immaculate heart of mary church€¦ · rev. bibin mathew, c.m.f. rev. benjamin romero, c.m.f. rev....

Mission Statement Immaculate Heart of Mary is a home for all! We strive to bring people to God through the celebrations of the sacraments and the Word of God while addressing the special and spiritual needs of the parish: the poor, the youth, the elderly, the physical- ly challenged, the family and maintaining a multi-cultural heritage. Inmaculado Corazón de María es un hogar para todos! Nos esforzamos para llevar a la gente a Dios a través de la celebración de los sacramentos y la palabra de Dios, respon- diendo a las necesidades especiales y espirituales de la parroquia: los pobres, los jóvenes, los ancianos, los discapacitados, la familia y manteniendo un patrimonio multi-cultural. PARISH ORGANIZATIONS DIRECTORY A.C.T.S. Core Dariela Solis Altar Servers Richard Salas Cristo Rey Society Clara Nieto Environment Enedelia Murgia Eucharistic Ministry Lilia Sepulveda Finance Committee Richard Salas Guadalupanas Society Elena Salinas IHM Young Adults María Ramos Knights of Columbus Charlie López Lectors Enrique Estévez Liturgy Committee Nancy Sierra Men’s Club Fred Rodríguez Pastoral Council Terry Olguín Religious Education Mary Salas Senior Program Olga Gonzales Ushers Julio Sierra Women’s Club Estella Rodríguez Youth Ministry Julio Sierra Rev. Benjamin Romero Arrieta, C.M.F. Parish Administrator Parish Office Monday—Friday 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM 2:30 PM—5:00 PM (210)226-8268 Or email: [email protected] PARISH DIRECTORY Associate Pastor: Rev. Thomas Thennadiyil, C.M.F. Deacons: Mr. Alfonso Cervantes Mr. Jorge Bonilla-Valentín (Retired) Business Manager Michelle Marín Parish Secretary Lisa Martinez Sacristan/Housekeeper Sandra Burks Maintenance Martin Piña Religious Education Mary Salas ST. ANTHONY CLARET COMM. Rev. Len Brown, C.M.F. Rev. Mark Clarke, C.M.F. Rev. Bibin Mathew, C.M.F. Rev. Benjamin Romero, C.M.F. Rev. Thomas Thennadiyil, C.M.F. Immaculate Heart of Mary Church 617 South Santa Rosa Ave. San Antonio, TX 78204 Claretian Missionaries/Misioneros Claretianos OVER 100 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY Closed until further notice. MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY / SABADO 5:30PM ( English) SUNDAY / DOMINGO 8:30AM (English) 10:30AM (Español) 12:30PM (Español) 4:00PM (Español) MONDAY—FRIDAY 12:00 PM (Español) ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT- (LIVE STREAM ON FACEBOOK) Thursdays: 8:00AM-11:40AM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Cancelled until further notice FACEBOOK immaculateheartofmarysa

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Page 1: Immaculate Heart of Mary Church€¦ · Rev. Bibin Mathew, C.M.F. Rev. Benjamin Romero, C.M.F. Rev. Thomas Thennadiyil, C.M.F. Immaculate Heart of Mary Church ... announce that the

Mission Statement Immaculate Heart of Mary is a home for all! We strive to bring people to God through the celebrations of the sacraments and the Word of God while addressing the special and spiritual needs of the parish: the poor, the youth, the elderly, the physical-ly challenged, the family and maintaining a multi-cultural heritage.

Inmaculado Corazón de María es un hogar para todos! Nos esforzamos para llevar a la gente a Dios a través de la celebración de los sacramentos y la palabra de Dios, respon-diendo a las necesidades especiales y espirituales de la parroquia: los pobres, los jóvenes, los ancianos, los discapacitados, la familia y manteniendo un patrimonio multi-cultural.

PARISH ORGANIZATIONS DIRECTORY A.C.T.S. Core Dariela Solis Altar Servers Richard Salas Cristo Rey Society Clara Nieto Environment Enedelia Murgia Eucharistic Ministry Lilia Sepulveda Finance Committee Richard Salas Guadalupanas Society Elena Salinas IHM Young Adults María Ramos Knights of Columbus Charlie López Lectors Enrique Estévez Liturgy Committee Nancy Sierra Men’s Club Fred Rodríguez Pastoral Council Terry Olguín Religious Education Mary Salas Senior Program Olga Gonzales Ushers Julio Sierra Women’s Club Estella Rodríguez Youth Ministry Julio Sierra

Rev. Benjamin Romero Arrieta, C.M.F. Parish Administrator

Parish Office Monday—Friday

8:30 AM to 1:00 PM 2:30 PM—5:00 PM

(210)226-8268 Or email: [email protected]

PARISH DIRECTORY Associate Pastor: Rev. Thomas Thennadiyil, C.M.F. Deacons: Mr. Alfonso Cervantes Mr. Jorge Bonilla-Valentín (Retired) Business Manager Michelle Marín Parish Secretary Lisa Martinez Sacristan/Housekeeper Sandra Burks Maintenance Martin Piña Religious Education Mary Salas ST. ANTHONY CLARET COMM. Rev. Len Brown, C.M.F. Rev. Mark Clarke, C.M.F. Rev. Bibin Mathew, C.M.F. Rev. Benjamin Romero, C.M.F. Rev. Thomas Thennadiyil, C.M.F.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Church 617 South Santa Rosa Ave. San Antonio, TX 78204 Claretian Missionaries/Misioneros Claretianos


Closed until further notice.


SATURDAY / SABADO 5:30PM ( English) SUNDAY / DOMINGO 8:30AM (English) 10:30AM (Español) 12:30PM (Español) 4:00PM (Español)

MONDAY—FRIDAY 12:00 PM (Español)


(LIVE STREAM ON FACEBOOK) Thursdays: 8:00AM-11:40AM

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Cancelled until further notice



Page 2: Immaculate Heart of Mary Church€¦ · Rev. Bibin Mathew, C.M.F. Rev. Benjamin Romero, C.M.F. Rev. Thomas Thennadiyil, C.M.F. Immaculate Heart of Mary Church ... announce that the

Pentecost Sunday May 31, 2020

There appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them.

— Acts 2:3

Domingo de Pentecostés 31 de mayo de 2020

Entonces aparecieron lenguas de fuego, que se distribuyeron y se posaron sobre ellos.

— Hechos 2:3

LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Quedaron llenos del Espíritu Santo y se pusieron a hablar idiomas distintos (Hechos 2:1-11). Salmo — Envía, Señor, tu Espíritu, y renueva la tierra (Salmo 104 [103]). Segunda lectura — Hay diferentes dones, pero el Espíritu es el mismo (1 Corintios 12:3b-7, 12-13). Evangelio — Así como el Padre me envió a mí, así yo los envío a ustedes (Juan 20:19-23).

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Filled with the Holy Spirit, the apostles begin to speak in tongues (Acts 2:1-11). Psalm — Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth (Psalm 104). Second Reading — In one Spirit we are baptized into one body and given to drink of one Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13). Gospel — Jesus Christ appears to the disciples and sends them on their mission with the power to forgive or retain sins through the Holy Spirit (John 20:19-23).

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today we celebrate the great feast of Pentecost, the feast of the Holy Spirit. As we celebrate this im-

portant feast day, we must reflect on the resurrection, the descent of the Spirit, and the mission – We must re-alize that Jesus is alive and in our midst. Jesus is in our hearts and we can turn to Jesus at any moment. He is alive in the coming of the Spirit. As Christians, we believe that the Holy Spirit brings us unity, and under-standing. Often times these days we live our daily life with fears in our own neighborhoods. The Risen Christ breathes on to us the Spirit and the capacity to forgive, we are given the gift of peace. We are sent to share to forgive, to heal divisions and to be peacemakers reaching out to others. "Lord send out your spirit" is a plea we invoke in our world this and every day. As we reflect on the Holy Spirit Gifts, we ask ourselves what gifts, talents, and virtues do I have that I could share with my neighbors?

Benjamin Romero Arrieta, CMF

Claretian Missionary

Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas, Hoy celebramos la gran fiesta de Pentecostés, la fiesta del Espíritu Santo. Al celebrar esta importante

fiesta, hay que reflexionar sobre la resurrección, la venida del Espíritu, y la misión - Tenemos que darnos cuenta de que Jesús está vivo y en medio de nosotros. Jesús está en nuestros corazones y podemos llegar a Je-sús en todo momento. Él está vivo en la venida del Espíritu. Como cristianos, creemos que el Espíritu Santo nos trae la unidad y la comprensión. Muchas veces en estos días, vivimos nuestras vidas con temores en nues-tros propios vecindarios. El Cristo Resucitado respira en nosotros el Espíritu y la capacidad de perdonar, se nos da el don de la paz. Somos enviados para compartir perdonar, sanar las divisiones y ser constructores de paz al acercarnos a los demás. Señor envía tu espíritu" es una súplica que invocamos en nuestro mundo hoy y cada día. Al reflexionar sobre los dones del Espíritu Santo, nos preguntamos ¿Cuáles son los dones, talentos y virtudes que tengo que y puedo compartir con mi prójimo?

Rev. Benjamín Romero Arrieta, CMF Misionero Claretiano

SANCTUARY LIGHT Please contact the Parish office to place your

special intentions for the Sanctuary Light

ALTAR FLOWERS Donations for the Altar flowers may be made to the Parish in memory of a loved one, a birthday,

anniversary or special occasion.

Simón Gonzales Letty Pérez Richard Cardona Rose Tijerina Cecilia Ehlers Cameron Harris

Mary Bailey Justin Bailey Sandra Burks Ángela Díaz Olga Bustamante Tommy Contreras

Santiago Delgado Loretta Sanchez Maria Mendoza Ramona C Perrault Family Maritza


Page 3: Immaculate Heart of Mary Church€¦ · Rev. Bibin Mathew, C.M.F. Rev. Benjamin Romero, C.M.F. Rev. Thomas Thennadiyil, C.M.F. Immaculate Heart of Mary Church ... announce that the

NEW PARISH OFFICE HOURS Our new office hours are as follows: Monday—Friday 8:30am—1:00pm to 2:30pm—5:00pm Sundays 9:00am—1:30pm (June 14, 2020) ***Horario nuevo de la oficina: Lunes—Viernes 8:30am—1:00pm to 2:30pm—5:00pm Domingo—9:00am—1:30pm (June 14, 2020)

March 26, 2020 $1057.00 April 13, 2020 $1757.66 April 22, 2020 $2045.05 April 27, 2020 $1285.00 May 5, 2020 $2113.13 May 7, 2020 $1069.17 May 19, 2020 $2300.05 May 21, 2020 $ 700.00 Total: $12327.06


IHM ANNUAL FALL FESTIVAL RAFFLE I want to personally thank all of you who have helped sell and/or buy our 2020 Fall Raffle tickets that were mailed to you. Due to the ongoing Corona Virus pandemic we were forced to cancel our Fall Festival this year. As many of you know the funds made from our Annual Fall Festival and Raffle is what we use to help sustain the Parish financially for the year. The sales from this year’s Raffle will have to take the place of our Fall Festival sales as well. It will be the only major fundraiser we have for the year. I ask your help in making this year’s raffle a successful one. For those who have sold/bought tickets, thank you so much. I hum-bly ask for your continued assistance in selling our tickets as we will not be able to sell at other Parishes and businesses as we have done in the past. For those who would like more tickets to buy/sell, please contact the Parish office and they can mail them to you. You can also stop by the Parish office and pick them up. Our office will now be open Monday-Friday from 8:30am-1pm and 2:30pm-5:00pm,

DAILY / SUNDAY MASSES My Dear Immaculate Heart of Mary Community, I along with my IHM Claretian brothers and staff are excited to announce that the Archdiocese is allowing us to resume public masses. But we must keep in mind that we are still in a crucial time as we continue to battle Covid-19 in our community. For the safety of everyone attending Mass. To allow time to do this we have updated our mass schedule. The new mass schedule will be as follows: Mi querida comunidad del Inmaculado Corazón de María, Junto con mis hermanos sacerdotes Claretianos y nuestro perso-nal del IHM, me complace anunciar que la Arquidiócesis nos permite reanudar las misas públicas. Pero debemos tener en cuenta que todavía estamos en un momento crucial a medida que continuamos luchando contra Covid-19 en nuestra comunidad. Para la seguridad de todos los que asisten a misa. Para dar tiem-po a hacer esto, hemos actualizado nuestro horario de misas. El nuevo y temporal horario de misas será el siguiente:

WEEKDAY MASSES MONDAY—FRIDAY 12:00 PM (Spanish)—Mass will be Live-Streamed

WEEKDAY MASSES SATURDAY / SABADO 5:30 PM (English)—Mass will be Live-Streamed SUNDAY / DOMINGO 8:30 AM (English) 10:30 AM (Español) 12:30 PM (Español)—Mass will be Live-Streamed 4:00 PM (Español) Mass will be live-streamed on Facebook & our YouTube Chan-nel

SATURDAY, MAY 30 5:30 p.m. Sp. Int.—Holy Souls in Purgatory SUNDAY, MAY 31 8:30 a.m. All Parishioners 10:30 a.m. All Parishioners 12:30 p.m. All Parishioners MONDAY, JUNE 1 12:00 p.m. —Aloma Garza, Mario Riojas TUESDAY, JUNE 2 12:00 p.m. Sp. Int—All Parishioners WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 12:00 p.m. —Frank Alcorta, Celia A. Ortiz —Maria Luisa De la Garza —Manuel Flores Gallo THURSDAY, JUNE 4 12:00 p.m. Sp. Int—All Parishioners FRIDAY, JUNE 5 12:00 p.m. —Pete & Felipa G. Sanchez

BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR Hello everyone, Be a good Neighbor. Wear your mask, Keep Social Distancing and Stay Home if you don't feel well. Fr. Benjy, CMF Hola a todos, Sé un buen prójimo. Use su máscara, mantenga su distancia social y quédese en casa si esta indispuesto. P. Benjy, CMF

BAPTISMS CLASSES Thursday, June 18, 2020 (English) 6:30-9pm GROUP BAPTISM Saturday, June 20, 2020 at 10am REGISTRATION BY: Fr iday, June 12, 2020 CLASES DE BAUTISMO Jueves, 16 de Julio 2020 6:30-9pm BAUTISMO EN GRUPO Sábado, 18 de Julio 10am REGISTRARSE PARA EL: Viernes, 10 de Julio 2020

PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! For Registration requirements call the office, visit our website at or email [email protected] Register in the

Parish office Monday–Friday 9am-1pm & 2pm-5:30pm. PRIVATE BAPTISMS

Please remember that baptisms are a community event as we are welcoming the Child into the Catholic Community. Private bap-tisms should only be requested for medical emergencies and mili-tary deployment urgencies.

Page 4: Immaculate Heart of Mary Church€¦ · Rev. Bibin Mathew, C.M.F. Rev. Benjamin Romero, C.M.F. Rev. Thomas Thennadiyil, C.M.F. Immaculate Heart of Mary Church ... announce that the

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