holy trinity novena

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  • 8/13/2019 Holy Trinity Novena


    Holy Trinity NovenaDay 1 GOD THE FATHER

    "Our Father who art in heaven"


    PRAISE AND GLORYI. God Father praise and glory,

    Your children come to sing,

    goodwill and peace to mankind,

    the gifts to mankind bring

    II. O ost !oly "rinity,

    #ndi$ided #nity.

    O !oly God, ighty God,

    God Immortal be adored.

    III. %nd Your, &ord co'eternal,

    God(s sole begotten )on.

    O *esus +ing anointed,

    You ha$e redemption won.

    (Repeat II)

    I. O !oly Ghost -reator,

    the gift of God ost !igh.

    &ife, lo$e and holy wisdom,

    our weakness now supply.

    (Repeat II)


    t. /,0'12"his is how you are to pray3 Our Father in !ea$en, holy be Your name, may Your kingdom

    come4 may Your will be done on earth as it is in !ea$en. Gi$e us today the food we need.

    Forgi$e us the wrongs we ha$e done, as we forgi$e the wrongs that others ha$e done to us.

    Do not bring us to hard testing but keep us safe from the e$il one.

    If you forgi$e others their transgressions, your hea$enly Father will forgi$e yours.


    In the 5ew "estament, *esus spoke about the Father and to the Father 167 times to ary !is

    mother only three times.2 From the beginning of !is ministry, *esus would say3 "I was sent

    by the Father," "Your God and my God," "the Father and I are one." "I do only the things

    told by my Father," "Father, not my will but Yours be done,"etc.


    Our Father in ea!en, holy be Your name, may Your ingdom #ome$ may Your will be done

    on earth as it is in ea!en. Gi!e us today the %ood we need. Forgi!e us the &rongs we ha!e

    done, as we %orgi!e the wrongs that a!e done, as we %orgi!e the wrongs that others ha!e

    done 'o us. o not bring us to hard testing but eep us sa%e %rom the e!il one. t. /,0'182

    Righteous Father* 'he world does not now You, but I now You and these now that You

    sent me. I made You nown to them, and I will #ontinue to do so in order that the lo!e You

    ha!e %or me may be in them, and so that I also may be in them.*n. 16,9:'9/2

  • 8/13/2019 Holy Trinity Novena



    Litany to the Most Holy Tinity

    &eader3 God the Father of !ea$en,

    %ll3 ! Ha"e #e$y on %s&

    3 God the )on, ;edeemer of the world, ternal "riune God whom earth and hea$en adore, ternal God

    3 @lessed be !is !oly 5ame

    3 @lessed be the glorious of all names3 @lessed be !is Glorious a=esty, the Great &ord One in "hree

    3 @lessed be God in !is angels and in !is saints.

    Adorers Prayer

    (Taught by the Angel of God to the three children at Fatima)

    O my God, I belie$e, I adore, I hope, I lo$e "heeA

    I ask pardon for those who do not belie$e, nor adore, nor hope, nor lo$e "hee.

    O ost !oly "rinity, Father, )on and !oly )pirit,

    I adore "hee profoundlyA

    I offer "hee the ost ?recious @ody, @lood, )oul and Di$inity of our &ord *esus -hrist,

    ?resent in all the "abernacles of the world,for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference committed against "hee

    in which !e !imself is offended. %men.


    Ho' Geat Tho% At

    y !arl oberg

    O &ord my God, when I,

    in awesome wonder,

    consider all the world

    thy hands ha$e made.

    I see the stars I hear

    the rolling thunder,

    thy powBr throughout

    the uni$erse displayed.

    "hen sings my soul

    y sa$ior God to thee,

    !ow great thou art,

    how great thou art.

    Ignoran#e o% the +lessed 'rinity is ignoran#e o% God./a# o% %aith in the 'rinity is la# o% %aith in God.

    /a# o% de!otion to the 'rinity is la# o% lo!e %or God.

    /o!e %or the oly 'rinity is lo!e %or God.

    God is 'rinity

    /o!e %or the Father is /o!e %or 1esus.

  • 8/13/2019 Holy Trinity Novena


    Day 2 GOD THE SON (Jesus)"This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased"A. OPENING SONG:

    COME AND (ORSHIPy Andy !arter

    -ome and worship, royal priesthood.

    -ome and praise !im, !oly nation.

    Corship *esus our ;edeemer.

    !e is precious, +ing of glory.

    %lleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluiaA

    Corship *esus our ;edeemer.

    !e is precious, +ing of glory.

    ;epeat all2


    *n. 1,1':2

    In the beginning was the Cord, and the Cord was with God, and the Cord was God. !e was

    in the beginning with God. %ll things came to be through !im, and without !im nothing

    came to be. Chat came to be through !im was life, and this life was the light of the human

    race4 the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not o$ercome it.


    %t the @aptism of *esus and "ransfiguration, the FatherBs words were heard3 "his is y

    belo$ed )on in whom I am well'pleased, listen to !imE3 For God so lo!ed the world that

    e ga!e is only 2on, so that e!eryone who belie!es in im may not die but ha!e eternal

    li%e.$ 2o that all who will honor the 2on in the same way as they honor the Father. &ho

    does not honor the 2on does not honor the Father who sent im.*n. :,982


    I belie$e in *esus -hrist, !is only )on, our &ord. !e was concei$ed by the power of the !oly)pirit and born of the irgin ary. !e suffered under ?ontius ?ilate, was crucified, died, and

    was buried. !e descended to the dead. On the third day, !e rose again. !e ascended into

    !ea$en, and seated at the right hand of the Father. !e will come again to =udge the li$ing and

    the dead.


    &eader3 &et us pray.

    All: O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Sirit, the !i"hty and the

    Most Po#er$%l in heaven and on earth, "rant &o!lete rene#al andtrans$or!ation o$ all the eole in the #orld. May the salvation and %nity

  • 8/13/2019 Holy Trinity Novena


    o$ all !an'ind (e a&hieved, that there #ill (e only one $oice in proclaimingYou power and wisdom, Your honor and glory for all eternity. %men.

    Di"ine Paises to the Most Holy Tinity

    Adorers Prayer


    A#a)in* Ga$e

    y ohn #ewton

    %maing grace, how sweet the sound

    "hat sa$ed a wretch like me.

    I once was lost but now am found,

    Cas blind but now I see.

    "Bwas grace that taught my heart to fear,

    and grace my fears relie$ed.!ow precious did that grace appear,

    "he hour I first belie$ed.

    "hrough many dangers, toils and snares,

    I ha$e already come.

    "Bwas grace that brought me

    safe thus far,

    and grace will lead me home.

    Chen weB$e been there

    ten thousand years,

    bright shining as the sun.

    CeB$e all days to sing GodBs praise, "han when we first begun.

    Obedien#e to the Father is obedien#e to 1esus and the oly 2pirit.

  • 8/13/2019 Holy Trinity Novena



    "$ will send you the %oly &'irit"


    COME HOLY SPIRITy %enderson uth *atson

    -ome, !oly )pirit, we need You.

    -ome, !oly )pirit, we pray.

    -ome with Your strength and Your power.

    -ome in Your own special way.

    -ome like a spring in the desert.

    -ome to the weary of souls.

    &ord, let Your sweet healing power,

    "ouch us and make us whole.


    *n. 1/,18'1:2

    @ut when !e comes, the )pirit of "ruth, !e will guide you to all truth. !e will not speak on

    !is own, but !e will speak what !e hears, and will declare to you the things that are coming.

    !e will glorify e, because !e will take from what is ine and declare it to you. >$erything

    that the Father has is ine4 for this reason I told you that !e will take from you what is ine

    and declare it to you.


    o not lea!e 1erusalem, but wait %or the Gi%t I told you about, the Gi%t my Father promised.

    1ohn bapti3ed with water, but in a %ew days, you will be bapti3ed with the oly 2pirit.%cts

    1, ':2 +apti3e all nations in the name o% the Father, the 2on and o% the oly 2pirit. t.

    9, 102 5ow this is the abiding presence of the @lessed "rinity.


    -ome !oly )pirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful people and kindle in us the fire of Your

    lo$e. )end forth Your )pirit and we shall be recreated. %nd You shall renew the face of the


    &et us pray3 O God, who by the light of Your !oly )pirit did instruct the hearts of Your

    faithful, grant us the same !oly )pirit to be truly wise and en=oy !is consolation, %men.


    Litany to the Most Holy Tinity

    &eader3 God the Father of !ea$en,

    %ll3 ! Ha"e #e$y on %s&

    3 God the )on, ;edeemer of the world, ternal "riune God whom earth and hea$en adore, ternal God

    3 @lessed be !is !oly 5ame

    3 @lessed be the glorious of all names

    3 @lessed be !is Glorious a=esty, the Great &ord One in "hree

    3 @lessed be God in !is angels and in !is saints.

    Adorers Prayer

    O my God, I belie$e, I adore, I hope, I lo$e "heeA

    I ask pardon for those who do not belie$e, nor adore, nor hope, nor lo$e "hee.O ost !oly "rinity, Father, )on and !oly )pirit,

  • 8/13/2019 Holy Trinity Novena


    I adore "hee profoundlyA

    I offer "hee the ost ?recious @ody, @lood, )oul and Di$inity of our &ord *esus -hrist,

    ?resent in all the "abernacles of the world,

    for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference committed against "hee

    in which !e !imself is offended. %men.



    y arbara oss and obert Till

    I. )pirit of God in the clear running water.

    @lowing to greatness the trees on the hill.

    )pirit of God in the finger of morning.


    Fill the earth, bring it to birth

    and blow where you will,blow, blow, blow, till I be,

    a breath of the )pirit blowing in me.

    II. I saw the scar of a deer that lay dying,

    heard the lament of a lone whippoorwill,

    )pirit of God see that cloud crying.

    (Repeat Re%rain)

    III. )pirit of God e$ery manBs heart is lonely,

    watching and waiting and hungry until,

    )pirit of God man longs that You only.

    (Repeat Re%rain)

    'rust in the Father in 'rust is 1esus.

  • 8/13/2019 Holy Trinity Novena


    Day GOD THE CREATOR +Fathe,

    "$n the beginning when God created the universe"


    Fathe I A-oe Yo%

    y Terry !oelho

    Father, I adore You.

    &ay my life before You.

    !ow I lo$e You.

    *esus, I adore You.

    &ay my life before You.

    !ow I lo$e You.

    )pirit, I adore You.

    &ay my life before You.

    !ow I lo$e You.


    Gen. 1, 1'02

    In the beginning, when God created the !ea$ens and the earth, the earth was a formless

    wasteland and darkness co$ered the abyss, while the mighty wind swept o$er the waters.

    "hen God said, &et there be light,E and there was light. God saw how good the light was.

    God then separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day,E and the darkness

    he called night.E "hus e$ening came, and the morning followed H the first day.

    "hen God said3 &et there be a dome in the middle of the waters, to separate one body of

    water from another.E %nd so it happened3 God made the dome, and it separated the water

    abo$e the dome from the water below it. God called the dome the sky.E >$ening came, and

    morning followed H the second day.

    "hen God said, &et the water under the sky be gathered into a single basin, so that the dry

    land may appear.E %nd so it happened3 the water under the sky was gathered into a basin, and

    the land appeared.


    5nd so the whole uni!erse was #ompleted. +y the se!enth day, God %inished what e had

    been doing and stopped woring. e blessed the se!enth day and set it apart as spe#ial,

    be#ause by that day e had #ompleted is #reation and stopped woring and that is how the

    uni!erse was #reated. Gen. 9, 1'2

    "he Father had completed the work of creation including the creation of %dam and >$e who

    disobeyed God.


  • 8/13/2019 Holy Trinity Novena


    oses said3 'he /ord, the lord, a mer#i%ul and gra#ious God, slow to anger and ri#h in

    indness and %idelity, #ontinuing is indness %or a thousand generation, and %orgi!ing

    wi#edness and #rime and sin$ yet not de#laring the guilty, guiltless, but punishing #hildren

    and grand#hildren to the third and %ourth generation %or their %athers6 wi#edness*>. 8,



    Litany to the Most Holy Tinity

    &eader3 God the Father of !ea$en,

    %ll3 ! Ha"e #e$y on %s&

    3 God the )on, ;edeemer of the world, ternal "riune God whom earth and hea$en adore, ternal God

    3 @lessed be !is !oly 5ame

    3 @lessed be the glorious of all names

    3 @lessed be !is Glorious a=esty, the Great &ord One in "hree

    3 @lessed be God in !is angels and in !is saints.

    Adorers Prayer

    (Taught by the Angel of God to the three children at Fatima)

    O my God, I belie$e, I adore, I hope, I lo$e "heeAI ask pardon for those who do not belie$e, nor adore, nor hope, nor lo$e "hee.

    O ost !oly "rinity, Father, )on and !oly )pirit,

    I adore "hee profoundlyA

    I offer "hee the ost ?recious @ody, @lood, )oul and Di$inity of our &ord *esus -hrist,

    ?resent in all the "abernacles of the world,

    for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference committed against "hee

    in which !e !imself is offended. %men.



    I. )ing praises to the li$ing God, glory hallelu=ahA

    -ome adore the li$ing God, glory hallelu=ahA

    "hough sun and moon may pass away,

    !is word will e$er stay.

    !is power is fore$ermore, glory hallelu=ahA


    I. Glory to the "rinity,

    the #ndi$ided #nityA"he Father, )on and )pirit one.

    From whom all life and goodness come.

    II. "o the li$ing God we sing, glory hallelu=ahA

    &et our lo$e and praises ring, glory hallelu=ahA

    "o !is )on !e always

    !is mercy and !is lo$e.

    ?raise !im now fore$er, glory hallelu=ahA

    Ignoran#e o% the Father is ignoran#e o% 1esus.

    ea!en is the home o% the Father, 2on and oly 2pirit.

    ell is the absen#e o% the Father, 2on and oly 2pirit.-urgatory is the 7#leansing Room6 be%ore we %a#e the oly 2pirit.

  • 8/13/2019 Holy Trinity Novena


    ea!en is home with the +lessed 'rinity.

    ell is the burning desert without the oly 'rinity.

  • 8/13/2019 Holy Trinity Novena


    Day :

    Go- the Anointe- Sa"io +/es%s,



    y +ichael ,edner

    You are my hiding place,

    You always fill my heart

    with songs of deli$erance,whene$er I am afraid,

    I will trust in You. I will trust in You.

    &et the weak say I am strong

    in the strength of my &ord,

    I will trust in You.

    (Repeat all)


    &k. 1, /0'6:2

    !e has pro$ided us a mighty )a$ior, a descendant of !is ser$ant Da$id. !e promised through

    !is holy prophets long ago that !e would sa$e us from our enemies, from the power of all

    those who hate us. !e said !e would show mercy to our ancestors and remember !is sacred

    co$enant. Cith a solemn oath to our ancestor %braham, !e promised to rescue us from our

    enemies and allow us to ser$e !im without fear, so that we might be holy and righteous

    before !im all the days of our life.


    on6t be a%raid 8ary, God has been gra#ious to you. You will be#ome pregnant and gi!ebirth to a son, and you will name him 1esus. e will be great and will be #alled the 2on o% the

    8ost igh God.6 8ary said to the angel, 7 I am a !irgin, how then #an this be96 'he angel

    answered4 7'he oly 2pirit will #ome on you, and God6s power will rest upon you. For this

    reason, the holy hild will be #alled the 2on o% God.&k. 1, 87'8:2


    &ord *esus -hrist, you ga$e us the >ucharist as a memorial of your suffering and death, may

    our worship of the )acrament of Your @ody and @lood help us to eperience the sal$ation

    You won for us and the peace of the kingdom where you li$e with the Father, and the !oly

    )pirit, one God, fore$er and e$er. %men.

  • 8/13/2019 Holy Trinity Novena



    Litany to the Most Holy Tinity

    &eader3 God the Father of !ea$en,

    %ll3 ! Ha"e #e$y on %s&

    3 God the )on, ;edeemer of the world, ternal "riune God whom earth and hea$en adore, ternal God

    3 @lessed be !is !oly 5ame

    3 @lessed be the glorious of all names

    3 @lessed be !is Glorious a=esty, the Great &ord One in "hree

    3 @lessed be God in !is angels and in !is saints.

    Adorers Prayer

    (Taught by the Angel of God to the three children at Fatima)O my God, I belie$e, I adore, I hope, I lo$e "heeA

    I ask pardon for those who do not belie$e, nor adore, nor hope, nor lo$e "hee.

    O ost !oly "rinity, Father, )on and !oly )pirit,

    I adore "hee profoundlyA

    I offer "hee the ost ?recious @ody, @lood, )oul and Di$inity of our &ord *esus -hrist,

    ?resent in all the "abernacles of the world,

    for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference committed against "hee

    in which !e !imself is offended. %men.



    I. Oh let the )on of God enfold you

    with !is )pirit and !is lo$e.

    &et !im fill your heart

    and satisfy your soul.

    Oh let him ha$e the things that

    hold you and !is )pirit like a do$e

    will descend upon your life

    and make you whole.


    *esus, oh *esus,

    come and feed Your &ambs.

    *esus, oh *esus,

    come and feed Your lambs.

    II. Oh come and sing this song with gladness

    %s your hearts are filled with =oy.

    Gi$e your hands in sweet surrender to !is name

    Oh gi$e !im all your tears and gladness.

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    Gi$e !im all your years of pain.

    %nd youBll enter into life in *esusB name.

    Day /

    GOD The San$ti0ie +Holy S1iit,



    "he )pirit of the &ord is now upon me,

    to heal the broken hearts

    and set the capti$es free,

    to open prison doorsand make the blind to see.

    "he )pirit of the &ord is now on me.

    (Repeat all)


    %cts 1 ':4 9,8'2

    Chile meeting with them, !e en=oined them not to depart from *erusalem, but wait for thepromise of the Father about which you ha$e heard me speak4 for *ohn baptied you with

    water, but in a few days you will be baptied with the !oly )pirit.E

    "hen there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of

    them. %nd they were all filled with the !oly )pirit and began to speak in different tongues, as

    the )pirit enabled them to proclaim.


    It is best %or you that I go away, be#ause i% I do not go, the elper will not #ome to you. +ut

    i% I do go away, then I will send im to you. 5nd when e #omes, e will pro!e to the peoplethat they were wrong about sin and about what is right and about God6s :udgment. 'hey are

    wrong about sin be#ause they did not belie!e in 8e$ they are wrong about what is right

    be#ause I am going to the Father.*n. 1/, 6'2


    -ome, !oly )pirit, we need You. -ome, !oly )pirit, we pray. -ome with Your strength and

    Your power, come with Your lo$ing care. -ome like a spring in the desert, come to the weary

    of soul. &et Your sweet healing power, come in Your powerful wayA

  • 8/13/2019 Holy Trinity Novena


    -ome, !oly )pirit, we lo$e You. -ome, !oly )pirit, we plead4 make us holy as Our Father.

    Guide us in our pilgrim way H without You no fruits will be gathered, with You all things

    come true. %men.


    Litany to the Most Holy Tinity

    &eader3 God the Father of !ea$en,

    %ll3 ! Ha"e #e$y on %s&

    3 God the )on, ;edeemer of the world, ternal "riune God whom earth and hea$en adore, ternal God

    3 @lessed be !is !oly 5ame

    3 @lessed be the glorious of all names

    3 @lessed be !is Glorious a=esty, the Great &ord One in "hree

    3 @lessed be God in !is angels and in !is saints.

    Adorers Prayer

    (Taught by the Angel of God to the three children at Fatima)

    O my God, I belie$e, I adore, I hope, I lo$e "heeA

    I ask pardon for those who do not belie$e, nor adore, nor hope, nor lo$e "hee.

    O ost !oly "rinity, Father, )on and !oly )pirit,

    I adore "hee profoundlyA

    I offer "hee the ost ?recious @ody, @lood, )oul and Di$inity of our &ord *esus -hrist,

    ?resent in all the "abernacles of the world,

    for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference committed against "hee

    in which !e !imself is offended. %men.



    !alina >spiritu )anto,

    puspusin mo ang pusong tapat sa Iyo.

    ?uso ng mga binyagan,

    pusong humahanap saByo.

    !alina >spiritu )anto,

    pagningasin o ang apoyng Iyong pag'ibig.

  • 8/13/2019 Holy Trinity Novena


    >spiritu ng pang'unawa,

    ipaliwanag o ang kalooban ng Diyos.

    >spiritu ng katalinuhan,

    manguna +a sa lahat ng gawain.

    >spiritu ng pagpapayo,

    tanglawan mo kami sa aming alinlangan.>spiritu ng lakas at buhay,

    bigyan ng tatag sa buhay

    ng paglilingkod.

    Faith in the Father, 2on and oly 2pirit produ#es pea#e, :oy and happiness.

  • 8/13/2019 Holy Trinity Novena


    Day 6

    GOD The Po"i-e +Fathe,

    -Gives us this day our daily bread.



    I. ?raised be the &ord, alleluiaA

    ?raised be the &ord, alleluiaA

    ?raised be the &ord, alleluiaA%lleluiaA


    Glory to GodA Glory to GodA

    Glory to GodA Glory to GodA

    Glory to GodA Glory to GodA

    ?raised be the &ordA &a la laJ

    II. ?raised be to God our FatherA

    ?raised be *esus -hrist our )a$iorA

    ?raised be the !oly )piritA



    *n. 1631'2

    Chen *esus had said this, !e raised !is eyes to hea$en and said, Father, the hour has come.

    Gi$e glory to Your )on, so that Your )on may glorify You. *ust as You ga$e !im authority

    o$er all people, so that !e may gi$e eternal life to all You ga$e !im. 5ow this is eternal life,that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom You sent, *esus -hrist. I

    glorified you on earth but accomplishing the work that You ga$e e to do. 5ow glorify e,

    Father, with You, with the glory that I had with You before the world began.

    I re$ealed Your name to those whom You ga$e e out of the world. "hey belonged to You,

    and You ga$e them to me, and they ha$e kept Your word. 5ow they know that e$erything

    You ga$e e is from You, because the words You ga$e to e I ha$e gi$en to them, and they

    accepted them and truly understood that I came from You, and they ha$e belie$ed that You

    sent e.E


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    2o do not start worrying4 &here will my %ood #ome %rom9 Or my drin9 Or my #lothes9

    'hese are the things the pagans are always #on#erned about. Your Father in hea!en nows

    that you need all these things. Instead be #on#erned about e!erything else with the ;ingdom

    o% God and with what e reternal "riune God whom earth and hea$en adore, ternal God

    3 @lessed be !is !oly 5ame

    3 @lessed be the glorious of all names

    3 @lessed be !is Glorious a=esty, the Great &ord One in "hree

    3 @lessed be God in !is angels and in !is saints.

    Adorers Prayer

    O my God, I belie$e, I adore, I hope, I lo$e "heeA

    I ask pardon for those who do not belie$e, nor adore, nor hope, nor lo$e "hee.

    O ost !oly "rinity, Father, )on and !oly )pirit,

    I adore "hee profoundlyA

    I offer "hee the ost ?recious @ody, @lood, )oul and Di$inity of our &ord *esus -hrist,

    ?resent in all the "abernacles of the world,

    for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference committed against "heein which !e !imself is offended. %men.



    Ce praise You, Father.

    Ce praise You, )on.

    Ce praise You )pirit.

    %ll three in one.

    Ce raise our hands"o praise Your name

  • 8/13/2019 Holy Trinity Novena


    "hat all the world may all acclaim

    "his #nity H Your "rinity.

    Ce bow before this mystery.

    Ce lo$e You, Father.

    Ce lo$e You, )on.Ce lo$e You )pirit.

    %ll three in one.

    Ce raise our hands

    "o lo$e Your name

    "hat all the world may all acclaim

    "his #nity H Your "rinity.

    Ce bow before this mystery.

    Ce ser$e You, Father.

    Ce ser$e You, )on.

    Ce ser$e You )pirit.%ll three in one.

    Ce raise our hands

    "o ser$e Your name

    "hat all the world may all acclaim

    "his #nity H Your "rinity.

    Ce bow before this mystery.

    Ce thank You, Father.

    Ce thank You, )on.

    Ce thank You )pirit.

    %ll three in one.

    Ce raise our hands

    "o thank Your name

    "hat all the world may all acclaim

    "his #nity H Your "rinity.

    Ce bow before this mystery.

    Father is 'rinitarian.

    &ithout the oly 'rinity there is no dire#tion, no goal in li%e.

    eath is going home to the oly 'rinity.

    Obedien#e is the insuran#e to meet the +lessed 'rinity in ea!en.isobedien#e is the slap on the %a#e o% the oly 'rinity.

    Obedien#e is submission to the 'riune God.

    'he i!ine Family is the 'rinity.

    'he +lessed 'rinity has gi!en us the %ree gi%t o% sal!ation.

  • 8/13/2019 Holy Trinity Novena



    GOD The Di"ine Heale +/es%s,


    *esus, YouBre my number one. 92

    &ord, I am nothing without You

    so I need You by my side.

    "hanks for showing me the way

    how to li$e a better life.

    &ord, I belie$e You lo$e me so

    You ha$e gi$en me a chance.

    5ow I lo$e You more and more

    and You are my number oneYou are my number one.

    I belie$e in You, *esus.

    I will follow Your way.

    5o one can change

    my mind about You.

    I will always praise Your name. 92


    k. /3::':/2

    "hey scurried about the surrounding country and began to bring in the sick on mats to where

    e$er they heard !e was. Chate$er $illages or towns or countryside !e entered, they laid the

    sick in the marketplaces and begged !im that they might touch only the tassel on !is cloak4

    and as many as touched it were healed.


    1esus went all o!er Galilee, tea#hing in the synagogues, prea#hing the Good =ews about

    the ;ingdom, and healing people who had all inds o% diseases and si#ness. 'he news about

    im spread through the whole #ountry o% 2yria, so that people brought to im all those who

    were si#, su%%ering %rom all inds o% diseases and disorders4 people with demons, and

    epilepti#s, and paralyti#s > 1esus healed them all.t. , 98'92


    &ord *esus -hrist, You showed Your lo$e and compassion for the poor and the sick, curing

    e$eryone who came to You in faith, or in hope. 5o one who appealed to You was e$er

    disappointed, be they belie$ers or not H both saints and sinners. ?lease pour down Your

    mercies upon us who are sick and wounded in the struggles we face in life. heal us, &ord, of

    our infirmities caused by human frailty and sinfulness. "ouch &ord, our aching bodies and

    spirit with Your healing lo$e. %men.


    Litany to the Most Holy Tinity

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    Lea-e3 God the Father of !ea$en,

    All3 ! Ha"e #e$y on %s&

    3 God the )on, ;edeemer of the world, ternal "riune God whom earth and hea$en adore, ternal God

    3 @lessed be !is !oly 5ame

    3 @lessed be the glorious of all names

  • 8/13/2019 Holy Trinity Novena


    3 @lessed be !is Glorious a=esty, the Great &ord One in "hree

    3 @lessed be God in !is angels and in !is saints.

    Adorers Prayer

    O my God, I belie$e, I adore, I hope, I lo$e "heeA

    I ask pardon for those who do not belie$e, nor adore, nor hope, nor lo$e "hee.

    O ost !oly "rinity, Father, )on and !oly )pirit,I adore "hee profoundlyA

    I offer "hee the ost ?recious @ody, @lood, )oul and Di$inity of our &ord *esus -hrist,

    ?resent in all the "abernacles of the world,

    for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference committed against "hee

    in which !e !imself is offended. %men.


    My Lo-3 My Lo-

    by /arren !lar0e

    y &ord, my &ord,

    how wonderful You are,

    how wonderful You are,

    how wonderful You are.

    y &ord, my &ord,

    how wonderful You are,

    )inging glory to Your name.

    )inging glory, glory hallelu=ah,

    hallelu=ah, hallelu=ahA

    )inging glory, glory hallelu=ahA

    )inging glory to Your name.

    2an#ti%y maes us #lose members o% the i!ine Family.

  • 8/13/2019 Holy Trinity Novena


    Day 0

    GOD The E"an*eli)e +Holy S1iit,


    Cith the )pirit of the &ord

    that is in my heart,

    I will sing like Da$id sang.

    Cith the )pirit of the &ord

    that is in my heart,

    I will sing like Da$id sang.

    I will sing, I will sing.

    I will sing like Da$id sang,

    I will sing, I will sing.

    I will sing like Da$id sang,

    Cith the )pirit of the &ord

    that is in my heart,

    I will praise like Da$id praised.

    Cith the )pirit of the &ord

    that is in my heart,

    I will praise like Da$id praised.

    I will praise, I will praise.

    I will praise like Da$id praised,

    I will praise, I will praise.

    I will praise like Da$id praised,

    Cith the )pirit of the &ord

    that is in my heart,

    I will dance like Da$id danced.

    Cith the )pirit of the &ord

    that is in my heart,

    I will dance like Da$id danced.

    I will dance, I will dance.

    I will dance like Da$id danced,

    I will dance, I will dance.I will dance like Da$id danced,

    Cith the )pirit of the &ord

    that is in my heart,

    I will ser$e like Da$id ser$ed.

    Cith the )pirit of the &ord

    that is in my heart,

    I will ser$e like Da$id ser$ed.

    I will ser$e, I will ser$e.

    I will ser$e like Da$id ser$ed,

    I will ser$e, I will ser$e.I will ser$e like Da$id ser$ed,

  • 8/13/2019 Holy Trinity Novena


    Cith the )pirit of the &ord

    that is in my heart,

    I will pray like Da$id prayed.

    Cith the )pirit of the &ord

    that is in my heart,

    I will pray like Da$id prayed.I will pray, I will pray.

    I will pray like Da$id prayed,

    I will pray, I will pray.

    I will pray like Da$id prayed,


    %cts 9, :'2

    5ow there were de$out *ews from e$ery nation under hea$en staying in *erusalem. %t this

    sound, they gathered in a large crowd, but they were confused because each one heard them

    speaking in his own language. "hey were astounded, and in amaement they asked, %re not

    all these people who are speaking GalileansK "hen how does each one of us hear them in hisown nati$e languageKE


    1esus said to them4 7'he times and o##asions are set by my Father6s own authority and it is

    not %or you to now when they will be. +ut when the oly 2pirit #omes upon you, you will be

    %illed with power, and you will be witnesses %or me in 1erusalem, in all 1udea and 2amaria

    and to the ends o% the earth.%cts 1, 6'2


    &ord !oly )pirit, come down upon Your sons and daughters who proclaim the message of

    sal$ation. ?erform miracles in the sky abo$e and wonders on the earth below. "hat people of

    e$ery race and nation will belie$e in -hrist *esus, our )a$ior. %men.


    Litany to the Most Holy Tinity

    &eader3 God the Father of !ea$en,

    %ll3 ! Ha"e #e$y on %s&

    3 God the )on, ;edeemer of the world,