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l II TTE SUN SATURDAY AUGUST 11 1900 r r Th S t r 1 r 1 r VJbeG mt- v SATURDAY AUGUST U 10- 00alrUoal I Hal Postpld DAILY so DAILY SUNDAY DAILY AND SUNDAY DAILY AND SUNDAY Month 70 POUol TUB New Cly U near lotl and Klolo No 10 Boulnad dea Cpudn- uI Ilo I Not a Democrato Speech The of gave n to tilPir Ron AnAI the day Iwo from Our cut Wbo not that l of tbe 000 tUN Is non We In tomOfl the nf OU1 DUI lanl WI Woe pry I ono and the dome of the home or from of our ahlp lon lortlrn ItU ID- Ii and of out In thL Is up that hold da In mortal lean to tie hop the the f which are in test not pboIeo1 nor It spltndor but Ibl the lol- of the people The WOrl ot and good they are not Demo to Mr ellclon Is to decide whether the Unit to i a become empire ot It the to be this an what Demo tlk abut empire to II the who compoen the are there In ot the the of the people Mr had a Demo he would have to that I the long half and and that the Issue Is a of the people want to destroy the Bryan on Is an about this qulslUon of Mr on the of the to the Phippine and the Ibe Do WI hold them teal or DId we bur or dId WI them wo the JI how did WI cure them to the the IU value when h the of the and that a the 1 from the ot the HCUr pope I by WI hold we hold by eon lkni our Ideas of we mae of and we not innocent Uut we bad not abs no than she had And I bled on force alone We cannot Span u a we over to the pr In A a of the of pee Mr BUN knoW Is his are purely to they were thrown In the U of the Lull lana and were of the Wi had or In of the CUe buying hum U Mr cal It purchase ret UUe by force Mr him the to It ought to pain him about the to the lul lana Pur chue and I Mr about and notion of the of of an IMurgent move met upon the which there BaTs that we can honor ably over to pay In In not up any more they would up ot the or ot AMka Present In I A correspondent of the In India It one To the by In must now he says be the depression beg- inning be felt the In cotton I In bad a way u be Imagined of the produced In Indian way to the market and the war In South had no for a of In would men- the virtual of trade that country and the derangement of and It would also as a Interfere with to meet her to England It anxiously hoped therefore on In India that thero may be a of things In China to free that to be of the land tax In India mater which Is i the the land revenue been by of a year to the of the and the of the country of the money spent on for In which numbers of taken from the land for service were an of the way of In India works i ot occurrence In GuJerat one of the meet hard hit by the are on the had not year- I put to but there no In the holders were to give for payment of revenue and to take up the lands but did neither and the untie there were tract of toe movable prop i 0 p4 Yea a o- oI v 2 00 4 per yeu a oo in couflteS dded SUN York r patxIoaqu No flTnd i ur irsnai fator Si Wtffi m4UCPI wiSh rIHttd arttctl uttffflld gh- ymvflhUeaIlISffldfl3mPl1lPP peope Bloomington non psrtlaan welcome tOwflTflftfl tht EWINO 8VRO other paMagec Mr STE- yMsoN e speech it II for iL time honet dttTet qutetIonl but upon wbtci hold the tUe of republic thank all bun to bultage tstheTa than mere part that b which be known sarred than met emblem a the dat h000ftd by whether desdoC from CaIol at lb uthead ati- tand to 011 smbol om- m eountry endutlog republic bound all we thu that outatretehed we f The eafetyrt century upon we eoon enter will upon Its ma- tirlal wealth IU power upon the roneratim Intelligence t patrietiem all 2 re patrtotlsm eratic Aecordtng STIITENSOXS party the coming continue be an The life the republic Ii threatened Dernocrath are believed If I enduring repubilo does all the eratto an amount If votera Republican party bent upon deetroylngt- hu republic what sense I speaking th coniervatism Intelligence lofty patriottam all If STEVENSON made cratlo speech had say enduring republio cannot endure repiiblio half empire paramount whether plurality republic Title There infantile air die BnTaN5 title United Statee I Filipinos I what I our title to PhilIppine laland k by bY conquest I there DId purchase F not titie to Were I the7 thrown with land Will flipubilcana- L ihallnanlmateearth baa that earth moulded bT Divine band and etamped with the lIkneu Creator Ii becomei azture- e and pueei with aoilt if Governments derive ibelt lust powere consent governed it- I impossible to tilt to either hi force orbTpurchaae Spalna title tualy built title muet ii some method with government When aiiiea the Ftiiplna armed thin to Cpaln we disputed tipalrea title it buy dpain i title we are pureha era even If diaputed Spalna title could tranafeT greater title I her tRli was defend auth a title gays quitclaim deed can honorably property poueaaton supporter treaty well Phlllppinee and quUons rhetorical As the people with lend just the inhabitants Purchase Aluka consent governed never asked any three titleby If conscience pains about American title the Philippines American title Alaska Passing over BitTANs remarks alliee his singular effect railitaryrepression Government against exists remains Mr proposition turn the property the possession The United States party possession and they will give pouession than give possession Louisiana Pur- chase Condition India Bombay writing outlook describes as im- penetrable darkness distress caused the famine and pestilence various forms added commercial already to China The industry as can tenths yarn factories finds its Chinese whereas Africa anxieties India commercially prolongation the present situation China extinction IndlaB with serious trade finance consequence Indias ability Indebted- ness is all sides speedy readjustment allow intercourse with country resumed The question he another becoming increas- ingly last twenty years has increased three millions rupees fin- poverishment cultivators general injury most having been frontier I tiflcations and warlike operations vast animals transport lost As example the present system land uessment cases recent I ilisthcte famine specified Lands which Government I demand been met were last I tip sale were bidders I August original asked I t1 security the I I r they F I lands remained 1 Then occupants ° ° e made EgUsh man with shame Tough the law might the apparel of the and their their ploughs of for the malntenapcf ot the were not from the dIstraint the diltrained were not of within after the but were to remain for a conaeiderable at the chora In one when In making Ustrant the found In the they seize that were on the worth four or five about SUO they took from her a of eight U8 that In the of her and they made her change their to show that kept nothing of value on her to the and months after the property turned to her by order but of regret for the indignity Inult to which she had bn Among other to force to pay were met the ot revenue to the the people their the Iron On to the Commissioner the were a remove In the had wander about or Another to force of rent place at the to persons In to the water were paid In some the noon of dug up to ascertain whether any had been hidden and so In many other of the Is hateful hy the and oppre acts of its to the money lender Is almost universal throughout and under of the law the control of the land had a of the rapidly the of In the Punjab the of India by the of to but Is u a roundabout way not only delay but the Incdtnt of a point of for In the of In II the of that land a producer ot wheat and cotton It to be by drought and It Is taken of the of Industry In IndIa the of trade wit The action on be a mater of moment for If the driven by the of the to gQ on money for war ex- peMM and to the In which India at an early It to the In bond Some In the number of vote pole for In ot Alabama In 1890 J618017 and State New a In of and 10 only pole In For McKINLEY 2879S more votetan the of In a and 13 the In only with a In of only and only 12 In 1896 and Ua vote for McKINLEY the whole In by votes lulslana had a of In At the In cast only yet the State 8 vote a of and It 8 vote but total In alone more vote tan the whole number In In In only 89613 State had a popu J2896ln lBOOnnd 9 vote 9 Electoral 130t820 1890 and for 123990 more than the total of South had a of 1151 In 1890 and It hu 9 vote I pole vote vote In iso 1208180 total In 1896 WM McKINLET more than twice many the whole number In South Carolina are and at the next November the of the vote In the corn State no more or vote more of the mi- n part of the since Rainbow of region the centre of population each Is of tho Civil War of party were on the of the and hopeful isss that the remarkable ot In would transform the Ever glade Into a stronghold WM to be rovolutionizel for by the ot the Creole Alabama by the dvelopment of through and by the menacing ot local Noun ut rainbow been the In the returns of the In by maJorl than When the South WM an for the ot and Iowa began to Inducements to many the most of led to a downpour of on there and consequent scenes which the aaye might have an blush have directed wearing occu- pant his family bedding thesmali quantity grain needed cultivators family articles ilepoded time die traint allowed time village ease ofticere nothing house person rupees slim annas cents was tied end sari her clothes in presence she concealed person A complaint was made collector some was supedor without end subjected means adopted people rents they unable ti was sending dThcer villages ejecting from houses and closing with bare complaints bars after time the permitted to return homes meantime they had to without shelter protection expedient payment was to watchmen village wells prevent debt Government from taking until their dune vii lages houses were valuables these and ways the Administration country made unjust dye subordinates Indebtedness India the operation is passing into the class moneylending cultivators are falling Into condition serfs Government proposes tostop this prohibiting allenaUon land nonagrlctilturiste this regarded very involving also painful questionable experiment One interest this country above described condition things India gradual elimination as if continues scourged famine pestilence as now Account should also be stoppage through cessation Its export China reflex England finances will also British is growing exigencies sItuation borrowing its meet deficiencies revenue with Is threatened date will naturally turn again auiil again American Investor Significant ComparIsons Alabama total President 1896 was was 11 Electors Jersey with population 1890 1U4933 with Electors votes 1890 polled total poll Alabama Georgia with population of 1837353- In 1890 with Electoral votes total poll 1816 was 163061 votes Wisconsin population 1890 i536SaO with Electoral votes polled 447000 votes alone exceeded poll Georgia 10O74 population 1118587 1800 Presidential election 189d it 101046 votes IJM Electoral Maryland popilation 1042390 also has Electoral its poll 1898 was McKnmET received 35913 cast total poll MississippI IBM was votes yet that latlonof ithas Electoral also has votes and its population in 1890 was It- polled34l664 votes in McKxNutT alone poll Mississippi Carolina population 149 Electoral 68907 1896 also Electoral Its population was poll 96503 alone receiving as votes as cast These significant comparisons election paucity Southerrt States as pared with Northern with Electoral votes will become striking Southern disfranchisement political opposition The Region lOW The poliucal rainbow like disclosed by successive census constantly changing For many years after the close false expectations success generally centred States South partisans confi- dently predicted as recently as influx Northern settlers Florida State Republican lexas by Its elgnborn immigrants Louisiana aroused public decadent colony its nilnlngindustrles Northern cap- ital Georgia defection 1opultste their expectations has realized These States re- main btrongly Democratic and as Irni- lcated recent State election Alabama Democratic tIes larger heretofore abandoned as unpromising field rainbow chasing prairie States Kansas present Democratic opti- mists For years extrava- gant expectations Iemocrntlo success in Kansas campaign literature especially tariff has In no State and for some of the ot But the no In When to be It were few Democrat In It when the were fewer Democrat when the chase clad region of In the strongly Republican State the group of un of which Michigan and are the chief and of only one In ever been to the In a For no the hope the the enthu have to thee which are now enjoying the of a I and are com to and fin by them onlooker visions of In the soon arrive and he here a good of the canvass and herd from The of rainbow It Is In a new In 19 thats About Porto Rico So Mr BRN It elected summon the In t haul down the nag In the What about Porto he Mk haul down the nag there too What or of his In the- cae of not apply force to the of Porto Rico Why Is he noisy about the and about Electro and the Service pany desire to the postal over at con tract It holds with the Government at the end of the month and been that the car not be or at the Office people have We presume that the of have of own for the of their the New York Post but we to the that the and ot the by agency rather be than In the New York In of great and through- out suburbs Is now one vast ant network of surface roads and to this there to he of tim roads to suppose that the Omce should be front the of means of The probably be found In the Office ot own taking and paying for and trackage The plan Is feasible and and we cannot there not be type of capable of the for the level dllrhle hy nn The Second of the Saton no good reason for the disap- pointment In ot the that the the ot city to be In of her own In Chicago In Increase of nearly M per In the Is today larger than ago Is now big Rome anti combined of Chicago morn than between the of t880 and 1890 come to ho a In that town that short of In ten and But Chicago cannot to double ten years If she had and should to at that rate the there this would Ue with luck to his town more populous than the Empire of I would I be overcrowded wrought such In the ot urban and suburban that It Is that few If ot the American show year a of normal to their In the be hero and there hut no city to ho downcast If hM In the of American cite by the Chicago lone that and she ought to he proud of tho achievement She stands next New York In the United M Lyons Rtands next to or next to London In from reordbrfklng iIA prormRre or EMIA lh completed a ride or 4Wmlf days ThO fact that he the champion ot both for rOd marks a or but some minor ot hr ride prove her to the that nut on I 0 to a century day the next the prInted almost or her and alp anN her halt that looked than few dns afterward It reported that ltn and front and her ride her splendid and took con In a corn arMed to her victory I a Sow compare attending reported at Stlare arden In at the or the In which were the On the frt ot rare rider ot dltre hr leave the track bcauscof ot hs chant hl and from Mme vere with his mlomach On ot another badlY that lh ot vitilt Then scorcher WM In attack ot tol nnlhr ot men looked worn Md to on the ot lAter It tat which been equalled other may perhape account subsequent vagaries Kansas voters Democrats gained advantage Kansas that State temporarily ceased Republican became Populist There rainbow chasing the gazers is Northwestthe deviating Republican States Minnesota Wisconsin which Wisoonsin 1831 has lodt Republican pmty Presidential election since ADRAHAM LINCOLN was its candidate visible reason ardent Populists and siesta turned States great material strongly inltted Republican policies measurably benefited The wellinformed and conservative with rainbow BRYANS success Republican Northwest will st will tarry throughout part be frequently States has shifted region all And What will Congress extraordinary session Philippines Rico Will Congress to theory argument the Philippines does with case Philippines silent Porto Rico Traction Posts The Metropolitan Street Railway Corn has signified its discontinue service its Third avenue line as present performed The will expire notice has served will hauled thereafter as soon as Post shall effected other arrangements managers the street railroads sufficient reasons their severance rela- tions with 0111cc incline belief distribu- tion collection mails electric will expanded con- tracted near future Greater all its centres all its Intricate electric is presently added the entire system elevated It seems unreasonable Post debarred obvious advantages this unIversal traction solution will the operation by Post its vehicles power entirely reasonable see why should easIly devised a vehicle leaving tracks and trolley eIote street and propelling itself when auxiliary storage battery City There Is expressed Chicago report Federal Census shows population that 1t97000 stead 1937000 as claimed by latest school census 1890 had 1099850 inhabitants cent ten years to satisfy most ambitious municipal pride Chicago Berlin was five years Chicago as as Amsterdam Madrid Because the population dotibled censuses there has feeling anything 100 per- cent Increase years means decadence humiliation ox- pect every continued continue grow child born year ordinary good see native vast China is today inconveniently The trolley has changes condltione life likely any great towns will this rate increase equal recorbe Past There will disap- pointment ought it held us relative position list metropolis has after States Paris In France Manchester England Aside its character Mrs It HAYNic has recently within thirty Ic cx- tzernely Ic recognIzed aruong cycliets exes longdlethstce rldin her- as woman extraordinary endurance incidentally features title championshIp lrom the tIme Mrs Ilsyr sot Iiii wheel one and tW- centtiriei newspapers have daily reports health generni then task eHS abiut wa staled ehe hotter whci she began A was was eatlng with great heartinee was looking well WM tree nch pains Upon completing appetite was sh a epicuotte part party celebrate thie woman the eircIuntarice Mrs l1erxas ride with thoe tIadI 5411 leeenber ISOC time clx days cycle race men only contestants very day the one ehoweni signs and wae ordered physicIans te theconditlon stomach ext day Ilsrx the Irish lost vivacIty was suffering trouble the day following the earns organ rider behaved so hoard health retiested him tl Scniotn the Cblcaw serIously handicapped the struggle by an acuts indigos case disordered stomach and haggard fre- quently appeared be verge coliapee was announced Scanciza and of to do but not that tact of their con not that slxaT men were such u lap tat lot the of which lute BUNE and black Of no to that a hand In her Abut only made of hint that his with bouquet task M one doubts of women In the ot on the let him the of of of hr who have taoks A of his the plot batched la 1880 I The stand UWI at the eneoachmnts of We should think would when the are shamsiessaly Trust and the Jon STEPHEN accus ot the non Boxu of is the of Col noble It not neeMar to 8UIBO wt lender hlure he In the and clearness of his hardly any other the of Mr nUN In aim pUclt and now best Mr Bozs to say which he the and of Bryanlo the and crown of thorns or the a wlketoIEIawake his muscle Ill Beneath Isslrown upon the waste the world the good old CHINESE IrUATION two most and or news from the from In Pekln Mr of the ot the Chloeee to rid of the envoys to them their deired the and the ot an edict to treat the Power Coupled with thee II he lent trained trop Iekln the ad vance ales The situation II a very curious one to the Their to WM a of double dealing which cannot and which make future ne with those for the to induce the envoys so to net a to their In a They not be on a or so an to when force Inadequate The nomination of to the ot probably from a ot and places the and old In a very repl to on the part ot have to dealt at or when the Is obvious The ales at their them In their status and prepared for an that the removal or the court and to some other and part of So tar the are Md apart from elton are credit on con When now laid and Chefoo and be tweete and Taku order and connected with the the transmission ot be more In way and ot the from despathel of each passing In the are do In restoring their lions Ther obtained possession of New on lat and occupied Car bin the or on 3 the day before the and Sew chwang on the Port Alhurare re the overland be directed south by that and be For the moment the hold the or the between distance north of and Char is n but the now he able on both from the north they ehould soon recover the The In and on are In numberMd from to thound each This does not Include the force nt Newchwang and or I IV The tenon or the latest from that or the plot to Lord and the other or ot the by the British is or such a that no to prepare the mind lit for step A and In England of against tIne ot but moot Is no longer and Government to be under the or the for the Coin Joseph Chamberlain can to ot not pro- nounced In Tho by would all have advantage of the to the Transvaal who to and what the roree are unable to The surrender of Gen In Caledon to have about by the or to the an or about each At last Gen Wet had worked way round Gen flank and reached hock ot POlcber- Ktroom from whore he would the way across veldt toward where Gen Delaney him The len De Wet from the In which he wIn considering of the him another ot the that In this war of the lack amon the to udipt their to the In which find Infamy Fame for nlbne To vita EOITOR TiE At PL ltJt of foci he onltrl E p A flnlooeuvN AUI U Bryan Doled Down To THE reading that long and dray made by the ltr of the I a version rbe II simply O aler oEMEY Cy Aur t LOGAn J DwnJ several the other nasa had their UIYSS thSre their cooking whether or was explanatory disabled dltion was authoritatively estbli5iled- It is true however the fed upon delicacies and calfs jelly bill faze Chicken beef tea coffee course there Ii reason suspect the womans husband had preparing meals the mention was wife when her wu ended If the physical ability some to combete successfully with men accomplishment difficult undertakings particularly bicycle compare ease Mrs HAYNE with those some male contemporaries attempted similar lifelong yebtilid agatnat the plot pantyIndtereSPcdtJ- itUnt So Imperialistic was was people monopoiyKnsnsoj CUv Times they West em farmers forming a JAMES lioca is Inc dealing gently with Octopus The Saseao Springfield Mass roaming among ineada Agawam declaiming BanNs Indianapolis speech ii say cries that rivals LINCoLN simplicity style yet political leader lines rise LINCOLN has- urpaased the dignity poise clearness which characterize his efforts fails regards as simpler more dignified better poised specimen the style crossofgold Within victorious the gigantic hits like sand and all acclaims FIT- Zrirz The interesting items China are report our Minister Conger attempt authorities there get foreign by representing that Governments them to leave eapitah dated Thursday appointing 11 flung Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary with report that Ping had left baa not reflect adyan- tageoushy Chinese represents lions tue envoys clear ease be explained fT will gotlatlon responsible attempt piaee Governments faise position very difficult if not impossible certainly could conducted footing equality after flagrant attempt do- celve especially the behind itis proving iteclf 11 lining Chang important position PlenIpotentiary has arisen per- ception this it experienced acute dipiontatist serious dilemma rhe this manmuvring whoever will be with Pekin elsewhere time conans must all hazard reliee confirm be diplomatic contingency may arise such as capital lees accessible the country military operations meeting with signal success notwithstanding the great dilflcultles the Chinese oppo reflecting all the allied engaged the cables being hetweert Shanghai the latter pInt are in working field telegraph foliowin the allied forces news will satisfactory every we shall be relieved confusion andre the Shanghai telling rumor 3tanchunia Rualans tasking tided progress communion chwang Saturday centre the tern Atig As on as coniniunicittione between Charbin raihwayto established Russian arriving will route the interrupted telegraph lines will restored Chinese section railway haicheng is- shori Newchwang as itussians will to- elove them and south control of line various Ititeslan columns acting Man churin the Ainur five seven nine strong south SOUTH AFRICA news Pretoria seize Roberts influential burgher desiring the an- nexation lyansvaal 0ev- crnment character it is doubt intnded public England tao strong growing feeling was manifesting itself late policy annexation Panila sitting the which appears In this matter entirely control Secretary nice Mr afford disregard any expression direent larliannent annexation rociamatioR the enabling Dnitivh treat burghers refused surrender as rebels might perhaps accomplish nursieroue hirittsh Generals with theirsu- perior achIeve lninsioos force the ailey appears been brought chiefly failing 01 its supply am- munition thnburghersonly having according oflictal report average forty five cartridges left accounts Do wits cliii at large lie apparently his Methuens left hiuffels west find the rolling recently captured the Eiands River garrison open to escapeof very critical position at- hteitzburg the overwhelming streneth llrttieh force surrounding is many instances have cc- curred protracted cingular DritlehOenerals ofthe capacity tactirs conditions they themselves Not or SUN51r Poit- ilie Roliai flubne convicted murder tDrrOR at SUNSir After caretuiiy speech Peeniesa leader and send you condensed whole speech NAil all > 70 Object to Roberts to Ceylon The or the of a to the or lrd having that ot twenty two had to the of The to on the to 1Ildlnt We ask to flaws of In by have to and at men on the part or ot the laws or war which nor ot war In ot not nor monte to them Dan Joln own anti to and Is In to and b the to whom the for hi or war within or into distant and is y ar lit their In 170 which that no war kll on to This wu h of J8S and yet In hf osten England to Americas on her to that abs ot to In the We arc to of them to when the treatment by Power We actIon on the of mont In the and that of the Government or at Md directed the ot of and further tat It cale t the or law their capture TllNlVO rp CUBAN Re11 by lied la This In the annual report of the Cuban whIch In form lut November to on the work In May bra that up to the In for and the orphan and of Interest In the work ot the wa at the of Cuban Orphan Fair or the at which the sum of IZSC raised Is not In the of the from on I to The work In CIa the formed In Laura D Under her direction touch on the or have have Included And for and that normal In The hM establ hed an orphanage nl over MO at and Ouanlanamo the old In both tRkn for the work of M po bIl forms or philanthropic which would help to tine a for and industrial Inprold1 are to which t Hnd desire to let who In lost tine play or older lack the training of And nllr to to ear or In the future the report to the work PUblIc kinder roe inn mAn land It had 1 blanc ott on IS Ir 13261- FGROr OV RACE HATRED of the In Or leans Thankful for ORLEANS IOAt a today or or Sew Orleans tho n W or resolutions were adopted thanking the Mayor and others who asioted In the of the during the The regret that ot the or Orleans their real and personal and out their here frightened h the troubles Arid were advised thiat there was no ntC for A K of the and now or industrial at Ilaldwiti 11 which Danker institute Rn address today In which Iewett and oratorsas of own lane crozy 111 tt 1 who Rre the of the The 1lolle u hobby lot the and Southern Albert used as a or to help to and it Is to these that tine owe their o are What Southern or bound to same be we to Llihtning and To TUG In A to TiE SUN today I A asks for the apparent stroke by of The the same whIch a t place hand on a shock An take the and the the steel the or than the more cal Two I on a train out of Long et the same moment that an storm pued to the same lon For a or more the train la the nry of the the to suck the the and struck In front be- hind underneath and around lice train an cannonadetbI damage done but woman on the In ablcl A would to a mighty place a thundereiormproInjed of the train on the lowAnD OOLDSWIT N Ien and Camp To TiE SUSSI Women the instead In leaving a car Is their to hold up their sklrts the their puutc In IhtlrlchL Watch bouldnt however hard on tho for danrerous Some men lamoua the land cannot the can ealy I sew on the Long the other day a of this form A States Minister In fold one of the ramp chairs and twisted dozen ways and nnaUy rue it up he had do to the bar of the and Ibe chair folded Isl be had And you RW 01 O Ur A the To viti aiM the cry on In against Ibis U on bard the by or the or one thifle the ol and enlU the men and kop u the cabins the olher side of the to the dlegul ol those rd- w Aur u n I of From Run out and rll that egg Jebltl hl make the Wr there not tbee Shanghai nen acckln IRISH APPEAL PRZ3IDLT The lord Sendlag Irli- kAflcan Prisoners Executive Committee United Irish League this city held special meeting yes- terday discuss deportation Beer prisoners captured by Roberts learned 233 them including IrishAmericana been sent Island Ceylon committee decided send the fohiowing letter subject McKinley respectfully your tine Ctylon that 233 prIsoners war Including twentytwo ntorieuhi captured South Africa the British forces operating against tine ileers been eent Ceylon whose climate is notoriously fatal to white a eouree Great Britain violation Prisoners euch treatment while the hands POem WO will menace their health restrict their liberty than is necessary restrain forces the captors most unfavorable contrast the Christian kindliness care extended lioers those has Vlacei their handS etcit inclenenent coiititnipv expressly In- ternational law 1Ine provided against it with Prussia definitely stipulated by its article either be sent thee East article re- nowed the Treaty continues force distinguished treatment 10 fighting behalf the us roogpizes the right American citizens tales con- test entltJed that those her shall re- ceiv accorded cizilized request Im- mediate our matter attention Great Britain be once emphatIcally to violation be promptly release cent so grossly out- raged as such violation has ORPHANS Acconepilebed the eoctety organ City first Orphan Society was organized its present carry begun isa9 preliminary organization it Is shown April last society had spent soes caring educating destitute children Cuba socIety shown time the Childrens National was This included society which other sources amounted April 48724 aince present society was Gill settlements the university ceitiements here been English clasos adults children These liae met with such success two kindergarten classes have been unman Society also chIldren and kindergarten tenftiegns places being purpose the report the has been to organize its as many communities throughout kindergartens merits and ol lien and work these eonIstnunhiie4 and at saints time serve as model similar enterprises unidertakein bV other agencies tot by thee public school authoritIes theneed iisenni clean y speedily Meanwhile the younger children sonic instinct ot are without tine benefits kindergarten winjie the ones eye hand so enable them itvniihood The policy the acolety he supplement schools wIrtens industrial training ins communities throughout as its funds will portinlt hand JUnit Leaders Colored Population New Irotection NEW Aug meeting the leading inegroec Rev henderson Dean itralght University presiding Governor orotection negroes re- cent riots meeting rio expressed many tter dass negroes in New were sacrificing property selling homes isInlr race they city enttgrnntlon 1 hio Rev I Albert formerly editor touthwratern Christians lresident Ito Gilbert College is modelled it Tiiskeg Issued he denounced Miss the misguided vIctims their Inflamed enemies colored Southern negro has N orthiern scarecrow them oflice negroes dIsfranchisement S Southerners niects the wlitte4 favorably unfavorably is affect us way We fools if failed recog- nize it Railroad Trains Tim lnlvon 01 SUNsir letter published Mattin immunity from lightning railroad trains reason Is- doubiless asihal permit person his trolley rail without electric current wIll path tnce lightning bolt seeks rails cinder train lice wires ovenhead rather tesiating materlalsof lb years ago was which started Island City dcc- inir over traveliling direc mile was disturbance rails seemed ltthtning from cloud it all with accompanying was ear splitting No whatever was every inthecarwasctoucbed floorbehindihe seats terror railroad train appear be safe durIng course was irack rLonAT PARK v Stools rita op use night hand left bemuse it habit with latter Theycarry and see if this isnt We be too ladles this little mistake as it is gified throughout racily an- complisit what ordinary fellow de For Instance boat dtsilnguiehed citizen town eniy United abroad trying vain to lie turned II a in dis- gust All Ic was grab bark seat lIft it Vi been MinIster there anti tug MAN TItER Likewise lioniblack Cries ullTott OP TilE ate Sir Is ii nfl po- atbie is protvat new outrage enacted ferryboats partnuianiy those Controlled Ferry Company Any morning ight croseing itreet Ferry and only crof Polish thrown ace each every untortunaie the host Is through unlil is reached much to their papers Yong Shy Report Shaashai Front 5 IndlanapoUs Press Mrs Jason they it Ii doaen JsoDuno whether theys ane its tha TRAIVMZN IN 01 a Accident t To or I do not know to what the of your have the systematic abuse and out rate which are not a u a mater of fact I lIre the of outrages ot which I complain during the of Grover Cleveland I other things equal that Ir the leader of the party only In so a there more hope or from theta from the opoosing party IUs the but of the Mexican American In chart ot trains there Is an accident them In prison for not only but the ought to be made after the by the Judge of who answer to our The ot Is borrowed the In both there a tendency to hard an In order that no man may escape But are not wit nL but ot an of wrong to which have by and Minter The regulation Is that to with no lie hels to and by of who to obtain or bet ot a Ibe the Judge b not gained to a nor is there any to the In the In the t It Is plain to men tat the ott and mUlt bo to work a that the they do not any to the that there is no or the which does not exist lInt the his out tat hop which maketh of winter the Intone a prisoner named had luan de In the port or Vera Cruz n on the old to Vera and In an sccldent knocked he could not away taken the on at Orlzaba lie soon ot his injuries hut his health and he to Han Juan which Is a prison- In hoes to him died however months imprisonment thee is no doubt that the I understand he widow and two children and me to some for ot that arrest of tbs to plain that the upon the arrest American an not the usual kind Ot upon which the are In a that In or a wreck the Iran are or ought 10- be lble To It these arrest are simply the can be learned by Ins and there never nn unless happens In the or capital U or that took sla In were In had short and the trains were Innntensely When trains the States It WM that could not discount short It In where upon ocea Ion or were t In the was so steep down hold In upon other whole as train tine curve the train bored In the and the which down a own traIn who for two hnloemots engineer But tins train nnldnl would have been the the hind It to that not nn hu that part of the train would for the or the where nt took place that the Qr that train would In that event and that The need have to to any hut b own It did they ought be b the ot a and acton ot have to not to taint In Irlson for men whom II a of the Dower to the and ot thee reposed In them EDWARD OARCZSII SEW Ul 10 A To OF phrasing Pr Johnson I would is a when rhlnrtn from a but put a In band and a to hint and benumbs The hint noar on Is the brains And The mental qulpmeotenabld to a Irn cannot even ropy hIm The of Mr name In his What A mAn I not to of the Inn epigram Mr nr1 is not of Ie AMERICAN MZXZCO Their Arbitrary Impelgosmeit in Case Railroad ins Enixoit TiL SuySir extent readers paper realized American Mexican police authorities This is campaign letter for do reelection The police existed regime think being Republican will in smhl matter is relief thin constant altogether unjustifiable practIce police to arrest officials when long terms without trial even without preliminary invosUgation which immediately arrest Instruction Attorney Mexico from French is manifest be upon accused person guilty the Mexicanohice content the regulations their Instrument American citizens should never been permitted American Consuls American Mexico shall be kept in soUtary confinement and allowed communicate one during seventytwo hours While is Incommunicado supposed be visited questioned the Instruction l to go any lautude convicting testimony all confession If hours stifficient evidence he- is allowed continuance limit continuations meanwhile being unprejudiced police arrest suspicion given District to cae my complaint Is while police make the arrest legally turn case Instruction o record case ju6icl1ly the American is all same eating heart with terred the soul At the beginning last American in Mexico Murray Ulloa lie was locomotive engineer Mexican line Crux was concerned Being senseless get and so was to re- covered was affected the confinement was sent cle Ulloa oltttcal restore lie and that left a seems to receive pecuniary the blighting character oucht cease It is suplcion which pollee acci- dent Is suspicion the of is rather foregone conclusion cue officials either me seemnathat outriugos because cause only is the accident vicinity the the worst accidents place curing my Mexico erer- intance engineering construction Thee curves were gradienti hong vesti- buled were In discovered they a curve So was Mexico upon the lnternceanic Railroad hundreds lives each gradient color mill that thee cars and tIne rigid as a vestibuled Stien short wins reached tener thee latter upon engine was hiterall pushed track and cliff its rite rican was responsible those was a MexIcan civil arrested all same ii hot nm away secretly Now is clear inc arrests should 115 nnite moth investigation shown there was negligence cnn thee nffldnl It bus to notIfy the superlntendont railroad omcial he 1mev must he forthcoming trainmen nothing Mexican offlcial could be reached thy wrong to sentence Judge not wholly unauthorized thepohice The power long periods they luau Ths whole matter gross abuse given confidence Toinc Character Sketch Tins EDITOR Tire SuboSir Pan say that Bryan brick as tee cart liii pen hIs ii bemnes torpedo all his faculties difference between and Senator imperialism dltlerence between blather Snnatoa him argue bad ease with iplendid ability constant use school- boy composition can only ezrite resentment pity that marvellous here dispose floy Orator Presidential caliber must not with Uncolns place aw Vonic Aug 9 R W VAicDrREooy Farther Refluements Saggested to the Shirt- waist Itan- Oh You llorrid Thingi You Shirtwatst Man let hence Dont you know Thai oure not planned For ngligd effects Cant you realize rhat It weallowed you To heave off your coat Theres no knowing where youd stop Ior youre Just the sort That needs an iron band ro keep you In your place Andthllsin yourcoat- No select paw No angels touch will ever lead you Hut a few swift lines Like these May make you ace The error of your ways It may be true ihai you have your trousers mad With hIgh hips Whatever that may mean And that yotn sport a belt In which you seem to he perfect confldence hut o- hlitllallalaiai Poor thing Iont you know Thai it iOu wear a shirt waist Voti must have dress sbiids And a putley belt And oar of the new straight front one And asfetyplns And lsitlirework effects Through which there is- A dliii shadowy ylew- lownecked Cut V And finished with a fence Through whch runs baby ribbon So called Though not for Infants wear tacluelveiy And dinky little bows Ii takes all this ro make a shirt waist possible lInt there are lois of things Siiirtwaist iJan- rhat youve yet to leano rake bred Cling to your coat And boes And acks AnsI other queer ihingi that you wear For truly Shirtwalst Men Volt are a sight Io make the angels Flap heir wings and coo with nerrineat Now 1w nice lui on your coal And try to forgi you eve took it ofl And wore hgli bips Shirt waist Mao souwontdoi lAva UAsyEii3o > CANADIAN JNDZPZNDXNCI The Leagie attoui aed What They Wean Moxrnxav 9It appears that thee Independence paSty of Canada has not only the persecution of the Liberal Government of Sir Vilfnid Laurier to meet In the seizure of its emblems in the Custom Rouse bitt- so I learn from a prominent member of thee leagueJtu had further obstaries phased inthee way of its propaganda by the refusal of thee Now York manufacturing concern that has hitherto supplied its emblems to fill any more orders for them The reason whichj uetder stand it gives for this is that the Cuiadhtn Customs authorities would interfere with its business in Canada lbe league members however say they are not in anyway di- couraged by these troubles but intend to see about having them made in Canada if they cannot be had elsewhere The button of the old Independence League which was founded some eight years ago by- Mr Jason X Perrault at present Assistant Commissioner at the Paris ExhIbition is being worn by its members in public now as thee members of the Independence party are wear lag theirs and there is no douht that but for the action of the Ottawa authorities and thee American manufacturing company thee nunc her of people exhibiting It all over the country would considerably startle the imperialist jingoes and their Liberal allies The proimperialist press Is natarahy jubilant at thi way the Government has pus its foot down on the propaganda nf the tralkacr- sci it styles them but the result of It all has been to advertise the idea and bring It into public discussion From the Lakes to the Atlantic the question of independence has been raised and outside of the papers owned by imperialist titlehunters it its discussed with moderation and gentaDy with Thee Huron a and hightoned newspaper of Ontario deprecates the abuse of the wouli be better off as an independent then In its present subjection and says the action of the Govern merit sending a contingent to South tfnlcns has an issue has to be faced Canads it says ii no longer where it was but may e called on much sooner than is gon to choose between and absorption in a centralissed imperialism with its of a curious coincidence a letter from Nova HcoUa which I have received bearing the date as the paper alluded to expresses a airniltir view of the matter The writer says I am under obli for th copy of the Expansionist of sew York and lets of Union receoly forwarded m as it substantiate thee nonten lion I am constantly putting forssard respecting the soon he upon to settle for grind and all s to her tutors status among thee naUons I hold that we never go back to the position we occupied before thee present can we as at present must either go forward and perfect unity of the Empire by enact metit or for lndeendenca I am for independence at any cost of anadta in th maritime provinces Ia to be held at Art chat In Nova on 15 which dde gates from this province will bee and to his is looked forward to with consIderable interest as to down there he is to meet his constituents of Quebec East where mdc- pendence buttons are in vogue 0- Sappreased Opinion of the South To vita Eorroit oF Tine SunSir Tna article in your valued paper of Sunday Aug 5- AReal Danger you say That group of Stittej the old Southern Confederacy is pracdcaiiv distinct from the rest of the Union in being wholly uninfluensed politically by the great questions of national which divide publin so sharply in all other At the eame intelligent Southern nien have opinions on no less do- cided those elsewhere in the Union but they are restrained From iving them public and political expression o no true Many of thinking neighbors are in with sot policy of the Republican party and shake the so called Democracy but we are tinder the yoke Amendment to the Con of the United States that atneodmentand so setUe the aegro question once for all and primary aeon become things of anO citisens would break Into parties as they do in North I add that I never tWa although I have resided hernve years fort still consider New York my home shall vote tIters If I can manage to act there in the fail In register election OaKLEY Aug 6 Atiatucix- He Skirt Waist Notes From fit Itochsfer Pest Esprus Wears glad that downtrodden man Is beginning to aMen himself lie has not et won the right to wear aratin bhhair buthe ismaktingprogreas Freer tie Ctsrrtapsd PlaIn Peat Who knows Pethaps nest aunmer we will all see portentous slgna that read Yourrhoiesofatlnnnr- Mens Shirt Waiats in our great unloading sate 00 centS From tI Kansas Cftv Jeernaj- Ii Is a rule In the leading hotel at independencehst- no man shall be allowed to alt in the dining room ii- ibiihictshreea Theotherday afarncer invited by- a town friend penepated the sacred precincts without his coat and commenced to eat his dinner At ones lice head wailer communicated with the office and presently the chief clerk came bearing a coal which the farmer was politely requesled to don This be did without betraying any visible signsof oflennenr- moritCeallon and then proceeded to Catch lb meat At the end he rose deliberately removed the coat and hung it across the back of hia chair and marched nint with the cheerful remark that bgosh he fuessed he- didni need ii any longer A Great Scottish House From the ArciUtnts and flutldss Maca 1 vi lord flute hu been twenty years at the eonstrue- tion of a princely seat in the island of hjute but not until the chapel flow almost completed is ready will ML stuart be truly flnlsbed for all fUiurr generations The entrance halt of the house has alone cost 500 000 Monolith columns of rare and beautiful marble support the areaded gallery which in ha turn is rich in marble and bronze and blaze wIth blue and fawn color and gold The floor Is like that of the Co1ona Palace in Romehuge blocks of purple porphyry and nzarblesot infinite varleiy and hues and markings Marble has been used lavishly throughout the whole house Only one room eays a recent visitor there the pleasant garden parloris without it and here the woodwork and white paint are a charming change front the somewhat oppressive stateliness of the rest ci the great buudinng Not one library content the MMqus of flute lie has three the white red and bins libraries opening out of one another and they bear evidence of his eclectic taste not only as regatda the contents of the shelves but the scheme of decoration and the few pniceiess pictures which Sad place on their walls The dinIng room Is chiefly remarkable for an exulsttely carrel antique mantelpiece Inc purest Parlan marble and for lbs graceful cryatal shields to the electric lights What I Expected of Eryan From this Boston Eriffi Transctjp The Southern whites are not entirely conflden that the grandfather clause in the amendment to the North Carolina Constitution will survive the crucible of the courtiand the IoufselUaCourkrJournaj says ii Lu understood that the amendment Li not made oper alIve untIl July 1 t90 in the hop that changes in the Supreme Court by that Ume will render that body more favorable to the amendment than it is feared the present court might be In oiher word in the event of a chan ge in the poiiMcalcwplezion of the national Adnninlstration ii is hoped and espected that lbs Supreme Court will be packed in order to render the victory against the negro suffrage at the South per feel and compiete- If then In a word the Southern white are counting upon the election of llrpan in the belief that the Supreme Court will be made subservient icc their dc sires how is it pousible for anyone who bold that the Filipino bare inalienable rights which the United Stales Government Is in eQuity bound to respect to aid in the election of one who is depended upon to in dome and perpetuate an injustice to the negroes indebted to the Cooks Fripud from ft Ptttadetpbja Press I see said the friend who had been invited I dinner that ihe roast beefia very rare I really he lien you had it cooked that way btcauae you kcew- my fondness for it- So glad It pleases you replied Mrs HIram Offea but we bad no say about ii rhata the way tins polIceman on this beat likes ii 11 ThIs a Positive Fact Front 18 ItaDevdssPer There are not Len men in every tbousan kilt I C S Ii cia I II iiiit Srci I intt ci In- ii ill lii- ilb fri th1 9 nil 0 flit fltl of- lac till rid tar lb sib liii lIlt tb lien bIcli toni Wit tilt

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POUol TUB New Cly

U near lotl and

Klolo No 10 Boulnad dea Cpudn-

uI Ilo


Not a Democrato Speech

The of gave nto tilPir

Ron AnAI theday Iwo from

Our cut Wbo

not thatl of tbe 000

tUN Is non We In tomOfl thenf OU1 DUI

lanl WI

Woe pry I

ono andthe dome of the home or from

of our ahlp lon lortlrn ItU ID-

Ii and of outIn thL Is up

that hold daIn mortal lean to

tie hopthe the

f which are in test notpboIeo1 nor It spltndor but

Ibl the lol-of the people

The WOrl ot and goodthey are not Demoto Mr

ellclon Is to decide

whether the Unit to


a become empireot It the

to be this anwhat Demo

tlk abut empire to

II the who compoen theare

there In

ot the theof the people

Mr had a Demohe would have to that

Ithe longhalf and and that the

Issue Is a ofthe people wantto destroy the

Bryan on

Is an about thisqulslUon of Mr on the of the

to the Phippine and the

Ibe Do

WI hold them teal or DId we buror dId WI them wo the

JI how did WI cure themto the the

IU value whenh the

of the and that athe

1 from the ot the

HCUr pope


byWI hold we hold by

eon lkni our Ideas ofwe mae of and

we not innocentUut we bad not

abs no than she had And

I bled on force alone We cannot

Span u awe over to the prIn

A a of the of peeMr BUN knoW

Is hisare purely tothey were thrown In theU of the Lull

lana and wereof the Wi had

or In of the CUe buying

hum U Mr cal Itpurchase retUUe by force Mr

him the toIt ought to pain him about

the to the lul lana Purchue and

I Mr aboutand notion of the

of of an IMurgent move

met upon the whichthere

BaTs that we can honorably over to payIn

In notup any more they would

up ot theor ot AMka

Present InI A correspondent of the

In India It oneTo the

by Inmust now he says be

the depression beg-inning be felt theIn cotton IIn bada way u be Imagined ofthe produced In Indian

way to the market andthe war In South had nofor a of

In would men-the virtual oftrade that country and thederangement of and Itwould also as a Interferewith to meet her

to England It anxiously hopedtherefore on In India that theromay be a of thingsIn China to freethat to be

of the land tax In Indiamater which Is

i thethe land revenue been by

of a year to theof the and theof the country of the

money spent on forIn which

numbers of taken from the landfor service were an

of the wayof In India works

i ot occurrence In GuJerat one of themeet hard hit by the are

on thehad not year-

Iput to but there noIn the holders wereto give for payment of revenueand to take up the lands but didneither and the untiethere were

tract of toe movable prop


p4 Yea a o-oI v 2 004 per yeu a oo

incouflteS dded

SUN York

r patxIoaqu No flTnd


ur irsnai fator Si Wtffi m4UCPIwiSh rIHttd arttctl uttffflld gh-


peope Bloomington non

psrtlaan welcome tOwflTflftfl thtEWINO 8VRO other

paMagec Mr STE-

yMsoN e speechit II for iL time honet dttTet

qutetIonl but upon wbtci

hold the tUe of republic thank

all bun to

bultage tstheTa than mere

part that b which be knownsarred than met emblem a

the dat h000ftd by whether

desdoC from CaIol at

lb uthead ati-

tand to 011 smbol om-

m eountry endutlog republic bound

all we thu thatoutatretehed we

f The eafetyrt century uponwe eoon enter will upon Its ma-

tirlal wealth IU power

upon the roneratim Intelligencet patrietiem all

2 re patrtotlsm

eratic Aecordtng STIITENSOXS

party the comingcontinue

be anThe life the republic Ii threatenedDernocrath are believed If I

enduring repubilo does all theeratto an amount If

voteraRepublican party bent upon deetroylngt-

hu republic what sense I speakingth coniervatism Intelligence

lofty patriottam allIf STEVENSON made

cratlo speech had sayenduring republio cannot endurerepiiblio half empire

paramount whether pluralityrepublic

TitleThere infantile air die

BnTaN5 titleUnited Statee

I FilipinosI

what I our title to PhilIppine lalandk by bY conquestI there DId purchase

F not titie to Were

I the7 thrown with land Will flipubilcana-L ihallnanlmateearth baa that earth

moulded bT Divine band and etamped with thelIkneu Creator Ii becomei azture-

e and pueei with aoilt if Governments deriveibelt lust powere consent governed it-

I impossible to tilt to either hi force

orbTpurchaae Spalna titletualy built title muet ii some

method with governmentWhen aiiiea the Ftiiplna armedthin to Cpaln we disputed tipalrea title

it buy dpain i title we are purehaera even If diaputed Spalna title

could tranafeT greater titleI her tRli was defend

auth a title gays quitclaim deedcan honorably propertypoueaaton

supporter treatywell

Phlllppinee andquUons rhetorical Asthe people withlend just the inhabitants

Purchase Alukaconsent governed never

asked any three

titlebyIf conscience

pains about American title thePhilippines

American titleAlaska

Passing over BitTANs remarksalliee his singular effect

railitaryrepressionGovernment against

exists remains Mrproposition

turn the property thepossession The United States

party possession and they will givepouession than

give possession Louisiana Pur-chase

Condition IndiaBombay writing

outlook describes as im-

penetrable darkness distresscaused the famine and pestilencevarious forms added

commercial alreadyto

China The industry ascan tenths

yarn factories findsits Chinese whereas

Africa anxietiesIndia commercially prolongation

the present situation Chinaextinction IndlaB

with serioustrade financeconsequence

Indias ability Indebted-ness is

all sidesspeedy readjustment

allow intercourse withcountry resumed

The question he

another becoming increas-ingly last twenty years

has increasedthree millions rupees fin-

poverishment cultivatorsgeneral injury most

having been frontierI tiflcations and warlike operations

vast animalstransport lost As

example the present systemland uessment casesrecent

I ilisthcte faminespecified Lands which Government

I demand been met were lastI tip sale were biddersI August original askedI t1 security the

I I r theyF I lands remained

1 Thenoccupants

° °

e made EgUshman with shame

Tough the law mightthe apparel of the

and their theirploughs offor the malntenapcf ot the

were not from the dIstraintthe diltrained were notof within after the

but were to remain for aconaeiderable at the chora Inone when In making Ustrant the

found In thethey seize that were on

the worth four or fiveabout SUO they took from her a

of eight U8 thatIn the of her and they made herchange their to showthat kept nothing of valueon her tothe and months after theproperty turned to her byorder but of regretfor the indignity Inult to which shehad bn

Among other to forceto pay were

met the ot revenueto the the people

their theIron On to the

Commissioner the were a

removeIn the

had wander aboutor Another to force

of rent placeat the to persons In

to the waterwere paid In some

the noon of dug up toascertain whether any had beenhidden and so In many other

of the Is

hateful hy the and oppreacts of its

to the money lender Is

almost universal throughout andunder of the law the controlof the land had a

ofthe rapidly the

of In the Punjab theof India

by the of tobut Is

u a roundabout way notonly delay but the Incdtntof a

point of for Inthe ofIn II the ofthat land a producer ot wheat andcotton It to be bydrought and It Is

taken ofthe of Industry In IndIathe of trade witThe action on

be a mater of momentfor If the drivenby the of theto gQ on money for war ex-

peMM and to the Inwhich India at

an early Itto the In


In the number of votepole for In

ot Alabama In 1890

J618017 and StateNew a In

of and 10 only

pole In For McKINLEY

2879S more votetan theof

In aand 13 the

In onlywith a In of

only and only 12

In 1896 and Ua

vote for McKINLEY thewhole In by votes

lulslana had a ofIn At the In

cast only yet the State8 vote

a ofand It 8 vote

but total Inalone more vote

tan the whole number InIn In

only 89613 State had a popu

J2896ln lBOOnnd 9

vote9 Electoral

130t8201890 and for

123990 more than the total of

South had a of 1151In 1890 and It hu 9 vote Ipole vote

voteIn iso 1208180

total In 1896 WM McKINLETmore than twice many

the whole number In SouthCarolina

are andat the next November theof the vote In the corn

State no moreor votemore

of the mi-n partof the since

Rainbow ofregion the

centre of population eachIs

of tho CivilWar of partywere on the ofthe and hopeful

isss that theremarkable otIn would transform the Everglade Into a stronghold

WM to be rovolutionizel forby the

ot the CreoleAlabama by the dvelopment of

throughand by the menacing

ot localNoun ut rainbow

been the

In the returns of theIn by maJorl

thanWhen the South WM an

for theot and Iowa began to

Inducements tomany the most

ofled to a downpour of

on there

and consequent scenes which theaaye might have an

blushhave directed

wearing occu-

pant his family beddingthesmali quantity grain needed


articles ilepodedtime die

traint allowedtime village

easeofticere nothinghouse

personrupeesslim annas cents was tied

end sariher clothes in presence

she concealedperson A complaint was made

collector somewas supedorwithout


means adoptedpeople rents they unable ti

was sending dThcer

villages ejectingfrom houses and closingwith bare complaints

bars after timethe permitted to return

homes meantime theyhad to without shelter

protection expedientpayment was to watchmen

village wells preventdebt Government from takinguntil their dune viilages houses were

valuablesthese and

ways the Administration countrymade unjustdye subordinates


the operationis passing into the

class moneylendingcultivators are falling Into

condition serfsGovernment proposes tostop this

prohibiting allenaUon landnonagrlctilturiste this regarded

very involvingalso painful

questionable experimentOne interest this country

above described condition thingsIndia gradual elimination

asif continues scourged

famine pestilence asnow Account should also be

stoppage throughcessation Its export Chinareflex England

finances will alsoBritish is

growing exigencies sItuationborrowing its

meet deficienciesrevenue with Is threatened

date will naturally turn againauiil again American Investor

Significant ComparIsons

Alabama totalPresident 1896 was

was11 Electors

Jersey with population 1890

1U4933 with Electorsvotes 1890

polledtotal poll Alabama

Georgia with population of 1837353-

In 1890 with Electoral votes totalpoll 1816 was 163061 votes

Wisconsin population 1890

i536SaO with Electoralvotes polled 447000 votes

alone exceededpoll Georgia 10O74

population 11185871800 Presidential election

189d it 101046 votes

IJM ElectoralMaryland popilation

1042390 also has Electoralits poll 1898 was

McKnmET received 35913cast

total poll MississippI IBM wasvotes yet that

latlonof ithas Electoral

also has votes andits population in 1890 was It-

polled34l664 votes in McKxNutTalone pollMississippi

Carolina population149 Electoral

68907 1896

also ElectoralIts population was

poll 96503alone receiving asvotes as cast

These significant comparisonselection paucity

Southerrt States aspared with Northern withElectoral voteswill become strikingSouthern disfranchisement

political opposition

The Region lOWThe poliucal rainbow like

disclosed bysuccessive census constantly changingFor many years after the close

false expectations successgenerally centred States

South partisans confi-

dently predicted as recently asinflux Northern settlers

FloridaState Republican

lexas by Itselgnborn immigrants Louisianaaroused public decadentcolonyits nilnlngindustrles Northern cap-ital Georgia defection

1opultstetheir expectations

has realized These States re-

main btrongly Democratic and as Irni-lcated recent Stateelection Alabama DemocratictIes larger heretofore

abandoned asunpromising field rainbow chasingprairie States Kansaspresent Democratic opti-mists For years extrava-gant expectations Iemocrntlo successin Kansas campaignliterature especially tariff

has In no Stateand for some ofthe otBut the noIn When

to be Itwere few Democrat In It when the

were fewer

Democrat when the chase cladregion of

In the strongly Republican State thegroup of un

of whichMichigan and arethe chief and of only oneIn ever been to the

In a

For no the hope thethe enthu

have to thee whichare now enjoying the of a

I and are comto and fin

by them

onlooker visions ofIn the

soon arrive and he herea good of the canvass

and herd fromThe of rainbow

It Is In a new In 19 thats

About Porto RicoSo Mr BRN It elected summon

the In thaul down the nag In theWhat about Porto he Mk

haul down the nag there tooWhat or of his In the-

cae of not applyforce to the of Porto Rico

Why Is he noisy about theand about

Electro and theService

pany desire tothe postal over

at contract It holds with the Government

at the end of the month andbeen that the car not be

or atthe Office people have

We presume that the ofhave

of own for the of theirthe New York Post but

we to the that theand ot the by

agency rather be thanIn the New

York In of great and through-out suburbs Is now one vast ant

network of surface roadsand to this there to he

of tim roadsto suppose that the

Omce should be front theof means

ofThe probably be found In

the Office ot owntaking and paying for and

trackage The plan Is feasibleand and we cannotthere not be typeof capable of the

for the level

dllrhle hy nn

The Second of the Satonno good reason for the disap-

pointment In ot thethat the the

ot city to be Inof her own

In ChicagoIn Increase of nearly M per In

theIs today larger

than agoIs now big Rome anti

combinedof Chicago morn

than between the of t880and 1890 come to ho a Inthat town that short of

In tenand But Chicago cannot

to double ten years If shehad and should toat that rate the there thiswould Ue with luck to

his town more populous than theEmpire of Iwould


be overcrowdedwrought such

In the ot urban and suburbanthat It Is that few If ot the

American show yeara of normal to their

In the behero and there hut no city

to ho downcast If hMIn the of American citeby the

Chicago lone that and she ought tohe proud of tho achievement She standsnext New York In the UnitedM Lyons Rtands next to or

next to London In

from reordbrfklngiIA prormRre or EMIA lh

completed aride or 4Wmlf days

ThO fact that he thechampion ot both

for rOd marksa or but

some minor ot hr rideprove her to the

that nut onI0 to a century day

the next the prIntedalmost or her and

alp anN her haltthat looked

than few dns afterwardIt reported that ltn

and frontand her ride

her splendid and took conIn a corn arMed to

her victory I a

Sow compare attendingreported at

Stlare arden In at theor the In whichwere the On the frtot rare riderot dltre hr

leave the track bcauscof oths chant

hl and fromMme vere with his mlomach On

ot anotherbadlY that lh ot

vitilt Thenscorcher WM

In attack ottol nnlhr ot

men looked worn Mdto on the ot

lAter It tat

which been equalled othermay perhape account

subsequent vagaries Kansas votersDemocrats gained advantage

Kansas that State temporarilyceased Republican became PopulistThererainbow chasing

the gazersisNorthwestthedeviating Republican States

Minnesota Wisconsinwhich Wisoonsin

1831 has lodt Republicanpmty Presidential election sinceADRAHAM LINCOLN was its candidate

visible reason ardentPopulists andsiesta turned States

greatmaterial stronglyinltted Republican policiesmeasurably benefited

The wellinformed and conservativewith rainbow BRYANS

success Republican Northwest willst will tarry

throughout partbe frequently

States has shiftedregion all

And Whatwill

Congress extraordinary sessionPhilippines

Rico WillCongress to

theory argumentthe Philippines does with


silent Porto Rico

Traction Posts

The Metropolitan Street Railway Corn

has signified its discontinueservice its Third avenue

line as present performed Thewill

expire noticehas served willhauled thereafter as soon as

Post shall effectedother arrangements

managers thestreet railroads sufficient reasons

their severance rela-

tions with 0111cc

incline belief distribu-tion collection mails electric

will expanded con-

tracted near future Greaterall its centres

all itsIntricate electric

is presently addedthe entire system elevatedIt seems unreasonablePost debarredobvious advantages this unIversal

tractionsolution will

the operation by Post itsvehicles power

entirelyreasonable see why

should easIly devised avehicle leaving tracks

and trolley eIote street andpropelling itself whenauxiliary storage battery

CityThere Is

expressed Chicagoreport Federal Census showspopulation that 1t97000stead 1937000 as claimed bylatest school census

1890 had 1099850 inhabitantscent ten

years to satisfy most ambitiousmunicipal pride Chicago

Berlin was five years Chicagoas as Amsterdam

MadridBecause the population

dotibled censusesthere has feeling

anything 100 per-cent Increase years means decadence

humiliation ox-

pect everycontinued continue grow

child born yearordinary good

see nativevast China is today

inconvenientlyThe trolley has changes

condltionelife likely anygreat towns will this

rate increase equalrecorbe Past There will disap-pointment ought

it held us relativeposition list


after StatesParis In France

Manchester England

Aside its characterMrs It HAYNic

has recentlywithin thirty Ic cx-

tzernely IcrecognIzed aruong cyclietsexes longdlethstce rldin her-

as woman extraordinary enduranceincidentally features

title championshIplrom the tIme Mrs Ilsyr sot

Iiii wheel one and tW-

centtiriei newspapers havedaily reports health generni

then task eHS abiutwa staled ehe hotter

whci she began Awas was eatlng with great

heartinee was looking well WM treench pains Upon completing

appetite was sh aepicuotte part partycelebrate thiewoman

the eircIuntariceMrs l1erxas ride with thoe tIadI5411 leeenber ISOC

time clx days cycle race menonly contestants veryday the one ehowenisigns and wae ordered physicIanste theconditlon

stomach ext day Ilsrx the Irishlost vivacIty was suffering

troublethe day following the earns organrider behaved so hoard healthretiested him tl Scniotn theCblcaw serIously handicapped

the struggle by an acuts indigoscase disordered stomach

and haggard fre-quently appeared be verge coliapee

was announced Scanciza and

ofto do but not thattact of their con

notthat slxaT men were

such u lap tatlot

the of which luteBUNEand black Of noto that ahand In her Abut only

made of hint that hiswith bouquet taskM one doubts of

women Inthe ot

on the let himthe of of ofhr who have


Aof his

the plot batched la 1880

IThe stand UWI at the eneoachmnts of

We should think would when theare shamsiessaly Trust

and the Jon STEPHEN accusot the

non Boxu ofis the of

Col nobleIt not neeMar to

8UIBO wt lender hlurehe In theand clearness of his hardly any other

the ofMr nUN In aim

pUclt and nowbest Mr Bozs to say which

he the andof Bryanlo the

and crown of thorns or thea wlketoIEIawake

his muscle IllBeneathIsslrown upon the waste theworld the good old

CHINESE IrUATIONtwo most and

or news from the fromIn Pekln Mr of the ot

the Chloeee to rid of theenvoys to them

their deired theand the ot an edict

to treat the Power Coupled with thee IIhe lenttrained trop Iekln the ad

vance ales The situation II a verycurious one

to the Theirto WM a of

double dealing which cannotand which make future ne

with those forthe to induce the envoys so tonet a to their In a

Theynot be on a

or so an towhen force

Inadequate The nomination ofto the ot

probably from aot and places the and

old In a veryrepl to on the part ot

have to dealt at orwhen the Is obvious

The ales at theirthem In their status and

prepared for an thatthe removal or the court and

to some other and part of

So tar the areMd

apart from

elton are credit on conWhen now

laid and Chefoo and betweete and Takuorder and connected with the

the transmission otbe more In way

and ot thefrom despathel of eachpassing

In the are doIn restoring their

lions Ther obtained possession of Newon lat and occupied Car

bin the oron 3 the day before the

and Sewchwang on the Port Alhurare re

theoverland be directed south by that

and beFor the moment the hold the

or the betweendistance north of and Char

is n but the now he ableon both from the north

they ehould soon recover theThe In

and on are In numberMdfrom to thound each Thisdoes not Include the force nt Newchwang and

or IIV

The tenon or the latest fromthat or the plot to Lord and theother or

ot the by the Britishis or such a that no

to prepare the mind lit

for step A andIn England of

against tIne ot butmoot Is no longer and Government

to beunder the or the for the Coin

Joseph Chamberlain can toot not pro-

nounced In Tho bywould all have advantage of

the to theTransvaal who to

and whatthe

roree are unable toThe surrender of Gen In

Caledon to haveabout by the or

tothe an or about

each At last GenWet had

worked way round Gen flankand reached hock ot POlcber-Ktroom from whore he would the way across

veldt toward where Gen Delaney

him The len De Wet fromthe In which he wIn

consideringof the him

another ot the thatIn this war of the

lack amon theto udipt their to the In which


Infamy Fame for nlbneTo vita EOITOR TiE At

PL ltJt offoci he onltrl E p A

flnlooeuvN AUI U

Bryan Doled DownTo THE

reading that long and dray madeby the ltr of the

I a versionrbe II simply O

aleroEMEY Cy Aur t LOGAn J DwnJ

several the other nasa had their UIYSS thSretheir cooking whether or

was explanatory disableddltion was authoritatively estbli5iled-It is true however thefed upon delicacies andcalfs jelly

bill fazeChicken beef teacoffee course there Ii reason

suspect the womans husband hadpreparing meals the

mention waswife when her wu ended

If the physical ability someto combete successfully with men

accomplishment difficult undertakingsparticularly bicycle compare

ease Mrs HAYNE with those somemale contemporaries attempted


lifelong yebtilid agatnatthe plot pantyIndtereSPcdtJ-

itUntSo Imperialistic was


peoplemonopoiyKnsnsoj CUv Times

they Westem farmers forming a

JAMES lioca isInc dealing gently withOctopus

The Saseao Springfield Massroaming among ineada Agawam

declaiming BanNs Indianapolisspeech ii say cries

thatrivals LINCoLN simplicity

style yetpolitical leader lines rise LINCOLN has-

urpaased the dignity poiseclearness which characterize

his efforts failsregards as simpler more dignified

better poised specimen the stylecrossofgold

Within victoriousthe gigantic hitslike sand and all

acclaims FIT-


The interesting itemsChina are report our

Minister Conger attemptauthorities there get

foreign by representing thatGovernments them to leave

eapitah datedThursday appointing 11 flung EnvoyExtraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary

withreport that Ping

had left

baa not reflect adyan-tageoushy Chinese representslions tue envoys clear ease

be explainedfT will

gotlatlon responsibleattempt

piaee Governments faiseposition very difficult if not impossiblecertainly could conducted footing

equality after flagrant attempt do-

celve especially the behind itisproving iteclf11 lining Chang important positionPlenIpotentiary has arisen per-

ception this it experiencedacute dipiontatist serious dilemmarhe this manmuvringwhoever will be with Pekinelsewhere time conans

must all hazard relieeconfirm be

diplomatic contingencymay arise such ascapital lees accessiblethe country

military operations meetingwith signal success notwithstanding thegreat dilflcultles the Chinese oppo

reflecting all the alliedengaged the cables being

hetweert Shanghaithe latter pInt are in working

field telegraphfoliowin the allied forcesnews will satisfactory every

we shall be relieved confusion andrethe Shanghai telling

rumor3tanchunia Rualans tasking

tided progress communion

chwang Saturdaycentre the

tern Atig As on asconiniunicittione between Charbin

raihwaytoestablished Russianarriving willroute the interrupted telegraph lines willrestored Chinesesection railway haicheng is-

shori Newchwangas itussians will to-

elove them and southcontrol of line

various Ititeslan columns acting Manchurin the Ainur five

seven nine strong



news Pretoriaseize Roberts

influential burgher desiring the an-

nexation lyansvaal 0ev-crnment character it isdoubt intnded publicEngland tao strong growingfeeling was manifesting itself late

policy annexation Panilasitting the

which appears In this matter entirelycontrol Secretary

nice Mr afforddisregard any expression direent

larliannent annexationrociamatioR the

enabling Dnitivh treatburghers refused surrender

as rebels might perhaps accomplishnursieroue hirittsh Generals with theirsu-

perior achIevelninsioos force the

ailey appears been broughtchiefly failing 01 its supply am-

munition thnburghersonly having accordingoflictal report average forty

five cartridges left accountsDo wits cliii at large lie apparently

his Methuens lefthiuffels west

findthe rollingrecently captured the Eiands River garrisonopen to escapeof

very critical position at-hteitzburg the overwhelmingstreneth llrttieh force surroundingis many instances have cc-curred protracted cingular

DritlehOenerals ofthe capacitytactirs conditions

they themselves


or SUN51r Poit-ilie Roliai flubne convicted


tDrrOR at SUNSir Aftercaretuiiy speech

Peeniesa leader andsend you condensed

whole speech NAilall


70Object to Roberts

to Ceylon

The or theof ato the or

lrd havingthat ot twenty

two had to theof The to

on the to 1IldlntWe ask to


In byhave

to and atmen

on the part orot the laws or war which

nor ot war Inot not

nor monteto them Dan Joln

own antito and Is In

to andb the to whom the for

hi or war withinor into distant and


ar lit theirIn 170 which

that nowar kllon

to This wuh of J8S and yet

Inhf osten

England to Americason her

to that absot to In the

We arc toof them to

when the treatmentby PowerWe

actIon on the ofmont In the and that ofthe Government or atMd directed theot of and further tat It

cale ttheor law their



Re11 bylied la This

In the annual report of the CubanwhIch In form

lut November to on the work InMay bra

that up to theIn for and the orphan

and of Interest Inthe work ot the wa at theof Cuban Orphan Fair or the

at which the sum of

IZSC raised Is not In theof the from

on I to The work In

CIa the formedIn Laura D Under

her direction touch on the orhave

have IncludedAnd for and

thatnormalIn The hM establ hedan orphanage nl

over MO

at and Ouanlanamo the oldIn both tRkn for the

work of

M po bIl forms orphilanthropic which would help

totine a for

and industrialInprold1 are to whicht Hnd desire to letwho In lost tineplay or

older lack the training ofAnd nllr to to ear

or In the future thereport to the work

PUblIc kinderroe inn

mAn landIt had 1 blanc ott

on IS Ir 13261-


of the In Orleans Thankful for

ORLEANS IOAt a todayor or Sew Orleans thon W or

resolutions were adopted thankingthe Mayor and others who asiotedIn the of the during the

The regretthat ot the orOrleans their real and personal

and out their herefrightened h the troubles

Arid were advised thiat there was no ntCforA K of

the and nowor industrial at

Ilaldwiti 11 which Dankerinstitute Rn

address today In whichIewett and oratorsas

of ownlane crozy 111 tt 1 who Rre the ofthe The1lolle u hobby lot the and Southern

Albert used as a orto help to and it Is to

these that tine owe theiro are What

Southern orbound to same

be we to

Llihtning andTo TUG In A

to TiE SUN today I A

asks for the apparentstroke by of The

the same whIch a tplace hand on a shockAn take the

and the the steelthe or than the more

calTwo I on a train out

of Long et the same moment that anstorm pued to the same

lon For a or more the train la the nryof the the to suck the

the and struck In front be-

hind underneath and around lice train ancannonadetbI

damage done but womanon the

In ablclA would to a mighty

place a thundereiormproInjed ofthe train on the


Ien and Camp

To TiE SUSSI Womenthe instead In leaving a car

Is their to hold up their sklrtsthe their puutc In IhtlrlchLWatch

bouldnt however hard on thofor danrerous Somemen lamoua the land cannot

the can ealyI sew on the Long the

other day a of this formA States Minister In

fold one of the ramp chairs andtwisted dozen ways and nnaUy rue it up

he had do to the bar ofthe and Ibe chair folded Isl behad And you

RW 01 O Ur A

theTo viti

aiM the cry on In against IbisU on bard the

byor theor one

thiflethe ol andenlU the men and kop u

the cabins the olher side of theto the dlegul ol those rd-

w Aur un I

of From

Run out and rll that eggJebltl hl make theWr therenot tbee Shanghai nen acckln


The lord Sendlag Irli-kAflcan Prisoners

Executive Committee United IrishLeague this city held special meeting yes-

terday discuss deportation Beerprisoners captured by Robertslearned 233 them including

IrishAmericana been sent IslandCeylon committee decided send

the fohiowing letter subjectMcKinley

respectfully your tineCtylon that 233 prIsoners

war Including twentytwo ntorieuhicaptured South Africa the British forcesoperating against tine ileers been eent

Ceylon whose climate isnotoriously fatal to white

a eouree Great BritainviolationPrisoners euch treatment while

the hands POem WO will menace theirhealth restrict their liberty thanis necessary restrain

forcesthe captors most unfavorable

contrast the Christian kindliness careextended lioers those

has Vlacei their handSetcit

inclenenent coiititnipv expressly In-

ternational law 1Ine providedagainst it

with Prussia definitelystipulated by its article

either besent thee East article re-

nowed the Treaty continuesforce

distinguished treatment 10

fighting behalf theus roogpizes the right

American citizens tales con-test entltJedthat those her shall re-

ceiv accordedcizilized

request Im-

mediate ourmatter attention

Great Britain be onceemphatIcally to violation

bepromptly release cent

so grossly out-raged as such violation has


Acconepilebed the eoctety organCity

first OrphanSociety was organized its present

carry begunisa9 preliminary organization it Is

shown April last society had spentsoes caring educating

destitute children CubasocIety shown time

the ChildrensNational

was This includedsociety which other sources

amounted April 48724aince present society was


the university ceitiements here been

English clasos adults childrenThese liae met with such success two

kindergarten classes have beenunman Society also

chIldren and kindergartentenftiegns

places being purposethe report

the has been toorganize its as many communities throughout

kindergartensmerits and ol lienand work

these eonIstnunhiie4 and atsaints time serve as model similar

enterprises unidertakein bV other agenciestot

by thee public school authoritIestheneed

iisenni clean y speedilyMeanwhile the younger children

sonic instinct otare without tine benefits kindergarten

winjie the ones eyehand so enable them

itvniihoodThe policy the acolety

he supplementschools

wIrtens industrial training ins

communities throughout asits funds will portinlt hand


Leaders Colored Population NewIrotection

NEW Aug meetingthe leading inegroec Rev

henderson Dean itralght Universitypresiding

Governororotection negroes re-

cent riots meeting rio expressedmany tter dass negroes in New

were sacrificingproperty selling homesisInlr race

theycity enttgrnntlon

1 hio Rev I Albert formerly editortouthwratern Christians

lresident Ito Gilbert Collegeis modelled itTiiskeg Issued

he denounced Missthe

misguided vIctims their Inflamedenemies

colored Southern negro hasN orthiern

scarecrow them oflicenegroes

dIsfranchisement S Southernersniects the wlitte4 favorablyunfavorably is affect usway We fools if failed recog-nize it

Railroad TrainsTim lnlvon 01 SUNsir

letter published Mattinimmunity from

lightning railroad trains reason Is-

doubiless asihal permit personhis trolley rail withoutelectric current wIll path

tnce lightning bolt seeks rails cindertrain lice wires ovenhead rather

tesiating materlalsof lbyears ago was which started

Island City dcc-inir over traveliling direc

mile wasdisturbance rails seemed

ltthtning from cloud itall with

accompanying was ear splittingNo whatever was every

inthecarwasctoucbed floorbehindihe seatsterror

railroad train appear besafe durIngcourse was irack


Stoolsrita op

use night hand leftbemuse it habit with

latter Theycarryand see if this isnt

We be too ladlesthis little mistake as it is gified

throughout racily an-complisit what ordinary fellow de

For Instance boatdtsilnguiehed citizen town

eniy United abroad tryingvain to lie turned

II a in dis-gust All Ic was grab bark

seat lIft it Vibeen MinIster there anti


Likewise lioniblack CriesullTott OP TilE ate Sir Is ii nfl po-

atbie is protvatnew outrage enactedferryboats partnuianiy those ControlledFerry Company Any morning ight croseing

itreet Ferry andonly crof Polish thrownace each every untortunaie

the host Isthrough unlil isreached much totheir papers


Shy Report ShaashaiFront 5 IndlanapoUs Press

Mrs Jason theyit Ii doaen

JsoDuno whether theys aneits tha


Accident t

To or I do notknow to what the of yourhave the systematic abuseand out

rate which arenot

a u a mater of fact IlIre the of

outrages ot which I complainduring the of Grover Cleveland I

other things equal that Ir the

leader of the party only Inso a there

more hope or from theta from theopoosing party

IUs the butof the Mexican

American In chart ot trainsthere Is an accident them In prisonfor not only but

theought to be made after theby the Judge of who answer toour The ot

Is borrowed the In boththere a tendency to hard an

In order that no manmay escape But are not

wit nL but otan of wrong to

which haveby and

Minter The regulationIs that

to withno

lie helsto and by of

whoto obtain or bet ota Ibethe Judge b not gained

to a nor isthere any to the

In the In the t

It Is plain to men tat the

ott and mUlt boto work a

that thethey do not any

to the that there isno or the which does notexist lInt the

his out tat hopwhich makethof winter the

Intone aprisoner named had

luan de In the port or Vera Cruzn on the old

to Vera andIn an sccldent knocked hecould not awaytaken the on at Orlzaba lie soon

ot his injuries hut his healthand he to

Han Juan which Is a prison-In hoes to him died however

months imprisonment theeis no doubt that theI understand he widow and

two children and meto some for

ot that arrest of tbstoplain that the upon thearrest American an

not the usual kind Ot uponwhich the are In

a that In or awreck the Iran are or ought 10-

be lble To Itthese arrestare simply the

can be learned by Insand there never nnunless happens In the or

capitalU or that took

sla In were Inhad

short andthe trains were Innntensely When

trains the States ItWM that could not discountshort It In

where upon oceaIon or were t In the

was so steep downhold In upon other whole

as traintine curve the train

bored In the andthe which

down a own traInwho for two

hnloemots engineer Buttins train nnldnl would have beenthe the hind

It to that notnn hu that

part of the trainwould for the

or the wherent took place that the Qr that

train would In that event and thatThe need

have to to anyhut b own It

did they ought beb the ot a and

acton othave to not to

taint In Irlson for men whom

II a of theDower to the and ot theereposed In them EDWARD OARCZSIISEW Ul 10


phrasing Pr Johnson I would isa when rhlnrtn from a

but put a In band and a tohint and benumbs The

hint noar on Is thebrains And The

mental qulpmeotenabld to a

Irn cannot even ropy hImThe of Mr name In his

What A

mAn Inot to of theInn epigram

Mr nr1 is not of Ie


Their Arbitrary Impelgosmeit in CaseRailroad

ins Enixoit TiL SuySirextent readers paper


Mexican police authorities This iscampaign letter for do

reelection Thepolice existed

regimethink being

Republican willin smhl matter is

relief thin

constant altogether unjustifiablepractIce police to arrest

officials when

long terms without trial evenwithout preliminary invosUgation which

immediately arrestInstruction

AttorneyMexico from French

is manifest be uponaccused person guilty

the Mexicanohicecontent the regulationstheir InstrumentAmerican citizens should neverbeen permitted American ConsulsAmerican Mexico

shall be kept in soUtaryconfinement and allowed communicate

one during seventytwo hoursWhile is Incommunicado supposedbe visited questioned the

Instruction l to go any lautudeconvicting testimony all

confession If hoursstifficient evidence he-

is allowed continuancelimit continuations

meanwhile being

unprejudiced police

arrest suspicion givenDistrict to cae

my complaint Is while police make thearrest legally turn case

Instruction orecord case ju6icl1ly

the American is allsame eating heart withterred the soul

At the beginning last Americanin Mexico


lie was locomotive engineerMexican line Crux was concerned

Being senselessget and so was

to re-covered wasaffected the confinement was sent

cle Ulloa oltttcalrestore lie


that left aseems to

receive pecuniary theblightingcharacter oucht cease

It is suplcion whichpollee acci-dent Is suspicion

the ofis rather foregone conclusion cue

officials eitherme seemnathat

outriugos becausecause only

isthe accident vicinity

thethe worst accidents

place curing my Mexico erer-intance engineering construction Theecurves were gradienti

hong vesti-buled were In

discovered they acurve So was Mexico upon the

lnternceanic Railroadhundreds lives each

gradient color mill that theecars and tIne

rigid as a vestibuledStien short wins reached

tener thee latter uponengine was hiterall pushed

track and cliff itsrite rican was responsible those

was a MexIcan civilarrested all

same ii hot nm away secretlyNow is clear inc arrests should

115 nnite moth investigation shownthere was negligence cnn theenffldnl It bus tonotIfy the superlntendont railroad


1mev must he forthcoming trainmennothing Mexican offlcial

could be reachedthy wrong to

sentence Judge notwholly unauthorized thepohice

The powerlong periods they

luauThs whole matter gross abuse

given confidence


Character SketchTins EDITOR Tire SuboSir Pan

say that Bryanbrick as tee cart liii

pen hIs ii bemnes torpedoall his faculties difference

between and Senator imperialismdltlerence between blather Snnatoa

him argue bad easewith iplendid ability

constant use school-boy composition can only ezrite resentmentpity that marvellous here disposefloy Orator

Presidential caliber mustnot with Uncolns place

aw Vonic Aug 9 R W VAicDrREooy

Farther Refluements Saggested to the Shirt-waist Itan-

Oh You llorrid ThingiYou Shirtwatst Manlet henceDont you knowThai oure not plannedFor ngligd effectsCant you realizerhat It weallowed you

To heave off your coatTheres no knowing where youd stopIor youre Just the sortThat needs an iron bandro keep you In your placeAndthllsin yourcoat-No select pawNo angels touch will ever lead youHut a few swift linesLike theseMay make you aceThe error of your waysIt may be true ihai you have your trousers madWith hIgh hipsWhatever that may meanAnd that yotn sport a beltIn which you seem to he perfect confldencehut o-hlitllallalaiaiPoor thingIont you knowThai it iOu wear a shirt waistVoti must have dress sbiidsAnd a putley beltAnd oar of the new straight front oneAnd asfetyplnsAnd lsitlirework effectsThrough which there is-

A dliii shadowy ylew-

lowneckedCut V

And finished with a fenceThrough whch runs baby ribbonSo calledThough not for Infants weartacluelveiyAnd dinky little bowsIi takes all thisro make a shirt waist possiblelInt there are lois of thingsSiiirtwaist iJan-rhat youve yet to leanorake bredCling to your coatAnd boesAnd acksAnsI other queer ihingi that you wearFor truly Shirtwalst MenVolt are a sightIo make the angelsFlap heir wings and coo with nerrineatNow 1w nice

lui on your coalAnd try to forgi you eve took it oflAnd wore hgli bipsShirt waist Mao

souwontdoilAva UAsyEii3o



The Leagie attoui aed What They Wean

Moxrnxav 9It appears that thee

Independence paSty of Canada has not onlythe persecution of the Liberal Governmentof Sir Vilfnid Laurier to meet In the seizureof its emblems in the Custom Rouse bitt-

so I learn from a prominent member of thee

leagueJtu had further obstaries phased intheeway of its propaganda by the refusal of thee

Now York manufacturing concern that hashitherto supplied its emblems to fill any moreorders for them The reason whichj uetderstand it gives for this is that the CuiadhtnCustoms authorities would interfere with itsbusiness in Canada lbe league membershowever say they are not in anyway di-

couraged by these troubles but intend to seeabout having them made in Canada if theycannot be had elsewhere

The button of the old Independence Leaguewhich was founded some eight years ago by-Mr Jason X Perrault at present AssistantCommissioner at the Paris ExhIbition is beingworn by its members in public now as thee

members of the Independence party are wearlag theirs and there is no douht that but forthe action of the Ottawa authorities and thee

American manufacturing company thee nuncher of people exhibiting It all over the countrywould considerably startle the imperialistjingoes and their Liberal allies

The proimperialist press Is natarahyjubilant at thi way the Government has pusits foot down on the propaganda nf the tralkacr-sci it styles them but the result of It all hasbeen to advertise the idea and bring It intopublic discussion From the Lakes to theAtlantic the question of independence has beenraised and outside of the papers owned byimperialist titlehunters it its discussed withmoderation and gentaDy with TheeHuron a and hightonednewspaper of Ontario deprecates the abuseof the woulibe better off as an independent thenIn its present subjectionand says the action of the Governmerit sending a contingent to South tfnlcnshas an issue has to be faced Canadsit says ii no longer where it wasbut may e called on much sooner than is gon

to choose betweenand absorption in a centralissed imperialismwith its of

a curious coincidence a letter from NovaHcoUa which I have received bearing thedate as the paper alluded to expresses a airniltirview of the matter The writer says

I am under obli for th copyof the Expansionist of sew York andlets of Union receolyforwarded m as it substantiate thee nontenlion I am constantly putting forssard respectingthe soon he uponto settle for grind and all s to her tutors statusamong thee naUons I hold that we nevergo back to the position we occupied before theepresent can we as at present

must either go forward and perfectunity of the Empire by enactmetit or for lndeendenca I am forindependence at any cost

of anadtain th maritime provinces Ia to be held at Artchat In Nova on 15 which ddegates from this province will bee and

to hisis looked forward to with consIderable interestas to down there he is to meethis constituents of Quebec East where mdc-pendence buttons are in vogue 0-

Sappreased Opinion of the SouthTo vita Eorroit oF Tine SunSir Tna

article in your valued paper of Sunday Aug 5-

AReal Danger you say That group of Stittejthe old Southern Confederacy is pracdcaiiv

distinct from the rest of the Union in beingwholly uninfluensed politically by the greatquestions of national which divide publin

so sharply in all other Atthe eame intelligent Southernnien have opinions on no less do-cided those elsewhere in the Unionbut they are restrained From iving them publicand political expression o

no true Many of thinkingneighbors are in withsot policy of the Republican party and

shake the socalled Democracy but we are tinder theyoke Amendment to the Con

of the United States thatatneodmentand so setUe the aegro questiononce for all and primary aeonbecome things of anO citisens wouldbreak Into parties as they do in NorthI add that I never tWaalthough I have resided hernve years fortstill consider New York my home shallvote tIters If I can manage to act there in thefail In register election

OaKLEY Aug 6 Atiatucix-

He Skirt Waist NotesFrom fit Itochsfer Pest Esprus

Wears glad that downtrodden man Is beginningto aMen himself lie has not et won the right towear aratin bhhair buthe ismaktingprogreas

Freer tie Ctsrrtapsd PlaIn PeatWho knows Pethaps nest aunmer we will all see

portentous slgna that read Yourrhoiesofatlnnnr-Mens Shirt Waiats in our great unloading sate 00centS

From tI Kansas Cftv Jeernaj-Ii Is a rule In the leading hotel at independencehst-

no man shall be allowed to alt in the dining room ii-ibiihictshreea Theotherday afarncer invited by-a town friend penepated the sacred precincts withouthis coat and commenced to eat his dinner At oneslice head wailer communicated with the office andpresently the chief clerk came bearing a coal whichthe farmer was politely requesled to don This bedid without betraying any visible signsof oflennenr-moritCeallon and then proceeded to Catch lb meatAt the end he rose deliberately removed the coat andhung it across the back of hia chair and marched nintwith the cheerful remark that bgosh he fuessed he-didni need ii any longer

A Great Scottish HouseFrom the ArciUtnts and flutldss Maca 1 vi

lord flute hu been twenty years at the eonstrue-tion of a princely seat in the island of hjute but notuntil the chapel flow almost completed is ready willML stuart be truly flnlsbed for all fUiurr generationsThe entrance halt of the house has alone cost 500000 Monolith columns of rare and beautiful marblesupport the areaded gallery which in ha turn is richin marble and bronze and blaze wIth blue and fawncolor and gold The floor Is like that of the Co1onaPalace in Romehuge blocks of purple porphyry andnzarblesot infinite varleiy and hues and markings

Marble has been used lavishly throughout the wholehouse Only one room eays a recent visitor therethe pleasant garden parloris without it and herethe woodwork and white paint are a charming changefront the somewhat oppressive stateliness of the restci the great buudinng Not one library content theMMqus of flute lie has three the white red and binslibraries opening out of one another and they bearevidence of his eclectic taste not only as regatda thecontents of the shelves but the scheme of decorationand the few pniceiess pictures which Sad place ontheir walls The dinIng room Is chiefly remarkablefor an exulsttely carrel antique mantelpiece Inc

purest Parlan marble and for lbs graceful cryatalshields to the electric lights

What I Expected of EryanFrom this Boston Eriffi Transctjp

The Southern whites are not entirely conflden thatthe grandfather clause in the amendment to theNorth Carolina Constitution will survive the crucibleof the courtiand the IoufselUaCourkrJournaj saysii Lu understood that the amendment Li not made operalIve untIl July 1 t90 in the hop that changes inthe Supreme Court by that Ume will render that bodymore favorable to the amendment than it is feared thepresent court might be In oiher word in the eventof a chan ge in the poiiMcalcwplezion of the nationalAdnninlstration ii is hoped and espected that lbsSupreme Court will be packed in order to render thevictory against the negro suffrage at the South perfeel and compiete-

If then In a word the Southern white are countingupon the election of llrpan in the belief that theSupreme Court will be made subservient icc their dcsires how is it pousible for anyone who bold that theFilipino bare inalienable rights which the UnitedStales Government Is in eQuity bound to respect toaid in the election of one who is depended upon to indome and perpetuate an injustice to the negroes

indebted to the Cooks Fripudfrom ft Ptttadetpbja Press

I see said the friend who had been invited Idinner that ihe roast beefia very rare I really helien you had it cooked that way btcauae you kcew-my fondness for it-

So glad It pleases you replied Mrs HIram Offeabut we bad no say about ii rhata the way tins

polIceman on this beat likes ii

11 ThIs a Positive FactFront 18 ItaDevdssPer

There are not Len men in every tbousan kilt



























