ecology of saint martine


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Page 1: Ecology of saint martine



Page 2: Ecology of saint martine

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Page 3: Ecology of saint martine


St. martin Island located in the northest of the Bay of Bengal about 9 km. south of the Cox’s Bazar-

Teknaf peninsular tip and about 8 km. west of the northwest coast of

Myanmar at the mouth of the Naf River. South-eastern most point of Bangladesh. The Island between latitude 20034’ and

20039' N and longitude 92018' and 92021' E.

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AREA The area of the Island is about 5.9 km2

with the rocky platforms extending into the sea the

total area of the Island about 12 km2

five distinct physiographic areas within the Island.

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Uttar para Northen para Golachipa Connecting Uttar para

and Madhya para. Madhya para South of Golachipa Dakhin para Next to the South Cheradia Southern most tip

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St. Martin Island show a transition from terrestrial to marine habitats by the cross section of the different habitats

The key habitats are

(a) Rocky habitat



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Rocky Habitat

The rocky land at the south of dakhin para and west of the coast guard base.

The rocky habitats gradually decrease due to the removal of rocks and boulders for agriculture.

These create a limited ecological and biodiversity interest.

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Sand dunes and beach The sand dunes beach protects the local

people predicting sea level rises. The beach is the breeding habitat for turtles

and wintering habitat for shorebirds.

Dunes Dune act as a filter for rain water as it recharges the ground water and prevent sand being blown inland by

winds. Erosion of dune is accelerated by winter wind.

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Lagoons and wetlands

Three lagoons on the Island.

The lagoon of Dakhin Para is protected by

-widespread boulders

-and stone corals.

. The location of the wetlands in the southern part of the island

-have been reduced

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Mangrove habitat

The mangrove known as environmentally critical area.

29 mangrove species were recorded nine common. In 1996 there are 2.9 ha. of mangrove area

recorded. The main species of mangrove

- Acanthus ilicifolius,

-Avicennia marina,

- Hibiscus tiliceous.

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The mudflats area (Gaitta Banya) located at the southern end of the western beach.

many invertebrates found here. The mudflat only habitat for

colubrine Amphibious Sea snake (Laticauda colubrines)

-supports mud crabs and a large population of fiddler crabs

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Other inertidal habitat (150-250 ha.) Intertidal gastropod Coral algal Sea grass algal

Soft coral Soft bottom mud (east coast benthic

communities,from inshore to offshore)

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The lower inter-tidal area host for






It also helps for small reef fish by providing rocky pools.

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Marine habitats: - diverse coral communities in the rocky

sub-tidal habitat.- There are 66 spp. Of corals (14 soft

coral) of 22 genera a found here. - Sea grass meadows and algal flora

associated with extensive coral reefs.

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Flora Terresstrial vegetation:

- Following loss of the orginal forest

-continuing intensive agriculture

-recent increased number of tourists

- further change the vegetation

results in the loss of many flora and fauna species.

There are 260 plant ,150 herbs, 25 shurbs,32climber 53 trees 151 benthic and drift algal,18 bryophytes spp. found.

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Naturally occuring trees

-two species of pandanus (keya)

- and one species of streblus dominate here.

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Palm Trees

cocus nucifera (narikel), plam areca catechu (supari), Asian plam Boarassus flabellifer (taal), Phoenix Sylvestris (Khejur)

the main palm trees here.

There 15000 coconut trees here.

Local people use it for antigen stimulating and laxatives.

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Sterblus asper (shaora)known as khoi,tooth brush tree

It important for- paper makin - and to treat fever and dirrhoea.

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Mangrove species: The mangrove associated are Acanthus

ilicifolius, Hibiscus tiliceous, Clerodendrum inerme, Streblus asper and Vitex trifoliata (formed by rocks).

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Shurbs and herbs: Vitex trifolea (nil nishinda) and Vitex

negundo (aromatic shrub) are found here. This plant has anti bacterial, anti fungal and analgenic properites and used by local people to treat rheumatic fever.

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Screwpines: Two spp. used for sand dune formation


-Pandanus fascicularis(keya)

-p. foetidus (keyawata) here.

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Herbs: The main herbs

Ipomea Pescaprae (Shagor lota).

- It grows upper parts of beaches - and endures salt spray

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Fauna Echinoderms: Nine species belonging to eight genera are found here. This combined

-Sea urchins (4),

-Sea star (1),- Nudi branch (3),- - Sea cucumber (1).

Some example - Echinotrix diadema,- Chromodoris spp. - Holothuria atra.

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Cnidaria: 66 species of 22 genera have been recorded.

eg.- Porites, Favites,- Cyphastrea,- Goniastrea- Soft coral belong to the subclass octocoralia.

eg. Gorgonin,- Sea fans, Sea whips and some anthozoans

(Nemanthus spp, Telemactis spp.) found here.

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Molluscs: 187 spp. are recorded (44 spp.

gastropuds and rest bivalves) most abundant.

Two economically important gastropuds that aheavily depleted worldwide

- Trochus niloticus, - Turbo marmuratus

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Crustaceans: 12 spp. of crab have been recorded. Most abundant

- Red egg crab,

- Moon crab (mututa lunaris),

-mud crab(Scylla serrata),

- horshoe crab.

Two species of fiddler crab marsh or mud fiddler and sand fiddler.

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Fish: 234 spp. of fish have been recorded (89 coral associated

spp. and 16 freshwater) the most abundant fish

-damsel fish,

-parrot fish,

-surgeon fish,- predators, - snappers and- emperors.

Five spp. of butterfly and one spp. of angel fish (pamacanthus

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annularis) found

World largest fish whale shark (Rhincodon typus)

and Hammerhead shark (Sphyma spp.)

found which globally vulnerave to extinction.

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Reptiles and Amphibians: 27 reptiles spp. have been recorded. Three spp. of turtles olive ridley, hawksbill and

green are known to the nest on the island. six spp. of terrestrial and freshwater snakes, several

lizards and 4 spp. of fresh water turtle recorded. The important amphibians are

-common Asian toad (Bufo melanstictus),

-shipper frog,

-Indian Bull frog and

- spotted frog recorded.

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Birds: 85 spp. of birds (35 resident spp. and 50

migratory spp.) recorded. eg.

-common sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos),- Indian pond Heron (Ardeola grayii).

The decline in wintering water birds includin g shorebirds can be attributed to- the loss of wilderness and - -expansion of agriculture.

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Mammals: 19 spp. have been recorded during

survey in 1995-96.

- Indopacific Humphacked Dolphin (Sousa chinenis),

- Bottle nose dolphin

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Irrawaddy Dolphin Orcaella brevirostris (Vulnerable)

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Some species of conservation significance: All spp. of marine algal treates as nationality

threatened spp.- marine turtle spp. globally threatened with

extinction. - The number of wintering migratory birds

have declined.- Considerably and is thought to be a direct

result of increasing human use of the shoreline.

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It is the only coral bearing island of Bangladesh.

Government of Bangladesh has declared the island as an Ecologically Critical Area.

Local and national awareness, government and private sector cooperation are essential for the conservation and sustainability of this exclusive ecosystem

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It was noted that buying and selling land has pushed the price of limited land up.

Valuable mangrove and hills have been cleared and cut down for holiday cottages or hotel purpose.

Recent environmental requisites have not been well coordinated or explained to the people.

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While Shipping ministry and Tourism ministry tend to encourage tourism,

the government now needs to come up with special policy for St. Martin’s and implement it.

Thus we can save St. martin ecosystem

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