edgeryders angelfair presentation

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Post on 14-Apr-2018




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  • 7/29/2019 Edgeryders Angelfair presentation


    EdgerydersCome together. Inspire one another. Support each other.

    Peer to peer.

    Nadia EL-Imam, [email protected], @Ladyniasan

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  • 7/29/2019 Edgeryders Angelfair presentation


    Nadia from edgeryders. I have a soution and problem. The solution is consultancy for innovative business. Problem consultancy is broken. Globalunrest, rapid climate change, mass unemployment, outdated governance structures. So we turn to consultants for advice and perspective. But theMckinseys ofer old world solutions to new world problems. You cant solve the problems of the future with solutions of the past. Edgeryders hasthe network and methodology to consult on questions at edge of context. We are here today because we want to partner with you and access yournetworks.

  • 7/29/2019 Edgeryders Angelfair presentation



    People experimenting with alternative responses to new problems exist on the edge. People looking for answers & who have resources live here.The people with resources ask the Mckinseys of the world to help make sense of whats going on. But they, like the clients they are trying to helplive in the centre. The centre asks the wrong questions and tries to solve the wrong problems.This next cartoon illustrates the prevailing wisdom

  • 7/29/2019 Edgeryders Angelfair presentation



    People want innovation but innovation thats already been done. Disruptive innovation is impossible to evaluate even in theory. Evaluators try tomeasure it in terms of the world they live in (and does not contain the innovation), whereas innovators try to build the world which does containthe innovation. The former are accountable to the present; the latter to the future. Einstein said its insane to repeat the same process and expectdiferent results. Some examples of our approach:

  • 7/29/2019 Edgeryders Angelfair presentation


    Problem: gap in innovation support system for pre-market and radical innovation. Like artist residency but for innovators to take on socialproblems with local community. From idea to prototype and changes in policy in less than 12 months. Problem would otherwise take 10 years tosolve.

  • 7/29/2019 Edgeryders Angelfair presentation


    Problem: fighting organised crime. Solution: Maa-free equivalent of fare trade labelling forbusinesses that step forward and refuse to pay protection money to the Maa. Easier for consumersto support them and inspires others to also act against organised crime by showing that if you do it,no one will come after you.

  • 7/29/2019 Edgeryders Angelfair presentation


    Problem: liquidity contraints brought on by crises criple local economies. solution algorithm for network bartering.Its called Economy App Moneyless economy for the 99%.

  • 7/29/2019 Edgeryders Angelfair presentation


    Open Consultancy

    Engagement engine

    Social & technical sostware

    In situ network and ethnographic


    We want access to your networks and market. And to the inventory of business you have to accelerate using tools from the edge. Lets talk.Because our network and methodologies will help them deploy faster and more successfully.