healthful eating nutrients at work for you. nutrients at work nutrients are chemical substances from...

HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You

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Page 1: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


Nutrients at Work for You

Page 2: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After

Nutrients at Work

• Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly.

• After your body digest food, your bloodstream absorbs nutrients from the digestive tract and carries them to

• Body cells• In cells nutrient help

maintain and regulate body processes and promote growth

Page 3: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• Nutrition is the science of how nutrients support the body.

• Six categories• Carbohydrates• Proteins• Fats


• Vitamins• Water• Therefore, you need to eat

a variety of foods to get all the nutrients you need

Page 4: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• Major sources of energy in your diet

• Three kinds:• Sugars, starches, and


• Sugar are simple carbohydrates found in foods such as milk, fruits, candy and cookies.

• Your body can use some sugars right away for energy.

Page 5: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• Starches are often called complex carbohydrates.

• Before your body can use starches for energy, it must convert the starches into simple sugars during digestive.

• Nutrition experts recommend most people get more than half of all their daily calories from complex carbohydrates.

Page 6: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After

Carbohydrates• Fiber is a complex carbohydrate • Body cannot digest fiber, you need fiber

in your diet• Fiber provides roughage that stimulates

the normal• activity of you intestines• Fiber moves food through your body and

helps your body get rid of solid wastes.

• When you eat more carbohydrates than your body can use, some of them are changed to glycogen.

Page 7: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• Glycogen is stored in your body for times when you need quick energy, such as when you run to catch a bus

• Your body maintains only a small amount of glycogen

• Excess carbohydrates that are not stored as glycogen are changed to fat for storage in the body

Page 8: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• Proteins are a nutrient found in every cell in your body

• Needed for growth, maintenance, and repair of body tissues

• Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are building blocks for your cells.

• Your body uses proteins to produces enzymes and hormones

• Helps the body maintain its chemical balance and build antibodies to fight infections

Page 9: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• Two classes of proteins: complete and incomplete

• Complete proteins supply all the amino acids your body needs

• Incomplete proteins sources contain some, but not all, of the amino acids your body needs

Page 10: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• Protein foods should be eaten each day

• Severe protein shortages may result in a disease called kwashiorkor

• Protein consumed beyond the body’s needs is stored in the body as fat

Page 11: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• Fats are concentrated sources of food energy

• Provide slightly more than twice as much energy per unit of weight as carbohydrates and proteins

• Supply energy• Fat is stored beneath the

surface of the skin to insulate the body from shock and temperature changes

Page 12: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• Fat protects and cushions the organs in your body from injury

• Fats are needed in the diet to help the body distribute and use some vitamins

• Fats also supply essential fatty acids, which are needed for normal growth.

Page 13: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• Two categories of fats:

• Saturated fats are solid at room temperature.

• Unsaturated fats are most often liquid at room temperature.

• Sometimes manufacturers process unsaturated fats to make them solid. This process is called hydrogenation.

Page 14: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• Cholesterol is a fatty substance found in every body cell.

• The body uses cholesterol to make a number of important materials, including sex hormones and vitamin D

• Your body manufactures all the cholesterol you need

Page 15: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• Minerals are inorganic substances needed for building tissues and regulating body functions.

• Essential part of bones, teeth and red blood cells

• Minerals also aid in the proper functioning of muscles and nerves and in the clotting of blood

• Growth and repair of body tissues

Page 16: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After

Calcium and phosphorus

• Calcium and phosphorus are also found in teeth, soft tissues, and body fluids.

• Calcium is used to regulate the use of other minerals in the body.

• Without calcium the blood would not clot

• Helps the nervous system to function

Page 17: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After

Calcium and Phosphorus

• If a person’s diet is low in calcium, his or her bones will serve as a reserve to fill immediate calcium needs

• A low calcium intake over a long period could lead to osteoporosis

• This is a disease characterized by weak, brittle bones, which are more likely to fracture

Page 18: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• Fluorine is needed for the proper development of bones and teeth

• Reduce tooth decay• Added to the supply

of drinking water

Page 19: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• Iodine is present in very small amounts in the body but it is essential for good health

• Iodine is used to make thyroxine

• Thyroxine is a hormone produced by the thyroid gland

• Controls the rate at which the body uses nutrients

Page 20: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• Iron is another essential mineral

• Hemoglobin is a substance in the blood that carries oxygen from the lungs to cells throughout the body

• A diet that is constantly low in iron results in a condition known as iron deficiency anemia.

• Symptoms fatigue, pale skin, and poor appetite

Page 21: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• Sodium works with other minerals to help maintain the balance of fluids in the body

• It also plays a role in transmitting nerve impulses to the brain

• Many people get to much• Linked with high blood


Page 22: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• Zinc has a number of functions in the body

• Important for normal growth and development

• Helps the immune system work properly

• An excess of zinc can be toxic.

Page 23: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After

Other Minerals

• The body needs a number of other minerals to maintain good health.

• Copper• Potassium• Chlorine• Magnesium• selemium

Page 24: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• Vitamins are organic substances needed in small amounts for normal growth and the maintenance of good health.

• Regulators of body processes

• Vitamins are necessary to enable the other nutrients to do their work

Page 25: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• Vitamins are necessary to enable the other nutrients to do their work

• Most vitamin needs can be met by eating a variety of foods

• Fat-soluble vitamins these are vitamins that can be stored in

• Fatty tissues and in the liver

• The fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E, & K

Page 26: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After

Fat Soluble

• VitaminA is needed for good vision, normal growth, and healthy skin

• Night blindness occurs when the eyes cannot adjust from bright to dim light

• Carotene is present in orange fruits and vegetables

Page 27: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After

Fat soluble

• Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium and phosphorus and deposit them into cells

• Sunshine vitamin

• Vitamin E in the human body is to act as an antioxidant

• Substance that protects compounds from the damaging effects of oxygen

• Vitamin K is needed for proper blood clotting

Page 28: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• These vitamins are not stored in the body to a great extent

• Excreted in the urine, sweat out, etc.

• B vitamins and vitamin C

• Thiamin• Riboflavin• niacin

• Vitamin B12• Vitamin C helps hold

body cells together and keeps the walls of the blood vessels strong.

• Healing wounds

Page 29: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After


• One of the most important nutrients

• Basic part of blood and tissue fluid water helps carry nutrients to the cells

• Water also carries waste products from the cell

• Water aids in digestion• Water regulates body


Page 30: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After

Recommended Nutrient Intakes

• Recommended Dietary Allowances

• Established in 1941• Developed the RDA

are revised to reflect the latest nutrition studies

• RDA one of four types of reference values that can be used for

• planning and assessing diets

• Dietary Reference Intakes outline nutrient requirements for each sex and for several age groups

• Allowances include need for energy, protein, and many vitamins

Page 31: HEALTHFUL EATING Nutrients at Work for You. Nutrients at Work Nutrients are chemical substances from food, which the body uses to function properly. After

Recommended Nutrient Intakes

• And minerals

• Allowances given in the DRI’s are designed to meet the needs of healthy people

• Guides for people who have special dietary needs