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  • 8/3/2019 FW400 Terr Aquat Linkages Magazine 2008


    Terrestrial-Aquatic Linkages:

    Understanding the Flow of Energy and

    Nutrients across Ecosystem Boundaries

    Artwork by USFS

    Adam Hansen, Justin Peterson, Jeremy Ellis,Ginny Sednek, and Ben Wilson

    Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

    Colorado State University

    Fort Collins, Colorado 80526


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    Abstract. The importance of aquatic-

    terrestrial linkages has been well establishedin a variety of ecosystems. Marine subsidies

    support high primary consumer production,

    which sustains dense supralittoral secondary

    consumers. Terrestrial invertebrate inputsplay important roles in streams. Depending

    on the season, invertebrates falling into a

    stream can make up as much as 50% of theannual consumption in some fish species.

    Similarly, emerging aquatic insects can

    comprise up to 90% of a riparian predatorsdiet. The timing of both aquatic and

    terrestrial emergence can be crucial for food

    web sustainability. Anadromous salmon actas a vector for the transport of marine

    derived nutrients inland. Finally, subsidiescan promote sustainable populations in low

    productivity terrestrial systems, or even betransported by migratory birds thousands of

    miles to the detriment of various lakes,

    ponds, and rivers, if overabundant.

    Adjacent ecosystems rarely function

    independently of each other, even those thatappear to have discrete boundaries (Barret et

    al. 2005). For example, terrestrial andaquatic habitats interact extensively, with

    each system being inherently linked by the

    cross-habitat transfer of energy or nutrients(Ince et al. 2007). This flux of organic

    matter or nutrients from a donor habitat to

    a recipient habitat is known as an

    ecological subsidy (Polis et al. 2004; Ince etal. 2007). These subsidies typically have

    high temporal and spatial variation, can

    enter recipient habitats at any trophic level,can have dramatic influences on food web

    dynamics (e.g., competition), and can be

    transported through the movement oforganisms (Polis et al. 2004). The goal of

    this paper is to review the current state of

    knowledge about the specific mechanisms

    driving the flow of energy and nutrientsbetween different aquatic and terrestrial


    Trophic interactions at the land-sea

    interface: importance of food web


    By Adam G. Hansen

    The land-sea interface or coastalecotone (e.g., estuaries) is a major

    ecosystem encompassing 8% of the earths

    surface along an estimated 594,000 km ofshoreline (Polis and Hurd 1996; Polis et al.

    2004). Carbon and nutrients flow

    extensively across this ecotone boundary(i.e., subsidies), forming a complex food

    web (Vernberg and Vernberg 2001; Polis et

    al. 2004). Coastal zones are sites ofsignificant human degradation (Kappel

    2005), and conservation requires scientiststo understand trophic interactions between

    these ecosystems (Pasquaud et al. 2007).The goal of this paper is to describe the

    primary mechanisms through which marine

    and adjacent terrestrial habitats receivesubsidies, and their importance.

    Marine subsidies enter terrestrial

    systems through shoreline drift of animalcarrion and detrital algae, the import of

    carcasses, food scraps, reproductive by-products, and waste products (e.g., guano)

    from ocean foraging seabirds (e.g.,

    cormorants and gulls), sea turtles, andpinnipeds (e.g., sea lions), and from wind-

    blown sea foam and spray (Polis

    et al. 2004; Ellis et al. 2006).

    Detrital algae. Photo by Joseph Dougherty.


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    For example, Polis and Hurd (1996)

    estimated the ocean to contribute 2,720 2,810 g dry massm


    -1and 110 530 g

    dry massm-2


    of shoreline plant detritus

    and animal carrion (e.g., seabirds, fish, and

    crabs) to small, unproductive (< 100 g drymassm-2


    ),desert islands in the Gulf of

    California, respectively. These subsidies

    support high primary consumer production(e.g., detritivorous arthropods), which

    sustains dense populations of supralittoral,

    arthropodivorous consumers (e.g., spiders,scorpions, and lizards) on small islands (low

    perimeter/area ratio) and in coastal areas

    worldwide (Polis and Hurd 1996; Andersonand Polis 1998). Polis and Hurd (1995)

    describe how supralittoral spiders achievedensities six times greater than inland

    counterparts, and increase further (4 5times) on islands with seabird colonies due

    to the addition of avian parasites and

    scavengers to the food web (Figure 1).

    Figure 1. Food web of small, desert islands in the

    Gulf of California. Arrows denote carbon andnutrient flow from one ecosystem component to

    another. The horizontal dotted line represents the

    land-sea interface (from Polis and Hurd 1995).

    Lastly, Anderson and Polis (1998) providedirect evidence (stable isotopes) for coastal

    consumers exhibiting greater marine-based

    diets than inland individuals, with coastal

    (Gulf of California) spider and scorpion

    tissue having significantly greater levels ofmarine-derived

    13C and


    Marine subsidies are important for

    carnivorous mammals (Polis and Hurd

    1996). For example, Rose and Polis (1998)measured coyote Canis latrans density to be

    2.4 13.7 times greater along the Gulf of

    California coast than in adjacent inlandhabitats receiving no marine input. Carlton

    and Hodder (2003) describe how mammals

    (e.g., raccoons, minks, and black bears) havebeen observed, worldwide, intentionally

    entering intertidal communities to prey on

    exposed marine organisms (e.g., gastropodmollusks, crabs, and fish). These mammals

    ultimately act as vectors for the transport ofmarine-derived nutrients inland (Carlton and

    Hodder 2003).Conversely, coastal marine systems

    receive terrestrial subsidies (nutrients,

    particulate and dissolved organic carbon)indirectly from river discharge and directly

    from supralittoral vegetation (Polis et al.

    2004). Terrestrially-derived carbon,nitrogen, and phosphorus, delivered by

    rivers, stimulate in situ phytoplankton andbenthic microalgal production, both being

    important drivers of coastal marine food

    webs and fish production (Loneragan andBunn 1999).

    Lower estuary of Columbia River. Photo by Jim



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    Loneragan and Bunn (1999) found there to

    be strong, positive relationships betweencommercial fisheries catch (prawns, mud

    crabs, and mullet) and summer discharge

    from the Logan River, southeast

    Queensland, Australia, strengthening theargument for conserving natural flow

    regimes. Dunton et al. (2006) describe how

    nutrient and terrestrial detritus accumulationfrom arctic river input (e.g., Mackenzie

    River) can comprise 54 69% of the total

    particulate carbon available to consumers, inlagoon-barrier island systems, along the

    Alaskan Beaufort Sea coast (Figure 2).

    Based on stable isotopes, arctic codinhabiting these lagoon systems were found

    to derive 52 85% of their carbon fromterrestrial sources (Dunton et al. 2006).


    Figure 2. Major factors accounting for the high

    productivity and biomass of estuarine inhabitants in

    northern Alaskan coastal ecosystems (from Dunton et

    al. 2006).

    Supralittoral vegetation is animportant source of carbon (terrestrial

    insects and leaf litter) for coastal marine fish

    (Polis et al. 2004). Fish species richness andarthropod addition are both positively

    associated with supralittoral vegetation

    (Romanuk and Levings 2003; Romanuk and

    Levings 2006). Based on stable isotopes,Romanuk and Levings (2005) estimated

    juvenile Pacific salmon (Chinook, chum,

    and pink) to derive 5.5 39.7% of theircarbon from supralittoral vegetation sources

    along the coast of British Columbia. Results

    provided evidence for the juvenile salmon

    forming a trophic hierarchy, partitioningmarine and terrestrial-derived resources. It

    was concluded that subsidies derived from

    supralittoral vegetation may allow

    coexistence in resource limited marinehabitats (Romanuk and Levings 2005).

    Carbon and nutrient flow between

    the land and sea occurs in both directions.Input of material from sea to land increases

    primary consumer production, allowing

    secondary consumers to achieve densitiesthat would otherwise be unattainable

    without such subsidies (Polis and Hurd

    1996). Terrestrial-derived subsidiescontribute large amounts of carbon and

    nutrients to the sea, making coastal marinesystems the most productive ocean habitats

    (Polis et al. 2004). Each system is greatlyinfluenced by the other, and conservation

    efforts must recognize that coastal marine

    and terrestrial habitats are integrated, notdiscrete biological communities.

    Terrestrial-aquatic linkages: terrestrial

    invertebrate inputs into stream systems

    By Justin Peterson

    Stream systems have been studiedhistorically by examining the organisms and

    processes that are restricted to the stream.Terrestrial inputs supplement streams that

    have low autochthonous production

    (Vannote et al. 1980), and influence carbonpathways in the system (Rosenfield and Roff

    1992). More recent developments show the

    importance of terrestrial inputs into streams

    in terms of food webs within and outside ofthe stream (Nakano et al. 1999), as well as

    research applications (Nakano andMurakami 2001; Saunders and Fausch2007). Terrestrial stream inputs are crucial

    links that provide fish forage (Kawaguchi

    and Nakano 2001), and can control thedistribution of fishes in the stream

    (Kawaguchi et al. 2003). The following

    discusses terrestrial inputs into stream

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    systems, highlighting the importance of the

    riparian area, as well as invertebrate inputs.Fish are dependent on terrestrial

    inputs in various settings, and the

    importance of terrestrial inputs into streams

    has been well established. Drifting andfalling invertebrates make up a large portion

    of salmonid diets and may determine their

    distributions in a stream system (Kawaguchiand Nakano 2001). Overall, invertebrates

    made 51% of the total annual prey

    consumption in forested streams, and 35%of total annual prey consumption in a

    grassland reach (Romanisyn et al. 2007).

    Differences are also observed in terms ofriparian type and terrestrial input in a variety

    of streams (table 1 from Baxter et al. 2005).

    The highest inputs are observed in closed

    canopy rivers and can make upapproximately 50% of salmonid diets in

    those stream sections (Kawaguchi et al.

    2003; Baxter et al. 2005). Differences in

    invertebrate input as a result of differingriparian vegetation and cover were observed

    in several studies (Dineen et al. 2007;

    Romanisyn et al. 2007). Terrestrialinvertebrate supply can be influenced by

    riparian type. Drifting terrestrial

    invertebrates were highest in open-canopystreams (Dineen et al. 2007), and falling

    invertebrates highest in forested closed

    canopy streams (Romanisyn et al. 2007).Carbon pathways are also linked to

    terrestrial inputs.

    Table 1. The differences of stream order, riparian type, and terrestrial input in a variety of streams in the spring,

    summer, fall, and winter (from Baxter et al. 2005). Values for terrestrial invertebrate input represent mean dry mass

    (mg m-2 day-1). Starred values represent fields with no data.


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    Rosenfield and Roff (1992) examined the

    carbon pathways in forested and unforestedstream systems using carbon isotopes that

    differ based on origin in a terrestrial setting

    or in the stream. Results showed fish derive

    higher amounts of carbon from terrestrialinputs in forested stream sections (Rosenfield

    and Roff 1992).

    Food web dynamics can also bedependent on terrestrial subsidies. Terrestrial

    invertebrate inputs can have cascading

    impacts for the entire ecosystem food web ina headwater stream (Nakano et al. 1999).

    When terrestrial inputs were blocked from

    the channel, certain fish species shifted toforage on aquatic invertebrates, and the

    reduced grazing from those invertebrates ledto an increase in benthic periphyton.

    Maintaining overhanging riparian vegetationand banks is crucial for invertebrate input for

    foraging fish species (Nakano and Murakami

    2001; Romanisyn et al. 2007). Nakano et al.(figure 1 1999) relates the importance of

    terrestrial invertebrates in a forest stream

    system showing darker bars for those speciesthat rely on terrestrial inputs.

    Figure 1. Food web illustration of a forest streamshowing allochthonous invertebrate subsidies

    (modified from Nakano and Murakami 2001). Bar

    thickness is indicative of annual resource budgets of

    each fish species from terrestrial prey.

    Knowing the importance of terrestrial

    inputs helps can help identify streams thatmight be negatively affected as a result of

    reduced terrestrial linkages. Land use

    practices can negatively affect potential

    terrestrial inputs by interfering or changingriparian vegetation structure (Edwards and

    Huryn 1996). Saunders and Fausch (2007)

    examined the consequences of removedriparian vegetation by cattle grazing and

    showed that prolonged grazing reduces

    riparian vegetation, invertebrate input, andtrout biomass. Ungrazed areas inside

    exclosures had higher numbers of juvenile

    Oncorhynchus mykiss, and relate theimportance of intact riparian vegetation

    (Bayley and Li 2007).

    Barrier used by Nakano and Murakami 2001.

    Seasonality can affect the timing of

    invertebrate input into streams, and affects

    forage availability (Edwards and Huryn

    1996; Nakano and Murakami 2001; Baxter et


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    al. 2005; Romanisyn et al. 2007). Seasonality

    is important for terrestrial insect inputs in theform of drift, or fall into the stream system.

    Terrestrial input is highest in the summer

    months, (table 1 from Baxter et al. 2005), and

    seasonal differences in invertebrate inputscan also be seen (figure 2 modified from

    Nakano and Murakami 2001).

    Figure 2. The allochthonous prey consumption of a

    fish assemblage from a forested stream for a 12-monthperiod (modified from Nakano and Masashi Murakami


    Increased allochthonous prey reliance occursin the spring, peaks during the summer, and

    declines to the lowest occurrence in the

    winter. Input timing is also important due tothe reduced occurrence of aquatic

    invertebrate availability during the times of

    high terrestrial input (Nakano and MasashiMurakami 2001).

    Pan trap. Photo by Carl Saunders.

    Terrestrial inputs are a crucial link for

    food webs, and maintaining naturalecosystem processes in streams. Overhanging

    riparian vegetation also ensures invertebrate

    inputs. Depending on the fish assemblage,

    disruption of inputs will alter food webs, andmay result in a trophic cascade. Interrupting

    the input can disrupt entire food webs,

    forcing fish to focus on aquatic prey, leadingto shifts in stream production. Sources that

    disrupt riparian vegetation alter these inputs,

    and threaten natural stream ecosystemfunctions.

    Emerging Insects: Trophic Interactions of

    Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems

    By Jeremy Ellis

    Emergent insects are an importantfood source for riparian predators (Lynch et

    al. 2002). Characteristics of these insects

    make them susceptible to high predation atcertain times of the year. In some instances

    emerging insects can make up to 90% of a

    predators diet (Kato et al. 2004). Emergentinsects are an important subsidy to birds,

    lizard and spiders (Burdon and Harding2008). This paper will show how emerging

    insects disperse and how predation of these

    insects is an important subsidy to terrestrialpredators like birds, lizards and spiders.

    Emerging aquatic insects have life

    history traits that make them susceptible to

    predation all year or at certain times of theyear. These insects spend most of their life

    underwater and emerge as adults to breed and

    lay eggs back into the water. Ephemeroptera(mayflies), Plecoptera (stoneflies) and

    Trichoptera (caddisflies) (EPT) usually

    emerge in May-June in temperate regions.Diptera (true-flies) mostly emerge in the

    warmer months. In tropical regions

    emergence can be year round (Baxter el al.

    2005). Emerging insects can average about10,000-20,000 insects per meter (m) per

    year. These insects disperse above and


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    around the stream in order to feed, rest,

    breed, and disperse eggs.

    Adult mayflyEphemeroptera. (Phil Myers).

    Lateral dispersal for emerging insects

    is important to understand how predators will

    react to their dispersal. This dispersal isusually to feed or is a mechanism to colonize

    new habitats (Malmqvist 2002). Somespecies of stoneflies marked with stable

    isotope15N flew up to 1 km from their natal

    stream. But most emerging insects are found

    within 11 m of the stream (Winterbourn et al.

    2007). Using Malaise traps, Winterbourn elal. (2007) found that about 7% of

    Ephemeroptera and 43% of Trichoptera

    migrated away from the stream into the entire

    valley or the surrounding hillsides (Table 1).

    Table 1. Abundance (%) of insects Ephemeroptera,

    Plecoptera and Trichoptera trapped in forest, valley

    and hillside. Forests are closest to streams and

    hillsides are farthest from streams (from Winterbourn

    et al. 2007).

    Forest Valley Hillside

    Ephemeroptera 90.2 2 7.8

    Plecoptera 91.9 6.2 1.9

    Trichoptera 56.7 36.3 7Likewise Lynch et al (2002) found

    that emerging insect abundance decreases

    exponentially farther from the waters edge.But this study shows that about 50 insects per

    m per day were moving into the riparian

    zone 15 m from stream center. This

    movement is important to understand because

    when the insects leave the relative safety of

    the water they encounter new predators in theriparian areas.

    Aquatic insects are very important to

    spiders because the insects can provide a bulk

    of a spiders diet. Spiders, both web-buildingand ground dwelling, have been shown to

    have a higher biomass near a stream edge,

    and web densities increase near a streamwhere aquatic insect biomass is high, and

    decrease with distance from the stream

    (Baxter et al. 2005, Burdon and Harding2008, and Sanzone et al. 2002) (Figure 2).

    Likewise, when the number of emerging

    insects was experimentally decreased, spiderdensity near the stream declined (Burdon and

    Harding 2008). Using stable isotopes tomeasure the amount of carbon from aquatic

    origin, Kato et al. (2004) found that in June,the peak of emergence,

    13C was most

    depleted, similar to aquatic prey. When

    emergence declined in July,13

    C in spidersbecame more similar to terrestrial prey. Prey

    in orb-webs was 50-90% aquatic insects in

    May-June in the same area (Kato et al. 2003).This information shows that spiders can be

    dependent on emergent insect subsidies andrespond to the densities of emerging insects,

    comparable to birds.

    Iwata et al. (2003) showed thatabundance of flycatchers and gleaners was

    positively correlated to aquatic insect

    abundance in the riparian area. This was also

    observed in a prairie stream by Gray (1993).Gray (1993) also observed that when the

    stream dried and there was no emergence

    during a drought in 1989 densities offlycatchers and gleaners was greatly reduced.

    When the stream was flowing there were 11

    birds/ha, and when the stream was dry therewas about 2 birds/ha. This could be due to

    multiple factors but lack of asubsidy fromthe stream is one of them. Flycatchers fed

    above the stream or within 5 m of the stream.Dry mass of flycatchers diets is 82% aquatic

    insects due to this behavior (Iwata et al.


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    2003). Gleaners also show this behavior and

    had 67% of their diets composed of aquaticinsects (Iwata et al. 2003). For these birds,

    emerging aquatic insects are a large part of

    their diet making emergence a very important

    factor for their food web.

    Overall emerging insects have a large

    effect on the surrounding system. Theyinfluence predator movement and cause shifts

    in feeding habits during emergence. These

    subsidies cannot be overlooked because so

    many species depend on them to survive.Emerging insects connect terrestrial and

    aquatic environments by moving energy from

    streams to land.

    The impact of anadromous salmon on

    aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems

    By Ginny Sednek

    Anadromous salmon and trout

    (Oncorhynchus spp. and Salmo spp.)

    transport large magnitudes of nutrients toaquatic and terrestrial habitats. Ninety-five

    percent of the biomass of ocean migrating

    salmon is marine derived nutrients, (MDN),

    including carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous(Naiman et al. 2002). The organic subsidy

    brought to freshwater habitats positively

    impacts food webs (Schindler et al. 2003)

    Figure 2. Linear relationship between spider densities

    (no. webs*m3

    ) and emerging insect biomass (g*m2

    of stream) (From Burdon and Harding 2008).

    Emergent insects provide a subsidy

    for riparian lizards as well as birds and

    spiders. Sabo and Power (2002) show thatwhen the aquatic insect subsidy is

    experimentally blocked from lizards, the

    lizards growth is lower when compared tounblocked lizards. The aquatic insects hadeffects on lower trophic levels as well. When

    emergence occurs, lizards tend to shift from

    terrestrial prey to emerging aquatics. Thisreduces pressures on terrestrial insects for a

    short time (Sabo and Power 2002).

    and biological productivity (Figure 1).

    The nutrients salmon provide to aquatic

    ecosystems are beneficial to fish, aquatic

    invertebrates, salmon eggs, and riparianhabitats. Migrating salmon have an immense

    value to adjacent terrestrial ecosystems;transferring energy to the land which sustains

    wildlife and forests. Over the past century,

    salmon returning to spawn in their native

    freshwater habitats has decreased to 6-7% oftheir historic abundance (Gresh et al. 2000).

    Conservation of salmon are important to

    consider for biological productivity becauseof the ecological cascade that follows. Here,

    I review the importance of anadromoussalmon in freshwater aquatic and terrestrialecosystems.

    The benefit of salmon extends across

    habitat boundaries. Terrestrial ecosystems

    increase fish survival (cover, shade, nutrients,etc.) and anadromous salmon return to thesame forested areas to reproduce and depositWestern fence lizard Sceloporus occidentalis. (Jim

    Boone Photo).


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    Figure 1. The effects of anadromous salmon, containing marine derived nutrients (MDN), on biological productivity in

    aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems (From Cederholm et al. 1999).

    rich nutrients (Cederholm et al. 1999). Theenergy salmon transfer to oligotrophic

    systems consists of carbon, nitrogen, andphosphorous, positively impacting the

    biological communities (Gende et al. 2002).

    This nutrient subsidy enters the trophicsystem directly (consumption of flesh, eggs)

    and indirectly (dissolved nutrients) (Naiman

    et al. 2002). Energy from salmon becomes apart of different trophic levels, starting in

    riverine habitats and proceeding to inland

    forests.Salmon play important roles in

    riverine ecosystems. When salmon return totheir natal streams they spawn, die, and

    create an abundant source of nutrients for fish

    and aquatic invertebrates (Cederholm et al.

    1999). Other salmonids and fish species gain

    an ample supply of nutrients when salmonspawn, by consuming carcasses, eggs, and fry

    (Gende et al. 2004). Aquatic invertebratesare also attracted to the vast amount of

    organic matter. Winder et al. (2005)

    discovered that the lifecycle of certaincaddisfly species in southwest Alaska

    coincided with salmon runs. These aquatic

    invertebrate larvae also become a food sourcefor other fish and wildlife (Cederholm et al.

    1999). The habitat that surrounds riverine

    systems, the riparian areas, also benefits bythe energy subsidy. Ben-David et al. (1998)studied the effects of salmon carcassesfertilizing riparian vegetation in southeast

    Alaska; their findings show how flooding and

    predator activity moves nitrogen-rich

    nutrients into the riparian zone.


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    Spawning salmon help the

    development of their eggs and fry, allowingtheir species to thrive. According to

    Schindler et al. (2003), when female salmon

    build redds (nests), the sediment composition

    is altered, increasing water and oxygen flow(benefits developing eggs), while removing

    fine sediments. Dead adult salmon also

    provide nutrients for salmon fry, increasinggrowth rates and survival (Cederholm et al.

    1999). The nutrients adult salmon provide

    enter a feedback loop, helping the survival ofits own species.

    Wildlife communities adjacent to

    salmon run systems are heavily dependent onthe abundance and availability of salmon.

    The nutrients salmon provide help thesurvival and reproduction of a variety of

    wildlife (e.g., bears, eagles, mink, otters,deer; Willson and Halupka 1995). Ben-

    David (1997) found that the timing of

    reproduction in mink (Mustela vison)coincides with salmon spawning so that the

    female has adequate nutrients for lactation.

    Female bears with cubs alter feeding habitswhen salmon are abundant, avoiding salmon

    streams to reduce infanticide by other bears(Ben-David et al. 2004).

    Photo from Schindler et al. 2003.

    In fall, salmon carcasses are an essential part

    of mink diets, aiding preparation for winter(Ben-David et al. 1997).

    Helfield and Naiman (2006) describe

    how bears and salmon are mutually

    dependent. Bears benefit from salmonnutrients and fertilize riparian areas (i.e.

    dragging up carcasses, defecation) which in

    turn improves riparian habitat for juvenilesalmon. Bears can kill 50% of the salmon in

    small streams, carrying most of the carcasses

    to the riparian forest, and leaving the remainswhich enhance wildlife and vegetation

    (Gende et al. 2004).

    Salmon are an important resource thatmove nutrients across habitat boundaries.

    Conservation of these fishes is imperative forbiological communities that rely on salmon

    rich in MDN. Reduced numbers of salmonhas created a nutrient deficit, affecting

    salmon dependent ecosystems (Gresh et al.

    2000). Salmon need to be considered askeystone species because of the extensive

    effect on many organisms. Understanding

    the effects salmon have on aquatic andterrestrial communities will allow biologists

    conserve habitats across physical boundaries.

    Aquatic subsidies promote viable

    populations in low productive terrestrial


    By Ben Wilson

    Typically systems with large amountsof primary production can produce a large

    amount of available food, which in turn can

    support greater populations (Odum et al.1984). Ecologists have long recognized that

    the dynamics of one system are closely

    linked to processes occurring in adjacent oreven distant environments (Odum et al.

    1971). Energy being transported across

    habitat boundaries from an aquatic area of

    high primary production to a terrestrialhabitat of lower primary production is crucial

    for an organisms sustainability (Huxel and


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    McCann 1998). Here I will discuss the

    connection of various terrestrial organismspreferred habitats and the aquatic systems

    within those habitats. I will do this by

    focusing on terrestrial carnivore and

    omnivore behaviors in very low productiveterrestrial habitats that are adjacent to highly

    productive aquatic habitats. Furthermore, I

    will also investigate negative subsidyinteractions of overpopulated terrestrial

    organisms on adjacent aquatic systems.

    Rose and Polis (1998) found whilestudying desert coyotes (Canis latrans) that

    aquatic primary production plays a crucial

    role in the coyotes chosen terrestrial habitat.Primary production from coastal areas was

    found to be on average 33 times higher thanprimary production of nearby arid desert

    habitats. Coyotes also frequented the coastalregions 4.7 times more often.

    Fig. 1. The food web shows the Baja California coyote

    at the center, receiving energy from terrestrial and

    marine subsidies. The width of the line indicates thepercentage of input the coyote receive from each

    source. (From Rose and Polis 1998)

    The scat from these coyotes contained 47.8%

    of its mass from aquatic subsidies (mostly

    protein rich animal carrion). Predatory habitsof the coyote allows for the highly productive

    aquatic systems to transfer allochthonous

    energy to low primary production systems(Polis 2004).

    Predators benefit directly from aquatic

    systems by feeding on coastline animalcarrion. Do omnivores also capitalize on an

    increase in productivity? Stapp and Polis

    (2003) observed higher population densities

    of mice in the supra-littoral zone, and thatcapture rates declined the further from the

    coast the traps were set on islands with no

    predators. They also suggested that micewere poor conduits for transporting energy

    inland and spent most of their time close to

    the coastline. Predators might choose tospend a majority of their time near coastlines

    not only for aquatic subsidies but also

    because of an increase in prey populationsdue to available aquatic subsidies.

    Both large and small terrestrialorganisms have similar chosen habitats not

    only because of their trophic relationshipwith each other but also because of the

    availability of aquatic subsidies. In return

    both predator and prey benefit from eachothers presence. The input of marine

    allochthonous energy is likely to occur

    around the worlds 594000 km of coastline(Polis and Hurd 1996) (Hammond 1990).

    Considering that much of the worldcoastlines actually receive one or two orders

    of magnitude more marine biomass than that

    of coastal site in Baja California where thesestudies took place (Polis and Hurd 1996) we

    can infer that healthy productive aquatic

    systems are a key component for the viability

    of the worlds terrestrial populations.Therefore, protecting marine and freshwater

    systems should be considered when

    protecting all terrestrial species.In recent decades lesser snow geese

    populations have skyrocketed (7% per year)

    largely because of more food availability viaagriculture and a decrease in hunting pressure

    (Jefferies et al. 2002). The increase in

    population has proven to be detrimental to

    their nesting grounds. Instead of typicalfeeding on above ground forage, the geese

    are also destructively feeding on roots and


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    rhizomes. This has converted the Arctic flats

    into Arctic marshes which have difficultysustaining secondary invertebrate production

    (Power et al. 2004). An indirect effect would

    be the degradation of water quality in nearby

    aquatic systems. Loss of vegetation wouldcause an increase in nutrients draining into

    local lakes, ponds, and rivers. Geese have

    also been found to directly affect aquaticsystems by transporting subsides from other

    areas. Up to 40,000 geese each year spend

    their winter in the Bosque del ApacheNational Wildlife Refuge in central New

    Mexico. It was estimated that 45%-75% of

    annual nitrogen and phosphorous for the areacame from geese translocation from

    agricultural fields (Post et al. 1998).

    Fig. 2 Daily ratios of nitrogen:phosphorous excreted

    and loaded in the winter and spring of 1994-1995 by

    lesser snow geese in the Bosque del Apache NationalWildlife Refuge in central New Mexico. The average

    annual nitrogen:phosphorous ratio is shown for

    comparison (From Stapp and Polis 1998).

    Increase of nutrients in an aquatic system can

    promote blue-green algae blooms. Thedensity of the algae blooms can be lethally

    toxic to fish and invertebrates and natural

    restoration is difficult. Degraded waterquality paired with eutrophication increases

    the chance of contagious cholera and type Cbotulism outbreaks that can threaten the

    entire ecosystem (Power et al. 2004).In conclusion, terrestrial organisms

    take advantage of increased productivity

    flowing as subsides from aquatic systems.Predator and prey populations are also found

    to increase. This allows for low productive

    terrestrial environments that are adjacent to

    highly productive aquatic systems to sustainviable populations. However, if the terrestrial

    organisms population becomes too large

    then the aquatic system suffers through

    negative subsidy exchanges. Thereforeterrestrial populations surrounding aquatic

    systems are sensitive to the dynamics of both

    terrestrial and aquatic systems.


    Conservation and management

    requires scientists to understand the trophic

    interactions between aquatic and terrestrialsystems. Marine environments, freshwater

    environments, and associated terrestrialhabitats are directly intertwined by the flux of

    material. These subsidies can have dramaticinfluences on population dynamics and food

    web processes. The greatest impact from

    subsidies is observed when they flow fromproductive to unproductive systems.


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