kanban intro

Intro Kanban Evolutionary change through visualization, flow management and collaboration

Upload: alexandru-bolboaca

Post on 01-Sep-2014




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An introduction to Kanban I presented with Flavius Stef at the Bucharest Agile Meetup Group in February 2014. See the event details on http://www.meetup.com/The-Bucharest-Agile-Software-Meetup-Group/events/146222892/. See http://mozaicworks.com for articles and events about Kanban and agile


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Evolutionary change through visualization,flow management and collaboration

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19:00 – Welcome & Talk: Intro to Kanban19:50 – Open Space Intro + market place20:00 – First Open Space slot20:30 – Second Open Space slot21:00 – Closing

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Let's get to know each other

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Tokio Imperial Palace – East Garden

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5 Business needs for Kanban

● Better organize work● Reduce release cycles● Reduce management overhead

(self-organization)● Complement and/or replace Scrum (eg. for

maintenance)● Improve quality

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What is Kanban?

Change management tool with six properties– Visualize your workflow– Limit work in progress– Measure and manage flow– Make policies explicit– Implement feedback loops– Improve collaboratively, evolve experimentally

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How to adopt Kanban?

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What are your value streams?

Need ??? Cashing the €€€

Your value


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Understand how you work(Value Stream Mapping)



Sketch UI Code Test Deploy

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Visualize work to coordinate

Ideas Features UI design Code Test Deploy

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Limit WIP to improve flow

Ideas Features (5) UI design (4) Code (2) Test (1) Deploy (5)

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Focus on flow

Add support for Romanian

Started on: 20 JanFinished: 24 Jan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Cycle Time

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Explicit policies

Ideas Features (5) UI design (4) Code (2) Test (1) Deploy (5)

RefactoredCode Review

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Prioritize work

Ideas Features (5) UI design (4) Code (2) Test (1) Deploy (5)

Most important

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Deliver often

Sep 2008 – Jan 2013

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● Daily Meeting● Release Planning● Queue Replenishment● Retrospectives● Demos

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How to use Kanban for change?

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Read the Board and Act

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Read the Board and Act: Column Full

Ideas Features (5) UI design (4) Code (2) Test (3) Deploy (5)

Use Theory of Constraints (ToC) to deal with bottlenecks


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Read the Board and Act: Failure demand

Ideas Features (5) UI design (4) Code (2) Test (3) Deploy (5)

Improve quality: add/change practices, update explicit policies

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Read the Board and Act: Useless Work

Ideas Features (5) UI design (4) Code (2) Test (3) Deploy (5)

Retrospective using VSM & change process accordingly

Other work

Doing DoneTo Do

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Read charts and act: High Cycle time

Add support for Romanian

Started on: 20 JanFinished: 24 Jan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Cycle Time

Change process to improve flow

Why did this happen?

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Periodic Retrospectives

● Pick an area to focus on● Tell the story of the last 1-2 weeks● Everyone writes on post-its what went well● Everyone writes on post-its what could be

improved● Discuss issues● Define actions until next retrospective● Plan them, add them on the board

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Why Kanban?

● Minimally invasive – Start with what you have● Balance demand with capacity● Foster collaboration● Focus on improvements● Get stuff done sooner● Proven successful elsewhere

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[email protected]


[email protected]


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Picture credits

● http://www.flickr.com/photos/jaimeperez/2753098339/in/photostream/

● http://thenounproject.com/noun/scroll/#icon-No1629

● http://thenounproject.com/noun/scroll/#icon-No485