flashback scritp

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Post on 06-Apr-2018




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  • 8/3/2019 Flashback Scritp




    Michael Smallwood

    SCRIPT 1

    Version 2

  • 8/3/2019 Flashback Scritp


    Act I.

    INT. The Garden Mid Day

    The garden is of a simple nature and kept neat, with

    bushes around the edges decking at the front (closed to

    the house) and a single tree in the centre. A deck chair

    is placed under it to the right.

    ESTABLISHING SHOT, low to the ground of the decking

    facing into the garden.

    A MANS foot comes into view from the right and stops

    just shy of the end of the decking. The sound of children

    playing faintly O.S.

    CUT SHOT to look at the bottom half of the mans face,

    looking from the right.


    A WOMANS voice, O.S, states, This is quite a nice

    garden, adds real value to the house. I bet you had

    some good memories of it.

    Man replies, Yes Most my happiest childhood memoriescome from this very spot.

    More sounds come in, O.S, of a child calling his father.

    Act II.

    INT. The Garden - Flashback Sunny Day

    FADE to the deck chair. Full body Shot.

    MAN sitting under the tree on the deck chair. Back turnedto the camera.

    BOYS voice gets louder, still calling his father.

    Man stands and turns to the fight as the Boy comes

    running in from the right.

    MID SHOT of the two.

    Man picks up the Boy in a hug and says, Hey the scamp,

    come for another check up ay?.

  • 8/3/2019 Flashback Scritp


    Boy replies, Yes, Play with me again today! While

    hugging the Man.

    Now facing the camera the Man puts the boy onto the deck

    chair and pulls a case out of his pocket.

    Close up of the man while he opens the case to revel

    Dentistry tools.

    CUT SHOT to be looking of the Boys shoulder as the Man

    say, Open wide and say aaaaahhhhhhh.

    Aaaaahhhhh, the Boy says as the Man plays around with

    his tools and then replys ,There their you go, youll

    be getting your grown up teeth anytime soon!.

    Boy giggles and begins to say Daddy, when I grow up

    CUT SHOT over the Mans shoulder who is still standing on

    the deck facing the deck chair.

    Act III

    INT. The Garden Flash Forward Mid Day

    FADE to the mans face as he says I want to be just

    like you.

    Woman asks ,Pardon? Did you say something? O.S.

    Man replies, No, I am done here if you whish to


    Man turns around to face the camera and the direction the

    Womans voice is coming from.

    Oh ok then, this way. Are you sure about this as I know

    you the Woman says. O.S

    Man interrupts ,Yes, as sure as Ill ever be.

    DISOLVE to the front the house. A car pulling away to the

    right which revels a FOR SALE sign next to the house.

    The End.