december 9, 2018 second sunday of advent st. joseph...

December 9, 2018 Second Sunday of Advent St. Joseph Catholic Church, 7240 W. 57th St., Summit, Illinois St. John the Baptist Preaching (1665) by Mattia Preti (il Cavaliere Calabrese) “There is hope for a people who dwell in darkness and gloom. A light will come to shine upon us.”

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Page 1: December 9, 2018 Second Sunday of Advent St. Joseph · oscuridad han visto una gran luz; Sobre los que vivían en una tierra

December 9, 2018

Second Sunday of Advent

St. Joseph Catholic Church, 7240 W. 57th St., Summit, Illinois

St. John the Baptist Preaching (1665) by Mattia Preti (il Cavaliere Calabrese)

“There is hope for a people who dwell in darkness and

gloom. A light will come to shine upon us.”

Page 2: December 9, 2018 Second Sunday of Advent St. Joseph · oscuridad han visto una gran luz; Sobre los que vivían en una tierra

En este segundo domingo de Adviento, de nuevo, aparece San Juan el Bautista preparando el camino del Señor. En este Adviento, comenzamos el Ciclo C del Leccionario, donde las lecturas serán del Evangelio de San Lucas los domingos. Entonces, la presentación de hoy de San Juan el Bautista es desde la perspectiva de San Lucas el Evangelista. San Lucas comienza su cuenta estableciendo un tiempo y contexto muy específico. San Lucas hace una crónica de una lista de gobernantes en orden descendente conforme el poder y autoridad de cada cual: comenzando con el gobernante mundial Tiberio, el César romano, Poncio Pilato, el gobernador de Judea, Herodes tetrarca de Galilea, su hermano Felipe tetrarca de Iturea y Traconítide, y Lisanio tetrarca de Abilene, y durante el sumo

sacerdocio de Anás y Caifás. Es evidente que San Lucas está tratando de anclar firmemente el ministerio de San Juan el Bautista en un momento particular dentro de la historia.

Los nombres dados en el relato de San Lucas Evangelista están respaldados por documentación histórica. Tiberio César gobernó desde 14-37 dc. Poncio Pilato fue gobernador del 26-36 dc. Herodes Antipas (el hijo de Herodes el Grande que gobernó cuando nació Jesús) gobernó Galilea desde el 4 aC. hasta el 39 dC. Herodes (Felipe) gobernó Iturea desde el 4 aC al 34 dC. La fecha del reinado de Lisanio es incierta. Anás fue Sumo Sacerdote del 6 al 15 dC Incluso después de que fue depuesto, continuó exhortando mucho poder e influencia, ya que fue depuesto por las autoridades romanas por motivos políticos, y no por el pueblo judío. Además, Caifás era el yerno de Anás. Entonces, cuando Caifás fue nombrado Sumo Sacerdote por las autoridades romanas, el poder y la influencia de Anás continuaron. Caifás fue Sumo Sacerdote del 18 al 36 dC San Lucas nos dice que Juan el Bautista comenzó su ministerio público durante el reinado de estos gobernantes, particularmente en el decimoquinto año del reinado de Tiberio César. Las personas presentadas en los evangelios no son personas ficticias, sino personas reales e históricas.

San Lucas continúa diciéndonos que la palabra del Señor vino a Juan, el hijo de Zacarías, en el desierto, para proclamar un bautismo de arrepentimiento para el perdón de los pecados. En esta imagen, vemos la pintura titulada, San Juan Bautista Predicando (1665) por Mattia Preti (il Cavaliere Calabrese). Esta pintura es un contraste impresionante entre la luz y la oscuridad. San Juan Bautista está medio cubierto de sombra y medio iluminado con luz celestial. La mitad de la cara de San Juan está envuelta en una oscuridad total, mientras que la otra mitad brilla con el cálido brillo del sol. Del mismo modo, la prenda de San Juan es un marcado contraste entre el rojo brillante y el tono negro. ¿Por qué será que el artista retrata a San Juan Bautista de una manera tan sorprendente? Quizás Preti pintó esta imagen para mostrar e ilustrar la profecía del profeta Isaías. En el Libro de Isaías dice, las personas que caminaron en la oscuridad han visto una gran luz; Sobre los que vivían en una tierra de tinieblas, una luz brillaba” (Is 9: 1). (Precisamente estoy escuchando estas mismas palabras del profeta Isaías en la obra maestra musical de Handel, Messiah, mientras escribo esto). Observen cómo la mano de San Juan Bautista parece brillar con un aura de luz. Sin embargo, la luz no viene de San Juan Bautista. Su dedo nos señala hacia el cielo. Hay esperanza para un pueblo que mora en la oscuridad y desolación. Una luz vendrá a brillar sobre nosotros. Este es el mensaje de esperanza que San Juan el Bautista continúa predicando a nuestro mundo hoy. Los gobernantes del mundo pueden ser diferentes hoy, miles de años después, pero la oscuridad y desolación continúan cubriendo el mundo y la humanidad. No tengas miedo, porque la luz viene al mundo. No podemos ver en la oscuridad, pero en la luz, todas las cosas se hacen visibles y claras. Las palabras del profeta Isaías se cumplirán: "Toda carne verá la salvación de Dios.”

Las Reconciliaciones de Adviento serán el lunes 17 de diciembre a las 7:00 pm tanto en inglés y español. Es importante prestar atención a las palabras de San Juan y arrepentirse de nuestros pecados en Adviento. Oremos por todos los que están de luto por la muerte de sus seres queridos en esta época del año. Que la Santísima Virgen María, Madre del Buen Consejo, nos ayude con su cuidado materno, y que San José ore por nosotros.

Vivat Jesus! ¡Viva Jesus!

Informes del Padre Bob

Page 3: December 9, 2018 Second Sunday of Advent St. Joseph · oscuridad han visto una gran luz; Sobre los que vivían en una tierra

W dzisiejszą II Niedzielę Adwentu po raz kolejny pojawia się św. Jan Chrzciciel, aby prostować ścieżki Panu. Tegoroczny Adwent rozpoczyna się w Lekcjonarzu Cyklem C, a to oznacza coniedzielne czytania z Ewangelii według św. Łukasza. Dzisiaj zatem święty Jan Chrzciciel opisany jest z perspektywy właśnie tego Ewangelisty. Święty Łukasz rozpoczyna swoją relację od dokładnego określenia czasu i okoliczności. Podaje nam on listę wszystkich ówczesnych władców, w kolejności od najpotężniejszego do najmniej wpływowego. Na początku więc Tyberiusz, Cezar całego Imperium Rzymskiego; Poncjusz Piłat: namiestnik Judei; Herod: tetrarcha Galilei; jego brat Filip: tetrarcha Iturei i kraju Trachonu; Lizaniasz: tetrarcha Abileny za arcykapłanów Annasza i Kajfasza. Jasno widać, iż święty Łukasz pragnął zakorzenić publiczną służbę Jana

Chrzciciela w konkretnym punkcie historii. Wszystkie imiona podane przez Łukasza Ewangelistę obecne są w źródłach historycznych. Tyberiusz panował w latach 14-37 naszej ery. Piłat był gubernatorem w latach 26-36 n.e. Herod Antypas (syn Heroda Wielkiego, rządzącego w chwili Narodzin Jezusa) był władcą Galilei od 4 roku przed naszą erą do roku 39 naszej ery. Filip panował w Iturei od roku 4 przed naszą erą do roku 34 naszej ery. Data rządów Lizaniasza nie jest pewna. Annasz był arcykapłanem w latach 6-15 n.e. Annasz został usunięty ze stanowiska przez Rzymian, z powodów politycznych. Jednakże nawet po utracie stanowiska wciąż cieszył się wśród Żydów sporym poważaniem. Mało tego: Kajfasz był zięciem Annasza. Kiedy więc Rzymianie namaścili Kajfasza na nowego arcykapłana, dla Annasza nic się w sumie nie zmieniło. Kajfasz pełnił swoją godność w latach 18-36 n.e. Święty Łukasz pisze, iż Jan Chrzciciel rozpoczął swoją służbę w okresie panowania tych władców, a ściślej – w piętnastym roku rządów Tyberiusza Cezara. Imiona przedstawione w Ewangeliach nie należą do jakichś fikcyjnych, wymyślonych postaci. Za każdym imieniem stoi prawdziwa, żyjąca w tamtych czasach osoba, która swoimi czynami zapisała się w historii. Dalej święty Łukasz pisze, że „skierowane zostało słowo Boże do Jana, syna Zachariasza, na pustyni. Obchodził więc całą okolicę nad Jordanem i głosił chrzest nawrócenia dla odpuszczenia grzechów” (Łk 3:2-3). Widzimy tu obraz zatytułowany „Kazanie św. Jana Chrzciciela” z 1665 roku, pędzla Mattiego Preti (zwanego „il Cavaliere Calabrese”). Dzieło to stanowi niesamowity kontrast między światłem a ciemnością. Postać Jana Chrzciciela jest w połowie skryta w cieniu, a w połowie oświetlona niebiańskim światłem. Połowa twarzy Jana jest niewidoczna, bo skryta w całkowitej ciemności, druga połowa zaś jaśnieje słonecznym blaskiem. Podobnie została namalowana Jego szata – jaskrawa czerwień kontrastuje z czernią. Dlaczego artysta ukazał świętego Jana w tak przeciwstawny sposób? Być może obraz Pretiego ma być ilustracją słów proroka Izajasza. W Iz 9:1 czytamy: „Naród kroczący w ciemnościach ujrzał światłość wielką; nad mieszkańcami kraju mroków światło zabłysło”. Zauważcie, że dłoń świętego Jana Chrzciciela jakby jaśnieje światłem. Ten blask jednakże nie pochodzi od niego samego. Jego palec wskazuje na niebo. Jest jeszcze nadzieja dla wszystkich kroczących w ciemnościach. Jeszcze zabłyśnie nad nami światło. Tak brzmią pełne nadziei słowa, które święty Jan Chrzciciel kieruje do ludzi także w dzisiejszych czasach. Dzisiaj, wiele tysięcy lat po tym, co napisał Łukasz Ewangelista, światem rządzą już inni ludzie – a mimo to, ciemność nadal jest w nim obecna. Nie lękajcie się jednak, bowiem światłość nadchodzi. W ciemności trudno cokolwiek dojrzeć, ale już w świetle wszystko widać jasno i wyraźnie. Spełnią się słowa proroka Izajasza: „Wtedy się chwała Pańska objawi, razem ją wszelkie ciało zobaczy, bo usta Pańskie to powiedziały” (Iz 40:5). W poniedziałek, 17 grudnia o 7:00 wieczorem, będzie można przystąpić do Sakramentu Spowiedzi w języku angielskim i hiszpańskim. Bardzo ważne jest, abyśmy w czasie Adwentu wsłuchali się w słowa świętego Jana Chrzciciela i okazali żal za grzechy. Módlmy się za wszystkich tych, którzy w tym okresie opłakują zmarłych bliskich. Maryjo, Matko Nieustającej Pomocy, miej nas zawsze w Swej opiece. Święty Józefie, módl się za nami. Vivat Iesus! Chwała Jezusowi!

Z biurka Ks. Proboszcza

Page 4: December 9, 2018 Second Sunday of Advent St. Joseph · oscuridad han visto una gran luz; Sobre los que vivían en una tierra

FR. BOB’S BRIEFS We are back where we started. Do you remember? Five weeks ago, we began reading through Jesus’

Bread of Life Discourse in the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John. At the beginning of John 6, we read, “Jesus went across the Sea of Galilee. A large crowd followed him because they saw the signs he was performing on the sick.” At that place and time, Jesus miraculously multiplied the five barley loaves and two fish to feed 5,000 people. For the past five weeks, we have heard how this large multitude of people has been constantly been hanging around Jesus. Now, this week, we hear how this vast crowd of people leaves Jesus and go away.

Many of Jesus' disciples who were listening said, "This saying is hard; who can accept it?"Since Jesus knew that his disciples were murmuring about this, he said to them, "Does this shock you? The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and life. But there are some of you who do not believe." As a result of this, many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him.” What a different scene it is today, compared to the scene from the previous four weeks. In the previous four weeks, we saw how thousands of people were all gathered around Jesus. Now, they all leave. Jesus is left by Himself by Sea of Galilee. We read in the Gospel of John today, “Jesus then said to the Twelve, "Do you also want to leave?" Simon Peter answered him, "Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God." In the beautiful, but poignant image, we see Jesus left alone, except by the Twelve, His only remaining friends. Jesus stands in the center, looking out at the sunset over the Sea of Galilee. Only the Twelve remain with Jesus. So, we are back where we started: Jesus alone with the Twelve at the edge of the Seas of Galilee. It is a sad and somber scene as Jesus and the Twelve look out over the Sea of Galilee by themselves. Where did everybody go? This scene from today’s Gospel is not just a picture isolated to the past. Does this scene not replay throughout the passage of time? Does this scene not replay in our own time and age? Where are all the people? Next time you are at church, look around. What do you see? I saw no more than 70 people at any of the Masses for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary last week. The latest statistics show that 80-85% of Catholics do not go to Sunday Mass every week. Just like in today’s Gospel, everybody seems to have left Jesus. Only a few remain with our Lord. It is very ironic that people do not want communion with Jesus in this life, but they want communion with Jesus in heaven for eternal life. Explain to me how do people expect to have communion with God in heaven, if they do not have communion with God beginning here on earth? That’s the culmination and whole point of Jesus’ Bread of Life discourse that we have been hearing for the past five weeks. Jesus gives us His Flesh and Blood so that He can be in Communion with us. Our Lord desires to be one with, to be in union (com-munion) with you, me, and everybody. At Mass, you see the priest pour some water into the chalice filled with wine. When doing so, the priest prays: “By the mystery of this water and wine may we come to share in the divinity of Christ who humbled himself to share in our humanity.” St. Cyprian (210-258 AD) writes, “when the water is mingled in the cup with wine, the people are made one with Christ.”

However, for most people, we don’t want communion with God. We only follow after God, like the people in the Gospel, because we want God to give us things. God is like a type of Santa Claus, who is supposed to give me things in life. I read once somewhere that “God is not a ‘Cosmic Concierge’ who lives only to satisfy each and every one of our whims.” Yet, that is how we treat God too often in our life. “God give me this. God give me that.” We seek out God to get things from Him. Our God seeks us out to be close to us, to be in communion with us. The Latin root of communion is communio, meaning "fellowship, mutual participation, or association." The relationship that that Jesus is seeking with us is different than the relationship that we seek from Him. Jesus wants fellowship with us. Our Lord desires to share His Divine life and love with us. He asks the same question that He asked the Twelve earlier. "Do you also want to leave?" Do we stay with Jesus or do we leave Him?

Please pray for the safety of all who serve us in the military. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Good Help, help us with her maternal care, and may St. Joseph pray for us. Vivat Jesus! Live Jesus!

On this Second Sunday of Advent, once again St. John the Baptist makes his appearance to prepare the way of the Lord. This Advent, we begin Lectionary Cycle C, which reads from the Gospel of Luke on Sundays. So, today’s presentation of St. John the Baptist is given to us through the perspective of St. Luke the Evangelist. In St. Luke’s begins his account by establishing a very specific time and context. St. Luke chronicles a list of rulers in descending order of power and authority: beginning with the worldwide ruler Tiberius, the Roman Caesar, Pontius Pilate the governor of Judea, Herod the tetrarch of Galilee, Herod’s brother

the tetrarch of Ituraea and Trachonitis, Lysanias the tetrarch of Abilene, and during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas. It is apparent that St. Luke is attempting to firmly anchor St. John the Baptist’s ministry to a particular point in history.

The names given to us by St. Luke the Evangelist are supported by historical documentation. Tiberius Caesar ruled from 14-37 AD. Pontius Pilate was governor from 26-36 AD. Herod Antipas (the son of Herod the Great who ruled when Jesus was born) ruled Galilee from 4 BC – 39 AD. Herod (Philip) ruled Ituraea from 4 BC-34 AD. The date of Lysanias’ rule is uncertain. Annas was High Priest from 6 -15 AD. Even after he was deposed, he continued to exhort a lot of power and influence, since he was deposed by Roman authorities for political motives, and not by the Jewish establishment. Moreover, Caiaphas was Annas’ son-in-law. So, when Caiaphas was appointed High Priest by Roman authorities, Annas power and influence continued. Caiaphas was High Priest from 18 – 36 AD. St. Luke tells us that John the Baptist began his public ministry during the reign of these rulers, particularly in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar. The people presented in the Gospels are not fictional people, but real, historical people.

St. Luke goes on to tell us that the word of the Lord came to John, the son of Zachariah, in the desert, to proclaim a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. In this image, we see the painting entitled St. John the Baptist Preaching (1665) by Mattia Preti (il Cavaliere Calabrese). This painting is a stunning contrast between light and dark. St. John the Baptist is half covered in shadow and half illuminated in heavenly light. Half of St. John’s face is shrouded in total darkness, and while the other half shines with the warm glow of sunshine. Likewise, St. John’s garment is a stark contrast between bright red and pitch black. Why does the artist portray St. John the Baptist in such a striking manner? Perhaps Preti painted this image to display and illustrate the prophecy of the prophet Isaiah. We read in the Book of Isaiah, The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Upon those who lived in a land of gloom a light has shone” (Is 9:1). (I was actually listening to these words from the prophet Isaiah in Handel’s musical masterpiece Messiah, as I am typing this). Notice how St. John the Baptist’s hand seems to glow with an aura of light. Yet, the light does not come from St. John the Baptist. His finger points up to heaven. There is hope for a people who dwell in darkness and gloom. A light will come to shine upon us. This is the message of hope that St. John the Baptist continues to preach to our world today. The rulers of the world may be different today, thousands of years later, but darkness and gloom continues to cover the world and humanity. Do not be afraid, for the light is coming into the world. We cannot see in darkness, but in the light all things are made visible and clear. The words of the prophet Isaiah shall be fulfilled: “all flesh shall see the salvation of God.”

Our Advent Reconciliation will be Monday, Dec. 17 at 7:00 pm in English and Spanish. It’s important to heed St. John’s words and repent of our sins in Advent. Please pray for all who are mourning the death of loved ones this time of year. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Good Help, help us with her maternal care, and may St. Joseph pray for us.

Vivat Jesus! Live Jesus!

Fr. Bob’s Briefs

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Page 6: December 9, 2018 Second Sunday of Advent St. Joseph · oscuridad han visto una gran luz; Sobre los que vivían en una tierra

St. Joseph School: A Community of Faith, Knowledge and Service.

5641 S. 73rd Ave., Summit 708-458-2927

Mr. Lawrence Manetti, Principal

I mentioned last week the exciting information regarding the INVEST IN KIDS PROGRAM. Through a group of donors secured by the Archdiocese, the group has agreed to pool their resources and offer a 2-for-1 matching gift program to schools run by the Archdiocese of Chicago. For every dollar designated to a qualifying school through Empower Illinois between December 1, 2018 and February 28, 2019, the school will receive two dollars in matching funds. St. Joseph School through the INVEST IN KIDS PROGRAM, was able to help some 30+ children but over 70 qualified. This is an opportunity to expand the program and help even more children making a Catholic Education affordable. By making a donation to Empower Illinois and designating your donation for St. Joseph School, every dollar you donate will be tripled, (i.e. a $1,000.00 would become $3,000.00). You as a donor would also receive a Tax Credit of 75% for your Illinois income tax. Donors who would like to receive the tax credit for their 2018 taxes should begin the process prior to December 14, 2018 to ensure that they have enough time to make their gift by December 31, 2018. For more in information speak with Mr. Manetti or visit

Queen of Hearts Raffle – This week’s drawing of our Queen of Hearts Raffle is complete. The winner is Kathy and her card number 2 revealed the Ace of Clubs. Our winner will receive $25.00. We begin our jackpot this week at $7,170.00. We hope to reach $7,500.00 by Tuesday. Remember, you must purchase new tickets each week to play Queen of Hearts. Tickets, 6 for $5, are available at the rectory and school office,

Fergie and Foz, and in the Narthex following the Masses.

Breakfast with Santa – On December 16th the St. Joseph Parent Club will be sponsoring a Breakfast with Santa, following the Masses. We will begin serving at 8:30 and end at 2:00 p.m. The cost is $5.00 for adults and $4.00 for children. Children younger than 3 eat free. Plan on joining us. Thank you and have a good week. God Bless. Lawrence Manetti, Principal

You’re A Winner! Congratulations! 52 Pick-Up News

Dec. 9, 2018

Ofelia Hernandez Ticket #0213

Congratulations to the $125 winners of the 52 Pick-Up Raffle! Tickets are available. Come by and pick

one up from the rectory or school.


Mass Intentions Mass intentions will be accepted at the Rectory office until 2 p.m. the Wednesday prior to bulletin publication. Since we work ahead one week ahead in the bulletin, the intentions must be sent to the parish office at least two weeks in advance of the bulletin date to appear in the requested bulletin. Baptisms Baptisms are held on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 2 p.m. in English and on the third Saturday of the month in Spanish at 12 p.m. (noon). Parents who have not taken a Baptism Preparation Class must do so before the Baptism. Classes are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. in English in our Activity Center, 5631 S. 73rd Ave. Registration for Baptisms and Baptism Class must take place in the rectory office prior to the event. Marriage/Weddings Please contact the Rectory office at (708) 458-0501 at least one year in advance. Parish Membership We welcome everyone to our parish. To register, please come to the Rectory office.

The Rosary is recited every Saturday after 8:30 a.m. Mass.

All are invited to participate.

St. Joseph, Pray for Us!

Page 7: December 9, 2018 Second Sunday of Advent St. Joseph · oscuridad han visto una gran luz; Sobre los que vivían en una tierra















Please take an ornament from the tree. The ornaments indicate whether the gift would be for boy/girl, age and size. The deadline for dropping off gifts for the Giving Tree is Sunday, Dec. 16. Please return the gifts to under the tree. All gifts are going to Catholic Charities at St. Blasé Parish, Summit on Monday, Dec. 17. Catholic Charities will host a Christmas party for the children on Tuesday, Dec. 18. Thank you for your generosity.

Las celebraciones para Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe comienzan con la Novena desde el lunes 3 hasta el martes 11 de diciembre del 2018 a las 7:00 p.m. Todos son bienvenidos a unirse a no-sotros para rezar el rosario. Habrá una misa a las 5:00 a.m. y a las 7:00 p.m. el miércoles 12 de diciembre de 2018. Celebrations for Our Lady of Guadalupe begins Monday, Decem-ber 3, 2018 with the Novena at 7:00 p.m. All are welcomed to join us in praying the rosary (in Spanish) through the 11th. There will be a mass at 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 12, 2018.


Page 8: December 9, 2018 Second Sunday of Advent St. Joseph · oscuridad han visto una gran luz; Sobre los que vivían en una tierra

MASS INTENTIONS Monday, December 10 8:30 a.m. †George Podrebarac/Podrebarac Family Tuesday, December 11 8:30 a.m. †Gladys Pechnick/48th Anniversary/Family †Mark Wagner/Mom Wednesday, December 12 - Our Lady of Guadalupe 5:00 a.m. †Felipe Bedoy †Pedro Ojeda †Angel & Socorro Prieto, Rudolfo Prieto, †Juana Guzman and Maria Avalos 8:30 a.m. †Deceased Members of St. Joseph Parish 7:00 p.m. †Heriberto ‘Jaqui’ Aguirre †Felipe Bedoy †Francisco Mata †Pedro Ojeda †Alicia Baeza Villalobos/Anniversary/Family Thursday, December 13 8:30 a.m. NO MASS Friday, December 14 8:30 a.m. †Clem Hojnacki/Jackie Hojnacki Saturday, December 15 8:30 a.m. St. Joseph Parish Benefactors 5:00 p.m. †Peggy Neligan †Frank Kuncic/Wife †Mary Ogarek/Ogarek Family Sunday, December 16 7:30 a.m. †Margaret Powers Kurcz †Patrick Jude Kurcz †Joseph P. Kurcz †Joanne Barkauskas/Family & Friends †Frank Sabatini/Wife & Children †Genevieve Sabatini/Children †Nancy Talerico/The Wessell Family †For Intentions Known to God 9:30 a.m. †Frank Andrejasich/Ed & Sue Lindgren People of St. Joseph 11:00 a.m. †Francisco Mata †Miguel Torres Blessings for Good Health: Jesus y Prisiliano Martinez 12:30 p.m. †Jan Babel †Stanislaw Maryniarczyk †Stanislaw Staszel †Wladzia Tatar Za Dusze S.P. Katarzyna I Stanislaw Gal W 5 Rocznice Smierci

COMMUNION MINISTERS Saturday, Dec. 15, 2018 5:00 PM. J. Bambera, A. Flores, G. Kujawa, T. Norris Sunday, Dec.16, 2018 7:30 AM Sr. Agatha, R. Kosowski 9:30 AM D. Kroll, S. Maloy, A. Serrano, G. Zaja 11:00 AM Maria Anzaldua, Lula Hermosillo, Angelica Jimenz, Alma Zubieta ********************************************************** ALTAR SERVERS Saturday, Dec.15, 2018 5:00 p.m. Daniel Lopez, Iris Pulido, Matthew Schaffer Sunday, Dec. 16, 2018 7:30 a.m. Madyn Dron, Giovanni Garcia, Eva Sendziak, Allessandra Torres 9:30 a.m. Jayden Chavez, Nailah Trujillo, Josh VanOrt, Marco Yanez 11:00 AM Nick Alvarez, Kevin Rodriguez, Maria Elena Zambrano ********************************************************** LECTORS Saturday, Dec. 15, 2018 5:00 PM J. Bambera Sunday, Dec. 16, 2018 7:30 AM E. Dominguez 9:30 AM D. Yanez 11:00 AM Lula Hermosillo - First Reading Angelica Romero - Second Reading

Weekly Collection Report

Weekly Parish Budget $ 9,500.00 Sunday Collection Dec. 2, 2018 $ 6,123.00 Thank you for your generosity Gracias por tu generosidad Bog zaplac za ofiary skladane na tace

Page 9: December 9, 2018 Second Sunday of Advent St. Joseph · oscuridad han visto una gran luz; Sobre los que vivían en una tierra


7240 W. 57th Street Summit, IL 60501

(708) 458-0501 [email protected]


9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday

BULLETIN DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. Wednesday

2 Weeks Prior

PARISH STAFF Pastor: Rev. Robert Stuglik

Weekend celebrant: Rev. Joseph Stobba, OSA Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor: Mrs. Joan Hadac

Adult Choir Director/Organist: Mrs. Darlene Donarski Pianist/Children’s Choir: Mrs. Anna Dron Ray Polish Choir Director: Mr. Aleksander Jazowski

Facilities Director: Mr. Vincent Slisz


Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM. ENGLISH 11:00AM SPANISH 12:30 PM POLISH


Saturday 4:00 - 4:30 PM

WEEKDAY MASSES 8:30 AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday

(8:30 AM Wednesday—School Mass During School Year) Thursday—No Mass is Celebrated

ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL School Principal: Mr. Lawrence Manetti Business Manager: Mrs. Kim Osowiec 5641 S. 73rd Ave. (708) 458 - 2927, then search for St. Joseph School Pk-8-Summit (Official page) ST. JOSEPH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Coordinator: Mrs. Penny Davis (708) 458-2927 HENRYK SIENKIEWICZ POLISH SCHOOL 5641 S. 73rd Ave. 708-415-0458 MINISTERS OF CARE: If you are homebound, and would like to receive Holy Communion, please call the parish office to make arrangements.

Alicia Anderson Sophie Bakos Joseph Bartosz Stan Bartosz Laura & Phil Behm Jack Bicigo Ann Bolek Kimberly Boll Bruce Bryers—US Military Elizabeth Cabaj Susan Castro Amal Centers Judy Centers Stanley A. Dabrowski Patricia Diaz Mary DiGangi Wladyslawa Dobros Melissa Dornbos Rita Dombrowski Allyse Donarski Jim Donarski Susan Dotson Don Erich Robert Erklin Rexnalda Fonseca Esperaza Franco Helen Frank *Alice Gomorczyk Dan and Ann Green Miguel & Julia Gutierrez Silvia C. Herrera Rich S. Jandura Denise M. Jandura David G. Jandura Steve M. Jandura Chester and Virginia Janeczko Millie Jercha Donald Johnstone Henry Kiwior Doug Kudwa Ted Kuldanek Hank Lampke Geri Lauer Tim Lauer Steven H. Lubawski Susanna Lubawski Diane Macek Rich Madej George Maslona Robert J. Mercurio Margaret Metoyer Dolores Michaels Colleen Mocnik Karen Mocnik Anthony Montaneo

Joyce Netecke William Netecke Janet Nelson Ed and Alice Nowak Thomas Obrenski *Emilia Okreglak Cassandra K. Peterson Iris Eliza Peterson Leonardo Alexandros Peterson Payton Pettigrew Ricardo Piedra Meg A. Radcliff Juanita Ramos Jackson Regan Robert Regep Paul Rinaldi Carmen Rodriguez Juanita Rodriguez Bridget Rollins Jennifer Sampres Michael Sawka Terry J. Scott Eileen Sheedy Lorraine Simich Ed Skowronski Kurt Stein Theresa Stypula Abigail M. Swaekauski Aurora Rose Swaekauski Kathy A. Swaekauski Scarlette Grace Swaekauski Tim R. Swaekauski Brian Swift Pat Tichacek Josephine Tipner Ricardo Varajas Arlene Wilder Pamela Wojdyla Patrick J. Woods Sheryl M. Woods Joanna Zieba Ryszard Zieba Emily Zwijak *Most recently added If you know of anyone that should be on the sick list, or taken off, please call the rectory. 708-458-0501. Thank You.