leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e glosario inglés-español

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 1 absent oneself, to ausentarse (9) accustomed to, to be soler (ue) (12) achieve, to lograr (11) add, to agregar (ie) (8) adorn, to adornar (6) affection cariño (9) affirm, to aseverar (12) afternoon (adj.) vespertino/a (8) afternoon (late); dusk atardecer (5; 9; 11) agonizing agónico/a (3) agricultural agrícola (8) all dressed up gala, de (2) alley callejuela (7) alliance alianza (7) ally aliado/a (1) almond almendra (10) alone solas, a (12) along, through través de, a (1) amaze, to asombrar (11) amazed maravillado/a (8) ample amplio/a (1) ancestor antepasado/a (1; 11) anger enojo (1) angry enfurruñado/a (11) anguish congoja (5) anguished angustiado/a (7) ant hormiga (9) appear like, to asemejar (4; 12) appear, to asomar (4) appear, to; aparentar (10) apple tree manzano (P) appreciate, to apreciar (3; 4) approach, to acercar(se) (6; 10; 11) archetype arquetipo (7) arrangement arreglo (1) arrow flecha (2) ash ceniza (4; 12) assailant atacante (2) assert, to aseverar (12) astonished pasmado/a (11) attack ataque (12) attack, to acometer (5) attentive atento/a (7) attribute, to atribuir (7) avarice avaricia (6) avocado aguacate (4)

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Page 1: Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 1 absent oneself, to ausentarse (9) accustomed to, to be soler (ue) (12) achieve, to lograr (11) add, to agregar (ie) (8) adorn, to adornar (6) affection cariño (9) affirm, to aseverar (12) afternoon (adj.) vespertino/a (8) afternoon (late); dusk atardecer (5; 9; 11) agonizing agónico/a (3) agricultural agrícola (8) all dressed up gala, de (2) alley callejuela (7) alliance alianza (7) ally aliado/a (1) almond almendra (10) alone solas, a (12) along, through través de, a (1) amaze, to asombrar (11) amazed maravillado/a (8) ample amplio/a (1) ancestor antepasado/a (1; 11) anger enojo (1) angry enfurruñado/a (11) anguish congoja (5) anguished angustiado/a (7) ant hormiga (9) appear like, to asemejar (4; 12) appear, to asomar (4) appear, to; aparentar (10) apple tree manzano (P) appreciate, to apreciar (3; 4) approach, to acercar(se) (6; 10; 11) archetype arquetipo (7) arrangement arreglo (1) arrow flecha (2) ash ceniza (4; 12) assailant atacante (2) assert, to aseverar (12) astonished pasmado/a (11) attack ataque (12) attack, to acometer (5) attentive atento/a (7) attribute, to atribuir (7) avarice avaricia (6) avocado aguacate (4)

Page 2: Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 2 avoid, to evitar (7) badly wounded malherido/a (2) baking powder; leavening; yeast levadura (11) banner estandarte (5) baptism bautismo (11) barefoot descalzo/a (P) baroque barroco/a (10) basis fundamento (1) bathed bañado/a (7) battle batalla (P; 5) bay bahía (8) bay leaf laurel (8) be abundant, to abundar (10) be moved, to conmocionar (3) beam viga (9) beast bestia (P) beat, to batir (10) beaver castor (9) become a citizen, to ciudadanizarse (2) become slender, to adelgazar (2) bed lecho (4) bed tálamo (3) bee abeja (11) beg, to rogar (ue) (3) beg, to suplicar (7) behavior comportamiento (7) being ser (12) belief creencia (4) belligerence beligerancia (1) belong, to pertenecer (3; 6; 10) belonging pertenencia (1; 11) belonging to perteneciente (8) benefit beneficio (12) benefit, to beneficiar (10) benign benigno/a (12) betrothal esponsales (5) bewildered aturdido/a (11) bewitched hechizado/a (3) birth, to give luz, dar a (7) blame culpa (7) blame, to echar la culpa (3) bleed, to sangrar (4) blended sincrético/a (8) bloody ensangrentado/a (5) bloody sangriento/a (4; 5) blow, to soplar (5; 12)

Page 3: Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 3 boredom aburrimiento (2) bothered molesto/a (10) bottom fondo (6) bottom trasero (12) bow; arch arco (2; 3) box caja (11) branch rama (2; 8; 11) bravery valentía (5) break in two, to partir(se) (5) brick ladrillo (10) brilliance fulgor (2) bring together, to convocar (1; 4) brotherhood hermandad (2) bulwark baluarte (5) burial entierro (3) burial mound túmulo (3) burn, to quemar (1; 12) burning ardiente (4) burst out, to estallar (3) bury, to enterrar (3) bush mata (2) butterfly mariposa (8) buzz zumbido (11) caliphate califato (11) camp campamento (5) camp, to acampar (8) canoe canoa (8) canyon cañón (11) captive cautivo/a (5) captivity cautiverio (5) capture toma (3) capture, to captar (7) care for, to cuidar de (9) care, with esmero, con (8) caress, to acariciar (4) carry, to cargar (11) casket féretro (3) cast, to lanzar (2; 7; 12); tirar (12) caused ocasionado/a (7) ceiling techo (9) chain cadena (8) chained encadenado/a (P) challenge desafío (1; 11) chaos caos (1) chapel capilla (3) character personaje (2)

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 4 character protagonista (10; 12) charming gentil (5) chest pecho (10) chew, to masticar (2) chief cacique (6) chivalry caballerías, de (6); caballerosidad (7) choose, to escoger (6) chop, to picar (8) cider sidra (P) circumvent, to burlar (10) city council ayuntamiento (10) clairvoyant clarividente (4) clean limpio/a (1) clothing vestidura (5; 8) cloud nube (2) cloud, to nublar (10) clumsiness torpeza (P) codex códice (7) coffee plantation cafetal (8) Colombian indigenous tribe muisca (6) comfort, to reconfortar (2) commemorate, to conmemorar (10) complain, to quejarse (2) complex complejo (7) con; swindle, to estafar (6) concede, to ceder (11) concede, to conceder (3) conquer, to vencer (4; 6); someter (6) conqueror conquistador (6) conquest conquista (7) consent consentimiento (3) consolation consuelo (1; 9) consume, to consumir (1) container recipiente (2) convert converso/a (11) convert, to convertir (ie-i) (6; 8) coolness frescor (11) copper cobre (8) cord cuerda (1) corner esquina (7) corpse cadáver (3) couple matrimonio (11) courage valor (2) court corte (10) cover up, to recubrir (6) cover, to cubrir (6); tapar (8)

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 5 covered cubierto/a (6) coward cobarde (4) cowardice cobardía (5) cradle cuna (1; 7) craziness locura (3) crestfallen cabizbajo/a (11) cricket cigarra (11) cross cruz (pl. cruces) (7) cross, to atravesar (ie) (P; 1) crossroads travesía (P) crown corona (4; 10) crush, to machacar (2; 8) cry llanto (7) cry, to llorar (10) cumin comino (8) cupboard alacena (11) curfew toque de queda (7) curse, to maldecir (i-i) (7) custom costumbre (1) cutlery cubierto (9) dagger puñal (7) damaging dañino/a (5; 12) damned maldito/a (P) damned, fatal, unfortunate funesto/a (3) danger peligro (2) danger, out of salvo, a (5) darkness oscuridad (11) darkness, in the oscuras, a (2) dawn amanecer (2; 8; 9); madrugada (8; 9); alba, el (9) daybreak amanecer (2; 8; 9) day's journey jornada (5) dazzled deslumbrado/a (7) deafening sordo (3); ensordecedor/a (8) decapitate, to decapitar (6) deceit engaño (4) decree decreto (4) deer ciervo (11; 12) defeat derrota (1; 4; 7; 9) dejected abatido/a (5) delay, to demorar (5) deliver, to entregar (5) delusion ilusión (7) demeanor porte (5) demonstrate, to demostrar (ue) (8) deny, to negar (3; 10) deposit, to depositar (8)

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 6 deprivation privación (6) deserve, to merecer (4; 6; 7) desirable deseable (9) desolation desolación (1) despaired desconsolado/a (9; 10) destroy, to destruir (1) develop, to desarrollar (1) die, to fallecer (3; 4) direct oneself, to dirigirse (1) dishonored deshonrado/a (3) disillusion, to desengañar (9) dismal lúgubre (5) disrobe, to desnudar (6) distress desconsuelo (10) disturbance alboroto (2; 4) dive, to zambullir (6) dominion dominio (3) donkey, f. jumento (11) doubloon doblón (7) drain, to drenar (6); escurrir (P; 8); colar (P) dramatist dramaturgo/a (3) dream ensueño (6) drink mate, to matear (2) drown, to ahogarse (6) drum tambor (P) drunk borracho/a (12) dumbstruck atónito/a (3) dusk anochecer (11) dust polvo (11) duty deber (3) dwell, to morar (1) dweller morador/a (1; 2) dwelling morada (11) dye, to teñir (4; 6) eagle águila, el (9) earnestly encarecidamente (11) earthenware talavera (10) eastern oriental (8) edge borde (1) effort esfuerzo (1) embellish, to embellecer (10) ember ascua (12) embrace, to abrazar (9) emerald esmeralda (6) emigrate, to emigrar (11) emit, to emitir (7)

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 7 emphasize, to enfatizar (P) empire imperio (4; 7) empty vacío/a (6) empty, to vaciar (2) enable, to capacitar (P) enclose, to encerrar (10) end of, at the fines de, a (P); cabo de, al (5) endure, to aguantar (7); soportar (1; 4) enjoy, to disfrutar (1); gozar (10) enriching enriquecedor/a (11) entertain, to entretener (P) environment medio ambiente (4) envy envidia (5) equatorial ecuatorial (1) erect, to erigir (1) errand recado (11) eruption erupción (4; 12) event acontecimiento (3); suceso (9) evil maligno/a (12) exaggerate, to exagerar (P) exhausting agotador/a (8) exile, to exiliar (11) expectant expectante (12) expel, to expulsar (11) experience, to experimentar (P) extend, to alargar (1) facade fachada (10) face rostro (2; 3; 7) fail, to fracasar (6) faith fe (8) faithful fiel (5) fall caída (1) false convert marrano/a (11) fame fama (4) fan, to abanicar (12) far away lejano (7) farm hacienda (3); finca (8) fatal (damned, unfortunate) funesto/a (3) fate hado (3) fear temor (2); pavor (8) feat hazaña (P) fed up harto/a (2) feed, to alimentar (2; 12) fertile plain; farm vega (5; 8) fervently ahínco, con (11) fever fiebre (P)

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 8 fierce encarnizado/a (5); fiero/a (12) fight, to pelearse (P); luchar (5) figure, doll muñeco (10) fill, to rellenar (3) filter, to colarse (11) find hallazgo (11) find out, to enterar(se) (3; 4; 6; 7) finished acabado/a (9) fire fuego (3) firewood leña (11) fish pez (2) fit, to encajar (1) fix, to arreglar (12) flee, to huir (2; 11) flight huida (9) flight (Arabic) hégira (9) floor piso (10) flour harina (11) flower, to florecer (4; 11) fly, to volar (P) foam espuma (6; 8) following siguiente (9) foot pata (2; 12) force fuerza (P) force, by fuerza, a la (11) fortress fortaleza (P) fortune ventura (9) fortune, luck dicha (3; 5; 9; 11) found, to fundar (1; 6; 10) fray, to deshilachar (9) frigate fragata (10) frightened asustado/a (8) from Aragón, Spain aragonés/esa (3) frontier (adj.) fronterizo/a (3) frying pan sartén (P; 11) fulfill, to cumplir (4; 10; 12) full moon plenilunio (7) gallant gallardo/a (5) garden, vegetable huerto (P) garlic ajo (8) garment prenda (4) genre género (11) gesture to pacify someone apaciguamiento (6) get, to conseguir (2) ghostly fantasmal (7) giddyap arre (11)

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 9 gift don (P); obsequio (2; 5) give vent, to desahogar (9) give, to regalar (9) gloomy tenebroso/a (7) go around, to girar (8) go away, to marcharse (3) goal meta (P) goat cabra (12) goddess, Aztec Cihuacoatl (7) golden áureo/a (6) golden dorado/a (6) goods hacienda (3) gossip chisme (7) gossip, to chismear (3) gourd calabaza (2) governor alcaide (5) gracefulness apostura (7) Granada, from granadino/a (5) Greek griego/a (P) groan gemido (3; 5) groan, to gemir (i-i) (7) ground suelo (1; 4) grow dark (darken), to oscurecer(se) (4; 9) growing creciente (11) guess, to adivinar (2) guest huésped (2) gun fusil (P) hair cabello (7) half mitad (4) handicraft artesanía (9) handsome apuesto/a (3; 5); lozano/a (5) hanging pendiente (12) happen upon, to tropezar (3; 11; 9; 12) happen, to suceder (5) happiness dicha (3; 5; 9; 11) happy dichoso/a (1) hardly apenas (3) hardship penalidad (11) harmful dañino/a (5; 12) harvest, to cosechar (2) hatred odio (P) haughty altanero/a (7) heading encabezamiento (3) headline titular (6) health store centro naturista (2) heartrending desgarrador/a (7)

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 10 heavenly paradisíaco/a (5) heavy pesado/a (11) heir heredero/a (1; 6) help auxilio (P) help, to amparar (8) herd manada (9) hermitage ermita (8) hidden escondido/a (11) hide, to ocultar(se) (8; 11) high plateau altiplanicie (6) hill cerro (1; 8); colina (1); monte (1; 11) hillside ladera (12) hold fast, to sujetar (P) hold of a ship bodega (6) home hogar (8; 9; 11; 12) honor honra (3) horn bocina (11); cuerno (7) horrified horrorizado/a (3) host anfitrión (2) hot caluroso/a (11) house vivienda (11) house, to alojar (9); hospedar (10) howl aullido (7; 12) humble humilde (6; 8) hunt caza (6) hunter cazador/a (P) hurl, to arrojar (5; 6; 7; 11); lanzar (2; 7; 12); tirar (12) hurried precipitado/a (11) hurry, to; make haste, to precipitar(se) (3; 8); apresurar (11) hut choza (2) hybrid híbrido (11) illusion (pipedream) quimera (6) immediately enseguida (11) impel, to impulsar (6) imposing imponente (1) imprison, to encarcelar (5) in fact hecho, de (2) incident lance (3) increase aumento (8) indigenous indígena (6; 7) inhabitant morador/a (1; 2) injure, to herir (ie-i) (5; 7; 12) innovative novedoso/a (1) inquiry pesquisa (6) insistently encarecidamente (11) install, to instaurar (1)

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 11 instruct, to instruir (1) intellectual; wise sabio/a (11) interpreter intérprete (7) intimate entrañable (9) intrigued intrigado/a (8) invader invasor/a (10) invigorated esforzado/a (5) irrigation regadío (1) jaguar yaguareté (2) jealous celoso (4) jealousy celos (5) Jew(ish) judío/a (11) jewel joya (6) join together, to unirse (3) joke broma (10) jokester burlador/a (11) joy gozo (8) joyful gozoso/a (10) judge juez (4) judgment juicio (4; 7; 12) jungle jungla (P); selva (6) jury jurado (10) keep guardar keeper guardián (12) key llave (10) key (island) cayo (8) kingdom reino (4; 6) kingdom, Arabic califato (11) knee rodilla (7) kneel, to arrodillar(se) (4; 7; 8) knife cuchilla (1) knot nudo (1) lace encaje (5; 9) laden cargado/a (P) lake lago (6) lake (adj.) lacustre (1) lament lamento (7) lance lanza (5) landowner terrateniente (12) lantern farol (2) lard manteca (11) last, to perdurar (4); permanecer (4) law ley (1) lazy flojo/a (12) lead plomo (12) leaf hoja (11)

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 12 leap salto (2) leave, to partir leavening; yeast levadura (11) legacy legado (7) legalize, to legalizar (7) legend leyenda (P) leisure ociosidad (5) lie down, to recostar (4) lie, to yacer (3) life together convivencia (11) light up, to alumbrar (2; 8) lightening relámpago (8) limitation (gradual… of slavery through purchase of freedom) coartación (8) line trazo (9) lineage linaje (1; 5; 10) little window ventanuco (2) live, to habitar (4) location ubicación (3) log tronco (2; 11) loyal leal (10) luck dicha (3; 5; 9; 11) luck suerte (4) magic magia (P) make a toast, to brindis, hacer (2) make an effort, to esforzarse (2) make fun, to burlar (10) make out (see), to divisar (8; 11) make, to fabricar (9) mammoth mamut (4) manners modales (7) mansion casona (9; 12) marble mármol (3) marry, to esposar (1); desposar (3) mash, to machacar (2; 8) massacre matanza (5; 11) master amo (P) master over, to be señorear (1) mate tea yerba mate (2) mausoleum mausoleo (3) mayor alcalde (5; 10) melt, to derretirse (12); fundir (12) memory recuerdo (6) merciless despiadado (4) message mensaje (8) metal straw bombilla (2) middle of mitad, a (8)

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 13 mill molino (11) miracle milagro (8) misfortune desdicha (5) mishap infortunio (7) mist bruma (1) mistaken equivocado/a (7) mistreat, to maltratar (P) mistreatment maltrato (8) mixed-race mestizo/a (7) mixture mezcla (9) mixture of races mestizaje (7) moan gemido (3; 5); quejido (3) modesty pudor (5) moneyed adinerado/a (3) monotheistic monoteísta (1) Moor (Arab); Moorish moro/a (3; 5) Moorish descent mudéjar (3) moral moraleja (11) Moslem musulmán/mana (3; 5) mountain monte (1; 11) mountain range cordillera (1); sierra (8; 11) mud barro (4) muezzin (Moslem caller to prayer) almuecín, almuédano (5) naïve ingenuo/a (11) narrator narrador/a (P) native to oriundo/a (2) navel ombligo (1) nebulous nebuloso/a (7) night owl trasnochador (12) nightmare pesadilla (9) not even siquiera, ni (1; 8) novel (adj.); innovative novedoso/a (1) nude desnudo/a (10) nugget pepita (6) obtain, to conseguir (2) occupation oficio (11) offspring vástago/a (1) often menudo, a (8) omen augurio (7) opinion, to have an opinar (10) oppressed oprimido/a (8) opulent opulento/a (7) outcome desenlace (4) outlined perfilado/a (5) over-filled caudaloso/a (1) overflowing desbordado/a (3)

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 14 overtake, to adueñarse (5) overthrow, to derrocar (5) owing to debido a (7) owl búho (2) owner dueño (P) pacify, to apaciguar (4) painful doloroso/a (9) pamphlet folleto (8) passing paso (11) patch parche (12) paw pata (2; 12) penetrate, to adentrarse (1); internar (11) perceived percibido/a (7) perennial perenne (2) perish, to; die, to fallecer (3; 4); perecer (6) perjury perjurio (4) persist, to persistir (P) persistence persistencia (6) pilgrimage peregrinación (1; 6) pioneer pionero/a (P) pity piedad (11) placate, to aplacar (6) place, to colocar (3) plain llano (1); llanura (1) plank tabla (8) plantation (Cuba) colonia (8) plaster yeso (10) play (a joke), to gastar (una broma) (10) plaza (small) plazuela (7) plea ruego (5) please, to compadecer (1; 2; 4) plow through, to surcar (2) pompous pomposo/a (10) possess, to poseer (4) posthumous póstumo/a (3) pot, large caldero (8) pound, to golpear (10; 11) powerful poderoso/a (10) pray, to rezar (8) predict, to predecir (i-i) (7) present oneself, to acudir (5) presentiment, to have a presentir (ie-i) (7) pride orgullo (2;10) priest sacerdote (7) prince (Arabic) califa (11) prisoner preso/a (5)

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 15 profile perfil (4) promote, to promover (11) pronounce, to sentenciar (11) prophet profeta, el (9) prove, to comprobar (11) Puebla, from poblano/a (10) puff up, to hinchar (10) pull out, to arrancar (12) punishment castigo (5) pupil pupila (3) pursuer perseguidor/a (9) Quechuan language quechua (2) quickly deprisa (8; 10) quiet, to be callarse (P) rabbi rabino (2) rabbit conejo (12) race raza (7) radiance resplandor (5; 8) raft balsa (6) rage rabia (10) rainbow arco iris (2; 6; 8) raise up, to elevar (P) raise, to criar (8) ranch hacienda (3) ransom rescate (1) reach, to alcanzar (6) record registro (P) recover, to recuperarse (4); recobrar (6) redden, to enrojecer (1); arrebolar (10) reed junco (6) refinement urbanidad (1) reflection reflejo (7) reign reinado (10) release, to soltar (8) relive, to revivir (9) remember, to acordarse (P) renown renombre (4) repentance arrepentimiento (3) replace, to reemplazar (9) report reportaje (6) repose, to yacer (3) reproach reproche (10) reside, to residir (5); anidar (9) resigned resignado/a (3) resin resina (6) resolved resuelto/a (11)

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 16 rest, to reposar (3; 8) result fruto (P) retort, to replicar (7) return retorno (P) reward recompensa (4) reward, to premiar (2) ride on horseback, to cabalgar (5) rider jinete (5) rifle fusil (P) right derecho (8; 10) right away acto seguido (6) right next to juntito a (2) rippled rizado/a (1) risk riesgo (4) risk, to arriesgar (8) risk, to be at peligro, correr (9) roar rugido (2; 4) roar, to rugir (8) rock, to mecer (2) rocky rocoso/a (1; 2) rod (small) varilla (1) role papel (11) rolling pin rodillo (11) romanticize, to romantizar (P) root raíz (1) rotate, to girar (8) rough terrain vericueto (2) round redondo/a (8) row, to remar (6; 8) royal regio/a (6) ruckus alboroto (2; 4) rugged abrupto/a (11) ruined acabado/a (9) rum ron (P) sacred sagrado/a (1; 7) sadden, to entristecer (4; 5; 7) saddlebag alforja (11) sadness pena (7) safe salvo/a (4) safe and sound sano y salvo (12) salt sal (6) salt mine salina (8) sand arena (6) sap savia (6) sauté, to sofreír (i-i) (8) savanna sabana (6)

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 17 save, to salvar (P) saw sierra (8; 11) scary espantoso/a (12) scimitar cimitarra (5) screech, to chillar (12) sculpt, to esculpir (5) search pesquisa (6) seed semilla (P) seem like, to semejar (1); asemejar (4; 12) seem, to aparentar (10) seize, to apoderarse (11) Sephardic sefardita (11) sepulcher sepulcro (3) set fire, to incendiar (1) set out for, to encaminarse (8) settler poblador (1; 8) shade penumbra (11) shadow sombra (2) shadows tinieblas (1) shake, to agitar (11) shame vergüenza (10) sheet (of metal) plancha (1) shelter, to refugiarse (8) shining reluciente (6); refulgente (6) shiver, to estremecerse (8) shore (lake); bank (river) orilla (1; 6) shortening manteca (11) sieve colador (2) sigh, to suspirar (5) sight vista (1) signal, to señalar (P) silly necio/a (3) similar semejante (P) sink, to hundir (1) size tamaño (9; 12) skillful diestro/a (2) slash the throat of, to degollar (5) slaughter matanza (5; 11) slave esclavo (P) slave (adj.) negrero/a (P) slavery esclavitud (P) smallpox viruela (P) smiling risueño/a (9; 11) smoke, to humear (4) snowy nevado/a (1) soak, to remojar (8)

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 18 sob, to sollozar (4) soften, to ablandar (8) sorrow pesar (1; 5); pena (7) soul alma, el (5; 9) sow, to sembrar (P) spark chispa (5) speech discurso (P) spend time, to ocupar (9) spent acabado/a (9) spider araña (9) spider web telaraña (9) spider web (guaraní) ñandutí, el (9) spill, to derramar (1); verter (ie) (4) spirit espíritu (P) spite of, in pesar de, a (8) splendor resplandor (5; 8) sprinkle, to espolvorear (6) sprout, to brotar (3) spur espuela (5) stair step (terrace) escalonada (1) stand out, to destacar (1; 3) star estrella (2) starboard estribor (8) startled sobresaltado/a (3); sobrecogido/a (8) statue estatua (P; 8) stay estancia (4) stay awake, to desvelar (2) steamy vaporoso/a (7) steel acero (5) step upon, to pisar (3; 7) stick in, to fisgar (2) stick into, to clavarse (2) sticky pegajoso/a (6; 11) stir, to revolver (ue) (8) stony pedregoso/a (1) stop alto (5) stop, to parar (P); detener (1) storm temporal (8); vendaval (8) story relato (7; 8; 9) strange, to find extrañar, de (5) strange, to seem extrañar (4; 9) strangle, to estrangular (1) stream riachuelo (9) stretch, to estirar (11) stricken dolorido/a (7) strive to; endeavor, to procurar (9)

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 19 stucco estuco (5) stupefied estupefacto/a (11) subdue, to rendirse (5); someter (6) subject súbdito (10) submerge, to sumergir (1) submitted sometido/a (3) suffer, to penar (1; 7); padecer (5) suffering sufrimiento (P) sugar cane harvest zafra (8) sugar mill ingenio (8) summarize, to resumir (4) summit cima (4; 8); cumbre (4) summon, to convocar (1; 4) sumptuous suntuoso/a (8) sunset puesta del sol (8) superimposed superpuesto/a (7) supernatural sobrenatural (2) surface superficie (1) surround, to rodear (1) survive, to sobrevivir (11) svelte esbelto/a (7) swallow, to tragar (1) swear, to jurar (3) sweep, to barrer (8) swell oleaje (8) swift veloz (8) swindle, to estafar (6) sword espada (5) symbiosis simbiosis (9) sympathize with, to compadecer (1; 2; 4) synagogue sinagoga (11) syncretism, blending sincretismo (4) syrup almíbar (8) tablecloth mantel (11) take advantage of, to aprovechar (1) take for granted, to sentado, tomar por (8) take note of, to fijarse (5; 6; 7) take out, to sacar (9; 11) take pity, to compadecer (1; 2; 4) tax impuesto (11) tea infusión (2) tear lágrima (1) tear, to rasgar (7) temperate templado/a (10) terrified aterrado/a (3; 9) thick grueso/a (8)

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 20 thin fino/a (11) threat amenaza (11) threshold umbral (11) throat garganta (4) throne trono (1; 4) through, along través de, a (1) throw (down), to arrojar (5; 6; 7; 11) throw oneself, to abalanzarse (2) throw, to lanzar (2; 7; 12); tirar (12) thunder trueno (8) thunder, to atronar (10) tie, to atar (P) tied ligado/a (6) tile azulejo (5; 10) tile roof tejado (11) time period plazo (3); rato (10) time period; epoch época (3; 5; 9) toast, to tostar (ue) (2) tolerate, to soportar (1; 4) tomb tumba (P; 3; 4); sepultura (3) top cima (4; 8) torn, broken roto/a (P; 3) tortoise tortuga (9) touch toque (P) trace, to trazar (P) traitor traidor/a (4; 7) transmit, to transmitir (P) travel through, to recorrer (2) tread, to; step upon, to pisar (3; 7) treason traición (4) treasure tesoro (6) treaty tratado (11) tree árbol (11) tremble, to temblar (ie) (4) trembling estremecimiento (1) tribe tribu (P; 6) trip over, to tropezar (11) triumph, to triunfar (10) troop of riders cabalgada (5) trunk baúl (9) trunk(of a tree) tronco (2; 11) trust (in), to fiarse (en) (P;11) truthful verídico/a (P; 3) twilight crepúsculo (2) twin gemelo (4) UFO OVNI (objeto volador no identificado) (4)

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 21 uncover, to descubrir (3); destapar (11) undergrowth maleza (11) undone deshecho/a (9) unfortunate desdichado/a (3; 5) unfortunate (damned, fatal) funesto/a (3) union sindicato (12) unsettle, to intranquilizar (8) upset arrebatado/a (3) vain, in balde, en (9) valuable preciado/a (4) value valor (5; 6) vanity vanidad (10) vanquished vencido/a (5) vein vena (1; 3) vice royal virreinal (7) viceroy virrey (12) viceroyalty virreinato (7) victor vencedor/a (5) villager lugareño/a (8) voracious voraz (1) vow voto (3) wake estela (8) walled amurallado/a (3) wander, to vagar (7) warn, to advertir (7); amonestar (7) warning advertencia (12) warrior guerrero/a (P;4) wash, to fregar (9) watch over, to guardar (4; 12); velar (por) (8; 12) watch, to vigilar (5) wave (air) onda (9) wave (water) ola (8) wave, to agitar (11) wave; undulate, to ondear (5) weaken, to flaquear (5) wealth bienes (3) weave, to tejer (9) weaving tejido (9; 10) well-being bien (1); bienestar (4) western occidental (5) wet, to mojar (8) whip látigo (P) whip, to azotar (8) whirl, to arremolinar (9) whirlpool remolino (9) whisper, to susurrar (3; 4; 5; 8)

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 22 wild salvaje (P) will voluntad (3) wing ala, el (P) wondering extrañado/a (8) wood madera (10; 11) woodland monte (1; 11) worked by hand labrado/a (5) world (adj.) terráqueo/a (adj.) (8) world view cosmovisión (10) world; sphere; orb (fig.) orbe (1) worn out gastado/a (9) worth the trouble, to be merecer la pena (6) worthy digno/a (3) wound, to herir (ie-i) (5; 7; 12) wrapped up envuelto/a (1) you (lit. your mercy) vuestra merced (3) young woman doncella (3)