lung 肺 o2o2 co 2 blood 血 body cells o2o2 co 2 a good respiratory surface for gaseous exchange

Download Lung 肺 O2O2 CO 2 Blood 血 Body cells O2O2 CO 2 A good respiratory surface for gaseous exchange

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Post on 14-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1

Lung O2O2 CO 2 Blood Body cells O2O2 CO 2 A good respiratory surface for gaseous exchange Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Blood capillaries Epithelial cells of air sac Space inside air sacs Slide 5 space inside air sac which contains air Space inside bronchiole Slide 6 Slide 7 Mucus Ciliated epithelial cells of trachea Dust trapped by the mucus Slide 8 Slide 9 back Slide 10 one Slide 11 Slide 12 Slide 13 A syringe air goes in Volume,inside syringe,increases Air pressure, inside syringe, decreases Air is sucked into the syringe Slide 14 Ribs move upwards & outwards Diaphragm moves downwards Volume of chest cavity increases Air pressure inside chest cavity decreases Air Air is sucked into the lungs Slide 15 Slide 16 Slide 17 Slide 18 Breathing in Breathing out Slide 19 Atmospheric pressure Breathing in Breathing out Slide 20 Tidal volume Vital volume Slide 21 Depth(l) Rate (breaths/min) Slide 22 Slide 23 Slide 24 ? Slide 25 Slide 26 Same magnification X 400 Slide 27 Focus on CO 2, how to measure its rate of photosynthesis ? CO 2 + H 2 O + light energy Sugar + O 2 chlorophyll Focus on CO 2, how to measure its rate of respiration ? Sugar + O 2 H 2 O + energy + CO 2 By measuring the rate of CO 2 uptake By measuring the rate of CO 2 given out Slide 28 What would happen to the rate of CO 2 uptake and given out if both respiration and photosynthesis occur at the same time ? Case 1 : if photosynthesis > respiration ? Case 2 : if photosynthesis = respiration ? Case 3 : if photosynthesis < respiration ? Slide 29 Slide 30 Stomata Lenticels Root hair Slide 31 Net amount of CO 2 taken in Net amount of CO 2 given out Light intensity Photo>resp Photo CO 2 given out CO 2 taken in Photosynthesis Respiration Rate of photosynthesis < rate of respiration CO 2 given out > CO 2 taken in Slide 33 CO 2 given out CO 2 taken in Photosynthesis Respiration Rate of photosynthesis = Rate of respiration CO 2 taken in = CO 2 given out At compensation point Slide 34 CO 2 given out CO 2 taken in Photosynthesis Respiration Rate of photosynthesis > Rate of respirationrespiration Net CO 2 taken in Slide 35 Net amount of CO 2 taken in Net amount of CO 2 given out Light intensity Photo>resp Photo