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  • AutoCAD is a CADD(Computer Aided Design & Drafting)

    software application for Version 2014 for Windows 7

    Layla Kaissy

    Humber College







    FALL 2015

    An ACCRONYM for Computer Aided Design & Drafting.



    Much of the material have been sourced from :AutoCAD Bible 2013 Author: Ellen Finkelstein Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 1 & 2 by Autodesk AutoCAD for Interior Designers by AutodeskAutoCAD Services & Support ,2011http://www.dreamstime.com/

  • 3After completing this lecture you will be

    able to:

    Define and save dimension styles

    correctly based on architectural

    drafting standards and intended plot


    DIMENSIONS Learning Objectives

  • Dimensions Lecture Outline

    1. Dimension

    2. Dimension Styles

    3. Editing Dimensions

  • Dimensions- General

    Dimensions are used on drawings to interpret the size and specifications.

    Dimensions indicate the measurements of the created models.

    Dimensions and texts are usually added after completing the drawing.

  • Furniture Stencil

    scale 1:50

    Daniel Libeskind Design of Toronto

    Museum AutoCAD drawings

  • Dimensions OptionsBefore dimensioning any object in the drawing, we have to decide what option is appropriate.

    AutoCAD provides many dimensioning options, according to different kinds of geometry.

    Linear Dimensions horizontal or vertical elements

    Aligned Dimensions angled elements

    Angle Specifies angle

    Continue dimension Creates a string of dimensions

    Baseline Provides overall dimensions

    Radius Dimensions radii of arcs, circles and ellipses

    Diameter Dimensions diameters of arcs, circles and ellipses

    Center mark Provides a mark signifying the center of an arc, circle and


  • Creating Dimensions Dimensions are a very important element of Annotation.

    They show the measurements and illustrate how your drawings meet the specifications.

    We will learn how to :

    Create different types of dimensions on linear objects. Create different types of dimensions on curved objects. Enhance dimensions for clarity of purpose.

    Creating Dimensions on Linear ObjectsLinear DimensionCommand Access

    Command line: DIMLINEAR, DIMLINMenu Bar: Dimension > LinearRibbon: Annotate tab > Dimensions panel > Linear

    Command Options (Sub-Prompt)

    Specify first extension line origin or < select object> Select one end of the line to be dimensioned. Use Osnap for precision. OR Hit the ENTER, and select the line to be dimensioned Specify the second extension line origin by Picking the other end of the line to be

    dimensioned. Use Osnap for precision.

    Specify dimension line location OR (Mtext/ Text/ Angle/Horizontal/Vertical/Rotated )

  • Dimension Styles It is very important to understand how to create and modify dimension styles .

    How to create and format and dimension styles to easily manage dimensions.

    Definition: Dimension style is a group of dimension settings or variables that

    control how dimension appear. You can use more that one dimension style in

    a drawing.

    Command Access

    Command line: DIMSTYLEMenu Bar: Format > Dimension StyleRibbon: Annotate tab > Dimensions panel > Dimension Style

    Dimension Style Manager

    The Dimension Style Manager displays all the dimension styles available in the

    drawing, in addition you can use all option in the dim. style manager to

    Create a new dimension styles Modify an existing style. Override a style Compare styles Set a style current.

  • Object line


    Dimension Text

    Extension line

    Dimension line

    Arrow head

    A gap that separate

    extension line from

    object- line


  • Two important characteristics of Dimensions:

    Dimensions are blocks: Blocks are group of objects that is working as one object

    Dimensions are associative: Association connects Dimensions and objects. If you change the object sixe , dimensions changes


    Dimensions Preparation:

    Create a layer for your dimensions. Choose a contrast color.

    You may create a special dimension layer that you may freeze/thaw or on /off... For example DIMN-ELEC

    Set your height in the text style to zero, will allow you to set text height according to your needs. If you specify a fixed height in

    text style, that height will overrides any height that you specify.


  • Dimension Style Manager

  • New Dimension Style Dialog Box






  • New Dimension Style Dialog Box

    1. Select New from the Dimension Style Manager

    2. Enter a new style name based on an existing dimension style that you choose from list

    3. A new dimension style is typically used for all dimension

    4. Check Annotative 6 to make all dimensions appear in consistent size when you have multiple viewports in the drawing layout.

    5. Select Modify to access the same Dimension Style Options

  • Dimension Style Options

  • New Dimension Style Dialog Box

    Lines Tab: Use this tab to adjust properties for the dimension and extension lines.

    Symbols and Arrows: Use this tab to adjust the arrowheads, etc.

    Text : Use this tab to adjust the text appearance, text placement, and the text alignment options

    Primary Units Tab: Use this tab to set options for the primary units displayed on the dimensions, the primary units are always displayed and

    they reflect the current drawing units setting.

    Alternate Units Tab: Use this tab to show two measurement units, metric and Imperial.

    Tolerances Tab: Use this tab to add tolerances to your dimensions. By adding tolerances to your dimensions, you are setting a valid range in

    which that as-built measurement of the feature must be maintained in

    order to ensure functionality.

  • Dimension Style Guidelines

    Dimension styles controls the appearance of dimension features. Dimension style options are based on general drafting standards. Only one dimension style can be current at a time. If you modify a dimension style, all dimensions using that style in

    the drawing update automatically.

    To set current or rename or delete a dimension style, select the name in the Dimension Style Manager, and right click to access these options.

    You cannot delete a dimension style if it is current. The quickest way to make a new dimension style current is to

    select it from the list in the Dimensions panel.

    A new drawing based on the ACAD dwg. template will contain a Standard style and an Annotative style.

    The Annotative dim. Style will display dimensions that are equal in size regardless of the viewport scale in the drawing Layout.

    For non-annotative dimensions, you must set dimension scale equal to your plot scale.

  • Editing Dimensions

    There are a variety of ways to edit dimensions depending on what kind of

    editing you need to do. You can:

    1. Reposition dimensions using grips

    2. Edit dimension features that override the dimension style

    3. Change dimensions from one style to another

    4. Edit the dimension text

    5. Edit dimensions using grips

    6. Dimedit commands.

    Command AccessDimension Edit - Edit text

    Command Line: DDEDIT

    Pointing Device: Double click a text object.

    1. You can use a Dimedit ( DDEDIT ) command to edit or override the dimension text measurement.

    2. You can use a Dimtedit command to edit the position of the dimension text.

    3. You can also right-click a selected dimension to access the Quick Properties or the Properties Palette where you can edit any dimension style features for the selected dimension.

  • Questions