for gr-oser hrelrn cenn

ghcqanki 11 St Gabriels Road, Cricklewood, London NW2 4DS TbYFax:0181 451 9188 E-nail: jankifound@compuserve. com R€gistered Charity No. 1063908/0 ghz qanki Goundnliatt F o R G r - o s e r Hrelrn Cenn Putting Heart into Healing

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Page 1: FoR Gr-oser Hrelrn Cenn

ghcqanki11 St Gabriels Road, Cricklewood,

London NW2 4DSTbYFax: 0181 451 9188

E-nail: jankifound@compuserve. comR€gistered Charity No. 1063908/0

ghz qanki GoundnliattF o R G r - o s e r H r e l r n C e n n

Putting Heartinto Healing

Page 2: FoR Gr-oser Hrelrn Cenn


A chariable tust ngistercd in the UK to rcliwesicknes and incrase halth awaanes inRajasthan, one oflndiat least developd stata.

More specifcally, it is enhancing the work ofthe Global Hospiu.l and Research Gntre.where an eroerirnent in holisdc health care rssening an example that may bemme a modelfor the 2lst century.

The Foundation also seeks to share the benefitofthe Global Hosoiul exoericnc and rerearchfindings with othei institutions and individualswoddwidc.

The objectivs are:

O To suppon health carc provision in Rajanhanduough ptimary and purcnative health care andsocial wc[9n prognmma.O To suppon specialist unis at the Global Hospinland in prwraative ndical ad health ducationaloutrcach projccts.O To suppn ..di-l research at the Glohl Hospiuland Rcarch Gnm ad is afiliarcd insritutions incollahruion with ccanes ofqcellena ia the UKad elscwierc.


A world-renownd authoriry on hunan development whos€ life, spaming most of the rwentrethcennry, oremplifies a toul concept of health-phpial, mental and spirinul.

Having once worked as a nuse, she now mursthe world in her 80t bringing happiness,inspiration and hope to dre heans ofmany. Sheis one ofthe IGepers of Wisdom, a group ofeminent and religious leaders convenedto provide a spiritual pe$pective on arers ofcritical mncern at large UN gatherings.

Bom h India, Dadi Janki dedicated her lifefrom the age of2l to the work of the BrahmaIftmaris Vodd Spiritual Univenity, founded byPnjapiu Brahrna. She is today the organisa-tiont co-rdministrative had. Now bued rttEurope, Dadi has overcome many criticalillnesses in her ornn life by applying holistrcprinciple as well as by drawing on a rzriety offorms of mediel support.


Page 3: FoR Gr-oser Hrelrn Cenn


An 80-hd hospita.l on Mt. Abu, Rajasthan,built to take advanuge ofa bautifirl, dean andpeacefirl seaing and with stef uained to aeatean envimnment ofpeace thmugh meditauon,positive thinking and dcp spirinul aw:renas.

The hospitalis work is basd upon the pbilosephy th,at lasting solutions to health pmblensrquire haling ofboth rnind and body. Moapatiens receive the servicts ftee ofchuge.

A medical team ftom the hospital maka regu-lar visits to 90 villages in the area, whcre mal-nutiition and infectious diseases arc common.

Key health problerns that previously wentlugely unueated include mother and childcare, blindness, maluia, tubercrlosis, cener,diabetes and hean diseases,

,{s well as serving local pmple, the hospiul hasan international role Mt. Abu is a pilgrimageplace and tourist centre attncting more thanone million visiton a year.


Pleose send o conhibullon io7ht (/anki rJoundaliouFoR Gt.oBAI HE,\rrH ClrRr

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s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Eoch monlh/quorter/yeorUnlil furiher noliceAnd debi t occouni number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bonk sor t code . . . . . . . . . .Storling on doieSignoture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .To the Monoger (your bonk s nome ond oddress)

;;;iil;tor Office use onlvTxeBonlof8o-rodoKilburn Bronch232 Kilburn Hiqh Rood, NW6 /NJSort Code 60-91-73A/c No 440145000

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Page 4: FoR Gr-oser Hrelrn Cenn


Rajasthan is a predominrndy nrral sute with anaone shoruge of all haldr care &cilities. Thehelp hing prsvidd though the Globd Hospibland Rrsear$ Gnm and is ouuach activina

is seving lives and rclieving suff€ring. Dir€ct fum-cid suppn is ncdod to maintain and ortend thisYIOIK

Thc hundation rcguds the work of the GlobalHospiul as pnicularly worthy of supprt anddndopncnt beaue ofthe way the sufwork tobrirg paa of rnind in tlerndvs a well asptirnq as a nans ofinfuencing patient rccov-f'y:

Tbmugh this holistic approach in it: medical,ducetiond and raealch projeca, thefrufthtis1 rims 1s demofftrete the huge bene-0a o oatienr dret can be unlod<ed when mod-cm scieoce and technolory are combind withtlrc cative ptential of the human pqrhe.

[pleose lick]

Blood BonkInlensive Core ond Coronory Core UnitOperoting lheotres lor Children ondNeurosurgery

o Complementory Ittedicol Unito Concer Core ond Reseonh Uniltr Diobetir. lrtetqbolic ond Genelics Unilo Villooe Outreoch Prcorumrneo Ophilrolmic UnitD Generol



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Pleose send this conpleled lorn lo lheregistered Lddres:

€Jhz Oanki r/tundqtianFoR GLoBAL HEALTH CARE

ll St Gobriek Rood, Cricklewood,London NW2 4DS

Tel/Fox: 0181 451 9188E-moil: [email protected] Chorily No. 1063908/0