electrodynamic vibration shaker system tarang...

TARANG KINETICS ELECTRODYNAMIC VIBRATION SHAKER SYSTEM www.tarangkinetics.com MEDIUM FORCE SERIES of Electrodynamic Vibration Shaker System are vibration generating equipment, having wide frequency range providing a worthwhile testing environment for sinusoidal, shock and random vibration analysis in Automotive parts and system qualification testing, Avionics and military hardware testing, Satellite component testing, Product development & reliability, Telecom, Automobiles Industries, Stress screening and R&D laboratories etc as per relevant ISO, IEC, JSS55555, MIL and other international Standards. 'Tarang' make Electrodynamic Vibration shaker system has a platform rigidly connected with a Drive Coil (Armature) positioned in DC magnetic field excited by AC signal generated by PWM Power Amplifier. When AC current flow in the drive coil, a force is generated which moves drive coil and attached platform vertically. This vibratory force is applied on the objects/specimens mounted on Shaker platform. This force can be used in the horizontal direction as well with the help of a slip table attachment. 'Tarang' make Exciters utilize modern armature suspension systems which is Rolling strut type featuring low transverse motion. Reinforced SS inserts are provided on Exciter platform to hold specimen/object to be tested. The Digital Power Amplifier is a MOSFET based Modular Type Class-D Switching to drive Electrodynamic Vibration Shaker System with high reliability, excellent durability and direct coupling to Shaker. The Power Amplifier has a user-friendly interface at the front panel and is equipped with self diagnostic and protection features such as cooling check, current supply check, field supply check etc. to avoid damage to Power Amplifier, Shaker and testing object due to malfunctioning or mis-operation. The Digital Vibration controller is used to simulate actual field vibration conditions at test laboratory in a controlled manner so as to reproduce the same vibration atmosphere but ensuring safety of device/object under test. Sinusoidal, shock, random and complex sinu-random vibration environment can be simulated using different software methodologies on the any Standard Digital Vibration Controller providing sinusoidal sweep, shock and random vibration test. Wide Dynamic Range Force rating from 1000Kgf to 3000Kgf High performance armature Touch Screen based Digital Amplifier Controller High Signal to noise ratio Power Efficiency is greater than 90% Robust rolling strut suspension Trunion mounted shaker for easy integration with slip table Modular in design for easy and quick operation Various safety interlocks for safe operation Auto Centring of Armature Compatible with all worldwide controllers Option for Chamber integration Medium Force Series (1000Kgf - 3000Kgf)

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Post on 14-Mar-2020




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MEDIUM FORCE SERIES of Electrodynamic Vibration Shaker System are vibration generating equipment, having wide frequency range providing a worthwhile testing environment for sinusoidal, shock and random vibration analysis in Automotive parts and system qualification testing, Avionics and military hardware testing, Satellite component testing, Product development & reliability, Telecom, Automobiles Industries, Stress screening and R&D laboratories etc as per relevant ISO, IEC, JSS55555, MIL and other international Standards.

'Tarang' make Electrodynamic Vibration shaker system has a platform rigidly connected with a Drive Coil (Armature) positioned in DC magnetic field excited by AC signal generated by PWM Power Amplifier. When AC current flow in the drive coil, a force is generated which moves drive coil and attached platform vertically.

This vibratory force is applied on the objects/specimens mounted on Shaker platform. This force can be used in the horizontal direction as well with the help of a slip table attachment. 'Tarang' make Exciters utilize modern armature suspension systems which is Rolling strut type featuring low transverse motion. Reinforced SS inserts are provided on Exciter platform to hold specimen/object to be tested.

The Digital Power Amplifier is a MOSFET based Modular Type Class-D Switching to drive Electrodynamic Vibration Shaker System with high reliability, excellent durability and direct coupling to Shaker. The Power Amplifier has a user-friendly interface at the front panel and is equipped with self diagnostic and protection features such as cooling check, current supply check, field supply check etc. to avoid damage to Power Amplifier, Shaker and testing object due to malfunctioning or mis-operation.

The Digital Vibration controller is used to simulate actual field vibration conditions at test laboratory in a controlled manner so as to reproduce the same vibration atmosphere but ensuring safety of device/object under test. Sinusoidal, shock, random and complex sinu-random vibration environment can be simulated using different software methodologies on the any Standard Digital Vibration Controller providing sinusoidal sweep, shock and random vibration test.

Wide Dynamic Range

Force rating from 1000Kgf to 3000Kgf

High performance armature

Touch Screen based Digital Amplifier Controller

High Signal to noise ratio

Power Efficiency is greater than 90%

Robust rolling strut suspension

Trunion mounted shaker for easy integration with slip table

Modular in design for easy and quick operation

Various safety interlocks for safe operation

Auto Centring of Armature

Compatible with all worldwide controllers

Option for Chamber integration

Medium Force Series (1000Kgf - 3000Kgf)


# M o d e l T E D V -1 50 0 T E D V -2 00 0 T E D V -2 50 0 T E D V -3 00 0

P e rfo rm a n c e P a ra m e te rs

S in e F o rc e (P e a k ) 1 5 0 0 K g f 2 0 0 0 K g f 2 5 0 0 K g f 3 0 0 0 K g f

R a n d o m F o rc e (rm s ) 1 5 0 0 K g f 2 0 0 0 K g f 2 5 0 0 K g f 3 0 0 0 K g f

S h o c k F o rc e 3 0 0 0 K g f 4 0 0 0 K g f 5 0 0 0 K g f 6 0 0 0 K g f

M a x A c c e le ra tio n B a re T ab le (S in e )

8 5 'g ' 8 5 'g ' 9 5 'g ' 8 5 'g '

S ys te m V e lo c ity (S in e ) 1 .7 m /s 1 .8 m /s 1 .8 m /s 1 .8 m /s

M a x D is p la c e m e n t (p e a k to p e a k )

3 8 /5 1 m m 5 1 m m 5 1 m m 5 1 m m

A xia l R eso n a n ce (+ 5 % ) 2 .8 K H z 2 .7 K H z 2 .7 K H z 2 .6 K H z

U s e fu l F re q u e n c y R a n g e D C to 3 .1 K H z D C to 3 .0 K H z D C to 3 .0 K H z D C to 2 .8 K H z

S h a k e r P a ra m e te rs

M a s s o f A rm a tu re 1 8 K g 2 6 K g 2 6 K g 3 5 K g

S ize o f A rm a tu re (d ia ) 2 4 0 m m 3 0 0 m m 3 0 0 m m 3 6 0 m m

In s e rt P a tte rn *

C e n te r – 1 1 0 0 p cd – 4 1 4 1 .4 p cd – 4 2 0 0 p cd – 4

C e n te r – 1 1 4 1 .4 p cd – 4 2 0 0 p cd – 4 2 5 0 p cd – 8

C e n te r – 1 1 4 1 .4 p cd – 4 2 0 0 p cd – 4 2 5 0 p cd – 8

C e n te r – 1 1 4 1 .4 p cd – 4 2 0 0 p cd – 4 3 0 0 p cd – 8

P a ylo a d C a p a c ity 2 5 0 K g 3 2 5 K g 3 2 5 K g 3 7 5 K g

S tra y m a g n e tic fie ld (1 5 0 m m a b o ve tab le )

< 1 .5 m T < 1 m T < 1 m T < 1 m T

C o o lin g b lo w e r 1 0 0 0 c fm 1 5 0 0 c fm 1 5 0 0 c fm 1 5 0 0 c fm

S h a k e r M a s s 1 6 0 0 k g 3 2 0 0 kg 3 2 0 0 kg 3 5 0 0 kg

D im e n s io n s 1 0 0 0 * 6 5 0 * 8 5 0 m m 1 3 5 0 *8 2 5 *1 1 0 0 1 3 5 0 *8 2 5 *1 1 0 0 1 4 2 0 * 8 8 5 * 1 1 6 5

U tilit ie s re q u ire d 4 -6 b ar co m p re sse d a ir , e arth in g

P o w e r A m p lifie r C h a ra c te ris tic s

S ig n a l to n o is e ra tio > 7 0 d B > 7 0 d B > 7 0 d B > 7 0 d B

P o w e r e ffic ie n c y > 9 0 % > 9 0 % > 9 0 % > 9 0 %

In p u t Im p e d a n c e 1 0 K o h m 1 0 K o h m 1 0 K o h m 1 0 K o h m

In p u t s e n s itiv ity 4 V rm s, co m p a tib le w ith a ll s ta n d ard co n tro lle rs

P o w e r re q u ire m e n t (3 P h a s e ) 1 5 K V A 2 4 K V A 3 0 K V A 3 8 K V A

P ro te c tio n in te rlo c ks O ve r C u rre n t, O ve r V o lta g e , U n d e r V o lta g e , M o d u le F a ilu re , C o o lin g In te rlo ck , O ve r T e m p e ra tu re A m p lifie r & S h a ke r, C u rre n t L im it, lo ss o f inp u t p h a se e tc

V ib ra tio n C o n tro lle r

S ta n d a rd S o ftw a re S w ep t S ine , R a nd o m , C la ss ica l S ho ck , R eso nance S earch T rack & D w e ll

O p tio n a l S o ftw a re R a nd o m o n R a nd o m , S ine o n R and o m , S ho ck R esp o nse S p ectru m , T rans ie nt T im e

h isto ry e tc

N o O f C h a n n e ls 4 C h a n n e ls up g ra da b le u p to 1 6 ch a n n e ls

R e c o m m e n d e d A tta c h m e n ts

C irc u la r H e a d E x p a n d e r d ia T H C E -6 5 0 T H C E -6 5 0 T H C E -7 5 0

T H C E -7 5 0 T H C E -1 0 0

T H C E -7 5 0 T H C E -1 0 0

H o rizo n ta l S lip T a b le T H S T -6 0 60 T H S T -6 0 60 T H S T -8 0 80

T H S T -8 0 80 T H S T -1 0 10

T H S T -8 0 80 T H S T -1 0 10




Medium Force Series (1000Kgf - 3000Kgf)

NOTE : Due to continuous development specifications are subject to change without notice.

Customized solutions are also available