issue 12 - calling - (29 april 2010)

Dear Members of the St Patrick’s Family, This has been a significant week in the history of the College. The first aspect of the legal proceedings involving Elliott Fletcher occurred today. Whilst the legal aspects are out of the control of St Patrick’s College, we are able to ensure that the high quality support for the staff, students and parents is maintained. Yesterday, a letter was sent home with your son highlighting the range of support opportunities that are at your disposal. I trust that the information contained within the letter was of assistance. This week the College has hosted Trimester 1 Co-Curricular Awards, Parent Teacher Interviews and tomorrow the Shore to Gate Rewards Day. I thank the staff, students and parents for their involvement in, and support of, these events. A total of 220 students will travel to Wet’n’Wild tomorrow as part of the Shore to Gate Rewards Day. Over $42,000 has been raised. Thankyou and congratulations! This means that approximately $20,000 will be directed to the College overseas immersions in India, East Timor and South Africa. The other $20,000 will be directed towards providing shade and seating in the Courtyard area. This is a very positive outcome for everyone. Next week is also an important week for the College. On Tuesday, the next Spirit Assembly will be held and the Edmund Rice Day Liturgy will be held on Wednesday. I take this opportunity to invite all parents to both the Spirit Assembly and the Edmund Rice Liturgy. Both will be special events. Last Sunday Australia commemorated Anzac Day. Around Australia Anzac Day Services were held. At Sandgate, students, staff and parents participated in the local Anzac Day Parade. As a valuable member of the Shorncliffe community, St Patrick’s College takes pride in being part of the local community. I thank all those involved in the Anzac Day Parade. In recent times, along with the other members of the CLT, I have been interviewing students for Years 5 and 8, 2012. We have nearly completed these interviews and will issue the first round of offers shortly. It is very energising to meet these young people and their parents. They are keen to be part of the St Patrick’s College community. Many have had contact with current students and families and are very interested in the future of St Patrick’s College. One thing is very evident as I conduct these interviews—our students and our parents are great ambassadors for the College and I thank you for this pride in, and support of, St Patrick’s College. God Bless Dr Michael Carroll College Principal 29 April 2010 No. 12 Edmund Rice Liturgy Wednesday 5 May Callan Centre Commencing at 8.45am ALL WELCOME

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This has been a significant week in the history of the College. The first aspect of the legal proceedings involving Elliott Fletcher occurred today.


Page 1: Issue 12 - Calling - (29 April 2010)

Dear Members of the St Patrick’s Family, This has been a significant week in the history of the College. The first aspect of the legal proceedings involving Elliott Fletcher occurred today. Whilst the legal aspects are out of the control of St Patrick’s College, we are able to ensure that the high quality support for the staff, students and parents is maintained. Yesterday, a letter was sent home with your son highlighting the range of support opportunities that are at your disposal. I trust that the information contained within the letter was of assistance. This week the College has hosted Trimester 1 Co-Curricular Awards, Parent Teacher Interviews and tomorrow the Shore to Gate Rewards Day. I thank the staff, students and parents for their involvement in, and support of, these events. A total of 220 students will travel to Wet’n’Wild tomorrow as part of the Shore to Gate Rewards Day. Over $42,000 has been raised. Thankyou and congratulations! This means that approximately $20,000 will be directed to the College overseas immersions in India, East Timor and South Africa. The other $20,000 will be directed towards providing shade and seating in the Courtyard area. This is a very positive outcome for everyone. Next week is also an important week for the College. On Tuesday, the next Spirit Assembly will be held and the Edmund Rice Day Liturgy will be held on Wednesday. I take this opportunity to invite all parents to both the Spirit Assembly and the Edmund Rice Liturgy. Both will be special events. Last Sunday Australia commemorated Anzac Day. Around Australia Anzac Day Services were held. At Sandgate, students, staff and parents participated in the local Anzac Day Parade. As a valuable member of the Shorncliffe community, St Patrick’s College takes pride in being part of the local community. I thank all those involved in the Anzac Day Parade. In recent times, along with the other members of the CLT, I have been interviewing students for Years 5 and 8, 2012. We have nearly completed these interviews and will issue the first round of offers shortly. It is very energising to meet these young people and their parents. They are keen to be part of the St Patrick’s College community. Many have had contact with current students and families and are very interested in the future of St Patrick’s College. One thing is very evident as I conduct these interviews—our students and our parents are great ambassadors for the College and I thank you for this pride in, and support of, St Patrick’s College. God Bless Dr Michael Carroll College Principal

29 April 2010 No. 12

Edmund Rice Liturgy

Wednesday 5 May Callan Centre

Commencing at 8.45am


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Allan Clark Last Thursday I had the pleasure of accompanying the Year 7 leaders, Marcus Ferguson, Joshua Munks, Daniel Herold, Alec Morris, Guy Rushton, Isaac Wilkinson, Reece Myers, Alex Elms, Calum Mc Lennan, Luke Squire, Sheldyn Saseve, Ayden Winsen, to the ANZAC Student Commemoration Ceremony. The boys did a great job representing St Patrick’s College at this annual event. Special thanks go to Mrs Herold who accompanied us on the trip. Isaac Wilkinson, one of our talented Year 7s and a journalist in the making, has written the following report. On Thursday, 22 August, the Year 7 class captains and vice captains travelled into ANZAC Square in Brisbane city for the ANZAC Student Commemoration Ceremony. After a very stressful exit

during the fire drill, we were on the train and ready for a day of learning and remembering. Among the special guests attending were Brisbane Lord Mayor Campbell Newman and Leader of the Opposition (state) John-Paul Langbrook. The ceremony started with speeches from Mr Newman and Mr Langbrook and carried on with speeches from students, laying of wreaths, The Last Post, one minute’s silence, The Ode, The Australian and New Zealand National Anthems, then finishing with the Lord Mayor leading the official party out. I’m sure that all the Year 7s who made the journey would agree that it was an important and very special ceremony: important because it is helps us to stop and remember the great sacrifices of those who fought for this country, and special because for many of us life is so

different from the experiences of those service men and women.

Lest We Forget

NAPLAN Assessment: The National Assessment Program- Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is being conducted on 11, 12 and 13 May this year in Week 4 of Term 2. Each student undertaking the test in Year 5, 7 and 9 is required to have the following equipment to assist him in completing the test: 2B or HB pencils Eraser Sharpener Calculator (only for Year 7 and 9 for

the calculator Mathematics test).


David Gardiner

ANZAC DAY – Thanks and congratulations to the 70 St Patrick’s students and their families who attended the local Sandgate ANZAC Day Parade last Sunday. It was wonderful to see so many young men pay their respects to the Australians who have fought for our country. It is important St Patrick’s is also seen to play an active part in our local community, and these young men did us proud. Well done! The ANNUAL INTER-HOUSE CROSS COUNTRY CARNIVAL will be held at Curlew Park next Wednesday, 5 May. This is a special event day and it is expected that every student will attend. May 5 is the Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Rice so we will celebrate our part in Edmund’s journey with a Mass in the Callan Centre commencing at 9am, before moving to Curlew Park for the

Cross Country events, which will start with the Year 5s around 11.45am. Students are to wear full PE Sports uniform to school. Parents are most welcome to join us for all or part of the day. A PARENT/STUDENT WORKSHOP facilitated by Drug Arm will be conducted on Tuesday, 18 May. Please refer to the advertisement included in this Calling for details for this workshop. This may be a good opportunity to educate yourself and your son about the dangers of substance abuse. STUDENT Emails – All students in the College have been given internal St Patrick’s College email addresses. These addresses will follow the format of [email protected]. For example: John Smith in Year 12 will have an email address of [email protected].

Students will only be able to send and receive emails from staff at St Patrick’s College. This means that Students cannot email each other nor can they email an email address outside the College. Students access their emails via Student Cafe� School Links �Student Email. When accessing emails from outside the College they will need to log in with stpatricks\username. A Student Helpdesk has been created and is located on the main page of the Student Intranet: Students are to use this if they are experiencing issues with email and need to ensure they use appropriate language.

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Frank Torrisi


The Inter-House Cross Country Carnival will be held on Wednesday, 5 May (Week 3). This is the next major Inter-House event and we expect every student to attend and participate. It is a Special Event Day and hence students absent will require a medical certificate to explain their absence. The Cross Country course can be run/walked by students of all fitness levels. All students will come to school dressed in full correct sports uniform. The day will commence with the Blessed Edmund Rice Liturgy. At 10.45am students will gather in their House areas and then walk down to Curlew Park under teacher supervision. Buses will run as normal but will depart from Curlew Park at the 3pm conclusion of the Cross Country. All sport training will commence at the conclusion of the carnival. Camps – All Year 7, 9 and 10 students who have not returned camp forms must do so by Friday, 30 April.

Uniform: All students are reminded that the uniform is to be worn correctly at all times. This includes shirts tucked in, socks pulled up, top buttons done up and ties worn correctly. Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are required to wear blazers to and from school each day. With the cooler weather approaching I remind all students that only the College sports jacket or College grey jumper is to be worn. Tour jackets or tour fleeces are not to be worn at school. All students have been informed that consequences will occur if they are not wearing the uniform correctly. This is from the moment they leave home until they return in the afternoon. LOST PROPERTY: A large amount of lost property that is picked up at the end of each day. Mrs Fowlie is able to return a certain amount of the items collected because they are named or labelled.

However, a large amount cannot be returned because no names are found on the items. It is requested that all families take the time to label uniform items with a permanent marker. At the end of the term any lost property that is not claimed and not named will be either sent to the Uniform Shop to be resold or will be given to St Vincent de Paul. Pastoral Information Evening: The College will hold an information evening on Wednesday, 19 May, commencing at 7pm in the Callan Centre. The topics of the evening will include Drugs and Alcohol and Cyber Safety and Awareness. More information will be provided in The Calling next week.

Pastoral Information evening

Date: 19 May, 2010

Time: 7.00pm Location: Callan Centre

 Presentation from Queensland Police on the following topic: 


Cyber Safety/Awareness/Bullying and Internet Dangers “Party Safe” roles and responsibilities Drugs/Alcohol 

 Question  and Answer at the end of each session 

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Mark Ellison

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”. This is a quote that I really like and one that applies very strongly to the situation I found myself in last weekend. On Saturday night I attended a friend’s bucks party at Ben’s Restaurant and Karaoke Bar at Woolloongabba, and was dobbed in by my so-called friends to sing the 1989 far from smash hit Pump up the Jam by Technotronic, solo, in front of 300 people. For someone who can’t sing

to save himself I can assure you I was well and truly at the edge of my comfort zone, but as is usually the case with such experiences, I’m glad I did it. I’m a big believer that when you step outside your comfort zone you automatically expand your comfort zone to where you are now standing. During the past 12 months each house at St Patrick’s has adopted a House charity which they are supporting through a

range of fundraisers and other initiatives. In the coming weeks The Calling will highlight each of these charities and how you can help. This week, Ryan House Leader Richard Harris will describe Ryan House’s outstanding initiative, Kiva Microcredit Loans.

Mark Mewburn

Succeeding with Asperger’s Syndrome in the Teens—Workshop for Parents, families, teachers focusing on: transition into high school management of anxiety, stress, anger

and depression transition into a career the learning profile of the person with

AS/ASD specific strategies to encourage

learning success friendships and relationships what to do about bullying Friday, 14 May, 2010 – 9.30am – 4.30pm.....$100 Parents, other family members, teenagers - Includes welcome coffee/tea, lunch, morning/afternoon tea – Please pre-book.

VENUE: Central Bardon Conference Venue, 390 Simpsons Road, Bardon, QLD 4051 Minds & Hearts - 3844 9466 UQ is offering a Parent Information Night on Wednesday, 9 June – 4:30-7:30. For information or to register go to Seniors interested in the Australian Defence Forces GAP YEAR in 2011, must register online between 1 May and 31 May at

Coming Events

Lots of upcoming CAREERS related events are listed on my CAREERS website in the Student Intranet – Accessible from home

Careers and Employment Expo – Convention Centre - 7-9 May 9am-4pm

Day in the Life of a Chartered Accountant: Brisbane Convention Centre – Wednesday, 9 June 6-7:30pm – Year 10-12s - free/smart casual/drinks and nibbles provided – MUST register at

Tertiary Studies Expo (TS Expo) – RNA Showgrounds – 17-18 July 10am-4pm


Ryan House Charity – Kiva Micro-Credit Loans This year, Ryan House will be supporting Kiva Micro Credit Loans – a unique charity which lends money to prospective entrepreneurs in underprivileged countries. How Kiva works: Kiva operates a simple yet very effective process.

1. Lenders donate to the Kiva Micro Credit Loans charity. If donating on an individual basis, this can be done over the internet by use of either Paypal or credit card. Individual lenders have the opportunity to browse the Kiva website ( to choose the particular entrepreneur they wish to donate to. If donating through the House, money can be given to Mr Ellison or Mr Brauer who will pass it on to the Kiva charity.

2. Kiva lends the donated money to entrepreneurs to help to start their businesses by allowing the entrepreneurs to gain access to the various products/materials which they require.

3. Once the business is performing well and making profits, the entrepreneurs gradually repay the Kiva organisation with the money which initially helped to start their business.

Benefits: Rather than a hand out, people use money to establish or expand a small business and therefore help themselves out

of poverty. Stimulates local economy so whole community benefits Money is paid back and can be re-lent so you continue to help others Thanks to the way in which Kiva is set up, lenders have the power to see the physical improvements that their donations have made.

Below is an example, of a successful business which operates thanks to Kiva.

Business Name: The Community Bank - “Hatún Ayllu de Aqchapa” Location: Africa Details: “Hatún Ayllu de Aqchapa” has 15 members, and is now on its fourth loan cycle. The bank services the agricultural industry of the area. Members buy and sell seed, animals, vegetables, natural medicine and taro powder. The success of this business is all thanks to the generous lenders of the Kiva Charity

Donate now! Donations start at $US25. Make a real difference to a whole community.

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DIRECTOR OF SPORT—LUKE DONATINI Last Saturday saw twenty (20) St Patrick’s College secondary students compete at the annual Queensland Royal Life Saving Society State Championships. After achieving the goal of being named the 2009 QRLSS State Boys Champions, the St Patrick’s boys aimed higher in 2010 and were awarded as such for their efforts. At the conclusion of the 2010 competition St Patrick’s College again retained their title as Boys School State Champions but also achieved the honour of being named as Queensland Royal Life Saving Society Overall State Secondary Schools Champions (boys and girls combined). This achievement would not have been possible without the hard work and organization of Year 12 students, Ty Collins and Ryan Chapman. Ty and Ryan organized all training sessions, nominations and the running of the 2010 team. Their efforts must be applauded and commended. Congratulations to all the students involved in representing our College so positively and with such enthusiasm.


Joe Triggell (Captain of Bramble Bay) and Matthew Weekes – selected into the Metropolitan North Under 12 Hockey Team. Both will be going to Toowoomba in June for the Under 12 State Hockey Primary School Championships. Hamish McKerihan was named as a shadow player. Jacob Lawrence and Guy Rushton – were the recipients of the batting and bowling awards during the 2009 BNJCA Half Season Cricket Competition. Both students competed for St Patrick’s during the 2009 Half Season Cricket Competition. Ty Collins - selected in the Queensland Secondary Schools Swimming Team to swim at the National Schools Swimming Championships which are being held in Brisbane from 5 to 11June this year. Conor McSween, Christian White and Jackson Ritchie – selected in the Queensland Men's Outdoor Netball Team. All competed at the National Titles last April with Conor McSween being selected into the Honorary Australian U17 Men’s Netball Team. Wade Richards – competed at the Australian Age Swimming Championships in Sydney over the Easter holidays and

came home with a Bronze Medal. Metropolitan North Regional Sport Information All students and parents requesting information regarding any upcoming Met North Regional trials are asked to go to the Met North website to find such information - Metropolitan North Trial Information for the following Sports has been posted on the Met North Website.

Under 15 Basketball Under 15 Rugby Under 15 Soccer All nominations MUST be made via St Patrick’s College. Students register/nominate their interest with Mr Ryan Schultz (SPC Coaching Administrator). For further information regarding these and other such trials please see the Coaching Coordinator for that sport or contact Mr Ryan Schultz – [email protected]


CIC Rugby Saturday 1 May

Venue: Brisbane Grammar Playing Fields, Nudgee Road, Northgate and Sandgate/Redcliffe Cricket Fields, Board Street, Sandgate (Year 5 Rugby)

TIME BGS Fields Rugby Field 1

BGS Fields Rugby Field 2A

Sandgate/Redcliffe Oval

8.00am SPC 7B Rugby

SPC vs BGS SPC Year 5 (8.00am)

(verse NJC 5D White)


SPC 7A Rugby SPC vs BGS

SPC 6B Rugby SPC vs BGS

SPC Year 5 (8.50am) (verse NJC 5D Blue)

10.00am SPC 6A Rugby

SPC vs BGS SPC Year 5 (9.40am)

(verse NJC 5C)

Please Note: Year 5 games are supplementary games as Brisbane Grammar School does not have Year 5 students

CIC Coach Contact Information Director of Rugby – Heath Mackintosh: [email protected] Year 5 – Mark Mewburn: [email protected] Year 6 – Blake Loudon: [email protected] Year 7 – Wilbur Munday: [email protected]

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Year 5 and Year 6 – SPC Back Oval every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon (3.15pm until 4.30pm). Year 7 – Curlew Park every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon (3.30pm until 5.00pm). U 13 / U14 / U15 / U16 / 3rd XI – Curlew Park every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon (3.30pm until 5.00pm). 1st XI and 2nd XI – College Back Oval Tuesday morning (6.45am until 8am) as well as Curlew Park every Tuesday and Thurs-day afternoon (3.30pm until 5pm).

CIC Football (Soccer) Saturday 1 May

Venue: Brisbane Grammar Playing Fields, Nudgee Road, Northgate and St Laurence’s Playing Fields, Nathan Road, Runcorn (Year 5)

AIC Rugby Saturday 1 May

Venue: Curlew Park, Curlew Street Sandgate

TIME Curlew Park Rugby Oval 1

Curlew Park Rugby Oval 2

8.00am 13C

(Christian Van der Nest) 14C

(Regan Kelly) 9.00am


( John Raukete) 15C

(Christian Van der Nest)

10.00am 13A

(QRRA Referee) 14B

(Regan Kelly)

11.00am 14A

(QRRA Referee) 15B

(Nathan James)

12.00noon 15A

(QRRA Referee) 16B

(Michael Hoffman)

1.00pm 16A

(QRRA Referee) 3rd XV

(John Raukete)

2.00pm 2nd XV

(QRRA Referee) 16C

(Michael Hoffman)

3.15pm 1st XV

(QRRA Referee)

Please Note: All students are required to be at Curlew Park at least 45minutes prior to the commencement of their games.

TIME BGS Fields Football Oval 5B


BGS Fields Football Oval 5A


SLC Fields Football Field 6

7.30am SPC 7A Football

SPCvs BGS 7.30am SPC 6A Football

SPCvs BGS 7.30am

SPC 5B Football SPCvs SLC (5C)

8.20am SPC 7B Football

SPCvs BGS 8.20am SPC 5A Football SPCvs SLC (5B)

Please Note: Year 5 games are supplementary games as Brisbane Grammar School does not have Year 5 students

CIC Coach Contact Information Year 5— Mitchell Johns: [email protected];

Andrew Pashley: [email protected] Year 6— Allan Kellaway: [email protected]

Taylor Patrick: [email protected] Year 7— Aaron Kerr: [email protected]

Sarah McDonald: [email protected]

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AIC Football (Soccer) Saturday 1 May

Venue: Curlew Park, Curlew Street Sandgate

TIME Curlew Park Football Oval 1


Curlew Park Football Oval 2

8.30am 14A

(Mark Foster) 8.30am 13A

(Josh Sneath)

9.45am 15A

(Mark Foster) 9.45am 13B

(Taylor Patrick/ Reece Foster)

11.00am 16A

(Frank Valanti) 10.45am 14B

(Darryl Griffith)

12.15pm 2nd XI

AIC appointed - 11.45am 15B

(Darryl Griffith)

1.30pm 1st XI

AIC appointed -



Friday, 30 April, 2010

Iona College will be hosting an Invitational Cross Country Carnival on Friday, 30 April commencing at 4.10pm.

Programme of Events

4.20pm U/9/10 2000m 4.35pm U/11 2000m 4.50pm U/12/13 3000m Placings and Results:- Each school will be responsible for collating its own placings and results. There are no limits on the number of competitors per age group. Assembly Point:- All teams are asked to assemble on Davine Oval. Course:- The course will incorporate a variety of surfaces and terrain. Runners must wear shoes. The course will start/finish on Davine Oval. Runners will be required to run around all 3 rugby fields (Davine, McCarthy and North Road Ovals). This will constitute one lap which is equivalent to approximately 1km. Facilities:-To avoid congestion, we ask that all runners be changed before arrival. Toilets are located next to Davine Oval, closest to Sandy Camp Road. Parking:- Parking will be available for cars on the grassed area to the right of the main entrance to the College (North Road entrance).

Training times are: Monday 3:15pm-4:15pm (excluding public holidays) Wednesday 6:45-7:45am (with breakfast kindly provided by Mr. Gradwell) Friday 3:15pm-4:15pm (excluding meets) Come and see the following teachers and coaches for details, and in particular, forms for meets and booklets for AIC and CIC athletes: Miss Cassandra Harden Mrs Marthy Watson Mr Ben Greenfield Mr Kevin Ayres Mr Paul Toohey Mr Craig Gunn As mentioned previously, many ‘X-Men’ are continuing to enjoy the weekend runs established by Queensland Running and Queensland Athletics. Check their respective websites for races this Saturday.

This Friday, 30 April 30 sees us travel by bus to after school meets: AIC team to Churchie, and CIC team to Iona as per the paperwork distributed during the event. Parents are encouraged to support their sons.

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THEATRESPORTS Congratulations to Team “Smile and Wave” who made it through to the quarter finals on Tuesday night. This means that both of our teams who have played have finished on top of their respective seven team pools, a very good effort. Our Junior Team is in action tonight at 7pm at Northside Christian College. We wish them well and would love to see some strong support in the audience. We are hosting a quarter final on 1 June in the Callan Centre. It would be great if you could come along to have a laugh and support our teams. CHESS Trials for the AIC Chess competition conclude tomorrow afternoon, Friday, 30 April, in the Resource Centre at 3:00pm. Teams will be presented on assembly next Tuesday, with competition commencing on Friday, 7 May. Thanks to Mr Arcodia and Mrs Mair for their ongoing support of the chess teams. DEBATING Congratulations to Year 11 (1) and Year 8 (2) who both won their second round debates last night. Unfortunately, Year 11(2) and Year 8 (1) were both narrowly defeated in this round. Next week concludes the second round when our Year 10 team will compete against Clayfield College at 7pm at Northside Christian College. This is a secret debate so debaters are reminded to be at the venue by 5.40pm to receive instructions and the topic from the Debating Coordinator. Round Three will begin on 12 May as indicated in the following table.

INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC Term 2 timetables are available online via the “Student Connect” or “Parent Lounge” section of the College website. Rock Bands will again be given the opportunity to record in our studio during lunchtimes / afternoons this term. Please see Mr Samuels to arrange a time. Congratulations to past ‘Rock School’ students, Simon O’Connor and Phil Rutherford, winners of the Blue Water Festival “Battle of the Bands “ competition. ART CLUB Congratulations also to Ms Spencer and her band of assistants who helped to stage the Blue Water Festival Art Show in the Callan Centre. This was a great success and was organised and run in an extremely professional manner.

Grade Date and Topic Venue 8 19 May

That we should ban solariums

Team 1 7.45pm Neg vs St Columban’s (3) Team 2 7.45pm Neg vs Southern Cross Catholic College (1)

St John Fisher College


Team 1 7.00pm Neg vs Clayfield College (1) Team 2 7.00pm Neg vs Padua College (1)

St Rita’s College

10 THURSDAY 27 May That we should reserve seats in Federal parliament for Indigenous Australians

7.00pm Aff vs St Columban’s (1) Northside Christian Col-lege

11 THURSDAY 27 May That we should reserve seats in Federal parliament for Indigenous Australians

7.00pm Aff vs St Columban’s (1) Albany Creek SHS


Team 1 8.15pm Aff vs St Paul’s (1) Team 2 7.00pm Aff vs Mountain Creek SHS –Brisbane (1)

St Patrick’s College

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Tuesday Morn BBQ— Decker Park, Sandgate

7.25 am—9.00 am

Thursday Morning BBQ —Humpybong School 7. 30 am—9.00 am

Thursday Evening Street Van —Brisbane City

5.00 pm—8.45 pm

Saturday Night BBQ—Sandgate Rotunda

5.45 pm—8.30 pm

Tuesday, 4 May Michael Hannaway, Tom Stark,

William Kulpa, Matthew Freeman

Thursday, 6 May Michael Hannaway, Tom Stark,

William Kulpa, Matthew Freeman

Thursday, 6 May


Saturday, 1 May Aaron Caruana, Mitchell Phillips-

Beckett, Sam Farrell, Liam Campbell

Please Note: If you cannot fulfil your commitment to take part in these service programs, please advise Mr Ellison ASAP.

The Paddies Van is Proudly Sponsored by:-

Date  Helpers 

Fri          30/04  Theresa Browning, Michelle Brinkoff, Maggie McGowan, Maree Denkes 

Mon      03/05  Labour Day 

Tue        04/05  Jo Humble, Michelle Smith, Sara Cronk, Tracey Hethorn 

Wed      05/05  Mary Brodie, Sue Henley, Andrea Meade, Jane Doyle 

Thu        06/05  Julie Blansjaar, Liz Divine, Jeana Scott, Vicki Robertson 

Fri          07/05   Evelin Liddell, Fiona Prince, Joanne Casey, Chris Jones 

Page 9

Sport Support Group This Group of happy volunteers have contributed $5,000 towards the new seating around Curlew Park for the benefit of SPC and visiting spectators – enjoy!

Early Request Hi All, Just a short note to thank all those who helped last weekend, 24 April, in the Curlew Park Canteen and barbeque areas at the College internal Rugby trials. More ‘happy volunteers’ are politely requested for Curlew Park Football and Rugby Home Games to assist in the Canteen and barbeque areas during the long days. Every hour offered is appreciated as ‘many hands make light work’ feeding the multitudes. This weekend will be extremely busy for our group as we have AIC at home to Iona on Saturday and the Volleyball at the Callan Centre on both Saturday and Sunday. It might be appropriate to round up some friends to assist. I am particularly looking for ‘happy volunteers’ to staff the Callan Centre canteen on Saturday and Sunday as the games apparently will run from 8am to 7pm on both days. Our first Home Game is on Saturday, 1 May, starting at 7am and concluding at 3.30pm. Thank you in anticipation for your assistance. Cameron Herpich (Chairman) [[email protected]]

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Ski Trip

Places are filling fast. $100 payable to the finance office will secure your spot on the St Patrick’s College Ski Trip. 7 Days leaving Saturday, 18 September. $1005 includes all meals and accommodation at the Snow, Ski Hire,5 1/2 days lift ticket, bus trip to and from the snow each day, only personal spending money extra. Please obtain a brochure for full details from the Student Office or contact Mr Vanderweide Email: [email protected]

P & F NEWS Thank you to everyone who attended our meeting last week. Some of the topics covered were:

Draft Honours Pocket Policy – more information or comments contact Mr Donatini or Dr Carroll Seating at Curlew Park College Building Program update – expected start date end of May Mr David Gardiner gave a demonstration of the College website and an update on future developments Streetdata – mobile phone contact from College to parents – looking at personalizing for College Follow up session from Qld Health with Paula Barrett on “Resilience” – more details will follow

If you would like any more information on these topics please don’t hesitate to contact myself or Dr Carroll. Don’t forget to get your money in for the Entertainment Books. If you do not wish to purchase the book, please return it to the College office in the original envelope. This helps identify who has returned books or purchased. If you have any questions about the Entertainment Book please contact Lesley Palmer on 042 524 991. This is the first fundraising project for the P&F this year and we thank you for your support. Did You Know??? That one of the aims of the P&F through the monthly meetings is to provide an opportunity for parents and guardians to communicate with the College Leadership Team. The Federations of Parents and Friends Associations of Catholic Schools in Qld offers the following information about what kind of matters should be dis-cussed at a P&F meeting: “Parents & Friends Associations exist for the welfare of the students at a school. Therefore any general matter which impinges on them in any way is a matter for the agenda. The curriculum of a school, for instance, is the total learning experience of its students which includes, in a Catholic school, matters such as religious knowledge, skills, attitudes and values both spiritual and secular. Such items are a concern to parents and may be on the agenda. ‘Matters of disagreement or potential conflict between a/some parents and teachers or parents and the principal should not be raised at the Parents & Friends meeting. Such issues are more likely to be resolved by direct consultation between the parties involved. After exhausting all such opportunities at the school level and if the conflict still remains unresolved, the parents concerned should contact their Diocesan Education Office or Congregational Leaders in the instance of a Religious Institute School.’ If you would like more information on this and other frequently asked questions you can go to the following link: The next P&F Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 19 May. This will be our first Parent Information Evening and will cover topics such as Bullying, Drug Awareness and Cyber Safety. Please watch this space for more information Diane Hamill President H: 3205 5180 (after 6pm) Mob: 0413 130 863

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\ Connect Information and Training Solutions

P.O. Box 551, SANDGATE Q 4017 Phone - (07) 3261 6445 Fax- (07) 3261 6446

[email protected] ABN 22 955 294 835

Proudly sponsored by John Bolton Ladybird Learning Essential Eyewear Deagon

Parent/Student Workshop facilitated by DRUG ARM

DATE: Tuesday evening, 18 May 2010 TIME: 6.15 pm— 8pm LOCATION: Parish Centre, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Eldorado Street, BRACKEN RIDGE COST: Connect Members - $18 Non-Members $25 Children under 17 - $10 REGISTRATION: Download a registration form from and post or fax to address below

This workshop will take the form of a combined session for students and their parents/caregivers involving a slide show and brief discussion of substance abuse issues. We will then split into separate information sessions for parents and students involving discussion, questionnaires, group brainstorming activities and, in the case of the parent group, a more in-depth slide show presentation. We will conclude with a combined session in which parents and students share their perspectives and findings from the individual sessions.

This workshop is aimed at boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 15. For more information, go to the

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Ryan House News Dear Ryan House Community Welcome back to Term 2! We trust that your holidays were relaxing and that you are once again ready for a hectic, yet fun-filled term. This term sees a couple of changes of staff in Ryan house. Mr Brauer takes on the position of Ryan House Dean. Mr Brauer will replace Ms Sleba for the remainder of the year. We wish him all the best in his new role. Mr Bramwell replaces Mr McGrath as Ryan 9 Group Tutor for the first five weeks of this term. We hope that Mr Bramwell enjoys his time in Ryan house. During Term 1, the boys of Ryan house competed in the Inter-House Chess Competition. The competition was met with a large degree of enthusiasm, and all boys played to their absolute potential. Thanks to this hard work, Ryan house placed a strong third overall. The main House competition for this term is the Inter-House Cross Country Carnival, to be held on Wednesday, 5 May. Ryan House has traditionally performed very strongly at this carnival. With full participation and the Ryan House enthusiasm that the leaders have come to know, the House has the potential to place very strongly. Finally, we wish to refer you to the article detailing the charity which Ryan house is supporting this year, Kiva Micro Credit Loans. This is an excellent organisation which changes the lives of thousands of men and women every year. Details of this Charity can be found in a separate article in this issue of The Calling. Thanks to all members of Ryan House for your contribution in Term 1. Bring on Term 2!

The Leaders – Wade, Sam and Richard

Curlew Park Association AGM When: Wednesday, 12 May, 2010

Time: 7.30pm Where: College Boardroom

All families welcome

LOST Hat embroidered with L. Steedman

Vocations Week

25 April to 1 May is Vocations Week when we give God time and prayer to take the initiative to call our name into the depths of our person and proclaim who we are, in our hopes and our ideals, in our talents and mystery of life, which will reach into the most attractive of our future and also in an eternity of joy and peace. God can only do this if we allow Him the space to be gentle and gracious, probing and enticing, perceptive and contemplative. Let us, you and I, then pray: “Heavenly Father, through the Holy Spirit, grant that all our students may know their vocation in life and prepare for it accordingly. Grant that some in our midst may be called to serve you and the Church as priests and religious, especially in this Year of the Priest, and persevere faithfully through Christ Our Lord. Mary, Mother, Joseph, Patron of the Church, call many to be priests or religious, Amen.”

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April 30

Shore To Gate Rewards Day / CIC Cross Country Trial

May 1

AIC Rugby/Football Trial / CIC Rugby/Football Rnd 1

May 3

Labour Day

May 4

Spirit Assembly / Year 12 QCS Workshop / BIS Chess

May 5

Edmund Rice Liturgy / Cross Country / QDU Rnd 2 Year 10/Sen A

May 6

Year 9 NAPLAN Practice / Year 11-12 Drama Excursion

May 7

Year 12 QCS Practice / AIC Chess Rnd 1 / CIC Cross Country trial

May 8

AIC Rugby/Football Rnd 1 / CIC Rugby/Football Rnd 2

May 10

Kairos 2 / Year 11 History Test

May 11

Kairos 2 / NAPLAN Yr 5/7/9

May 12

NAPLAN Yr 5/7/9 / Year 10 Drama Excursion / QDU Rnd 3 Yr 9/11

May 13

NAPLAN Yr 5/7/9

May 7

Year 12 QCS Practice / AIC Chess Rnd 1 / CIC Cross Country trial