face the COVID-19 emergency.

2. Ensuring closer EU cooperation in the field of cross-border health.

3. Supporting the European economy which, without robust intervention, risks going into

a deep recession.

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Efforts similar to this on a regional level have been mirrored throughout Italy, but they

are perhaps most serious in the Lombardy region. Here, our members Matteo Bianchi MP

(local councillor in Morazzone), and Federico Martegani (councillor in Tradate) are on the

front line of the outbreak. Regional measures were adopted on 21 March, to be added to

national legislation. Some of these additional measures include a 5000 euro fine for

gatherings of more than two people and for unwillingness to comply with the conditions of

the quarantine, as well as the closure of all parks and hotels, a stop to all construction and

recommendations for body temperature checks before entering supermarkets. As of early

April, there is now the legal obligation for those who leave their domicile to cover their nose

and mouth either with a facemask or scarf.

Furthermore, Attilio Fontana (President of the Lombardy region) announced that in Lombardy,

regional taxes have been suspended until 31 May 2020. Lombardy region has collected

donations to support hospitals, doctors, nurses and all staff who are fighting a tough battle in

the current days to cure Lombard citizens and defeat COVID-19. Dozens of millions of euros

have been donated. The donations are being used for purchasing masks, protective suits,

disinfectant and the tools necessary for healthcare facilities, doctors, nurses and staff to better

treat the sick and limit the number of contagion opportunities.

Massimiliano Fedriga (President of the Friuli-Venezia-Giulia region) has seen similar

measures implemented in his region. Like the rest of the country, all non-essential stores and

shops remain closed, public gatherings are prohibited and leaving the house for any essential

purpose (purchasing food) is limited to one person per family. As of April, it is also now

Our Italian members from Lombardy expect the following action from the EU:

1. Given this is a European emergency, the EU should put in place European rules based

on the most restrictive Italian measures. Such rules should be applicable from the

moment of crossing EU borders.

2. Internationally agreed rules should prevent situations whereby workers are left in a

foreign country without the possibility of going back to their homeland or are not

allowed to cross the border in order to go to work.

3. Another call to the EU is to ensure that municipalities and families do not have to pay

for unused services under the European Social Fund (such as kindergartens).

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obligated to wear a mask on public transit and in supermarkets (this is also now true for


ECR Vice-President Marco

Marsilio is President of the

Abruzzo region in central Italy,

which has implemented a number of

preventive measures. In March the

Regional Council established a

special structure responsible for

coordinating the intervention

necessary for containment of the

epidemic. This was followed by the

introduction of restrictions on

movements of people coming from the most affected areas in the north of the country and new

public health restrictions for the healthcare sector and public companies. Non-urgent

hospitalisations were limited. The region bought a large quantity of personal protection

equipment to be distributed to police, citizens and its administrative personnel. “Red zones”

were designated by the president of the region in some municipalities with a disproportionately

high number of infections. The red zones are characterised by the strict prohibition of

movement of people, the suspension of the activities of public offices (except essential ones),

and the suspension of all production, construction and commercial activities (excluding

pharmacies, the agri-food sector and other areas of strategic interest). New guidelines have

been created for the waste collection sector and road tolls were eliminated for medical personal.

President of Abruzzo, Marco Marsilio

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Piedmont, where our member Michela Leoni serves as Vice-President of the Novara province,

has also taken the initiative and implemented its own regional legislation similar to that of the

regions mentioned above, in addition to enforcing national measures. Furthermore, in the three

weeks since the beginning of the coronavirus emergency, the Piedmont region has increased

intensive care facilities by 94 percent, from the original 287 places to 554.

While some of these measures may seem harsh, even draconian, it is important to contextualise

them. The first major European region to be affected by the coronavirus was northern Italy,

and due in part to its generally older population, sadly the death rate is significantly higher than

that of the rest of Europe.

Other regions that are more rural or have not been affected by the virus to the same degree have

adopted the national legislation and are doing their best to enforce that. While other, more

geographically isolated, regions like Sicily and Sardinia are considered as having not quite

the same level of risk as the northern regions, they too are taking this outbreak very seriously

in order to protect local people and the regional economy.

For instance, in Sicily, which has practiced geographical isolation, compulsory online

registration with the office of their general practitioner must be completed by anyone

attesting their presence on the island. In particular, the President of Sicily, Nello Musumeci,

has announced new and immediate liquidity measures in support of Sicilian SMEs that are

almost collapsing due to the coronavirus crisis. The regional government has decided to make

The President of the Abruzzo region expects the following action from the EU:

1. Loosening financial rules and increasing funding for the most affected regions without

using the European Stability Mechanism.

2. Inclusion of the Abruzzo region in the category of less developed regions in order to

allow for economic and social recovery, especially the territories that suffered

earthquakes in 2009 and 2016.

3. Providing tangible support for SMEs, both through direct financing and action that can

help sell locally produced products.

4. Adopting specific legislation aimed at guaranteeing social measures for those who lose

their jobs and whose companies are forced to close due the crisis (security cushion).

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EUR 30 million available in support of businesses in the region through the "Sicily Fund"

managed by Irfis, the Sicilian regional bank, which is aimed at increasing liquidity for Sicilian

companies. Each company may request credit of up to a maximum of EUR 100 000 for a period

of 15 months.

Italy continues to battle this virus in a fight that is unlike that of any other country in Europe.

It is crucial that we, as Europeans, continue to support our brethren.

The Recovery

Italy along with Spain, were without question, the countries hardest hit by covid-19. Our

members, such as Luca Zaia, and Massimiliano Fedriga, among others, have expressed

cautious optimism in re-opening the country. Nevertheless, they are constantly monitoring the

situation and are cooperating fully with the Italian national government. While the consensus

among our members and the national government seems to be unanimous that Italy is in “phase

2” of the crisis, all parties are obviously expressing the upmost attention.

Beginning May 4th, some measures will be eased. This includes, allowing take-away for

restaurants and pubs, funeral services for a maximum of 15 people, and more liberalization as

it relates to travel within a region and visiting relatives. From June 1st , bars and restaurants will

be allowed dine-in service, while hairdressers and salons can also re-open. More region-

specific measures have taken place for instance in Veneto, where Luca Zaia serves as

President. Here, minor construction has been allowed to resume, florists and cemeteries have

been allowed to re-open, while take-away meals from restaurants are only allowed through a

prior reservation by phone or internet. In Liguria, where Alessandro Piana serves as President

of the regional council, shipbuilding (a vital regional industry) has been allowed to resume and

restrictions on movement such as exercise or meeting first of kin has been relaxed.

Now that the country will soon begin its process of economic recovery, various plans have

been proposed, approved, and will be set into action. For instance, on April 20th, the regional

council of the Lombardy region approved a 3-billion-euro draft bill, to ensure the economic

recovery of the region. 400 million of this amount will be given to local and regional

municipalities to ensure a localized dimension to this recovery. This Colossus plan is necessary

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in a region that was as devasted as Lombardy, smaller stimulus plans have also been proposed

also in other regions that have lower populations or were comparatively less effected by the

virus. On such example is in Sardinia, where Christian Solinas serves as President. Here, a

stimulus plan of 120 million euros, to help local families was announced. A remarkably

similar measure was also dedicated in Sicily where Nello Musumeci serves as President of the

region. 100 million euros will be allocated to impoverished families in the region.

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Lithuania is undergoing national quarantine: a state of emergency was declared before the first

case was even reported. As of 1 April, 581 cases have been reported throughout the country.

The border has been closed to foreigners and citizens have been prohibited from leaving the

country. While shops and businesses remain closed, the national government is deliberating

legislation to implement price caps on goods and to compensate employees and businesses

owners for revenue lost during this time.

In the municipality of Rokiškis, where ECR member Ramūnas Godeliauskas serves as

mayor, additional things have been done to protect the population. For instance, protection of

the dormitory at the Rokiškis school of technology, which accommodates people returning

from Lithuania from abroad, has been regulated by a security company free of charge. Italian

flags have been displayed in the city centre to express solidarity with the struggling southern


Currently, a series of volunteers use their vehicles to shuttle the elderly to essential

appointments and assist them in their daily needs. Furthermore, in early April, Rokiškis

municipality began accepting applications for subsidies on behalf of employers and benefits

for workers who have been negatively economically affected by the pandemic.

The Recovery

Lithuania has experienced a comparatively milder public health crisis regarding covid-19. As

of April 27th, there have been 41 confirmed deaths in the country as a result of covid-19. Thus,

Lithuania has already begun to re-open the country’s businesses and industries.

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On April 23rd retailers could reopen and on April 27th, café’s and restaurants followed suite,

along with zoos and other outdoor sightseeing facilities. That said, all businesses must follow

social distancing guidelines and the quarantine remains in effect until May 11th.

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The Netherlands

As with the rest of Europe, the Netherlands have experienced a spike in COVID-19 cases with

an extremely dynamic situation unfolding day by day, hour by hour. It is, however, important

to note that the number of cases differs depending on geographical location: most of them have

been recorded in the south of the country. The sharp rise in the number of cases caused the

national government to take a less orthodox approach at the beginning. Rather than putting the

country on "lockdown", the national government has been looking to keep the number of cases

below the maximum threshold for the health care system while ideally keeping the country as

safe as possible.

In Opsterland, where the First Vice-President of the ECR Group, Rob Jonkman, serves, the

collection of some taxes has been suspended. The regional security council has also issued

ordinances, closing non-essential businesses until at least 6 April and banning large gatherings.

Sporting events have been cancelled, and the regional government continues to encourage both

teleworking where possible and social distancing (of 1.5 metres). Supermarkets must ensure

that there are at least 10 square meters of space available to each customer. Schools and

childcare facilities remain open for the children of workers in healthcare and other vital

industries. Everyone who is ill is required to stay at home. Similar actions where taken in

Zeeland where another of our members Ben van Assche serves the municipality of Terneuzen.

Our First Vice-President expects the following action from the EU:

1. More flexibility regarding the application of state aid rules and public procurement

regulations, and with regard to the Stability and Growth Pact.

2. Provision of economic support for struggling SMEs and farmers.

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In the province of Drenthe, where ECR member Tjisse Stelpstra serves as a regional

minister, the line has been to strictly follow the measures set by the central government.

Provincial authorities in the Netherlands do not have much authority in health emergencies,

unlike local governments and mayors. Platforms dealing with crisis management are led by

mayors and are composed of local public health workers, police and fire brigade officers. The

system is, in the view of our member, balanced and efficient. It provides the framework for

opening times of shops and helps to ensure that there are no big gatherings. Many people are

working from home in the province of Drenthe and schools are using online tools to teach. A

new law is under consideration which would allow local and regional governments to meet

and make decisions online. Mayors and King's Commissioners stay in close touch with

citizens through video messages they record (see here for instance). While the quarantine was

at the time only to remain into effect until April 28th, there was always a distinct chance these

measures will be extended. In Drenthe, a recent poll showed 83% of citizens were willing to

comply with a hypothetical extension if they had to. This figure, a sign of regional solidarity,

is among the highest of any region in the Netherlands.

Parallel actions were taken on a political level in Groningen, including implementing

screens in courtrooms to protect judges, defendants and police. ECR member Henk

Staghouwer serves as provincial executive in Groningen which is also experimenting in new

medical science. Researchers at the University Medical Center in Groningen are conducting

experiments to examine a possible treatment for covid-19. This project involves using cheap

and common treatments for malaria which can be inhaled. This is hypothesized to protect

against respiratory failure, which is the chief concern when treating coronavirus. While

researchers are optimistic, even if the experiment goes well, it will still be months before the

treatment can be made for public use.

The Recovery

In the Kingdom of the Netherlands, while hospitalizations and deaths have been on the decline,

the national government has remained firm in its position that the lockdown remain in effect.

All lock-down measures are to remain in effect at least until May 20th, although elementary

schools can re-open on the 11th of May. Education for older kids will resume on June 2nd. Large

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events such as festivals, including the famous “King’s day” have been cancelled through

September 1st.

While the Netherlands will remain in lock-down longer than some other countries, there have

already been discussions relating to the economic recovery that must occur. In Opsterland

where Rob Jonkman serves as Alderman, in addition to the aforementioned suspension on the

collection of some taxes, there was also a proposal for a “Corona-Investment fund” to kick-

start the economy once re-opening has been confirmed.

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Measures taken at regional and local level in Slovakia to stop the spread of COVID-19

are in line with the approach taken by central government, which declared a state of emergency

on 16 March. The aim of all measures taken by local actors is to limit the spread of the virus

by restricting interpersonal contact between citizens. All schools have been closed since

16 March and exams are being postponed. International passenger transport has been

stopped, while personnel involved in the transport of goods must comply with strict sanitary

measures. The borders of Slovakia are closed to foreigners and people returning from abroad

with a Slovak domicile need to be self- quarantined for 14 days. Domestic public transport

follows holiday schedules and strict restrictions are in place, such as the obligation to wear a

mask, regular disinfection of vehicles and keeping a long distance between passengers. . As of

early April, the state of emergency has been extended from April 8th to April 13th .

The Trnava region, where ECR member Jozef Viskupič is president, has made public

bus transport free of charge to limit the spread of the virus caused in the process of selling

tickets. Furthermore, rent costs for operations which have been closed due to the virus will be

suspended retroactively from March 1st. Certain other costs such as property taxes will be re-

organized in instalments to make it easier for business owners to cope with the costs. Other

measures like wage compensation and reduction of hours have also been taken.

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All cultural institutions, amusement

parks, gyms and wellness centres, bars and

night clubs are closed. Playgrounds, parks

and sports grounds, spas and ski resorts also

remain closed. Hotels and restaurants are,

for the time being, open. Shopping malls

are closed at weekends except for groceries,

drugstores and pharmacies. Marketplaces

are also closed. Visits are not allowed in

nursing homes or hospitals, while post

offices have limited opening hours. Regions are in close contact with towns and municipalities

when adopting and implementing measures. The office of the Bratislava region, where Juraj

Droba of the ECR serves as president, is not limiting its care to its legal competencies. In

cooperation with local businesses, it is helping equip physicians, nurses and seniors' homes

with masks, protective equipment and hygiene goods. Furthermore, the region has launched a

chatbot that answers the most frequently asked questions about the virus and has developed

an online map of closed services.

The Bratislava region has also offered two student dormitories for the purposes of

quarantining medical staff and emergency personnel who interact with infected patients. Staff

in Bratislava regularly disinfect public transport, limit transit access to people using face

coverings and encourage passengers to wear gloves.

The President of the Bratislava region expects the following action from the EU:

While the President of the Bratislava region does support the European Commission's

initiative to establish an investment initiative to respond to the coronavirus, he is critical of

the proposals to redirect funds from the European Regional Development Fund. As public

services for people offered by local and regional authorities will be among the most heavily

affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, Mr Droba stresses that Bratislava needs to improve its

social and educational infrastructure in particular, and redirecting the ERDF's funding

would deepen the fallout from this crisis.

President of the Bratislava Region, Juraj Droba

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The Žilina region has launched a campaign to get assistance for seniors in selected nursing

homes. The region has decided to lend a helping hand to seniors, who often face loneliness

and feelings of abandonment during the coronavirus period. The local government has

created a campaign to encourage those seniors confined in a nursing home during in this

difficult time.

"Old age is not easy. Even though our seniors are close to us and we pay close attention to

them, we know that the elderly often face loneliness. With the advent of coronavirus, we need

to think even more about them, because their social contact has fallen to a minimum. Apart

from people in their immediate surroundings, they have no one to talk to, fraternize with or

say a few words to. We want to alleviate social exclusion with our Letters for Seniors

campaign, "said the President of the Žilina region, Erika Jurinová who also serves as an

alternate member of the ECR Group in the European Committee of the Regions.

As part of the campaign, the region will seek to recruit volunteers for the three nursing homes

that have expressed interest in the project. These volunteers will act as pen pals and will

communicate with clients through letters. The campaign will select and assign a specific

senior in a local nursing home to a specific volunteer. Initial correspondence will take place

using the first name and the first initial of the surname, in order to respect the General Data

Protection Regulation.

The Žilina region is looking for eager volunteers to help elderly people in nursing homes

overcome social isolation for the remainder of the quarantine, those interested can register

using a form on the Žilina region’s website.

The Recovery

The Slovak national government released a four-stage plan to begin the process of economic

rebuilding and the permission of certain businesses and facilities to re-open. Our members,

including the Presidents of the Bratislava, Trnava and Žilina regions, Juraj Droba, Jozef

Viskupič and Erika Jurinová respectively have prioritized testing at elderly care facilities

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and keeping senior citizens safe while also indicating the plans for economic rebuilding must

be effective.

On April 22nd phase 1 was implemented, establishments with less than 300 square meters of

space, such as shoe stores and various other services reopened under a limited capacity. Phases

2,3 and 4 have yet to have their dates announced although they will likely occur throughout

May and early June. Phase 2 will allow for the reopening of take-away food spots, hair

dressings and religious services (under a limited capacities). Phase 3 will focus on bigger shops,

outdoor restaurants, and museums. Phase 4 will be the general re-opening with large events,

schools and bigger restaurants all allowed to fully re-open.

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Already in late February, the Polish institute of National Health was in contact with medical

professionals in Berlin to devise a comprehensive national strategy for combating the COVID-

19 virus. As many Poles work in Germany and return to Poland on weekends, coordination

between Member States was a central concern from the beginning. On 10 March, after several

confirmed cases, the Polish government cancelled all large gatherings, and suspended schools

and universities two days later. On 20 March, the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki

declared covid-19 an "official epidemic". As most of the early cases involved Poles coming

home from abroad or non-Polish guests, the government closed the border to non-citizens.

The national government has not ruled out imposing further restrictions. In the most Catholic

country in Europe, masses during Lent and holy week were curtailed in order to minimise

the risk of contagion. While the situation in Poland is certainly not as alarming as in some of

the other parts of Europe, local and regional authorities are cooperating with the national

government and taking every precaution.

In Podkarpackie, where our ECR President

Władysław Ortyl serves as president of the

region, buses and public transit operate under

a limited timetable, and local elections in

various communes saw staff on hand to

disinfect voters and take precautions to

minimise the risk of infection at polling

stations. Marshal Ortyl is chairing a special

working group tasked with monitoring the

situation, cooperating with all services and coordinating action between the regional office and

all its dependent units. The regional office is encouraging all citizens to contact it by phone or

email. Most employees telework, which has allowed the presence of personnel to be reduced

President of Podkarpackie region, Władysław Ortyl

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to 1/3. The social centre in Rzeszów is informing people in quarantine about help from the

Operational Programme on Food Aid 2014-2020 by telephone. Six online projects have been

created for children to assist teachers and parents in the education process. Children and

youth were invited to participate in online theatre, radio and public speaking workshops. On

April 6th, the Podkarpackie regional council issued the following statement after its session,

expressing gratitude to its health care workers, on the front lines. It reads as follows “"It is

before them today that we bow and give our thanks in gratitude for their efforts and sacrifice

in the fight against the spreading coronavirus. They, regardless of working hours, fatigue and

the threat to their health and life, each day bring the necessary help to all patients.”

The region has prepared a package of measures amounting to 330 million zlotys (more than

EUR 73 million) which was already provisionally approved by the European Commission and

the Polish Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy. The package has three strands: (1) medical

and protective equipment; (2) support for companies; and (3) job protection. Funds for health

protection have already been attributed. The region is cooperating closely with the private

sector. It was offered 10 000 facemasks and 5 000 pairs of gloves from a private pharmaceutical

company located in its territory. All the equipment was passed on by the region to the local

hospital dealing with patients infected by COVID-19.

Meanwhile, in the Małopolska region where our members Witold Kozłowski and Łukasz

Smółka serve as President and Vice-President respectively, the national policies have of course

been implemented. Notably, the famous regional passion plays which were to take place over

Good Friday were instead live-streamed. In Kraków the first isolation rooms were established.

These rooms are for the purposes of containing the spread covid-19 virus in patients with mild

symptoms. On April 4th, it was announced Kraków University hospital will spend an additional

13 million PLN for the purposes of new equipment to combat the covid-19 outbreak, including


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In the Łódzkie region, where our member Grzegorz Scrhreiber serves as president,

165 million zlotys (approximately EUR 36 million) have been moved from the region's budget,

EU funds and centrally allocated funds to deal with the pandemic. Most of the funds help to

finance hospitals. The allocation was quickly approved by the European Commission.

Moreover, the region has created a Facebook profile "Łódzkie fighting COVID-19", where

companies and individuals who want to offer help are matched with those in need. The group

and the help are coordinated by the employees of the region. A plan to help regional businesses

is being developed.

Unfortunately, a recent outbreak in a nursing home has infected an estimated 60 patients with

covid-19, among them are obviously a lot of very high-risk patients. Local authorities were

investigating the outbreak and took appropriate actions. Meanwhile, during holy week,

volunteers in the Łódzkie went shopping and delivering groceries on behalf of seniors. These

same volunteers also delivered traditional Polish dishes in accordance with the Christian

tradition, over the Easter weekend which followed.

In Silesia, where Jakub Chełstowski and Wojciech Kałuża work as the president and

vice president of the region, action by the citizens of the border town of Cieszyn have received

international attention as a sign of European solidarity during this crisis. On the Polish side of

the border, signs appeared saying "I miss you, Czech" written in Czech. This is obviously a

reference to the increased restrictions on commerce and events. Later, on the Czech side,

banners were erected saying "I miss you, Pole" written in Polish. The incident attracted praise

internationally. The region is planning to devote 110 million zlotys (approximately EUR 24

million) to tackling and preventing the pandemic. The European Commission has already

granted the region permission to use uncontracted EU funds to this end. Certain municipalities

like Katowice have discussed suspending or eliminating, rents and property taxes for certain

The President of the Małopolska region expects the European Commission to modify

its decision no 2020/491 of 3 April 2020 on relief from import duties and VAT exemption

on importation granted for goods needed to combat the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak

during 2020.

The two modifications expected by Marshal Kozłowski are as follows:

1.Exempting from VAT and import duties personal protection equipment (PPE) imported

by companies (retail, production, service) obliged by national law to use PPE.

2. Giving priority to personal protective equipment in clearing customs so that they can

reach recipients as quickly as possible and prevent the spread of coronavirus.

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eligible citizens. The city government has also pledged 25 million PLN so far to help business

and local entrepreneurs. Interestingly, over the first weekend in April, the Silesian regional

government has converted a former spa into a treatment and quarantine centre for those infected

with the virus. Currently, 118 places were made available at the Goczałkowice-Zdrój Health

Resort, this will ideally lower the burden on hospitals as less severe cases can be treated here.

In Lower Silesia, governed by ECR member Cezary Przybylski, 40 million zlotys

(approximately EUR 8.8 million) have been offered by the region to hospital and emergency

centres so that they are able to purchase

additional medical equipment for

tackling the virus. A new laboratory has

been opened in order to speed up testing

for the coronavirus among cancer

patients and medical personnel. The

region organised on 24 March a video

conference during which almost thirty

Polish doctors could exchange

experiences on the coronavirus with their

counterparts in the Chinese province of

Anhui. Anhui was among the hardest hit regions in China, as it borders on the epicentre of the

disease, Hubei province, and its capital, Wuhan. The Chinese doctors that were consulted

provided expertise on dealing with patients who have pre-existing illnesses and how best to

isolate patients to minimise the risk of further contagion. Cooperation with the Chinese

province is likely to result in deliveries of medical equipment to this Polish region. Lower

Silesia borders the Czech Republic and Germany and works closely with the central

government to secure the borders. Since Lower Silesia is a tourist region, the regional office

created a taskforce to help the tourist sector to deal with the economic consequences of the


Chinese doctors holding a video-conference with doctors

in Poland

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A similar "anti-crisis shield" has been implemented under the leadership of ECR member

Jarosław Stawiarski, Marshal of Lubelskie region in Eastern Poland. Employers benefiting

from the regional operational programme have the possibility of applying for preferential

treatment (lower interest rates, temporary suspension of loans, etc.). The region has reallocated

funds within the European Social Fund in order to allow for a new project to finance the

purchase of medical equipment and pay medical staff. Lubelskie has also suspended rent

payments for offices which come under the budgetary authority of the region.

The expectations of the Lower Silesia region from the EU are as follows:

1. Making the "thematic concentration" framework for EU programmes more flexible.

2. Introducing changes to programmes protecting the economy cannot be subject to the same

rules as until now. The procedure should be the same as for the programmes with a health

component – they are agreed provisionally with the European Commission and only then

they will be approved officially.

3. More flexible approach to decommitment methodology (so called "n+3") is needed. The

notification of expenses needs to be extended by one year (i.e. moving towards "n+4").

4. Rapid adoption of the next EU multiannual financial perspective (MFF).

5. The new EU budget needs to contain a new decommitment methodology: "n+3" instead of

"n+2" as well as new rules which will allow for rapid response in case the crisis repeats

itself in the future.

6. Investments in healthcare should be included in thematic concentration in the next MFF.

7. Regarding actions towards supporting the economy, a possibility should be allowed for at

least partial debt relief when the debt relates to tackling the crisis.

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The Recovery

The Polish government moved quickly to declare the coronavirus an epidemic and as a

result, the situation in Poland remains under control with a limited number of cases and a

gradual decline. However, the lockdown remains in effect, although some restrictions have

been loosened. On April 11th, it was announced that religious services, such as weddings and

funerals would be allowed to have a maximum of 50 attendees (excluding clergy).

The border remains closed until May 3rd and beginning May 4th some restrictions on

social distancing and individual sports will be relaxed. Poland will pursue a similar multi-tiered

plan to gradually reduce restrictions on businesses as the other countries mentioned above. The

Polish government will, however, not postpone the upcoming Presidential election. In addition

The expectations of the Lubelskie region from the EU are as follows:

1. Exempt funds moved to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic from the requirement

of thematic concentration and climate requirements.

2. Grant authorities managing operational programmes more powers in terms of changing

programmes (allowing them to move up to 10% of allocations more easily within each

priority strand of a programme).

3. Scrap the requirement to achieve product indicators/results in projects, as well as the

financial consequences of not achieving indicators in situations where the pandemic has

affected the realisation of a project.

4. Increase the EU co-financing rate in all regions from 85% to 90% in order to facilitate

realisation of projects by the beneficiaries and allow for necessary country co-financing.

5. Change the definition of irregularity so that all action and failures of beneficiaries caused

solely by the pandemic are removed from its scope.

6. Provide a clear line on allowing more support for big companies, the actions of which

directly concern tackling the spread and effect of the pandemic.

7. Extend by one year the eligibility of expenses in the 2014-2020 financial perspective –

to 31 December 2024.

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to a national crisis shield, our members, representing various regions have introduced their own

measures to ensure a swift economic recovery.

For instance, in Silesia where Jakub Chełstowski serves as President, one billion PLN

was pledged by the region to support local businesses. In the Lesser Poland region where

Witold Kozłowski is President, an anti-crisis shield, paid in part by EU funding totaling 325

million PLN was also put into effect. Interestingly in Lower Silesia, where the President is

Cezary Przybylski, deepened cooperation with the German Free-State of Saxony has

resulted in increased healthcare equipment and covid-19 testing for both parties. This deepened

cooperation between partner regions will likely be mirrored as both regions will seek to bounce

back in an economic sense.
