hacking customer development for dc lean startup

Hacking #CustDev DC Lean Startup Circle Feb 21, 2012 Patrick Vlaskovits @pv [email protected] vlaskovits.com

Post on 17-Oct-2014




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Overview of some Lean Startup and Customer Development Hacks by Patrick Vlaskovits


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Hacking #CustDev DC Lean Startup Circle Feb 21, 2012

Patrick Vlaskovits @pv [email protected] vlaskovits.com

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About Patrick - @pv

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The vast majority of startups fail NOT because they couldn’t build a great product/technology,

but because no one wanted the product.

One of Steve Blank’s Big Ideas

Lean Startup Big Idea #1

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How many cycles through the B-M-L loop, not time. Eric Ries’ Big Idea

Lean Startup Big Idea #2

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“Not only are the market applications for disruptive technologies unknown at the time of

their development, they are unknowable.” -Clayton Christensen, The Innovator’s Dilemma

Lean Startup Big Idea #3

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Developing Customers & Your Product

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Customer Development

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How to do it: Lean Startup Meta-Rules & Framework

1) Question and Test Your Assumptions

1a) Record them too! 2) “Get Out of the Building”

3) Do it again based on what you learned. (Iterate)


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Minimum Viable Product

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The Classic Smoke Test/MVP from 1975

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Sophisticated Variants of the ‘Smoke Test’

Traffic MVT/Landing Page Conversion

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Learning about customers is a lot like fishing…

Source/Referral/Channel Messaging/Positioning Pricing/CAC Conversion Rate

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Screenshots + LOI

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“Ghetto Testing”

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Off-Brand Apps & Sites

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Browser Extension + Facebook

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[Your competition] SUCKS!

Place online ads that say “[*insert your competition here] sucks” that drive users of a competitive product to a landing page for lead generation for CustDev interviews.

PRO-TIP: Do UX review on their products. Source: In Witness Protection Program

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The Magic Word

Ask the subject of your CustDev interview for “advice” and don’t sell.

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Price testing without charging

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Confuse to Clarify

Willfully mis-characterize a interviewee’s opinion to elicit further response in order to keep them talking and ensure you understand their position.

Source: Sachin Agarwal

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“Phone Support”

Upon sign-up for your application, ask if the user wants free phone support. If they affirm, prompt them for phone number and name.

Source: Dan Martell

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Best Practices: Concierge/“Manual”-ation

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Now, what you got for me?

Original Post on CustDev Hacks here: http://vlskvts.co/hhqEB7

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Outside of Tech Startups

Why do you think it takes 6-8 weeks to get your !@$&&^$@! snuggie?

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At the end of this preso…

Let’s try to avoid building things nobody actually wants.

If you take nothing away from this preso – take at least this away

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PDF http://CustDev.com

Available on Amazon as Paperback & Kindle

Reach out & say [email protected] @pv