itm working party on membranes of the european federation of chemical engineering enrico drioli...

ITM Working Party on Membranes Working Party on Membranes of the European Federation of of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Enrico Drioli Enrico Drioli Research Institute on Membrane Technology Research Institute on Membrane Technology C/o University of Calabria, Via P.Bucci , Cubo 17/C C/o University of Calabria, Via P.Bucci , Cubo 17/C Rende (CS) - Italy Rende (CS) - Italy

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Page 1: ITM Working Party on Membranes of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering Enrico Drioli Research Institute on Membrane Technology C/o University


Working Party on Membranes Working Party on Membranes of the European Federation of of the European Federation of

Chemical EngineeringChemical Engineering

Enrico DrioliEnrico Drioli

Research Institute on Membrane TechnologyResearch Institute on Membrane Technology

C/o University of Calabria, Via P.Bucci , Cubo C/o University of Calabria, Via P.Bucci , Cubo 17/C17/C

Rende (CS) - ItalyRende (CS) - Italy

Page 2: ITM Working Party on Membranes of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering Enrico Drioli Research Institute on Membrane Technology C/o University



The WP on Membranes was created by inviting the ESMST (now, EMS) to become a member of the EFCE and to form a nucleus through its chemical engineers representative

The WP had its inaugural meeting on Jan. 12 1986, in Frankfurt at the Dechema House

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The WP on Membranes was established within an agreement between the EFCE and the ESMST:

Nomination of a member for each represented Country by the National Chemical Engineering Society (or similar Societies associated to the Federation) and one by the ESMST

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Terms of referenceTerms of reference

1) The role of Chemical Engineering in the development of membrane technology, and in particular of membrane separation processes, membrane reactors, and integrated membrane systems.

2) Membrane processes in rationalizing industrial productions for energy saving and environmental control.

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3) An analysis of membrane science in chemical engineering education. Actions to promote teaching of membranology at various levels.

4) Analysis of problems in nomenclature. standardizations and legal aspects related to membrane technology.


Terms of reference Terms of reference (continued)(continued)

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To coordinate and to internationalize research and educational activities in membranology of interest to chemical engineering.

To transfer information between academic groups and the industrial world

To pay attention to problems of standardization, terminology and legal aspects related to the introduction of innovative processes.


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Prof. Enrico Drioli, ITM-CNR, Italy


Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Anton Friedl

Institut fur Verfahrens-, Brennstoff- und Umwelttechnik


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Nineteen Contries are involved:








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Members of the WP have been active in the organization of various scientific events:

1) Summer School on Engineering of Membrane Processes, Denmark 1986

2) Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, Tubingen 1986

3) Summer School on “Ions in Membranes”, UK 1987

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Activities Activities (continued)(continued)

4) International Congress on Membranes (ICOM ’87), Tokyo 1987

5) Ravello Conference, Italy 1988

6) International Congress on Membranes (ICOM ’90), Chicago 1990

7) The Fifth World Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse in Malta, 1991 in cooperation with the Working Party on Desalination and Water Technology

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Activities Activities (continued)(continued)

8) Workshop on Advances Membrane Operations, in occasion of the IV World Chem. Eng. Conference,1991

9) The Membrane Conference at the Twente University, The Netherlands 1991

10) Conference on Membranes, France 1992

11) International Congress on Membranes (ICOM '93), Berlin 1993

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Activities Activities (continued)(continued)

12) Workshop on Membrane Distillation, Osmotic Distillation and Membrane Contactors, Italy 1998

13) 6th Nordic Filtration Symposium, Finland 2000

14) CST Workshop on Separation in difficult conditions, Finland 2000

15) Session on Membrane Processes, CHISA 2000

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Activities Activities (continued)(continued)

15) Joint session on Membranes and Electrochemical Processes with the WP on Electrochemical Engineering, ECCE3, Nuremberg 2001

16) Session on Membrane Engineering, ECCE4, Granada 2003

17) PERMEA Conference, 2003 (Local organization committee at the Slovak University of Technology, Laboratory of Membrane Processes,  Bratislava (SK): 

Dr. Štefan Schlosser – chairman)

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Activities Activities (continued)(continued)

Specific meeting of the WP have been held generally in parallel to European events:

1) ECCE 1, Florence 1997

2) Euromembrane, 1999

3) CHISA 2000

4) EMS Workshop, Granada 2001

5) ECCE 3, Nuremberg 2001

6) ICOM02, Toulouse 2002

7) ECCE4, Granada 2003

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Activities Activities (continued)(continued)


1) International Report on Membrane Science and Technology Perspectives and Needs, ICOM02, Toulouse 2002

2) Report on Membrane Activities in Europe and Israel, 2003

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An International Report on An International Report on

Membranes Science and Technology Membranes Science and Technology Perspectives and Needs Perspectives and Needs

prepared and discussed at the International Conference on Membranes (ICOM 2002)

held in Toulouse on July 7 – 12, 2002

   The report has been prepared by an ad-hoc Committee formed by the Scientific Committee of ICOM and coordinated by Prof. E. Drioli.

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The collaboration with the European Membrane Society has been always very positive and the members of the Working Party on Membranes attended practically all the events of the EMS and viceversa.

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WP StrategyWP Strategy

To strongly interact with the other WPs of the EFCE by:

1) Indicating membranologists as possible members of these WPs

2) Informing all chairmen of the other WPs about the activities on membranes (AChEMA, V FP)

3) Organising joint scientific events (ECCE 3, Nuremberg 2001)

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Fallout of the activitiesFallout of the activities

Creation of the Network of Excellence


Partners involved:1. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)

2. Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine

Imperial (UK)

3. Instituto de Biologia Experimentale Tecnológica (Portugal)

4. GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH (Germany)

5. Institute of Chemical Engineering and High Temperature Chemical Processes- Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece)

6. Flemish Institute for Technological Research Vito (Belgium)

7. The Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (Norway)

8.University of Twente (The Netherlands)

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Fallout of the activitiesFallout of the activities

Creation of the Network of Excellence


Partners involved (continued):

9. Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)

10. Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland)

11. Istituto per la Tecnologia delle Membrane (Italy)

12. Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague (Checz Republic)

13.Technical University of Denmark (Denmark)

14. ACIES EUROPE (France)

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Fallout of the activitiesFallout of the activities

The members of the Working Party on Membranes during these years, often in collaboration with the European Membrane Society, have been able to follow, and also to anticipate in some cases, the development of membrane engineering.

Their activity has been contributing significantly to the increment of the knowledge in this field of the chemical and process engineering community.