evaluation question 2 a2 media

Evaluation Question 2: How is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts

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Post on 31-Jul-2015



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Evaluation Question 2:How is the combination of your main product and

ancillary texts

Title synergy

Using the same font and having the title located in a large text size means that all 3 texts can be easily recognized to be of the same film. So if people have seen one they recognize it somewhere else


The tagline is featured in the trailer and the poster. This is because these are both created solely to promote the film and the magazine is created so that people read the articles about films not just the plotlines etc.


The date of the film is displayed on the trailer and the film poster. This also helps to hammer the date into the memories of people who will see it more than once. Also the magazine is a may edition meaning that it would be drawing close to the release date of Beneath, released in June, so its long enough for people to wait for it to arrive but not so long that they forget about it if they read the articles (one very effective way of using the date was the film ‘immortals’ which used the release date as 11/11/11 which is a unique date which was really easy to remember so everyone knew when It was coming out.)

Institutional info

Institutional information also connects the trailer and the poster as people may recognize: actors, producers, directors etc and they remember who makes what and what the films turn out to be like


The use of the same characters is plain to see in the trailer and the magazine front cover. This means that people will recognize the actors however it may be a bit harder to notice this for some because on the magazine the actors have their eyes covered

Similar shots

Same style of shots or sections taken from the film and used in the anciallry tasks means people who have looked at any of these can relate them to one another because they use footage from the trailer