gent-shriver-art/hom e

During the first quarter, students in grades PreK through 5th grade will be working on a school-wide collaborative project. For this project, each student will decorate a quarter of a circle with lines, shapes, and colors to form symbols which represent their identity. Students are encouraged to illustrate what makes them special and unique and to use art as a vehicle to express their personality, interests, characteristics, and values in their own style. Once students have completed their individual square, all of the students’ small drawings will be placed together to form complete circles, enabling students to discover the importance and greatness of teamwork. This large collaborative display is also intended to visually demonstrate how students are all united as one large Sargent Shriver family! Please visit the Art Department Website: e In general music this quarter we will be focused on performing and responding to music. We will sing, say, dance and play to demonstrate our understanding how to perform. We will also listen critically to music by making personal connections to songs we hear. This will deepen our understanding of how we can respond to music. Attention 4th & 5th Grade Families: In 4th and 5th grade, students have the wonderful opportunity to take instrumental music lessons at Shriver with Mrs. Branch! The instrumental music program is optional, but it is a fantastic supplement to the 4th and 5th grade curriculums! The deadline to sign up for instrumental music is Monday, September 20th. Visit for more details. It is going to be a fun year for the instrumental music students!

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Post on 27-Oct-2021




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Page 1: gent-shriver-art/hom e

During the first quarter, students in grades PreK through 5th grade will be working on a school-wide collaborative project. For this project, each student will decorate a quarter of a circle with lines, shapes, and colors to form symbols which represent their identity. Students are encouraged to illustrate what makes them special and unique and to use art as a vehicle to express their personality, interests, characteristics, and values in their own style. Once students have completed their individual square, all of the students’ small drawings will be placed together to form complete circles, enabling students to discover the importance andgreatness of teamwork. This large collaborative display is also intended tovisually demonstrate how students are all united as one large Sargent Shriver family!Please visit the Art Department Website:

In general music this quarter we will be focused on performing and responding to music. We will sing, say, dance and play to demonstrate our understanding how to perform. We will also listen critically to music by making personal connections to songs we hear. This will deepen our understanding of how we can respond to music.

Attention 4th & 5th Grade Families: In 4th and 5th grade, students have the wonderful opportunity to take instrumental music lessons at Shriver with Mrs. Branch! The instrumental music program is optional, but it is a fantastic supplement to the 4th and 5th grade curriculums! The deadline to sign up for instrumental music is Monday, September 20th. Visit for more details. It is going to be a fun year for the instrumental music students!

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In Pre-Kindergarten students will focus on the units: All About Me, Families and Friends, and Communities and Health. Kindergarten students will focus on locomotor movements, self-space/general space, and cooperation/responsibility/respect. In 1st grade students will focus on locomotor movements, spatial awareness, and moving safely in general space in response to a signal and others. 2nd graders will focus on locomotor movements, spatial awareness, relationships with others in sports, and rules/safety. In 3rd grade students will focus on dribbling with the hands, dribbling with the feet while changing pathways and directions, and health-related fitness components. In 4th grade students will focus on passing with hands, passing with feet to a moving partner, and health- related fitness components. In 5th grade students will focus on shooting with the hands, shooting with the feet after dribbling into position, and health-related fitness components.

During the first quarter, students will use the engineering and design process to solve various problems. In addition students will work on improving their ability to collaborate by focusing on sharing and communicating ideas. In Kindergarten through second grade students will focus on the create and experiment stages of the design process. They will use their prototypes from the create stage to help them represent their plan using diagrams. In third grade through fifth grade, students will focus on the plan, create, experiment, and improve stages of the engineering and design process. Students in STEM will have fun using many different materials and tools this school year!

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Durante el primer trimestre, los estudiantes de los grados PreK a quinto grado estarán trabajando en un proyecto colaborativo de toda la escuela. Para este proyecto, cada estudiante decorará un cuarto de círculo con líneas, formas y colores para formar símbolos que representen su identidad. Se anima a los estudiantes a ilustrar lo que los hace especiales y únicos y a utilizar el arte como un vehículo para expresar su personalidad, intereses, características y valores en su propio estilo. Una vez que los estudiantes hayan completado su dibujo, todos los pequeños dibujos de los estudiantes se colocarán juntos para formar círculos completos, lo que permitirá a los estudiantes descubrir la importancia y la grandeza del trabajo en equipo. ¡Esta gran pantalla colaborativa también está destinada a demostrar visualmente cómo los estudiantes están unidos como una gran familia de Sargent Shriver! Por favor, visite el sitio web del Departamento de Arte:

En la música en general, este trimestre nos centraremos en interpretar y responder a la música. Cantaremos, decimos, bailaremos y jugaremos para demostrar nuestra comprensión de cómo actuar. También escucharemos música críticamente al hacer conexiones personales con las canciones que escuchamos. Esto profundizará nuestra comprensión de cómo podemos responder a la música. Atención familias de cuarto y quinto grado: ¡En cuarto y quinto grado, los estudiantes tienen la maravillosa oportunidad de tomar lecciones de música instrumental en Shriver con la Sra. Branch! El programa de música instrumental es opcional, ¡pero es un complemento fantástico para los planes de estudio de cuarto y quinto grado! La fecha límite para inscribirse en música instrumental es el lunes 20 de septiembre. Visite para obtener más detalles. ¡Será un año divertido para los estudiantes de música instrumental!

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Durante el primer trimestre, los estudiantes utilizarán el proceso de ingeniería y diseño para resolver varios problemas. Además, los estudiantes trabajarán para mejorar su capacidad para colaborar enfocándose en compartir y comunicar ideas. Desde jardín de infantes hasta segundo grado, los estudiantes se enfocarán en las etapas de creación y experimentación del proceso de diseño. Usarán sus prototipos de la etapa de creación para ayudarlos a representar su plan usando diagramas. De tercer a quinto grado, los estudiantes se enfocarán en el plan, crearán, experimentarán y mejorarán las etapas del proceso de ingeniería y diseño. ¡Los estudiantes de STEM se divertirán usando muchos materiales y herramientas diferentes este año escolar!

En Pre-Kindergarten, los estudiantes se enfocarán en las unidades: Todo sobre mí, Familias y amigos y Comunidades y salud. Los estudiantes de kindergarten se enfocarán en los movimientos locomotores, el espacio del yo/ espacio general y la cooperación/responsabilidad/respeto. En primer grado, los estudiantes se enfocarán en movimientos locomotores, conciencia espacial y moverse con seguridad en el espacio general en respuesta a una señal y otras. Los estudiantes de segundo grado se enfocarán en movimientos locomotores, conciencia espacial, relaciones con otros en los deportes y reglas/seguridad. En tercer grado, los estudiantes se enfocarán en gotear con las manos, gotear con los pies mientras cambian caminos y direcciones, y componentes relacionados con la salud. En cuarto grado, los estudiantes se enfocarán en pasar con las manos, pasar con los pies a un compañero en movimiento y en componentes relacionados con la salud. En quinto grado, los estudiantes se enfocarán en disparar con las manos, disparar con los pies después de driblar en posición y componentes de acondicionamiento físico relacionados con la salud.