how to see the lion in your mirror, a presentation by joe tye

How to See the Lion in the Mirror – Promoting a More Positive and Productive Workplace By Joe Tye, CEO and Head Coach Values Coach Inc. Copyright © 2013, Values Coach Inc.

Post on 21-Oct-2014



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Slides used in presentation by Values Coach CEO and Head Coach Joe Tye on strategies for being your best self and for achieving your most authentic goals.


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How to See the Lion in the Mirror – Promoting

a More Positive and Productive Workplace

By Joe Tye, CEO and Head CoachValues Coach Inc.

Copyright © 2013, Values Coach Inc.

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Self Made Man by Bobbie Carlyle

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Breaking through the invisible ceiling on the performance potential of your people and of your organization

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This afternoon we’ll explore 7 practical strategies but first let’s look at your…

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Brain plasticity

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What modern brain science tells us

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“We are seeing evidence of the brain’s ability to remake itself throughout adult life, not only in response to outside stimuli, but even in response to directed mental effort...”

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“We are seeing, in short, the brain’s potential to correct its own flaws and enhance its own capabilities.”

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You can rewire the hardware by reprogramming the software!

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Using The Pyramid of Self-Belief™ to build a stronger level of self-belief throughout the organization.

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Self-belief is developed at four levels, each of which builds upon the other.

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One of the key responsibilities of leadership is framing the collective self-concept – is it the best of times or the worst of times, a time of great risk or of great opportunity?

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You will never on a sustained basis exceed the boundaries of what is allowed by your own self-image. That’s why…

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No one ever really “wins” the lottery.

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People with low self-esteem cheat themselves by settling for anemic dreams and goals.

They cheat the rest of us by not giving us the best they are capable of giving.

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Our job as leaders includes giving people the confidence that our organization can meet and prevail over the challenges that the world will throw at us.

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Strategy #1

Make fear your ally

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“Courage is the most important of all virtues, because it makes all of the other virtues possible.”

Winston Churchill

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“Courage is all of the other virtues at the point at which they are tested.”

C.S. Lewis

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The absence of fear is not courage!

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The absence of fear is…

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No Fear, No Courage…

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Big Fear, Big Courage…

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Three bad things happen when you in the thrall of anxiety…

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Bad Thing #1

Memory is distorted: past successes seem small and insignificant while past failures seem huge and certain to be repeated.

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Bad Thing #2

Perception is distorted: the dangers facing you are blown out of proportion while you underestimate the resources you have.

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Bad Thing #3

Vision is distorted: you cannot see the possibilities for a great outcome because you are so fixated on images of doom.

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The Performance-Anxiety Curve

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Anxiety tries to become fear.

Paul Tillich: The Courage to Be

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You’ve heard that the acronym F.E.A.R. stands for Fantasized Evidence Appearing Real.It also stands for…

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Fabulous Excuse for Avoiding Responsibility

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Fear is your ally when...

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Good Thing #1

It alerts you to the fact that you are not ready for some potential future event.

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Good Thing #2

It galvanizes you to take action.

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Good Thing #3

It opens your eyes to the fact you are on the wrong path in life (one reason “midlife crisis” is so often a time of searing anxiety).

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Good Thing #4

When it is a call to focus*

* Procrastination is always rooted in fear

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Good Thing #5

When it is a call to faith*

* Faith begins at the point where certainty ends

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Terror or exhilaration?

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Are people afraid of change?

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Worry is like paying interest on a debt that you probably don’t even owe!

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Is it a problem or is it a predicament?

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Strategy #2

Make adversity your teacher

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Every great accomplishment was once the “impossible dream” of a dreamer who simply refused to quit when things got tough.

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Law #1

The rain will fall and bad things will happen to good people – including you

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Law #2

Crisis creates opportunity

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Law #3

You must pass through the valley of the shadow.

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Law #4

Falling on your face is good for your head

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Law #5

Whether it’s the best of times or the worst of times is your choice

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Law #6

One door closes, another door opens

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Law #7

Without the valleys, you won’t appreciate the mountains.

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Law #8

There are millions of others who would love to have your problems

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Law #9

Dare most when times are darkest.

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Law #10

Sometimes you meet the most important people in your life when you are flat on your back.

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Don’t forget to laugh.

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No matter what happens:

Thank God Ahead of Time

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Strategy #3

The Janitor in Your Attic™ to erase the malignant echo of negative self-talk

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Toxic emotional negativity is ALWAYS an outer projection of inner misery…

Hence “co-miserate” – to be miserable together.

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There is an invisible barrier on the potential of your organization

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The collective self-talk, self-image, and self-belief of your people will either be the wind in your sails or the anchor holding you back.

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The Inner Child is shadowed by an Inner Spoiled Brat

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The split personality of your Inner Spoiled Brat

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If only we won the lottery!

The Whiner

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You don’t deserve to win the lottery!

The Screamer

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The most important speech any of us ever give (the one you were never trained to give) is...

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What is the first word a child learns to say?

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For a variety of evolutionary reasons, the human mind automatically gravitates toward negative, frightening and depressing thoughts.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: The Evolving Self: A Psychology for the New Millennium

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Experts refer to ANTs – automatic negative thoughts

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Psychologists say that up to 80% of self-talk is negative – and that we can abuse ourselves at a speed of 400 words per minute!

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And much of it is below the level of conscious awareness, like graffiti on a subway car: after a while you don’t notice it

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You would never tolerate anyone else speaking to you the way you allow your spoiled inner brat to get away with.

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A crucial point!

That voice will always be in the second person. It’s not you talking!!!

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What you are hearing is the malignant echo of nasty things said to you long ago that hurt, stuck, and metastasized (that’s what cancer does).

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Two steps to using the power of Metaphorical Visualization™ to erase the graffiti of negative self-talk:

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Step #1

Visualize the words as clearly as you possibly can as graffiti that has been scrawled on the walls of your mental attic.

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Step #2

Visualize a janitor (The Janitor in Your Attic™) painting over the graffiti and replacing it with positive affirmations.

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For your challenge to your Spoiled Inner Brat to be credible you must also take action if what Brat says is factually accurate.

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Strategy #4

Make your body play a constructive part in that inner dialogue…

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How your body tells your mind what to feel…

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Watch this TED talk by Amy Cuddy!

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How your mouth tells your mind what to think…

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Smile from the outside in and you’ll eventually be smiling from the inside out.

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Strategy #5

Leave behind the emotional baggage

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Strategy #6

Create memories of the future

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Do you read your horoscope?

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Joe’s Youroscope

A breakthrough concept emerges back at the office today. A great day to make a difference, make a friend, and make a decision and...

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Joe’s Youroscope (contd.)

A great new opportunity will come from out of the blue, but it will be well-disguised – so pay attention and focus, and…

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Joe’s Youroscope (contd.)

Call your Mom

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You can remember the future more clearly and more accurately than you can remember the past.

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The difference between wishful thinking and positive thinking…

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Wishful thinking is hoping for something and waiting for someone else to make it happen.

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Positive thinking is expecting something and working to make it happen.

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The 6-As for creating Memories of the Future

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1. AspirationYou gotta want it – without ambition we would all still be hunting and gathering.

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2. ArticulationYou need to describe your dream in a way that others can see it.

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3. AffirmationBecause we dream in pictures but we worry in words.

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4. AskingThe Aladdin Factor is asking the right question of the right person at the right time.

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5. ActionAction transforms fear into fire; accumulation of many small actions yields big results.

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6. AdaptationBecause, as von Moltke said, no plan survives contact with the enemy.

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Wear your Dream next to your heart

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Five times every morning and two things every day.

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A Memory of the Future creates healthy cognitive dissonance

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Strategy #7

Take to heart the seven promises of The Self-Empowerment Pledge™

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“I attribute my success to the fact that I never gave or took an excuse.”

Florence Nightingale

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Seven Simple Promises That Will Change Your


* One for each day of the week.

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The Pledge is a great way to foster a more empowering culture!

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Watch the YouTube video – half of these people are not reading it!

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If you knew it would change your life for the better – profoundly and permanently – would you…

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Would you give up one television commercial a day for a year?

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bet!If your answer is yes, here’s what you need to do.

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Every morning start your day by making that day’s promise – which will take you about 15 seconds.

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Repeat the promise again in in the middle of your work day.

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Once more before you leave for home.

I am responsible,

accountable, and


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And one more time right before you go to bed.

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4 x 15 seconds = 1 minute

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Repeat these promises like you really mean them!

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Let’s take a look at the seven promises…

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Here’s WHY it works…

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You keep promising yourself that you will be responsible, accountable, and determined; make a contribution, be resilient in the face of adversity, have a positive perspective, and that your faith will shine through.

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Then you catch yourself whining and complaining, procrastinating, gossiping, blaming others for your problems, taking when you should be giving, and pretendingthat you have no power.

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You end up with what psychologists call… Cognitive Dissonance

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Which is trying to simultaneously hold two incompatible beliefs

I am responsible,

accountable, and

determined! It’s not my fault,

they did it to me,

this is so unfair.

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At that point, one of two things MUST happen. Either you take the easy way and stop making the promises…

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Or you keep making the promises until you begin to change your attitudes and yourbehaviors.

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And as you do that, you will begin to achieve better results in every dimension of your life.

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Read these seven promises one more time…

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Now ask yourself these two questions…

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Question #1:

If you personally were to take these seven promises to heart, would you be better off than where you are headed now – personally, professionally, financially, and spiritually?

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Question #2:

If everyone where you work made a good faith effort to live these seven promises, would you do a better job of serving customers and of supporting each other?

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If your answer to these two questions is…

And if you’re being honest, that’s what your answer will be.

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Then why wouldn’t you invest those 365 minutes in yourself? Do it, because no one can empower you but you.

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Will you do it? Will you give up one TV commercial a day…

To change your life?

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And one last thing…

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Think Big

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Start Small

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Start Now

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