foot races and athletic sports! - nys historic...

OdtJJfTY AND tic iN IT f; r'rrv 'k ':-’ GaineSviHe, Elmer Bristol of Rochester is home on a short vacation, • ^ :. Miss Minnie Shores of Saltvale is visiting her aunt, Mrs. F^eOman. Fourteen from this placet attended^the Good Templars’ county lodgti at Hermitage on Friday, last. j Fred Gordon of Rochester was the guest of J. W. James on Saturday. James Bristol and son James C. Bristol, left on Monday for a visit fco Sfc. Paul, Minn. . v __________1 :F Roch Glen, Frattk Lincoln of Varysburg was in town last Wednesday. •• Anthony Malonson has moved into the Fullington house, T. J. Waite and wife were in town on Sunday. ^ ^ The boys have great sport learning to ride their wheels. George Cone of Perry was in town Friday. Miss Nellie Burke is at home for her vaca tion, O- The Zunf Indian Medicine company are in town, giving very good entertainments and meeting with fair success in the sale of their medicines. A. B. Jones of Castile has moved into the Ensign house. Oatka. Mrs. Merrit Gifford and son of Silver 'Springs and Hattie Johnson of Philadelphia were guests of Mrs. John Youmans on Fri day. i . ' Niles Keeney and wife and Irma Keeney visited in LaGrange over Sunday. Rev. H. H. Baker attended the yearly meeting of the F. W. B. church at Dale on Sunday. Will Austin and wife were guests of Frank Austin and wife on Sunday. George Simmons and wife of Silver K Springs were guests of Robert Gregg and jwife on Sunday. ' Marion Warner of Castile visited his mother on Sunday. Nettie Klem visited friends in Warsaw bn Saturday and Sunday. Miss Joanna Dillon closed f* p u s h f u l term of school on Friday. Mrs. Charles Fisk and son visited in Batavia last week. Miss Winnie Smallwood closed her sehobl on Friday evening with an entertainment. * Hugh ^ of Gaiuesyill? P * iu town on Sundays are Will Beardsley and wife entertained Wil lard. Beardsley and wife of* Silver Springs, and friends from Buffalo on Sunday, Wm. Fluker and wife attended the con vention at Castile on Tuesday and Wednes- Martin Smallwood of Chicago is spending his vacation at home. Luke Cavil and Miss Flora .Kimball at tended the alumni at the Walker House, ' Silver Lake. Palmer Kimball is building an addition to his barn. _______________ _ Saltvale. Charles Freeman and wife of Gainesville were in town last Sunday. Mrs. H. M. Conger visited friends in Wyo ming last Thursday. . . .Mrs, A. J. Wheeler was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Stgdman at their Silver Lake cottage afew days last week. Miss Leona SMdley mid Bert Andrews of ’ Mrs. Lyons of Wyoming called ~9Egerone evening las|_ Miss Blanche Webster spent last Monday , night at her home in Warsaw. Elwin Kelly of Wyoming called on friends in Saltvale last Thursday. Mrs. L. L. Chaffee and Mrs. W. D. Rey nolds of Warsaw were guests of Mrs. Charles, Chaffee one day last week. Miss Estelle Chaffee attended the graduat ing exercises at Warsaw last week. J. Shores and Mike Redden were in Penn-> sylvania a few days last week. The Crystal Salt company is clearing away the debris occasioned by the fire. Lewis Howes, wife and son called at G. Miller’s the first of the week. Edward YanAUen and wife were in town Sunday. Rev. William Kellogg of East Elba came on Monday to make ajshort visit to his sis ter, Mrs. H. B. Bradley. Miss Emma Mann is spending her vaca tion at home. Miss Ida Graham of Buffalo is spending some time at home. ^Miss'Mamie GaHigan of GenOseo and Miss Alice Galligan of * Allegheny, Pa., are home during vacation. > Rev. J. C. Bubenheim, who* is now in Europe, writes home that he arrived safely, although on account of rough sea he was delayed a few days* and is enjoying himself to the utmost extent. Miss Cassie Divers is home from the Gen eseo Normal* as is also Max Torrey. Arthur Torrey. of Arcade was in town on Sunday to visit his parents. The following -officers were elected by North Java lodge, 618,1. O. O. F., Monday evening; Noble grand, John Garrett; vice grand, Henry Adams; secretary, Herbert Getty; treasurer, Ira Adams; trustee, Henry 'Adams; representative, James Royce, N. S. Wells of Crystal Salt lodge, 505, as proxy. Miss Maggie Kavanagh is home from Buf falo to spend her vacation with relatives in town. . . . ■ . . , August Ess of Buffalo and Miss Susan Dominissey of North Java were married in St. Nicholas church Tuesday* June 25, Rev, Daniel O’Brien of East Arcade officiating. T. A. Flattery of Curriers was a guest of friends in town on the 25th. Miss Teresa Morgan of Rochester was in town ‘‘awheel” during the past week* a guest of friends. Spencer’s orchestra of Bliss will furnish the music at the opening dance to be given by mine host W. C. Putnam at the Central House July 2. L. J. Proper was home from Perry Sun day with a new bicycle, to visit his relatives here. E. R. Fox and wife visited friends at Her mitage the past week. Rev. Mr. Dark entertained a young gen tleman from Buffalo a few days during the past week. The highways are almost impassible now on account of the sods and dirt being torn np and placed thereon by those who ‘‘work on the road” to kill time. LaGrange. Mr. and Mrs. Niles Keeney and daughter of Warsaw spent Saturday night and, Sun day as guests of A. B. Hunt and wife. A large nupafcer from the Baptist church here wfll atfeu,4 the Gfegpsee Baptist assoei- ^ Wednesday; and Clarence Salford and wiffe bf Wafcs&W 2 $ ? M?el ^ Mfc of Sftffdrd’s pa^ OT? Mr* Mrs. Qiyam taylor. Mr. and Mrs. dohnsbh of Warsaw Wef& entertained by A, B, Hunt and wife Sunday. Tile family friends here of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barber were entertained at their home in Perry on Sunday in honor of his birthday. M. L. Mayhew. is painting and. decorating the interior of the home of Levi Patridge. Mrs. Nichols and son of Ypsilanti, Mich,* accompanied by Henry Nichols and wif© bf Moscow; were calling on friends here. anji. took dinner with Mallory Wellmtgi- 'on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Phebe C.J^S^hSw spent Snnday with her son. Clarence Cate of Wyoming, and retujfied home Monday, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Clara Cate of Am- st§jdam, who 'will remain with her .mother -for some time, or through the vaoatiou at least. A feS? items from bur school report may be of interest to some of the pupils* Floycl Mayhew and Harold Altoft in spelling and definitions have not missed a word during the term, also in reading. These two; with! Earl Brown and Julia Herrington, have, spelled all the compound words in the read ing lesson, without missing. Others of the school have also done well, showing good progress. Mrs. Calkins, who has been staying with "her daughter, Mrs. Handyside, for some time, left last week for Tonawanda, where; she has another daughter living. Fred Lawson and wife and John Baker and wife visited their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Lawson, on Sunday last. Mrs. Rugg of Bliss is visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. Bradt. Geneseo Hermitage. v Miss Nellie Shay is home from for the summer vacation. Norman Belden is canvassing since school closed. He is in and abont LeRoy at pres ent. C. S. Merrill and family are entertained this week by Mrs. Laura Wolcott. , f Mrs. Louisa Briggs has been visiting her; sister, Mrs. Powell, of Eagle. Mrs. Nelson Evans is suffering from gas tritis and is seriously ill. ■<v-Theodore Wait was in town last week* The connty lodge of Good Templars was held here Friday. Five lodges were repre- . sented besides this one,: and every effort was made to have a pleasant and profitable time.: ; The rain in the morning may have detained some, but those who came were warmly welcomed. H* 0. Ford, state lecturer; was i the speaker of the evening. The officers elected were: Gounty chief templar, Chas. Lewis, Johnsonsburg; past chief templar, Lewis Zeeches, Hermitage; vice templar, , ^ Mrs. H. A. Wolcott; secretary, Mary Tows- ‘ \.Jey, Hermitage; marshal, William Powers; treasurer, Mrs. M. R. Brown, Gainesville; counselor, P. H. Wolcott, Hermitage; senti nel, Edward Torrey, Hermitage: guard* > Mary Allen, Java; chaplain, Mrs. Ellen Wil son, Hermitage; deputy marshal, Miss Lucia Wiseman, Gainesville; assistant secretary, Miss Myrta Neely, Hermitage; superinten dent juvenile temple, Mrs. Eugene Fox, North Java; lodge deputy, R. H. Whitbeck* ' Miss' Mary Towsley has gone to Long Point, Conesus, for the summer. She left here Monday morning, The Baptist church and Sunday sehobl wiU be well represented at the association at ' Castile this week. Frank W, Smith is expected home this week from Eddytown, where he has been teaching languages in Starkey seminary for the past year. " . . ••• . < Wethersfield Springs. > Little Leona Catlin of Warsaw was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Gill last week. Mr.. and:.Mrs. •Wm. Shader: are visiting friends ih Yorkshire. Miss Ada Perkins of Warsaw is visiting' George Knox’s family. News bag been received here of the death - of Captain Robert R. Rankin, who was , drowned at Kingston, Ont., Junp 16. Rev. Charles Bragdon treasurer of the > Arch Deanery of Buffalo visited this parish last week* Mr. and Mrs. John Bender over the birth of a son. Arcade; v ; The closing exercises of the school held last week in Keystone Hall, entertainment was given by the: h r ih i^ and intermediate department bn Wednesday; evening. The house was well filled and th© participants did. Credit to themspjves and their teachers. On Thursday evening the Alumni held their reunion. The entertainment given fry - them was well carried out. Mrs. Frank P. Hulette gave a fine vocal solo, and Miss; Alice Stearns recited a seleotion from “Hia watha.” The history of the class given by Arthur Evans was well delivered and-.full of humor.: John Knight delivered an Address which held the attention of all* and must' have made the young alumnus feel more strongly the debt of gratitude he owes to his alma mater. After the entertainment a: social hop was held. Long before the time for the exercises to begin, on Friday evening, every inch, of standing room was taken by friends anxious to see the closing event in the school life of the class of ’95. Misses Myres and Metcalf gave very pleasing vocal selections, and Misses Yradenburg andSmith rendered beautiful instrumental music. Miss Cora: Williams chose for the subject of her well- written and well-read essay, “The wall must; bear the weather marks before it grows the ivy.” “Youth and Old Age”: was the subject; of :Miss Emma Wilson’s pleasing essay, and Miss Bessie Smith treated the topic of “Myths” in an interesting manner. Orwal Sage gave an excellent oration on the “His tory of Invention.” Prof. Smith gave a short address, .after which Rev. J. Yraden burg, president of the board, presented the graduates with their diplomas. There will be no need for- Arcadians to go out of town to spend the Fourth this year. The exercises will commence afc 10 o’clock with a drill of the firemen under direction of Rev. C* C. Johnson. At 10:30 the Arcade and Bliss nines play a match game of ball* and at 1 o’clock the Hon. Fred A. Robbins of Angelica will deliver an oration. At 2 o’clock there will be horse and bicycle races at the driving park. In. the evening there will be fireworks and dancing at the fire men’s building. s Ed Wheeler and family of Bliss Sunday with R. S. Wheeler and wife. ' Robert Mann of Warsaw spent Suifday in town. Prof. J. H. Gibson left for Albany on Wednesday* where he will attend the re gents convocation. Rev. W. A. Hobbs of Warsaw is expected to be present and address the Christian En deavor society at the 'Congregational ohurch aiT°uday evenihg. Wm isnow collecting the corpo- Jo « - t k g% u s j E-s' Tuesdays and Saturdays. People have stopped asking V rad“ road is coming. “ Our little girl had diarrhoea in a very bad form. We tried everything we think of bnt Dr. Fowler’s o f w i l d Strawberry, which helpedjjgi; right away.” Mrs. Ann Berg- m5fi^verban, SaailacCo., Mich. We recommend DeWitt’s Colic and Chol era Cure because we believe in a safe and reliable remedy* Its good effects are shown at once in cases of Cholera Morbus and sim ilar complaints. Frank Wilson. Foi* Sale. A n ic e gentle horse which a lady can drive—also good carriage and harness. Will be sold cheap. Enquire of Mbs. J. W. Conboy. •• • • • • ••* • spent >• • -.♦ # • • - *• • • .• • •'*** • ••A*. • -. m •• • • Foot Races and Athletic Sports! fiT i* • • • • • •*- • • • . . • • m • • • : s W ARSAW DRIVING PARK, 1 Large WARSAW, N. Y. Field of Entries Assured. Already • ••* • -v-W.-W. ri"*: ^ A ll th e F a ^ s t ^ h e e l m e n m W e s t e r n H Wk ^feW ^York will com pete for the ^ Big Prizes Offered. Eagle. Crops are flourishing—with the exception of hay, which is exceedingly light. Farmers are still sowing corn to help out the deficit in the hay crop. Miss Pearlie Thomas of Hume was a guest of Miss Mildred Prey several days last week. Mrs. McCall and family and Mrs. F. R. Wilson are entertaining relatives from Chi cago. Prof. B. X Shields of Clinton, Iowa, was visiting in town Monday and Tuesday. A. L. Marchant and wife visited Frank Smith and wife at their home in Rushford over Sunday. Bert Prey and sister Alta visited C. M. Calkins and wife at Nunda. Saturday and Sunday. A severe thunder storm passed through this section Monday evening. Ed Sullivan of East Arcade lost two yearlings by the lightning. &iitokd 1 D on’t TobaOttO Youtf Lrile is the truthful, startiihg title of a book about No-To-Bacv tlie harmless, guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up nicotinlzed nerves eliminates the nicotine poison,, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You rhn no physical or flnancial risk, .as No-To*Bac is sold by druggists everywhere under a guar antee to cure or money refunded. Book free* Address Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicago. ] 11 LEWIS & GAGE, W arsaw . • • ■•••* ft.-- »**«•• ft - ><•%% ' ■•■♦•.■••■■ft' 4 V l.O .. .-.-ft #.-■• . -ft • • ••« • ■' ■ • •_ •. • •••• B a k in g *' Powder' Jlkso/ufely Pure A .. cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength.— Latest. XJuited States Qovemwent Food Report . Royal Bakin? Powder Co., 106 Wall St., N. Y. W IL S O N & H U 8 T E B s EACLE. N. Y. EA SY , V ER Y EA SY . It requires no skill to write adver- tisements of onr Clothing Department W E SIM PLY Write our every day experience. We sold a gentleman a , suit last week. Had never SOLD ONE - : ; ’* , ! ‘ V /. ■'■•••'' *-"V :' .' . •* . ‘ x . ‘ ' •• .i . . •• •• r ' . • . ■ To him before. After wearing it one day, he came to us with a pleased look on his face and said “JUDGE— CASH AND PRICE yhis week you will find onr Center Counter loaded with SUM M ER FABRICS! If you are lookiug for a Swivel Silk, for a Dress or Waist—Price only 25c. Scotch Lawn at 4 cents. Cheffonetts at 5 cents, French Bril liant, softknd fleecy at 12 1-2 cents. Dotted Swiss from 17 cents to 50 cents. India Lawn from 6 cents to 40 cents. Printed Battiste at 10 1-2 cents. Peken Cloth at 10 cents. Figured Sateens at 101-2 cents. Challies at 3 1-2 cents* S. F. M A N N . Buffalo St., Warsaw. W ork are rejoicing Persons who are subject to diarrhoea will find, a speedy cure in De Witt’s Colic and : Cholera Cure. Use no other. It is the best that can b t made or that money can pro-' cure, It leaves the system in natural A u dition after its use. We sell It, F. Wfisl Something New. a •• The Kraus Eight Shovel Cultivator. > Guided entirely by loot levers, shovels Instantly set any dis tance apart while machine is in motion* GaQgfS raised or lowered separately or jointly* will run to end of row and avoid end hill, with a touch of the foot It will go right or left regard less of the team. This only successful hillside worker in the world. See it at our store* Also themew walking Cultivator with l and 2 levers. CARRIAGES better and cheaper than ever* Eilptic spring, with either square or corningbodies. All at pricesyou will like. ;iD :vfc<l4Q cents &jmir. By having purchased 40 cases before the Likes the fit of my suit SO well that he advance we are able to offer, while they will give you an order for one tomor- ^St men s work shoes at the oldpnces, % ^ $l-2o to $1.50 a pair. They’ll go quick. row morning.” Our work advertises us better than anything we could pos- H aplis & Gliss, W ^arsaw sibly write. This is only one of many such cases. W IL S O X T & M JJ8 T E B Ei LY. i [SAPropriet P. F E C K , ’ m t. iPricks Guabaniobd. SAW Y, Until Septs 1st Morris $ M a c M l WAE8A.tR, N. % J ill sell their entire stoek Q tmake room far fr Cktoeand

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Post on 20-May-2018




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Page 1: Foot Races and Athletic Sports! - NYS Historic’s the first of the week. ... Rev. J. C. Bubenheim,

OdtJJfTY AND tic iN IT f;


GaineSviHe,Elmer Bristol of Rochester is home on a

short vacation, • ̂ :.Miss Minnie Shores of Saltvale is visiting

her aunt, Mrs. F^eOman.Fourteen from this placet attended^the

Good Templars’ county lodgti at Hermitageon Friday, last. j

Fred Gordon of Rochester was the guest of J. W. James on Saturday.

James Bristol and son James C. Bristol, left on Monday for a visit fco Sfc. Paul, Minn. . v __________1

:F Roch Glen,Frattk Lincoln of Varysburg was in town

last Wednesday.•• Anthony Malonson has moved into the Fullington house,

T. J. Waite and wife were in town on Sunday. ^ ^

The boys have great sport learning to ride their wheels.

George Cone of Perry was in town Friday.Miss Nellie Burke is at home for her vaca­

tion, O-The Zunf Indian Medicine company are

in town, giving very good entertainments and meeting with fair success in the sale of their medicines.

A. B. Jones of Castile has moved into the Ensign house.

O atka.Mrs. M errit G ifford and son o f S ilver

'Springs and Hattie Johnson of Philadelphia were guests of Mrs. John Youmans on Fri­day. i . '

Niles Keeney and wife and Irma Keeney visited in LaGrange over Sunday.

Rev. H. H. Baker attended the yearly meeting of the F. W. B. church at Dale on Sunday.

Will Austin and wife were guests of Frank Austin and wife on Sunday.

George Simmons and wife of Silver K Springs were guests of Robert Gregg and jwife on Sunday.' Marion Warner of Castile visited his mother on Sunday.

Nettie Klem visited friends in Warsaw bn Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Joanna Dillon closed f* p u s h f u l term of school on Friday.

Mrs. Charles Fisk and son visited in Batavia last week.

Miss Winnie Smallwood closed her sehobl on Friday evening with an entertainment.

* Hugh ^ of Gaiuesyill? P * iu town on Sundays

areWill Beardsley and wife entertained Wil­

lard. Beardsley and wife of* Silver Springs, and friends from Buffalo on Sunday,

Wm. Fluker and wife attended the con­vention at Castile on Tuesday and Wednes-

Martin Smallwood of Chicago is spending his vacation at home.• Luke Cavil and Miss Flora .Kimball at­

tended the alumni at the Walker House,' Silver Lake.

Palmer Kimball is building an addition to his barn. _______________ _

Saltvale.Charles Freeman and wife of Gainesville

were in town last Sunday.Mrs. H. M. Conger visited friends in Wyo­

ming last Thursday.. . .Mrs, A. J. Wheeler was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Stgdman at their Silver Lake cottage afew days last week.

Miss Leona SMdley mid Bert Andrews of ’ Mrs. Lyons of Wyoming called

~9Egerone evening las|_

Miss Blanche Webster spent last Monday , night at her home in Warsaw.

Elwin Kelly of Wyoming called on friends in Saltvale last Thursday.

Mrs. L. L. Chaffee and Mrs. W. D. Rey­nolds of Warsaw were guests of Mrs. Charles, Chaffee one day last week.

Miss Estelle Chaffee attended the graduat­ing exercises at Warsaw last week.

J. Shores and Mike Redden were in Penn-> sylvania a few days last week.

The Crystal Salt company is clearing away the debris occasioned by the fire.

Lewis Howes, wife and son called at G. Miller’s the first of the week.

Edward YanAUen and wife were in town Sunday.

Rev. William Kellogg of East Elba came on Monday to make ajshort visit to his sis­ter, Mrs. H. B. Bradley.

Miss Emma Mann is spending her vaca­tion at home.

Miss Ida Graham of Buffalo is spending some time at home.

^Miss'Mamie GaHigan of GenOseo and Miss Alice Galligan of * Allegheny, Pa., are home during vacation. >

Rev. J . C. Bubenheim, who* is now in Europe, writes home that he arrived safely, although on account of rough sea he was delayed a few days* and is enjoying himself to the utmost extent.

Miss Cassie Divers is home from the Gen­eseo Normal* as is also Max Torrey.

Arthur Torrey. of Arcade was in town on Sunday to visit his parents.

The following -officers were elected by North Java lodge, 618,1. O. O. F., Monday evening; Noble grand, John Garrett; vice grand, Henry Adams; secretary, Herbert Getty; treasurer, Ira Adams; trustee, Henry

'Adams; representative, James Royce, N. S. Wells of Crystal Salt lodge, 505, as proxy.

Miss Maggie Kavanagh is home from Buf­falo to spend her vacation with relatives in town. . ■ . . ■. . ,

August Ess of Buffalo and Miss Susan Dominissey of North Java were married in St. Nicholas church Tuesday* June 25, Rev, Daniel O’Brien of East Arcade officiating.

T. A. Flattery of Curriers was a guest of friends in town on the 25th.

Miss Teresa Morgan of Rochester was in town ‘‘awheel” during the past week* a guest of friends.

Spencer’s orchestra of Bliss will furnish the music at the opening dance to be given by m in e h ost W. C. P u tn am at th e C entral House July 2.

L. J. Proper was home from Perry Sun­day with a new bicycle, to visit his relatives here.

E. R. Fox and wife visited friends at Her­mitage the past week.

Rev. Mr. Dark entertained a young gen­tleman from Buffalo a few days during the past week.

The highways are almost impassible now on account of the sods and dirt being torn np and placed thereon by those who ‘‘work on the road” to kill time.

LaGrange.Mr. and Mrs. Niles Keeney and daughter

of Warsaw spent Saturday night and, Sun­day as guests of A. B. Hunt and wife.

A large nupafcer from the Baptist church here wfll atfeu,4 the Gfegpsee Baptist assoei-

^ Wednesday; and

Clarence Salford and wiffe bf Wafcs&W2 $ ? M?el ^ Mfc of Sftffdrd’s pa^ OT? Mr* Mrs. Qiyam taylor.

Mr. and Mrs. dohnsbh of Warsaw Wef& entertained by A, B, Hunt and wife Sunday.

Tile family friends here of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barber were entertained at their home in Perry on Sunday in honor of his birthday.

M. L. Mayhew. is painting and. decorating the interior of the home of Levi Patridge.

Mrs. Nichols and son of Ypsilanti, Mich,* accompanied by Henry Nichols and wif© bf Moscow; were calling on friends here. anji. took dinner with Mallory Wellmtgi- 'on Thursday of last week.

Mrs. Phebe C.J^S^hSw spent Snnday with her son. Clarence Cate of Wyoming, and retujfied home Monday, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Clara Cate of Am- st§jdam, who 'will remain with her .mother-for some time, or through the vaoatiou at least.

A feS? items from bur school report may be of interest to some of the pupils* Floycl Mayhew and Harold Altoft in spelling and definitions have not missed a word during the term, also in reading. These two; with! Earl Brown and Julia Herrington, have, spelled all the compound words in the read­ing lesson, without missing. Others of the school have also done well, showing good progress.

Mrs. Calkins, who has been staying with "her daughter, Mrs. Handyside, for some time, left last week for Tonawanda, where; she has another daughter living.

Fred Lawson and wife and John Baker and wife visited their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Lawson, on Sunday last.

Mrs. Rugg of Bliss is visiting her daugh­ter, Mrs. Bradt.


v Miss Nellie Shay is home from for the summer vacation.

Norman Belden is canvassing since school closed. He is in and abont LeRoy at pres­ent.

C. S. Merrill and family are entertained this week by Mrs. Laura Wolcott. , ■ f

Mrs. Louisa Briggs has been visiting her; sister, Mrs. Powell, of Eagle.

Mrs. Nelson Evans is suffering from gas­tritis and is seriously ill.

■<v-Theodore Wait was in town last week*The connty lodge of Good Templars was

held here Friday. Five lodges were repre- . sented besides this one,: and every effort was made to have a pleasant and profitable time.:

; The rain in the morning may have detained some, but those who came were warmly welcomed. H* 0. Ford, state lecturer; was

i the speaker of the evening. The officers elected were: Gounty chief templar, Chas. Lewis, Johnsonsburg; past chief templar, Lewis Zeeches, Hermitage; vice templar,

, ^ Mrs. H. A. Wolcott; secretary, Mary Tows- ‘ \.Jey , Hermitage; marshal, William Powers;

treasurer, Mrs. M. R. Brown, Gainesville; counselor, P. H. Wolcott, Hermitage; senti­nel, Edward Torrey, Hermitage: guard*

> Mary Allen, Java; chaplain, Mrs. Ellen Wil­son, Hermitage; deputy marshal, Miss Lucia Wiseman, Gainesville; assistant secretary, Miss Myrta Neely, Hermitage; superinten­dent juvenile temple, Mrs. Eugene Fox, North Java; lodge deputy, R. H. Whitbeck*' Miss' Mary Towsley has gone to Long Point, Conesus, for the summer. She left here Monday morning,

The Baptist church and Sunday sehobl wiU be well represented at the association at

' Castile this week.Frank W, Smith is expected home this

week from Eddytown, where he has been teaching languages in Starkey seminary for the past year. "

• •. . •• • . < ■ • Wethersfield Springs.

> Little Leona Catlin of Warsaw was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Gill last week.■ Mr.. and:. Mrs. • Wm. Shader: are visiting friends ih Yorkshire.

Miss Ada Perkins of Warsaw is visiting' George Knox’s family.

News bag been received here of the death - of Captain Robert R. Rankin, who was , drowned at Kingston, Ont., Junp 16.

Rev. Charles Bragdon treasurer of the> Arch Deanery of Buffalo visited this parish

last week*Mr. and Mrs. John Bender

over the birth of a son.

Arcade; v; The closing exercises of the school held last week in Keystone Hall, entertainment was given by the: h r i h i ^ and intermediate department bn Wednesday; evening. The house was well filled and th© participants did. Credit to themspjves and their teachers.

On Thursday evening the Alumni held their reunion. The entertainment given fry - them was well carried out. Mrs. F rank P. Hulette gave a fine vocal solo, and Miss; Alice Stearns recited a seleotion from “Hia­watha.” The history of the class given by Arthur Evans was well delivered and-.full of hum or.: John Knight delivered an Address which held the attention of all* and must' have made the young alumnus feel more strongly the debt of gratitude he owes to his alma mater. After the entertainment a : social hop was held.

Long before the time for the exercises to begin, on Friday evening, every inch, of standing room was taken by friends anxious to see the closing event in the school life of the class of ’95. Misses Myres and Metcalf gave very pleasing vocal selections, and Misses Yradenburg a n d S m i t h rendered beautiful instrumental music. Miss Cora: Williams chose for the subject of her well- written and well-read essay, “The wall must; bear the weather marks before it grows the ivy.” “ Youth and Old Age”: was the subject; of :Miss Emma Wilson’s pleasing essay, and Miss Bessie Smith treated the topic of “Myths” in an interesting manner. Orwal Sage gave an excellent oration on the “His­tory of Invention.” Prof. Smith gave a short address, .after which Rev. J. Yraden­burg, president of the board, presented the graduates with their diplomas.

T h ere will be no n eed for- A rcadians to go out of town to spend the Fourth this year. The exercises will commence afc 10 o’clock with a drill of the firemen under direction of Rev. C* C. Johnson. At 10:30 the Arcade and Bliss nines play a match game of ball* and at 1 o’clock the Hon. Fred A. Robbins of Angelica will deliver an oration. At 2 o’clock there will be horse and bicycle races at the driving park. I n . the evening there will be fireworks and dancing at the fire­men’s building.s Ed Wheeler and family of Bliss Sunday with R. S. Wheeler and wife.' Robert Mann of Warsaw spent Suifday in town.

Prof. J. H. Gibson left for Albany on Wednesday* where he will attend the re­gents convocation.

Rev. W. A. Hobbs of Warsaw is expected to be present and address the Christian En­deavor society at the 'Congregational ohurch

aiT°uday evenihg.W m isnow collecting the corpo-

J o « - t k g % u s j E - s 'Tuesdays and Saturdays.

People have stopped asking V rad“road is coming.

“ Our little girl had diarrhoea in a very bad form. We tried everything we think of bnt Dr.Fowler’s o f w i l d Strawberry, whichhelpedjjgi; right away.” Mrs. Ann Berg- m5fi^verban, SaailacCo., Mich.

We recommend DeWitt’s Colic and Chol­era Cure because we believe in a safe and reliable remedy* Its good effects are shown at once in cases of Cholera Morbus and sim­ilar complaints. Frank Wilson.

Foi* S a le .A n i c e gentle horse which a lady can

drive—also good carriage and harness. Will be sold cheap. Enquire of

Mbs. J. W. Conboy.

• • • • •• ••* •



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F o o t R aces a n d A th le tic S p o r t s !

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W A R S A W D R I V I N G P A R K , 1

L a r g e


F i e l d o f E n t r i e s

A s s u r e d .

A l r e a d y

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^ A l l t h e F a ^ s t ^ h e e l m e n m W e s t e r n H

W k ^ f e W ^ Y o r k w i l l c o m p e t e f o r t h e

^ B i g P r i z e s O f f e r e d .

Eagle.Crops are flourishing—with the exception

of hay, which is exceedingly light. Farmers are still sowing corn to help out the deficit in the hay crop.

Miss Pearlie Thomas of Hume was a guest of Miss Mildred Prey several days last week.

Mrs. McCall and family and Mrs. F. R. Wilson are entertaining relatives from Chi­cago.

Prof. B. X Shields of Clinton, Iowa, was visiting in town Monday and Tuesday.

A. L. Marchant and wife visited Frank Smith and wife at their home in Rushford over Sunday.

Bert Prey and sister Alta visited C. M. Calkins and wife at Nunda. Saturday and Sunday.

A severe thunder storm passed through this section Monday evening. Ed Sullivan of East Arcade lost two yearlings by the lightning.

&iitokd 1Don’t TobaOttO■ Youtf Lrile

is the truthful, startiihg title of a book about No-To-Bacv tlie harmless, guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up nicotinlzed nerves eliminates the nicotine poison,, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You rhn no physical or flnancial risk, .as No-To*Bac is sold by druggists everywhere under a guar­antee to cure or money refunded. Book free* Address Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicago.

]11 L E W IS & G A G E, W a r s a w

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B a k i n g * '

P o w d e r'Jlkso/ufelyPure

A .. cream of tartar baking powder. H ighest of all in leavening strength.—L a test. XJuited S ta te s Q o vem w en t F ood R e p o r t .

Royal B akin? P ow der Co.,106 Wall St., N. Y.

W I L S O N & H U 8 T E BsEACLE. N . Y.

E A S Y , V E R Y E A S Y .

It requires no skill to write adver- tisements of onr Clothing Department


Write our every day experience. We sold a gentleman a , suit last week. Had never

S O L D O N E• - : ; ’* , ! ‘ V ■ /. ■ '■•••'' *-"V :' .' ■. ■ •* . ‘ ■ x . ‘ '

•• .i . . •• •• r ' . • . ■

To him before. After wearing it one day, he came to us with a pleased look on his face and said

“ J U D G E —


yhis week you will find onr Center Counter loaded with

S U M M E R F A B R I C S !I f you are lookiug for a Swivel Silk, for a Dress or Waist—Price only 25c.

Scotch Lawn at 4 cents. Cheffonetts at 5 cents, F rench B ril­

liant, softknd fleecy at 12 1-2 cents. Dotted Swiss from 17 cents to 50 cents. India Lawn from 6 cents to 40 cents. Printed Battiste

at 10 1-2 cents. Peken Cloth at 10 cents. F igured Sateens at

101-2 cents. Challies at 3 1-2 cents*

S. F. MANN. Buffalo St., Warsaw.

W o r k

are rejoicing

Persons who are subject to diarrhoea will find, a speedy cure in De Witt’s Colic and

: Cholera Cure. Use no other. I t is the best that can b t made or that money can pro-' cure, I t leaves the system in natural A u ­dition after its use. We sell It, F. Wfisl

Something New.• a • • •

T h e K raus E ig h t Shovel C u ltivator.

> Guided entirelyby loot levers, shovels Instantly set any dis­tance apart while machine is in motion* GaQgfS raised or lowered separately or jointly* will run to end of row and avoid end hill, with a touch of the foot It will go right or left regard­less of the team. This only successful hillside worker in the world. See it at our store* Also themew walking Cultivator with l and 2 levers.

CARRIAGES better and cheaper than ever* Eilptic spring, with either square or corning bodies. All at prices you will like.

;iD :vfc<l 4Q cents & jmir.B y h a v in g p u rch ased 4 0 cases b efo re th e

Likes the f i t of my suit SO well that he advance we are able to offer, while theywill give you an order for one tomor- ^St men s work shoes at the oldpnces,

% ̂ $l-2o to $1.50 a pair. They’ll go quick.row morning.” Our work advertisesus better than anything we could pos- H a p l i s & G l i s s , W ^ a r s a wsibly write. This is only one of many such cases.

W I L S O X T & M J J 8 T E B

E i LY. i [ S A P r o p r i e t

P. F E C K , ’

m t.

i Pricks Guabaniobd. SAW, » Y,

U n t i l S e p t s 1 s t

Morris $ M acM l

W AE8A.tR, N. %J ill sell their entire stoek Q tmake room far fr
