from educational disadvantage to educational equality community-based education and wider policy...

From Educational From Educational Disadvantage Disadvantage to Educational Equality to Educational Equality Community-based Education Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National Training Community Education Facilitators National Training Galway, 13 Galway, 13 th th and 14 and 14 th th November 2006 November 2006

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Page 1: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

From Educational DisadvantageFrom Educational Disadvantageto Educational Equality to Educational Equality

Community-based EducationCommunity-based Educationand wider Policy Issuesand wider Policy Issues

Trutz HaaseTrutz Haase

From Educational DisadvantageFrom Educational Disadvantageto Educational Equality to Educational Equality

Community-based EducationCommunity-based Educationand wider Policy Issuesand wider Policy Issues

Trutz HaaseTrutz Haase

Community Education Facilitators National TrainingCommunity Education Facilitators National TrainingGalway, 13Galway, 13thth and 14 and 14thth November 2006 November 2006

Page 2: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

The Concept of Educational DisadvantageThe Concept of Educational DisadvantageThe Concept of Educational DisadvantageThe Concept of Educational Disadvantage

The Education Act 1998 (Section 32.9) defines educational disadvantage as “the impediments to education arising from social or economic disadvantage which prevent students from deriving appropriate benefits from education in schools”.

Page 3: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Historical PerspectiveHistorical PerspectiveHistorical PerspectiveHistorical Perspective

A generation ago, more than 55% of the age cohort had left school by the age of 15 and only 20% of the age cohort completed second level education.

Today, about 3% of the cohort leave before completing junior cycle and over 80% sit a Leaving Certificate.

Over 85% of these proceed to some form of further or higher education or training.

Page 4: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Current Level of Early School LeavingCurrent Level of Early School LeavingCurrent Level of Early School LeavingCurrent Level of Early School Leaving

Between 700 and 1,000 young people do not transfer from primary to second level.

Of those who enter second level, about 2,400 (3.2%) do not stay on to sit the Junior Cert. 3 years later.

About 10,600 of those who sit Junior Cert. do not stay on to sit Leaving Cert. Half of these leave formal education after the Junior Cert.

In all, at the end of the 1990s, about 13,000 young people (18.4% of the cohort) are leaving school annually without the Leaving Cert.

(Department of Education & Science - 2002)

Page 5: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

The Need for a multi-faceted approach to more The Need for a multi-faceted approach to more inclusive Educationinclusive Education

The Need for a multi-faceted approach to more The Need for a multi-faceted approach to more inclusive Educationinclusive Education

There is widespread recognition within OECD countries that successful initiatives to respond to the problem of educational disadvantage require integration of and collaboration between statutory and voluntary agencies and between educators / trainers and parents and their communities.

(OECD Overcoming Failure in School, 1998)

Page 6: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Changes in Approach to LearningChanges in Approach to LearningChanges in Approach to LearningChanges in Approach to Learning

Towards a seamless delivery of integrated and

co-ordinated approaches spanning four axes:


Family / Community


Training, further education and work

(NESF Early School Leavers , 2002)

Page 7: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Approaches: IndividualApproaches: IndividualApproaches: IndividualApproaches: Individual

Literacy and Numeracy

Self-esteem and Confidence Building

Provision for special needs

Culturally appropriate education

Attainment of core competencies

Page 8: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Approaches: Family / CommunityApproaches: Family / CommunityApproaches: Family / CommunityApproaches: Family / Community

Addressing basic rights for food, clothing and shelter

Family support and Parenting

Effective Partnership between formal and non-formal sectors

Networking and Integrated Development


Page 9: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Approaches: SchoolApproaches: SchoolApproaches: SchoolApproaches: School

Pre-school provision

Teaching Supports and School Resources

Tracking (incl. primary and second level transfer)

Out-of-School Support

Parental Involvement

Curriculum Flexibility

Achievement Awards

Whole School Approach

Page 10: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Approaches: Training, Further Education and WorkApproaches: Training, Further Education and WorkApproaches: Training, Further Education and WorkApproaches: Training, Further Education and Work

Lifelong Learning

In-Work training

Opportunities for Continuing / Second Chance Education

Education / Work Transitions

Vocational Pathways and Skills Credits

Work / Education Links

Page 11: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Current InterventionsCurrent Interventions: Early Childhood Education: Early Childhood EducationCurrent InterventionsCurrent Interventions: Early Childhood Education: Early Childhood Education

Centre for Early Childhood Education and Care

Early Start

Rutland Street Project

Traveller pre-school Education

Special Needs – Early Childhood Services

Page 12: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Current InterventionsCurrent Interventions: Primary Level: Primary Level(selective headings)(selective headings)

Current InterventionsCurrent Interventions: Primary Level: Primary Level(selective headings)(selective headings)

Giving Children an Even Break / Breaking the Cycle

Disadvantaged Areas Scheme

Home School Community Liaison Scheme (HSCL)

Learning Support/ Resource Teachers

Education of Non-nationals

Book Grant Scheme

Traveller Education

Page 13: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Current InterventionsCurrent Interventions: Second Level: Second Level (selective headings)(selective headings)

Current InterventionsCurrent Interventions: Second Level: Second Level (selective headings)(selective headings)

Disadvantaged Areas Scheme

Support Teachers/Special Needs Assistants

Home School Community Liaison Scheme (HSCL)

Learning Support/ Resource Teachers

Education of Non-nationals

Book Grant Scheme

Exam Fees Exemptions

Traveller Education

Substance Misuse Prevention

Page 14: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Current InterventionsCurrent Interventions: : (selective headings)(selective headings)

Current InterventionsCurrent Interventions: : (selective headings)(selective headings)

School Completion Programme (Primary and Post-Primary)

National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS)


Youth Services

Senior traveller Training Centres


Page 15: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Current InterventionsCurrent Interventions: Further Education: Further Education (selective headings)(selective headings)

Current InterventionsCurrent Interventions: Further Education: Further Education (selective headings)(selective headings)

Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS)

Post Leaving Certificate courses (PLCs)

Access to Third Level

Millenium Partnership Fund for Disadvantage

Page 16: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Current InterventionsCurrent Interventions: Adult Education: Adult Education Current InterventionsCurrent Interventions: Adult Education: Adult Education

Adult Literacy

Education Equality Initiative (EEI)

Community Education

Back to Education Initiative

Page 17: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Moving from Alleviating Educational Disadvantage Moving from Alleviating Educational Disadvantage to greater Educational Equality…to greater Educational Equality…

Moving from Alleviating Educational Disadvantage Moving from Alleviating Educational Disadvantage to greater Educational Equality…to greater Educational Equality…

There are now some 60 initiatives in place to help alleviate Educational Disadvantage.

There is no doubt that educational standards have massively improved throughout Ireland over the past two decades.

But questions remain as to the relative life chances afforded to individuals and communities:

Educational achievements (depending on social class) have remained highly differentiated.

Access to third level education remains highly differentiated.

Requirements to access jobs have increased.

Overall improvement in educational outcomes may thus not have contributed much to alleviating education inequalities.

Page 18: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Assessing Outcomes:Assessing Outcomes:Coombes’ Definition of DeprivationCoombes’ Definition of Deprivation

Assessing Outcomes:Assessing Outcomes:Coombes’ Definition of DeprivationCoombes’ Definition of Deprivation

Relative Deprivation

“The fundamental implication of the term deprivation is of an absence – of essential or desirable attributes, possessions and opportunities which are considered no more than the minimum by that society.”

(Coombes et al., 1995: p.5)

Page 19: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

The Underlying Dimensions of Social DisadvantageThe Underlying Dimensions of Social DisadvantageThe Underlying Dimensions of Social DisadvantageThe Underlying Dimensions of Social Disadvantage

Demographic Decline

population loss and the social and demographic effects of prolonged population loss (age dependency, low education of adult population)

Social Class Deprivation

social class composition, education, housing comfort

Labour Market Deprivation

unemployment, lone parents, low skills base

Page 20: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

The Model of DisadvantageThe Model of DisadvantageThe Model of DisadvantageThe Model of Disadvantage

Age Dependency Rate1

Population Change2

Primary Education Only3

Third Level Education4

Professional Classes5

Persons per Room6

Single Parent Households7

Semi/Unskilled Manual Classes8

Male Unemployment Rate9

Female Unemployment Rate10


Social ClassDisadvantage

Lab. Mkt.Deprivation

Page 21: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Comparison of Comparison of AbsoluteAbsolute Deprivation Scores Deprivation Scores 1991, 1996 and 2002 1991, 1996 and 2002

Comparison of Comparison of AbsoluteAbsolute Deprivation Scores Deprivation Scores 1991, 1996 and 2002 1991, 1996 and 2002










-50 to -30 -30 to -20 -20 to -10 -10 to 0 0 to 10 10 to 20 20 to 30 30 to 50




1991 to 2002: unprecedented growth in Ireland

1991 – 1996: increase of +7

1996 – 2002: increase of +8

Note: marginally narrowing shape of distribution (i.e. more equal)

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-50to -30

-30to -20

-20to -10

-10to 0

0 to10

10 to20

20 to30

30 to50









-50to -30

-30to -20

-20to -10

-10to 0

0 to10

10 to20

20 to30

30 to50









-50to -30

-30to -20

-20to -10

-10to 0

0 to10

10 to20

20 to30

30 to50

Trutz HaaseSocial & Economic Consultant

Relative Relative Affluence Affluence

and and Deprivation Deprivation

20022002 1991



Haase & Pratschke 2003Haase & Pratschke 2003

Page 23: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Comparison of Comparison of RelativeRelative Deprivation Scores Deprivation Scores 1991, 1996 and 20021991, 1996 and 2002

Comparison of Comparison of RelativeRelative Deprivation Scores Deprivation Scores 1991, 1996 and 20021991, 1996 and 2002

For the country as a whole:

Virtually no differences in the distribution of relative deprivation 1991-2002

Only Exception:

Dublin’s Inner City

The report Deprivation and its Spatial Articulation in the Republic of Ireland can be downloaded from the following web address:

Page 24: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Deprivation – Educational Equality andDeprivation – Educational Equality andIntergenerational Class MobilityIntergenerational Class Mobility

Deprivation – Educational Equality andDeprivation – Educational Equality andIntergenerational Class MobilityIntergenerational Class Mobility

To substantially enhance the intergenerational class mobility and educational equality will require a fundamental restructuring of the Irish educational system, notably a shift from the high expenditure on third level education towards greater expenditure at pre-school and primary levels.

The current initiatives in adult and community-based education are not only important in as much as they provide second chance education for cohorts that have been failed by the education system in the past,

they also constitute important services to communities and families where it is of utmost importance to enhance school retention amongst the next school-going generation, and

if properly evaluated, can provide the necessary pointers how to reform the mainstream education system in such a way as to make it more attractive and accommodating for those who are currently at risk of not achieving their full educational potential.

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The Back to Education Initiative: IntentThe Back to Education Initiative: IntentThe Back to Education Initiative: IntentThe Back to Education Initiative: Intent

The BTEI will make a major contribution to building the capacity of the formal education sector to meet the changing needs of individuals, communities and society. This will only happen if a clear agenda for change in how the initiative is perceived, planned, delivered and evaluated is implemented from the outset.

The top priorities of the BTEI part time programme are to address:

The low literacy levels of the Irish adult population;

The large numbers of Irish adults (1.1.m aged 15-64) who have not completed upper second-level education, of whom 529,600 have not completed lower second-level;

The inflexibility of the Irish education system, with its predominant emphasis on full-time provision: time specific entry and exit opportunities;

The difficulties in combining family, personal and work responsibilities with learning opportunities;

(DE&S: Circular Letter ‘Back to Education Initiative, 2002)

Page 26: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Key Challenges in the Key Challenges in the Delivery and Evaluation ofDelivery and Evaluation ofAdult and Community-based EducationAdult and Community-based Education

Key Challenges in the Key Challenges in the Delivery and Evaluation ofDelivery and Evaluation ofAdult and Community-based EducationAdult and Community-based Education

The immense variety in the Projects with regard to:

the target groups involved

the kind of disadvantage(s) experienced

the contexts within which the projects operate

The generally local focus of the Projects involved:

Projects tend to be overwhelmed by the task they face

Projects tend to focus on the innovative delivery of services but more emphasis is needed for the systematic evaluation of their work in a comparative setting

Evaluation will be of utmost importance in an environment based on increasingly evidence-based policy formulation.

Page 27: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Key Questions that Key Questions that have (largely) been addressedhave (largely) been addressedKey Questions that Key Questions that have (largely) been addressedhave (largely) been addressed

1. How do we define educational disadvantage and what is its relationship to wider social and economic inequalities?

2. Which social groups are facing particular barriers to education and suffer as a result of this?

3. What are the specific needs of each of these groups and with regard to each educational setting?

4. What strategies can be devised to assist these groups in overcoming the barriers to education?

Page 28: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

Strategies (general)Strategies (general)Strategies (general)Strategies (general)

Enhancing Access (Access, Skills, Confidence, Awareness)Outreach workInitial learning activities

Improved Delivery (Content, Participation, Certification)Content relevanceFlexible provisionAvailability of skilled tutorsMultiple Intelligence approachAccreditation

Support ServicesGuidanceTransportAllowancesCreche facilities / elder careLiteracyLanguage tuition

(Note: List only indicative, not meant to be comprehensive)

Page 29: From Educational Disadvantage to Educational Equality Community-based Education and wider Policy Issues Trutz Haase Community Education Facilitators National

The Paths towards Greater Educational InclusionThe Paths towards Greater Educational InclusionThe Paths towards Greater Educational InclusionThe Paths towards Greater Educational Inclusion






Difficult family situations


Ethnic minorities


Pre-school and Primary Education

Secondary Education

Further Education

Community –based / Adult Education

Lifelong Learning

Target Groups

Educational Institutions and Strategies re Access,

Delivery & Support StructuresDimensions to be addressed

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Key Questions that Key Questions that needneed to be to be addressedaddressed nownowKey Questions that Key Questions that needneed to be to be addressedaddressed nownow

How can we measure improvements in access to education in the context of the existing initiatives?

How can we measure advances in terms of access to the labour market / access to information / improvements in quality of life as a result of participation in the projects/initiatives?

What lessons can be learned from the projects/initiatives in order to improve the access of these groups to mainstream (adult) education provision?

How can auditing mechanisms be devised for the equality-proofing of wider (adult) education measures?