· leal education at the...

«*• i«, _ • tfrfctawMffi afcr.)^ ^==1 •.^^&NfcwS3b**^^ -<•** *#*«*.. *s- •^««* w feSt>«^^^lv i K^ , ^^"^^^*'fi^'^ n-^«*,«*,-y^swg i W^^»-tif'V^a« 6 *^f*?i^£< •WftH.N#*iM» wnH'Mtii»iii>i)ihi t 4 m *•*"" - ' •* "*'-*- v * \ *•» . !u_-_l_J _*!.•_.••-•_____. A & fcjiii-i_'-JL'4 v *i ? .".: Hoi* Novena At Monastery ''••V«&&. .'( Eighth A»n«al Rosary* Ntooas wiE open at i f e J>Q*k**B$* am Monastery at ISttt W,-Churcfa St., Etofra OR Sate#y f¥fiaing. Sept. 27, ••;,: T ^' i - i The devotions ea«§t •>•• -p-iV**- through Oct. 4 will cejnjglijf' recitation o£ the Rosar^,,i.a^> won and Benediction ""'of .'tju* _£essed Sacrament. Tfte?1$s&:'j; Edrattttd tn&rien, Gfiatialjj. "mi. sisted oy several of w& \q clergy, will conduct $# -.servjcfs, Mass at the Mwtaste^&eh rooming win be at"'7.awn,- f>br those who j$nd it convtateDf to attend, This pajt of the ?fov«M, however, may, be itfUjihsd In a parish Church. CLOS3PN& SKR^CBS will be held at an outdoor altar on Ros- ary Sunday Afternoon, Oct, 5, This devotion to Our Lady of the! -Bosajy-^belicvGd oae of tjjt« ... ^5S£MWa^^ ! a-arroasriij >y » 4*t-y»*irStefc t Mi ftK*tH*«to*** Nmtatk State T* 8ft -.<,_?•, Wiiin^ •' fe •fti* ! Ti____il l_£i___L \f|j8> IHMt mi J< *B' Iftik . _ ^ X Jt_MEifl__iittliii_--- _R pX-V__V ^_^_M^Ip 1 «es«-tb-t ia UN. l*"il)*f yt*r, C«n-| „_ «f —w^.^^.. J** «•»' ?*"« ix*^ ^mtety mi aomb«r-o£ p*op4« Tiritfayf tbt •H« oriita of tb« Stota* U tbe •tory of lather I«uc Jogim, *\ __,„ _,.„..,,-, .-.^Canada from FT*BC# to woric i)i.l>iwlt.lit. aad t)v, 5ofen|axaooc' tte DidfauMi. Xa XSi% iK fitfctuTT fttiiii. s iw**dj JofTji*iBw* GomrfJ,,* J»y fieipetr. most efficacious offered b y j t o l y Mother Church. Each yeayw fbe Etalra Monastery «id x i n ttw Dominican Convent* ttmiifhout the world countiefts miraculous answers to pcayers and petltlona a r e repented. More than nine yeaes ago, eight Dominican Nona came to Etalra from Buffalo, for the purpose of establishing m, fouo>] dation to this-Community. Since that time, flee other postulants have been accepted at Howry HOI, as the local Monastery Is known, M4NT CHANGES have takes place, since that August day, when these Sisters left the well established Convent in Buffalo to pioneer in a venture, which would daunt even strong amen, Today, a little Monastery and a new modem permanent wing*, witSch was recently completed, stands a s ait evidence of the courage of these Religious and of the gratitude of many JUralr- ans for tMi Spiritual Stronghold. Protestants and Jews, aa well m Catholics, have -found peaqe'j and comfort 4n the. sincere [sympathy and understanding of- 1 *h#se Sisters, whose prayers n v e been so often answered. /Visitors are, ahsrayss. .^e&ome ! 6a Kosary Hill and pefcitfbns* j»ay| Be telephoned, maltedF of* taken to tiie Monastery. Requests for prayers during this Novena will be left on Hie Rosary Altar and will be remembered at all the Masses and in the prayers and good works of the Dominican Sisters. .O v H. F. Ryart Promoted Boeh'esteivlSf.E, By Lincoln Trust Herbert F. Ryan, Assistant Secretary and Manager of the Ironc3equoit Office of Lincoln Rochester Trust Co. has' been appointed to the Consumer Credit Department, "accorfling to Raymond N. Ball, president. An employee of the bank for thirty years, Ryan started as messenger and has nerved as clerk, bookkeeper, teller, and as. alstatxt manager of the East End Office. After graduating from Cathe- dral High School, Ryan attended the American Institute of Bank tog. - - - ^ ^ o • Elects Mrs. Caron Prstfaburjr — Mrs, Tlorence Ciron was elected president of St. Patrick's Rosary and Altar Society at the society's meeting held Sept. 11 in the chuzch^haU. , Eleceted also were: J^rs. An- thony Wojdyla, vice president; |M»."Armax^ S£' Pierre, secres taiy, stnd tars, Frank Bergman, jpufleral tsevfcfca jtor'^Anthony {&, wpa, 23, orjganteer and cap- mbx iff lie ^^s^annitai' team |%t Aqtulnas Institute, -ware held from fee Josejph A. Murphy Fu- laserallJQine,' 363 CMU Ave.» o»f «awgea «»•'* 'Mondfty^ept, iS2, at 8:30 a, nst,' fiapdress here, i Requiem Mass was celebrated a t St. Augustine's Church at 9:00 to'clock by Rev. Francis Donog< 1 hue. Present in the sanctuary were: B t Rev, Msgr. John M, Duffy, Rev. Donald-Mulcahy and Rev. George Wood. Bearers were: Edward J. Whlfe comb, Allen Schaeifer, Louis Al- varo; Arthur HiUIs, Bernard Wiser and Jack Trabold, Mr. Uppa died at his home, 456 Flint St, on Thursday, Sept. IS, 1952, after a long illness. __XBkenJ31-wlai«HStedy4«g-t^ry5 : ' leal education at the University of Indiana, Mr, Lippa was grant- ed a degree by that school" in June. Very active in local athletic activities, ' Mr. Lippa taught swimming at the Columbus Youth Association and was a -counselor for the CYA Day Camp. He was also swimming instructor for the Rochester Turners and was granted a scholarship by that organization. The deceased is survived by his wife, Mary Whitcomb Lippa; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. An- thony J. Lippa; a brother, Rob- ert Lippa; a sister, Mrs. Aliens Marnbrettl of Kenmore, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sil- vio Galletti of Seneca Falls. o —— Linked To America Aim Bogota, Colombia ^ (RC) ~~ iClte !bifreas,e| fc#njitti(ic« tivitles in Cotarabift are #art of a conamunisl; plan to sol?e control of key Latin Ajheric&n countries, the Goloriiljian "Wft later of War, Jose Maria Eernal* charged in A nation-wide radio The plan is supervised by Rus- sian agents in "oae of t b e Carib- bean countries," the WsT t Minis- ter stated. He did not name the .President treasurer. Cferbtlaa Worker* Saa Jose, Costa Bka — (NO The Costa Rican Hierarchy hail the Young Christian Work- ers' movement as "the living Gospel of .modern times" in a joint pastoral commemorating] (the tenth anniversary of the [movement here. Mr. Joseph Glaaer (above) of Detroit, who wsa chosen na- tional president of the National Conference of Cathoilo Chart- ties, at the 28th annual meeting Just held fa Cleveland. He succeeds Honatgnor Eugene A, Lottos, Director of Cathoilo Charities, JEMoeesa of Bntffalc, ^ , -*T« countryi However, recenl: »• ports havse stated that # Red em- bassy in Cuba has taken over di- rection od communist activities in Latin America. - (A KneEKr issue of Central American Studies, published in San Salvador, states that a Red headquarters is, operative* In Cuba which receives instructions from Prague (The o£m of Oie Red activity, according to the magazine, is to seize control of Guatemala, then Costa Rica, Colombia and finally Venezuela, which is regardad -tno-^is^-^ewtrsHrecaasino^ltr" vast oil reserves.) Mr. Bemal declared that the Colombian government has i n lis possession a Hed-forrnulated pro< gram for seizing; power in the country. TJBK vm» l'LAN, called "aPlan A," aims mainly at weakening the preset** Colombian army, tho War Minister charged!, Ha dt«<! these objectives of the? plan: (1) dispersal fef the army by creating widely sei>arnted; disturbances; (S) sabbtage' at factories, air bases and znunlflons storehouses; (3) theft oi army uriitormu, arms and ammunition from .the small garrisons, and (4) tho spread ot demoralizing propa- ganda among the troops. The Watr Minister declared that the Red plan also calls <for attacks agaunat tbe present sroV- ernment, tine elergry and religion in general as "forces of oppre* ._ Newded TTie lob of mtaAing A»«3ca' strong requdrei something mor* than begulltng radio and TV < toiy. THWrTf -MtlMlAVOim- TWJLY SATISFYING bs Hill COFFEE \\ FOOD STORES STOCK UP ON ©OLD MEDAL F LOU R «*»-:- ' iiii •tall IIMWII DlTl ii^TTiisai Tnii*f,,ll>s 'Jsi iaai- 'CdeasMKua uras cetwftaessd '«M atrb- WL to «o«i«DoArt* the Hnrork war* captuted by the Mobawta. U s rout* ^ Osns«r«Hxw, and oners' traSscwint' horribie tor- ( twras, rttBnJBBf the juantlet and _____ BX -PSS« iw att fist mlttl&N&jf — • wJt sMiit isf*a»a» ai the *^W%" 4itWM6£>Wt. asHt IWL ®MK'. t Dwtch at Ras_aeiaariwycic, now N : ^' rlvad' iitfrtsKS af^e raariy hard- CUSTOM MCH/NO TOWH.I .fEISONAt. NKt»t " LB. BAG r sur_wo* COWEl FUVO« m : 4 mmgptfrj 4/'"' ^ i *- : '- ^ v ^'^ .^••^*'!WH^ ' aC -ht' b»» $afc0eat-$vi-t, bas a W0 ifiMt -lor 'tfie '•ft"., WW ^iardsttft: •Xftmm, ctimL a a Dsnatas@|s. : 1 *' •' Kc«» and , _ , Traack ^ftaf* Rc**rt Rosen, Vo- " Gaffaty, Lttera- _ports;Don- '' BarcM -J^__a_-_____tittsalj-J^N-------_- ff^Fwfe_ai__!_pf^ -f^_t*pT_*_—!^ ^ joflfciai argaat of ttw Ci^-Oc__n ""'" Ha* ifafii iee»,-^-~«-. T « t_heBor r -li>e[tifflt;jFate' .. i,w«rd, JRJ tat an- ______ii__i-__i ___Ma_Ji" %to-stc-_-Uc___^ fiiJP jfirin____t- ^&HHb___l'" _l__t__S_-' S^pai-fef5_s5n5«ri. and Fran- list mmm t nm k «* tha "ttofs* aaftti. ff^Jttgm^ €^HBij-iC0ttf. "if 4MT -HE___K , ^^^^^^ 1 -_t__23»'« _, -0- U Dufctin cyctog '&M atunded itais at the caureb of tha W ' P*sdoa« Ekwd in the Cil. : 'WtoBii^fe , '" L '- '--.''' at tlm spselal cart-" _ _ , __ ... ^^*^-|_HiiJii|g^; fesrt <3«A »c*^tie# wart Catiw-j lie wrt orty in natw but alM iii act|oR< •Celebcant of 't_« Mass; waa Rev, T- C^BrJto, Chaplain iiiiiri>iij.fjViii'r.jr^l;ii.;riiiiiiMi:,il.iij, - WHIIE IIMA BEAMS ^ l O 9 Ht»f_ Fi»i Q«l8fy ••% 4iE*tf- TO«ATO SAUCE J « « 2 5 ^ NEW MINUTE RICE ^14^ YEUOWMARGARINES 41^ VANILLA WAFERS w 2 5 ^ llUNii^iciiiA^ m IIP S^ial^tojyi^Strite x.- FOR BREAKFAST FAMOUS ICELIOGG CEREALS tt« iltOSE WBOrltEfEX THEiST mtmt fwc^jliBJEm .-. torn c/toicir mmtr II «&_ ens •' ' -MlT_.Tf mm ttiel - ' _Mt "a SBI*-H' "ViHaw fa : i-id.'Oat itiofijer o€ a i ' mat tlw vattge priest who artoad her it ih« had )ud •mTiA •*&#••%*#& -abt' aaJdiT il P*t. bat, Wett ar«» "tt* y w ^ ' , ^'3^'l^mi- s- l '*sswv-~a > y M m iip>-'flpwa j^fllpi-' 1 . - JMM H<_-» fat j*l_ 1 * - -• " -.•• Kew Orlwaa* ~ <NC> ~ - P a a - if» we«,raiqfu«»{«<t to call to 85* attention of th«efc piuisluoB- «** the %isfiMheii^^.riialei teg: »o tlMj^ieasj' v^' te'Hot*»; Arc*Wsbop J o « p h y, R«iwn«l ilBt-UeW $$$*&&*(&&. •• ;,•.•:•/•>, -AH qti»mUd ctaien* ahouid b«- «»& to «ac*rcls«: ; one t* tbe'noost ftto^tft^n^ f^rjettejs rtgbt | | vX*, which c*rri«» with, »r#;tBOtin : _r good ietttmatat. Kieae' mr^o - -Jb«a - £bsro«i|B_t ~ nasl^ «J»* tttfi. ti|irt libaw n^iral »«^[ jip««sMluy Wth those who pro-' 'M^t'- the tkwstion of faa»*n fAlieri Pint «f-AH z^v/c: twb-iiS'wisr SANDWICH LOAF DEVILS FUDGE LOGS I *$off**f«M» Pavojrites!" BUnER DANISH RINGS sttcso LOAF iu. u. 4K. ARMOUR STAR OR CUDAWY PURITAN CookedHams $hank Hali 0 f*n<J«t YMiifj twiri*ii' -. ROLLED PORK ROAST Kb. -iN#!aW •Bok«fyFeafur0/Har/'$Overi'-f r res/. IUMBO COOKIE: .i»wiiii)ii,fn.i!nni^i-ii ii -ir ini,-ii' -fffl B io tt iHiii»iviij->:j.-iii'iii»>TiiiMii.ijiMiiff r «fi^'"ft«* _J^' mm stEAK -63 c Best Cut Shotildir' : '. TENDER BEEF R O A S T - 6 9 C FRESH GROUND BE|P» 5 9c ^owsfry^Srjrla tun, NASAIISAGEMIAT * 4 9 « W^SIWtMDik Sfcinless FRANKS /I ; WWf':v-.%'.": : '•ibit" ! "-- : i- COOKiMG tuicy Aii-Wtn No Wait*! j-ic^y-ya^»^y.T<.yt-i-tgyJ-fa^iit-^*i> M L»S. QUART BOTTLE -SAO c ^fe

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Page 1: · leal education at the University of Indiana, Mr, Lippa was grant ed a degree by that school" in June. Very

«*• i«, _ • tfrfctawMffi a f c r . ) ^ ^ = = 1 • .^^&NfcwS3b**^^ -<•** *#*«*.. *s- • ^ « « * w f e S t > « ^ ^ ^ l v i K ^ , ^ ^ " ^ ^ ^ * ' f i ^ ' ^

n-^«*,«*,-y^swg i W^^»-t i f 'V^a« 6*^f*?i^£<

•WftH.N#*iM» wnH'Mtii»iii>i)ihi

t 4


*•*"" - ' •* " * ' - * - v * \ *•» . ! u _ - _ l _ J _*!.•_.••-•_____. A & fcjiii-i_'-JL'4v*i?.".: Hoi* Novena At Monastery

' ' • •V«&&. .'(

Eighth A»n«al Rosary* Ntooas wiE open at i f e J>Q*k**B$* am Monastery at ISttt W,-Churcfa St., Etofra OR S a t e # y f¥fiaing. Sept. 27, ••;,:T^'i-i

The devotions ea«§t •>•• - p - i V * * -

through Oct. 4 will cejnjglijf' o£ recitation o£ the Rosar^,,i .a^> won and Benediction ""'of .'tju* _£essed Sacrament. Tfte?1$s&:'j; Edrattttd tn&rien, Gfiatialjj. "mi. sisted oy several of w& \q clergy, will conduct $# -.servjcfs,

Mass at the M w t a s t e ^ & e h rooming win be at"'7.awn,- f>br those who j$nd it convtateDf to attend, This pajt of the ?fov«M, however, may, be itfUjihsd In a parish Church.

CLOS3PN& SKR^CBS will be held at an outdoor altar o n Ros­ary Sunday Afternoon, Oct, 5, This devotion to Our Lady of the! -Bosajy-^belicvGd oae of tjjt«

... 5S£MWa^^ ! a-arroasriij >y » 4*t-y»*irStefct M i

ftK*tH*«to*** Nmtatk State

T* 8ft -.<,_?•, W i i i n ^

•' fe •fti* !Ti____il l_£i___L

\f|j8> IHMt mi J< *B' Iftik .

_ ^ X Jt_MEifl__iittliii_--- _ R pX-V__V ^_^_M^Ip

1 «es«-tb-t ia UN. l*"il)*f yt*r, C«n-|

„_ « f — w ^ . ^ ^ . .

J * * « • » ' ?*"« i x * ^ ^mtety m i

aomb«r-o£ p*op4« Tiritfayf tbt

•H« oriita of tb« Stota* U tbe •tory of lather I « u c Jogim, *\

_ _ , „ _ , . „ . . , , - , . - . ^ C a n a d a from FT*BC# to woric i)i.l>iwlt.lit. aad t)v, 5ofen|axaooc' t t e DidfauMi. Xa XSi%

iK fitfctuTT fttiiii. s iw**dj JofTji*iBw* GomrfJ,,* J»y fieipetr.

most efficacious offered b y j t o l y Mother Church. Each yeayw fbe Etalra Monastery «idx in ttw Dominican Convent* ttmiifhout the world countiefts miraculous answers to pcayers and petltlona are repented.

More than nine yeaes ago, eight Dominican Nona came t o Etalra from Buffalo, for the purpose of establishing m, fouo>] dation to this-Community. Since that time, flee other postulants have been accepted at Howry HOI, as the local Monastery I s known,

M4NT CHANGES have takes place, since that August day, when these Sisters left the well established Convent in Buffalo t o pioneer in a venture, which would daunt even strong amen, •

Today, a little Monastery and a new modem permanent wing*, witSch was recently completed, stands a s ait evidence o f the courage of these Religious and of the gratitude of many JUralr-ans for tMi Spiritual Stronghold.

Protestants and Jews, aa well

m Catholics, have -found peaqe'j and c o m f o r t 4n the. sincere

[sympathy and understanding of-1 *h#se Sisters, whose prayers

n v e been so often answered. /Visitors are, ahsrayss. .^e&ome

! 6a Kosary Hill and pefcitfbns* j»ay| Be telephoned, maltedF of* taken to tiie Monastery. Requests for prayers during this Novena will be left on Hie Rosary Altar and will be remembered at all the Masses and in the prayers and good works of the Dominican Sisters.

.O v

H. F. Ryart Promoted


B y Lincoln Trust Herbert F. Ryan, Assistant

Secretary and Manager of the Ironc3equoit Office of Lincoln Rochester Trust Co. has' been appointed to the C o n s u m e r Credit Department, "accorfling to Raymond N. Ball, president.

An employee of the bank for thirty years, Ryan started as messenger and has nerved as clerk, bookkeeper, teller, and as. alstatxt manager of the East End Office.

After graduating from Cathe­dral High School, Ryan attended the American Institute of Bank tog. - - - ^ ^

• o •

Elects Mrs. Caron Prstfaburjr — Mrs, Tlorence

Ciron was elected president of St. Patrick's Rosary and Altar Society at the society's meeting held Sept. 11 in the chuzch^haU. , Eleceted also were: J^rs. An­thony Wojdyla, vice president;

|M»."Armax^ S£' Pierre, secres taiy, stnd tars, Frank Bergman,

jpufleral tsevfcfca jtor'^Anthony {&, w p a , 23, orjganteer and cap-mbx iff l i e ^^s^anni ta i ' team |%t Aqtulnas Institute, -ware held from fee Josejph A. Murphy Fu-

laserallJQine,' 363 CMU Ave.» o»f «awgea «»•'* 'Mondfty^ept, iS2, at 8:30 a, nst,' fiapdress here, i Requiem Mass was celebrated a t St. Augustine's Church at 9:00

to'clock by Rev. Francis Donog< 1 hue. Present in the sanctuary were: B t Rev, Msgr. John M, Duffy, Rev. Donald-Mulcahy and Rev. George Wood.

Bearers were: Edward J. Whlfe comb, Allen Schaeifer, Louis Al-varo; Arthur HiUIs, Bernard Wiser and Jack Trabold,

Mr. Uppa died a t his home, 456 Flint St, on Thursday, Sept. IS, 1952, after a long illness. __XBkenJ31-wlai«HStedy4«g-t^ry5:' leal education at the University of Indiana, Mr, Lippa was grant­ed a degree by that school" in June.

Very active in local athletic activities, ' Mr. Lippa taught swimming at the Columbus Youth Association and was a -counselor for the CYA Day Camp. He was also swimming instructor for the Rochester Turners and was granted a scholarship by that organization.

The deceased is survived by his wife, Mary Whitcomb Lippa; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. An­thony J. Lippa; a brother, Rob­ert Lippa; a sister, Mrs. Aliens Marnbrettl of Kenmore, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sil­vio Galletti of Seneca Falls.

o ——

Linked To America Aim

Bogota, Colombia ^ (RC) ~~ iClte !bifreas,e| fc#njitti(ic« tivitles in Cotarabift are #art of a conamunisl; plan to sol?e control of key Latin Ajheric&n countries, the Goloriiljian "Wft later of War, Jose Maria Eernal* charged in A nation-wide radio

The plan is supervised by Rus­sian agents in "oae of t b e Carib-bean countries," the WsTt Minis­ter stated. He did not name the



Cferbtlaa Worker* Saa Jose, Costa Bka — ( N O

— The Costa Rican Hierarchy hail the Young Christian Work­ers' movement as "the living Gospel of .modern times" in a joint pastoral commemorating]

( the tenth anniversary of the [movement here.

Mr. Joseph Glaaer (above) of Detroit, who wsa chosen na­tional president of the National Conference of Cathoilo Chart-ties, at the 28th annual meeting Just held fa Cleveland. He succeeds Honatgnor Eugene A, Lottos, Director of Cathoilo Charities, JEMoeesa of Bntffalc,

„ ^ , - * T « countryi However, recenl: »• ports havse stated that # Red em­bassy in Cuba has taken over di­rection od communist activities in Latin America. -

(A KneEKr issue of Central American Studies, published in San Salvador, states that a Red headquarters is, operative* In Cuba which receives instructions from Prague

(The o£m of Oie Red activity, according to the magazine, i s to seize control of Guatemala, then Costa Rica, Colombia and finally Venezuela, which is regardad a» -tno-^is^-^ewtrsHrecaasino^ltr" vast oil reserves.)

Mr. Bemal declared that the Colombian government has i n lis possession a Hed-forrnulated pro< gram for seizing; power in the country.

TJBK vm» l'LAN, called "aPlan A," aims mainly at weakening the preset** Colombian army, tho War Minister charged!, Ha dt«<! these objectives of the? plan: (1) dispersal fef the army b y creating widely sei>arnted; disturbances; (S) sabbtage' at factories, air bases and znunlflons storehouses; (3) theft oi army uriitormu, arms and ammunition from .the small garrisons, and (4) tho spread ot demoralizing propa­ganda among the troops.

The Watr Minister declared that the Red plan also calls <for attacks agaunat t b e present sroV-ernment, tine elergry and religion in general as "forces of oppre*

._ Newded TTie lob of mtaAing A»«3ca'

strong requdrei something mor* than begulltng radio and TV < toiy.


bs Hill




«*»-:- ' iiii •tall IIMWII DlTl

ii^TTiisai Tnii*f,,ll>s

'Jsi iaai- 'CdeasMKua uras cetwftaessd ' « M atrb- WL to «o«i«DoArt* the

Hnrork war* captuted by the Mobawta.

U s rout* ^ Osns«r«Hxw, and

oners' traSscwint' horribie tor-(twras, rttBnJBBf the juantlet and

_____ B X -PSS« iw att fist mlttl&N&jf — •

wJt sMiit isf*a»a» a i the * W%" 4itWM6£>Wt. asHt IWL ®MK'.

t Dwtch at Ras_aeiaariwycic, now N :^' rlvad' iitfrtsKS af^e raariy hard-


.fEISONAt. NKt»t "

LB. BAG rsur_wo*


m:4 mmgptfrj

4/'"' ^i*-:'- ^ v ^ ' ^ . ^ • • ^ * ' ! W H ^ ' aC -ht' b»» $afc0eat-$vi-t, b a s a W0 ifiMt -lor 'tfie

'•ft"., WW


•Xftmm, ctimL

a a Dsnatas@|s. :1 *' •' K c « » and

, _ , Traack ftaf* Rc**rt Rosen, Vo-" Gaffaty, Lttera-

_ports;Don-' ' BarcM

-J^__a_-_____tittsalj-J^N-------_- ff^Fwfe_ai__!_pf^ -f^_t*pT_*_—!^ ^

joflfciai argaat of ttw Ci -Oc__n ""'" Ha* ifafii iee»,-^-~«-.T «

t_heBorr-li>e[tifflt;jFate' .. i,w«rd, JRJ tat an-

______ii__i-__i ___Ma_Ji" %to-stc-_-Uc___ fiiJP

jfirin____t- ^&HHb___l'" _l__t__S_-'

S^pai-fef5_s5n5«ri. and Fran-

list mmm t nm k «* tha "ttofs* aaftti.

ff^Jttgm^ €^HBij-iC0ttf.

"if 4MT -HE___K , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1

-_t__23»'« _ ,


U Dufctin cyctog '&M atunded itais a t the caureb of tha W ' P*sdoa« Ekwd i n the Cil. :

'WtoBii^fe,'" L'- '--.''' at tlm spselal cart-"

_ _ , __ ... ^ ^ * ^ - | _ H i i J i i | g ^ ;

fesrt <3«A »c*^tie# wart Catiw-j lie wrt orty i n natw but alM iii act|oR< •Celebcant of 't_« Mass; waa Rev, T- C^BrJto, Chaplain

iiiiiri>iij.fjViii'r.jr l;ii.;riiiiiiMi:,il.iij, -


Ht»f_ Fi»i Q«l8fy ••% 4iE*tf-

TO«ATO SAUCE J « « 2 5 ^




llUNii^iciiiA^ m I I P




CEREALS tt« iltOSE WBOrltEfEX THEiST mtmt fwc^jliBJEm

.-. torn c/toicir

mmtr I I «&_

ens •'

' -MlT_.Tf



- ' _Mt "a SBI*-H' "ViHaw fa:

• i-id.'Oat itiofijer o€ a i ' mat tlw vattge priest who artoad her i t ih« had )ud

•mTiA •*&#••%*#& • -abt' aaJdiT ilP*t. b a t , Wett

ar«» "tt* y w ^ ' , ^ ' 3 ^ ' l ^ m i -

s-l'*sswv-~a—> y M m iip>-'flpwa j^f l lp i - ' 1

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Kew Orlwaa* ~ <NC> ~-Paa-if» we«,raiqfu«»{«<t to call to

85* attention of th«efc piuisluoB-«** the %isf iMhei i^^.r i ia le i teg: »o tlMj^ieasj' v ^ ' te'Hot*»;

Arc*Wsbop J o « p h y , R«iwn«l ilBt-UeW $$$*&&*(&&. •• ;,•.•:•/•>,

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rtgbt | | vX*, which c*rri«» with,

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«J»* tttfi. ti|irt libaw n^iral »« [ jip««sMluy Wth those who pro-' 'M^t'- the tkwstion of • faa»*n





twb-iiS'wisr SANDWICH LOAF

DEVILS FUDGE LOGS I *$off**f«M» Pavojrites!"


sttcso L O A F





CookedHams $hank Hali


f*n<J«t YMiifj twiri*ii' -.





. i»wi i i i ) i i , fn . i !nni^i - i i ii - i r ini,-ii' -ffflBiottiHiii»iviij->:j.-iii'iii»>TiiiMii.ijiMiiff •• r«fi^'"ft«*


mm stEAK - 6 3 c

Best Cut Shotildir' : '.


FRESH GROUND B E | P » 5 9 c ^owsfry^Srjrla tun,

NASAIISAGEMIAT *49« • W ^ S I W t M D i k

Sfcinless FRANKS



'•ibit"!"--:i- •


tuicy Aii-Wtn No Wait*!

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