how to relax your mind - 5 life-changing habits

How To Relax Your Mind 5 Life-changing Habits There’s a lot of noise going around these days. We’ve all got so many different responsibilities and sometimes, it gets so hectic that we just feel like going crazy. Can you relate to this? Wouldn’t it be nice if you knew how to relax your mind? Well, hold on to your hair for just a little bit because on today’s post, you’ll discover how you can make your mind and body one again and keep them both in sync and at peace. When I was younger, I used to always struggle with life. The reason why…my thoughts weren’t as good as they should be. Even today, every now and then I get one of those days, but the difference, I know how to handle them and not let the thoughts in my mind ruin my day and make it an unproductive one. We need to realize that our minds are powerful. How we see and understand things can create different meanings. Whatever meaning we give a situation or experience becomes it. In today’s post, I’ll be focusing on 5 habits that will teach you how to relax your mind. It doesn’t only relax your mind, but it strengthens it

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How To Relax Your Mind – 5

Life-changing Habits There’s a lot of noise going around these days. We’ve all got so many

different responsibilities and sometimes, it gets so hectic that we just

feel like going crazy. Can you relate to this? Wouldn’t it be nice if you

knew how to relax your mind? Well, hold on to your hair for just a little

bit because on today’s post, you’ll discover how you can make your

mind and body one again and keep them both in sync and at peace.

When I was younger, I used to always struggle with life. The reason

why…my thoughts weren’t as good as they should be. Even today, every

now and then I get one of those days, but the difference, I know how to

handle them and not let the thoughts in my mind ruin my day and

make it an unproductive one. We need to realize that our minds are

powerful. How we see and understand things can create different

meanings. Whatever meaning we give a situation or experience

becomes it.

In today’s post, I’ll be focusing on 5 habits that will teach you how to

relax your mind. It doesn’t only relax your mind, but it strengthens it

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as well. It does not only keep your mind healthy, it keeps your body

healthy as well. Why? How? Well, whatever your mind feels or sees,

your body reacts. One thing I’ve learned along the journey is “Mental

pictures are true events to the body.”. That means the quality of your

thoughts WILL affect the quality of your life. Whatever you think or

imagine, your body will definitely feel it. If you’re nervous about

something, you’ll definitely feel the butterflies in your stomach, right?

A new year just started and what’s the best way to start it? By throwing

away all the destructive habits and welcoming new life-changing habits.

So let’s start the year the right way.

Here’s a good path you can take. ;-)

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Discover how to relax your mind with 5

super life-changing habits.


1. Get Your 8 Hours

It’s tested and proven. Most of the people who act like jerks simply

need more sleep. They need to get more of them Zzz’s. Whenever you

lack sleep, you space out a lot and not pay as much of attention that

you need to, you’re crankier and get tired way too easily. This is not

how to relax your mind.

Sleep is how our body recovers from everything that happened during

the day whether it be repairing muscles from a workout, strengthening

our immune system and it’s surely the most important habit to relaxing

and resting our minds. It’s how we move on from yesterday and get

prepared for tomorrow. We should always see to it that we get our

necessary 8 hours of sleep in order to have more energy, be more alert

and be able to max out our productivity.

Nothing beats the feeling of not having a head ache or being light

headed because you’re well-rested. Now that’s how to relax your mind.

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Check out this great infographic about the importance of sleep

2. Wake Up Early

No matter how tempting it may be to go back to bed and sleep in, it will

never do you any good. Waking up late is never good for you. First off,

you’re wasting time. Don’t sleep your life away. Second, you’ll never get

anything done if all you do is wake up late. The best way to get things

done is to do them in the morning. That way, you have more time and

you’ll get more things done. Trust me, you’ll love it. There’s a big

difference going to the DMV to get your driver’s license in the morning

compared to getting it in the afternoon. You get the point? Lastly,

sleeping too much is laziness. It will create a destructive life with no


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People who wake up early, tend to have more energy. If you wake up

early in the morning enough times, it will be embedded in your mental

clock which means, you won’t have to rely on your alarm clocks as

often. It always feels awesome waking up early in the morning

naturally. I’m not saying you turn your alarms off, I’m just saying if you

do this enough times, you’ll be waking up before it even alarms. If you

want max productivity, wake up early and get things done. This is one

of the best ways on how to relax your mind…knowing that you’re

conquering your responsibilities and getting things done. Right?

3. Eat Healthy

It’s scientifically proven that eating healthy creates a positive outcome

for our bodies. Don’t go on an eating spree and trade a banana for

bacon strips. You get the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients

when you eat the right kinds of food. It doesn’t cloud your thinking or

make you feel bloated. Instead, you feel more energized and satisfied.

You feel more confident about yourself because you know that you’re

making a difference in your body and you’ve learned how to discipline


See this guest blog post from Brenda

Godinez (

Seeing yourself go through the whole process, from the moment you take

the first step towards a healthier lifestyle, right until you learn how to make

better decisions, lose weight, learn cooking, cure your ailments or feel

fantastic, will make you feel like a better version of yourself, and you’d be

right. Is there a more rewarding feeling than knowing you accomplished a

goal after a lot of willpower and hard work? –

Exactly my point. A great way on how to relax your mind.

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4. Learn How To Meditate

If you want to learn how to relax your mind, then learn how to meditate where you tap into

your subconscious mind and allow your mind and body to be in sync and become one. With

meditation, you’re able to slow things down and become more aware of your surroundings.

Even some of the most successful people in the world practice meditation. One prime example

is Kobe Bryant. I was at his basketball camp July 2015 in Santa Barbara. Below is a video of him

describing how critical meditation was to his successful basketball career.

I would recommend getting audio tapes or books on this subject so you can learn more.

Meditation is a practice of silence and relaxation. If you can do this at least 30 mins daily, you’ll

feel such a massive breakthrough. All of a sudden, you’re getting all these awesome creative

ideas and you’re excited to just be living because of all the possibilities. Now you know a

powerful step on how to relax your mind. Meditate away!

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5. Make Yourself Uncomfortable

Kinda sound stupid making yourself uncomfortable on purpose, you

think? Well, we need it. It has to happen. If you want to know how to

relax your mind, then be uncomfortable. Being uncomfortable allows

us to grow and stretch who we are. When you’re out of your comfort

zones and you take action, it means you’re experiencing a new version

of yourself. If you’re used to growing and stretching yourself, you’ll

always have a peace of mind because you’re pretty much ready for

anything. You’ll always know how to relax your mind if you’re always

prepared to step out of your comfort zone and hey, stepping out

always means progress. Way to go!

Here’s a great excerpt on the topic that shows how being

uncomfortable teaches you how to relax your mind:

So, to truly push the boundaries, start by not making any. Just put in your

all and give it your best shot. Nobody can ever ask you of more than you’re

capable. This will also help you to develop an inner sense of self

satisfaction, which will intern boost your confidence and could help reduce


Secondly, mix with people who are better than you at what you’re trying to

do, and don’t be intimidated by them. Learn from what they do and

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examine how you could enhance their methods to increase your chances of

success. –

What do you think of the 5 habits? Are there any other

habits that you can think of on how to relax your


Pete Zafra

“Freedom Artist”


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