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y 1 T t ip i P 4v 1- I 1R p ib t rt JI rlt 1 f li l n i t r 1 ft J t 1 i0 w- I I I I i 4 d tH t t J Y I t f i I s bw 4 4 f1 4 1 1ibj- i j 1 c4 0r I q 4 r- I b M t l AUeU 81OO1 < + < Kit THURSDAY AUGUST I 1W- 1tkicrlplUni by flub ritpaldB- A1LY per Month M DAILY DAILY AND SUNDAY per Year AND SUNDAY per iloaln to frelin countrt s aldtJ- THKSUX Ntw York City fAlUSXloaau No 12 ptsr Grand Hotel and K Mqw No 10 OouliTsrd Capueloei- VfT r MOT0 furor IM laifiUKrtpti r r 9 slfcMM m l IMM reerte orlldra Mfurnrt I V- lutttuttt ttnt itmfi for l l pirejw Read and Tblnkt Two documents connected the ted strike printed yesterday ofparticular study In the to the resolution this citys Delegates ol Mtaoillaneoua Tht Steel Trust refutes the f n ral woof of the union ot the workers though- th trust Itself la an organization which rteomttlon br the union happen U the union re fitfed to recognize the Steel Trust we fill to imagine But the statement that the trust has refused general rec- ognition of the union of the workers U a flat falsehood Witness the various conferences between the company and the union Let us turn to President SHAFTBBB strike order Those who lira now sUiTing for th right MbrcanUe What strife Is thero for the right- to organize What opposes it The terms which the Steel company last week proposed and which President BHArren accepted opened the door to organization in all mills portion of the strike order is the important mber before you screed to any con tract that you took nn obligation to Amal- gamated Association That is to say in plain speech a con tract with members of the Amalgamated Association Is worthless A strike order of President SnAFrrn Is a higher law sense and honest dealing are stones of business success and good reputation If tho Amalga- mated Association of Iron Steel and Tin or any body of men or a labor union follows and identifies Itself with such misrepresen- tation and bad faith as are manifest in President SHAFFERS strike order success nnd good reputation for them are not possible The End of the Chicago Fight Against Department For three or four years some of tho Chicago retail merchants have been making a tremendous pother the department stores They agitated have made ineffectual boycotts havo gone to Spring- field and with the aid of some of tho demagogues prepared preposterous bills classifying merchandise and laying ex- orbitant taxes on the different clauses of it for the purpose of injuring the department stores great variety of articles is kept bills would never have held water in the for they were not general and in their provisions The country store which is a department store in minia- ture was not attacked Tho big Chicago stores were to be fined and ruined- if possible for the sake of benefiting some of their smaller competitors- The movement never had any real chance of success and for some time it has dropped out of sight Tho very people who would sign petitions to the Legislature for laws in restraint of de- partment stores would sneak off and trade at them The wives of the small dealers who were so hot against the big could not be kept from buying at them Tho agitators admit this After all the froth and fury plain business sense won the day People will buy where they think they con buy most advantageously You may declaim at public meetings or on street corners against crushing monopolies- and make damnable faces at the Octopus The wife of your bosom has common- sense even if you havent and she will buy where she thinks it her Interest and convenience to buy The Illinois Legislature would have a sweet job if it undertook to boss the Chicago women in their shopping Having failed to skin or scare the Octopus some of the Chicago retail merchants have decided to do a lit- tle octupussing themselves Thirty or more of thorn traders in various lines of goods are going to combine and to a department store of their own of tho combination the pro moter of the now enterprise is the man who led the combination against de- partment stores in 1897 He has learned wisdom Ho will adopt instead of lighting vainly the methods which have made tho BUCCCHS of tho rivals whom he was seeking to destroy or cripple fourycars ago In one respect ho has made n startling advance The new storo is to Iw nil night I I Announcing Time In tieargln Col JOHN HOLDROOK ESTILL of the Savannah News has decided to ho a can dlduto for the Democratic nomination- for Governor of Georgia nnd lie has his lection according to tho laudable Southern custom It LJ now tho announcing season in Georgia Mr KSTILI will have several rivals but they will have to scratch gravel to beat his platform for hu has none I havo no plat form ho says nor do I think I shall promulgate ono Tho Constitution and the laws urn the platform on which the chief executive stands Why should the feet of the candidate ask any other support- If Col Ksmi l wise ho will not ex- patiate Ho playing for safety and playing well The tendency to go into details which people disagree is the announcing season How can anybody argue with a man who has the forethought to plant hlmnelf on the Constitution and tho lows I l bt k- I PIer PLY I wit Boar cad I wo- n mOt I the Bund Worker Store abut Toy her curs shop stat an- nounce I I abut r i M- A f K 0 0I 2- r 00- pL1t IS 3 d ih rft w l 1 i I I c al ion I i i I i I busi- ness 2 I I open Other cm- p < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ didates may issue UfteriagproipectuaM and also their reiteration Constitution and the laws but Col with the Constitution and the laws and nothing but tho Constitu- tion and will have the advan- tage of position and not only south Georgia but middle Georgia and north Georgia ought to rally around him The national Democratic party seek- ing nervously for a platform which can reconcile irreconcilable must envy the simplicity and easy generality of Col Eariufl of noplatform We stand on the immutable and im principles of Jeffersonian De How would that do What are those immutable principles It is the privilege of every Democrat to pay his money and take his choice Defeat of the British After lasting just a week manoeuvres of the British Navy came to an end on Monday afternoon when the Admiralty without warning Issued orders to the CommndoreinChlef of the two to return to their stations- Of report has not been mode or even that part of it intended- for public consumption but it is said that X fleets commanded by VlceAd- mlral Sir A K WILsON V C has been declared victorious over B com- manded by Rear Admiral H U The command repre the the latter the British on tho defensive The began on Monday July 20 when the word reached the contending fleets they were north of the fiftysixth parallel B fleet to the eastward X fleet to the westward of Scotland Tho object of both com- manders was to obtain control of the Channel Admiral WILSON also was to try to stop the trade in those while Admiral NOEL was to In toe latters fleet B there were twelve battleships fourteen cruisers and eight boat destroyers in Admiral there were eight battleships thirteen cruisers and eight destroyers Two special squadrons with eleven cruisers and twentyfour destroyers- were attached to B fleet and when the manamvres began were at Ports- mouth and Portland and two similar squadrons of eleven cruisers twenty destroyers and six torpedo boats at tached to X fleet were at the Scilly Islands and tho Channel Islands The defending fleets thus numbered seventy ships the enemys sixtysix- But as a fact tho X quite as powerful as the B fleet and its vessels were much faster The first engagement occurred on the day the war began when a de- tachment of Admiral NOELS fleet met tho special squadron stationed at the Scilly Islands and was defeated After that ViceAdmiral WILBON seems to have been pretty consistently victorious and when the war ended ho had put out of action some dozen cruisers two gunboats and eight destroyers losing himself three cruisers three destroyers- and a like number of torpedo boats His had also captured theoretically- a of merchantmen Thus ho had acquired control of the and was able to stop its trade Various writers have Already an nounced that England Is at tho mercy of an invading enemy and that the result of tho confirms the criticisms to which the British Navy has been subjected This conclusion appears premature Much more plain is It that Admiral WILSON proved himself on abler strategist than Admiral NOEL Mr TREVBLYAN now Sir GEOROE TREVELYAN expressed tho feelings of the British publio about the navy in his Ladles In Parliament In these words When nallor lived on mouldy bread and lump of rusty pork No Frenchman dared to show hit noM be- tween the Downs and Cork But now that Jack get beet sad greens and neit his skIn wears flannel says weve not a ship In plight to keep the Channel The British Navy is probably no worse as to condition now than it was thirty when TUEVELYAN wrote State of the Wheel Numerous expressions have been heard during tho post few months to tho effect that bicycling is becom ing less popular But of all the un cheerful views of tho situation the moat pronounced comes from Now Orleans and appears in tho TimesDemocrat- In an Interview with Mr W H PICKENB a wellknown bicycle authority- Mr PICKENB avers that bicycle riding has been on the sure and steady decline for four years and even that the wheelmen have decreased 75 per- cent since 1897 Tho wheel will never have again the popularity It enjoyed- in the year named This Southern authority also notes the bicycles loss of power to amuse thousands who do not themselves ride but formerly occupied front seats at cycle races Tho racing game Is in a- very stagnant condition The intro- duction of motor cycles for pacing has not brought back the lost following as It was and professional racing men who a few years ago won thousands of dol- lars annually nro now borrowing money from their friends Valuable cash prizes were hung up for them five years ago they are not offered loather medals to race now From ISM to ISOS Inclusive 1000000 bicycles wero manufactured anti Hold in the United States or an average of lOOOOdo a year nnd PICKENS doubts very ranch whether the sales of wheels this year will amount to IWOOO Ho concludes therefore that In Its lay cycle making was ex- tremely profitable but that that day has gone by The reason ascribed by Mr PICKKVS for the great change alleged of time bicycle industry N substantially the one advanced by many other persons in explaining tho nituation namely that cycling has come to bo regarded with comparative indifference by time upper ten whoso support In years past was a great factor in tho wheels success More extraordinary Influence is attributed to society which no longer fo- rte wit mora Flee let fet NOl lone fet water toro feet fet Cannel man I The yea wheels uld eel Ir I I I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ delictits in exhfkratlnt spins on the boulevards no longer visits the bicycle in search attractive mounts and nolonger cares to share in the excite- ment aroused by close contests on the racetrack Tho better class so called have abandoned bicycling for golf automobtling and other fashion- able sports and are allowing their steel roadsters to remain unused In dusty storerooms Consequently cycling- Is said to have no recognized leaders- It is true that Value of the wheels exported from this country dropped from 7000000 in 1888 to 15000000 in 1800 and to 3000000 in IWO but the decrease has been accounted for by tho fact that several foreign countries in which a few ago the wheelmak ing industry and which were then large buyers of the American prod uct now manufacture almost enough machines for their own use It is safe to think that the statements contained in our Southern contemporary greatly exaggerate the situation Cer tainly the crowds this summer at Madi- son Square Garden and at Manhattan Beach and several other hero where cycle races been not substantiated the views of Mr PICKENS as regards the interest- in racing and the appearance of the cycle thoroughfares indicates no such condition as ho describes with regard- to everyday The Battle of the Tho attempt of two gamblers to stop another gambler from doing business- at Saratoga calls attention to a situation prevailing at that resort which must bo interesting alike to municipal reformers and social philosophers It seems that n few ago the town was so afflicted of gamblers that folk refused to go there for a outing and the town suf- fered In consequence The reign of tho gamblers was succeeded by a reign of reformers The sporting men were driven from the town and gam bling house was closed for Tho great hotels were magnificent in their loneliness for two long summers and the natives struggled along on credit through two long Then they decided must be n change Some of the leading cit- izens with practical minds announced that they believed that if a serious effort wero put forth gambling could bo controlled Tho people of Saratoga- were willing to try almost anything anti thereupon a few serious hard- headed men set about to control a vice They used highhanded methods They well realized that under the law there is no way of controlling law breaking Therefore they resorted to measures which had neither warrant in law nor in equity They laid blunt proposition that a number- of gambling places should be allowed in the town and that the fiat of the powers that were should determine who might conduct the places and who might not A President of the village in sym- pathy with the gamblers and a gambler himself was legislated out of office and- a Democratic business man the choice of Republicans and Democrats alike was put in his place In its practical opera tion the plan has succeeded up to the present time Prosperity returned Saratoga has learned that much gam- bling doth make a town mad but that a little gambling is not altogether nn unprofitable thing The gambling re sorts were run so quietly that unless a stronger were looking for a roulette wheel or a faro bank he wouldnt have there was one of either in But then came tho Inevitable On Saturday two wellknown gamblers started out to prevent one of the fa vored sporting mon from openly vio- lating the law while they themselves- are prevented from doing so The man arrested was RICHARD A CAN FIELD who according to common re- port conducts tho finest gambling re- sort In this city It Is that tho men who caused his the Hon CALEB W MITCHELL of Saratoga and DANIEL STUART of Texas Arkansas and the rest of the world allaround sport and famous as an impresario- of prizefights CANFIELD was ar raigned In police court and held for the Grand Jury but business at tho old stand was not Interfered with by tho pro- ceedings STUART admits that he is behind tho movement against CAN FIELD nnd threatens In language of National Organizer FLYNN- of the Federation of Labor to tear Saratoga all up If CANFIELD is per to run a gambling house whilo may not run a poolroom The issue is squarely gamblers Invoking tho law against law breaking reformers and for such a con- test the odds of course are on tho gamblers side The law is a pretty prevailing Think of a policeman In a straw helmet Can any of tho majesty of time law reticle In him Could you help grinning when you saw him Fall River and some other Indiscreet MaMacmiMittfl towns permit their policemen to wear straw helmets on their pulls Why tho would bark nt a village constable preposterous a headpiece I The preliminary canter of Consti- tution amid Columbia have Ixen of meal I culahln benefit Tlioy have rovcalxl Home that might havii proved disastrous In Cup raoot The Immense jrawer of tho great of the nlnetyfootera lucid in rcscrvi norm startling ftirprUcs that everything of doubtful Mrengtli has l eon discarded the tuning of the heats will begin in earnest Tho task presented many tllfilctiltiey but It looks now ni If thoy- wero alt swept overboard Then ha n notion In thi minds of w mo wise water I Ihat thu Constitution WAS entirely a It wiw conceived j Walt for her next appearance I IXUIR ago NAPOLEON being asked promptly ALEXANUPit If thn captain wore alive today ho would ALKXANDFlt away behind Dr Dory And ho would tie right Thn magnitude of tim war which the doctor Is now waging ought to be enough to make nil the oldtime conquerors rlw up from their ashes anti how to Dorr I T to ho year place abuts rider Gambler lamou yea dent ever winter dow know supped mite lore doll I ot th wRk In tlmo and I ow I I mel In- hale howl rat S T stores I hme ioints sjars rigging tim sail eon boat tim greatest conquerer ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > He hu openly and abbire boardLMfatW out upon a war of ert hla eaerale are eountlett but DorY cares for mimbera- Company hold out He hu already conquered Concords that picturesque region in Staten Wand better known M Lots Fomnrio wu a hunter and hto weapon was Dorr Is a mighty mosquito muzzier and ha faith on carotene off No The man wltha Job hu the right to It people of Columbus Ohio cul- pably Indifferent to the of the municipal ownership of There was an election there the other day to pw upon a proposition to issue bonds for setting up a municipal tectrlo plant The vote was mighty meagre More than threofourth of the voterk failed to appatfr at tho polls A twothirds majority was necessary to carry the proposition It was hard work to get a thin majority Thn Hon TOM JOHNSONS Bute Is not ytu- fflclontly alarmed by the Iniquity of corporations- A tax rate of 331 for Manhattan and more for the other boroughs Is somewhat grinding testimony to the reckless expendi ture imposed upon the taxpayers by the Tammany administration of this clty sad the Legislature at Albany In Wltcoiutn you bT 5000 WICk nun Wky dont roil try and txWnnUuu- Ihtn br Htn Rtnlamtn R al MtrlntKt How would you like to have your daugh- ter marry a negro was a favorite question of some of the lavory before tho war Mr TILUIAN defence of Southern efforts to deprive the negroes of the suffrage the childish argument that was used to justify slavery Trouble In Rhode Inland The gypsy moth which has filled with panic hu founded settlement in Island Perhaps Rhode Island elude to make short work of the enemy Instead of keeping on expensive comints ion to coddle him FATHER S JUBILER A Thousand Visitor Bring Him Flawen- Wwtohwter Towns In Ole Parade NEW ROCHELLE N Y Aug 7 Tho golden jubilee celebration of the Rev Thomas McLoughlln pastor of the Marble Church of tho Blessed Sacrament at New Itochelle was continued today with a public reception in the afternoon and a and pyrotechnic display In tho which have been held for three days will end next Friday night Tho reception this afternoon was held In St Hall and more than one thousand visitors their to Father Each visitor brought a bouquet or a floral were In columns aged priest The parade tonight was the ever In Societies of Knights of Columbus Ancient Order of Catholic Benevolent and Benevolent Societies from Yonkers Mount Vernon Tuokalioe Port towns participated in the march led tho We t Protectory band their cottages Illu- minated On Thursday there will be a civio at Metropolitan Hall presided over by Mayor at a of gold will be to Father by his parishioners HEAL ESTATE VALUES- To THIS Knnon or THE In your l uo of Monday Ausr 8 your corre pondnt liamborirtr of New York asserts that It Is true however that some real estate In some places ha diminished in value and the reasons are familiar and obvious From my Inqulrlff and observations I would state the fact to be directly the opposite to wit That some real estate In tome places his Increased- In value and th reasons arc familiar and ob- vious while on tim whole and almost univer- sally real estate has diminished In value In the United States In the last ten years I stand iso from reliable authority farm lands throughout Husila have 10 ma- terially depreciated In value as to erabarraaa tim whole nation How shall the facts b determined In the United States especially pat of the Ohio River and north of Virginia To me the fart Is n most Important one and I have watching out In nil directions for Information uron the subject I have con- cluded that the depreciation In value of farm- land and city property greater than the IncreaM In property during the lat ten years for reasons to me are familiar and Please put correspondence with Mr RHONE VllKKSBiRHK Pa AllB 5 on the Trains To OK Much satisfaction Is by smoking com- muters over new regulation Issued the Central Railroad of New whereby brakemen prohibited from furnishing boards and to players The orderly games Indulged In devotees presented no feature Parties wo e hl t i Whs Hccnmiunled kimrklt wangling nod p 1 amliiatlon after everv hand were unbearable nuisances to other players and rcnUinc could not forever th impropriety of conduct and unqualified s i cents of them holding four seats expecting to M after the train started was a frequent exhibition the earlier taking his stand In tim l a car than the slang to which enforce- ment of them would lend occurred as Ire with us In our emancipation SUOKIMI IXAixniLti N Aug At lo Streets Air flail Sfr In rrferrnra to A ot Iute Alt notice In TUB SUN of yes trdiy morning 1 ihnuld like o My thit I with btm In one rtspert that It ts unpleasant lo that hot foul air blowlnc In ones Hut If of Iuie All era tlwse oBlees he would elianfe- nl mind In that respect Perhaps he woks U sn oflee away up at the top of some tmlldlmi work on the ground foot of a building and I do nut know what we should do If we had that same hot air that the renlleraan dis- approves of kept In the room without Its eiraplnr- I think thai the lover of putS air better o In OM of those offices and liat that shut off Aid 6 0 J 0 Science Lightning TO KUITOn or Sf What effort Is by scientists prolertlon of life and property tram llcatnlnj In the old times we had rods and while they may plot hire been treat pro I tedlon they at lent kept in a y In mind until the dinier was past err flay ilurlnc the summer se Min almost the iSMliurllon of life ant property i reported In the papers hut no measures of relief are taken Sonic day when one of skyscrapers N lilt on top and split rlean down the middle perhaps the scientists will think It Is time lo laik aner the lUhlnlnr llhlnkltlsllrnenowandlliereareother w lire In a blork where llcbtnlnir struck once NFWAIIK N J A WOWAJi Thoughts on the Strike TO TUB KulTOIt or TUB 3i NSIr The time Is laU approacblnr such n body as the Steel will be on lire plan workman and rapltallit sharing the profits In accordance with the amount of their labors And the employer will be the inTernment TO THK KUITOH or THIS SCN flit If the strik- ers win the If the strikers they rill see the luUllly and will be me Sortal Jfio CONWAY nub u of the B laU j pin Rat rot bleD I J Tat put Roe IOUD plo wIth en ths other of the Ru Sir O car under obI ous Bam rr Can TiE Sc Sir h Jersey Ire I h The n mak tui Quently lo nluTEI 1 the lot To TIP or lau don In bull lad and Tit TIP I their Ill to I I lrrIILCAS loA so long the tanks Goose The seem ecnu poeeu 7S Wig I Irish Chester White Plains and All ununer residents had bag been the e overlook passen- ger the of 6 Tuir agree fart bite the s Corporation suit only the ecelpers trust iowa IsLe ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > STREET n OMECLATVKE- n jb rmta Meme Mapped Out for btatrtct of fluwblaW- aBHiNOTOK AUK 7 The Commls- tkmera of the District of Columbia an- nounced today their plan ot street no mwcUture for tho territory outside the city limits They have no authority at present for changing the plan of nomen- clature within the city but Congress will asked to grant this authority at the com ing session Tho plan for the suburban dis- trict In given as follows North and south streets will bo desig- nated by numbers the present city system being extended into tho country Edst and west streets will ho named for distinguished Americans Taking Fat Capitol street as a dividing line and running north names of one syllable will be used ranged in alphabetical order Upon completion of tho onesyllable series a two will the com- pletion of this a threesyllable series until of Colutn bla Is streets in thn district south of the line of East Capitol street will bo named with the alphabet Upon completion of this a outs names American cities or nent geographical objects arranged In so on until the southern limit of the District- of Columbia Is A minor or will be desig- nated a and will bear the or initial of the nearest parallel name street between it and the Tho broad diagonal highways will be designated avenues e after and Territories of the Union Streets which are Irregular In direction or curve to an appreciable extent will bit termed roads named after some loot feature in their vicin- ity or other distinguishing Commissioners will recommend to Congress for the re- naming of the streets the limits for one liable names of distin- guished Americans one name used names have exhausted the letters of the alphabet twosyllable names and then will take the of tho present streets which extend east west out the city The streets extending north and be numbered as at present BOSTON LAWYEn A SUICIDE Robert T Mines a Harvard Graduate Kills Himself In a Hotel BOSTON Aug 7 Ttobert F a wellknown lawyer and Harvard graduate committed suicide at tho Quincy House this afternoon Ho had an office In tho Adams Building at 23 street and his home was at II street Ho went to the Quincy House shortly after 1 oclock this afternoon registered and got a room A few minutes later employ- ees a pistol shot and the report was room The door won opened and the body of Mr Simes was on floor Mr Mimes was graduated from Harvard in the class of 8s was well known about town being a member of the Somer addressed to William Ropes Trask a at Harvard a with on office at 00 State street and home- is also at 14 Mount Vernon The note was to the effect that Slmcs was use less for this world and it was his desire to end his existence- At Mr Slmess office It was said that he had left there saying that he was going- to luncheon at Somerset At the house II Mount Vernon street nothing- was Mr Slmes lived In another letter addressed- to William SImeA the lawyer told of lila Intention to end his life VACCINATORS REINSTATED Civil Senlee Rule Vhlch famed Their Suspension Invalid The Health Department has reinstated- the forty extra medical Inspectors who were employed to vaccinate school children and who wore suspended two weeks ago because the Civil Service Commission de- clared that they were not entitled to the pay they wero drawing The men were simply hired from to month and re- ceived 1100 per month each 01 salary The Civil Service Commission declared that the men were entitled to but 900 annum and to receive 1200 a year without com- petitive examination was a violation of Health Department was forced to dis- miss the vaccinators Rule 37 is An increase In or other com- pensation person holding an office or within scope of these rules beyond tho limit time in or is classified deemed a promotion The matter came up Justice OOor man in Special Term Part I of the Su Friday under the title of Shield vs OOorman said that Rule 37 of the Civil Service rules was Invalid The decision was made with- out comment 63 SNAKES IV HIS lUCK YARD el Were Mere nrptllei but Smith Killed Ttiem All WoncEBTEn Max Aug Sixtythree dead snakes at one killing gives to Harold- V Smith of 182 May street this city the record for snake killing in this part of tho State For weeks Mr Smith has noticed that In the hives backed- up against the fence In tho rear of his yard diminishing In number with tho killing of tho snakes he thinks has ended the existence of the bee ex- terminators On last Sunday morning before church Mr Smith went out lack yard to the hives and was surprises to see what then appeared to of snakes In sun near the bench supporting the homes of the approach tho smaller snakes made a for two older striped ones and their throats Mr Smiths dispatched tIm two parent four front the ho opened tho larger one and out about eight Inches Thewo were killed one after another nnd from stomach of the second snake six more young one crawled out In meet death SOVSA oixt TO EXUIAXD I The American Hand nil Play In London and In ilaixon John Phillip ROUHI and his band are gol to make mother journey abroad this summer Last year tho organization madn a tour of the continental countries that continued for months but did not visit lime Intoiitlnn of Mr Koim who made hi lliml arrange- ment Is to remain In during all of hl abroad The hand will nail Mr Sousji on S pt 25 and will llnt concert at Ioynl Albert on TO WP will u to the for tour week Tin I host Scotch English band hnvc Wn riignanl to there we will bo the only foreign hand to Ixi lit inl- To Tin KUITUII of THE sr sir wuit kind of forgery It It or If It any kind wh amin gliei a cheek on a beak where h has not im rey mouth la meet It fifty dollars and the holder scratches out lh name ot that bank and writes In the name of a tank where the maker hate moiey enoudi to meet It I asked hank riskier the other day and he said It was fnrtcry hut he didnt know whit kind- I know lltsnt th same kind as If the bolder hid forged the makers name to time check lMjfllitR BROOKLYN I D trct rae ache big leter of tne e ono I The Curt M hear Club n mind a note who know month of time Civil and the w Ion nab feral make other abut with a I thC Ittnln I all girl I Oct t I mil I I I I b I the 5 mtatea Time alphabet Blalne names be used Him set was class- mate Service rules feet three stick CNteTiIa t lw Eeer does ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > < TO PROTECT POSTMASTERS Mnelt Trouble Made for Them by llebkai ra Rio WAsiilXfiTOV Auj iPoet Office In spector Letterman roporto to tho Ptw Offlco Department that he has lately lamed time following statement I have received lately a number of complaints from postmasters of Porto Rico that they have with while transacting their official duties by delegates from the political parties of Porto Rico demanding that they toRe an active part In politic and thmatenlng violence should they refuse Some of these repremntatlvM haw gone su far as fonn postmasters that they would I re- moved from office If they did not comply with demands Removals of postmasters ore made only by the De artm nt upon oommcndatlon of Inspector In charge and this recommendation is mmle only after careful investigation of the charge by an inspector ami the chargoH sustaltiwl Recently a mall m v ncer carrying the null from one town to another was topped by a policeman dragged from hU- hor o and struck In the face by this officer- of the the messenger was then al- lowed to remount and been with the mall for in order that the officer might a grudee against the messenger- In one a be past the Post Office and mailed on car the depotthus preventing- the Postmaster from stamps and letters and mail matter fourth class derives Its compensation from on the of the Alcalde materially reduced the Postmasters salary Post are placed In these towns to accommodate tho Postmaster should receive all the support possible from the people for at small I desire to for the benefit of this Alcalde and other persons contemplating actions similar to continue tho office will be discon- tinued offenders dealt with accord- ing to Federal law Tho Postmasters of Rico are the servants of the and not of the Republican or Federal party- or of or are the trusted representatives of the united States Post as will be pro- tected and encouraged In their official duties M Postmasters DUTIES AT TillS PORT MlftO Collected In July With iflOH in July a WASHINGTON Aug 7 Collector Bid well of New York handed to the Treasury Department today a report of tho bag gage examination during tho month of July Although the number of passengers returning from Europe was less last month than In July of last year the duties col- lected on contents of baggage were far greater The number of passengers In July 1000 was 13557 and the duties col- lected on baggage 18971 Last July the of passengers was 11142 and the duties collected amounted to 05150 The number of dutiable articles declared last July was 8001 or more than sao less than 1000 Since the now regulations at the Port of New York went effect on March I lost the duties collected on passengers have amounted to 301048 same months of last the Collector Bldwell was at Department today In presenting the report he believed be better even than that of July Gage and Assistant matters of routine BEES TUR WELL INTO BIO HIVE Plumber Disturbs Them and Sting Everybody In Sight MOUNT VEBXON N Y Aug 7 Henry M Downing a plumber of this city un covered thousands of honey bees in an old welt on the country seat of William H Cooper near Bronxvllle and had an experi enoe said that he will not soon forget Downing was placing a power pump In the welt and when his assistants raised the covering a cloud of out and stormed one in Mrs Cooper was sitting in her carriage in house The bees her the coachman footman and a of horses Tho animals ran as Downing assisted Mm Cooper from the ran Into after being several times The wore finally stopped the kept scat and his men were A search of the well this morning showed that the boos had trans- formed Into a mammoth hive Downing- got a largo amount of honey JUDGE HlVlJIREVSS SUCCESSOR Probable That Appointment Will He Made In a Short Time WASHINGTON Aug 7 The charges against Judge Humphreys of the States Court in Hawaii aro still consideration at tho Department of Justice but it is probable that an announcement in regard to tho appointment of his suc- cessor will ho made within a short time Judge Humphreys who hat come to the United States to refute the mado against him called at the Depart- ment today and had a talk with Knox who returned from today The only on file ore from the Bar Association of Honolulu- On tho other hand there are numbers of letters In the Department from citizens of Judge administration and asking for hits reappointment IRELATKS AT ELLIS ISLIXD Archbishop Corrltan Mliong liishop Rcala brlnl time Immigrant Station Archbishop Corrigan and Bishop Scala brinl of Italy visited Ellis Inland yesterday- and about 500 Italian Immigrants front the steamship Tartar Prince file by Inclo SamH ln uUtors into tho land of opportunity Bishop Scalabrini arrived aboard Ilguria from Naples- on Friday He was much with the on Kills Island and the careful tho Government of Ing the Immigrants against nnd Archbishop took hinoliixin with crntloii CoiumNsloner after time Imlldlnn Tho Bishop lx Kim time work of for Italian all over the world sari limo chief of his visit hero IM to eel funds for carrying on his project lineitliillin Cost of Lit Ing In Now York Thn ni cial agentx of tho United States Department of Labor are In this city In vetlRatitiK the cost of living among the working people with the object of mak a special report to tho department are us far UH xsslbln annual xx of each household its annual Income and how far if possible the i H wine within tho ARIMIIS of the department are also invostl Kiting tho cost of living In other largo cities Whr the Neither Signal Should lie lleslorri- tTi TUB Klirroil ill TIIK Slft so I hire teen accustomed for the pnt year In watch with amiiv rent the ararlei of the Weather as sym bolle lly eiprewrt from the flsg down tolls nt lirojdway and Ilne street lint Ini pn weeks no signals hate been displayed Why It this thus The least the bureau can do It seems to me Is to tell Us whet WMIhcr not to eiperl- UKJUXMKAI Poll pry l a tel mi- nute remit with the the of the ere the amount of t Compare number old time wpm only SI6 the ot huts wu to Stay burt tem hone It Unit tlmm hal guan hllml let I I I ThC fUt I lulu lon redo been tim delayed personal Postmaster has instructed that all mall Alcalde bag- gage dtmties Mr Bidwell saul purpose discuss with Secretary They bees saw steamship Cor- rigan big its the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ WOMAX FOX A PASTOR Rev Mary E Taylor t Presets at Street A M E Cbareh The members of the African Methodist Episcopal of Brooldvn- am to have a woman as their pwtor for tin next three month The Rev Mar Tyler a regularly ordained of Nashville Tenn I to have absolute of the church during that period do the preaching preside over the iMion class nifuting led the meetings regularly attended and finance of the church In Tim HV Dr F M Jacobs Ue iMtntor of the church U one of the dplet to the Ecunniilciil Council that n London mind he will soil In a day or tw to attend Its sessions Miss Taylor ordaiiiMl to time ministry ten years a o while Dr Jacobs was pastor at of a Zion Church there THEOSOPHISTS AFTER OnrilS Going to cubs to Get Children toneFlu lINt In time Cult NBW OBLKAVS La Aug 7A party of Theosophists arrive today head d by Dr Gertrude Ellillns Wood and Antonio Castello National Brotherhood Organization and Theosophlsta Society of Point Loins Cal on their way to Cuba to select children to be educated at Yoga School for children at Point Loma Mrs Katherine Tingley the leader and head of tho brought sonw Cuban boys and with upon return first visit to ISM made principally In the Interest of th tick at Santiago they are making such ih to an additional num her of Cubans to be educated at Point Loma in the doctrines of the The party expects to return to Califoraii with a of Cubans and taken Antonio Castello a educated at Point Loma School to ad them In their search f r available orphans FAVORS KRAOJOROESSEXS Artillery Captain Would Provide Tnwn fir High School Cadets WASHINOTON Aug r mm nd- tlon has been mode to the War Depar- tment by Capt Cliarlea W Parkhurst of the Artillery that the High School Cadet of Washington receive KragJorgensen rules bi place of the Springfield rifles which have heretofore been furnished to them Capt Parkhurst is the officer recently detailed to Inspect Government property- In the possession of the Washington high schools represents It costs a considerable amount rear to the old arms in officer ha recommended that this be at the ex- pense of the Government thinks it however that the cadets having become proficient In the use of arms l allowed use of modern rifles of the KragJorgensen type and it Is FIVE FOR ERRATVH Book of the Receiver of Taxes at List Made to Balance It was announced yesterday that books of the Receiver had been made to balance after a search of five weeks among the entries The cash on hand amounted to 44964 more than could 1 accounted for and the whole force of went to work to find the error There are over 830 books containing ovtr 100000 nothing woo nil the got to the nn bored In the 580s In one of them It was found that the receipt of the money had been entered one of temporary in the busy had erased clerks up the books thought that the to take out and for this made no account of It Now tho clerks will have a little rest until the collection of years taxes begins XO SHIRT WAISTS FOR THEM Letter Do Not Avail Themselves Their Privilege WaHfUNOTON Aug 7 Only a few of letter carriers of the country have availed themselves of the privilege the PostmasterGeneral after years of petitioning to wear shirt the summer season while A W Machin General Superintendent of Free Delivery said that the waist had not become popular among this carriers and that In most cases when the official permission had taken advan of garment been strictly speaking a shirt waist but an shirt of the color prescribed in Observed Knckei CAMBRIDGE Aug C Wi- lson telegraphed today from Northfield to tho Harvard College Observatory that on Aug 5 at 8024 Greenwich mean time he observed Enckoa comet The right ascension Is 0 hours 2 minutes ILl seconds declination plus 33 degrees 41 minutes SO seconds cornet has a time less than that of any other known comet and at Intervals forty months conies to perihelion t 1 f before Preparations will be made for an at Observatory- as soon as tho conditions are favorable naptlml After a Scrap from tAr Uinneapofis Tribune AMBHIIHII Mba July 31 On Sunday crowd gathered on the shore of StanchfteM Lake ti witness the baptizing of eor- Tomllnson by time Hev Mr Orrock but the people were not prepared to witness tw failure f the nerve of tlio convert and uric struggle that followed hl Intlnu lion of hacking out nt the ln t minute and Out quick action nf Mr Orrork who IP liking the Icteu of losing a convert attempt lo IIM force In preventing Mr n returning to tiking fence a clinch with tho man f Oin and the undorhold to the net hlrnsflf but Mr Orroc- ccttlnK the strangle hold anil being a power- ful mutt nnd larger than Tomlln on s time latter an his knees and finally C rer l d In ducking him n three fret f stirred to n porridge by the encouner Thousands of Kunstrurk n lni from tie St Laui Ololnllf- Qfiscr III July 31 Stnt Kh om- nilssioner S P llartlelt of Hi is re- sponsllh for the statement Mioiitrl- flsli huts perliheo during Ou liestf season to have stocked the lreii of tilted htiite lie lint m ponds and akes In Illinois rinr tuition sire acre of lend l h lytnc on surface of the water In mn pnn1 n rtl- thi wnter nvrraces one loot in tlerii lire ZOOTO ileHil Mark hn Irinc or the n rue and nio t of them liril in 12 Ttie ponil and I tl e acre from th overflow the linnoi itiver The liver nn overuse of frnin thirty forty acro iMicli and were twi lo thrrf fN t Iturlns thn heaie- lierlfwl tie wier iviiior ti l rail lv an remnliifd u teni erature ui from III to lift ile rM- Ileallfllrallnc Mo iullor rom fc Kifkmoiiii T- inUtllll X i An t tn iltitisuil mn- iiulto pUigui l reiHirlod In nuiiiy sectlrn- of euMern rarolna It t reliably that nn unknown niliiMer with n mail child through WIIH oDllued In llr up the 111 a in prevent tin fr literally ile oiirin chlM nll v and lr wn hlntvlf nearly overcome wne- In reached FslrfieM In s large measi- e c p J th onelauchts of tlw ravenoui In- SMU t Feel Fut chg bar It that ihs order 1 and n frIchln a and that ertP sods her J the I Cuba and haT 7A over k dOle ate WEEKS the Item fond employ mae met Care the grate wallS dunK hen the oner Come o balk In Url E minister of the omelal and see to the k alms btmilt arni was regular pastor n aimuce she was girl h she has timoa f C Ocal t at will be favorably book- keepers mont a time than 4 A I lug I itching iir 5 alec et rent it- t saYs this tt us r ill fin e tech 5 hut 1cm hell s 4 stilt while trnvitIr I I co nfl eli ii Its iii 4 t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < > > < < < < °

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1tkicrlplUni by flub ritpaldB-

A1LY per Month MDAILY


to frelin countrt s aldtJ-THKSUX Ntw York City

fAlUSXloaau No 12 ptsr Grand Hotel andK Mqw No 10 OouliTsrd Capueloei-

VfT r MOT0 furor IM laifiUKrtpti r r9 slfcMM m l IMM reerte orlldra Mfurnrt I V-

lutttuttt ttnt itmfi for l l pirejw

Read and TblnktTwo documents connected the

ted strike printed yesterdayofparticular study

In the to the resolutionthis citys Delegates

ol MtaoillaneouaTht Steel Trust refutes the f n ral woof

of the union ot the workers though-

th trust Itself la an organization whichrteomttlon br the union

happen U the union refitfed to recognize the Steel Trust wefill to imagine But the statementthat the trust has refused general rec-

ognition of the union of the workersU a flat falsehood Witness the variousconferences between the company andthe union

Let us turn to President SHAFTBBB

strike orderThose who lira now sUiTing for th right

MbrcanUeWhat strife Is thero for the right-

to organize What opposes it Theterms which the Steel company lastweek proposed and which PresidentBHArren accepted opened the door to

organization in all millsportion of the strike order is the

importantmber before you screed to any con

tract that you took nn obligation to Amal-

gamated AssociationThat is to say in plain speech a con

tract with members of the AmalgamatedAssociation Is worthless A strike orderof President SnAFrrn Is a higher law

sense and honest dealing arestones of business success

and good reputation If tho Amalga-mated Association of Iron Steel andTin or any body of men or

a labor union follows andidentifies Itself with such misrepresen-tation and bad faith as are manifest inPresident SHAFFERS strike order

success nnd good reputation forthem are not possible

The End of the Chicago Fight AgainstDepartment

For three or four years some of thoChicago retail merchants have beenmaking a tremendous potherthe department stores Theyagitated have made ineffectualboycotts havo gone to Spring-field and with the aid of some of thodemagogues prepared preposterous billsclassifying merchandise and laying ex-

orbitant taxes on the different clausesof it for the purpose of injuring thedepartment stores great varietyof articles is kept bills wouldnever have held water in thefor they were not general andin their provisions The country storewhich is a department store in minia-ture was not attacked Tho big Chicagostores were to be fined and ruined-if possible for the sake of benefitingsome of their smaller competitors-

The movement never had any realchance of success and for some timeit has dropped out of sight Tho verypeople who would sign petitions to theLegislature for laws in restraint of de-partment stores would sneak off andtrade at them The wives of the smalldealers who were so hot against the big

could not be kept from buyingat them Tho agitators admit

this After all the froth and fury plainbusiness sense won the day Peoplewill buy where they think they conbuy most advantageously You maydeclaim at public meetings or on streetcorners against crushing monopolies-and make damnable faces at the OctopusThe wife of your bosom has common-sense even if you havent and she willbuy where she thinks it her Interestand convenience to buy The IllinoisLegislature would have a sweet job ifit undertook to boss the Chicago womenin their shopping

Having failed to skin or scare theOctopus some of the Chicago retailmerchants have decided to do a lit-

tle octupussing themselves Thirty ormore of thorn traders in various linesof goods are going to combine and to

a department store of their ownof tho combination the pro

moter of the now enterprise is the manwho led the combination against de-

partment stores in 1897 He has learnedwisdom Ho will adopt instead oflighting vainly the methods which havemade tho BUCCCHS of tho rivals whomhe was seeking to destroy or cripplefourycars ago In one respect ho hasmade n startling advance The newstoro is to Iw nil night



Announcing Time In tiearglnCol JOHN HOLDROOK ESTILL of the

Savannah News has decided to ho a candlduto for the Democratic nomination-for Governor of Georgia nnd lie has

his lection according to tholaudable Southern custom

It LJ now tho announcing season inGeorgia Mr KSTILI will have severalrivals but they will have to scratchgravel to beat his platform for hu hasnone I havo no plat form ho says

nor do I think I shall promulgate onoTho Constitution and the laws urn theplatform on which the chief executivestands Why should the feet of thecandidate ask any other support-

If Col Ksmi l wise ho will not ex-

patiate Ho playing for safety andplaying well The tendency to go intodetails which people disagree is

the announcing seasonHow can anybody argue with a man whohas the forethought to plant hlmnelf onthe Constitution and tho lows






























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didates may issue UfteriagproipectuaMand also their reiteration

Constitution and the laws but Col

with the Constitution and thelaws and nothing but tho Constitu-

tion and will have the advan-tage of position and not only southGeorgia but middle Georgia and northGeorgia ought to rally around him

The national Democratic party seek-

ing nervously for a platform which canreconcile irreconcilable must envythe simplicity and easy generality ofCol Eariufl of noplatform

We stand on the immutable and imprinciples of Jeffersonian De

How would that do Whatare those immutable principles It is

the privilege of every Democrat to payhis money and take his choice

Defeat of the BritishAfter lasting just a week

manoeuvres of the British Navy cameto an end on Monday afternoon whenthe Admiralty without warning Issuedorders to the CommndoreinChlef ofthe two to return to their stations-Of report has not beenmode or even that part of it intended-

for public consumption but it is saidthat X fleets commanded by VlceAd-

mlral Sir A K WILsON V C has beendeclared victorious over B com-

manded by Rear Admiral H U

The command reprethe the latter the

British on tho defensiveThe began on Monday

July 20 when the word reached thecontending fleets they were north ofthe fiftysixth parallel B fleet to theeastward X fleet to the westward ofScotland Tho object of both com-

manders was to obtain control of theChannel Admiral WILSON also was totry to stop the trade in thosewhile Admiral NOEL was toIn toe latters fleet B there were twelvebattleships fourteen cruisers and eight

boat destroyers in Admiralthere were eight battleships

thirteen cruisers and eight destroyersTwo special squadrons with elevencruisers and twentyfour destroyers-were attached to B fleet and whenthe manamvres began were at Ports-mouth and Portland and two similarsquadrons of eleven cruisers twentydestroyers and six torpedo boats attached to X fleet were at the ScillyIslands and tho Channel Islands Thedefending fleets thus numbered seventyships the enemys sixtysix-But as a fact tho X quite aspowerful as the B fleet and its vesselswere much faster

The first engagement occurred onthe day the war began when a de-

tachment of Admiral NOELS fleet mettho special squadron stationed at theScilly Islands and was defeated Afterthat ViceAdmiral WILBON seems tohave been pretty consistently victoriousand when the war ended ho had putout of action some dozen cruisers twogunboats and eight destroyers losinghimself three cruisers three destroyers-and a like number of torpedo boatsHis had also captured theoretically-a of merchantmen Thusho had acquired control of theand was able to stop its trade

Various writers have Already announced that England Is at tho mercyof an invading enemy and that theresult of tho confirms thecriticisms to which the British Navyhas been subjected This conclusionappears premature Much more plain isIt that Admiral WILSON proved himselfon abler strategist than Admiral NOEL


TREVELYAN expressed tho feelings of theBritish publio about the navy in his

Ladles In Parliament In these wordsWhen nallor lived on mouldy bread and

lump of rusty porkNo Frenchman dared to show hit noM be-

tween the Downs and CorkBut now that Jack get beet sad greens and

neit his skIn wears flannelsays weve not a ship In plight

to keep the ChannelThe British Navy is probably no worse

as to condition now than it was thirtywhen TUEVELYAN wrote

State of the WheelNumerous expressions have been

heard during tho post few months totho effect that bicycling is becoming less popular But of all the uncheerful views of tho situation the moatpronounced comes from Now Orleansand appears in tho TimesDemocrat-In an Interview with Mr W H PICKENB

a wellknown bicycle authority-Mr PICKENB avers that bicycle

riding has been on the sure and steadydecline for four years and even thatthe wheelmen have decreased 75 per-

cent since 1897 Tho wheel will neverhave again the popularity It enjoyed-in the year named

This Southern authority also notesthe bicycles loss of power to amusethousands who do not themselves ridebut formerly occupied front seats atcycle races Tho racing game Is in a-

very stagnant condition The intro-duction of motor cycles for pacinghas not brought back the lostfollowing as It wasand professional racing men who afew years ago won thousands of dol-

lars annually nro now borrowingmoney from their friends Valuablecash prizes were hung up for themfive years ago they are notoffered loather medals to racenow From ISM to ISOS Inclusive1000000 bicycles wero manufacturedanti Hold in the United States or anaverage of lOOOOdo a year nndPICKENS doubts very ranch whetherthe sales of wheels this year will amountto IWOOO Ho concludes thereforethat In Its lay cycle making was ex-

tremely profitable but that that dayhas gone by

The reason ascribed by Mr PICKKVSfor the great change alleged of time

bicycle industry N substantially theone advanced by many other personsin explaining tho nituation namelythat cycling has come to bo regardedwith comparative indifference by time

upper ten whoso support In yearspast was a great factor in tho wheelssuccess More extraordinary Influence isattributed to society which no longer







fetNOl lone































delictits in exhfkratlnt spins on theboulevards no longer visits the bicycle

in search attractive mounts andnolonger cares to share in the excite-ment aroused by close contests on theracetrack Tho better class socalled have abandoned bicycling forgolf automobtling and other fashion-able sports and are allowing theirsteel roadsters to remain unused Industy storerooms Consequently cycling-Is said to have no recognized leaders-

It is true that Value of the wheelsexported from this country droppedfrom 7000000 in 1888 to 15000000 in1800 and to 3000000 in IWO but thedecrease has been accounted for by thofact that several foreign countries inwhich a few ago the wheelmaking industry and which werethen large buyers of the American product now manufacture almost enoughmachines for their own use

It is safe to think that the statementscontained in our Southern contemporarygreatly exaggerate the situation Certainly the crowds this summer at Madi-

son Square Garden and at ManhattanBeach and several other hero

where cycle races beennot substantiated the views

of Mr PICKENS as regards the interest-in racing and the appearance of thecycle thoroughfares indicates no suchcondition as ho describes with regard-to everyday

The Battle of theTho attempt of two gamblers to stop

another gambler from doing business-at Saratoga calls attention to a situationprevailing at that resort whichmust bo interesting alike to municipalreformers and social philosophers Itseems that n few ago the townwas so afflicted of gamblersthat folk refused to go therefor a outing and the town suf-

fered In consequence The reign oftho gamblers was succeeded by a reignof reformers The sporting men weredriven from the town and gambling house was closed forTho great hotels were magnificent intheir loneliness for two long summersand the natives struggled along oncredit through two long

Then they decided mustbe n change Some of the leading cit-

izens with practical minds announcedthat they believed that if a seriouseffort wero put forth gambling couldbo controlled Tho people of Saratoga-were willing to try almost anythinganti thereupon a few serious hard-headed men set about to control a viceThey used highhanded methods Theywell realized that under the law there isno way of controlling law breakingTherefore they resorted to measureswhich had neither warrant in law norin equity They laid bluntproposition that a number-of gambling places should be allowedin the town and that the fiat of the powersthat were should determine who mightconduct the places and who might not

A President of the village in sym-pathy with the gamblers and a gamblerhimself was legislated out of office and-

a Democratic business man the choiceof Republicans and Democrats alike wasput in his place In its practical operation the plan has succeeded up to thepresent time Prosperity returnedSaratoga has learned that much gam-bling doth make a town mad but that alittle gambling is not altogether nnunprofitable thing The gambling resorts were run so quietly that unless astronger were looking for a roulettewheel or a faro bank he wouldnt have

there was one of either in

But then came tho Inevitable OnSaturday two wellknown gamblersstarted out to prevent one of the favored sporting mon from openly vio-lating the law while they themselves-are prevented from doing so Theman arrested was RICHARD A CAN

FIELD who according to common re-

port conducts tho finest gambling re-

sort In this city It Is that thomen who caused his theHon CALEB W MITCHELL of Saratogaand DANIEL STUART of Texas Arkansasand the rest of the world allaround

sport and famous as an impresario-of prizefights CANFIELD was arraigned In police court and held for theGrand Jury but business at tho old standwas not Interfered with by tho pro-ceedings STUART admits that he isbehind tho movement against CAN

FIELD nnd threatens Inlanguage of National Organizer FLYNN-

of the Federation of Labor to tearSaratoga all up If CANFIELD is per

to run a gambling house whilomay not run a poolroom

The issue is squarelygamblers Invoking tho law against lawbreaking reformers and for such a con-

test the odds of course are on thogamblers side The law is a prettyprevailing

Think of a policeman In a straw helmetCan any of tho majesty of time law reticleIn him Could you help grinning whenyou saw him Fall River and some otherIndiscreet MaMacmiMittfl towns permit theirpolicemen to wear straw helmets on theirpulls Why tho would bark nt avillage constable preposterous aheadpiece

IThe preliminary canter of Consti-

tution amid Columbia have Ixen of mealI culahln benefit Tlioy have rovcalxl Home

that might havii proved disastrous InCup raoot The Immense jrawer of thogreat of the nlnetyfootera lucid inrcscrvi norm startling ftirprUcsthat everything of doubtful Mrengtli hasl eon discarded the tuning of the heatswill begin in earnest Tho task presentedmany tllfilctiltiey but It looks now ni If thoy-wero alt swept overboard Then han notion In thi minds of w mo wise water

I Ihat thu Constitution WAS entirely aIt wiw conceived

j Walt for her next appearance

I IXUIR ago NAPOLEON being askedpromptly

ALEXANUPit If thn captain worealive today ho would ALKXANDFltaway behind Dr Dory And ho would tieright Thn magnitude of tim war whichthe doctor Is now waging ought to beenough to make nil the oldtime conquerorsrlw up from their ashes anti how to Dorr I

T to
















Iot th wRk In tlmo and












ioints sjars riggingtim




tim greatest conquerer























He hu openly and abbire boardLMfatWout upon a war of ert

hla eaerale are eountlett butDorY cares for mimbera-

Company hold outHe hu already conquered Concords that

picturesque region in Staten Wand betterknown M Lots Fomnrio wu a

hunter and hto weapon wasDorr Is a mighty mosquito

muzzier and ha faith on caroteneoff

No The man wltha Job hu the rightto It

people of Columbus Ohio cul-

pably Indifferent to the of themunicipal ownership ofThere was an election there the other dayto pw upon a proposition to issue bondsfor setting up a municipal tectrlo plantThe vote was mighty meagre More thanthreofourth of the voterk failed to appatfrat tho polls A twothirds majority wasnecessary to carry the proposition Itwas hard work to get a thin majorityThn Hon TOM JOHNSONS Bute Is not ytu-

fflclontly alarmed by the Iniquity ofcorporations-

A tax rate of 331 for Manhattan andmore for the other boroughs Is somewhatgrinding testimony to the reckless expenditure imposed upon the taxpayers by theTammany administration of this clty sadthe Legislature at Albany

In Wltcoiutn you bT 5000 WICk nun Wkydont roil try and txWnnUuu-Ihtn br Htn Rtnlamtn R

al MtrlntKtHow would you like to have your daugh-

ter marry a negro was a favoritequestion of some of the lavorybefore tho war Mr TILUIANdefence of Southern efforts to deprivethe negroes of the suffrage the childish

argument that was used to justifyslavery

Trouble In Rhode Inland The gypsymoth which has filled withpanic hu founded settlement inIsland Perhaps Rhode Islandelude to make short work of the enemyInstead of keeping on expensive comintsion to coddle him

FATHER S JUBILERA Thousand Visitor Bring Him Flawen-

Wwtohwter Towns In Ole ParadeNEW ROCHELLE N Y Aug 7 Tho

golden jubilee celebration of the RevThomas McLoughlln pastor of the MarbleChurch of tho Blessed Sacrament at NewItochelle was continued today with apublic reception in the afternoon and a

and pyrotechnic display In thowhich have been

held for three days will end next Fridaynight Tho reception this afternoon washeld In St Hall and more thanone thousand visitors their toFather Each visitor broughta bouquet or a floral were

In columns aged priestThe parade tonight was the ever

In Societies ofKnightsof Columbus Ancient Order ofCatholic Benevolent andBenevolent Societies from Yonkers MountVernon Tuokalioe Port

towns participated in the march ledtho We t Protectory band

their cottages Illu-minated On Thursday there willbe a civio at MetropolitanHall presided over by Mayor

at a of gold will beto Father by his



To THIS Knnon or THE In yourl uo of Monday Ausr 8 your corre pondnt

liamborirtr of New York asserts thatIt Is true however that some real estate In

some places ha diminished in value and thereasons are familiar and obvious From myInqulrlff and observations I would state thefact to be directly the opposite to wit Thatsome real estate In tome places his Increased-In value and th reasons arc familiar and ob-

vious while on tim whole and almost univer-sally real estate has diminished In value In theUnited States In the last ten years Istand iso from reliable authorityfarm lands throughout Husila have 10 ma-

terially depreciated In value as to erabarraaatim whole nation

How shall the facts b determined In theUnited States especially pat of the OhioRiver and north of Virginia

To me the fart Is n most Important oneand I have watching out In nil directionsfor Information uron the subject I have con-cluded that the depreciation In value of farm-land and city property greater than theIncreaM In property duringthe lat ten years for reasons to me arefamiliar andPlease put correspondence with Mr


on the TrainsTo OK Much

satisfaction Is by smoking com-

muters over new regulation Issuedthe Central Railroad of New wherebybrakemen prohibited from furnishingboards and to players

The orderly games Indulged Indevotees presented no feature

Parties wo e hl t i Whs Hccnmiunledkimrklt

wangling nod p 1 amliiatlonafter everv hand were unbearable nuisancesto other players and rcnUinc

could not foreverth impropriety of conduct and unqualified

s i centsof them holding four seats expecting to

M after the train startedwas a frequent exhibition the earlier

taking his stand In tim l a carthan the slang to which enforce-

ment of them would lend occurred as Ire

with us In our emancipationSUOKIMI

IXAixniLti N Aug

At lo Streets Air flailSfr In rrferrnra

to A ot Iute Alt notice In TUB SUN of yestrdiy morning 1 ihnuld like o My thit I withbtm In one rtspert that It ts unpleasant lo thathot foul air blowlnc In ones Hut If

of Iuie All era tlwse oBlees he would elianfe-

nl mind In that respect

Perhaps he woks U sn oflee away up at the topof some tmlldlmi work on the ground footof a building and I do nut know what we should do

If we had that same hot air that the renlleraan dis-

approves of kept In the room without Its eiraplnr-I think thai the lover of putS air better o In

OM of those offices and liat that shut off

Aid 6 0 J 0

Science LightningTO KUITOn or Sf What effort

Is by scientists prolertlon of life andproperty tram llcatnlnj In the old times we hadrods and while they may plot hire been treat pro

I tedlon they at lent kept in a y In mind until thedinier was past err flay ilurlnc the summerse Min almost the iSMliurllon of life ant property i

reported In the papers hut no measures of relief aretaken Sonic day when one of skyscrapersN lilt on top and split rlean down the middle perhapsthe scientists will think It Is time lo laik aner thelUhlnlnr llhlnkltlsllrnenowandlliereareotherw lire In a blork where llcbtnlnir struck once


Thoughts on the StrikeTO TUB KulTOIt or TUB 3i NSIr The time Is

laU approacblnr such n body as the Steelwill be on

lire plan workman and rapltallit sharing the profitsIn accordance with the amount of their labors Andthe employer will be the inTernment

TO THK KUITOH or THIS SCN flit If the strik-ers win the If the strikers theyrill see the luUllly and will be me Sortal


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Chester WhitePlains and

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jb rmta Meme Mapped Out forbtatrtct of fluwblaW-

aBHiNOTOK AUK 7 The Commls-tkmera of the District of Columbia an-

nounced today their plan ot street nomwcUture for tho territory outside thecity limits They have no authority atpresent for changing the plan of nomen-clature within the city but Congress will

asked to grant this authority at the coming session Tho plan for the suburban dis-

trict In given as followsNorth and south streets will bo desig-

nated by numbers the present city systembeing extended into tho country

Edst and west streets will ho namedfor distinguished Americans Taking FatCapitol street as a dividing line and runningnorth names of one syllable will be usedranged in alphabetical order Uponcompletion of tho onesyllable series a two

will the com-pletion of this a threesyllable series until

of Colutnbla Is

streets in thn districtsouth of the line of East Capitol street willbo named with the alphabetUpon completion of this a outs

names American cities ornent geographical objects arranged In

soon until the southern limit of the District-of Columbia Is

A minor or will be desig-nated a and will bear theor initial of the nearest parallel name streetbetween it and the

Tho broad diagonal highways will bedesignated avenues e after

and Territories of the UnionStreets which are Irregular In direction

or curve to an appreciable extent will bittermed roads named aftersome loot feature in their vicin-ity or other distinguishing

Commissionerswill recommend to Congress for the re-naming of the streets the limits

for one liable names of distin-guished Americans one name used

names have exhausted the letters of thealphabet twosyllable names and then

will take the of tho presentstreets which extend east westout the city The streets extending northand be numbered as at present


Robert T Mines a Harvard GraduateKills Himself In a Hotel

BOSTON Aug 7 Ttobert F awellknown lawyer and Harvard graduatecommitted suicide at tho Quincy Housethis afternoon Ho had an office In thoAdams Building at 23 street and hishome was at II street Howent to the Quincy House shortly after1 oclock this afternoon registered andgot a room A few minutes later employ-ees a pistol shot and the report was

room The door wonopened and the body of Mr Simes was

on floorMr Mimes was graduated from Harvard

in the class of 8s was well knownabout town being a member of the Somer

addressed to William Ropes Trask aat Harvard a with on

office at 00 State street and home-is also at 14 Mount Vernon Thenote was to the effect that Slmcs was useless for this world and it was his desire toend his existence-

At Mr Slmess office It was said that hehad left there saying that he was going-to luncheon at Somerset Atthe house II Mount Vernon street nothing-was Mr Slmeslived In another letter addressed-to William SImeA the lawyer told of lilaIntention to end his life


Civil Senlee Rule Vhlch famed TheirSuspension Invalid

The Health Department has reinstated-the forty extra medical Inspectors who wereemployed to vaccinate school childrenand who wore suspended two weeks agobecause the Civil Service Commission de-

clared that they were not entitled to thepay they wero drawing The men weresimply hired from to month and re-

ceived 1100 per month each 01 salary TheCivil Service Commission declared that themen were entitled to but 900 annumand to receive 1200 a year without com-petitive examination was a violation of

Health Department was forced to dis-miss the vaccinators Rule 37

is An increase In or other com-pensation person holding an officeor within scope of these rulesbeyond tho limit time in

or is classifieddeemed a promotion

The matter came up Justice OOorman in Special Term Part I of the Su

Friday under the titleof Shield vs OOormansaid that Rule 37 of the Civil Service ruleswas Invalid The decision was made with-out comment


el Were Mere nrptllei but SmithKilled Ttiem All

WoncEBTEn Max Aug Sixtythreedead snakes at one killing gives to Harold-V Smith of 182 May street this city the

record for snake killing in this part of thoState For weeks Mr Smith hasnoticed that In the hives backed-up against the fence In tho rear of his yard

diminishing In numberwith tho killing of tho snakes he thinks

has ended the existence of the bee ex-

terminatorsOn last Sunday morning before church

Mr Smith went out lack yard tothe hives and was

surprises to see what then appearedto of snakes Insun near the bench supporting the homesof the approachtho smaller snakes made a for twoolder striped ones andtheir throats Mr Smiths dispatched tImtwo parent four

front the ho opened tholarger one and out

about eight Inches Thewowere killed one after another nnd from

stomach of the second snakesix more young one crawled out In meetdeath


The American Hand nil Play In Londonand In ilaixon

John Phillip ROUHI and his band aregol to make mother journey abroadthis summer Last year tho organizationmadn a tour of the continental countriesthat continued for months but didnot visit lime Intoiitlnnof Mr Koim who made hi lliml arrange-ment Is to remain Induring all of hl abroad

The hand will nail Mr Sousjion S pt 25 and will

llnt concert at Ioynl Albert onTO WP will u to the

for tour week Tin I

host Scotch English band hnvc Wnriignanl to there we will bo theonly foreign hand to Ixi lit inl-

To Tin KUITUII of THE sr sir wuit kindof forgery It It or If It any kind wh amin glieia cheek on a beak where h has not im rey mouthla meet It fifty dollars and the holder scratchesout lh name ot that bank and writes In the name ofa tank where the maker hate moiey enoudito meet It I asked hank riskier the other day andhe said It was fnrtcry hut he didnt know whit kind-I know lltsnt th same kind as If the bolder hid forgedthe makers name to time check lMjfllitR



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names be used


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Service rules

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Mnelt Trouble Made for Them byllebkai ra Rio

WAsiilXfiTOV Auj iPoet Office Inspector Letterman roporto to tho Ptw Offlco

Department that he has lately lamed time

following statementI have received lately a number of

complaints from postmasters of PortoRico that they have withwhile transacting their official duties bydelegates from the political parties of PortoRico demanding that they toRe an activepart In politic and thmatenlng violenceshould they refuse Some of theserepremntatlvM haw gone su far asfonn postmasters that they would I re-

moved from office If they did not complywith demands Removals of postmastersore made only by the De artm nt uponoommcndatlon of Inspector In chargeand this recommendation is mmle onlyafter careful investigation of the chargeby an inspector ami the chargoH sustaltiwl

Recently a mall m v ncer carryingthe null from one town to another wastopped by a policeman dragged from hU-

hor o and struck In the face by this officer-of the the messenger was then al-

lowed to remount andbeen with the mall for

in order that the officer might agrudee against the messenger-

In one a

be past the Post Office and mailedon car the depotthus preventing-the Postmaster from stampsand letters and mail matterfourth class derives Its compensation from

on the of the Alcalde materially reducedthe Postmasters salary Post areplaced In these towns to accommodate

tho Postmaster should receiveall the support possible from the peoplefor at small

I desire to for the benefit of thisAlcalde and other persons contemplatingactions similar tocontinue tho office will be discon-tinued offenders dealt with accord-ing to Federal law Tho Postmasters of

Rico are the servants of theand not of the Republican or Federal party-or of or arethe trusted representatives of the unitedStates Post as will be pro-tected and encouraged In their officialduties M Postmasters


MlftO Collected In July WithiflOH in July a

WASHINGTON Aug 7 Collector Bidwell of New York handed to the TreasuryDepartment today a report of tho baggage examination during tho month ofJuly Although the number of passengersreturning from Europe was less last monththan In July of last year the duties col-

lected on contents of baggage were fargreater The number of passengers InJuly 1000 was 13557 and the duties col-

lected on baggage 18971 Last July theof passengers was 11142 and the

duties collected amounted to 05150 Thenumber of dutiable articles declared lastJuly was 8001 or more than sao less than

1000Since the now regulations at the Port of

New York went effect on March I lostthe duties collected on passengers

have amounted to 301048same months of last the

Collector Bldwell was atDepartment today In presenting thereport he believed

be better even than that of July

Gage andAssistant mattersof routine

BEES TUR WELL INTO BIO HIVEPlumber Disturbs Them and Sting

Everybody In SightMOUNT VEBXON N Y Aug 7 Henry

M Downing a plumber of this city uncovered thousands of honey bees in an oldwelt on the country seat of William HCooper near Bronxvllle and had an experienoe said that he will not soonforget Downing was placing a powerpump In the welt and when his assistantsraised the covering a cloud ofout and stormed one in

Mrs Cooper was sitting in her carriagein house The beesher the coachman footman and aof horses Tho animals ran

as Downing assisted Mm Cooper fromthe ran Into afterbeing several times Thewore finally stopped thekept scat and his men were

A search of the well thismorning showed that the boos had trans-formed Into a mammoth hive Downing-got a largo amount of honey


Probable That Appointment Will He MadeIn a Short Time

WASHINGTON Aug 7 The chargesagainst Judge Humphreys of theStates Court in Hawaii aro stillconsideration at tho Department of Justicebut it is probable that an announcementin regard to tho appointment of his suc-

cessor will ho made within a short timeJudge Humphreys who hat come to

the United States to refute themado against him called at the Depart-ment today and had atalk with Knox whoreturned from today Theonly on file orefrom the Bar Association of Honolulu-On tho other hand there are numbersof letters In the Department fromcitizens of Judge

administration and askingfor hits reappointment

IRELATKS AT ELLIS ISLIXDArchbishop Corrltan Mliong liishop Rcala

brlnl time Immigrant StationArchbishop Corrigan and Bishop Scala

brinl of Italy visited Ellis Inland yesterday-and about 500 Italian Immigrantsfront the steamship Tartar Prince file byInclo SamH ln uUtors into tho land ofopportunity Bishop Scalabrini arrivedaboard Ilguria from Naples-on Friday He was much withthe on Kills Island and thecareful tho Government ofIng the Immigrants against

nnd Archbishoptook hinoliixin with

crntloii CoiumNsloner aftertime Imlldlnn Tho Bishop lx

Kim time work of forItalian all over the world sarilimo chief of his visit hero IM to eel

funds for carrying on his project

lineitliillin Cost of Lit Ing In Now YorkThn ni cial agentx of tho United States

Department of Labor are In this city InvetlRatitiK the cost of living among theworking people with the object of mak

a special report to tho departmentare us far UH xsslbln

annual xx of each householdits annual Income and how far if possiblethe i H wine within thoARIMIIS of the department are also invostlKiting tho cost of living In other largocities

Whr the Neither Signal Should lie lleslorri-tTi TUB Klirroil ill TIIK Slft so I hire teen

accustomed for the pnt year In watch with amiivrent the ararlei of the Weather as symbolle lly eiprewrt from the flsg downtolls nt lirojdway and Ilne street lintIni pn weeks no signals hate been displayedWhy It this thus The least the bureau can do Itseems to me Is to tell Us whet WMIhcr not to eiperl-




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personal Postmaster hasinstructed that all mall Alcalde



Mr Bidwell saul purposediscuss with Secretary



























Rev Mary E Taylor t Presets atStreet A M E Cbareh

The members of the AfricanMethodist Episcopal of Brooldvn-am to have a woman as their pwtor for tinnext three month The Rev MarTyler a regularly ordained ofNashville Tenn I to have absoluteof the church during that perioddo the preaching preside over the iMion

class nifuting led themeetings regularly attended andfinance of the church In

Tim HV Dr F M Jacobs UeiMtntor of the church U one of the dpletto the Ecunniilciil Council that nLondon mind he will soil In a day or twto attend Its sessions Miss TaylorordaiiiMl to time ministry ten years a owhile Dr Jacobs was pastor at

of a Zion Church there

THEOSOPHISTS AFTER OnrilSGoing to cubs to Get Children toneFlu

lINt In time CultNBW OBLKAVS La Aug 7A party of

Theosophists arrive today headdby Dr Gertrude Ellillns Woodand Antonio CastelloNational Brotherhood Organization andTheosophlsta Society of Point Loins Calon their way to Cuba to selectchildren to be educated at YogaSchool for children at Point Loma MrsKatherine Tingley the leader andhead of tho brought sonwCuban boys and with upon return

first visit to ISMmade principally In the Interest of th tick

at Santiagothey are making such ih

to an additional numher of Cubans to be educated at PointLoma in the doctrines of the

The party expects to return to Califoraiiwith a of Cubans andtaken Antonio Castello aeducated at Point Loma School to adthem In their search f r available orphans


Artillery Captain Would Provide Tnwn firHigh School Cadets

WASHINOTON Aug r mm nd-

tlon has been mode to the War Depar-tment by Capt Cliarlea W Parkhurst of

the Artillery that the High School Cadetof Washington receive KragJorgensenrules bi place of the Springfield rifles whichhave heretofore been furnished to them

Capt Parkhurst is the officer recentlydetailed to Inspect Government property-In the possession of the Washington highschools represents It costs aconsiderable amount rear tothe old arms in officer harecommended that this be at the ex-

pense of the Government thinks ithowever that the cadets having

become proficient In the use of arms l

allowed use of modern rifles of theKragJorgensen type and it Is


Book of the Receiver of Taxes at ListMade to Balance

It was announced yesterday thatbooks of the Receiver had beenmade to balance after a search of five weeksamong the entries The cash on handamounted to 44964 more than could 1

accounted for and the whole force ofwent to work to find the error

There are over 830 books containing ovtr100000 nothing woo nilthe got to the nnbored In the 580s In one of them It wasfound that the receipt of the money hadbeen entered one of temporary

in the busy haderased clerksup the books thought that the

to take outand for this made no account of It

Now tho clerks will have a little rest untilthe collection of years taxes begins


Letter Do Not Avail ThemselvesTheir Privilege

WaHfUNOTON Aug 7 Only a few ofletter carriers of the country have availedthemselves of the privilege the

PostmasterGeneral after yearsof petitioning to wear shirtthe summer season while

A W Machin General Superintendent of

Free Delivery said that thewaist had not become popular among this

carriers and that In most cases when theofficial permission had taken advan

of garment been strictlyspeaking a shirt waist but an

shirt of the color prescribed in

Observed KnckeiCAMBRIDGE Aug C Wi-

lson telegraphed today from Northfieldto tho Harvard College Observatory thaton Aug 5 at 8024 Greenwich meantime he observed Enckoa comet The

right ascension Is 0 hours 2 minutes ILlseconds declination plus 33 degrees 41

minutes SO seconds cornet hasa time less than that of any otherknown comet and at Intervals fortymonths conies to perihelion

t 1 f

before Preparations will be made foran at Observatory-as soon as tho conditions are favorable

naptlml After a Scrapfrom tAr Uinneapofis Tribune

AMBHIIHII Mba July 31 On Sundaycrowd gathered on the shore of StanchfteMLake ti witness the baptizing of eor-Tomllnson by time Hev Mr Orrock but thepeople were not prepared to witness twfailure f the nerve of tlio convert and uric

struggle that followed hl Intlnulion of hacking out nt the ln t minute andOut quick action nf Mr Orrork who IPliking the Icteu of losing a convert attemptlo IIM force In preventing Mr nreturning to tikingfence a clinch with tho man f Oinand the undorhold tothe net hlrnsflf but Mr Orroc-ccttlnK the strangle hold anil being a power-ful mutt nnd larger than Tomlln on s

time latter an his knees and finally C

rer l d In ducking him n three fret fstirred to n porridge by the encouner

Thousands of Kunstrurk n lnifrom tie St Laui Ololnllf-

Qfiscr III July 31 Stnt Kh om-

nilssioner S P llartlelt of Hi is re-

sponsllh for the statement Mioiitrl-

flsli huts perliheo during Ou liestfseason to have stocked the lreii of

tilted htiite lie lint mponds and akes In Illinois rinr tuition

sire acre of lend l h lytnc onsurface of the water In mn pnn1 n rtl-

thi wnter nvrraces one loot in tleriilire ZOOTO ileHil Mark hn Irinc or the nrue and nio t of them liril in

12 Ttie ponil and I tl e acrefrom th overflow the linnoi itiver Theliver nn overuse of frnin thirtyforty acro iMicli and weretwi lo thrrf fN t Iturlns thn heaie-lierlfwl tie wier iviiior ti l rail lv an

remnliifd u teni erature uifrom III to lift ile rM-

Ileallfllrallnc Mo iullorrom fc Kifkmoiiii T-

inUtllll X i An t tn iltitisuil mn-

iiulto pUigui l reiHirlod In nuiiiy sectlrn-of euMern rarolna It t reliablythat nn unknown niliiMerwith n mail child throughWIIH oDllued In llr up the 111 a

in prevent tin frliterally ile oiirin chlM nll v and

lr wn hlntvlf nearly overcome wne-In reached FslrfieM In s large measi-e c p J th onelauchts of tlw ravenoui In-





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