iota theta newsletter april 2012

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  • 8/2/2019 Iota Theta Newsletter April 2012


    April 2012


    As one of the leading chapters on campus, Iota Theta

    continues to set itself as first among equals in student

    life, academics, and philanthropy. The alumni of this

    chapter have shaped and molded our Fraternity into

    what it is today. This newsletter was designed to pay

    tribute to and update our alumni on the current status

    of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, as well as their fellow


    I would like to encourage you all to give feedback to

    the chapter or myself regarding anything you wouldlike to see done. We are working very hard to receive

    some of the greater awards at Southern Division

    including a Hugh Shields. With your help I believe we

    can make Iota Theta the top leading chapter in all of

    the Great Southern Division.


    Ben Baxley

    Alumni Relations Chairman

    VP Report

    A great fraternity, like any great organization, performs

    proper placement of its finest resources. Iota Theta

    has fully embraced this ideology since passing the gavel

    early this semester. With a new focus on appointing

    brothers to their niche areas of expertise, we find

    ourselves with both an exceptional executive board,

    and an astonishing admin board. Admin alone over the

    past few months has become the true engine behindour chapter. The weekly think-tank sessions allow

    each chair to aggregate their committees

    recommendations, and bring them to the table for

    additional crafting. This approach has created some of

    the biggest philanthropy events, largest fundraising

    efforts, finest community outreach, and strongest on-

    campus presence to date.

    In addition to focusing on brothers and their niche

    positions, weve also created some new ad-hoc

    positions (a dedicated alumni chair, a creative rush

    event chair, and a handful of miscellaneous chairs) to

    handle the enormous growth our chapter has


    As we continue to strive for excellence this year, we

    encourage you to visit our chapter and see first-hand

    the great additions weve made on your firmfoundation. Our chapter is within sight of being one of

    the top 20 chapters in the nation and this is equally

    credited to your involvement and support.

    Chapter Advisor Report

    Iota Theta continues to grow and be a force on the KSU

    campus! The chapter is second to none in fund raising

    and will once again shows how they get involved in the

    community, get our name out in a positive way and

    add to their ability to do more things on campus and

    attract quality men.

    Adopt-a-school was finally kicked off and almost no

    one was more excited and happy for our men as I was.

    This will continue to add to Iota Theta's strength and

    standing in Southern Division. I know we are gearing up

    for Southern Division and I hope we are able to report

    even more awards for Iota Theta.

    Nick Longendyke did a fantastic job as president in thelast term, and now Tyler Webb, I am confident, will

    also do a fantastic job of leading Iota Theta to continue

    to be the leader on campus in academics, community

    & school involvement, and positive reputation.

    I have been proud to be a part of Iota Theta since the

    beginning of their colonization, through their

  • 8/2/2019 Iota Theta Newsletter April 2012


    April 2012

    Chartering, and now as these young men produce

    successful alumni who are reading this newsletter. I

    hope you are all doing well, and I look forward to more

    newsletters! DAK


    Michael Mullady

    Chapter Advisor

    Treasurer Report

    Connor Tabb

    Delta Tau Delta has come a long way in the past coupleyears. The yearly budget has grown substantially as our

    numbers have steadily increased. The additional

    revenue has helped our brotherhood participate in

    new philanthropy events as well as strengthen the


    Money has not always come so easily though. The

    fraternity has struggled with multiple treasurers in the

    past year and complications with our finance

    management. To combat this problem, we have

    decided to move towards a completely new way of

    collecting dues and donations. This new program will

    allow dues to be paid online instead of collecting

    checks and money orders. Donations can be easily

    made through an html link sent over emails. This

    change will lower our bad debt and keep payments

    organized. Lastly, payment plans will be strictly

    implemented for those with outstanding debt. Through

    this new plan, Delta Tau Delta will begin setting aside

    money each year to aid in the future development of ashelter.

    Director of Academic Affairs Report

    Daniel Vapne

    I am pleased to report that the academic situation of

    our chapter is very good. For the Fall 2011 semester,

    our average GPA was a solid 3.00 and our overall

    cumulative GPA was 3.02. This GPA is an improvement

    on the previous semester and ranks us at number 2 out

    of all 6 fraternities. The new member GPA of the 11-

    man Fall 2011 pledge class was a 2.98. Overall, we

    currently have a group of very intelligent and highly

    motivated brothers. Also, I would like to report that

    over 15 current brothers met the 3.30 minimum GPA

    requirement to be acknowledged as Kershner Scholars.

    However, there is always room for improvement. As

    Director of Academic Affairs, I am working with a very

    motivated executive board to continue this growth and

    improve our GPA even further. Recently, I have been

    encouraging brothers to pursue one of the several

    leadership academies the national fraternity has to

    offer. Several brothers applied for and are waiting to

    hear from the sailing academy in Maine, and the new

    Bethany College leadership program in West Virginia. I

    have also put several brothers in contact with tutoring

    services of the University and we will soon pick a

    Faculty adviser. Go Owls!

  • 8/2/2019 Iota Theta Newsletter April 2012


    April 2012

    Philanthropy Report

    Metz Bizzle

    Brothers and Alumni, we recently hosted our annual

    philanthropy event Dream Roll at Stars and Strikes

    bowling alley in Dallas, Ga. The turnout was great and

    we helped raise roughly $12,000 for special needs

    children to go to Camp Dream. Donations for Dream

    Roll will continue through June.

    Also many of you may have heard about our#SaveRichard campaign/rally. Richard Bland, a brother

    of Iota Theta is in need of a kidney transplant and

    recently began dialysis which may continue for a year

    or more if a live donor is not found. Through the help

    and support of our fellow Greek chapters, and student

    life, we were able to raise awareness for Richard to a

    national level. During the rally we held for Richard on

    Tuesday, March 13ththe cast of MTVs Buried Life

    spoke on Richards behalfto aid the cause. So far

    nearly $7,000 has been raised for Richard and the

    National Kidney Foundation.

    Fund-raising Report

    Joey Figueroa

    This year fund-raising was an area of the Fraternity that

    needed to be worked on. We have completed

    Cheersport for the second year in a row and have

    maintained our relationship with the organizer for it,

    Adam Thomas. He has always showed a favorable

    interest in us delts and provided us with more shifts

    than any other organization that he contracted. Our

    revenue from this year's participation in Cheersport

    was $13,130.00. Over the span of 4 days we were able

    to raise this much money for the chapter; this only

    shows the amount of potential that we have to do

    great things. As Fund-raising chair, it is difficult to find

    another even in the Spring to become excited for, but

    my plan for this year is to organize a smaller scale

    event in which we can raise a few hundred or couple

    grand for the Spring semester. The biggest change I

    plan on making is organizing a big scale event for the

    Fall. As a chapter, we have relied too heavily on the

    income that we get from one single event every year,

    but we need to focus on finding an event we can do in

    the fall that can provide us just as much income as

    Cheersport. So stay tuned for an event like Cheersport

    to be done in the Fall, and with another pledge class of

    a good size, we can raise even more than we did atCheersport.

    Community Service Report

    Jon Fay

    I plan to have all brothers complete at least 10 hours of

    community service for this semester in the following


    1. Adopt-A-Mile: Donating time to clean up the mile of

    road that we have set aside to help keep Cobb county

    beautiful.2. Adopt-A-School: Donating time to help our contact

    Adam Casey with what his school needs from us, i.e.

    tutoring, cleaning up, or other projects

    3. Individual Community Service: Brothers who

    perform other community services will receive hours

    for what time they donate.

  • 8/2/2019 Iota Theta Newsletter April 2012


    April 2012

    Spring Rush Report

    Jonathon Hessing

    At the end of last fall semester, we threw a big bonfire,

    and invited everybody on our potentials contacts list,

    as well as some new guys, and introduced them to all

    of the brothers. During Winter break we kept in touch

    with a good bit of the potentials and had them come

    out to things like brotherhood lunches or football

    games at the owls nest. As soon as spring semester

    rolled around we started working hard as a

    brotherhood to really show these new guys what we

    are about. During rush there was a multitude ofchapter involvement as we set forth to get some new

    guys. We had a few good events, including one band

    party featuring singer David Payton. This event was a

    big hit and many of the potential liked it a lot, this

    amongst low country boils and bar-b-qs is what lead to

    our success in the spring 2012 rush.

    We did pretty well this rush ranking third in accepted

    bids, with around 10 initial new members. We worked

    hard for them and were really strict about who we letinto our organization slowly weeding out the

    insignificant people. We looked for leaders; men that

    displayed Truth, Courage, Faith, and Power, and men

    that were capable of being social icons on campus. The

    struggle of getting guys was well worth it, and I think

    the men we have right now when they become

    brothers, will be able to carry on the legacy in which

    the Alumni have set.

    Intramural ReportMike Dean

    Delta Tau Delta Intramural sports for 2012 have so far

    consisted of basketball and bowling. We are currently

    participating in leagues of; softball, sand volleyball,

    ultimate frisbee, and soccer. Our bowling season is still

    going on and our brothers are doing great. We expect

    to place high in many of the upcoming sports. For more

    information on Iota Theta's intramural contact, Mike

    Dean. 404-399-3433

    Public Relations Report

    Mike Parker

    So far, the social status of the Iota Theta chapter for

    the 2011-2012 School Year has been quite excellent.

    During the fall semester, Iota Theta had an outstanding

    homecoming campaign. At the end of homecoming

    week, one of the three delt representatives, Brother

    Cody Bryant, took home a victory for the position of

    homecoming lord. Additionally, Iota Theta had a

    massive turnout at its Delt Date Auction, raising almost

    three grand towards the USO. The fall social calendar

    consisted of a "Back to School" event, as well as mixers

    with both Delta Phi Epsilon and Gamma Phi Beta


    For Valentines Day 2012, Iota Theta allocated gifts to

    each sorority on campus. We received their thanks and

    even some gifts in return. So far for the social calendarof the spring semester, another "Back to School" event

    was thrown, a date night is planned for March, and

    mixers are planned with Phi Mu and Alpha Omicron Pi

    sororities. In addition to local recognition, Iota Theta

    received several awards at the 2012 Southern division


  • 8/2/2019 Iota Theta Newsletter April 2012


    April 2012

    Alumni Spotlight! Q & A

    Jeremy Hay

    1) When were you an active brother of the Iota Theta

    chapter, and when did you graduate?

    I was an active brother in the Iota Theta chapter from

    Fall 2006 Fall 2008. I then transferred to UCF and was

    active in the Zeta Omicron chapter from Spring 2008

    Summer 2011. I graduated Summer 2011. The 6 year

    plan is glorious.

    2) What college experience as a Delt was the most

    memorable to you?

    Bid day 2006 was one of my most memorable

    moments of my entire college career. Running across

    campus with Jeremy Stainthorp Berggrenn, our KSU

    alumni who ran the national leadership chair for

    awhile, was intense as we shouted cadences and

    carried the Delt flag across the campus. Another would

    be the first organized brotherhood retreat to

    Gatlinburg, Tennessee, mostly because it was the first

    thing that we ever did that was actually organized.

    3) What field of work did you decide to go into after


    I am currently a Professional Recruiter and Military

    Employer Liaison for Aerotek. I find qualified

    candidates for my client corporations. Apparently I am

    not working very hard if I am emailing you while at

    work. Im paid well and am allowed to drink at work,

    clearly the only two necessary qualifications before

    choosing any career path.

    4) What are some of your favorite hobbies?

    I am a big music buff and like to play guitar. I also have

    begun working out a lot after accepting the devastating

    and decrepit state of my body after 6 years of college.

    However, I ritualistically counteract my exercising

    efforts with horrendous decisions every Friday night at

    about 7:30pm.

    5) How did being a brother of Delta Tau Delta better

    prepare you for life after college?

    Being a brother of Delta Tau Delta business frat taught

    me how to work with multiple varying mindsets and

    viewpoints while bonding a team and creating positive

    results. It taught me perseverance, determination, and

    the ability to put aside ones selfish goals for those of

    the team. It taught me to strive for an image of class

    and intellect and to serve those in need through

    philanthropic efforts. As Delts, we have all spent late

    nights planning methods to better our chapter and

    efficient ways to increase the amount of tail we couldreceive as a whole. I learned to toughen up when the

    going gets rough, and to always find the silver lining. It

    is always there, and if you focus on it, you may turn

    around to find how much farther ahead you are than

    everyone else.

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    April 2012

    6) When do you plan on coming back to Kennesaw

    again to visit the Chapter?

    I am sure that I will swing by that way sometime this

    summer. I tend to show up in Kennesaw out of

    nowhere and do awful things. This time I will have a

    significantly larger amount of money to do awful

    things, which I am terrified about. But you guys are my

    brothers, and always have my best interest in mind


    This is an experience that you will never get again.

    Cherish every moment, take every chance, and alwaysrepresent your chapter the way you would want others

    representing a company that you owned. Take the time

    to accept the differences you all have and to culture

    yourself with those differences. And only recruit to

    replace yourself. Numbers mean nothing if you all

    look like clowns. Take Kappa Sig for example.

    Alumni Spotlight! Q & A

    Chris Watt

    1) When were you an active brother of the Iota Theta

    chapter, and when did you graduate?

    I became a brother my sophomore year in 2006

    2) What college experience as a Delt was the most

    memorable to you?

    One of my favorite memories happened after chapter...

    a few brothers and I decided to take a trip to Bethany.

    It was a 24 hour trip that we never slept and had a lot

    of fun and experienced the birth place of Delta Tau


    3) What field of work did you decide to go into after


    Bar Industry, I am currently the General Manager of

    Bullfrogz in Kennesaw. They are currently filming a

    reality TV show on the bar and I am one of the

    principle characters.

    4) What are some of your favorite hobbies?

    I love to golf; I go golfing at least once a week

    5) How did being a brother of Delta Tau Delta better

    prepare you for life after college?

    It taught me responsibility in every endeavor I take on.

    Being a man of excellence is a tough standard to live up

    to but I strive to be the best man I can be.

    6) When do you plan on coming back to Kennesaw

    again to visit the Chapter?

    I am available to attend most functions when I am

    aware of what is going on.

  • 8/2/2019 Iota Theta Newsletter April 2012


    April 2012

    Brotherhood Awards

    Nick LongendykeThis year Nick won the Rhodes S. Sutton award as well

    as Jackass of the Year.

    Justin Massey

    This year Justin received Delt of the Year

    Tyler Webb

    The DAK Award was given to our current President

    Tyler Webb

    Spring Pledge Class (Upsilon)

    Eric Baker

    Preston Smith

    Drayton Robinson

    Josh Howard

    David Matton

    Upsilon Class is our new pledge class for the Spring

    Semester of 2012. These gentlemen are currently in

    the trial process of establishing themselves as Delts.

    When we as brothers initiated into Delta Tau Delta

    we swore to donate our Time, Talent, and Treasure to

    this Fraternity. If any of our Alumni wish to make

    the first monetary donation to Iota Theta we would

    greatly appreciate it. You can do so by following this


    Social Calendar

    April 19th- End of year beach bash @ Venue Unknown

    April 28th- Alumni vs. Brothers Basketball Game @ TBA

    May 11-13th- Formal @ Tybee Island

    The Alumni Newsletter will continue next semester

    with one for each month. Thanks for reading and

    please direct any questions or concerns to

    [email protected][email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://