marcus drake a w transcript

Transcript BJUI Podcast Marcus Drake Well, thank you very much indeed for asking me. I love this. This is one of my babies. It’s a baby with interest in parentage because its got at least two fathers and a mother. John, do you want to be father or a grandfather? John Fitzpatrick (Laughs) Marcus Drake So, the other father is Frank Gardiner and there’s Robyn Webber as well and between us, we’ve been asked really by John to take on a project that’s been thoroughly stimulating. About a year ago, we went live with the new You’ll all be very familiar with most journal web sites, basically being online versions of the publications in the journal, which is fair enough, that’s quite accessible. But what we set out to do is something additional. Obviously you do get the online content, but we’ve got additional content that’s completely different and it’s actually aimed to depart from the IMRAD model that Killian talked about. Because there’s a lot of material out there that simply doesn’t suit the Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion. It’s not right for some material. Now, what am I actually going to be discussing now, is the opportunity really to publish different things suited for different style of writing if that’s what you wish; suited for multimedia approaches, again if you’ve got the support locally, for example. of a media department that can take video footage. So let’s look at the web site to begin with. We obviously don’t expect you to read this, but when you got it parked on your lap just in front of you, it’s perfectly legible and let’s look up at the top left corner logging in, it’s very simple, here’s the registration aspects. Now anybody that’s a member of BAUS is actually entitled to be a member of the BJUI. And so all you need to do for the first time you go to the web site is simply put in your name, title, position, department, it’s not tricky and it’s free; so very straight forward, I know it would encourage you to do it. Now one just little feature of why it’s worth doing is there are so many articles particularly when you’re coming up to FRCS Urology which has got quite pertinent arguments and discussions, introductions, or key papers published in the BJUI and you can catalogue them into your own personal library which you can then access very rapidly and easily when you come back to the web site later on a few weeks before the exam. So how do you access the actual printed journal stuff? Well that’s the online content section over here. There is a journal search and you get into the BJUI itself there. The web site is different. There’s a web site search and there you find the exclusive content. So let’s examine some of the exclusive content. Well , first of all perhaps the simplest one that we are most familiar one is the case reports. Now case reports are a great starting point. It’s quite a simple thing to do. It’s not too ambitious; what a superb way to start your writing career, because it’s not over ambitious. And an interesting thing. do take the opportunity, do submit it to us and they will be turned around quite quickly. Further more we are not as limiting as printed journals let’s say, you’re allowed one page, two photographs. Here you can have as many photographs as you feel is needed to tell the story; colour is fine because this is an online resource. So here’s a good starting point for novice writers. But the surgical atlas is something that I am really very excited about because our aim over the next few years is really to describe pretty much every procedure that’s done in urology. If you look at a surgical textbook, they’ll always describe standard operations, open nephrectomy, laparoscopic nephrectomy, cystectomy, this sort of thing. But what about the hundreds of devices that we use and I mean hundreds of devices that we use. They never get into a textbook, yet they are perfectly capable of doing major harm to patients. Those operations can be done well or badly and so the surgical atlas is endeavouring to address all procedures that are undertaken. So, you can access them readily online, if necessary from the operating theatre, if you’ve forgotten a step.

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This is the transcript from the Author Workshop on 23rd June 2009 for marcus Drake. Marcus talks about the BJUI website ( and provides us with a tour of the the site, higlighting the features and tools available to those who register for free on the site.


Transcript – BJUI Podcast

Marcus Drake

Well, thank you very much indeed for asking me. I love this. This is one of my babies. It’s a baby with interest in parentage because it’s got at least two fathers and a mother. John, do you want to be father or a grandfather? John Fitzpatrick (Laughs) Marcus Drake

So, the other father is Frank Gardiner and there’s Robyn Webber as well and between us, we’ve been asked really by John to take on a project that’s been thoroughly stimulating. About a year ago, we went live with the new You’ll all be very familiar with most journal web sites, basically being online versions of the publications in the journal, which is fair enough, that’s quite accessible. But what we set out to do is something additional. Obviously you do get the online content, but we’ve got additional content that’s completely different and it’s actually aimed to depart from the IMRAD model that Killian talked about. Because there’s a lot of material out there that simply doesn’t suit the Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion. It’s not right for some material. Now, what am I actually going to be discussing now, is the opportunity really to publish different things suited for different style of writing if that’s what you wish; suited for multimedia approaches, again if you’ve got the support locally, for example. of a media department that can take video footage. So let’s look at the web site to begin with. We obviously don’t expect you to read this, but when you got it parked on your lap just in front of you, it’s perfectly legible and let’s look up at the top left corner logging in, it’s very simple, here’s the registration aspects. Now anybody that’s a member of BAUS is actually entitled to be a member of the BJUI. And so all you need to do for the first time you go to the web site is simply put in your name, title, position, department, it’s not tricky and it’s free; so very straight forward, I know it would encourage you to do it. Now one just little feature of why it’s worth doing is there are so many articles particularly when you’re coming up to FRCS Urology which has got quite pertinent arguments and discussions, introductions, or key papers published in the BJUI and you can catalogue them into your own personal library which you can then access very rapidly and easily when you come back to the web site later on a few weeks before the exam. So how do you access the actual printed journal stuff? Well that’s the online content section over here. There is a journal search and you get into the BJUI itself there. The web site is different. There’s a web site search and there you find the exclusive content. So let’s examine some of the exclusive content. Well, first of all perhaps the simplest one that we are most familiar one is the case reports. Now case reports are a great starting point. It’s quite a simple thing to do. It’s not too ambitious; what a superb way to start your writing career, because it’s not over ambitious. And an interesting thing. do take the opportunity, do submit it to us and they will be turned around quite quickly. Further more we are not as limiting as printed journals let’s say, you’re allowed one page, two photographs. Here you can have as many photographs as you feel is needed to tell the story; colour is fine because this is an online resource. So here’s a good starting point for novice writers. But the surgical atlas is something that I am really very excited about because our aim over the next few years is really to describe pretty much every procedure that’s done in urology. If you look at a surgical textbook, they’ll always describe standard operations, open nephrectomy, laparoscopic nephrectomy, cystectomy, this sort of thing. But what about the hundreds of devices that we use and I mean hundreds of devices that we use. They never get into a textbook, yet they are perfectly capable of doing major harm to patients. Those operations can be done well or badly and so the surgical atlas is endeavouring to address all procedures that are undertaken. So, you can access them readily online, if necessary from the operating theatre, if you’ve forgotten a step.

So what we’re doing, for example, here’s this is a nephrostomy insertion, very interesting; just a very short introduction - why is it done? Plenty of photographs and short text. So, lots of photographs, figures. These are the instruments that you use and here, as you can see, every single step photographed and a couple of lines just to describe what it is. The fingertip urology section is basically Frank Gardiner’s baby. It’s a fantastic resource, which is invaluable for you, if you’re doing teaching or for communicating effectively to patients. And he has taken topics and got experts in the field, in effect, to do presentations and a whole series of them. For example, hematuria, which he co-authored with Jim Catto in a beautiful series of slides, fantastically set up and a very valuable resource. And anybody wishing to contribute to that can communicate direct with him or through me to him in order to suggest something. The next unique thing is the one that I really like myself as a sort of a completely unique thing, the Commonwealth of Urology because we all have so many different experiences that really never get shared, but that’s so much part of our working life. For example, Griff Fellows and quite a lot of those articles are actually derived from UROLINK. He went to Africa for a large part of his registrar years and so he’s written that up and it’s a beautifully illustrated, lovely, anecdotal thing that described his experiences there. When I went to Lucknow on a BUF scholarship, I wrote mine up, but I didn’t write about the urethroplasties that I was doing, I wrote about what’s its like to go on a fellowship. Well, as a Brit in India, I found it fantastic, great to see a whole family on a scooter, it’s a little risky, nice to know if somebody else is going to Lucknow that they can just refer to this, see what the guest house looks like, describe a bit about when you’re on a ward round and look out the window, you see all the hospital’s laundry on the roof drying, absolutely fantastic fun. What sort of food you get, when you’re in the guesthouse. Yes, monsoon is pretty spectacular and there’s a picture of a few bugs in the hospital as well. So, a wide range of articles has gone into Commonwealth of Urology and it’s not just sort of the anecdotes because of course, you will have registrars that are visiting, get them to write it up, so that other people visiting the same place will write it up. But I’ve also got on things like the gentleman patient of mine, who really couldn’t face the prospect of intermittently self-catheterising, but he had to. He thought it was a terrible prospect, but when he gave it a go, he found the anticipation was worse than the event, so I’ve got into write that up and I now refer my other patients who think that the prospect of intermittently self-catheterising is too horrible, they can go got look this up themselves and see for a human actually it’s not as bad as they’re anticipating. Now, obviously we live in a subspecial times, subspecialist, subspecialised speciality and so down the bottom we have our four main BAUS sections and Female And Reconstructive will have to be renamed soon and if you visit the homepage of each of these sections, this is under the Endourology one, you’ll see some of the key papers that the editor for that section has picked out of the BJUI, some of the best reviews likewise, but also web exclusives, articles that actually have been written up, purely for the and a very valuable resource of the main published guidelines, worldwide, all housed under one roof, easily accessible. Essential evidence is one of the BJUI’s recent initiatives that really is extremely valuable, particularly for those coming to the exam and then I should just mention this as well, we’re going to increase this substantially, the podcasts, so the first podcast that’s come up was undertaken by Linda Cardozo, describing her SUNRISE trial and she has been interviewed and produced the slides and its extremely good. And I’m planning to do quite a few educational ones, in effect, a mini lecture on the web, slides available with me talking through them or anyone who wishes to do this that’s knowledgeable in the field, let’s discuss doing podcasts and get them on individual’s iPods. Final section to mention is the Urology in General one, which is a field we’re trying, again excited about, because it has individual projects and the first one that I’ve done is I’ve got Angela Cottrell to do a safety project. What do I mean by that? Well, there are all sorts of issues as surgeons that we need to be very up to speed about. For example, the safety team briefings. The use of antiplatelet agents, how to prevent clots forming? What risks are there with diabetes? And she’s

commissioning a whole series further to come about transfusion risks, what is important as surgeons that you may not be quite up to speed about, a quick review of that, very helpful. So how do we conclude? As individuals with a lot of stories to tell, make sure that you actually pick the best medium to communicate it through. Podcast, an anecdotal story, well illustrated with your photographs, multimedia, videos, this is all available and the diversity of content, the Fingertip Urology for the educational side, the Case Reports for the new authors, the Commonwealth of Urology, the Atlas of Surgical Techniques and Devices, the Speciality Sections and the General Aspects. There’s a lot to write about and we’re also going to increase the website editorial team because basically this is an open inclusive approach with unlimited publication potential. So, I think that’s it with thanks to some key individuals. John Fitzpatrick Thanks very much (applause). Okay Marcus that was terrific. Marcus, from the audience’s point of view, obviously, the reason we set that up was because of educational issues. From the point of view of Marcus, you can contribute to this as he said quite clearly. This is not just a one way thing, this is a two-way traffic, and please remember that that if you have Case Reports or whatever, they can be there and you can cite them as BJUI web site and the dates that you looked at us. Marcus Drake

At the moment, I’d say the citation is in the specific section, but quite soon, we’re pretty optimistic that we’ll be using digital object identifiers which is a unique thing so that because it’s all peer-reviewed and archived it is then going to have a unique thing, which can be cited. John Fitzpatrick So they can put it in their CV. Marcus Drake

It’s a formal citation. John Fitzpatrick It’s even more important. So although we don’t take in the printed journal any Case Reports anymore, we do take them on the web and you can cite them and you can put them in your CV. Ladies and Gentlemen! I hope you’ve enjoyed the afternoon. We’ve actually had a lot of fun just talking to you and chatting to you and so thank you all very much indeed. (Applause)