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KIND Snacks “No Compromises” Campaign Evan Bader, Lani Coleman, Megan Cottongim, Alexa Lammers, Blake Lundy

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Post on 11-Mar-2020




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  • KIND Snacks “No Compromises” Campaign



    er, L

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  • Executive Summary Throughout our campaign we spoke with three different sports teams, eight different theater classes, and hundreds of different students passing through campus who took free samples. We engaged with students online with the hashtag “KINDbears”, and offered the prize of a $25 gift card to a random student who used the hashtag and also posted a selfie along with the hashtag.

    KIND snacks was established by Daniel Lubetzky in 2004 with the goal of bringing together nutrition and taste in a snack that unites humanity together through a common virtue. Daniel believed snacks didn’t have to be unhealthy to taste great and by providing a product known for defying the odds, it could help bring people together who would not normally do so.

    MISSION: To spread and celebrate kindness This mission is based off of their common belief: there is more to business than just profit. KIND is unique in many ways, but one in particular is KIND strays from the standard business model of profit. It operates on a social mission first and foremost to simply bringing people together.

    In order to gain understanding of the awareness of KIND snacks within the Ohio Northern University (ONU) campus, a short survey was sent to the stu-dent body (Appendix “”). All members of Klondikes for KINDness reached out to their networks of organizations and students within their major to distribute the survey. The survey was also delivered to students via the campus email digest and conducted in person at the ONU student center, McIntosh Center. In total, the survey received 179 responses, which provided a good sample of the student body. The survey revealed, of the sample taken, 27.5 percent rarely choose healthy snacks and 37.7 percent choose healthy snacks half of the time. The survey detailed which dining halls on campus the most students attend. This enabled the team to determine where our awareness campaign would be most effective. By discovering a shocking 80.8 percent of students find themselves eating on the run, due to time constraints, the team concluded KIND Snacks would be easily adaptable to the campus body. However, more than half had never heard of the brand before, and only 18 percent would con-sider themselves “very familiar.” From the research, the team concluded KIND snacks were not well known on campus, but students were looking for an on-the-go snack for when time was tight and most of the students choose healthier options more often, whereas only 5.6 percent never choose a healthier alternative.

    Objectives Due to the large amount of our survey respondents that did not have high knowledge of KIND as a product, our campaign mainly focused on spreading awareness of KIND Snacks.

    Key Messages The key messages we employed were as follows:• KIND snacks are the perfect snack for both health and taste• Being KIND to your body• KIND snacks are perfect for healthy, on-the-go eating


    • Hand out samples including clever “life hacks” that relate to being KIND to your body • In front of the chapel (near our dining hall) and in our sport complex.• Hand out KIND bars to students at White Bear (in our dining hall) during the “4th meal” slot (from 10 p.m.-12 a.m.)• Give a presentation in dance classes and practices for various sports teams featuring a stretch and strengthening exercise for the knee, while also promoting KIND as a good brand to have before or after class/ practice• Have Klondike (our school mascot) hand out KIND bars to students studying in the library for brain food• KIND selfie - have students post a picture of themselves with a KIND bar or doing something healthy and post it on Twitter using #KINDbears and tagging @KINDsnacks to be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift card to our bookstore on campus, which sells KIND snacks• Reach out to The Northern Review, WONB and bloggers on campus to generate traditional media buzz among students.

    Goal: Bridge campus life with healthy living while promoting the KIND brand and values.

    Objective: Educate 10% of the stu-dent population of KIND as a healthy and tasty brand

    Strategy: Build awareness among students that KIND snacks are the per-fect snack for both health and taste.


  • Target Audience Klondikes for KINDness main targets are: Primary and Secondary Primary: Students with a healthy lifestyle, who prefer healthy snacks Secondary: Students with an un-healthy lifestyle, who choose healthy snacks less often

    Survey results showed awareness was very low but students were interested in healthy options. This motivated the team to target students participating in sports and majors that require physical activ-ity and are very time-constrained such as theatre and musical theatre. Placing those who choose healthy snacks less often as secondary target.

    After conducting our “Klondikes for KINDness” campaign, we determined that our main objective of spreading awareness of KIND and promoting a healthy lifestyle to students of the Ohio Northern University Campus was achieved. We were able to attend multiple classes and sports team practices to educate students on the KIND brand and its values. Overall, we attended 12 congregations of classes, team practices and even depart-ment meetings including: • Women’s volleyball • Football • Men’s and Women’s cross country • Theatre department meeting • Ballet, tap and modern dance classes • Communication and public relations classes Based on sports and class rosters, we reached approximately 365 students. We con-ducted a presentation on being “KIND” to our bodies by learning stretches and exer-cises on preventing knee injuries (an injury we found very common among athletes, dancers and avid exercisers). These participants were then given a free KIND bar, which they accepted eagerly, and told of our social campaign.

    We also handed out free samples of KIND brand healthy snacks in different locations around campus including King Horn (athletic center), in McIntosh Center outside of White Bear (food service in student union) and in front of our chapel (located near the back entrance of McIntosh). These free samples also included healthy life-hacks for the students that chose to take them. As a total, we handed out 79 samples outside of our chapel, 61 samples in King Horn and 38 full-sized bars at White Bear.

    Our school newspaper, The Northern Review, posted an article and Facebook post detailing our campaign. 12 bloggers also posted about our campaign on their blogs. We also sent a PSA to WONB, our campus radio station.

    We also found success in our social media competition, in which we entered any-one who sent a “selfie” of themselves engaging in a healthy activity (i.e. exercising with buddies or eating a KIND bar) in a drawing to win a $50 gift card at the ONU Bookstore, where KIND products are sold. Students were also given a KIND bar to promote this social media competition and bring awareness to the KIND movement. Since KIND had a large focus on Twitter, our main social media interaction was done using this platform. We had a total of 73 Tweets, 15 retweets, 357 likes and 26 men-tions/comments. Because we had a large response of students using our hashtag, we entered students who used #KINDbears and tagged @KINDsnacks into the drawing once, while the students that attached a picture or video were placed into the drawing twice. Any posts by team members were excluded from the drawing. Our winner was chosen at random by picking names out of a container.

    Due to the buzz our campaign was generating on campus, the ONU bookstore moved their display of KIND products to the doorway as students walk in. One team member then dressed as Klondike, our school mascot, to take a picture with this display. After this, they went to the library to hand out KIND bars as brain food for students busy studying, reaching a total of 12 students.

    With the help of our KIND presentations, “selfie” competition and handing out samples of KIND bars, we were able to spread awareness of KIND products and the message of being “KIND” to your body through eating healthy and exercising consistently to a total of approximately message of being “KIND” to your body through eating healthy


    Results & Evaluation

    and exercising consistently to a total of approximately 450 students. Including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, our campaign received a total of 84 posts, 746 likes and 32 comments across the various platforms. We had 56 unique students post about our campaign, while other students were prone to sharing or liking the posts. We also received personal engagement from @KINDsnacks on one of our cam-paign tweets.

    Since ONU has approximately 3,600 un-dergraduate students, this means we raised awareness of KIND products to 12.5% of the student body, exceeding our objective.

    Gift Card: $50Supplies for samples: $8.63Total expenses: $58.63

    Donations: none

  • Contact: Elena Coleman FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEPhone: 412.496.1107Email: [email protected]


    Ada, Ohio – Students in the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) organization at

    Ohio Northern University are campaigning to bring awareness to KIND products by increasing aware-

    ness to a healthy lifestyle with “life hacks” and tasty, healthy snacks for on-the-go nutrition. The main

    goal of KIND products is to inspire people to do the “kind” thing for your body. KIND is not only focused

    on making wholesome and delicious food, but also making the world a kinder place - one act and snack

    at a time.

    At Ohio Northern the students aim to promote being “kind” to our bodies and minds by exercis-

    ing and eating right. To further implement this message, students will attend several fall sports teams’

    practices, exercise club classes (Polar Fit) and dance classes to teach some “life hacks” on exercising and

    eating right with the help of KIND snacks. With each KIND sample given, students will include a useful

    “life hack” to promote healthy lifestyles. Student-athletes will be encouraged to tell others of their expe-

    rience with the KIND campaign hashtag #KINDbears and tagging @KINDSnacks and spreading kindness

    throughout campus.

    KIND products are all gluten-free, non-GMO and are made with simple ingredients. The KIND

    brand seeks new opportunities every day to spread kindness to inspire others to do the same. For more

    information on the brand please visit


    Appendix: Press Release

    Best way to start my busy day 😎💪 #KINDbears @KINDSnacks

    — Kathryn Watson (@katmw8) November 3, 2015 mailto:[email protected]

  • Appendix: KIND Life Hacks’llfindmorerelevantinformationrightaway!






























  • Appendix: Congregations

  • Appendix: Twitter

    Top tweet with picture

    Top tweet without picture

  • Appendix: Facebook

    Top Facebook post

  • Appendix: Instagram

    Top Instagram post

  • Appendix: Video

    Top video
