edx3270- ass. 1- 0061029219

EDX3270- Using ICT in Early Childhood Education Rikki Frazer- 0061029219

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This is my presentation for EDX3270- Assignment One.


  • 1. EDX3270- Using ICT in Early Childhood Education Rikki Frazer- 0061029219
  • 2. Annotations: Carrington, V. (2005). New Textual Landscapes, information and early literacy. In Marsh, J. (Eds.) Popular Culture, New Media and Digital Literacy in Early Childhood. New York: Taylor and Francis. Retrieved March 26th, 2014 from http://books.google.com.au/books?hl=en&lr=&id=erHYYf88GlAC&oi=fnd&pg=PP1 &dq=early+childhood+literacy+education+ict&ots=btNo5Vbsk0&sig=j6BKhK2jfmpr EIouF-MAA_CSt6E#v=onepage&q&f=false In this chapter Carrington explores the ever evolving landscapes of texts in literacy, especially noting the effects of this during early childhood learning. Carrington in this article discusses that with new technology advances; literacy education now needs to focus on educating the students using the technology available and as it becomes available. Carrington also discusses that with the introduction of the internet during childhood, students now have access to an immense amount of information which previously would not have been so readily available. Carrington is a credible author whom belongs to the Faculty of Education at the University of Plymouth in the United Kingdom, she has also been published numerous times in educational journals. This article will be useful to the essay as it supports the hypothesis being proposed.
  • 3. Annotations: Higgins, S. (2003). The impact of ICT on learning and teaching: it can make a difference. In Higgins, S. (2003) Does ICT Improve Learning and Teaching in Schools? UK: British Educational Research Association. Retrieved March 28th, 2014 from http://learning.wales.gov.uk/docs/learningwales/publications/121122ictlearningen.pdf In this chapter, Higgins discusses the benefits for teaching and learning that using Information and Communications Technology can have, if it is used correctly. Higgins discussion concluded numerous points including; Information and Communications Technology can assist students to improve grades through its use, students view of learning was seen as more positive when Information and Communications Technology was involved and lastly, simply supplying teachers and schools with Information and Communications Technology, will not make a difference to students learning alone, teachers need to attend professional development so as to be able to beneficially use the technology during class time. This document was produced in the United Kingdom and Steve Higgins, is a member of the University of Newcastle faculty. It is therefore a credible source as the author is well-regarded and the research it was based on was conducted by a research entity.
  • 4. Annotations: Labbo, L. & Reinking, D. (2003) Computers and Early Literacy Education. In Hall, N., Larson, J. & Marsh, J. (Eds.)(2003) Handbook of Early Childhood Literacy. London: SAGE. Retrieved March 27th, 2014 from http://books.google.com.au/books?hl=en&lr=&id=xQI8DZr- NTsC&oi=fnd&pg=PP2&dq=information+and+communication+technologies+early+ childhood&ots=pwf9C5dPrc&sig=1KWqEPbeAQa2- j5BJGxbV2Wsq4U#v=onepage&q&f=false Labbo and Reinking in this chapter discuss the necessity for digital based literacy to be involved throughout schooling years. Furthermore technology is ever evolving and most careers and jobs would now use some form of information and communication technology throughout the workplace. Labbo and Reinking believe that the students need to be educated for their future, this starts with incorporating technology in literacy education. Linda Labbo is a Professor in the Department of Reading Education at the University of Georgia and has been published in numerous books in her field. David Reinking is also a Professor at the University of Georgia. This chapter is particularly useful to the essay as it focuses primarily on Early Childhood Education, which is hard to find specific research and publishings on.
  • 5. Annotations: Lee, L. & ORourke, M. (2006). Information and Communications Technologies: transforming views of literacies in early childhood settings. DOI: 10.1080/09575140500507835. Retrieved March 27th, 2014 from http://www.darlingdeer.com.au/learningcollective/publication%20folder/ CEYE_26_01_05.pdf In this article Lee and ORourke detail the findings of research conducted in early childhood settings regarding the use of Information and Communications Technology. IBM along with the Australian Government set up a research project to put computers in early childhood centres in low-socio economic areas. The overall aim of this case study was to encourage the students and families to have a confident approach to technology and for the students to become literate with computers in order to be successful in their schooling years. This article by Lee and ORourke is one of the few found to be produced in Australia, therefore it is able to be argued that this piece is of higher relevance to the essay.
  • 6. Annotations: Livingstone, S. (2004). Media Literacy and the challenge of new information and communication technologies. London: LSE Online Research. Retrieved March 27th, 2014 from http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/1017/1/MEDIALITERACY.pdf In this paper Livingstone explores the new literacy requirements of education in the 21st Century. Livingstone discusses the necessity, not only for leisure activities but increasingly for job prospects, of having competency in computer and internet literacy. Livingstone also argues that media literacy is so chameleonic, changing according to what media the user is engaging with and also they are heavily interrelated, you need a solid understanding of one in order to interpret the other. Overall Livingstone sees media and digital literacy as valuable tools for the 21st Century. Sonia Livingstone is a published writer, this article has been published in a journal as well as on an online database. The article reinforces the view of the essay, that literacy education is evolving and needs to include different technologies.
  • 7. Annotations: Marsh, J. (2005a). New Textual Landscapes, information and early literacy. In Marsh, J. (Eds.) Popular Culture, New Media and Digital Literacy in Early Childhood. New York: Taylor and Francis. Retrieved March 26th, 2014 from http://books.google.com.au/books?hl=en&lr=&id=erHYYf88GlAC&oi=fnd& pg=PP1&dq=early+childhood+literacy+education+ict&ots=btNo5Vbsk0&si g=j6BKhK2jfmprEIouF-MAA_CSt6E#v=onepage&q&f=false In this chapter, Marsh discusses the new found theories of the links between digital literacy and children. The chapter defines literacy, popular culture, new media and digital literacy. Marsh describes how the traditional view of literacy and texts can no longer be solely used in education. Marsh argues that whilst traditional texts still play a role in literacy education, the focus is now on improving the digital literacy areas. Marsh has edited and written numerous published works. Jackie Marsh is also an esteemed member of the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom.
  • 8. Annotations: Marsh, J. (2005b). Digikids: Young Children: popular culture and media. In Yelland, N. (Eds.) Critical Issues in Early Childhood Education. New York: Open University Press. Retrieved March 26th, 2014 for http://books.google.com.au/books?hl=en&lr=&id=Zp8QDxCnWPwC&oi=fn d&pg=PP1&dq=ict+in+early+childhood+education&ots=4mz0XWGSd_&sig =syuIHK-DnLGJhoSHlf0o6N8EXYc#v=onepage&q&f=false In this chapter Marsh discusses the need to re-evaluate the importance that digitalised media plays in early childhood literacy education. Marsh emphasises the need to retain traditional literacy abilities, arguing that the new media age has the potential to create deficiencies in students literacy capabilities. Marsh also discusses that the gap between the home and school worlds has not been closed as technology is proving to in some cases widen the gap. Jackie Marsh is a Senior Lecturer of Literacy, Language and Culture at the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom. She has published numerous books in the literacy field. This article does offer some opposing views to that of the hypothesis of the essay.
  • 9. Annotations: Rowan, L. & Honan, E. (2005). Literarily Lost: The Quest for Quality Literacy Agendas in Early Childhood Education. In Yelland, N. (Eds.) Critical Issues in Early Childhood Education. New York: Open University Press. Retrieved March 26th, 2014 for http://books.google.com.au/books?hl=en&lr=&id=Zp8QDxCnWPwC&oi=fnd&pg=P P1&dq=ict+in+early+childhood+education&ots=4mz0XWGSd_&sig=syuIHK- DnLGJhoSHlf0o6N8EXYc#v=onepage&q&f=false In this chapter Rowan and Honan detail the evolution that has occurred in regards to literacy education in the early years. Rowan and Honan discuss the stakeholders in the students lives whom have together changed the face of literacy. The focus has shifted from traditional reading and writing to digitalisation. Rowan and Honan examine and evaluate a current literacy programme being used in Austrailan schools and how this has taken into consideration the evolution of literacy. Both Rowan and Honan are respected members of the literacy areas of Deakin University. This article is useful for the construction of the essay as it raises key ideas regarding literacy education change in the early years.
  • 10. Annotations: Straker, L. & Pollock, C. (2005) Optimizing the Interaction of Children with Information and Communtication Technologies. Australia: Ergonomics. Retrieved March 27th, 2014 from http://espace.library.curtin.edu.au/cgi- bin/espace.pdf?file=/2009/08/27/file_1/129062 In this paper Straker and Pollock explore the positive and negative points associated with the use of Information and Communication Technology during the childhood years. Straker and Pollock discuss how children use Information and Communication Technology including schooling, leisure and entertainment. Straker and Pollock propose the theory that society will experience a technology revolution, similar to that of the agricultural and industrial. The need for Information and Communications Technology competency and literacy is growing fast and Straker and Pollock argue that students in schools need to be becoming Information and Communications Technology literate earlier. This article, was written and published in Australia, it is arguably therefore more relevant to the essay.
  • 11. Annotations: Waller, T. (2008). ICT and Literacy. In Marsh, J & Hallet, E. (Eds.) Desirable Literacies: Approaches to Language and Literacy in the Early Years. London: SAGE Publications. Retrieved March 26th, 2014 from http://books.google.com.au/books?hl=en&lr=&id=takll6K9EzsC&oi=fnd&pg=PP2&dq=ict+in+early+ childhood+literacy+education&ots=lwu-OPac1I&sig=GZRmtfMgMEQET- 9PDZWNrB6YmNU#v=onepage&q=ict%20in%20early%20childhood%20literacy%20education&f=fal se In this chapter, Waller evaluates a variety of different internationally produced research regarding Information and Communications Technology in early childhood education. Waller discusses the positive and negative impacts on childrens lives and schooling, as a result of the heavy use of technology. Waller does however take into consideration that not all children have access to technology and that the gap between home and school life in regards to technology is difficult to judge. Finally, in this chapter Waller discusses the potential for the development of technology use in classrooms and the benefits for the teaching and learning of literacy. Tim Waller is an esteemed member of the University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom. He has produced many research tasks including the study of children using Information and Communications Technology or literacy learning over a period of 8 years. This article is a great support to the essay, with 8 years of evidence reinforcing this.
  • 12. Essay: Literacy and what it actually is, is a highly contested and often argued topic (Riddle, 2014a). Literacy is at the heart of basic education for all, and essential for eradicating poverty, reducing child mortality, curbing population growth, achieving gender equality and ensuring sustainable development, peace and democracy (Riddle, 2014a). With this is mind, it is important to consider all of the different facets and types of literacy that students of the 21st century will need for later life. Technological advances are at the forefront of conversation and confusion, many argue that students not only need traditional literacy abilities but they also need to be contemporarily literate. It is a belief of many that in the early years of education, as well as all years of schooling, literacy education should incorporate use of information and communication technology (ICT). The following discussion will outline evidence supporting this belief and also arguments to the contrary. At the core of this essay is the focus on literacy education for children, how can it be improved, what will benefit them in their lives and how can teaching staff assist them.
  • 13. Essay: The 21st Century is an ever-evolving and growing landscape of texts (Carrington, 2005). Children of this era need to be educated in how to effectively become literate of the new types of text and technology that are continuously being invented (Carrington, 2005). In order for students to become literate with all of the new technology, they need to have access with it and to experience the benefits and uses for it (Straker and Pollock, 2005). Using information and communications technology in the classroom is of benefit to the teachers and students. Labbo and Reinking (2003) argue this point and believe that students need to be involved with information and communications technology in order to have an explicit understanding of how it works, how to comprehend and utilize it. Labbo and Reinking (2003) discuss that before school most students will have come into contact with some form of information and communications technology, however there are some students whom have not and this can create trouble in the classroom for teachers (Labbo & Reinking, 2003). This is an argument for having the technology in the early years, so that students can become familiar with it and confident in its use. For the students whom have had little to do with technology of some sort, this is alarming as it widens the gap between home and school worlds, in a negative manner (Labbo and Reinking, 2003) (Livingstone, 2004). These students will complete their schooling and hopefully transition successfully into the workforce, with the knowledge that the majority of workplaces having some form of information and communications technology embedded within their industry, it is immensely important for these students to be literate with a wide variety of technologies (Livingstone, 2004).
  • 14. Essay: Currently in Australia there is a significant education revolution (Riddle, 2014a) occurring. The numerous political, educators and community groups, whom are all major stakeholders in this revolution, are all pushing for their ideals of improvement for the current literacy in the curriculum. Marsh (2005a) raises the issues that not only do students of the 21st Century have to cope with technology changes, but also the changes of pop culture and new styles of media. Teachers need to be able to incorporate these new advances into their programs to cater for our changing world. Carrington (2005) is strongly in support of this issue, agreeing that the new advances need to be heavily present in all curriculums. This would arguably include the new curriculum being constructed in Australia currently. All new information and communications technologies need to be incorporated in the lesson plans and assessments by the teachers. This would also mean that teachers would need to attend professional development to keep their information and communications technology skills up to date and continually be creatively thinking of different ways to use the technology (Higgins, 2003).
  • 15. Essay: In conclusion, literacy and its definition have for many years been a controversial and sometimes confusing topic. Now added to the mix is the addition of the 21st Century information and communications technology advances and how to best prepare the students for the successful transition into the workforce or further tertiary study. At the core though of the contention is the desire to improve and achieve the best outcomes for the students as possible. This is the one aim that all stakeholders in the literacy argument agree on.
  • 16. Reflection: Information and Communication Technology is a continuously evolving topic and term. With all of the new technologies that are being produced and that exist, it is so important that all students are given the opportunity to become familiar and competent in using them. It is my personal choice to make sure that when I am a qualified teacher, I will embed as much ICT into the teaching and learning cycle of my programs and units as possible. I would also like to keep up with technologies that are being created, personally, as if I can realise the benefit and usefulness of them, it will make it so much easier for me to pass this onto my students. I would like to be creative as well with the technologies and use them in interesting and engaging ways during assessment and classroom learning times. For example, one technology I have pushed myself recently to learn and understand is Pinterest, now with the more I have been using it, I can see some really great ways to use this is the classroom as well as stimulate my creative senses with all of the opportunities that exist on Pinterest. ICT is one of those things you just have to keep embracing and pushing yourself with, it isnt going to disappear and the opportunities are endless.