ie madrid: show an activity you enjoy

Show us an activity you enjoy doing. Tell us how you think it contributes to your personal and professional development IE Madrid MIAF Application: January 2016 Intake Applicant: Landis Fouts

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Page 1: IE Madrid:  Show an Activity You Enjoy

Show us an activity you enjoy doing. Tell us how you think it contributes to your personal

and professional development

IE Madrid MIAF Application: January 2016 Intake

Applicant: Landis Fouts

Page 2: IE Madrid:  Show an Activity You Enjoy


Surfing is an activity I have enjoyed for the past 8 years, ever since I first learned during a trip to Peru in 2007

Punta Hermosa, Peru (just south of Lima)

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Surfing can be enjoyed in locations all over the world. I’ve surfed in many of the places where I have lived and traveled.

Peru (Jan 2007)

Virginia Beach (2008-2010)

Costa Rica (May 2010)Hawaii (2010-2013)

San Diego (Sep 2013)

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• Physical Exercise

• Decision Making Skills

• Knowing Your Limitations

• Mental Well-Being

• Cooperation/Sharing

• Environmental Appreciation

• Excitement!

Surfing has benefited me personally and professionally. It has developed me physically and mentally, and taught me skills

that carry over into the professional world

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Surfing: Physical Exercise

Surfing is a physically demanding activity. The surfer must paddle his board to the surf-break, which can vary from 30 to 500 meters away from the shore.

“Fives” Surf-break (Waikiki Beach, Hawaii)

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Surfing: Physical Exercise

This surf-break can easily be approached from the side

Whenever possible, the surfer will try to swim around the waves to reach the surf-break from behind. Sometimes this is not possible, and the surfer must paddle directly through the breaking waves, an exhausting feat.

The “duck-dive” is a common technique to swim through a wave by going underneath

Surfing is an extremely active sport. It has been a great way for me to stay in good physical condition while doing something enjoyable.

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Surfing: Decision Making Skills

Surfers must make quick decisions, often with limited information. The choice is usually as simple as whether to take the wave you can see or wait for a better opportunity.

When sitting on his board, the surfer can only see a meter above the water. With the lack of visible information, he must rely on judgment and experience.

These surfers chose to wait for another wave

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Much like problem solving in any sport or profession, the surfer’s choice impacts whether he reaches his goal or falls short of it. Some decisions can even put him or others in physical danger.

These surfers are traveling quickly on a powerful wave, and are grouped too close together. They will be lucky to avoid a collision.

Surfing: Decision Making Skills

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Surfing: Knowing Your Limitations

Surfing quickly teaches you the value of knowing your limitations. The surfer who knows his capabilities and threshold for risk will have an enjoyable time, and still find excitement.

More my style….still an exciting wave but I’ll be spending a lot less time under the water if I fall.

This is incredibly dangerous and takes years of experience and dedication. Not for me!!

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Surfing: Mental Well Being

This surfer has caught a gently sloping wave off of Virginia Beach (USA).

Surfing is relaxing, and is marked with moments of excitement. The surfer gets to enjoy the sunshine and the ocean, and only requires one item: a surfboard.

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Surfing: Cooperation and Sharing

Surfing can be a solitary activity, but often a surfer must share the surf-break with many other people. Cooperation is crucial to safety and avoiding conflict.

These surfers must share the waves and avoid colliding with one another. Often, a surfer has to pass on an opportunity and allow others to go first.

He should wait in order avoid colliding with the surfer in the red shorts

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Surfing: Environmental Appreciation

Surfing instills a great respect for nature. No one wants to swim in polluted water. A clean ocean and beautiful beach are a major part of the enjoyment of surfing. I have certainly recycled more and made greater efforts to reduce my carbon footprint since I started surfing.

Scenes like this reinforce my commitment to sustainable development. Nature belongs to everyone, and it’s important to preserve it for all to enjoy.

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Surfing: Excitement!

Surfing is fun and offers loads of excitement. Knowing your limits, mitigating risk, and cooperating with others at the surf-break are crucial components of ensuring you have the most fun with the least amount of danger.

Way too much excitement…this is a nightmare!!

A perfect wave...gently sloping and plenty of room to avoid the rocks

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One of the great things about surfing is that it makes me eager to keep traveling, especially to locations where I can catch a wave!

San Sebastian, a famous Spanish surf location. I hope to make a visit there this summer.

Washington, DC, where I currently live. It has been a very cold winter here!

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Thanks for reading. Surf’s up!

Me in Punta Hermosa, Peru in 2007, after catching my first wave ever. I really regretted not having a wetsuit (I was freezing!).