kiths ctl 101 wm 15 - · fang and talon (ctl...

Kiths Beast The Animals Fang and Talon (CtL 142) Contracts of the Den (WM 19) Contracts of the Wild (RoS 111) CtL 101 WM 15 (+) 8-Again on Animal Ken and a free specialty on the animal most represented in their mein. (+) Can add points of Glamour to Presence and Composure dice pool. (-) -4 untrained penalty in Mental Skills. (-) Do not reroll 10s in dice pools involving Intelligence. Kith Name Kith Description Kith Blessing Blessing Description Page No. Broadback Beasts of Burden Stoic Forbearance Spend Glamour for +2 to all Stamina rolls for the scene. CtL 102 WM 62 Hunterheart Predators/Hunters Tooth and Claw Lethal unarmed damage CtL 102 WM 63 Runnerswift Fast Runs Like the Wind +2 Speed CtL 102 WM 63 Skitterskulk Creepy Crawlies Impossible Counterpoise Triple Defense when Dodging CtL 102 WM 64 Steepscrambler Climbers Gifted Climber +3 to Climbing CtL 102 WM 64 Swimmerskin Swimmers Natural Swimmer Can swim at full speed and hold breath underwater as though Stamina 7 CtL 102 WM 65 Venombite Poisonous Poisonous Bite Spend Glamour to make a poisonous Brawling attack that deals no damage CtL 102 WM 65 Windwing Flyers Gift of the Sky Reduced falling damage. Spend Glamour to glide. CtL 103 WM 66 Cleareyes Keen Senses Primal Senses +2 to perception rolls. Spend Glamour to heighten senses. WM 67 Coldscale Cold-blooded Reptilian Blood +1 to Composure when resisting emotional manipulation, +2 to Stamina when resisting poisons WM 67 Roteater Carrion Eaters Scavengers Nature +2 to resist poison/disease, +3 if injested, 9 again perception when scrounging for items. WM 67 Truefriend Loyal Pets Companion's Boon Spend Glamour to grant an ally get +3 on a roll. You're mah bro, bro. WM 67 Chimera Amalgamation Goblins Tongue Spend Glamour, +3 on social rolls with Hobgoblins. WM 106 Coyote (American) Trickster The Trickster's Truth Spending Willpower on a Pers or Sub roll grants +5 . If vice is Gluttony, Greed or Lust, Manipulation cost is New Dots x 4 WM 107 Nix (Germanic) River Maiden Consumptive Voice Spend Glamour once per day, hearing her voice cuts social rolls cut by half of Nix's Wyrd. WM 107 Riddleseeker Wise/Cunning Animals of Legend Inquisitive Instinct Spend Glamour, for one scene, +2 to all Wit rolls except Perception (Wits + Composure). Free Investigation Specialty "Riddles". NH:GF 102 Darkling The Boogiemen Darkness (CtL 136) Shade and Spirit (WM 26) CtL 104 WM 21 (+) Spend Glamour to increase dice pool involving Wits, Subterfuge and Stealth. (+) 9-Again on Stealth rolls. (-) -1 to activate Contracts during the daytime. (-) -2 to activate Contracts while the sun is upon the Darkling. Kith Name Kith Description Kith Blessing Blessing Description Page No. Antiquarian Collectors of Forbidden Secrets Keys to Knowledge 9-Again on Academics and Investigation rolls. Can spend Glamour to temporarily use Encyclopedic Knowledge CtL 106 WM 68 Gravewright Affinity with the Dead Charnel Sight Spend Glamour to see ghosts CtL 106 WM 69 Leechfinger Fae Vampire Sap the Vital Spark Spend Glamour to heal self while damaging the opponent CtL 106 WM 69 Mirrorskin Doppelganger and Identity The Mercurial +3 to disguise rolls CtL 106

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Page 1: Kiths CtL 101 WM 15 - · Fang and Talon (CtL 142) Contracts of the Den (WM 19) Contracts of the Wild (RoS 111) CtL 101 WM 15 (+)


Beast The Animals

Fang and Talon (CtL 142) Contracts of the Den (WM 19) Contracts of the Wild (RoS 111)

CtL 101WM 15

(+) 8-Again on Animal Ken and a free specialty on the animal most represented in their mein. (+) Can add points of Glamour to Presence and Composure dice pool. (-) -4 untrained penalty in Mental Skills. (-) Do not reroll 10s in dice pools involving Intelligence.

Kith Name Kith Description Kith Blessing Blessing Description Page No.

Broadback Beasts of Burden Stoic Forbearance Spend Glamour for +2 to all Stamina rolls for the scene. CtL 102

WM 62

Hunterheart Predators/Hunters Tooth and Claw Lethal unarmed damage CtL 102WM 63

Runnerswift Fast Runs Like the Wind +2 Speed CtL 102

WM 63

Skitterskulk Creepy Crawlies Impossible Counterpoise Triple Defense when Dodging CtL 102

WM 64

Steepscrambler Climbers Gifted Climber +3 to Climbing CtL 102WM 64

Swimmerskin Swimmers Natural Swimmer Can swim at full speed and hold breath underwater as though Stamina 7

CtL 102WM 65

Venombite Poisonous Poisonous Bite Spend Glamour to make a poisonous Brawling attack that deals no damage

CtL 102WM 65

Windwing Flyers Gift of the Sky Reduced falling damage. Spend Glamour to glide. CtL 103WM 66

Cleareyes Keen Senses Primal Senses +2 to perception rolls. Spend Glamour to heighten senses. WM 67

Coldscale Cold-blooded Reptilian Blood +1 to Composure when resisting emotional manipulation, +2 to Stamina when resisting poisons WM 67

Roteater Carrion Eaters Scavengers Nature

+2 to resist poison/disease, +3 if injested, 9 again perception when scrounging for items. WM 67

Truefriend Loyal Pets Companion's Boon

Spend Glamour to grant an ally get +3 on a roll. You're mah bro, bro. WM 67

Chimera Amalgamation Goblins Tongue Spend Glamour, +3 on social rolls with Hobgoblins. WM 106

Coyote (American) Trickster The Trickster's


Spending Willpower on a Pers or Sub roll grants +5 . If vice is Gluttony, Greed or Lust, Manipulation cost is New Dots x 4

WM 107

Nix (Germanic) River Maiden Consumptive

Voice Spend Glamour once per day, hearing her voice cuts social rolls cut by half of Nix's Wyrd.

WM 107

Riddleseeker Wise/Cunning Animals of Legend

Inquisitive Instinct

Spend Glamour, for one scene, +2 to all Wit rolls except Perception (Wits + Composure). Free Investigation Specialty "Riddles".

NH:GF 102

Darkling The Boogiemen Darkness (CtL 136)

Shade and Spirit (WM 26) CtL 104WM 21

(+) Spend Glamour to increase dice pool involving Wits, Subterfuge and Stealth. (+) 9-Again on Stealth rolls. (-) -1 to activate Contracts during the daytime. (-) -2 to activate Contracts while the sun is upon the Darkling.

Kith Name Kith Description Kith Blessing Blessing Description Page No.

Antiquarian Collectors of Forbidden Secrets

Keys to Knowledge

9-Again on Academics and Investigation rolls. Can spend Glamour to temporarily use Encyclopedic Knowledge

CtL 106WM 68

Gravewright Affinity with the Dead Charnel Sight Spend Glamour to see ghosts CtL 106WM 69

Leechfinger Fae Vampire Sap the Vital Spark Spend Glamour to heal self while damaging the opponent CtL 106

WM 69 Mirrorskin Doppelganger and Identity The Mercurial +3 to disguise rolls CtL 106

Page 2: Kiths CtL 101 WM 15 - · Fang and Talon (CtL 142) Contracts of the Den (WM 19) Contracts of the Wild (RoS 111) CtL 101 WM 15 (+)

Thief Visage WM 70

Tunnelgrub The Monster Under Your Bed

Slither and Squirm

Can spend 1 Glamour to wriggle free of restraints or squeeze through tight spaces

CtL 106WM 71

Lurkglider Winged Monsters Gargoyle's Grace Spend Glamour to fall 100 yards without taking damage, +2 to for balancing on ledges. WM 71

Moonborn Madness Lunatic's Kiss Every 24 hours, roll Int + Wyrd vs. Res + Wyrd. Both of you go nuts, humans go crazier. WM 71

Nightsinger Music Haunting Nocturne

Spend Glamour, roll Perform + Wyrd vs Comp + Wyrd. Listener gets -2 to Resolve, Empathy, Subtrefuge. Free Performance Specialty.

WM 72

Palewraith Forgotten Light's Aversion Spend Glamour, +1 to defense in shadows (Applies to firearms as well). WM 72

Razorhand Promise of Nighttime Violence Ripper's Gift Spend Glamour, hand becomes a knife (1L). Gain Melee

Specialty Knives. WM 73

Whisperwisp Spies, Watching and Listening

Turncoat's Tongue

9-Again on Empathy and Subterfuge on conversation/gather info. Spend Glamour to whisper a message within earshot.

WM 73

Illes (Icelandic) Trolls Shadow Beauty

Spend Glamour, gain ●●●● Striking Looks merit (WoD, p117) for one hour. Gain +2 social when dealing with opposite sex.

WM 107

Pishacha (Hindu) Demons Taste of Madness

Spend Glamour, and lick opponent. Opponent gains mild derangement (or upgrades to major) for one week. Can only be used once per week.

WM 107

Skogsra (Swedish) Wood Trolls Keepers of the

Feral Heart Spend Glamour and look into bird or mammals eyes. It becomes a loyal pet until next sunrise or sundown.

WM 107

Elemental Embodiments of Nature

Elements (CtL 138) Communion (WM 32) Contracts of the Wild (RoS 111)

CtL 108WM 27

(+) Once per day, spend one point of Glamour to increase Health by your Wyrd level for one scene. (-) Do not reroll 10s in dice pools involving Manipulation, Empathy, Expression, Persuasion or Socialize, except in dice pools for seeming affinity Contracts

Kith Name Kith Description Kith Blessing Blessing Description Page No.

Airtouched Air/Clouds/Wind Velocity of the Zephyr

Can spend Glamour to add Wyrd to Speed or Initiative for the scene

CtL 109WM 74

Earthbones Earth/Mud/Sand/Stone Terrestrial Might Can spend Glamour to increase non-combat Strength rolls at 1-to-1 basis

CtL 109WM 74

Fireheart Fire/Lightning/Heat Flickering Acumen Can spend Glamour to increase Wits rolls at 1-to-1 basis CtL 109

WM 75

Manikin Dolls/Mechanical Men Artificer's Enchantment

Can learn Contracts of Artifice and make untrained Crafts rolls with reduced penalty

CtL 109WM 75

Snowskin Snow/Ice The Voice of Ice 9-Again on Intimidation and Subterfuge rolls and can spend Glamour to reroll a failed Intimidation roll

CtL 110WM 76

Waterborn Water/Lakes/Ponds The Gift of Water

Can spend a Glamour to breathe underwater and Swim at 2xSpeed. Cannot breathe air until effect is over of Glamour is spent to deactivate

CtL 110WM 77

Woodblood Plants/Fungi/Wood Fade into the Foliage

9-Again on Stealth and Survival rolls. Can spend a Glamour to hide in a normally unhideable area with decent foliage

CtL 110WM 77

Blightbent Living glob of Pollution Caustic Caress Spend Glamour, breathe pollution. Roll Dex + Wyrd - targets stamina. Target takes one lethal per sucess unless he can defend. +3 to resist manmade poisons.

WM 78

Levinquick Electricity/Lighting Fireflaught's Vigor

Spend Glamour, +2 to speed and intiative. Lasts for a turn per Wyrd. WM 79

Metalflesh Statues made of Metal Forge's Endurance

Spend Glamour, +1 to Stamina, Resolve, Composure for scene. WM 79

Sandharrowed Sand/Deserts Enveloping Sands +2 on grapples and escaping grapples. WM 79

Apsaras (Hindu) Beautiful Fog Nymphs Enthralling Mist Spend Glamour, change a targets vice to "Lust". Add

Wyrd to manipulation. Lasts 24 hours. WM 108

Page 3: Kiths CtL 101 WM 15 - · Fang and Talon (CtL 142) Contracts of the Den (WM 19) Contracts of the Wild (RoS 111) CtL 101 WM 15 (+)

Ask-wee-da-eed (American)

Will-o-the-Wisp Taste of Ill Luck Spend Glamour, force a successful reroll at -1. Gain +1 to all Contracts of the Hearth.

WM 108

Di-cang (Buddhism) Humanoid Jewel Peace of


Spend Glamour, for one scene, everyone within 10 yards suffers no wound penalties. Purchase Larceny at half cost.

WM 108

Fairest The Royalty and Glamorous

Vainglory (CtL 146) Reflection (ER 34) Separation (WM 40)

CtL 112WM 35

(+) Spend Glamour to improve dice pools involving Presence, Manipulation and Persuasion (+) Do not suffer a penalty for untrained social skills. (-) -1 when rolling to avoid losing Clarity

Kith Name Kith Description Kith Blessing Blessing Description Page No.

Bright Ones Transformed by Light/Fire/Ice

Goblin Illumination

Can illuminate an area at will. By spending a Glamour, can make the light blinding

CtL 113WM 80

Dancer Dancers, Assassins and Artists Fae Grace 9-Again on Socialize or Expression rolls involving

agility and +1 to Dodge CtL 114WM 81

Draconic Graceful Warriors/Beastblooded Dragon's Talon Spend Glamour, reroll a Brawl attack, once per scene. +1

to Brawl rolls CtL 114WM 81

Flowering Personification of a Sweet Flower

Seductive Fragrance 9-Again on Persuasion, Socialize and Subterfuge CtL 114

WM 82

Muse Artistic Inspiration The Tyranny of Ideas

Can spend a Glamour to give a Human +2 to an Expression, Persuasion, Socialize or Subterfuge roll

CtL 114WM 83

Flamesiren Entrancement of the Flame Burning Hypnotism

Spend Glamour, everyone looking must rolle Res + Comp, or suffer -2 to all actions until scene or effect ends.

WM 83

Polychromatic Rainbowchild/Emotional Epileptic Prismatic Heart Spend Glamour, +2 to resist emotional manipulation for

scene. All empathy vs. changeling suffers -1. WM 84

Shadowsoul Beauty of the Night Unnatural Chill Bonus to Intimidate = Wyrd, 9 again subterfuge. Contracts of Darkness are affinity. WM 84

Telluric Stars Music of the Spheres

Always know what time it is, +3 on situations that require precise timing. Free Astronomy for Academics, Astrology for Occult.

WM 84

Treasured Treasured Item Alabaster Fortitude

Once per scene, spend Glamour, retake one Stamina, Resolve or Composure roll (Not for derangement rolls.) WM 85

Gandharva (Hindu) Pretty Messenger Heavenly

Articulation Spend Glamour, Expression or Persuasion rolls become an exceptional success at 3 die instead of 5 for one scene.

WM 108

Succubus (Hebrew)

Demons of Temptation and Sex Vice to Vice

If target and Succubus have same vice, +1 to all social rolls. If both have Lust, +2. Free ●● Striking Looks merit (WoD, p117). If already owned, ●●●●.

WM 109

Weisse Frau (German) Kind, Sad Pale Matrons Kiss of Life

Spend Glamour and kiss a target once per chapter. Target gains +2 armor. If target is younger then 13, +3. Does not stack with other armor.

WM 109

Minstrel Performer Perfect Pitch Spend Glamour, reroll any failed dice on Expression roll. Harvesting Glamour from audience gains 8-Again.

NH:GF 43

Romancer Masters of Twisting Truths Narcissus's Blessing

Subtle changes in everyone's eyes, incurs -3 to describe character, applies to clothes. Even cameras, both video and digital are affected by blessing.

NH:GF 46

Larcenist Charmers and Thieves Thievery's Grace 9-Again on Larceny and Socialize rolls involving Agility. +1 to dodge when dodging attacks.

NH:GF 63

Playmate Taken to be the Fae's Best Friend Circle of Friends

When Playmate is primary actor in a teamwork roll, add +2. If secondary, you may forgo roll to give primary 9-again.

NH:GF 122

Ogre The Monsters Stone (CtL 144)

Oath and Punishment (WM 47) CtL 116WM 42

(+) Spend Glamour to improve dice pools involving Strength, Brawl and Intimidate. (-) Do not reroll 10s in dice pools involving Composure (Except for perception rolls, Wits + Composure) (-) -1 Penalty when using Composure as a defense trait (Subtracting defense from a characters dice pool).

Page 4: Kiths CtL 101 WM 15 - · Fang and Talon (CtL 142) Contracts of the Den (WM 19) Contracts of the Wild (RoS 111) CtL 101 WM 15 (+)

Kith Name Kith Description Kith Blessing Blessing Description Page No.

Cyclopean Trackers with Acute Senses Smell the Blood 8-Again on Wits based Perception rolls. Fi Fi Fo Fum indeed.

CtL 118WM 86

Farwalker Cryptids and Urban Legends The Elusive Gift 9-Again on Stealth or Survival rolls and can spend a Glamour to reroll a Stealth or Survival roll

CtL 118WM 86

Gargantuan Giants that Magically Grow Spurious Stature Spend Glamour, add Wyrd to Size. When returning to normal size, take 1 lethal damage.

CtL 118WM 87

Gristlegrinder Monstrous Eaters Terrible Teeth 2L bite attack CtL 118WM 88

Stonebones Heavy Defenses Obdurate Skin Spend Glamour, gain Armor equal to Wyrd but suffer reduced defense

CtL 118WM 88

Water-dweller Lake Monsters Lie Under the Waves

Can hold breath as though Stamina 7 and no penalty to sight based perception rolls underwater

CtL 119WM 89

Bloodbrute Gladiator Improvised Mayhem Spend Glamour, turn something into makeshift weapon. WM 90

Corpsegrinder Cannibals Sepulchral Hunger

An enemy at half health grants +1 to the Ogres attack rolls. Gain a +1 when fighting undead (Zombies, vampires)

WM 90

Render Living Siege Engines Sundering Talons When attacking w/ bare hands, ignore 3 durability in objects. WM 91

Witchtooth Crones and Warlocks Black Hex Spend Glamour for +1 occult. +1 to activate Contracts that curse. WM 91

Daitya (Hindu) Reptilian Giants/Godslayers Cutting Might Spend Glamour, ignore durability do damage to structure

for one attack. Free Weaponry Specialty. WM 109

Oni (Japanese) Soul Consuming Demons Mouthful of Sin

Spend Glamour, bite attack once per session. Heal 1 lethal or 2 bashing for every damage dealt. Must be done on Morality 6 or less.

WM 110

Troll (Nordic)

Ambushers/Cunning Riddlers Unyielding Voice Spend Glamour, add Strength to all Manipulation rolls. WM


Wizened The Servants and Craftsmen

Artifice (CtL 134) Animation (WM 52) Forge (RoS 99)

Ctl 120WM 48

(+) Spend Glamour to get 9-Again on Dexterity for the scene (+) Spend Glamour to add Wyrd to dodge total (-) Do not reroll 10s in dice pools involving Presence (-) -2 for untrained Social Skills

Kith Name Kith Description Kith Blessing Blessing Description Page No.

Artist Artists Impeccable Craftsmanship

8-Again on Crafts rolls and can spend 1 Glamour to reroll failed dice on a Crafts roll

CtL 121WM 92

Brewer Makers of Alcohol The Inebriating Elixir

+4 dice to resist poisons/intoxication; spend Glamour, magically make a drink alcoholic

CtL 121WM 92

Chatelaine Butlers Perfect Protocol 9-Again on Social rolls that deal with manners or etiquette and can spend a Glamour to get +2 to Manipulation and Presence die pools

CtL 121WM 93

Chirurgeon Doctors The Analeptic Charm

9-Again on Medicine rolls, doesn't suffer equipment penalties on Medicine rolls

CtL 122WM 93

Oracle Prophets Panomancy Can tell the future as though they had the Common Sense Merit

CtL 122WM 94

Smith Metalworkers Steel Mastery Spend Glamour, improve a tool CtL 122WM 94

Soldier Combatants/Sentries Blade Lore Has a Weaponry specialty with Bladed weapons CtL 122WM 95

Woodwalker Protectors of the Land/Gardeners Wildcraft 8-Again to Survival rolls and can survive by eating any

plant CtL 123WM 95

Author Writers Polyglot's Riddle 8-Again on Expression when writing. Wits + Academics to understand written text in foreign language. WM 96

Drudge Slaves/Servants Unseen Labor Spend Glamour, complete a simple task almost instantly. WM 96

Page 5: Kiths CtL 101 WM 15 - · Fang and Talon (CtL 142) Contracts of the Den (WM 19) Contracts of the Wild (RoS 111) CtL 101 WM 15 (+)

Gameplayer Gamemasters/Strategists Grandmaster's Stratagem

Spend Glamour, win mental based board games. +3 to gamble in games that require both mental skill and luck. WM 96

Miner Underground Tappingspeak Spend Glamour, send a coded message through vibrations in the ground. WM 96

Gremlin (English) Sabotage Gremlinizing

Touch Spend Glamour once per day, touch a device to negate equipment penalties, including with weapons.

WM 110

Pamarindo (Italian) Cannibals/Chefs/Butchers Gourmands


Spend Glamour, touch raw meat (Minimum one pound). Can feed equal to Wyrd score, nourishes for 24 hours. Gain Free Iron Stomach Merit (WoD p112).

WM 110

Thusser (Norway) Parties/Dancers/Hypnotism Fiddler's Delight

Spend Glamour, pick a target. Sing or play instrument and target will be unable to act as long as you continue or he must defend himself.

WM 110

You are not limited to what is on this list; For information on fleshing out your own Kith, refer to Winter Masques p. 59 You may forgo a Kith blessing to go Kithless. For information on how to gain a Kith in this situation, refer to Winter Masques p. 59 For information on shedding a Kith or Seeming, refer to Winter Masques p. 99


Age Reversal (•) *pre: Wyrd •••• NH:GF p84 Your Changeling begins to age backwards.

Arcadian Body (••••) *pre: Attribute 3+ (Creation Only) RoS p87 Bring an attribute to a maximum of +6 , 5th dot only costs one dot at

character creation. Arcadian Metabolism (•••) RoS p87 Greater healing when eating Goblin Fruits, but suffer malnutrition

without one Fruit per week. Brownie's Boon (•) RoS p88 Spend Glamour to complete a mundane task at half speed. Can stack. Charmed Life (••) RoS p88 Reroll when dealt aggravated damage or would otherwise be killed.

Court Goodwill (• to •••••) {Summer, Winter, Fall, Spring}

CtL p93 AN p. 45

Develop favor with members of a Court. Ensorcelled mortals can take this merit.

Devotee (• to •••••) *pre: Wyrd ••••••• (7) ER p14 You have a group of loyal, but broken followers.

Disenchanting Kiss

(••••) *Pre Wyrd •••••, Clarity 9+ SaD p92 With high Clarity, you have a kiss that cancels mind and emotional


Dual Kith

[WM](•••) *pre: Wyrd •• or [RoS](•• or •••) (Creation Only)

WM p98 or RoS p88

Your character possesses two or more kiths, and by proxy the blessing that comes with it.

Enchanting Performance

(••••) *pre: Expression ••• RoS p88

Add Wyrd to negative situation modifiers to Expression or Persuasion. Spending a point of Glamour inspires emotion on successful Performance roll.

Fae Mount (•, ••, ••• or •••••) RoS p89

You own a Hobgoblin/Token/Otherwise magical mount. • = Appearing when called. •• = As • , but with single magical abiltity ••• = As ••, but with another magical ability ••••• = As •••, but capable of leaving the Hedge for a scene, complete with mask. Must return to the Hedge for 24 hours afterwards.

Faerie Favor (•••) RoS p90 You possess a token, which, when broken, will summon your Keeper, who owes you a single favor.

Faerie Healing (••) RoS p90 Capable of using Goblin Fruits to restore health to others. Does not apply to the dead (Ghosts, Vampires)

Fighting Style Dream Combat

(• to •••••) *pre: Wyrd ••, Empathy ••• RoS p90 Abilities for fighting while in a dream. Look under the Styles Merits page

for more information. Fighting Style Hedge Duelist (• to •••••)*pre: Wyrd ••• RoS p91 Abilities to use in a formal duel while in the Hedge. Look under the

Styles Merits page for more information. Gentrified Bearing (••••)*pre: Wyrd ••• RoS p92 You look a bit like the True Fae, and can fool Hobgoblins and Gentry at a


Goblin Merchant (• to •••) Goblin Markets p34

Sell at Goblin Market without being gouged and protected by Market Law

Goblin Vow (• to •••••) RoS p38 Can make pledges with one Wyrd-purview/dot; no sanction and boon and task must be related to purview

Harvest (• to •••••) {Emotion, Dreaming, Oaths, Hedge Fruit}

CtL p94 A list of your consistent sources of Glamour.

Hedge Gate Sense (•) RoS p92 Sensitivity to established Hedge Gates, lower time spent finding such a

Page 6: Kiths CtL 101 WM 15 - · Fang and Talon (CtL 142) Contracts of the Den (WM 19) Contracts of the Wild (RoS 111) CtL 101 WM 15 (+)

gate cut by half, granted a reflexive roll when near one. Hedgebeast Companion (• to •••) AN p132 Intelligent Hobgoblin familiars who act as animal retainers. The more

dots you have, the stronger the Hobgoblin is.

Hidden Life (• to •••) *pre: Fame 0, Wyrd = Dots in Hidden Life

RoS p92 Seeking information about your character takes a penalty, including remembering contact or physical details.

Hobgoblin Trainer (••) RoS p92 Ability (and rules) for temporarily training Hobgoblins.

Lethal Mein (••)*pre: Wyrd ••• RoS p94 A part of the body becomes a weapon, and granted a damage bonus. This can stack with Blessings.

Long of Days (••) RoS p94 When determining maximum age, the Changeling is treated as if her Wyrd is +4. For information on aging, see CtL p. 174 - 175.

Mantle (• to •••••) {Summer, Winter, Fall, Spring} CtL p97 Membership in a court, benefits in the form of bonuses to social

interaction, Contracts and Blessing. The first dot for free.

Manymask (• to •••••) *pre: Wyrd ••••••• (7) ER p14 The Changeling possesses multiple masks (One per dot) and can change

them. The masks do not change your size and gender.

Market Familiarity (• to •••)

Goblin Markets p14

Locate and attend Goblin Markets.

Market Sense (•)

RoS p94 orGoblin Markets p33

+3 bonus to determine if being cheated in deals.

Market Stall (••••) *pre: Goblin Merchant •••

Goblin Markets p34

Own a stall where you can store goods and be able to extract and store abstractions.

New Identity (•, •• or •••• ) CtL p98 AN p45

The quality of legal (Or illegal) documentation supporting your new identity. This merit can be taken by mortals or other supernaturals as well.

Perfect Stillness (•) *pre: Stealth • CtL p94 The Changeling is capable of standing absolutely still, and all rolls to notice or locate take -2.

Pledgesmith (• to •••) RoS p94 Your character is known for having a way with words. Gain +1 for every merit dot when discussing Pledges.

Prophet Circle (• to •••••) RoS p94 Grants ensorcelled mortals to recieve Prophetic dreams. Can be used on the Changeling herself if she posesses the Visionary Dreams Merit.

Rigid Mask (••) *pre: Subterfuge •• RoS p95 Hide your emotions very well, even from lie detectors and such.

Second-Hand Skills (• to •••)

Goblin Markets p26

Gain bonus equal to dots to three skills once per Chapter.

Shared Sleep (•) *pre: Functional Multiple Personalities CtL p44 Need only 4 hours sleep as long as you spends 6 hours in each of your

personalities. Siren Song (•••) RoS p96 While speaking, everyone within earshot takes a -2 penalty to all actions.

Slave (• to •••••) Goblin Markets p23

Supernatural servant purchased at Market.

Soul Sense (••) *pre: A Living Fetch RoS p96 Always know the direction and distance to your Fetch, its moods and emotions, and a +2 to social rolls when interacting. Take penalties when it is injured or killed.

Sublime (•••••) *pre: Wyrd ••••••••• (9) ER p14

The Changeling's mein becomes transcendental, and mortals become bewitched, limiting their actions. Changelings must roll Resolve + Composure or be bewitched.

Narrative Master (•••) *Pre Wyrd ••• SaD p78 Spend Glamour to increase Talecrafting rolls.

Token (• to •••••) CtL p98 Own a once mundane charm turned magical from its time in the Hedge or Arcadia. You may not use this merit to obtain Legendary Tokens (••••• or more). See the list here.

Tokenmaster (•••) *pre: Wyrd ••••••• (7) ER p14 Being in constant touch with objects turns them into Tokens. See the list

here. Unseen Sense, Talecrafting

(•••) *Pre Wits •••, Academics •• SaD p78 Sense when the an opportunity to set up a Hook comes up.

Visionary Dreams (••) *pre: Wyrd ••• RoS p97 Your character possesses Prophetic Dreams. Wholesale Wares (• to ••) *pre: Market Once per chapter, reduce the cost of an item by dots in the Merit so long

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Stall ••• as intent is to resell. Wisdom of Dreams (•••) *pre: Wyrd ••+ RoS p97 A successful Wits + Composure leads to borrowing a skill specialty or

language for one day from a known mortals dreams

Wyrdskill (•••) *pre: Wyrd •••••• (6) ER p15 Gain a free skill specialty in one field every time you grow in Wyrd.

Developing other skills may cost more. Kith Restricted Merits

Kiss of Life

(•••) *pre: Sap the Vital Spark Blessing

SaD p24 The Leechfinger can store stolen health and use it to heal himself or others.

Subtle Liquer

(•••) *pre: Inebriating Elixir Blessing

SaD p29

When the Brewer uses his blessing, the merit makes the fermented drink unrecognizable as alcoholic.

Entitlement Restricted Merits Outsider Fetish

(• to •••) *pre: The Lord Sages of the Unknown Reaches

LoS p150

Begin play with a talen or fetish. Must be instructed on the usage by a Werewolf. List of Talens and Fetishs.

Milestone Merits You may not buy Milestone Merits. All Milestone Merits are granted when a Changeling kills her Fetch. They have no dots. For more information on Fetch Hunting, go to p. 109 - 110 in Autumn Nightmares.

Bloodied Ground

AN p. 103

The milestone is achieved on the human side of an open gateway (The Hedge must be seen). Reach the spot where the Fetch died easier.

Broken Mirror

CtL p. 259

The milestone is achieved when done personally. Once per story, the Changeling can activate the merit to gain +3 to any roll.

Cuckoo's Egg

AN p. 103

The milestone is achieved with no witnesses, even animals. Receive an item that lets you play the part of the fetch. Can be stolen and used to impersonate the Changeling.

False Heart AN p. 103

The milestone is achieved. A fist-sized object that was the fetchs heart is taken, which can be used as Glamour reserves. Usable only by the owner.

Fetchbane AN p. 103

The milestone is achieved with a single weapon not made of Cold Iron. The weapon does lethal damage (Or +2 if lethal) when infused with Glamour. Take penalties for using it in self-defense.

Shared Guilt

AN p. 103

The milestone is achieved when every member of a motley gets at least one hit into a Fetch, and is applied to every member. When any member is rolling for degeneration, the motley can activate this merit to have every member roll a degeneration check. If there is even one success, then it counts as a sucess for everyone.

Fate Merits Take these merits only at your ST's discretion.

Fatebound Title

Merit Cost (•••) *Pre: Wyrd (•••) and...

Page Effect Drawback

Bean Buyer Streetwise ••• SaD p89

Once per story, after being tricked, spend a glamour to gain a significant advantage.

Using the advantage runs you into an enemy, who gains access to you through said advantage.

Cloistered Spinne Crafts ••• SaD

p90 Do an instant Action to turn trash into something valuable.

Every time something is created using this method, the Fatebound loses something of equal value.

Cowherd and Weaver Resolve ••• SaD


Gain some knowledge of circumstance when forcibly seperated from your lover, and your lover escapes.

Lose all social 10-Again rolls when with your lover.

Evil Stepsister

Manipulation •••

SaD p90

Spend a Glamour whilst being cruel to a subordinate to get something that will help you in the future.

Near the climax of the story, everything comes back to bite you in the ass.

Fair Prince Court Mantle •••

SaD p91

You are loved by almost all the courts, and receive a bonus for dealing with non-fae.

Opposing Court hates the Fair Prince, to the point of plotting assassination.

Fisher King Court Mantle ••••• Court Crown

SaD p91

When at full health, all Social Merits act as though you have them twice over (Not doubled).

A Court member dying causes one lethal damage, and inability to maintain rule or insurrection in your kingdom loses benefits, and causes wound penalties

Mobled Queen

Court Mantle ••••• Court Crown

SaD p91

Massive bonuses when activating a Court Contract, and a bonus when harvest a Court Emotion.

-1 when rolling to resist gaining a derangement after losing Clarity. Every time she benefits from this merit, she gains a cumulative penalty to all actions (Except contract activation and resistance).

Monkey Heart Wits ••• SaD

p91 +5 to notice traps and avoid being suprised by an adversary for a second time after.

-2 to avoiding traps or being surpised by an adversary for the first time.

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Mortal Enemy Resolve ••• SaD

p92 Get extra dice when dealing with your enemy, as well as other bonuses. Enemy recieves same benefits.

Star-Crossed Lover Presence••• SaD


Spending a Willpower point when working to protect or save your love is an automatic success and regain a point of Willpower per scene spent protecting her.

The lover is constantly being targeted for abduction. When this happens, -2 on all rolls not directly related to rescuing the lover

Partial Transformation Merits Do not use these merits unless you are designing a recently rescued abductee. They are treated as templates for lesser supernaturals. For more information on the Fey-Touched, see Equinox Road P. 107 - 108 Take these merits only at your ST's discretion.

Enchanted Mortal (••) ER

p107 Character is treated as if permanently Ensorcelled.

No Seeming (••) *pre: Changelings Only Character Creation Only

ER p107

Character is treated as if she has no kith or seeming, therefore no curse or blessing. Gains +1 to all rolls involving clarity loss or gaining a derangement.

Seeming (•••) *pre: Fey-Touched Only Character Creation Only

ER p107

Character possesses a kith and seeming, and has both a curse and a blessing.-1 to rolls to avoid derangement.

Fair Folk Merits Autumn Nightmares P. 71 - 72 Take these merits only at your ST's discretion.

Fae Pet (•• or ••••)

Similar to Retainer, grants the Fey an animal companion that is willing to die for its master. Any pet that dies is replaced within 24 hours. •• - Real world animal that exists locally. •••• - Hobgoblin pet.

Fair Haven (•••) Designated area in the real world where the Fey can stay without being poisoned by reality.

Forbidden Merits: Unseen Sense (WoD, Page 109) (Note: Unseen Sense: Talecrafting is NOT Forbidden.) Fair Folk Merits (AN, Page 71) Lucid Dreaming Merit (CtL, Page 195) Partial Transformation Merits should typically only apply to mortals who were recently abducted and rescued before their transformation into a Changeling was complete. (Information is in Equinox Road p. 105) Fair Folk Merits should typically only apply to the Gentry. (Information is in Autumn Nightmares P. 71 - 72) Restricted Merits: Social Merits must be justified, as many contacts and utilities may be lost upon the characters return. Social Merits may never be applied to the Gentry. Kiss of Life is restricted to the Leechfinger Kith. Subtle Liquer is restricted to the Brewer Kith. Milestone Merits may not be purchased, they must be earned through play. Fate Merits can change the flow of the story, so should only be taken with the consent of the Storyteller.


Name Description Requirements Privelages Page

Bishopric of Blackbirds

Wandering fellowship, often regarded as a mixed omen, who seek to aid all other changelings, in exchange for favors.

Wyrd ••; Empathy •• May purchase Aspersorium token CtL 290

College of Worms

Diviners who seek to study Fate and its signs where ever they may be found.

Wyrd •••; Investigation ••; Occult •• Awarded The Diviner's Instrument token CtL


Duchy of the Icebound Heart

Drawing from the ranks of the broken hearted, these manipulators who seek to break the hearts of everyone that they can, to use and exploit them and be victims themselves no longer.

Wyrd ••; Persuasion ••; Subterfuge ••; Mantle(Winter) •

Gains significant social bonuses when interacting with those they have broken, until the victim loves again

CtL 297

Magistrates of Wax

Self-styled organizers of Changeling society. Wyrd ••• May purchase the Waxen Violet token CtL


Margravate of the Brim

Guardians of all Changelings, who spurn the courts and operate outside of them, but none the less do everything they can to protect the Freehold.

Wyrd ••; Clarity >4; No Mantle

Gain several minor bonuses when within the bordermarch territory that they guard.

CtL 303

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Sacred Band of the Golden Standard

Vain in the extreme, this band of warriors serves the freehold diligently for the praise and glamor it brings.

Wyrd ••; Presence ••• May spend a glamour to add any physical attribute's dots to a presence roll.

CtL 306

Satrapy of Pearls

Hedonistic merchants who all things, even abstract concepts, as being potentially for sale. They frequently take a fancy to random items that they will exchange anything to obtain.

Wyrd •••; Persuasion ••; Mantle(Spring) •• Gain a specialty in a social skill. CtL


Scarecrow Ministry

Inflicters of horror upon mortals, frequently the stuff of urban legends, in order to warn them away from dangerous places and actions.

Wyrd •••; Manipulation •••; Mantle(Autumn) •• Awarded the Bugbear's Mask token CtL


The Tolltaker Knighthood

Bloody and merciless mercenaries, who will none the less never accept a task that they consider unjust.

Wyrd ••; Mantle(Summer) •; Brawl, Firearms or Melee ••

Bounty victims suffer half defense and reduced Initiative against the Knights

CtL 317

The Phantom Tong

A criminal organisation with a secret membership, working under the pretense that the chaos they cause keeps the Courts honest.

Wyrd •• , Larceny ••• Free specialty in Larceny or Streetwise, and Contacts/Allies relating to criminal world purchased at x1 dots.

WM 143

The Bronze Beylik

Kingmakers who are supposedly cursed never to be rulers themselves. They seek to select a rule that is best for the freehold, or become the secret power behind the throne.

Wyrd 3, Politics 3, Clarity 6 or higher Gain access to the Bronze Spearhead WM


The Knighthood of the Dragonslayer

Policers of Lost society, who see it as their task to root out corruption and purge it by any means nessesary, infamously including torture.

Wyrd 2, Wits + Composure of at least 6, Intimidation 2

Gain access to the Grand Cross of Saint George. WM 149

Bodhisattvas of the Broken Cage

Social reformers that encourage indivduals to break free from social mores and the rut of habit.

Wyrd 2, Wits 3, Fleeting Spring 1, Mantle(Spring) 1

Gain access to the Sprung Door token. LoS 43

The Hound Tribunal

In the latter days of Summer, the secret police of Summer come out, and 'deal' with anyone who seems to have obstructed or turned traitor against the Summer Monarch.

Wyrd 2, Subterfuge 2, Stealth 2, Martial skill at 3, Mantle(Summer) 2

+2 to subterfuge rolls when lying about themselves. Also taught the Turncoast Assurance pledge.

LoS 63

Magi of the Gilded Thorn

Wandering hermits that seek to understand the power and treasures of the Hedge.

Wyrd 2, Occult 2, Survival 3, Mantle(Autumn) 2

No -1 to degeneration when in Hedge, can go hours=Wyrd before losing Glamour to the Thorns

LoS 83

Knighthood of the Utmost Silence

Knights that help Changelings leave situations by stealth and guile, be it evading the eyes of the Gentry, or getting out of jail quietly and setting up a new name.

Wyrd 3, Stealth 2, Subterfuge 2, Weaponry 1, Mantle(Winter) 1

Gain power Shadowkiss. Kisses recipient and spends Glamour, imposes -3 penalty to anyone wanting to discover information about the recipient, ends after a day unless another Glamour is spent.

LoS 102

Ancient and Accepted of or Bridgemasons

Known chiefly for the art of Wyrdbuilding. Group of builders with secret signs to guard their art.

Wyrd 3, Crafts 3 + Specialty: Construction, Mantle (Autumn) 1, Elemental or Ogre

Wyrdbuilding: can construct a building for 1 Glamour per hour per 20 size points. Building must touch bare stone or soil. Complex buildings need an Int+Crft. This can also be used to destroy other buildings at the same rate. Mortals cannot wittness or know how the building was constructed or the task fails or begins to crumble at the rate it was built.

LoS 110

The Barony of the Lesser Ones

Investigators and diplomats to hobgoblins, judges and enforcers of relations between Changelings and hobgoblins.

Wyrd 3, Intimidation 3, Persuasion 3 (or 2 Intim and 2 Pers if possess Gentrified Bearing or

+2 to all Intim and Pers made agaisnt hobgoblins or tother Hedge denizens, +1 defence against these, and +1 bonus to navigate the Hedge.

LoS 113

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Hob Kin merits)

Court of the Solstice

Highly varied title venerating or at least seeing the merit in the between places of the world. Generally looked on poorly by the traditional courts.

Wyrd 3, Mantle 0 Concider Desperation the title's native emotion and so harvest additional glamour from it. It is also the emotion for Bedlam.

LoS 117

The Duchy of Truth and Loss

Fetchhunters and killers, but doing so disceetly so it seems the person vanished.

Wyrd 2, Resolve 3, Investigation 3, Mantle(Winter) 1

Gains a free 2-dot Hedgespun rainment armour, and the token False Face of Truth.

LoS 121

The Eternal Echoes

Historians and wittnesses to the dangers and heros the Lost.

Wyrd 3, Eidetic Memory, Intelligence 3

Perfected Memory: Willpwer and Glamour causes the rest of the scene to be perfectly remembered in all detail and replayable. This cannot be altered or stolen by mundane or supernatural means. +5 to resist coercion to get recorded memories. Can only remember 10xWyrd scenes. Memory Transferal:Ritual dream with skin-toskin contact where the Lord may give a memory to another Echo.

LoS 125

The Guild of Goldspinners

Creators of gold and wealth. Enforcers of bargains.

Wyrd 2, Crafts 2 + Specialties: Textiles and Smithing, Mantle(Spring) 1

Access to the Gildwheel toke, and access to the Gildwheel Pledges.

LoS 130

Guild of the Sacred Journey

Couriers and messengers, typically for interfreehold contact, but can be used personally too. Interfreehold deliveries are free, and the Courier cannot investigate the package.

Wyrd 2, Drive 2, Expression 2, Streetwise 2, minimum Clarity 5, Fairest only

gain access to the Courier's Winged Sash token. LoS 134

Knights of the Knowledge of the Tongue

Gormands always experimenting with new foods and ingredients. Usually outlandish.

Wyrd 3, Crafts 3 or Crafts 2 + Specialty: Cooking

+3 to any roll to track down a Goblin Fruit, Hob Goblin, or other element in the hedge, as long as it pertains to a dish hoped to prepare. outside of a dish, there is a +1 to find Goblin Fruits

LoS 138

Legacy of the Black Apple

Negotiators with the True Fae. Pledgemasters and careful diplomats.

Wyrd 5, Clarity 6 or higher, one of the following Social Skills at four dots: Empathy, Persuasion, Socialize, Subterfuge

Have at least 1 minute per wyrd of talk time with a Keeper before they attack. Non Supernatural Manipulation rolls are exceptional success on 3 success instead of 5. Gain access to the Black Apple Pendant token.

LoS 142

The Lord Sages of the Unknown Reaches

Scholars and researchers of other supernatural phenomena.

Wyrd 2, Occult 3, at least two Occult specialties

+1 to Socialize and Persuasion rolls with one type of supernatural creature. Can purchase Allies or Contacts with any supernatural being. May purchase Enhanced Items (Mage) Imbude Item (Mage) Library (Mage) Fetishes (Mage) merits.

LoS 147

The Lost Pantheon

Changelings that believe themselves gods.

Wyrd 6, Mantle (Any) 4, Clarity No higher than 6

Perception Minuses for low clarity are reversed, becoming bonuses. These bonuses are also added to her Wyrd to determine longevity. Can Harvest Glamour from worshipers by revealing true form. Always considered 'court' harvest, even if courtless. +2 to all rolls to attack, defy, or otherwise engage in aggression or resistance against the Gentry and their Minions

LoS 151

The Order of Oneirophysics

Mystics and healers that focus on the real of dreams and their power.

Wyrd 2, Medicine 2, Empathy 1 Special

Spend 1 Glamour to enter a Lucid Dream even without being in a hedge or hollow. When doing this may enter any dreams of someone in skin to skin contact. May use Dreamhealing, based on Rank

LoS 155

The Charmed Circle

Eldrich order that consists of real rulers; those with the confidence and personal power to truely lead.

Wyrd 7, Persuasion 4, Willpower 7, Mantle 5

5 merit dots to be spent on social merits. Once per story may touch a target and verbally declare Friend or Foe. Friends get +1 to all non social rolls. Gains 2 Willpower on waking, and +3 to social rolls involving the freehold (except the Sovereign) Foes have -1 to all social rolls, loose one willpower on waking and a -3 to all social

ER 40

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rolls involving the freehold (The Sovereign is still excluded). Gains access too the Gilded Torc Token

Knights of the Widow’s Walk

Spies that can change their face. Generally not known about.

Wyrd 6, Subterfuge 4, Mantle 2 or less

May shift their Mien within her Seeming to appear as another kith when receiving an assignment. May do so again before new assignment at the cost of one Willpower dot. Cannot appear as someone else. Can Smell lies without a roll. May regain one glamour a day from a successful lie. Gains a free specialty in subterfuge.

ER 44

The Parliament of Victors

Champions and slayers. Victors that have to keep winning.

Wyrd 6, One combat-related Skill (Brawl, Firearms, Weaponry) at 4, Presence 4

Privileges can be lost if the Champion fails a task or challenge. All Physical rolls are considered exceptional on 4 success instead of 5. Gains Striking Look at 4. +1 to Persuasion rolls if she already possess the merit. Once per chapter may spend glamour to add her Wyrd score to a single combat roll. The attack is dramatic and showy.

ER 48

The Office of the Vizieral Counsel

Mad wizards that use the order to keep their insanity in check. Impartial magical advisors to all courts.

Wyrd 7, At least 12 dots in various Contracts, Politics 3, Occult 3

The Vizier does not Age as long as she is part of the order. +5 dice when making a roll to resist activating a derangement. +1 to Clarity rolls made to resist gaining a new derangement. She can ignore all Major Frailties (Minor's still apply) Leaving the order causes an immediate loss of a Clarity dot. When purchasing a Contract that will further help her duties for the king or queen, it then costs new dots x2 for that clause.

ER 52

The Family of Silent Nights

Dreamtrappers. They watch dreams for intrusion by the true fae, and can bind almost any onoiropomp in the physical world.

Wyrd 4, Contract of Dreams 2, Empathy 2

Can craft a Dream Prison - Same as crafting a new dream, but instead is a hole where a dream will fall. Can specify what kind of dream.

DD 145

The Hedge Wardens

Nobles that seek to tame the local hedge, slay dangers from the Hedge, and keep the Trods open so that the Lost can escape Arcadia.

Wyrd 3, Investigation 2, Occult 2

When ever tainted by magic that allows her Wyrd as a penalty to its roll or to roll Wyrd as part of her resistance, her wyrd is 1 higher for that purpose.

DD 149

The Squires of the Broken Bough

A nomadic order that moves soldiers to where they are most needed. They fight off whatever danger a freehold faces before moving on to the next distant threat. All have nearly lost everything to the threat and so this task consumes them.

Wyrd 2, Resolve 3; Any of Brawl, Firearms, or Weaponry 2

Gains access to the Broken Blade Token DD 153

The Twilight Gleaners

Devotees to fate. Often come into conflict with the Colegate of Worms. Worms seek to understand fate, Gleaners seek to simply enact fates will.

Wyrd 3, Empathy 2, Occult 2

Spend 1 glamour and discover if an action is fated to succeed of rail. Successful fate gives a +1 to any roll for directly furthering the plan, and -1 to anyone attempting to hinder it. If the plan is destined to fail, bonuses are reversed.

DD 156

The Adjudicators of the Wheel

Judges of fate who taks themselves with making sure that the worthy get success, and the unworthy fail.

Wyrd 3, Contracts of the Hearth 2, Investigation 3

May activate Fortunes Wheel when using the Contracts of Hearth. +1 Glamour to store the contract activation opposite of the one enacted, and may use it against a second person.

SD 142

The Legion of the Iron Wall

Tacticians and guardians of the freeholds worldwide. They monitor threats to freeholds and mobilise to defende them.

Wyrd 4, Persuasion 3, Brawl, Firearms or Weaponry 4

Can swear the Freehold's Defender Oath. May train followers who can purchase certain traits even even if they dont have the experience for it yet.

SD 146

The Order of the Hallowed Garden

Architects of urban renewal and change. Designers of 'gardens' where people can rest and keep the community peaceful.

Wyrd 3, Politics 3, Socialise 3

Declares an area equal to Wyrdx200 yards or less or Wyrdx1000 population or les sher territory. People not aligned to the principles of the region will want to leave. +1 to people furthering the goals within the region.

SD 150

The Pilgrims of the Endless Road

Journeymen who desire to improve themselves to unattainable perfection. Envied

Wyrd 3, Resolve 3, No Attribute at 1.

May choose a 2nd Kith Blessing (which must be from a different seeming) May exceed Dual Kith rules (allowing a 3rd Kith)

SD 154

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or disdained by others usually.


Contract, Affinity and Clause Level

Description Catch/Ban Court Goodwill Requirement Cost Page

Contracts of Animation (Wizened)

Winter Masques 52

• Knowing Touch

Learn the secrets of an inanimate object, learning of secret compartments and a bonus to repair or damage it.

The owner of the device asked the changeling to examine it. This catch does not function if the changeling owns the object in question.

- ● Wyrd+Craft

•• Instant Expertise

Understand how to use a device, gaining temporary skill dots applicable to its use

The character has at least 10 minutes to talk with the device to learn the secrets of its use.

- ● Wyrd+Wits

••• Inanimate Communion

See the history of an object

The object has not been used or handled for at least a year.

- ● Wyrd+Empathy

•••• Animate Device

Commands an object to act on its own

The character owns the device and has regularly used it for at least a month.

- ●● Wyrd+Manipulation

••••• Command the Inanimate

Animates an object for an entire scene

The object’s owner is a stranger to or enemy of the changeling, and mistreats or does not take adequate care of the object

- ●●○ Wyrd+Presence

Contracts of Artifice (Wizened)

Lost 134

• Brief Glamour of Repair

Repair a device without tools or parts

Fix an item owned and used by another but never personally used

- ● Wyrd+Craft

•• Touch of Workman’s Wrath

Causes a touched device to malfunction, requiring brief repairs

Owner of the device stole or cheated or attempted to steal or cheat the Changeling

- ●● Wyrd+Larceny

••• Blessing of Perfection

Blesses an object, giving it a die bonus equal to Wyrd for a full scene; lasts until sunrise or

Used on an object used and owned by someone the Changeling doesn't know well in

- ●●●(○) Wyrd+Wits

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sunset with a point of Willpower and Promise Leaves.

exchange for a favor

•••• Unmaker’s Destructive Gaze

Can jam a device with a look, causing it to malfunction, with significant penalties to repair.

Touched and examined the object for at least a minute

- ●● Wyrd+Presence

••••• Tatterdemalion’s Workshop

Can create a device out of unlikely but thematically fitting components.

Created in their own workshop with their own tools

- ●●●●(○○) Wyrd+Crafts

Contracts of the Board (Universal)

Swords at Dawn 46

• The Honest Eye

Reveal if someone is cheating.

Changeling has caught subject cheating in the past without using a contract.

- ● Wits + Wyrd vs. subjects Composure + Wyrd

•• Knowing the Competition

Grant insight on the opposing players tactics

Invoked during a rematch of the initial competition.

- ● Intelligence + Wyrd

••• The Living Game

Plays a game with the Wyrd and gains insight on a competition or battle.

The character is using a game appropriate to the situation at hand (Chess for a football game, blackjack when it's multiple vs. one, poker for every man for himself)

- ●●● Wyrd + Occult

•••• The Game Master's Table

Give information to a unit through a board game. Oh god recursion

Prepare each piece or card for at least one hour before the clause is activated. Followers must be on hand.

- ●●●●/●●●●(○) Manipulation + Wyrd

••••• The Cheater's Gambit

Curse enemy units. Leader will know you've cheated if you didn't get an exceptional success.

Changeling has played this game with someone who died in the last week.

- ●●●●(○) Manipulation + Wyrd vs. Enemy leaders Composure + Wyrd

Contracts of Communion (Elemental)

Winter Masques 32

• Sense Element

Sense all instances of your element within a range based on Wyrd

The changeling sits and meditates for at least 10 minutes and makes a successful

- ● Wyrd+Wits

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meditation roll.

•• Primordial Voice

Interact with an element, asking about recent events

The character makes a minor offering to theelement — polishing metal she is going to talk to, sweeping flagstones, singing for the air, adjusting the lights to make shadows larger, etc. In addition to the effort involved, such efforts also take at least a few minutes of time.

- ● Wyrd+Socialize

••• Distant Connection

Remotely scry through instances of an element

The character wishes to share the senses or ask a favor of an example of the element she is extremely familiar with such as the wood of or air in her home or the metal in her car.

- ●●(○) Wyrd+Persuasion

•••• Elemental Servitor

Animates the element to serve as an ally

The changeling performs a significant favor for the element, such as thoroughly cleaning a public fountain, spending an hour or more polishing a large stone statue or hanging up ribbons and bits of paper for a wind to blow immediately before using this clause.

- ●●● Wyrd+Persuasion

••••• Elemental Ally

Renders the element intelligent and observant for an extended period, but it can animate for only one scene.

When first using this clause on the element, the changeling negotiates with the element, promising some service or other payment in return for having the element as a temporary ally. Successfully bargaining with the element and paying its price

- ●●●○ Wyrd+Presence

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are the catch for this clause. The favor asked is invariably hazardous, arduous or expensive

Contracts of Darkness (Darklings)

Lost 136

• Creeping Dread

reduce resistance to fear or intimidation of either one target or everyone within three yards per dot of Willpower

Used to frighten intruders into dwelling

- ●(●●○) Wyrd+Manipulation-Resolve

•• Night’s Subtle Distractions

avoid notice by enhancing physical conditions that limit perception

Used outdoors at night - ● Wyrd+Stealth

••• Balm of Unwakeable Slumber

sleeping targets remain sleeping through all noises or movements

Target asleep in own bed and Contract used between sunset and sunrise

- ●●● Wyrd+Manipulation vs. Resolve+Wyrd

•••• Boon of the Scuttling Spider

run along solid surface

Climbing a wall made of stone or wood outdoors, at night

- ●●● Wyrd+Athletics

••••• Touch of Paralyzing Shudder

cause the target to move slowly and clumsily

Target is alone and already afraid of the Changeling

- ●●○ Wyrd+Presence vs. Resolve+Wyrd

Contracts of the Den (Beast) Winter Masques 19

• Trespasser’s Spoor

For one day gain a significant bonus to perception checks within one's territory, based on Wyrd.

The changeling writes his name on one of the netrances to the territory in chalk mixed with blood.

- ● -

•• Trapdoor Spider’s Trick

Conceal the entrance to one's territory.

The changeling is holding a live spider in his mouth at the time.

- ● Wyrd+Wits

••• Cuckoo’s Ruse

Convince a home that one is a resident

The character has openly invited the owner of the location over to his home within the last three days.

- ●● Wyrd+Manipulation (vs Hollow Ward dots)

•••• Blessing of the Burrow

Carve a burrow in soil or stone.

The character is nude at the time - ●● Wyrd+Survival

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of invoking the clause.

••••• Collapsing the Entrance

Collapse all or part of one's den.

The building belongs to the changeling using the clause.

- ●●●○ Wyrd+Strength

Contracts of Dream (Universal)

Lost 124

• Pathfinder

locate paths, Hollows and other fixtures in the Hedge

Pluck a thorn from the local Hedge and shed a drop of blood within a single day

- ● Wyrd+Intelligence

•• Forging the Dream

alter events and setting in subject's dreamscape, even when not inside

Stand or sit beside target with touching subject's and his or her own temples

- ● Wyrd+Wits

••• Phantasmal Bastion

double Wyrd for calculating damage, or increase Willpower by Wyrd as health in oniomachy combat

Carrying a token of favor given to them freely by an enemy or one of their loved ones or family members

- ● -

•••• Cobblethought

extract items or images from dreams

Posses at least a single thread from target's night clothes

- ● Wyrd+Intelligence

••••• Dreamsteps

use dreams to traverse instantaneously a physical distance

Carry a physical object made by user during the journey.

- ● Wyrd+Intelligence

Contracts of Elements (Elementals)

Lost 138

• Cloak of the Elements

be protected from all manifestations of the element

Wearing a symbolic representation of the element

- ●● -

•• Armor of the Element’s Fury

gain 1 Armor, do damage on contact, attack by touch

Touching the element when the contract is invoked

- ●● Wyrd+Dexterity

••• Control Elements

direct the element within the area

Area completely dominated by the element

- ●●● Wyrd+Manipulation

•••• Calling the Element

call an element to the area

Calling the element solely to entertain

- ●●●● Wyrd+Wits

••••• Become the Primal Foundation

become a manifestation of the element

Must sit and contemplate a large amount of the element for at least half an hour immediately before

- ●●●● Wyrd+Manipulation

Contracts of Eternal Autumn Court Goodwill

(Autumn) Lost 159

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• Last Breath Isaac

Ripen a portion of a plant

The plant or tree is unclaimed or the Changeling has permission to harvest from it.

Waived ● Wyrd+Manipulation

•• Withering Glare

Wither a plant to Winter or age an animal.

The plant has the Changelings name or moniker carved into it or written on a tag.

●●● ● Presence+Science+Mantle(Autumn)

••• Brother to the Ague

Damage a foe through dehydration.

The character can name two diseases that the subject has suffered or is suffering, and one that the subject fears.

●●●● ●● Dexterity+Medicine+Mantle(Autumn)

•••• Riding the Falling Leaves

Transform into a cloud of autumn leaves

The character catches a naturally falling leaf at the moment of the clauses's activation.

●●●●● ●● Dexterity+Survival+Mantle(Autumn)

••••• Tears of Autumn

Bring about a hailstorm

The character holds a key encased in ice that finishes thawing at the start of the ritual.

- ●●● Manipulation+Occult+Mantle(Autumn)

Contracts of Eternal Spring (Spring)

Court Goodwill (Spring) Lost 151

• Gift of Warm Breath

Rejuvenates a target, alleviating suffering from fatigue and deprivation, and healing bashing damage.

The subject of the clause has freely offered the changeling some form of sustenance since the last sunrise.

Waived ● Resolve+Survival+Mantle (Spring)

•• New Lover’s Kiss

Conjure rain, no matter current cloud conditions, potentially up to even a deluge.

A mortal human has commented, within the character's hearing and within the past hour, that it looks like rain.

●●● ● Intelligence+Survival+Mantle (Spring)

••• Warmth of the Blood

Downgrade a subject's lethal wounds to bashing, or heal bashing wounds entirely.

The target has honestly professed a heartfelt and deep love, romantic or familial, for the changeling.

●●●● ●○ Wits+Medicine+Mantle (Spring)

•••• Yesterday’s Birth

Age a target by a full season, leaving it as if

The character spills two drops of blood on the

●●●●● ●(●●○) Wyrd+Medicine

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it were now the height of Spring; requires additional Glamour and a willpower dot to apply to humans.

target object and cups it in her hands.

••••• Mother of All Deaths

Animates the plant life in an area and have it fight on the changeling's behalf.

A man bled to death on this soil within the past year.

- ●●●○ Presence+Empathy+Mantle (Spring)

Contracts of Eternal Summer (Summer)

Court Goodwill(Summer) Lost 155

• Son of the Hearth

Remain at a comfortable temperature, no matter what the outside circumstances are.

Spit on a fading ember or spark Waived ●(○) Wyrd+Survival

•• Ulf’s Heart

Produce a small light for one scene; extend its presence by spending 1 more Glamour.

Within 5 minutes of midnight

●●● ●(●) Strength+Occult+Mantle (Summer)

••• Noonday Grasp

Gain +1 Strength with one success, and another +1 with every three successes after that.

Eat's a chunk of naturally formed ice

●●●● ●● Stamina+Brawl+Mantle (Summer)

•••• Solstice Revelation

Let loose a bright light that reveals all hidden individuals and challenges supernatural cloaking.

Within five minuets of noon ●●●●● ●●● Presence+Occult+Mantle (Summer)

••••• The Lord’s Dread Gaze

Unleashing a beam of focused sunlight that does Lethal (Aggravated with Willpower)

The target is wearing or touching gold

- ●●●(○) Dexterity+Athletics+Mantle (Summer)-Defense

Contracts of Eternal Winter (Winter)

Court Goodwill (Winter) Lost 162

• Jack’s Breath

Cools a room, potentially by a significant margin.

The character hears someone shiver or tastes someones sweat.

Waived ● Wyrd+Survival

•• Touch of Winter

Freeze the surface of a body of water, potentially

The character first spells out a name or idea he hates with liquid

●●● ● Intelligence+Science+Mantle (Winter)

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affecting quite a large area.

on a dry surface

••• Riding the Devil’s Jawbone

Inflicts an area with intense cold, causing penalties to all within.

There is a bell ringing within 20 feet of the character.

●●●● ●● Dexterity+Stealth+Mantle (Winter)

•••• Fallen from the Timbers

Blasts a target with cold and ice, inflicting lethal damage and penalizing all of their actions.

The contracts target is wearing silver jewelry that has a religious meaning to her.

●●●●● ●●● Dexterity+Athletics+Mantle (Winter)-Defense

••••• Witch’s Paradise

Summons a lasting snowstorm over an area.

The moon is in the sky and the character can hear a wolf howling.

- ●●●○ Presence+Occult+Mantle (Winter)

Contracts of Fang and Talon (Beasts)

Lost 142

• Tongues of Birds and Words of Wolves

Speak with animal (one type, chosen at first use of Contract)

Give the animal a new name - ● Wyrd + Animal Ken

•• Beast’s Keen Senses

Gain +2 Perception as the chosen animal's primary senses are inhereted

Sees or touches the animal of the imitated type

- ●● Wyrd + Wits

••• Pipes of the Beastcaller

Call upon a group of the chosen animal

Ask the animal to guard or watch the user's dwelling

- ●● Wyrd + Animal Ken

•••• Tread of the Swift Hooves

Assume movement type of the chosen animal

Touch an animal of the correct type

- ●● Wyrd + Dex

••••• Cloak of the Bear’s Massive Form

Transformation into chosen animal

In animal's natural habitat or within touching distance of the animal

- ●●●● Wyrd + Manipulation

Contracts of Fleeting Autumn (Autumn)

Court Goodwill (Autumn) Lost 156

• Witches’ Intuition

Learn one of the subject's fears

Subject does not know the Changelings name

Waived ● Wyrd+Wits

•• Tale of the Baba Yaga

Invoke fear of intended object in subjects

The unnatural fear the character evokes is based upon a myth, urban legend or actual threat with which all subjects of the Contract are familiar.

●●● ● Manipulation+Intimidation+Mantle(Autumn)

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••• Heart of the Antlion

Immune to mundane attempts at fear and resistant to supernatural fear.

The character consumes a spider or other vermin that has literally been scared to death.

●●●● ● Resolve+Investigation+Mantle(Autumn)

•••• Scent of the Harvest

Heart of the Antlion for friends.

Two of the subjects greatest fears are each other.

●●●●● ●● Presence+Expression+Mantle(Autumn): Extended

••••• Mien of the Baba Yaga

Become the subjects fear. Scare them badly enough to actually deal damage

One of the subjects greatest fears is actually the character.

- ●●●○ Wits+Empathy+Mantle(Autumn)

Contracts of Fleeting Spring (Spring)

Court Goodwill (Spring) Lost 149

• Cupid’s Eye Learn one of the subject's desires

Used on someone who has kissed the Changeling in the past 24 hours, or who desires the Changeling

Waived ● Wyrd+Wits vs Composure+Wyrd

•• Growth of the Ivy

Change one of the subject's desires

Using the contract to resolve a Pledge.

●●● ●●(○) Manipulation+Persuasion+Mantle (Spring)-Resolve

••• Wyrd-Faced Stranger

Become someone who the target desire/expect to see

The changeling has offered food to the target and it was accepted, or the other way around.

●●●● ●● Presence+Subterfuge+Mantle (Spring) vs Wyrd+Composure

•••• Pandora’s Gift

Temporarily produce an object the subject desires

Used on someone who gave the Changeling a no strings attached gift in the past week

●●●●● ●● Wits+Craft+Mantle (Spring)

••••• Waking the Inner Faerie

Alter a subject's desire and force them to pursue it above all else.

The subject freely told the Changeling his desires.

- ●●●○ Intelligence+Expression+Mantle (Spring) vs Wyrd+Composure

Contracts of Fleeting Summer (Summer)

Court Goodwill(Summer) Lost 153

• Baleful Sense

Sense the greatest nearby source of wrath.

Character is angry when he invokes this clause.

Waived ● Wyrd+Wits

•• Goblin’s Malignance

Redirect the focus of a subject's wrath.

The current victim of the subject's wrath owes the character a favor, or the subject has red hair.

●●● ● Manipulation+Persuasion+Mantle (Summer) vs Wyrd+Composure

••• Friendless Stir a person to The clauses's ●●●● ●● Manipulation+Subterfuge+Mantle (Summer)

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Tongue fury with harmless words.

subject wears a ring on the left hand.

vs Wyrd+Composure

•••• Sundown Eyes

Quell all conflict in an area temporarily.

The character is suffering wound penalties and has taken at least two points of lethal damage.

●●●●● ●●● Presence+Socialize+Mantle (Summer) - Composure

••••• The Flames of Summer

Enter an unstoppable fury; gain +2 to Physical rolls and ignore all wound penalties.

The sun is within five minutes of its zenith, and the character has called out a formal challenge to an opponent.

- ●●○ Stamina+Animal Ken+Mantle (Summer)

Contracts of Fleeting Winter (Winter)

Court Goodwill (Winter) Lost 160

• The Dragon Knows

Determine the source of sorrow someone is experiencing.

The character looks into the subjects eyes for a moment.

Waived ● Wyrd+Empathy-Composure

•• Slipknot Dreams

Forces a subject to temporarily let go of their sorrow.

The subject has accepted something from the character in the past 24 hours.

●●● ● Manipulation+Subterfuge+Mantle (Winter)-Resolve

••• Faces in the Water

Fills a subject with sorrow over a painful memory, inflicting social penalties.

The subject is carrying a photograph or some other image of an older relative or ancestor on her person.

●●●● ● Intelligence+Investigation+Mantle (Winter)-Composure

•••• Fallow Fields, Empty Harvest

Eliminates a subject's ability to feel positive emotions for a time, suffering social penalties and an inability to regain Willpower via virtues or vices.

The character has made the subject happy (or happier) within the last 10 minutes.

●●●●● ●● Manipulation+Intimidation+Mantle (Winter) vs Wyrd+Composure

••••• Every Sorrow a Jewel

Paralyzes a subject with grief, rendering them briefly unable to take any actions.

The subject has tasted one of the changelings tears.

- ●●●○ Manipulation+Persuasion+Mantle (Winter) vs Wyrd+Composure

Contracts of the Forge (Wizened) Rites of Spring 99

• Rewriting the Image

alter the details of any two dimensional.

Changing an image of a person in to the user

- ● Wyrd+Expression

•• Trivial Reworking

Reshape small object in minor ways.

Reshaping a stolen object to use against the

- ●● Wyrd+Crafts

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••• Discreet Conjunction

Conjure small object from pocket

Paying an enemy for valuable info with a valuable object

- ●●○ Manipulation+Wyrd

•••• Hidden Reality

Create or Change some minor feature of reality.

Used when creating a way out of a place where they've been confined against their will

- ●●●○ Wits+Wyrd

••••• Paths of Desire

open a gateway that leads to anyplace in the Hedge that the character has ever visited before.

User has buried a vial of their own blood in the soil of the desired location

- ●●●○○ Wyrd+Academics

Contracts of the Four Directions (Directional Courts)

Court Goodwill (Directional) Winter Masques 134

• Mindfinder Know the direction to any target

Changeling has a lock of hair from the target.

N/A ● Wyrd+Survival-Target's Wits

•• Finding the Flow

Ignore environmental penalties

The character successfully meditated for one full uninterrupted hour within the last 24 hours.

N/A ● Wyrd+Wits

••• Inequity of the Center

Confuses a target, causing them to take many wrong turns, effectively penalizing speed

The changeling succeeds in touching a magnet to the target's bare skin.

N/A ● Wyrd+Manipulation vs Survival+Wyrd

•••• The Hundred Steps

Powerful blessing upon an area to protect it from intruders

The character has two working compasses somewhere on his body

N/A ●●○ Wyrd+Resolve

••••• Harmony of Portals

Walk between two doors, potentially separated by several miles

The character possesses the key to both doors.

N/A ●● Wyrd+Stamina

Contracts of Hearth (Universal)

Lost 127

• Fickle Fate Give someone a -2 penalty on next roll

If used on a target more than once an hour, affects user instead

- ● -

•• Favored Fate Give someone a +4 bonus on next roll

If used to enhance the same action more than once before the next sunset or sunrise, another

- ● -

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roll will fail

••• Beneficient Fate

Give someone an automatic success on next roll

If subject benefits more than once per day, their next action is rolled with a chance die

- ● -

•••• Fortuna’s Cornucopia

Give someone 8-again on the next roll

If used on a subject more than once per day, another roll will dramatically fail

- ● -

••••• Triumphal Fate

Make one subject's action an automatic exceptional success

If used on a subject more than once within a year and a day, that action becomes a dramatic failure

- ●○ -

Contracts of Hours (Universal)

Rites of Spring 102

• Restoration of Dawn Beauty

Restore a weathered item to prime condition.

User or a member of the user's family owned the object before abduction

- ● Wyrd+Craft

•• Frozen Moment

Freeze an object in time by touching it.

Performed during sunrise or sunset

- ●● Wits+Wyrd

••• Thief of Days

Cause an object to age unnaturally, damaging it.

Knows the name of a now dead former owner

- ●● Wyrd+Investigation

•••• Flickering Hours

Alter the flow of time within the Hedge relative to Earth.

Smash a time keeping instrument during activation

- ●●○ Wits+Wyrd

••••• Leaping Toward Nightfall

Shoot a target forward in time, removing them from action.

Used when the target is touching or moving through a gateway into the hedge

- ●●●●○ Investigation+Wyrd or Investigation+Wyrd vs. Compusre+Wyrd

Contracts of Mirror (Universal)

Lost 129

• Riddle-Kith Appear as another Kith.

Dined with a member of that kith within the last week

- ● Wyrd+Manipulation

•• Skinmask Alter one feature of the Mask.

Get an object belonging to the reproduced individual

- ● Wyrd+Stamina

••• Transfigure the Flesh

Grow larger or smaller as you wish.

Steal a garment that is either too large or too small to wear

- ● Wyrd+Stamina

•••• Oddbody Transmutes a single bodily

Consume the threads of a - ● Wyrd+Strength

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feature into an unnatural shape, such as sprouting claws or elongated legs, granting a variety of potential bonuses

caterpillar's cocoon.

••••• Chrysalis

Transform into an inanimate object of your choosing for one scene.

Commission the creation of object intended to mimic

- ● Wyrd+Strength

Contracts of the Moon (Universal)

Rites of Spring 105

• Lunatic’s Knowing Glance

The changeling can instantly tell if anyone she is looking at suffers from a derangement.

User is dressed as and behaving like a medical professional

- ● Wits+Wyrd

•• Maddening Eye

Causes derangements to temporarily worsen

User is currently suffering at least one derangement

- ●● Manipulation+Wyrd-Composure

••• Touch of Bedlam

Target suffers temporary severe derangement.

Target broke an oath to the user - ●● Presence+Wyrd vs. Composure+Wyrd

•••• The Madness of Crowds

Induces temporary Mass Hysteria all around.

User is performing for an audience

- ●●●○ Wyrd+Expression

••••• Lurking Insanity

The character can look intently at a target and cause him to develop a latent form of insanity that manifests only when a specific even or type of event occurs.

Target betrayed a close blood relative

- ●●●○ Wyrd+Subterfuge

Contracts of Oath and Punishment (Ogre)

Winter Masques 47

• Pursuer’s Seven-League Leap

Jump long distances.

Perusing an Oathbreaker - ● Wyrd+Athletics

•• Sense Tainted Vows

Determine whether a touched entity has violated oaths and gain the general impression of the most significant oath

Target has sworn or is swearing an oath with the Changeling

- ● Wyrd + Wits vs Composure + Wyrd

••• Inexorable Pursuer

Gain a bonus to resist some

Successfully resisted a Court - ● Wyrd + Resolve

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attempts to apply emotional influence.

based emotional manipulation or attack in the last day.

•••• Relentless Pursuit

Sense distance and direction to pursued subject.

The Changeling can't stop to rest for more than 15 minuets. Including resting in a vehicle, but not driving.

- ●● Wyrd + Stamina

••••• Cruel Vengeance

Against a subject who has violated an oath, bashing damage is upgraded to lethal and lethal to aggravated.

The target is a member of the Changeling's Freehold.

- ●● Wyrd + Presence vs Manipulation + Wyrd

Contracts of Omen (Universal)

Rites of Spring 108

• Vision of Strife See someone's worst memory

Target is speaking about their past

- ● Wyrd + Empathy

•• Glimpse of Fortune’s Favor

Next turn roll twice and take the better result. Two Glamour to cast reflexively and roll twice this turn.

User is playing a game of skill - ●(●) Wits + Wyrd

••• Reading the Portents

The Changeling sees the most significant or emotionally important event that will happen to someone in the next few months.

Target is under 18 - ●● Wits + Wyrd

•••• Vision of Disaster

Sees a vision of one single turn, effectively letting you replay that turn.

A trusted friend or ally suddenly betrays the user

- ●●●●○ Wits + Wyrd

••••• Tying the Knots of Fate

The Changeling names a single experience which will happen to someone, the experience becomes much more likely.

Used to bless a mortal under 18 with good fortune

- ●●●○○ Presence + Wyrd

Contracts of Potential (Dawn)

Court Goodwill(Dawn) Swords at Dawn 138

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• Light the Path

Learn of the motivation of an action or statement

Previously caught the target in a lie.

●● ● Wits + Wyrd vs Composure + Wyrd

•• Read the Web

Determine the nature of a relationship between two people through a translucent strand that connects.

The Changeling shares a Pledge with the target

●●● ●● Intelligence + Wyrd - Subjects Composure

••• Martyr's Will

Increase extra dice when spending Willpower. Drawback of target being unable to regain willpower for the next 24 hours.

Deliberately shed a few drops of blood

●●●● ●●● Resolve + Wyrd

•••• Shift the Foundation

Temporarily change the targets Virtue or Vice.

Changeling and Subject are conversing about Virtue or Vice targeted as the result of the Contract.

●●●●● ●●● Manipulation + Expression + Dusk Court vs Subjects Composure + Subterfuge

••••• Tenacity of Hope

Massive benefits towards a goal, such as 8-again, etc. Drawback: If goal is not reached within time period, suffer penalties until goal or equal time is met.

Target is using this Contract for a selfless Purpose.

●●●●● ●●●○ Resolve + Wyrd

Contracts of Punishing Summer (Summer)

Court Goodwill(Summer) Lords of Summer 59

• Smoldergrip

Makes an object unbearably hot to the touch.

The Changeling sports a real sunburn

N/A ● Strength + Wits - Objects Size

•• Battle Bright

Creates a blinding beacon that distracts all attackers.

The Changeling is holding a real, burning torch.

N/A ●● Presence + Wyrd Vs. Highest Wits + Composure within sight.

••• Crown of Clashing Fire

Summons up a ring of flaming thorns that forces a target into one-on-one combat.

The Changeling has one or more scars from the last battle with this foe.

N/A ●●○ Resolve + Wyrd - Opponents Stamina

•••• Baleful Stroke of Summer Sun

Inflicts a sun stroke on the target, resulting in either mounting

The Changeling strikes with a metal weapon he forged, has to hit with

N/A ●●● Stamina + Wyrd Vs. Stamina + Composure. This is after an attack.

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mechanical penalties or aggravated damage (target's choice).

substantial metal part.

••••• Scorched Earth

Turns the area into a blighted waste land that inflicts penalties on all combatants.

The Changeling meditates under a Summer Court flag or pendant she helped make.

N/A ●●●●● Strength + Wyrd

Contracts of Reflection (Fairest)

Equinox Roads 34

• Reflections of the Past

See into a reflective surface and see what it has reflected.

The mirror belongs to someone the user has a close connection to

- ● Wyrd + Wits

•• Glimpse of a Distant Mirror

Look through any surface the Changeling's face has been reflected in

The mirror belongs to someone who's sworn enmity against the user

- ● Wyrd + Composure

••• Reflection’s Grasp

Reach through a mirror

The user reaches through a mirror he uses most

- ●● Wyrd + Dexterity

•••• Mirror Walk Walk through a mirror

A blood relative is currently being reflected in the surface out of which he's stepping

- ●●● Wyrd + Athletics

••••• Stealing the Solid Reflection

Create a duplicate of an object by stealing its reflection

The object removed is owned by someone indebted to the user

- ●●●○ Wyrd + Larceny

Contracts of Separation (Fairest)

Winter Masques 40

• Tread Lightly

Walk on surfaces that could not support one's weight, and downgrade falling damage.

Wearing delicate footwear which would be ruined without this power.

- ● Wyrd + Dexterity

•• Evasion of Shackles

Become immediately freed from bondage or imprisonment

The character is unjustly imprisoned for a crime she did not commit.

- ● Wyrd + Larceny

••• Breaching Barriers

Pass through a sealed door or window.

Deliberately imprisoned by another Changeling

- ●(●) Wyrd + Presence

•••• Elegant Protection

Add Wyrd to defense for a few turns

The Changeling is unarmed and does not attempt to attack. If the Catch is used attacking ends the Contract and

- ●● Wyrd + Dexterity

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costs 3 Glamour

••••• Phantom Glory

Briefly enter the Twilight

The Changeling wears no armour and carries no weapons. Using either ends the Clause

- ●●○ Wyrd + Persuasion

Contracts of Shade and Spirit (Darkling)

Winter Masques 26

• Ghostly Presence

Speak to ghosts in Twilight

The ghost is someone the changeling knew in life, or the changeling is a Gravewight

- ● Wyrd + Presence

•• Dread Companion

Allows a ghost limited ability to interact with the physical world

The changeling presses a drop of her own blood to the forehead of everyone participating in the clause.

- ● Wyrd + Manipulation

••• Haunting Intercession

Allow a ghost to materialize physically for one scene

The changeling has set up a "dead supper": a complete meal served on never-used plates and silver, with a place for everyone who wishes to participate in the intercession, including the ghost.

- ● Wyrd + Manipulation

•••• Waking the Dead

Awaken a ghost and learn its secrets

The changeling "feeds" the shade by wounding herself and offering her blood, taking one point of bashing damage per question.

- ●● Wyrd + Strength

••••• Opening the Black Gate

Open a gate to the Underworld

The clause is invoked at midnight in a mausoleum, and the changeling invokes the laws of hospitality while the clause is in effect.

- ●●○ Wyrd + Stamina

Contracts of Smoke (Universal)

Lost 132

• The Wrong Foot

Replace tracks with that of another animal

Lick thumb and smudge it on a mirror

- ● -

•• Nevertread Don't leave tracks when moving

Spent at least an hour barefoot within the past day

- ● Wyrd + Intelligence

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••• Shadowpatch

Bonus to hide as shadows envelop the Changeling

Spent at least an hour away from natural sunlight within the past day

- ● Wyrd + Wits

•••• Murkblur Make target blind for a scene

Swallow the eye of an insect or an animal

- ● Wyrd + Wyrd vs Resolve + Wyrd

••••• Light-Shy Invisibility

Told someone a meaningful lie to someone important to the user within the past day

- ●○ Wyrd + Intelligence

Contracts of the Sorrow-Frozen Heart (Winter)

Court Goodwill (Winter) Lords of Summer 99

• A Mere Vessel for Loss

Reduce the Effects of pain and discomfort by success

Pierces skin with a thin needle

Waived ● Resolve + Occult + Mantle(Winter)

•• Fear is Nothing

Reduces dice pool of supernatural fear effects by Wyrd

Empties his hands and leaves them open at his side

●●● ● Composure + Expression + Mantle (Winter)

••• Grief is Stronger than Death

Damage from an attack is ignored for a round, to be applied next round

Contemptuously tosses a chunk of cold iron on the ground.

●●●● ●● Resolve + Survival + Mantle (Winter)

•••• Remorseless Strike

Next Brawl or weaponry attack target suffers additional bonus damage equal to Wyrd

Slashes himself with a sharp instrument and takes 1 lethal

●●●●● ●● Resolve + Brawl + Mantle (Winter)

••••• A Cold Hand on the Heart

Bestow previous clauses on others as well.

Clutches target with one hand and anoints with ashes of a suicide victim or victim of a crime of passion.

- ●●●○ Composure + Expression + Mantle (Winter)

Contracts of Spellbound Autumn (Autumn)

Court Goodwill (Autumn) Lords of Summer 79

• Warlock’s Gaze

Detect the presence of the supernatural, even deliberately obscured.

Physical contact with non-allied supernatural being other than another changeling.

Waived ●● Wyrd + Occult (vs. Compusure + Wyrd, if target supernaturally concealed)

•• Barrow-Whisper

Hears and is heard by ghosts.

Ghost in the area wants to communicate.

●●● ● Wyrd + Expression

••• Smith’s Wisdom

Learn abilities and purpose of item of power (token or else).

The character has stolen the item from a friend (without permission) or been freely

●●●● ●●● Intelligence + Occult + Mantle (Autumn)

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given the item by an enemy.

•••• Arcadian Commandment

Power to speak with authority of True Fae to hobgoblins and other Gentry minions, even to those incapable of speech.

Character knowingly comes unarmed and unarmored to the presence of entity to be commanded.

●●●●● ●●●○ Presence + Wyrd vs. Resolve + Wyrd

••••• Oathbreaker’s Honesty

Violate the pledge without falling under its Sanctions.

Begged to enact this clause by someone who will knowingly come to disaster on account of his betrayal.

- ●●●●●○ Resolve + Wyrd (extended)

Contracts of Thorns and Brambles (Universal)

Swords at Dawn 49

• Bite of the Wooden Fang

Increase the damage of a weapon, weapons must cause bashing damage.

The changeling uses a whip made of plant material.

- ● Dexterity + Wyrd

•• Leechweed Enchant thorns to drain glamour.

Clause is used against someone in the service of the characters Keeper or the Keeper itself.

- ●● Wyrd + Occult

••• Briarpath

As the Changeling moves a path of thorns grows behind them. Slows down pursuit.

The character scatters a handful of hedge thorns behind her

- ●● Wits + Wyrd

•••• Shield of Thorns

Creates a circle of thorns which attack anyone in them.

Changeling deals 1L to self, pours blood where she wants thorns to grow.

- ●●● Manipulation + Wyrd

••••• Hedgewall

The changeling grows a wall of thorns in any shape she desires.

The changeling transplants a small shrub from the hedge into where she will activate the clause.

- ●●●●(○) Presence + Wyrd

Contracts of Stone (Ogres)

Lost 144

• Might of the Terrible Brute

Each success adds one to Strength for the turn

Fighting multiple opponents while unarmed

- ● Str + Wyrd

•• Ogre’s Rending Grasp

Each success destroys one Durability

Attempting to remove a barrier.

- ●● Str + Wyrd

••• Display Grandiose Might

Add Wyrd to Strength for non-combat

The Changeling is using the contract to show

- ●● Athletics + Wyrd

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purposes off for a mostly non-practical purpose.

•••• Gluttonous Feast of Health

Convert 2 Lethal to 2 Bashing damage or 1 Aggravated to 2 Lethal damage

The Changeling was offered large amounts of food by a stranger.

- ●●● Sta + Wyrd

••••• Red Rage of Terrible Vengeance

+1 Initiative, Stamina, Strength, Armour per success

The Contract is being used in respond to a loved one being seriously hurt or killed.

- ●●●○ Res + Wyrd

Contracts of Vainglory (Fairest)

Lost 146

• Mask of Superiority

Gain a +2 bonus when speaking from a position of authority.

Pretending to be someone who's status comes from looks alone

- ●● Wyrd+Intimidation-Resolve

•• Songs of Distant Arcadia

+(Wyrd) to Expression and Persuasion rolls.

Performing for a rich and powerful group.

- ●● Wyrd+Expression

••• Splendor of the Envoy’s Protecton

Unable to be attacked by mortals as long as you don't attack or carry a weapon; supernaturals roll to resist with each attack.

Used at a formal party with at least a dozen people.

- ●●● Wyrd+Presence

•••• Mantle of Terrible Beauty

Force mortals and supernaturals to flee in fear with revelation of unearthly beauty.

In combat that was previously agreed to by both sides.

- ●●○ Wyrd+Intimidate vs Wyrd+Composure

••••• Words of Memories Never Lived

Create a story so well-woven that everyone listening believes it wholly.

The Changeling is trying to convince people of something she believes to be true.

- ●●●○ Wyrd+Expression vs Wyrd+Composure

Contracts of Verdant Spring (Spring)

Court Goodwill (Spring) Lords of Summer 39

• Font of Inspiration

Each success is a +1 to Crafts or Expression rolls

Invests his own literal blood sweat or tears into the creation

Waived ● Wits + Empathy + Mantle (Spring) (minus the target's Resolve is actively opposed)

•• The Ineffable Gift

Gains a +3 bonus in social challenges. Drawback of being less effective with multiple uses.

Speaks out loud about something she is passionate about

●●● ● Presence + Manipulation + Mantle (Spring) versus target's Resolve + Composure

••• Impassioned +4 Bonus to Target has ●●●● ● Resolve + Brawl/Firearms/Weaponry +

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Blow attack pool, but the opponent gets a +2 bonus as well.

insulted or assaulted by word or deed the changeling in the last hour

Mantle (Spring)

•••• Spur the Crowd

Sway a crowd in a certain emotional direction

No one in the crowd knows the user is a changeling

●●●●● ● Presence + Wyrd + Mantle (Spring) Extended and Contested

••••• Verdant, Roiling Heart

Renew Willpower pool as if fulfilling Virtue, drawback of all social actions being tainted by her virtue or vice and a -2 to all social rolls

Takes an action directly related to virtue or vice

- ● Composure + Empathy + Mantle (Spring)

Contracts of the Wild (Beasts, Elementals)

Rites of Spring 111

• Wildwalker

Each success reduces environmental penalties by one to move, hide and perceive

Character spent the last night sleeping outdoors

- ● Wyrd + Persuasion

•• Nature’s Curse

Each success increases environmental penalties by one to move, hide and perceive for a target

Target is carrying a gun - ● Wyrd + Intimidation

••• Viridian Embrace

Each success increases speed, stealth and perception by one

User is attempting to come to the aid of a mortal

- ●● Wyrd + Expression

•••• Calling Wind and Water

Create/modify weather patterns

A dozen or more mortals are asking or hoping the user to do so

- ●●● Wyrd + Presence (extended)

••••• Calling Nature’s Wrath

Environment attacks everyone withing 50 yards

On land owned by family - ●●●○ Wyrd + Survival

Goblin Contracts Benefit Drawback Catch Cost Dice Pool Page

• Shooter’s Bargain

Blesses the next three shots fired from a weapon to mitigate penalties when attacking.

One of the three shots is automatically reduced to a chance die.

● Wyrd+Dexterity Lost 164

• Sight of Truth and Lies

Gain the ability to instantly tell if a person is lying.

If the user lies while the contract is active, however, they lose any ability to tell truth from lies, believing all but the most blatant fabrications.

Used at an official occasion ● Wyrd+Subterfuge

Rites of Spring 114

• Trading Luck Gain a sudden simple insight This is done in return for ● Wyrd+Wits Lost

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for Fate into the immediate future. a minor turn of bad luck. 164

•• Calling the Guardian

Summon an invisible guardian that strikes back the instant you're attacked.

The guardian can not distinguish between a blow that would actually do harm or a playful shove.

Currently suffering at least one lethal or aggravated damage from a hand-to-hand attack

●● Rites of Spring 114

•• Diviner’s Madness

Gains a brief glimmer into the past or future of a person, place, or thing.

Causes temporary insanity. ● Wyrd+Wits Lost


•• Fair Entrance

Opens a door, no matter how it is barred.

causes one of the changeling's doors to be similarly opened for another some time soon.

● Wyrd+Larceny Lost 165

•• Fool’s Gold Guises an object to look like something else, potentially appearing quite valuable.

This illusion lasts only for a time though, and when it expires the deceived parties automatically know who was responsible for the deception.

● Wyrd+Manipulation Lost 166

••• Blessing of Forgetfulness, The

Allows the user to erase any one memory from the target's mind.

Curses the user to suffer a dramatic failure on the next Subterfuge roll to get someone to believe a necessary lie.

Used to make the target forget about an event in which the user betrayed the target

●●○ Rites of Spring 115

••• Burden of Life

This contract blesses a subject with potent healing, even curing aggravated damage.

For the next day any further damage they suffer is mirrored upon the user of this contract.

●● Wyrd+Empathy Lost 166

••• Delayed Harm

The user avoids damage from one attack.

The next attack they suffer doing lethal or aggravated damage does the previously avoided damage as a bonus.

●● Wyrd+Dexterity Lost 167

••• Mirror Mirror

The Changeling spies on another through a mirror,

The target will see the Changeling when she next looks into a mirror.

The changeling breaks the mirror.

●○ Wyrd+Resolve

Swords at Dawn 53

•••• Goblin Oath

The changeling can bind another character to an oath. The party taking the oath has difficulty breaking this oath, and if she does, disaster will strike her down.

The changeling must also swear an oath to the subject and suffers similar penalties if he breaks his oath — but the nature of the Goblin Oath is such that both parties may suffer if only one is unfaithful.

Used when making a treaty of alliance or non-aggression

●●○ Wyrd+Intimidation Rites of Spring 115

•••• Good and Bad Luck

Accurately guess the outcome of an event that would be difficult to predict.

Suffer a bout of bad lack afterwords. ●● Wyrd+Wits Lost


•••• Call the Hunt

Calls a Wild Hunt from out of the Hedge.

Haha oh man seriously what were you thinking. ●○ Wyrd+Presence Lost


•••• Royal Oil Target is covered in magical, highly flammable oil.

Changeling is marked with a firey crown showing he was the one that activated the contract.

Drink a tablespoon of castor oil and suffer from stomach cramps.

●● Dexterity + Wyrd SaD 54

•••• Goblin Ward

Draw a magical mark; Any changeling not attuned to it and steps near it will suffer from hallucinations and confusion. When the ward is

The creator cannot use his Seeming Blessing for as long as the ward continues to exist.

The ward is painted with the blood of a murdered enemy.

●●○ Wyrd + Occult SaD 54

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activated it will affect everyone nearby, even those attuned. High Clarity Changelings must roll for loss.

••••• Blood-Binding

Drains a target splashed with blood of all Glamour

The user is drained of all Glamour as well.

Used against someone who murdered a blood relative. (Glamour expenditure is not negated)

○ (All Glamour)

Rites of Spring 116

••••• Lost and Found

Escapes from captivity or pursuit, seemingly by chance, but always automatically.

The would be captor or pursuer is made aware of the escapee's new location.

●●○ Wyrd+Presence Lost 168

Contracts of Goblin Fortune Rites of Spring 117

• Fortune’s Favor Change a single roll into a rote or a chance roll

Used to protect a close friend from harm ● (Willpower dot Wyrd+Manipulation

•• Fortune’s Swift Blessing

Change a chance roll into a normal roll or a normal roll into an exceptional success

Used when striking a blow against a mortal enemy

●● (Willpower dot) Wyrd+Wits

••• Fortune’s Bane

Exceptional success become normal successes, normal successes become failures and chance rolls dramatically fail at 7 or lower until the next sunrise or sunset

Target publicly lied about the user to turn public or official opinion against the user

●●(Willpower dot)

Wyrd+Subterfuge vs. Resolve +Wyrd

•••• Distracting the Hounds

Escape from any pursuit or confrontation

User is being pursued by Hobgoblins

●●●(Willpower dot) Wyrd+Stealth-Wyrd

••••• Recalling the Lost Rescue anyone abducted by the Fae Used to recall a child

younger than seven ●●●●(2 Willpower dots) Wyrd + Occult

Contracts of Goblin Transformation

Rites of Spring 120

• Healing Sacrifice Heals any and all wounds or diseases Used to heal or cure a blood relative ●(Willpower Dot) Wyrd + Medicine

•• Seven-Year Gift Target does not age for the next seven years

Target is a blood relative within three generations

●● (Willpower dot) Wyrd+Stamina

••• Trading Beauty for Love

Makes a human feel more positively towards the Changeling

Target must be fed an item of food the user prepared

●●●(reduction in appearance)


•••• Changing Minds Change a target's opinion on something Causes someone to

believe an abstract ideal ●●●●○○ (Resolve dot)

Wyrd + Persuasion - oppo Resolve + Wyrd

••••• The Fatal Transformation Kill the target Target has slain one of

the user's blood relatives●●●○(Stamina dot)

Wyrd + Intimidation vs. Stamina + wyrd

○ = Willpower Cost ● = Glamour Cost (x) = Optional or Special Cost


Title Description Reference

Ancient Pact, The

Makes a Changeling and a mortal lifelong allies, ensorcells a mortal and obligates the Changeling to protect his dreams from Fey incursion. The mortal then recieves a 3 or 4 point merit (Or +2 to an existing one), and the Changeling gets the same, as well as one easy point of Glamour a day.

Lost 187

Brotherhood in Arms A group swears to never yield in combat for extra dots in weaponry and fighting finesse. RoS 43

Commendation The Changeling swears himself to the service of a leader and pays a yearly tithe of Glamour equal to the leaders' Wyrd, as well as the benefit of the Freehold Blessing, whatever it may be. CtL 189

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The standard oath for joining a Freehold.

Dove’s Promise, The The oath for joining the Doves, a mercenary group of Fey hunting assassins and ambushers. AN28

Forgiveness of the Imp The Changeling sincerely apologizes in return for a small favor and a promise of peace. WM118

Fostering Oath An older, more experience Changeling takes a newbie under his wing, sheltering him and teaching him how to adjust to his existence as fey. RoS 43

Fylgiar’s Caul, The The Changeling swears to protect the Mortal from all harm regarding Wyrd for the rest of either of their lives (Not necessarily mundane harm) WM 118

Good Neighbors Pact Both parties agree to stop squabbling for one year and a day. Lost 188

Heart’s Oath, The Changeling wedding. Lost 190

Knight’s Oath, The Like Commendation, but for hardcores. Lasts longer, and with more willingness to die (But not necessarily be a soldier). The Liege pays the Knight some Glamour every month, the Knight gets a combat skill, while the Liege gets a sweet one dot merit (Or +1 to an existing merit).

Lost 189

Motley Pledge, The

Finalizes the existence of a Motley in the eyes of the Wyrd for a year and a day. The Changelings must help each other as though they were family. Everyone get a free skill point, plus 2 dots in a merit (or +2 to an existing merit). The merit and skill must be the same for all pledgers.

Lost 188

Oath of the Rose and Thorn

Ensorcells a mortal for a month, opening his eyes to the fae, but forcing him to keep quiet about it. Grants the Changeling the right to ask for a single favor from the mortal.

Lost 186

Penitent’s Pledge

Religious vow of faith. Must attempt to convert all non-believers and keep oneself pure (As defined in the pledge itself) or be struck mute. Bonus to persuasion and free Holistic Awareness merit.

RoS 44

Pledge of Horn and Bone

The basic dream insurance package. The Changeling goes in every night, keeps things running smoothly and Fae free, and comes out with a point of Glamour. In return, the Changeling must keep the dream a secret.

Lost 187

Reaper’s Pledge, The The Changeling does chores for a week in exchange for some Glamour and a daily token of thanks. Lost 185

Secrets of the Dead River, The

One Changeling shares a secret with another, and can call the listener an ally. The listener gets bonuses to keeping the secret, but will go permanently mute if he reveals it. WM 118

Turncoat’s Assurance

Secret pledge taught only to the Hound Tribunal entitlement, the MIBs of the freehold. It manifests as an actual piece of paper that must be written in fruit or vegetable juice and signed in insect juice. Allows the Hound to offer a traitor a self-imposed banishment rather then being punished.

LoS 65

Freehold's Defender Oath sworn on the Knight's title to defend the freehold, granting a number of combat bonuses to the defenders present. SD 148

Tokens Trifles Description Drawback Catch Source

Bilefruit A bitter fruit, that if consumed, suppresses the changeling's mien and seeming for eight hours.

- - Lost 209

Clayface - Rites of Spring 154

Climmerbraid A lock of hair from a True Fae or a figure in the Hedge, which grants a temporary illusion of the three-dot Fame merit.

- Lost 209

Dream Charm True Fae trying take a penalty to affect the dreams of a mortal using the charm

Autumn Nightmares 67

Givertaker Rites of Spring 154

Gravenails Rites of Spring 145

Hoarcotton Immune to fire for a number of turns equal to Rites of

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user's Wyrd Spring 145

Spinnerthorn +2 dice to Wits + Crafts roll made to perform hedgespinning Rites of

Spring 145


A small seed from the Edge, which if implanted in a bullet and watered, if used within the next scene inflicts a penalty on the victim to all actions until the damage partially heals.

Lost 209

Sweetblood The blood of a fae creatures sweetened with sugar, if consumed it grants 9-again on all Socialize rolls for one scene.

Lost 209


A small thimble, in which a drop of blood is splashed and it is then placed under the user's tongue. May add Subterfuge to all Craft or Computer rolls for one scene.

Lost 209

Thumbleglass A small glass bauble, that if broken underfoot, allows the user to fall up to 100 yards once and suffer no damage.

Lost 210

Torchfly Rites of Spring 145

Twistring +3 to secondary actor rolls during teamwork Rites of Spring 154

Utterbarb A thorn from the hedge, which if used to scratch a victim, robs them of their voice for one scene.

Lost 210

Waspshot Rites of Spring 154

Welkinstick A branch taken from high up in the Hedge, which when snapped doubles the user's next jump roll.

Lost 210

• Tokens

Ace in the Hole A playing card, which if placed over a lock, inflicts a dice penalty to open it as well as removing 10 again from all attempts.

Card papercuts you for 1B damage when activated.

Lose 10 again for the rest of the day. Lost 202

Bone Comb, The Rites of Spring 147

Book of Tales • to ••••• Rites of

Spring 145 Cursing Box, The • to ••••• Rites of

Spring 146

Cracked Mirror, The

A dingy mirror, which can reveal and allow communication with the user's fetch, or potentially other impersonators.

The Fetch becomes aware of the Changelings exact location.

Must cut face for 1L damage. Lost 202

Driver’s Little Helper

A token from a game of chance, this must be placed inside a car. The car then consumes no fuel, grants a small bonus to Drive, and cuts down on the time it takes to drive to any destination.

After an hour, the car overheats and cannot be driven for 15 minutes (Unless you fix it with Wits + Crafts)

Must pour a pint of blood into gas tank or transmission for 1L (Mortals) or 1 vitae (Vampires)

Lost 203

Heavenly Stem • to ••••• Rites of

Spring 154 Jackdaw Trinket, The Rites of

Spring 156 Jeweled Hookah • to ••••• Rites of

Spring 155

Murmuring Coin, The

A coin from Faerie, which may be activated to increase the user's effective Resources merit by one dot during a transaction.

The next day until you sleep, your vice becomes greed. If it was already greed, fulfilling your virtue will only net you half Willpower.

A friend or loved one will suffer money problems, losing one dot in Resources.

Lost 204

Visage of Glory Rites of Spring 155

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•• Tokens Amber Demijohn Rites of

Spring 147 Aspersorium Lost 292 Black Apple Pendant Lords of

Summer 146False Face of Truth, The Lords of

Summer 124

Homespinner’s Needle

A simple sewing needle, which when hidden in a room and activated, grants a bonus to Presence or Manipulation rolls to all those present. Grants an increased bonus to the owner.

Everyone who benefited from the needle takes -1 for all social rolls in the next scene. Owner takes -2.

Oh god Lost 204

Hungry Arrow, The •• or •••• Rites of

Spring 148

Lantern of Ill Omen

A magical lantern, which may be attuned to a specific subject through the expenditure of a willpower dot. When activated, the lantern will glow when the attuned subject is near.

When it glows for long enough, it goes out and the hair and fireflys must be replaced.

Orbs of light dance in your eyes for a full hour after lantern goes out.

Lost 204

Periwig of Orators Rites of

Spring 156

Ribbon of Nevermiss

A ribbon that is to be tied around the barrel of a gun, which doubles the effective range bands of the weapon.

After three shots the gun is rendered useless, and the ribbon cannot be used on it anymore.

Yank a tooth out or fate will do it for you. Lost 205

Sprung Door Lords of Summer 46

Waxen Violet

A small purple flower, available to all Magistrates of the Wax Mask, can be activated to emit a scent that causes those nearby to sense the wearer as humble and trustworthy.

Lost 302

••• Tokens

Ashlight Autumn Nightmares 75

Baby Cat’s Eyes

A porcelain doll with one good eye, when activated the user may see through the doll's eyes for twelve hours. Afterwards it must rest for 48 hours.

-2 to perception until 6 hours of sleep fix it.

Suffer from suspicion or paranoia until the 12 hours are up.

Lost 205

Bugbear’s Mask

Appearing as a cheap Halloween mask, frequently worn by the Scarecrows of the Ministry. When activated the user must meet eye-to-eye with a victim, and they receive the Phobia derangement with the mask-bearer as the subject.

Lost 316

Courier’s Winged Sash Lords of

Summer 137Diviner’s Instrument, The Lost 295

Dead Man’s Boots

Filthy boots taken from the feet of a corpse in the Hedge, they may be triggered to double the user's Stealth score, until the wearer runs out of Willpower or chooses to end the effect.

Drinks one point of willpower an hour.

Drinks one point of bashing health an hour. Lost 205

Deadman's Mask

A changelings plaster death mask. When worn, the changelings Seeming and Kith changes to that of the deceased's. When taken off, it cannot be activated for time worn x 5.

Kith and Seeming Blessings do not return for a week. Changeling is less fey then usual, suspicious to the Lost.

The changeling allows the mask to decide how long it wants to stay on your face.

Swords at Dawn 55

Glimpsing Mirror, The Rites of

Spring 148

Guildwheel Lords of Summer 132

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Hedgespun Wardrobe

A wardrobe, which when closed, locked and activated may produce a new Hedgespun outfit to specifications.

Dissolves the next sunrise.

Must moisten the lock with blood, wound will cause -1 to all composure rolls when clothes are worn.

Lost 206

Hoarfrost Spine

A thorn from a frozen place in the Hedge, when worn as jewelry and activated this token grants a defense bonus against Brawl attacks, and doubles Defense versus grapples.

Fire damage becomes aggravated for the next 24 hours. Vampires and such take +1 extra fire damage.

For 24 hours, all athletics rolls take -3 Lost 206

Minister Viburnum’s Clepsyrda

Rites of Spring 156

•••• Tokens

Biting Crotesquerie

A horrific idol made from mismatched parts, which may be activated and thereby animated. The bite of this creature causes potent hallucinations which inflicts many penalties.

Electronic blackout within 50 yards for one hour.

Spend willpower point and spit on it. Token crumbles after it's activated.

Lost 206

Bleakmoor Black Pony Rites of

Spring 157

Blood Poppet Rites of Spring 149

Bug Cudgel

A blunt instrument, which if activated and used to inflict a blow, curses the target. An hour after the impact, the site swells up and bursts forth with many insects, inflicting intense dice penalties (not to mention trauma)

Nightmares about bugs, penalty for rolls for first hour awake.

Develop Phobia (Specifically entomophobia)

Lost 207

Curious Paw, The

The claw of some kind of mutated creature from within the Hedge, activation grants the changeling and his motley 9-again on all rolls except those relating to Glamour or Contracts for a scene.

Begin to feel tired and sick after effect wears off.

A memory is taken as payment, something small but important.

Lost 207

Gilded Torc, The Equinox

Roads 43

Promise Stone Autumn Nightmares 22

••••• Tokens

Blood Pennon

A short, swallow-tailed banner. When activated and waved, the changeling and his motley gain significant combat bonuses. Their Defense is double, they gain a bonus to Initiative, and they can ignore any wound penalties. They may also make all-out attacks with a bonus.

Enemies are called to your location.

You are left exhausted for the rest of the day, easy pickings for the Gentry if they show up from the drawback.

Lost 208

Dawnspear Jerusalem Mile, The Rites of

Spring 149 Keeper’s Quirt, The Rites of

Spring 158

Squall Knife

A knife placed under the cradle of a human child in Faerie. When used to inflict damage, if the victim screams or shouts, the wielder may heal lethal or bashing damage.

You hear screaming children, and suffer from Melancholia or Depression for 12 hours.

-3 to all social rolls for 24 hours. Lost 208

Variable Tokens

• to ••• Hedgespun’s Rainment

Clothing crafted from materials from the Hedge. The one dot variant reflects clothing with no supernatural power (but is treated as a status symbol amongst the Lost and is universally beautiful), the dot variant may grant armor, and the three dot version grants powerful armor.

Offers no protection against cold iron. Delicate garments might even be destroyed just from a touch.

On non-fey the garment is very uncomfortable and garners a -1 on some rolls.

Lost 203

Promise Tokens

Page 39: Kiths CtL 101 WM 15 - · Fang and Talon (CtL 142) Contracts of the Den (WM 19) Contracts of the Wild (RoS 111) CtL 101 WM 15 (+)

Ampoule of Life Rites of Spring 151

Auroch’s Horn, The Rites of

Spring 151

Black Nickel Rites of Spring 152

Blank Check Rites of Spring 152

Finger Locket Rites of Spring 152

Ink-in-Irons Rites of Spring 153

Scobury-Clovill Box Camera Rites of

Spring 153

Goblin Fruit

Name Appearance Effect Page Amaranthine Heals 1 point of agg per day CtL 223 Coupnettle Restores 1 point of spent Willpower CtL 223 Fear Gortach Makes consumer hungry/loses benefits of other Fruits CtL 223

Jarmyn +3 to stay awake for extensive amount of time; sleep whole day after CtL 223

Nightcap Halves Speed until accumulates 4 successes on Stam + Res CtL 224

Buglewort +4 Initiative for scene CtL 224 Pitt Moss Loses 1 Willpower and can't spend Willpower for scene CtL 224 Gallowsroot Acts as Str 3 attacker w/garrote for 3 turns CtL 224 Jennystones -1 to Stealth rolls CtL 224 Promise Leaves Lengthens certain Contracts' duration CtL 224

Stabapple Thorns can be used as (1)L, Size 1, Dur 1 weapon CtL 224

Cocorange football-sized seeds Intoxication equivalent to a shot of liquor Goblin Markets 21

Coralscalp looks like kelp, closer appears to be made of hair

smoke to Increase sense-of-self, followed by hallucinations

Goblin Markets 21

Dactyl oily fruits resembling dates 9-again on social rolls, but hard not to vomit up Goblin Markets 21