day 1

The Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge Day 1: --------------------------------------------- - Your first lesson, will start to address the different ways to introduce new thoughts and beliefs into your subconscious mind. The law of attraction attracts to you what your main inner vibration is - your inner beliefs and your mindset. That is the key, your DOMINANT mindset. Most of us know that the subconscious mind is where we store all our habits, memories, beliefs and insecurities. But many of us do not realize that the subconscious mind takes orders directly from the conscious mind. The subconscious mind does not distinguish, think, or rationalize, in any other terms other than

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The Mindset and Money 30 day ChallengeDay 1:----------------------------------------------

Your first lesson, will start to address the different ways to introduce new thoughts and beliefs into your subconscious mind.

The law of attraction attracts to you what your main inner vibration is - your inner beliefs and your mindset. That is the key, your DOMINANT mindset.

Most of us know that the subconscious mind is where we store all our habits, memories, beliefs and insecurities. But many of us do not realize that the subconscious mind takes orders directly from the conscious mind.

The subconscious mind does not distinguish, think, or rationalize, in any other terms other than "I". The subconscious mind accepts suggestion through our words, inner thoughts and outside influences. Once a suggestion, or new idea, has been introducedinto the mind, it will automatically and instantly act on that idea to create the end result. So any thoughts, ideas or suggestions you have are taken as direct orders by the subconscious mind.

The subconscious does not have the ability to make judgments and does not reason whether this result is positive or negative - it merely acts on the given command to ensure its fulfillment.

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The Words We Speak

Every word we speak, every thought we think, and every emotion we feel is recorded in the subconscious. Through constant repetition, or with enough faith, or emotional impact, the subconscious will accept our words as a command and will begin to create, attract

and magnetize circumstances, conditions and persons to ensure the manifestation of our "order".

Since the subconscious mind only understands the "I", all thoughts and words spoken about someone else are taken as a direct order - about us. Even words spoken casually can bypass the conscious mind and drop into the subconscious and take root. It has been said, "the subconscious mind cannot take a joke." Seemingly harmless expressions, if accepted by the subconscious, can produce undesirable results in our lives.

Food For Thought

Something to think about: How many times today have you said aloud or to yourself, even casually, "I can't afford..." (or... "I'm not good enough, talented

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enough, attractive enough, slim enough," etc.)

Take note that all these negative thoughts are being taken as direct orders by your subconscious mind, and will instantly begin creating circumstances and outcomes that will match these thoughts.

On the other hand, positive, life-enhancing, prosperous, success-directed words will produce results that correspond with those thoughts and words and can bring about amazing results and turn situations around dramatically. Repeating successful, prospering words will ensure success and prosperity in your work, in your business, in your career and professional life. The repetition of prospering words will open up the channels for income and all forms of good from both expected and unexpected sources.

Our Dominant Thought

The subconscious mind acts upon all dominant thoughts and vibrations. The repetition of positive thoughts, and words, will eventually replace negative patterns in the subconscious, which block our success and limit our income and our well being.

Changing the dominant inner mindset and vibration is something everyone can learn. It may take a little time, or it may be a quick shift, either is perfectly fine. You CAN NOT get it wrong.

I believe the length of time until you start to see change will depend upon how diligently you apply

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the techniques and use positive words. And just as importantly, how carefully you monitor yourself so that you don't counteract the good mental work you are doing.

You will create more of whatever you focus on consistently. If you desire to become Wealthy and Abundant - you must THINK like the wealthy and dream abundant thoughts. Once you have conditioned your mind to focus on Riches, Abundance and Prosperity MORE than poverty, lack and limitation - that's when MORE Money will begin to flow into your life!

It's vitally important to monitor the words we say. We must become aware of the impact that the words we are saying and thinking (self-talk is just as powerful) has on our ability to create our lives, our intent, our mood, our ability to attract and repel.

One great teacher said that if you asked a taxi driver to take you somewhere but gave him two addresses, where would you end up? Certainly not at your destination! So if your destination is increased income, don't give your subconscious taxi two different directions!

Why This Works

If we have a glass of clear water and we persist in adding - drop by drop - a spoonful of coffee, eventually we will end up with a cup of coffee. The same goes for your subconscious mind - you can slowly replace the negative programming with

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positive and affirmative vibration and thought.

The good news is that we don't need to completely replace the old patterns in order to see change start to happen. Since dominant thought is all that is necessary for the subconscious to respond and create our desired result, 51% positive and we get the results. So we don't have to completely eliminate the negative thoughts.

Your Inner Genie

What if you had a genie who was with you every moment of your life and this genie would give you anything you wanted, anything you asked for, and all you had to do was say the word. That's right, just say the word and it was yours. What words would you be saying? That genie is your subconscious mind.

Choose The Right Response

So from now on you are going to choose your words carefully, especially the words that you attach to "I" or "I am". From now on, when someone asks, "How are you?" or "How's it going?" or "How's the career?" - no matter what has been happening, just respond, "Fantastic!" or "Great!" or "Getting better all the time!" and see how quickly your life will evolve to accommodate your new orders.

Many people ask, "Aren't we lying when we do this?" No, of course not! We are acting "as if". Yes, we are acting. Like Hollywood actors, we are acting upon that great "screen" of our subconscious, playing the

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role, impressing our desire on the inner celluloid and once impressed, our desire will appear in our outer world, at a premier, for all to see.

"Act as though I am, and I will be." "Think about, bring about." "As within, so without." "Fake it 'til you make it."


Take care to watch the words you use and the thoughts you think. If you find yourself worrying or thinking of something that is not in line with what you want, change your thoughts.

Joseph Murphy teaches to repeat 'wealth - success' over and over again in your mind every time you think of a financial concern. Simply repeat the words 'wealth - success'  whenever your unwanted thoughts enter your mind.

The words 'wealth success' represent what we want and at the same time don't create a lot of resistance in the mind because they are just words.

I have found that chanting the words 'wealth - success' in our mind all day long, instead of just when we 'catch' ourselves thinking about our finances, produces even greater results. You may even want to have fun with it and sing the words, make up a little dance - whatever you want.

Repeating what you want over and over again will

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imprint a new thought pattern into your subconscious mind more quickly than just repeating it occasionally.

In addition to chanting 'wealth - success' over and over again throughout your day, in the morning and in the evening write out 'wealth success' 25 times on a piece of paper.

Physically writing gives us greater focus and will imprint the message into the subconscious mind even faster.

Watch your email for lesson 2 tomorrow.

-----To Your Success,Karen Walker