hydra connect lightening talk jan14

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Hydra@HullChris AwreHydra ConnectJanuary 2014

Hydra@Hull - BackgroundFedora repository since 2008Founder member of Hydra that same yearImplemented Hydra@HullEnd user interface, September 2011Staff create and edit interface, March 2012Hydra 6.1 upgrade, January 2014Hydra@Hull is a general purpose institutional repositoryAim to be able to offer some management capability for any digital collection on campusHydra Connect | January 2014 | 2

Hydra@Hull designHydra Connect | January 2014 | 3

Responsive design

Bootstrap Blacklight

Tile display

Role-dependent display

Hydra@Hull - diving inHydra Connect | January 2014 | 4

Search / browse


Resource type ID

Part of a familyHydra Connect | January 2014 | 5

Library catalogue

Consistent UI

Common UI framework

Flexibility across material types

Differential displayHydra Connect | January 2014 | 6

All MODS based

Display by resource type

Single or multiple download

Combination of compound and complex modelling

Role-dependent accessHydra Connect | January 2014 | 7

Enables differential access

Solr-based gated discovery

Group basedorIndividual access control

Permissions and sharing adapted from Scholarsphere

Managing stuffHydra Connect | January 2014 | 8

Log in via campus ID and password (Shibbolised)

Functions available depend on role

Create and editHydra Connect | January 2014 | 9

Combination of resource type and generic templates

Configurable drop-down menu choices

Validation of record before creation (ActiveRecord helps with this)

Bootstrap design to break-up on screen workflow

Organising the contentHydra Connect | January 2014 | 10

Structural setsInternal organisation of contentUsed to assign permissions objects inherit set rightsUser never sees theseAll objects must be assigned a structural set

Display setsAd hoc assignation to enable access to objects via their collectionObjects may belong to none, one or more display setsOptional useInformed by desire to generate time-bound collections, e.g., for online Archive exhibitions

Queue managementHydra Connect | January 2014 | 11

All objects go through a managed workflowUsing queue sets

Objects created start in the proto-queueAll metadata and content added

When saved they move into the QA queueQuality checks carried out and permissions added

If there is an issue with an item it gets moved to the Hidden queue

Admin users can move items to the Deleted queueThough they are retained just in case

Managed using State Machine gem

Uses multiple isMemberOf relationships

Looking aheadAdd image management workflowInstall, play and feed back on ArchiveSphereDevelop research data catalogueAnd extend service for managing datasetsFeed repository into broader discovery environmentIncluding library catalogue and SummonImplement Blacklight for archives catalogueplenty to talk about at next Hydra Connect!Hydra Connect | January 2014 | 12

Thank you

Chris Awre, [email protected] Green, [email protected]
