in spite of sme and ntb? - eu-japan · all support sme n ‘horizon 2020’ : sme instrument with...

1 EUJapan FTA in spite of SME and NTB? by Dr Wolfgang PAPE Bruxelles

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EU–Japan FTA in spite of

SME and NTB?

by Dr Wolfgang PAPE


All support SME

n ‘Horizon 2020’ : SME Instrument with € 3 billion for 2014-2020

n Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME) with € 2.3 billion for 2014 to 2020

n plus SBA, EU-Japan Centre; Regional Fund…

n SME supported also in MS and Japan (JETRO, 中小機構;

Abe, 12.11.2014: “…we have to keep an eye on small and medium-sized enterprises that have suffered a surge in import prices. We will take measures as needed.”), as well as in USA, China, Korea … 2

Why support to SME ?

n SME = 99% of EU (=Japan) enterprises

n SME = “engines of growth”, more

flexible and innovative than Big Business

n SME providing 75,000,000 jobs,

i.e. 67,4% of all private employment


Who in Europe knows UAPME ?



=‘Union Européenne de l’Artisanat et des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises’

=“Voice of SME in Europe”

>80 member organisations in all Europe, >12 million enterprises with > 55 million employees

No mention of SME in “Joint Statement of EU Business” on EU-Japan Review of April 2014


Good SME news

(UAPME, 16.10.2014)


“SMEs growing again amidst

optimism that the worst is behind them”

However, …

SME disadvantaged in FTA

n “Bilateral FTA increase trading transaction costs particularly for SME …” (ADB‘s Azis 2013)

n Just 26% of all exporters use FTA, (IUE Report 2014 on ASEAN) but only 15% of exporting SME (WTO’s Lamy in EP 2012)


FTA complications

n Length and complexity of bilateral negotiations confirm differences with each trade partner: ‘no drag and drop’ copies nor ‘level playing field’ (eg in EU Review 2014.05 only 1 reference to recent KorEU: “For investment in non-services sectors, the FTA between the EU and Korea was

used as a benchmark.”)

n Result: “Spaghetti-Bowl” (Bhagwati 1995) covered by tomato sauce of languages + cultures, eg ‘rules of origin and duty drawback’, isolation, etc.


NTB on top like intransparent spices in tomato sauce over ‘spaghetti’

n Non-Tariff Barriers (> NT Measures) refer to all barriers to trade that are not tariffs (OECD)

n Some 80% of negotiation efforts in general on NTB

n New goods and services provide fertile ground for new NTB, eg with technology advancing = new NTB potential


Negotiators’ problems with NTB

n Unlike tariffs, NTB hardly quantifiable for ‘give and take’ by negotiators =>EU directives foresee parallelism between EU's tariff concessions and elimination of NTB by Japan

n Negotiators of NTB dependent on info from business, not always objectively substantiated (eg Japan rejects EU industry

claims, if not further substantiated, and EU cannot pursue them in

negotiations) => need for ex officio investigations)

n Sometimes lack of EC competence to abolish NTB in MS (working permit, corporate laws, labour issues etc.); better TBT in WTO


General difficulties of NTB

n Cultural differences in terminology, eg Japanese競争 < competition in English

n Bilaterals only inter partes, discriminating other traders

n Erga omnes rules necessary and possible: eg 50 countries on 29.10.2014 agreed

on Common Reporting Standard for taxation, in order to avoid ‘tax-shopping’, others to join


No death of distance

“Psychic distance” (Johansson 1977), i.e. NTB create naturally bigger a burden the wider the socio-cultural gap between trade partners involved

Open neighbours find fewer NTBs between themselves than far apart Western continent from Eastern island


Issues with Japanese NTB

From traditional 日本人論 to

METI’s ‘Galapagos Syndrome’:

instead of open omnilateralism only defensive uniqueness; not only with industrial standards, but also in education, (agri)culture, service etc.


“Asia's FTA mania” ?

n ADB survey of exporters in Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Thailand in 2007-08: “Few firms actually want to use FTAs, only 22% took advantage of FTA”.

n “Huge recent rise in trade deals seems to have done nothing to boost the share of the continent's intra-Asian trade.”


“Useless bilateral FTAs ”? (Graph by The Economist, 3.9.09)



n EU to better pro-actively support SME in FTA

n Japan to dig deeper to root out NTB and new seeds

n Azis of ADB (2013): “In the world of free trade, a multilateral trade agreement supported by unilateral liberalization is ‘first best’.”

However, even better if we achieve omnilateral agreement with all stakeholders!


Happy End?

Reason for congratulations:

After 40 years of diplomatic relations now for first time EU-Japan on the path towards a comprehensive trade agreement !



Wolfgang PAPE


Thank you!